Why do you think the author mentioned the fact that the
federal commander at Fort Sumter, Major Robert Anderson


Answer 1


Former slaveowner.


To foreshadow the division that would erupt within the North over the issue of slavery and the Civil War. To demonstrate the fact that not everyone who supported slavery supported the Confederacy.

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One reason the British wanted to control India was..

to encourage Indian nationalism

to buy manufactured goods in India

to get access to India's raw materials

to set up a democracy in India


Answer: 3 because the british basically plundered India and became rich because of it. There are a lot of negative things that  happened to India but the British also helped. Unfortunately the British are a contributing factor to poverty in India. See how big of an impact this military campaign in India was?


Which issue was addressed by the Supreme Court in the Dred Scott case?

whether slaves were citizens or property

whether Kansas was a slave or free state

whether Northerners could own slaves

whether free blacks could vote



Whether slaves were citizens or property



whether slave were citizen or property

Why might many Americans be fearful of a Goldwater presidency?

someone pls help me​



In this strange, uneventful, yet fascinating Presidential campaign, it is Senator Barry Goldwater who has roused the strong emotions that probably decide most American elections.

On the one hand, Mr. Goldwater as the apostle of a new “conservatism” evokes a fanatical enthusiasm and a Messianic zeal in the hearts of his followers—convinced as they are that Big Government ana a “soft on Communism” foreign policy are despoiling the land of the free and the home of the brave.

On the other hand, Mr. Goldwater in his mild and unlikelyway arouses a powerful surge of fear in the hearts of many other Americans—fear of war, fear of diminished Income, fear of damaged status, fear of rights denied, fear of the strange and unknown.

Those frightened hearts do, not necessarily throb with lova for President Johnson. The evldenee of most polls and surveys suggest that affection for Mr. Johnson personally does not run deep and that many voters are turning to him in spite of lukewarm or antagonistic feelings.

Nevertheless, at this stage of the campaign, Mr. Johnson seems almost certain of re‐election. For once the emotion of fear strikes a voter, he looks around for something to ease it. And what does he see this year? Lyndon Johnson, full of optimism and reassurance, pledging a safe hand at the wheel and on the trigger, promising the Great Society in the immemorial manner of the successful American politician.


Why did the Soviet Union outlaw solidarity?



Solidarity emerged on 31 August 1980 in a Gdańsk Shipyard when the communist government of Poland signed the agreement allowing for its existence

What were hitler's views about German Race



Hitler spread his beliefs in racial "purity" and in the superiority of the "Germanic race"—what he called an Aryan "master race.


Because the beliefs was here to spread the racial world into other different type of worlds

Answer: Hitler was very obsessed with race before his upcoming in Germany. He called the Germanic race the "Arayan Race" or the "Master race". His idea of a perfect of an Arayan was tall blue-eyed with blonde hair. Hitler looked at his own race as superior. Which is part of the reason why he was so racist.


Who are "We the People"?


It’s a term used the preamble of the United States constitution

The story of Romulus and Remus is a myth about the
decline of Rome
capture of Rome
founding of Rome
growth of Rome


Answer: D: Founding of Rome


The story of Romulus and Remus is a myth about the Founding of Rome

Hope I helped!

Founding of Rome

Romulus and Remus brothers were supposedly the founders of Rome thus there name.

Why did many Asian and Pacific Islanders come to the US?



Many Asians and Pacific Islanders immigrated to the United States during the 1900s in search of a better quality of life, better job opportunities, greater economic well-being, and political and social stability. That is, they went to America to fulfill the American dream, escaping autocratic regimes in their countries, leaving behind underdevelopment in pursuit of a better life for themselves and their families.

Give at least three other positions besides Governor that are held by elected officials in the executive branch of the government.



the three parts of the executive branch - the Executive Office of the President, the Cabinet, and the independent agencies.



President.Cabinet.Independent agencies.


The executive branch consists of the Governor, Lieutenant Governor, Comptroller of Public Accounts, Land Commissioner, Attorney General, Agriculture Commissioner, the three-member Texas Railroad Commission, the State Board of Education, and the Secretary of State.

Which situation BEST describes collective bargaining?
Right-to-work laws are passed to prevent the formation of unions.
The company decides to relocate overseas to avoid a wage increase.
Union representatives go on strike to prevent a decrease in benefits.
Union and management officials meet to discuss terms of a new contract





How did the Nazis hide their actions with regard to the disabled? How is this similar to or different from attempts to disguise their actions in the death camps in Poland?



Killing disable to remove burden from the society.


The Nazis hide their actions with regard to the disabled by killing the unfit people who are physically disabled or mentally ill were killed in order to remove burden on the society. This action is different from attempts to disguise their actions in the death camps in Poland because the death occurs in Poland on the basis of racism not on the basis of fitness so we can say that killing unfit is different from the Holocaust in Poland.

Do you think Heck felt guilty for being a part of the Hitler Youth after the trial?





I was forced to look at documentary footage of concentration camps and death camps. And it was the first time that I was shown the atrocities committed by our nation. We looked at this, and I said to my friends, “What do they take us for? This stuff is staged!” he thought it was fake but im pretty sure he felt guilty after it actually happened

Brainliest Please

"Most citizens would agree that protecting the country from foreign invasion is the number one job

of government." In your opinion, what are the top three jobs government should do? Feel free to

place the cited "number one" anywhere on your list -- or leave it off.



Government is a system which follows certain laws called as the constitution to govern a state or a country.


A government is defined as a system or a group of people who is the head of the state or a country and rule the country by certain laws of the nation that is by following the Constitution of that particular country.

Some of the main jobs of the government that it provides to its citizens are :

The government should work for the welfare of the people and welfare of its country.It should provide protection and security to its people from foreign threats.It should provide justice to its people - social, political and personal justice.

The president cannot make laws but he can change how laws are enforced. This is called an?



Under Article II of the Constitution, the President is responsible for the execution and enforcement of the laws created by Congress. ... The President can issue executive orders, which direct executive officers or clarify and further existing laws.

All legislative power in the government is vested in Congress, meaning that it is the only part of the government that can make new laws or change existing laws. ... The President may veto bills Congress passes, but Congress may also override a veto by a two-thirds vote in both the Senate and the House of Representatives.


I hope that this helps! :)

Have a great rest of your day/night!

Please thank me on my profile if this answer has helped!




hope it's correct!!!

Agricultural Change

Place the tile in the correct category.

Many people moved to cities.

Before the Agricultural Revolution

After the Agricultural revolution

Crop production increased

Much of the land was common land.

Landowners enclosed farmland.

Farmers produced small crops.



The answer is below:


Considering the options available, we have:

Before the Agriculture Revolution:

1. Farmers produced small crops

2. Much of the land was common land

After the Agriculture Revolution:

1. Many people moved to cities

2. Landowners enclosed farmlands

3. Crop production increased.

This is because, before the agricultural revolution, the cultivation and harvest were smaller and the land for cultivation has no special deeds r arrangement.

However, following the agriculture revolution in which machinery was built the cultivation and harvest increases immensely.

Also, many landowners enclosed their farmlands due to cattle owners and to provide demarcation.

At this point, many people move to the cities for greener pasture or more job opportunities.


person above me is correct for egde


In a short paragraph, describe the three steps in the policy-
making process. Be sure to explain which
branch of government is responsible for each step ;)



1. Agenda setting A problem is identified and moved to the government's "to-do list."

2. Policy formulation Many different groups will come up with plans to fix the problem.

3. Policy implementation Government puts the policy into effect and enforces the policy.

4. Policy evaluation Government and the public review the policy and decide if it should be continued, altered, or cancelled.


hope this helps


The first step in the policy making process is to identify what the foremost problem is. This generally happens when concerns from the public arise, and are heard by the government. Next, the legislative branch will draft a policy to solve the problem, which will then be reviewed by the executive branch. Once the executive branch has made any needed changes, and then vote on it. If it is passed, then it will undergo multiple revisions based on the government's budget, and the importance of the problem it will solve. If it passes through all of these checks it will then be passed by the judicial branch.


a p e x government 6.4.3 Test

The American people
viewed marches and
demonstraions during
the Civil Rights
The American people
witnessed the horror
of war as they viewed
scenes from Vietnam
on the nightly news.
The American people
learned of government
corruption during the
televised Watergate
Class comme
Ramon Silva
Add a class com
Which of the following best completes the diagram above?
A Examples of judicial abuse of power
The results of free speech and a free press
Examples of government checks and balances
The impact of the separation of powers
INTL 011:



The answer is A. Examples of judicial abuse of power

Has the civil right movement of the 1860s become more of a reality or remained more of a dream



It has become more of a reality since there have been so many changes made in terms of segregation and benefits provided for minorities. These changes have been pursued and accomplished by past activists and leaders that participated in these movements to bring these changes. Thing have changed a lot compared to the past.


What was life like for the lower-class people in Mexico? Explain jobs, education, housing, etc.



They were poor, had lowpaying jobs like yard workers and servants, usually dropped out of school to help their families, and had small homes with typically lots of siblings

help please

2.) The next generation Xbox, the 360, came with better graphics, faster performance, more hard drive space, and revamped Xbox Live.

3.) Find a synonym for revamped. Find an antonym for revamped.



number two is not particularly a question but I can solve number 3.



renovate and rebuild


break, damaged, and ruin

1. When this photograph ("Napalm Girl") debuted in 1972, what do you imagine happened to
American support of the war



It declined. Because vietnam was the first war to be shown on televisions all over the US, many people saw the tradigies caused by the war on innocent people. Causing people to decline in support for a war they thought was not their responsibility to fight in the first place.


What challenge did Congress face in 1850?
- whether to acquire new Western territories
- whether to sell territory from the Mexican Cession -
- whether to allow slavery in new territories
- whether to allow new territories to become states



The challenge the congress faced was the Compromise of 1850, where the five bills were approved the territories taken after the Mexican War. It was broken up into smaller bills.


The Great Depression and the New Deal:
List and explain at least two reasons why there
was a decline in rural African American labor.

Help !


Answer:Roosevelt's "New Deal" aimed at promoting economic recovery and putting Americans back to work through Federal activism. New Federal agencies attempted to control agricultural production, stabilize wages and prices, and create a vast public works program for the unemployed.

what is the heavy brass belt worn by women during festival​


Answer: The Hilot, beaded belt, is worn by Tboli and Blaan women for dancing. The heavier the hilot the better as it sways more gracefully as the dancer sways



Hilot, beaded belt is worn by Tboli and Blaan women for dancing. The heavier the Hilot the better as it sways more gracefully as the dancer sways.


I majored in Fashion

Major battles of the American revolution


Battle of Kings Mountain, Siege of Charleston, Battle of Camden, Battle of Germantown, Battle of Quebec, Battle of Eutaw Springs, Battle of Stono Ferry, Battle of Paulus Hook, Battle of Bull's Ferry, and Battle of Jersey.

2. Do you think he would be as popular a leader if he were president today?



whom are you talking about


Andrew Jackson was an American lawyer, soldier, and statesman who served as the seventh president of the United States from 1829 to 1837. Before being elected to the presidency, Jackson gained fame as a general in the United States Army and served in both houses of the U.S. Congress. to your. question I he will be a popular leader if he is the president today

For what ideas might a country be willing to fight?



A country may be fighting for either something that they desire, (more land to conquer) or for defending their own country from someone else trying to take from what's theirs.


A country would fight for honor, desires, rights, access, power and control, and land.


These are all common things that were and are still fought over between countries.

what factors contributed to the start of world war 1



Mutual Defense Alliances




Immediate Cause: the passing of A.F.F

Civic virtue is also known as what? A. higher education B. entrepreneurship C. philanthropy​



A. Higher Education


hope it helps

Answer: ​ B. entrepreneurship


why is julius caesar famous?


Julius Cesar is well known as a renowned general, politician, and a scholar in Ancient Rome. But Cesar is so well known due to his actions that forever changed Rome. THE superpower of the world and it wasn’t just for a short time but for the rest of its entire existence
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