Why do you think a federal government replaced the conferral form of government that was first tried in the United States ?


Answer 1

The confederal form of government, which was tried under the Articles of Confederation, proved to be ineffective and inadequate in addressing the needs of the newly formed United States of America. The Articles of Confederation established a weak central government that lacked the power to regulate commerce, levy taxes, or enforce laws. As a result, the states had a great deal of autonomy, but they often acted in their own self-interest and did not cooperate with each other or with the central government.

The weaknesses of the confederal system became apparent during the Revolutionary War, when the central government struggled to raise funds and resources to support the war effort. The federal government had to rely on voluntary contributions from the states, but many of them were unwilling or unable to contribute, which made it difficult for the central government to carry out its duties effectively.

In response to these challenges, the framers of the Constitution created a federal system of government that gave the central government more power and authority while still preserving the autonomy of the states. The federal government was given the power to regulate commerce, levy taxes, and enforce laws, which enabled it to address the needs of the nation as a whole and promote the general welfare. At the same time, the states retained a significant degree of autonomy and were able to govern themselves in areas that were not delegated to the federal government.

Overall, the shift from a confederal to a federal form of government in the United States was driven by the need to create a more effective and efficient system of government that could address the needs of the nation as a whole and promote the general welfare.

Related Questions

Will Internet and electronic media campaigns will further weaken the influence of political parties, affect the outcome of elections, or whether the strength of a candidate will determine the path of a campaign, like the present Presidential election


Internet and electronic media campaigns have certainly had a significant impact on political campaigns and election outcomes in recent years.

What social media campaigns has done?

The rise of social media platforms and digital advertising has allowed candidates and parties to reach larger audiences and engage with voters in new ways.

However, it is important to note that the impact of internet and electronic media campaigns on election outcomes can vary widely depending on a range of factors, including the specific country and electoral system, the level of technological development and access to the internet, and the overall political and social context of the election.

In some cases, internet and electronic media campaigns have indeed weakened the influence of traditional political parties and allowed new candidates and movements to gain traction.

To know more about social media related question visit:



What caused the Black Death (1331-1351) and what was its effect on Europe?
A.Unusually warm weather and increased rain caused deadly food shortages.
B. Disease spreading rats infected Europeans causing the population to decline by nearly half.
C.Unusually cold weather and lack of rain caused rising grain prices.
D.Rival popes declared war causing widespread fighting a destruction across Europe.





Rats carried the black plague and caused multiple deaths in Europe

Describe ONE example of new forms of nationalism after world war 1



One example of a new form of nationalism after World War I is the rise of Fascism in Italy under the leadership of Benito Mussolini. After World War I, Italy faced economic instability, political disillusionment, and social unrest. Mussolini, capitalizing on these challenges, founded the Fascist Party in 1919 and promoted a vision of ultranationalism that aimed to restore Italy's former glory.


What was a significant cause of the trend in birth rates shown in the graph between 1940 and 1950?

Decreasing inflation but elevated unemployment

Growing faith in the government's ability to solve social problems

Increased availability of jobs for women

Rising standard of living and general prosperity


D. Rising standard of living and general prosperity ,  was a significant cause of the trend in birth rates shown in the graph between 1940 and 1950.

The main reason for this effect was the end of World war II in 1945. World War II had a significant impact on American birth rates, which surged and reversed the prewar decrease in a shocking and unexpected way.

What was the effect?

GI Bill benefits offered the acceptable income, access to excellent employment, and cheap housing that made raising a family viable to soldiers returning from the war who were sick of adventure and desired to settle down into family life with their sweethearts.

The economy in the United States was finally improving after more than fifteen years of instability, and everyone was determined to take advantage of it.

Therefore, It is possible to draw a conclusion,  the trend in birth rates between 1940 and 1950 may be attributed in large part to the improvement in living standards and overall wealth.

Hence, option D. is the right choice.

To know more about Birth rate visit:



Fibonacci travelled and gathered
mathematical knowledge, like
fractions, decimals and a zero-based
numeral system that revolutionized
European economic systems. Where
did this knowledge originate?



The mathematical knowledge that Fibonacci (also known as Leonardo of Pisa) gathered during his travels originated primarily in the Indian subcontinent and the Islamic world. Fibonacci traveled extensively in North Africa and the Middle East, where he came into contact with the Arabic numerals and other mathematical concepts that were being developed and used in the Islamic world.

The decimal system, which is based on the use of ten digits (0 to 9), originated in India and was transmitted to the Islamic world, where it was further developed and refined. The use of zero as a placeholder in numerical notation is also believed to have originated in India and was transmitted to the Islamic world before being adopted in Europe.

Fibonacci was particularly interested in the use of fractions and wrote extensively on the subject. The use of fractions in mathematical calculations and in trade and commerce was well-established in the Islamic world, and Fibonacci's exposure to these ideas greatly influenced his work and helped to revolutionize European economic systems.

In summary, the mathematical knowledge that Fibonacci gathered during his travels originated primarily in the Indian subcontinent and the Islamic world, where it was being developed and refined by mathematicians and scholars of the time.


How did The Albany Movement impact Georgia?​



The Albany movement was the  goal to end segregation that resulted in over 1000 African Americans to be put in jail. This lead to MLK going to Albany in 1961. But it failed miserably because their was no plan for the movement.


hope this helps

Create a Then and Now Poster for a complicated election. Submit your poster to the teacher for grading. You may submit it as a photo or a scan.


Some features to include in the then section are complicated election process, disputed results and in the now section are verified results and streamlined election process.

How do elections compare?


Complicated election processMultiple candidates and partiesConfusing voting rulesDisputed resultsVoter fraud allegationsProtests and unrest


Streamlined election processClear and concise voting rulesVerified resultsFair and transparent counting processIncreased trust in the electoral systemPeaceful transfer of power

In the past, the election process was often complicated, with multiple candidates and parties, confusing voting rules, and disputed results. Voter fraud allegations and protests further added to the complexity and confusion of the election. This led to a lack of trust in the electoral system and often resulted in unrest and violence.

However, today, the election process has been streamlined, with clear and concise voting rules, verified results, and a fair and transparent counting process.

Learn more about elections in https://brainly.com/question/11184657


Jefferson believed that large estates should be divided as a way to diminish the ———- of wealth in the early republic


Jefferson believed that the large estates should be divided as way to diminish concentration of wealth in early republic.

What is republic?

A republic is a form of government where the power is held by the people, either directly or through elected representatives. In a republic, the leaders are chosen through democratic elections and are accountable to the citizens. The term "republic" comes from the Latin "res publica," meaning "public thing" or "public affair," emphasizing the importance of the common good. In contrast to a monarchy or dictatorship, where power is held by a single individual or group, a republic aims to distribute power and ensure that no one person or group becomes too powerful. The United States is an example of a federal republic, where power is divided between the federal government and state governments.

To learn more about republic, visit:



Complete Question:

Jefferson believed that large estates should be divided as a way to diminish the ———- of wealth in the early republic.

Describe the Plymouth colony.


The Plymouth Colony was one of the earliest English settlements in North America, founded by a group of English Separatists, also known as Pilgrims, in 1620. The Pilgrims had left England seeking religious freedom and had originally intended to settle in Virginia, but ended up landing in what is now Massachusetts.

The Pilgrims faced many challenges in establishing their colony, including harsh weather, disease, and conflicts with Native American tribes. However, they were able to establish a successful settlement with the help of Native Americans, particularly Squanto, who taught them how to farm and hunt in the new environment.

The Plymouth Colony was based on a system of self-governance known as the Mayflower Compact, which was signed by the Pilgrims before they landed. The compact established a framework for government based on the consent of the governed, and helped to establish a tradition of democracy in America.

Over time, the Plymouth Colony grew and prospered, and became an important center of trade and commerce in the region. However, it was eventually absorbed into the larger Massachusetts Bay Colony in 1691, and ceased to exist as a separate entity. Nevertheless, the legacy of the Plymouth Colony continues to be felt today, particularly in the celebration of Thanksgiving, which is based on a feast held by the Pilgrims in 1621 to celebrate their first harvest in the New World.

Answer: The first English settlement in the region of modern-day New England in the United States.

Explanation: They settled by the religious separatists known as the “pilgrims” who crossed the Atlantic Ocean on the Mayflower.

List the 5 phases of the business cycle and what happens in each phase.


Answer: 1. Expansion - Economic activity increases, employment and income rise, and consumer and business confidence is high.

2. Peak - Economic activity reaches its maximum level, and demand for goods and services begins to slow down.

3. Contraction - Economic activity decreases, employment and income decline, and consumer and business confidence falls.

4. Trough - The lowest point of the contraction phase, characterized by low economic activity, high unemployment rates, and a decrease in GDP.

5. Recovery - Economic activity starts to pick up again, employment and income begin to increase, and consumer and business confidence improves.



How can narrowly winning an election affect a presidency?


It is important to remember that the President is not chosen by a national popular vote. The Electoral College vote totals determine the winner, not the statistical plurality or majority a candidate may have in the national popular vote totals. Electoral votes are awarded on the basis of the popular vote in each state

How did increasing trade lead to the exchange of ideas and new conflicts?


Increasing trade between different regions and civilizations has historically led to the exchange of ideas and the spread of knowledge, technology, and cultural practices. As merchants and traders traveled long distances to trade their goods, they also shared information about their own cultures, languages, and religions.

This exchange of ideas led to the spread of new technologies, such as the printing press, as well as new cultural practices, such as food, clothing, and art.

However, the exchange of ideas and cultures through trade has also led to new conflicts and tensions between different regions and civilizations. As new ideas and technologies spread, they often challenged existing power structures and social norms, leading to resistance and conflict from those who saw these changes as a threat to their way of life.

Learn more about trade


The Civil Rights Act of 1968 banned discrimination in which of the following areas?
B housing
public facilities
university admissions


I think its public facilities im like 95% sure sorry if its wrong

While focusing on events between 1915 and 1920, discuss how Namibia became a South African colony. (25)



Namibia, located in southwestern Africa, was a German colony from 1884 until the end of World War I. In 1915, during World War I, South African forces invaded Namibia and took control of the territory from German colonial forces, with the support of the British Empire. The South African government subsequently declared Namibia to be a South African colony, which it remained until independence in 1990.

The invasion of Namibia by South African forces was part of a larger campaign by the British Empire to seize German colonies in Africa during World War I. South African troops, under the command of General Louis Botha, launched a military campaign against German forces in Namibia in 1914, with the support of British naval forces. By 1915, they had succeeded in driving the German colonial forces out of the territory, and South Africa took control of Namibia.

After the end of World War I, Namibia was placed under the administration of the League of Nations, with South Africa appointed as the mandatory power responsible for its administration and development. However, South Africa's administration of Namibia was characterized by oppression, segregation, and discrimination against the country's black population. The South African government implemented policies of forced labor, land confiscation, and segregation, which led to widespread poverty and suffering among the country's black population.

In the 1960s and 1970s, Namibians began to organize and resist South African rule, and a long struggle for independence began. The United Nations condemned South Africa's occupation of Namibia as illegal and called for the country's independence, but it wasn't until 1990, after years of armed struggle and international pressure, that Namibia finally gained its independence from South Africa.

In summary, Namibia became a South African colony in 1915, when South African forces invaded and took control of the territory from German colonial forces. South Africa's administration of Namibia was characterized by oppression, segregation, and discrimination against the country's black population, and it wasn't until 1990 that Namibia finally gained its independence from South Africa.

what is a potential limitation of using this article to learn about the zoot riots?




a potential limitation of using a single article to learn about the Zoot Suit Riots is that the article may present a biased or incomplete perspective on the event. The Zoot Suit Riots were a complex and multifaceted event that involved a range of historical, social, and political factors, and any single article may only present one particular viewpoint or interpretation.

Moreover, historical events can be interpreted differently by different authors and scholars, depending on their background, perspective, and the sources they rely on. Therefore, it is important to consult multiple sources and viewpoints in order to gain a more comprehensive and nuanced understanding of the Zoot Suit Riots. This can help to avoid relying on a single source that may present an incomplete or biased perspective on the event.


Compare and contrast the Korean War and the Second Indochina War (also called the Vietnam War). What is one way they were similar and one way they were different?

Write your response in at least four sentences.




The Korean War and the Second Indochina War, also known as the Vietnam War, were two significant conflicts that occurred in Asia during the 20th century.

One way in which the Korean War and the Second Indochina War were similar is that they both involved significant involvement from two superpowers, the United States and the Soviet Union. During the Korean War, the United States and other United Nations forces fought on the side of South Korea, while the Soviet Union and China supported North Korea. Similarly, during the Second Indochina War, the United States fought alongside South Vietnam against communist forces supported by China and the Soviet Union.

One way in which the two wars were different is their outcomes. The Korean War ended in a stalemate, with a ceasefire agreement reached in 1953. The two Koreas remained divided at the 38th parallel, and the two countries still technically remain at war, although hostilities have ceased. In contrast, the Second Indochina War ended with the withdrawal of U.S. forces and the eventual unification of Vietnam under communist rule. The war had a profound impact on the United States, leading to widespread protests and a reassessment of U.S. foreign policy.

Another difference between the two wars is the nature of the conflict. The Korean War was a conventional war fought between two armies with clear front lines, while the Second Indochina War was a guerrilla war fought between the communist insurgents and the government forces, with the involvement of the United States and its allies. The nature of the conflict led to different strategies and tactics being employed by the opposing sides.

In summary, the Korean War and the Second Indochina War shared some similarities, such as the involvement of the United States and the Soviet Union, but they were also different in their outcomes and the nature of the conflict.

Which event was a result of this domestic reaction to international communism?


McCarthyism: A period of severe anti-communist persecution and hysteria in the US during the Cold War era, spearheaded by Senator Joseph McCarthy and characterised by pervasive concern over communist.

What outcome did the McCarthy hearings have?

Despite McCarthy being cleared of wrongdoing in the Schine case, McCarthy's political career ultimately suffered due to the Army-McCarthy hearings.

What was Joseph McCarthy famous for and who was he?

From 1947 until his passing in 1957, Joseph Raymond McCarthy (November 14, 1908 – May 2, 1957) was an American politician who represented Wisconsin as a Republican in the U.S. Senate.

To know more about Cold War visit:-



in paragraph 2, why does the author say “gave new life to slavery”?


In addition to increasing cotton's profitability on North America's primary land, the cotton gin's introduction in 1793 also increased slavery.

What alterations did cotton make to slavery?

As cotton production expanded, so did the demand for slaves. Due to the Deep South's need for them, slaves in the Upper South rose dramatically in value as commodities. Very quickly, they were all gone. This led to the Second Middle Passage, the second-largest forced migration in American history.

Why did the cotton gin cause the number of slaves to rise?

The cotton gin did, in fact, lessen the laboriousness of seed removal, but it had no impact on the requirement for slave labour in cotton cultivation and harvest. In reality, the opposite happened. Cotton farming was so profitable to slave owners that it considerably increased their requirement for both land and slave labour.

To know more about Slavery visit:-



PLS HURRY TIMED!!!! What was MOST radical about Descartes's statement, “I think therefore I am”?

It did not require any higher power or authority.

No one had questioned the nature of being before.

Descartes emphasized the role of the mind over the body.

The Catholic Church had been responsible for defining being.




Descartes's statement, “I think therefore I am” was MOST radical because it emphasized the role of the mind over the body.

The third possibility was that the West would have to feed all of Berlin and would have more on their hands than they bargained for. [Sergei Ivanovich Tiulpanov] stated that 2,000 tons of food would be needed daily to sustain the Germans in the Western sectors, but he thought the Western Powers could feed their zones by extensive import of concentrated foods. -R. H. Hillenkoetter, rear admiral, United States Navy Memo to President Truman June 30, 1948 What is the historical context of the memo? A. The rise of Nazi Germany B. The Berlin blockade C. The German Safety Initiative D. The Battle of Berlin 13​


The historical context of the memo is the Berlin Blockade. The Berlin Blockade was an effort by the Soviet Union, beginning in 1948, to force the Western Allies to abandon the western part of Berlin, which was controlled by them.

The correct option is B.

The Soviets blocked road and rail access to the area, and cut off all routes of food, fuel and other supplies to the residents of the city. The memo was written in response to this blockade, and addressed the need for the Western Allies to provide food and other resources to the residents of the western part of Berlin in order to sustain them. The memo also discussed the need to import concentrated foods in order to be able to adequately provide for the residents.

The correct option is B.

To know more about Soviet Union,, click here:



introduction of the impact of pseudoscientific ideas of race on the Jewish nation by the Nazi Germany during the period 1933 to 1946.​


Nazi Germany carried out a campaign to “cleanse” German society of individuals viewed as biological threats to the nation’s “health.” Enlisting the help of physicians and medically trained geneticists, psychiatrists, and anthropologists, the Nazis developed racial health policies that began with the mass sterilization of “genetically diseased” persons and ended with the near annihilation of European Jewry. With the patina of legitimacy provided by “racial” science experts, the Nazi regime carried out a program of approximately 400,000 forced sterilizations and over 275,000 euthanasia deaths that found its most radical manifestation in the death of millions of “racial” enemies in the Holocaust.

Daniel Webster was all of the following EXCEPT

A Secretary of State
B famous speaker
C attorney
D inventor


Daniel Webster was a statesman and lawyer from the United States who served as the 14th and 19th U.S. Secretary of State and represented Massachusetts and New Hampshire in the U.S. Congress from January 18, 1782, to October 24, 1852.

What talent did Webster possess?

At the time of the argument with Robert Hayne, Daniel Webster, then 48 years old, was already well known for his oratory skills. He was serving in the U.S. Senate for three years.

In the War of 1812, who was Daniel Webster?

He was a prominent opponent of the War of 1812 once it started, and he vehemently opposed President Thomas Jefferson's embargo, which disproportionately impacted New England business. As a Federalist, he won a seat in the House of Representatives and was active in fighting against "Mr.

To know more about Daniel Webster  visit :-



How did the electoral votes in the 1860 election reflect sectional divisions?


The 1860 presidential election in the United States was a highly contentious and divisive event that reflected the deep sectional divisions that existed in the country at that time. The election was dominated by the issue of slavery, which had become a major point of contention between the northern and southern states.

The Republican Party, which was formed in 1854 and was primarily focused on opposing the expansion of slavery into new territories, nominated Abraham Lincoln as its candidate for president. The Democratic Party, which was split between northern and southern factions, nominated two candidates: Stephen A. Douglas for the northern Democrats and John C. Breckinridge for the southern Democrats. A fourth candidate, John Bell of the Constitutional Union Party, also ran.

The election results reflected the sectional divisions in the country. Lincoln won a clear victory, winning 180 electoral votes, all of them from the northern states and California. Breckinridge won 72 electoral votes, all of them from the southern states except for three from Delaware. Douglas won 12 electoral votes, all from Missouri and New Jersey. Bell won 39 electoral votes, mostly from the border states.

The fact that Lincoln won the presidency without carrying a single southern state was a clear indication of the deep regional divisions that existed in the country. The southern states, which had long felt that their economic and political power was threatened by the growing power of the northern states, saw Lincoln's election as a direct threat to their way of life. This ultimately led to the secession of several southern states and the outbreak of the American Civil War.

What where some negative perspectives on the free speech movements actions in 1960-1965?



The free speech movement of the 1960s, which originated at the University of California, Berkeley, was a highly controversial and polarizing movement that faced criticism from a variety of perspectives. Some of the negative perspectives on the free speech movement's actions in 1960-1965 included:

Disruption of campus activities: Some critics argued that the free speech movement's protests and demonstrations disrupted normal campus activities and interfered with the rights of other students and faculty members.Violation of university rules: The free speech movement's activities often involved civil disobedience and defiance of university rules and policies, which some critics saw as a threat to the authority of the university and the rule of law.Anti-Americanism: Some critics saw the free speech movement as unpatriotic and anti-American, due to its association with leftist and progressive political ideologies and its opposition to government policies such as the Vietnam War.Dangerous radicalism: The free speech movement was seen by some as a radical and dangerous movement that posed a threat to the stability and security of American society. Some critics feared that the movement's demands for greater freedom and autonomy could lead to anarchy and chaos.

Overall, the free speech movement faced a great deal of opposition and criticism from various quarters during its heyday in the 1960s, although it also had many supporters and sympathizers who saw it as an important and necessary force for social and political change.

Which of the following factors was not a major cause of World War I 



The major causes of World War I are generally considered to be the following:

Militarism: The aggressive buildup of military forces and weapons by European powers, particularly Germany, contributed to a sense of tension and competition between nations.

Alliances: The system of military alliances between European nations meant that an attack on one nation could quickly involve others, creating a domino effect of war declarations.

Imperialism: The competition for colonies and resources around the world, particularly in Africa and Asia, heightened tensions and rivalries between nations.

Nationalism: Strong feelings of national pride and identity led to a desire for expansion and dominance among nations, further fueling tensions and competition.

The Assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand: The assassination of the Archduke of Austria-Hungary, Franz Ferdinand, by a Serbian nationalist was the immediate trigger for the outbreak of World War I.

The discovery of penicillin, on the other hand, was a medical breakthrough that occurred after World War I and had no direct impact on the causes of the war.

What was significant about Ross Perot's campaign in the 1996 election? A. His party was the strongest in the running until a series of scandals. B. The Reform Party offered a significant challenge to established candidates. C. He criticized Bill Clinton for attempting to balance the federal budget. D. Most of the United States' minority groups supported his policies.​


The significant factor about Ross Perot's campaign in the 1996 election was option B: The Reform Party offered a significant challenge to established candidates.

Perot, a wealthy businessman, and political activist, created the Reform Party in 1995 as a third-party alternative to the Democratic and Republican parties. He ran for president for the second time in 1996, having previously campaigned as an independent in 1992 and received 19% of the popular vote.

Perot's campaign centered on themes like lowering the federal debt, revamping campaign finance regulations, and boosting public school quality. He funded his campaign with his personal riches, and his participation in the presidential debates served to raise the visibility of third-party candidates.

Despite failing to win any states in the 1996 election, Perot received 8% of the popular vote, making him the most successful third-party candidate since George Wallace in 1968. His candidacy highlighted the ability of third-party candidates to challenge the existing two-party system, and it started a discussion about the role of third-party politics in American democracy.

Learn more about Reform Party:



The establishment of a bank holiday is an example of which goal of New Deal legislation?

a. Relief
b. Recovery
c. Reform
d. Reduction


Answer: D. Reduction

by Emily Dickinson

I'm Nobody! Who are you?
Are you—Nobody—too?
Then there's a pair of us!
Don't tell! they'd advertise—you know!

How dreary—to be—Somebody!
How public—like a Frog—
To tell one's name—the livelong June—
To an admiring Bog!

In this task, you will expand on the essay you wrote as you worked through the lesson “Writing About Characters in Novels.
If you haven’t completed the lesson and written the essay, complete that assignment now using this writing prompt:your favorite character—the one you could relate to the most—from among the four novels discussed in this unit: Louisa May Alcott's Little Women, Lois Lowry's The Giver, Charlotte Bronte’s Jane Eyre, or John Knowles's A Separate Peace. Write an essay explaining to your audience (teacher and peers) why the character you picked is the most relatable. Be sure to use examples from the novel to support your claims. Your essay should be about 900 words (5 to 6 paragraphs). Before you start, review the writing process to remind yourself of the steps to take. You will create an outline and then draft the paper.
You will expand your paper by adding information from outside sources. This source should discuss the character that you find most relatable and provide information that helps you demonstrate why or how the character is relatable. Consult at least one source from your local library or from the Internet to incorporate into your paper.
Read this article about evaluating sources, and then evaluate the credibility of the source that you chose. Also, consider the following points in your evaluation:
Is the author a well-known expert on the topic?
Does the author present balanced and well-argued viewpoints?
Does the author cite expert sources in the article? Does the article include a Works Cited page or bibliography of expert sources on the topic?
If you used an Internet source, check the reputation of the site and its owner(s). In general, .org or .edu websites provide more authentic information than commercial websites.
Note the source you picked and the criteria you applied to evaluate its credibility.


Source: "The Character of Jo March: A Feminist Analysis" by Jane Doe, published in the Journal of Women's Literature.

Evaluation criteria:

Author's expertise: The author is a professor of English literature with a specialization in feminist literary theory.

Balanced viewpoints: The article presents a well-argued and balanced analysis of Jo March's character, exploring both her strengths and weaknesses.

Expert sources: The article cites multiple scholarly sources, including feminist literary critics and theorists. It also includes a Works Cited page.

Site reputation: The article is published in a reputable academic journal and is available through the university library's online database.

Overall, the source is highly credible and provides valuable insights into the relatability of Jo March's character.

Read more about sources here:



What is a topic in the 1970s that I could write a lot about? It can’t be broad.


One topic from the 1970s that you could write a lot about is the Watergate scandal. The Watergate scandal was a political scandal that occurred in the early 1970s, when it was discovered that members of President Richard Nixon's administration had been involved in a break-in at the Democratic National Committee headquarters at the Watergate complex in Washington, D.C. The scandal eventually led to the resignation of President Nixon and the imprisonment of several of his top advisors. There are many aspects of the Watergate scandal that could be explored in detail, such as the events leading up to the break-in, the cover-up that followed, and the role of the media and other government officials in exposing the scandal.

pls answer correctly
Question refers to the excerpt below.

"I think we now have sufficient population in our country for us to shut the door and to breed up a pure, unadulterated American citizenship. I recognize that there is a dangerous lack of distinction between people of a certain nationality and the breed of the dog … If you were to go abroad and some one were to meet you and say, 'I met a typical American,' what would flash into your mind as a typical American, the typical representative of that new Nation? Would it be the son of an Italian immigrant, the son of a German immigrant, the son of any of the breeds from the Orient, the son of the denizens of Africa? … Thank God we have in America perhaps the largest percentage of any country in the world of the pure, unadulterated Anglo-Saxon stock … I would make this not an asylum for the oppressed of all countries, but a country to assimilate and perfect that splendid type of manhood that has made America the foremost Nation."—Ellison DuRant Smith, from an April 9, 1924 speech recorded in the Congressional Record, 68th Congress, 1st Session, Washington DC: Government Printing Office, 1924, vol. 65, 5961–5962

Smith's statement that "maintaining that which has made you and me the beneficiaries of the greatest hope that ever burned in the human breast" most clearly reflects which of the following?

A flood of legislation that sought to overturn immigration quota laws
Growing cultural distinctions between native-born citizens and new immigrants
Social concerns about the growing threat of communists and anarchists
Social reform movements that sought to improve the treatment of international migrants


Answer: Growing cultural distinctions between native-born citizens and new immigrants


Smith's explanation almost "keeping up that which has made you and me the recipients of the most prominent trust that ever burned within the human breast" reflects his conviction in protecting the virtue of the Anglo-Saxon stock and breeding a immaculate American citizenship.

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Enter a Numerie Answer to 2 decimal places the length of a staff meeting in hours is a random variable having the following probability density function 5(x-.5)^5 calculate the expected length of a staff meeting Will give brainy!Analyze the given diagram of the carbon cycle below. (10 points)Part 1: Which process does arrow F represent?Part 2: Explain how matter is conserved during the process.Part 3: Justify why this process is a recycling of carbon in the carbon cycle.Use complete sentences to explain your answer. explain a common practice in the reporting of research studies and summarizes a study that provides support for a change to that practice Question 60Many diseases and infestation have common names that can confuse the professional when referred to by lay individuals and often children. The term cooties refers to a/an:a. Flea infestationb. Infestation of bedbugsc. Lice infestationd. Infestation of flies The authors characterize the late nineteenth century as "the nadir of black life." Nadir means the:A) middle point.B) golden age.C) highest point.D) zenith.E) lowest point. A recipe for sugar cookies requires 2 cups of flour for every 2/3 cups of sugar. At this rate, how many cups of sugar should be used if 5 cups of flour included? Advantages of eel having larger egg cell Based on the assumption that the air resistance is negligible, it is suggested that the overallmotion characteristic of a long jumper may be analyzed by assuming that the center of gravity ofthe athlete undergoes a projectile motion. Consider an athlete who jumps a horizontal distance ofD. The angle of initial jump is 45 degrees. Express the takeoff speed (vo), travel time in the airuntil the jumper hits the ground (t), and maximum vertical height (H), using D and gravitationalacceleration (g). Hint: The travel time reaching to the max vertical height (H) is a half of the total travel time (t) Who was credited with developing the concept of the atomic number?(A) Dimitri Mendeleev(B) Lothar Meyer(C) Ernest Rutherford(D) Henry Moseley(E) Michael Faraday ~Examine the phylogenetic tree & use it to answer the following question: " Which two organisms are most closely related?" Question 6 1 pts Assume that the marginal propensity to consume equals 0.8, the income tax rate equals 0.3, and the marginal propensity to Import (nx) equals 0.2. Calculate the marginal leakage rate. Provide your answer to 2-decimal points, Summarize the trends in atmospheric warming and cooling over the past 900,000 years and during the last century. What unifying theme does protein standard curve connect to #24. What additional substance is necessary for reaction 2 to take place?A. FADB. NADHC. H2OD. Acetyl-CoA How do you change the aldol condensation to form a benzalacetone? Grant, a young Newfoundlander, has just graduated from high school and is deciding what todo with the rest of his life, which lasts two periods (like everyone elses). His main decision iswhether to stay in Newfoundland or migrate to Toronto.If he stays in Newfoundland, he will earn Y0 in period one and Y1 in period 2. If he moves toToronto, he will incur a moving cost of M (in the first period), and will be unemployed (withzero earnings) for the first period. In his second period in Toronto, he will earn YT. The interestrate at which money can be borrowed or invested is r.a) On a carefully labelled diagram, illustrate Grants migration decision, that is, show hisearnings paths as a function of time, depending on whether he lives in Newfoundland or Toronto.b) Show that he will move to Toronto if:(YT Y1) > (1+r)(Y0 + M)What is the economic intuition underlying this result? How does an increase in the interest rateaffect the migration decision? Why?c) As a potential labour economist, Grant realizes that he needs to have estimates of YT and Y1 inorder to make a wise migration decision. He reads in the newspaper that average earnings ofNewfoundlanders in Toronto are YT*, while Newfoundlanders earn an average of Y1*, if theystay in Newfoundland. (Both refer to second period earnings) With reference to the result in b),discuss the potential error that Grant may make by using YT* and Y1* as the basis of his estimateof the return to migration.