why did the british decide to tax the colonists? a to discourage colonists from fighting for independence b to punish colonists for fighting against them in the french and indian war c to ease tensions between the european settlers and native americans d to help pay for the french and indian war


Answer 1

The British decided to tax the colonists to punish colonists for fighting against them in the French and Indian war. Also, the need to post a sizable army in North America, the British Parliament passed the Stamp Act on March 22, 1765. Hence, option C is appropriate.

What is the Stamp Act?

The Stamp act, like others, passed that 1765, was the first direct tax imposed by Parliament here on American colonies and was passed to earn money for Britain. Newspapers, encyclopedias, pamphlets, cannon fire, official papers, dice, as well as playing cards were all subject to tax.

The Stamp Act sparked violent demonstrations in America, where colonists contended that "No Taxation without Representation" should apply and that it was unconstitutional for them to be forced to pay a tax they had not authorized by being represented in Parliament.

The Stamp Act of 1765 was the first British parliamentary effort to levy a direct tax on all colonial legal and commercial papers, periodicals, pamphlets, cards, almanacs, as well as dice to earn money.

Hence, option C is correct.

Learn more about the Stamp Act here:



Related Questions

How did the distribution of wealth in the united states change due to industrialization in the late 19th century?



Industrialization at the end of the 19th century led to an increase in the standard of living for some people, but it also led to an increase in economic inequality and a greater concentration of wealth in the hands of a small group of people.

what were the key elements of the great compromise? in what ways did it address the problem of representation, and in what ways did it not?


There would be two chambers of Congress in the country: the Senate, with two senators from each state, and the House of Representatives, with a set number of representatives chosen based on population. The participants in the Constitutional Convention came to this agreement, which has come to be known as the "Great Compromise."

In order to ensure that both large and small states were equally represented, the Great Compromise established two houses of Congress. According to the population of each state, representatives would be assigned to that state in the House of Representatives. Each state would send two representatives to the Senate, regardless of size.

There would be two chambers of Congress in the country: the Senate, with two senators from each state, and the House of Representatives, with a set number of representatives chosen based on population. The participants in the Constitutional Convention came to this agreement, which has come to be known as the "Great Compromise."

To learn more about Great Compromise



How did the Civil War impact the world?


Answer:The Union's victory over the Confederacy not only dealt a fatal blow to slavery in the United States, but it served as a catalyst to human rights reform across the world.


which of the following best describes how a president can influence the data in the graphs?


In his or her capacity as the head of the executive branch, the president has the power to determine the pay scales for federal employees.

The President is who?

The President of the United States of America is also the nation's chief executive and military commander.

The Executive Branch is under the supervision of the President of the United States, who also serves as head of state and military commander-in-chief. To implement and uphold the laws established by Congress, the President appoints the heads of all federal agencies, including the Cabinet. Being a part of the Executive Branch, the Vice President is equipped to assume the presidency in an emergency.

To know more about President, visit:



What was Wilson's 14 points speech?


Woodrow Wilson served as the 28th President of the United States from 1913 to 1921. Learn about Wilson's landmark speech. Wilson outlined his 14 points that he believed were important in post-World War I peace talks.

In his speech on the aims of war and the terms of peace, President Wilson established his 14 points as the blueprint for world peace to be used in post-World War I peace negotiations. The details of the speech were based on reports from the Inquiry, a group of about 150 political and social scientists organized by Wilson's adviser and longtime friend, Colonel Edward M. House. Their task was to study Allied and American politics in virtually every region of the world, and to analyze the economic, social, and political facts likely to emerge during the Peace Conference. The team began work in secret and eventually collected nearly 2,000 individual reports and documents, as well as at least 1,200 maps. In his speech, Wilson directly referred to what he saw as the causes of the world wars, the abolition of secret treaties, the reduction of armaments, the adjustment of colonial claims for the benefit of both natives and settlers, and the sea. Wilson also made suggestions to ensure future world peace. For example, he proposed a global organization to remove economic barriers between nations, to promise "self-determination" for oppressed minorities, and to create a system of collective security for all nations. Wilson's fourteen points were intended to undermine the central powers' willingness to lead the Allies to victory.

To learn more about Fourteen points, refer:



What did farmers in the 1800s do?


Due to its inability to endure and failure to meet the realities of an industrial economy, historians typically view the Populist Party as a failure. The correct response is a. escape to the suburbs and then

The salvation army sought to enlist supporters to join their militiary as a progressive objective. Laissez-faire economics was one of the objectives for certain Progressive movement supporters.

Investigative journalists who exposed corruption in business and government in the late 1800s and early 1900s were referred to be socialists. It is well known that Upton Sinclair and Lincoln Steffens formed partnerships to assist farmers with their financial issues. According to Ida M. tarbell's findings, city administrations are corrupt. The progressive movement advocated electing mayors rather than appointing city managers.

complete question:

What did farmers in the 1800s do?

a. escape to the suburbs and then

b. move to high-rise in apartments

c. rent out tenement at buildings

d. attend vaudeville shows allows

To know more about farmers visit:



Did the Nazis invent antisemitism?



Antisemitism played a major role in Adolf Hitler’s thinking and in Nazi ideology. Read here what inspired Hitler's hatred of Jews and what life events played a role in its development.


Hitler did not invent the hatred of Jews. Jews in Europe had been victims of discrimination and persecution since the Middle Ages, often for religious reasons. Christians saw the Jewish faith as an aberration that had to be quashed. Jews were sometimes forced to convert or they were not allowed to practise certain professions. In the nineteenth century, religion played a less important role. It was replaced by theories about the differences between races and peoples. The idea that Jews belonged to a different people than the Germans, for instance, caught on. Even Jews who had converted to Christianity were still 'different' because of their bloodline.




What problems did farmers face in the 1880s and 1890s?


The primary danger faced by farmers in the 1880s was economic exploitation by wealthy members and institutions in society. The late 1800s were a time of monopolies: farmers who wanted to send their crops to cities had to pay the railroads a steep price, as there was no competition. Additionally, the United States' use of both gold and silver led to inflation and devaluation of both metals at different points, making it hard to keep currency standard. This led to the rise of the Populist Movement, which advocated for poor Americans, primarily farmers, by arguing that modern politicians were out of touch.

how did the homestead act contribute to the expansion of western settlement? a. by establishing agricultural colleges to develop better ways to farm b. by granting farm plots to people willing to live on the land for five years c. by granting white settlers ownership of mexican american land d. by encouraging more white migration by prohibiting chinese immigrants


The Homestead Act contributed to the expansion of western settlements by granting farm plots to people willing to live on the land for five years (option b)

This law contributed to European immigration and the settlement of the American West and although blacks were included in a new law, they were unable to take advantage of it due to bureaucratic barriers and racial discrimination.

Main aspects of the Homestead Law

The Homestead Act was a law created by President Abraham Lincoln in May 1862 that gave ownership of 65 hectares to those who cultivated it for at least five years.

All people, including freed slaves, who had never taken up arms against the US government, had a claim to these federal lands.

The conquest of the west

Many European immigrants were attracted by the Homestead Act offer and began the process of conquering the West, which included the purchase of Louisiana and later southern Arizona in 1853.

Although the 1866 Act explicitly included black Americans and encouraged them to participate, the discrimination that existed prevented them from joining the conquest of the West and most only got farms in the South.

Learn more about the Homestead Act at https://brainly.com/question/10390487


What rhetorical devices are used in Queen Elizabeth speech?


They are as follows: Parallelism, Antithesis, Asyndenton, Alliteration, Anaphora, Metaphor, Metonymy, Simile, Personification, and Hyperbole. Queen Elizabeth used a variety of rhetorical styles

In what way in which the five relationships Eightfold Path and Ten Commandments are similar as they?


The five relationships Eightfold Path and Ten Commandments are similar in the ethical values that they hold.

The ten commandments are a bundle of biblical rules regarding ethics and worship. These play an important role that in Judaism and Christianity.

The Eightfold path too are a set of practices that are to be inculcated in the everyday life of a Buddhist with a view to attain salvation.

The eight practices of the 8 fold path are: right view, right resolve, right speech, right conduct, right livelihood, right effort, right mindfulness, and right samadhi.

The 10 commandments include prohibitive orders pertaining to morality such as  don't steal, don't commit adultery, don't bear false witness etc.

Both the religions, through these principles, lay down a basic way of life that is free form moral wrongs thereby building a peaceful community.

To know more about eightfold path, click here:



How does NAFTA positively affect trade?



The North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) is a trade agreement between the United States, Canada, and Mexico that was implemented in 1994. NAFTA has had a number of positive effects on trade between the three countries.

First, NAFTA has facilitated the flow of goods and services between the three countries by removing tariffs and other trade barriers. This has made it easier and cheaper for businesses to trade with each other, which has helped to increase trade between the three countries.

Second, NAFTA has led to the creation of new jobs in all three countries. By making it easier for businesses to trade with each other, NAFTA has helped to create new business opportunities, which has led to job growth in a number of different industries.

Third, NAFTA has helped to increase investment between the three countries. By making it easier for businesses to trade with each other, NAFTA has helped to create a more stable and predictable investment environment, which has encouraged businesses to invest in each other's countries.

Overall, NAFTA has had a number of positive effects on trade between the United States, Canada, and Mexico, including facilitating the flow of goods and services, creating new jobs, and increasing investment.


These are a few reasons why NAFTA positively affects trade and the economy. Hope this helps!

How does joe Biden influence our community?


Joe Biden has demonstrated leadership throughout his political career since he had to guide a number of individuals toward achieving American political goals.

Give a brief account on influence of Joe Biden on community.

As president, Joe Biden had a direct impact on our community because he dealt with a variety of problems that affected people in the United States. Due to the aforementioned, he needs to have a leadership personality trait so that those in charge of him will cooperate with him to accomplish the suggested goals.

In his role as president of the United States, he must demonstrate even greater leadership because he is in charge of one of the most powerful countries in the world, and millions of people depend on his administration for their well-being. Due to the aforementioned, in order to have a united country, his attitude must be one of leadership and inspire confidence in both the voters who supported him and those who did not.

To know more about, Presidents, visit :



marcus garvey made a lasting impact on the lives of african americans in the united states by_______.
a. organizing the Pan African Congress with W E B DuBois
b. contributing to the cultural contributions of the Harlem Renaissance
c. confounding the Universal Negro Improvement Association
d. advocating for the passage of the Eighteenth and Nineteenth Amendments



c. confounding the Universal Negro Improvement Association


Marcus Garvey made a lasting impact for the lives of African Americans in the united states by confounding the Universal Negro Improvement Association.

Who is Marcus Garvey impact for the lives?

The Universal Negro Improvement Association (UNIA), led by Marcus Garvey, is the largest mass movement in African-American history. By the beginning of the 1920s, Garvey and the UNIA had formed 700 branches in 38 states, spreading the "Back to Africa" ideology of black nationalism. Garvey wanted to establish an independent African American-run economy and society. In the end, according to Garvey, all black people in the world ought to go back to Africa, where there ought to be an end to white colonial domination.

Learn more about Marcus Garvey impact: https://brainly.com/question/4421138


issues with segregation in restaurants, hotels and gas stations led a group of students in which southern town to stage a sit-in at the woolworth department store lunch counter?


At a "whites only" Woolworth's food court in Greensboro, North Carolina, on Feb. 1, 1960, four Black university freshmen—Joseph McNeil, Frank McCain, Ezell Blair Jr., and David Richmond—sat down and respectfully requested service.

How does gas matter work?

A condition of substance known as gas lacks both a set shape and a fixed volume. Compared to other states of material, such as liquids and solids gasses have a lower density. Particles have such a large amount of kinetic energy but aren't very attracted to one another, thus there is a lot of unoccupied space between them.

Is gas air or a liquid?

Normal circumstances result in matter existing as a solid, a fluid, or a gas. A gas is air. We have a huge number of them in any gas.

To know more about gas visit:



How were the Shumshers able to establish themselves in the politics of Nepal after the event of 2042 BS? Describe.​


The way that the Shumshers  were able to establish themselves in the politics of Nepal after the event of 2042 BS is that:

The Sat Salko Kranti movement, also known as the Nepali revolution of 1951, was a political uprising against the Rana dynasty's direct rule of Nepal. It signals the beginning of Nepal's political awakening and democratic movements, and it led to the country's institutional hereditary prime minister system being immediately abolished.

What is the Nepal case about?

The revolution of 1951 in Nepal, also known as the Sat Salko Kranti, was a significant event in the country's history. It resulted in the abolition of the Rana dynasty's rule and the end of the hereditary prime minister system in Nepal. The revolution was a turning point in Nepal's history, as it marked the beginning of democratic movements and the political awakening of the Nepalese people.

Therefore, It is unclear how the Shumshers were able to establish themselves in Nepalese politics after this event. It is possible that members of the Shumsher family held influential positions in the government or political parties following the revolution, but without more information, it is difficult to provide a detailed account of their involvement in Nepalese politics.

Learn more about Nepal from



How does Odysseus test his father's loyalty?


Odysseus puts his father to the test to ensure that he has remained faithful and to confirm that it is actually his father. He puts him to the test by posing as a stranger who once housed Odysseus and asking him where he is. He reveals himself when he notices Laertes' increased sadness in response.

Odysseus and Laertes share a meal. Melanthius' and Melantho's father, Dolius, joins them. While they dine, the goddess Rumor spreads the word of the massacre at the palace by flying over the city. The suitors' parents gather for a meeting during which they decide how to reply. While Eupithes, Antinous's father, urges the parents to exact revenge on Odysseus, the elder prophet Halitherses contends that the suitors simply received what they deserved for their wrongdoing. Their little army pursues Odysseus to Laertes' home, but Athena resolves to stop the bloodshed while posing as Mentor once more. The only person to die was Antinous's father, who was struck by one of Laertes' spears. The Ithacans are made to forget the killing of their children and accept Odysseus as king by Athena. Thus, peace is established.

To know more about Odysseus:



Why did Chief Joseph decide to surrender to the American forces?



In the midst of their journey, Chief Joseph learned that three young Nez Perce warriors, had killed a band of white settlers. Fearing retaliation by the U.S. Army, the chief began one of the great retreats in American military history.


What are 4 characteristics of a utopian society?


Answer: 1. Equality: In a utopian society, there would be no discrimination based on factors such as race, gender, or social class. All members of society would be treated equally and have the same opportunities.

2. Peace: A utopian society would be free from conflict, violence, and war. This could be achieved through diplomacy, non-violent resolution of disputes, or other means.

3. Abundance: A utopian society would have sufficient resources to meet the needs and desires of all its members. This could include food, shelter, healthcare, education, and other necessities, as well as leisure and cultural activities.

4. Social harmony: In a utopian society, people would work together in harmony and cooperation, rather than being driven by selfish or divisive interests. There would be a strong sense of community and mutual support among all members.


How do you dilate a figure by 1?


The x- and y-coordinates of each point must be multiplied by the scale factor in order to enlarge a figure by that amount.

Is scale factor of 1 a dilation?

An enlargement (imagine stretching) is a dilation that makes a larger image, whereas a reduction (think shrinking) is a dilation that creates a smaller image. A diminution in the image occurs when the scale factor is between 0 and 1. An enlarged version of the image is shown if the scale factor is larger than 1.

An established location in the plane is the center of dilatation. An expansion of the image occurs when the scale factor exceeds 1. (a stretch). A decrease occurs when the scale factor is between 0 and 1. (a shrink). Figure and image are congruent if scale factor is 1. When we say "dilate," we mean to expand or contract..

To learn more about dilate figure refer to :



What is the tone of this excerpt from Truth's Ain't IA woman?


Accusatory is the tone of this excerpt from truth's "ain't I a woman".

Why did Sojourner Truth write Ain’t I a woman?

Sojourner Truth delivered her most well-known address at the Women's Convention in Akron, Ohio, on May 29, 1851. Truth was an abolitionist and an advocate for women's rights since she was born a slave and managed to escape to freedom.

Truth aimed to raise consciousness of the discrimination faced by African Americans and women at the time in a mostly male-dominated culture. She asserts a number of times that women and people of color are not less than those of European descent. By focusing on those men, Truth makes them out to be the bad guys, giving African Americans and women something to fight for. Sojourner Truth makes an effort to encourage her audience to back the campaign for women's rights and, in more subdued tones, to back the demand for African.

to learn more about Sojourner click:



How sugar has changed our society?


Today more sugar is produced in Brazil than anywhere else in the world even though, ironically, the crop never grew wild in the Americas.

What is the 8 fold path known as?


The 8 fold path is the summary of all practices of the Buddhists in order to achieve salvation or Nirvana.

The eight practices of the 8 fold path are: right view, right resolve, right speech, right conduct, right livelihood, right effort, right mindfulness, and right samadhi.

Buddhist values revolve around the need to maintain body-mind balance where the bodily desires are kept in control. These early practices also include the

An Indologist named Tilmann Vetter says that this type of the Buddhist path can be used to draw an analogy with the Christian Middle way.

However, the absence of complete submission to some external deity makes Buddhism more about oneself..

The object of "right view" or "right understanding" is to remove any confusion, misunderstanding, and deluded thinking from one's path. This results in an accurate understanding of reality.

To know more about the 8 fold path, click here:



Which two Union victories
happened on the same day
(July 3, 1863) and are
considered the turning
point of the American Civil
A. Antietam and Appomattox
B. Fredericksburg and Shiloh
C. Bull Run and Chancellorsville
D. Gettysburg and Vicksburg



d) Gettysburg and Vicksburg


these victories happened on the same day and are both big victories for the union, and marked the turning point for the union

Answer: D


Which of the following was a result of the Second Great Awakening?
O The American System
O Temperance movement
O The 2nd Amendment
O The Stamp Act


A result of the Second Great Awakening was B. Temperance movement

What was the Second Great Awakening?

American Protestant religious resurgence that lasted roughly from 1795 to 1835 is known as the Second Great Awakening. Meetings were place during this revival in both rural and urban areas across the nation, and the camp meeting—a distinct frontier institution—began. The number of members in many churches increased significantly, especially in Methodist and Baptist congregations.

The First Great Awakening concentrated on those who were already attending churches, in contrast to the Second Great Awakening, which got underway around 1800 and reached out to the unchurched. Their self-awareness, piety, and rituals were all altered. This led to the Temperance Movement.

Find out more on the Second Great Awakening at https://brainly.com/question/26599204


le Choice (1 point each)
- the choice that best completes the statement or answers the question.
What were the four causes of World War I?
A. The rise of nationalism, the alliance system, imperialism, and the assassination of
Archduke Franz Ferdinand.
B.) The spread of industrialization, the need for natural resources, imperialism, and
C. The Triple Entente, the Triple Alliance, unjust governments, and industrialization
Militarism, economic depression, lack of education, and superstition.



A. The rise of nationalism, the alliance system, imperialism, and the assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand.


I remember learning this in AP History class last year. WW1 was caused by Nationalism, which caused many small countries to rebel against imperialism and seek their independence.

What beliefs did the Federalists and Democratic-Republicans have in common?


Even though these 2 parties had major variations, they each favored yankee freedom and independence and contributed to the formation of the new nation.

In conclusion, the fashionable political party and therefore the Federalists bear alikeness in this they each believe a powerful central government, while the fashionable GOP and therefore the Anti-Federalists share their article of faith as advocates for the rights of individual states.

When it came to national politics, they favored sturdy state governments, a weak central government, the direct election of presidency officers, short term limits for officeholders, responsibleness by officeholders to well-liked majorities, and therefore the strengthening of individual liberties for independence.

To learn more about independence, visit here



What is Congress role in the federal budget?


After reviewing the President's proposal, Congress passes a budget resolution that lays out its own rules for spending and income that it intends to abide by when adopting appropriations laws, tax laws, and authorizations.

The appropriations laws and the statutes creating entitlement programs provide the federal government and its agencies the legal right to commit and spend money. Each legislation establishing an entitlement program, such as Medicare, specifies and imposes the justifications for and scope of government spending.

Additionally, each appropriations bill establishes legally enforceable spending caps for the Federal programs it covers. Budget planning, the congressional budget process, budget implementation and control, and audit and assessment are the four stages that make up the federal budget process.

Learn more about the federal budget here:



What is the author's main purpose for including this paragraph quizlet?


An author's purpose is his justification behind or expectation recorded as a hard copy. A writer's motivation might be to entertain the peruser, to convince the peruser, to illuminate the peruser, or to caricature a condition. the game plan of words and expressions to make very shaped sentences in a language.

An author's purpose is the primary explanation the person in question has for composing. The three essential objects are to illuminate, to convince, and to engage. The straightforward methodology underneath will assist you with sorting out a creator's motivation.

To illuminate or show the peruser, the writer utilizes explanatory composition. A writer's motivation is reflected in the manner he expounds on a point. For example, assuming that his motivation is to entertain, he will involve jokes or stories in his composition.

Learn more about author's main purpose:



Even though the amendment that allowed income tax was passed again in 1913, what events led to its being enforced among all americans?.


The passage of the 16th Amendment in 1913 was a major step towards allowing a federal income tax to be enforced across the United States.

This amendment gave the government the constitutional authority to impose an income tax. The implementation of the income tax, however, still required further action. The Revenue Act of 1913 was passed shortly after the 16th Amendment, and it established the first federal income tax in the United States.

This Act created a 1 percent tax on incomes above $3,000 and a 6 percent tax on incomes above $500,000. The Act also created the IRS, which was tasked with collecting taxes and enforcing the law.

The income tax was not enforced among all Americans until the following year when the Supreme Court ruled in Brushaber v. Union Pacific Railroad Co. that the 16th Amendment was constitutional. This decision effectively made the federal income tax law and allowed the government to begin collecting income taxes from all Americans.

For more questions like  16th Amendment click the link below:



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