Who do the sheep in Animal Farm represent in the Russian Revolution?


Answer 1

The sheep are part of the massive propaganda machine set up by Stalin as he rose to power in Russia, and they are also the people who were swayed by that propaganda. Instead of thinking for themselves, they simply repeat slogans over and over.

"It was noticed that the sheep) were especially liable to break into 'Four legs good, two legs bad' at crucial moments in Snowball's speeches," Napoleon says. Later, when Napoleon announces that he will abolish public meetings, he uses the sheep to chant and drown out the four pigs who protest.

The sheep are extremely easy to manipulate because they are, well, sheep-like. When the pigs start walking on two legs at the end of the novel, Squealer teaches the sheep a new chant: "Four legs good, two legs better."

know more about Nepoleon here



Related Questions

Correctly label the following anatomical features of the lymph node. Cortical sinus Germinal center Lymphatic nodule Afferent lymphatic vessels Efferent lymphatic vessel Medullary cord Efferent lymphatic vessel Medullary sinus Afferent lymphatic vessels


In the following figure anatomical features of the lymph node, it is labeled against the number marked:

Lymphatic nodulesGerminal centerCortical sinusMedullary sinusMedullary cord

Complete answer in the picture.

Lymphatic nodules: These are small, localized collections of lymphoid tissue. They are usually located in the loose connective tissue beneath wet epithelial (covering or lining) membranes, as in the digestive system, respiratory system, urinary bladder, etc.

Germinal center: They are transiently formed structures within the B cell zone (follicles) in secondary lymphoid organs – lymph nodes, ileal Peyer's patches, and the spleen Here the mature B cells proliferate, differentiate, and mutate their antibody genes

Cortical sinus: Lymph flows from afferent lymphatic vessels, into a space underneath the capsule called the subcapsular sinus, then into cortical sinuses.

Medullary sinus: After passing through the cortex, lymph then collects in the medullary sinuses

Medullary cord: It's a portion of the medulla of the lymph node which contains lymphatic tissue and project into the medullary sinus. B cells and plasma cells are the main cell types found in the medullary cords.

Learn more about anatomical of the lymph node at https://brainly.com/question/1226557


Hello! Please help me!
I have a test tomorrow so this is urgent!!!
Question: Look at the data in the photograph.
At the end of the period of exercise, how much faster is the heart rate of the untrained person than the trained person?




since the y axis (the heart rate) is counting by 4s the trained heart beat seems to be 64 bpm while the untrained is 80 bpm

to find out the difference you would subtract 64 from 80 to get 16 so the difference would be 16 b.m.p after 23 minutes

Since it is asking for their heart rates at the end of the period of exercise, I believe we should be looking at the end of the purple shaded region. By looking at the graph, we can identify that the untrained person has a heart BPM rate of 160 BPM while the trained person has 132 BPM. Now to identify how much faster the heart rate of the untrained person’s is from the trained person’s, we will subtract 10 from 132. This gives us a difference of 28 BPM.

A placenta is associated with a(n):



A placenta is associated with pregnancy and childbirth. The placenta is an organ that develops in the uterus during pregnancy and provides nutrients and oxygen to the growing fetus. It is also responsible for removing waste products from the fetal bloodstream. The placenta is typically delivered from the mother's body along with the baby during the birthing process.

It is an organ that develops in the uterus during pregnancy.

It provides oxygen and nutrients to a growing baby’s

What contains the bases adenine thymine guanine and cytosine?


The bases in DNA are adenine (A), cytosine (C), guanine (G), and thymine (T) (T). These bases are available in specific pairs (A with T, and G with C).

The chemistry of nitrogenous bases is what determines how DNA works. It permits a process known as complementary base pairing. Cytosine, for example, can establish three hydrogen bonds with guanine and two hydrogen bonds with thymine. Alternatively, to put it simply, C bonds with G, and A bonds with T. It's called complementary base pairing since each base can only bond with one other base. Similar to a lock and a key, the structures work best together. In DNA, C only bonds with G, and A only bonds with T. The hydrogen-bonded nitrogenous bases are sometimes referred to as base pairs due to complementary base pairing.

Learn more about nitrogenous bases here:



What are the stages of meiosis 2 in order?


1st, Prophase ll: Chromosomes condense and the nuclear envelope breaks down if needed. The centrosomes move apart, the spindle forms between them, and the spindle microtubules begin to capture chromosomes.

2nd, Metaphase ll: The paired chromosomes line up.

3rd, Anaphase ll: The chromatids split at the centromere and migrate along the spindle fibers to opposite poles.

4th, Telophase ll and Cytokinesis: The cells pinch in the center and divide again, creating two daughter cells.

How many mutations can cause cystic fibrosis?


All people have two copies of the CFTR gene, and there must be mutations in both copies to cause CF. More than 1,700 mutations of the CFTR gene have been identified.

What are the functions of CFTR gene?

The cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance regulator (CFTR) protein helps to maintain the balance of salt and water on many surfaces in the body, such as the surface of the lung.

This mutation is caused by the deletion of three base pairs of the CFTR gene leading to the loss of an amino acid called phenylalanine, abbreviated F, in the CFTR protein.

In cystic fibrosis, a defect (mutation) in a gene — the cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance regulator (CFTR) gene — changes a protein that regulates the movement of salt in and out of cells.

Learn more about CFTR gene:



explain how this arrangement allows chloroplasts to generate a larger proton gradient across the thylakoid membrane than mitochondria can generate across the inner membrane.


Because chloroplasts have smaller compartments where hydrogen ions are pumped, they create a bigger proton gradient across the thylakoid membrane than mitochondria can across the inner membrane.

The light-induced -proton gradient is required for ATP production across thylakoid membranes. Proton pumping into the thylakoid lumen results in an alkaline stromal pH, which is essential for complete activation of pH-dependent Calvin Benson cycle enzymes.

The chemiosmotic theory describes how ATP is created in chloroplasts. ATP production is connected to the formation of a proton gradient across the membrane of the chloroplast thylakoid, with proton buildup occurring on the inside of the membrane, in the lumen.

Learn more about to thylakoid visit here;



bacteria in the gi tract also produce ________.


Several vitamins are processed by gut bacteria using their enzymes. Vitamin K, a key cofactor in the formation of prothrombin and other blood clotting components, is synthesised by the gut microbiota.

It is Vitamin K2, a subunit of Vitamin K, which aids in the treatment of osteoporosis and is produced by bacteria found in the colon. These substances are deconjugated by intestinal bacterial enzymes such ß-glucuronidase, sulfatase, and other glycosidases, releasing the parent substances that are easily absorbed across the gut membrane. A large number of endogenous substances, such as bilirubin, bile acids, cholesterol, estrogens, and vitamin D metabolites, are circulated through the enterohepatic system. Additionally, a lot of medications that are eliminated by the liver enter this system, including digitalis, diethylstilbestrol, morphine, colchicine, rifampin, and chloramphenicol.

Learn more about vitamins



How do you make a seed experiment?


Answer:  Seed experiment needs the proper temperature , moisture, air and light conditions to germinate,

Explanation: soak the seeds overnight in water ,set  a side the top of the petri dish , or open the CD case .cut the paper towel , lay the marked-up  paper in the bottom of the dish ,so the line sits horizontally across the center ,pour a little water into the dish to wet the paper towel ,smooth out any bubbles and tip out any extra water not absorbed by the paper later , and then  ,the wet paper should remain stuck to  inside of the dish or CD case ,stretch the rubber band  and set close to one  another ,around the center and we should be careful observe whether the seeds are stick to the moistened  paper towel and add seed for germination away from direct sunlight.

To know more about , Germination click here:



How does cardiovascular endurance prevent injury?


Cardiovascular endurance includes strength training that improves the body alignment. Strength training includes fluid movements that promote excellent body alignment, hence reducing injury risk.

How does muscular endurance prevent injury?

Improving cardiovascular endurance can make it easier to carry out your daily tasks. When one increases stamina, that means increasing your ability to maintain correct form and balance. Hence, you decrease weaknesses that can lead to injury.

Physical fitness can reduce the risk for and resilience to accidental injuries. For example, stronger muscles and better balance means that one is less likely to slip and fall. Stronger bones means that you  are less likely to suffer bone injuries should you take a tumble.

To know more about cardiovascular endurance, refer



9. Predict the consequences of the failure or absence of an organelle inside a eukaryotic cell. What would happen if a cell did not have the following organelles: mitochondria, ribosomes, chloroplasts. List 1 other organelle and explain what would happen if a cell did not have that organelle.​



The failure or absence of an organelle inside a eukaryotic cell can have a variety of consequences, depending on the specific organelle and the cell type.

If a cell did not have mitochondria, it would be unable to produce ATP through cellular respiration, which would severely impair its ability to perform essential cellular functions such as growth, division, and maintenance.

If a cell did not have ribosomes, it would be unable to produce proteins, which are essential for many functions such as enzyme catalysis, structural support, and signaling.

If a cell did not have chloroplasts, it would be unable to perform photosynthesis and would be unable to produce its own energy from sunlight. This would be particularly problematic for plant cells, which rely on photosynthesis as their primary source of energy.

One other organelle that is essential for the function of eukaryotic cells is the nucleus. The nucleus is the cellular compartment that houses the genetic material of the cell, and it is responsible for the regulation of gene expression and the coordination of cell growth and division. If a cell did not have a nucleus, it would be unable to properly control its own growth and division, and it would be unable to pass on its genetic information to its offspring. This would severely impair the cell's ability to survive and reproduce.

pls award brainliest!


Two horses are crossed. One has a dark brown coat, and the other has a cream coat.
The offspring is dappled and has splotches of both dark brown and cream.
What type of dominance does this indicate?
Incomplete dominance
Complete dominance




neither trait is stronger so the foal displays both colors

Description and Function
flat, irregularly shaped cells that make up the top
and bottom layers of leaves
layer that.
on the lower epidermal
move through
internal cells packed together to expose the
greatest number to
inside the Orde
where photosynthesis occurs


Note that the description above references the structure of the leaves of a plant where the top and bottom layers of leaves are called the epidermis.

How can we further describe the epidermis?

The cells in the epidermis are flat and irregularly shaped, and they help to protect the plant and regulate water loss. The epidermis is located on the leaf's outer surface and comprises a single layer of cells.

Below the epidermis, there are internal cells that are packed together in layers. These cells are called mesophyll and contain chloroplasts, the organelles responsible for photosynthesis. The chloroplasts are located in the mesophyll cells, which are found in the middle of the leaf. The mesophyll cells are arranged in a way that exposes the most significant number of chloroplasts to light, which is necessary for photosynthesis to occur.

Learn more about Epidermis:

Who does Napoleon represent in the Russian Revolution?


Joseph Stalin, the Soviet leader, served as the representation for Napoleon in the Russian revolution.

   Stalin participated in the 1917 Russian Revolution and took control of Soviet Russia in 1924 after Vladimir Lenin's passing. Napoleon is a reference for Joseph Stalin since both men were driven by fear. Squealer is a euphemism for the Russian media, which propagandised on behalf of Stalin. Animal Farm is a symbolism for the 1917 Russian Revolution. Boxer is a depiction of all Russian labourers and workers, while Old Major stands in for Karl Marx, Snowball for Leon Trotsky, Napoleon for Josef Stalin, Squealer for propaganda, and Snowball for Leon Trotsky.

Napoleon supported the Revolution by establishing the lycée system of schools for universal education, constructing numerous universities, and enacting new civic laws that offered the French a great deal more freedom than they had under the Monarchy.  

For more such questions on Russian revolution :



What is 1 significant issue with many genetically modified organisms?


The 1 significant issue with many genetically modified organisms is antibiotic resistance.

A genetically modified organism (GMO) is indeed a living organism whose DNA has been changed in a laboratory to encourage the expression of wanted physiological traits or the manufacturing of desired biological products.

Genetically modified organisms benefit both producers and consumers (GMOs). For example, genetically modified plants may help protect crops by conferring resistance to the a specific disease but rather insect, resulting in greater food production. GMOs can also be used as a source of medicine.

There have been concerns about unintended consequences, including the creation of food that may trigger an allergic reaction, GMOs that really can cause harmful genetic effects, as well as genes that are not genetically engineered moving from one species to another. The advantages of using GMOs include higher harvest yields, which can feed more people around the world, and making food more nutritious. The risks of using GMOs include both the unknown long-term risks of eating GMO crops and the negative environmental effects that they can have.

To learn more about Genetically modified organisms, here



A gene associated with promoting normal cell division is called:


A proto-oncogene is a normal gene that is present in a cell. Numerous proto-oncogenes exist. Each one is in charge of producing a protein essential for cell division, growth, and other functions.

However, if a proto-oncogene makes a mistake (mutates), the gene may turn on when it shouldn't. If this occurs, the proto-oncogene may develop into an oncogene, a gene that causes cancer. Cancer develops as a result of uncontrolled cell growth.

Prior to undergoing a mutation that transforms it into an oncogene, a proto-oncogene cannot cause cancer. Proto-oncogenes that are in good health produce proteins that aid in cell activity. A proto-mutation oncogene's causes it to become permanently activated.

Learn more about Gene



What is biology in society?


The goal of Biology in Society is to provide students with a solid theoretical and practical understanding of genetics and developmental biology, evolution, reproduction, and physiology, of animals and plants, and their societal relevance.

What function does biology serve in modern society?

The study of life in science is known as biology. It is a natural science with a wide range, yet it has a number of common threads that make it work as a single, cohesive field. all species that process genetically encoded information that can be passed on to future generations.

What does biology in society class entail?

In the multidisciplinary major of "Biology & Society," students can study both the biological sciences and the social and ethical ramifications of contemporary biology.

To know more about biology in society visit :-



What are the 3 processes that result in genetic recombination?


Genetic recombination is the physical breakage, exchange, and rejoining of two DNA molecules.

The transfer of genetic material between distinct organisms, also known as genetic shuffling, results in offspring with distinct characteristics from both parents. This process is referred to as genetic recombination. During eukaryotic meiosis, gene recombination can produce a new set of genetic information that can be passed from one parent to the next. In eukaryotes, genetic recombination involves the pairing of homologous chromosomes during meiosis.

Recombination can also take place during mitosis in eukaryotes, typically involving the formation of two sister chromatids following chromosome duplication. In this instance, there are no new allele combinations because the sister chromosomes are typically identical. During meiosis and mitosis, similar DNA molecules recombinate (homologous sequences). During meiosis, homologous non-sister chromosomes pair up, resulting in recombination between non-sister chromatids.

To learn more about genetic recombination, here



How can sweating be beneficial to an animal in a hot environment?



Sweating helps animals cool because drying sweat cools the skin. Some canines—members of the dog family—sweat from their feet, but that is not a large enough surface area to cool the whole animal.Explanation:

please select all those options that are in the correct order. a. dna>protein>rna b. nucleus>mrna>rrna trna>amino acid>polypeptide c. dna promoter > rna polymerase > mrna d. initiation>elongation>termination


The correct order. are initiation> elongation> termination are the process of transcription.

Transcription is the call given to the manner wherein DNA is copied to make a complementary strand of RNA. RNA then undergoes translation to make proteins. The important steps of transcription are initiation, promoter clearance, elongation, and termination.

The manner of forming a polypeptide chain from mRNA codons is referred to as translation.It takes region in 4 steps namely, tRNA charging, Initiation, Elongation, and Termination.There are 3 critical steps to the manner of translation. There's a starting step, known as initiation, a center step, known as elongation, and a very last step, known as termination. These 3 phrases may also sound acquainted to you.

Read more about termination;



What is the formula for population distribution?


Population Density is therefore equal to the number of inhabitants divided by the land area. Land area should be measured in square miles or square kilometers.

What is the demographic breakdown?

The spatial pattern caused by population dispersion, agglomeration formation, linear spread, etc. is referred to as population distribution. The number of people per unit area is known as population density. It demonstrates the connection between a population's size and the area in which it resides.

Which formula governs population?

Population after n years equals P x (1+R/100)n if growth is constant at R% per year. 3. If the population is declining at a constant rate of R% annually, the population after n years will be equal to P x (1-R/100)n.

To know more about population distribution visit :-



Can snails jump yes or no?


Some species of snails are able to jump for about 3-4 cm above the ground. The example of such snails is garden snail.

Snails are the animals from the class Gastropoda of phylum Mollusca. These animals have the characteristic spiral shaped shell above their body. Snails move by the ripple-like movement. However, some species are able to jump as well by thrashing their tail sideways.

Garden snail has the scientific name Cornu aspersum. It is the most commonly found species of snails all across the world. Although snails are pests in the gardens or agricultural lands, they are also consumed in the form of food.

To know more about snails, here



What is atherosclerosis also called?


Fat, cholesterol, and other chemicals accumulate in the artery walls, causing atherosclerosis, often known as "hardening of the arteries." Plaques are what we name these deposits.

These plaques can constrict or even block the arteries over time, leading to issues throughout the body. A common disease called atherosclerosis arises when a sticky material called plaque accumulates within your artery. The most common reason for mortality in the US is a condition related to atherosclerosis.

High blood pressure: Over time, high blood pressure can harm the lining of the arteries, causing plaque to accumulate. Diabetes: High blood sugar levels can harm the arteries' inner layers and lead to the formation of plaque. High blood cholesterol and triglyceride levels raise your chances of developing the metabolic syndrome.

Learn more about to  cholesterol visit here;



39) which of the following represents the order of increasingly higher levels of organization of chromatin? a) nucleosome, 30-nm chromatin fiber, looped domain b) looped domain, 30-nm chromatin fiber, nucleosome c) looped domain, nucleosome, 30-nm chromatin fiber d) nucleosome, looped domain, 30-nm chromatin fiber e) 30-nm chromatin fiber, nucleosome, looped domain


the following represents the order of increasingly higher levels of organization of chromatin : nucleosome, 30nm chromatin fiber, looped domain.

Chromatin is a DNA and protein mixture that forms the chromosomes discovered in the cells of humans as well as other higher organisms. Many proteins, specifically histones, package the humongous quantity of DNA in a genome into an extremely compact form that can fit inside the cell nucleus.

Because of its staining properties, the complex of DNA and protein is known as chromatin (from the Greek chroma, "color"). In addition to the proteins involved in DNA packaging, chromosomes are associated with numerous proteins required for gene expression, DNA replication, and DNA repair.

For more information on Chromatin, visit :



When an IRB is reviewing a research study and they are considering?


IRB is reviewing a research study and are considering if there a power differential between researchers and subjects.

Under FDA regulations, an Institutional Review Board is group that has been formally designated to review and cover biomedical exploration involving mortal subjects. The purpose of IRB review is to assure, both in advance and by periodic review, that applicable way are taken to cover the rights and weal of humans sharing as subjects in the exploration.

Research is what propels humanity forward. It's fueled by curiosity we get curious, ask questions, and immerse ourselves in discovering everything there's to know. literacy is thriving.

To learn more about  research here



Match these terms with their definitions.
-homozygous- individual carries two identical alleles of a gene
-heterozygous-individual carries two different alleles of a gene


Homozygous- individual carries two identical alleles of a gene. heterozygous-individual carries two different alleles of a gene.

Each gene has two alleles, or variations, in each of us. When two identical copies of a gene are present, you are said to be homozygous for that gene. It contrasts with a heterozygous genotype, in which the alleles are distinct. Everyone who possesses a recessive characteristic, such as red hair or blue eyes, is homozygous for that gene. A test cross can be used by a scientist to determine if an organism displaying a dominant characteristic is homozygous or heterozygous for a certain allele. A homozygous organism for the recessive trait is crossed with the organism in question, and the results of the test cross are looked at.

Learn more about Homozygous



Which of the following is NOT produced by meiosis?

a. an egg, or ovum
b. a liver cell
c. a sperm cell
d. All of the given choices are produced by meiosis.


The process of meiosis does NOT result in which of the following liver cells

Cell division known as meiosis results in the production of four gamete cells and a halving of the parent cell's chromosome count. Sperm and egg cells must be created throughout this phase in order to reproduce sexually. In asexual reproduction, meiosis does not take place. Gametes are created during meiosis, a process (eggs and sperm). Cell division is all that occurs during mitosis, but at the other hand. Meiosis, also known as reduction division, is the process by which a germ cell divides into four zygotes, or sperm cell, each of which has half as many chromosome as the parent cell and is produced by two nuclear fission reactions of the nuclear.

Learn more about meiosis here:



What is a possible benefit to an organism expressing codominant or incomplete dominant traits.



a rise in an individual's fitness and a population's genetic variety are two possible advantages of co-dominance and imperfect dominance.


Codominance and incomplete dominance both result in the production of organisms that are distinct from the general population. When researching genetics and inheritance patterns, it is crucial to understand both of these words. One allele (a form of a gene) isn't totally dominant over the other allele in either incomplete dominance or codominance, two types of inheritance. A new phenotype is the result of this (the physical characteristics of an individual).

A possible benefit to an organism expressing codominant or incomplete dominant traits is it increases both an individual's fitness and a population's genetic diversity.

For heterozygous offspring (Aa), codominance and incomplete dominance result in unique phenotypes. When parents with red and white flowers cross, heterozygotes with intermediate phenotypes are produced, as in the case of snapdragons, which produce heterozygous offspring with pink flowers.

Both incomplete dominance and co-dominance result in organisms distinct from the general population. As a result, an increase in an individual's fitness and a rise in a population's genetic diversity are two potential advantages of co-dominance and incomplete dominance.

Know more about incomplete dominance here: https://brainly.com/question/14053639


Calculate the doubling time for
India with its growth rate of 1.13%.
Doubling time = 70/growth rate
A. 0.619 years
B. 619 years
C. 61.9 years


The doubling time for India at 1.13 growth rate is 0.619years

What is doubling time?

The doubling time is the time it takes for a population to double in size/value. It is applied to population growth, inflation, resource extraction, consumption of goods, compound interest, and many other things that tend to grow over time.

Doubling time is given as 70/ percentage growth rate. The percentage growth rate is 1.13%.

Therefore the doubling time will be calculated as

doubling time = 70/1.13

doubling time= 0.619 years

therefore the doubling time for India is 0.619 years at a growth rate of 1.13%

learn more about doubling time from



List the significant events of the Krebs Cycle. Include which reactants and products are involved. Highlight what will be released as a product and what will move on to the next stage. Be sure to include where the process occurs in the mitochondria.​



The Krebs cycle, also known as the citric acid cycle or the tricarboxylic acid (TCA) cycle, is a series of chemical reactions that occur in the mitochondria of cells. These reactions are an important part of the process of cellular respiration, which produces energy for the cell.

The key events of the Krebs cycle include the following:

The conversion of acetyl-CoA to citrate by the enzyme citrate synthase. Acetyl-CoA is derived from the breakdown of glucose and other sugars, and citrate is the first intermediate product of the Krebs cycle.

The conversion of citrate to isocitrate by the enzyme aconitase. Isocitrate is the second intermediate of the Krebs cycle.

The conversion of isocitrate to α-ketoglutarate by the enzyme isocitrate dehydrogenase. α-ketoglutarate is the third intermediate of the Krebs cycle.

The conversion of α-ketoglutarate to succinyl-CoA by the enzyme α-ketoglutarate dehydrogenase. Succinyl-CoA is the fourth intermediate of the Krebs cycle.

The conversion of succinyl-CoA to succinate by the enzyme succinyl-CoA synthetase. Succinate is the fifth intermediate of the Krebs cycle.

The conversion of succinate to fumarate by the enzyme succinate dehydrogenase. Fumarate is the sixth intermediate of the Krebs cycle.

The conversion of fumarate to malate by the enzyme fumarase. Malate is the seventh and final intermediate of the Krebs cycle.

The conversion of malate to oxaloacetate by the enzyme malate dehydrogenase. Oxaloacetate is the starting material for the next round of the Krebs cycle.

As the Krebs cycle progresses, electrons are transferred from the intermediates to NADH and FADH2, which are electron carriers. These carriers then transfer the electrons to the electron transport chain, where they are used to produce ATP, the energy-carrying molecule used by cells. The end products of the Krebs cycle are carbon dioxide and water.


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