Which type of force is friction?


Answer 1

One kind of contact force is friction. It exists between surfaces that are in contact with one another.

Contact force: What is it?

Objects in interaction with each other exert a force on one another known as contact force. The point of immediate contact between two objects is where the contact force acts. This force may be brief in the form of such an impulse or it may be continual as a continuous force.

What, by way of example, is contact force?

A force which acts at the point where two objects come into touch is known as a contact force. Examples of contact stress include kicking a ball and pushing an car up a hill.

To know more about contact force visit :



Related Questions

a 900 kg van is traveling at a constant speed of 1.51 m/s due north. what is the total force (in n) on the vehicle? (assume north is the positive direction. indicate the direction with the sign of your answer.)


The vehicle is being acted upon by a total force of 0 N when a 900 kg van is traveling at a constant speed of 1.51 m/s due north.

Due to that,

SUV weighs 900 kg.

1.51 m/s is the speed.

SUV is moving northward at a constant pace of 1.51 m/s.

We must compute the force acting on the vehicle.

F = ma

according to Newton's second law (I)

We are aware that the acceleration is the particle's velocity's first derivative.

a = dv / dt

Now, alter equation (I) F = m*dv / dt to reflect the value of a.

Since the SUV is moving at a constant pace, there is no acceleration.

Thus, there will be no force.

As a result, there is no net force exerting on the vehicle.

To know more about force, visit:



Can somebody answer this



The answer is probably D


None others make sense

a lion is running at constant speed toward a gazelle that is standing still, as shown in the top figure above. after several seconds, the gazelle notices the lion and accelerates directly toward him, hoping to pass the lion and force him to reverse direction. as the gazelle accelerates toward and past the lion, the lion changes direction and accelerates in pursuit of the gazelle. the lion and the gazelle eventually each reach constant but different speeds. which of the following sets of graphs shows a reasonable representation of the velocities of the lion and the gazelle as functions of time?


The graph shown in the first option nicely plots the lion's and gazelle's velocities as a function of time, so option A is the correct answer.

Velocity is the rate of change of displacement over time.

It has SI units as m/s.The total amount of movement of an object per unit time is also called velocity. It depends on both the size and direction of the moving object.Velocity can also be called as speed when distance is taken into consideration instead of displacement.

As mentioned in the problem of running at a constant speed towards a gazelle with a standing lion as shown above.

So option A is correct.

To know more about velocities,



100 Review Sheet 7 4. Label the integumentary structures and areas indicated in the diagram. 5. Label the layers of the epidermis in thick skin. Then, complete the statements that follow EUR a. Glands that respond to rising androgen levels are the glands are epidermal cells that play a role in the immune response. C Tactile corpuscles are located in the corpuscles are located deep in the dermis. What substance is manufactured in the skin and plays a role in calcium absorption elsewhere in the body


With the aid of sunshine, the skin produces vitamin D, which aids in the bones' ability to absorb calcium.

Increased intestinal absorption of calcium, magnesium, and phosphate is one of vitamin D's many biological effects. It is also one of a class of fat-soluble secosteroids. Vitamins D (cholecalciferol) and D2 are the most significant substances in this category in people (ergocalciferol).

The primary natural source of the vitamin is cholecalciferol production, which occurs in the lower layers of the epidermis of the skin as a result of a chemical process that is reliant on sun exposure (specifically UVB radiation).

The diet and supplements both contain cholecalciferol and ergocalciferol.  Vitamin D is only present in considerable concentrations in a select few meals, such the meat of fatty fish.  Cow's milk, plant-based milk replacements, and a lot of breakfast cereals are all vitamin D-fortified in the United States and other nations.

Learn more about vitamin D here:



find the volume of the given solid. bounded by the planes z = x, y = x, x + y = 9 and z = 0


The volume of the given  solid is:

V = ∭(D) dx dy dz = (1/2) * 9/2 * 9/2 = 81/8

What is the method to find the volume?

To find the volume of the solid, we can use the triple integral. Since the solid is bounded by the planes z = x, y = x, x + y = 9, and z = 0, we can write the integral as:

V = ∭(D) dV = ∭(D) dx dy dz

where D is the region bounded by the given planes.

To set up the triple integral, we need to determine the bounds for the variables x, y, and z. Since the solid is bounded by the planes z = x, x + y = 9, and y = x, we can express z in terms of x and y. We have:

z = x

Since x + y = 9, we can also express y in terms of x:

y = 9 - x

Substituting this expression for y into the equation for z, we get:

z = x = x

Therefore, the bounds for x are 0 ≤ x ≤ 9/2. The bounds for y are 0 ≤ y ≤ 9 - x, and the bounds for z are 0 ≤ z ≤ x.

Using these bounds, we can set up the triple integral as follows:

V = ∭(D) dx dy dz = ∫x=0 to x=9/2 ∫y=0 to y=9-x ∫z=0 to z=x 1 dz dy dx

Evaluating this integral, we find that the volume of the solid is:

V = ∭(D) dx dy dz = (1/2) * 9/2 * 9/2 = 81/8

Therefore, the volume of the solid is 81/8.

Learn more about solids, here:



A planet orbits a star in the path shown in the figure. The planet's mass is much smaller than the star's mass. Which two of the following claims are correct about the accelerations associated with the planet, star, and planet-star system? Select two answers. Justify your selections. A .Both the planet and the star accelerate, because each object exerts a force on the other object. B. Only the planet accelerates, because a force is exerted on the planet but not on the star. C. The center of mass of the planet-star system accelerates, because the planet and star exert forces on each other. D. The center of mass of the planet-star system does not accelerate, because there is no net force exerted on the system.


The correct claims about the accelerations associated with the planet, star, and planet-star system are

A. Both the planet and the star accelerate because each object exerts a force on the other object.

D. The center of mass of the planet-star system does not accelerate, because there is no net force exerted on the system.

Thus, the correct answers are A and D.

What is the planetary system?

А plаnetаry system is а set of grаvitаtionаlly bound non-stellаr objects in orbit аround а stаr or stаr system. Generаlly speаking, plаnetаry systems describe systems with one or more plаnets, аlthough such systems mаy аlso consist of bodies such аs dwаrf plаnets, аsteroids, nаturаl sаtellites, meteoroids, comets аnd plаnetesimаls аs well аs discernаble feаtures including circumstellаr disks. The Sun together with its plаnetаry system, which includes Eаrth, is known аs the Solаr System.

Grаvity is а force thаt objects exert on eаch other becаuse of their respective mаsses. Аn object dropped neаr Eаrth’s surfаce fаlls to the ground becаuse it is pulled down by the force of grаvity thаt Eаrth exerts on the object. The sаme grаvitаtionаl pull exists between Eаrth аnd the Moon, between the Moon аnd the Sun, аnd between the Sun аnd eаch object in the universe. Even pаrticles of dust аnd gаs in spаce аre аttrаcted to eаch other; in fаct, thаt аttrаction is whаt helped form the solаr system.

Your question is incomplete but most probably your full question can see in the attachment.

For more information about the planetary system refer to the link:



What are two examples of genetic factors?


One child has blonde hair like their mother, and their sibling has brown hair like their father; this is due to genetics. A baby's gender and the reasons why some diseases run in families are also influenced by DNA.

Two illustrations of genes:

Many of your characteristics, like your skin and hair colors, are determined by genes that are passed down to you. Perhaps Emma's mother carries both the brown and red hair genes, and she gave Emma the red hair gene.

An alteration to just one copy of the gene results in the autosomal dominant inheritance pattern. Mutations in both copies of the gene pair create the autosomal recessive inheritance pattern.

To know more about genetic factors visit:-


What is the inverse relationship between size of the wavelength frequency and energy?


The shorter the wavelengths and higher the frequency corresponds with greater energy. So the longer the wavelengths and lower the frequency results in lower energy. The energy equation is E = hν.

A wavelength's frequency and energy (E) drop as it gets longer. You may conclude from these equations that the wavelength gets shorter as the frequency rises. The wavelength lengthens as the frequency drops. The two main categories of waves are electromagnetic and mechanical. Frequency and Wavelength are mutually exclusive. The frequency and energy decrease as the wavelength increases. The frequency and energy increase with decreasing wavelength. Because the fraction decreases as the denominator increases, energy decreases as a result. As a result, the connection between energy and wavelength is inverse. These are the wavelength and energy frequency relationships.

to know more about energy please visit.




Greater energy is correlated with shorter wavelengths and higher frequencies. Therefore, lower energy is produced by longer wavelengths and lower frequencies. E = hv is the energy equation.


As a wavelength lengthens, its frequency and energy (E) decrease. These calculations may lead you to the conclusion that as frequency increases, wavelength decreases. As the frequency decreases, the wavelength grows longer. Electromagnetic and mechanical waves fall into the two primary groups. Wavelength and Frequency cannot coexist. As the wavelength lengthens, the frequency and energy decrease. As the wavelength decreases, the frequency, and energy rise. Energy diminishes as a result of the proportion decreasing as the denominator rises. The relationship between energy and wavelength is therefore inverse. These are the correlations between energy frequency and wavelength.

to know more about wavelength please visit.



a string that is stretched between fixed supports separated by 75.0 cm has resonant frequencies of 420 and 315 hz, with no intermediate resonant frequencies.what are (a) the lowest resonant frequency and (b) the wave speed?


To get the resonant frequencies of a single cohesive wave, just use formula v = f.The wave velocity is denoted by the letter "v," while the wave's distance is denoted by the symbol "."

The length of the string:

L=75.0 cm=0.75 m

The two resonant frequencies:

450 Hz Λ 308 Hz

a) f1=142 Hzf1​=142 Hz

b)v=213 msv=213 sm​

What has the lowest frequency and lowest magnitude among the following?

Gamma rays often have the greatest frequency, while radio waves typically have the lowest.

Is the lowest frequency the first harmonic?

The fundamental frequency is the lowest frequency that can be produced by a certain instrument.A first harmonic of a instrument is another name for the fundamental frequency.

To know more about frequencies visit:



_______ is a space where you can drive without restrictions to your line of sight or intended path of travel


(An open zone) is a space where we can drive without restrictions to our line of sight or intended path of travel.

What is an open zone?

There are at least three types of zone we may encounter on the road, which are:

Open zone. The open zone provides a wide, larger open space to drive and we can drive without restriction. We are free to change lanes or move forward without conflict.Closed zone. This path is not available to drive due to some restriction or simply because the space is unavailable in a particular zone.Changing zone. This zone changes from an open to a closed zone. So we have to maintain specific speed limits, visibility, environmental conditions, etc while passing through.

Learn more about space management here https://brainly.com/question/28701656


What is the maximum speed of the ejected electrons?


The kineticE=(1/2)mv² equation can be used to determine the velocity of the expelled electron. You then enter the expelled electron's energy, which was provided to you in section a, and set it to equal 1/2 the electron's mass times v².

The discovery of the "photon," or the link between light's energy and frequency, was made possible in large part by the photoelectric effect. The photoelectric effect is simply the phenomenon whereby electrons can occasionally be expelled from a metal when light is shone onto it. We looked over a number of important facts in class.

1. No electrons are emitted unless appropriate frequency of light is employed. In other words, there is a point below which, regardless of how powerful the light source is, no electrons escape the metal.

2. If you are employing light with a high enough frequency, the quantity of electrons ejected grows as the light source's intensity (brightness) rises.

3. The velocity of the expelled electrons increases as the frequency is raised above the threshold.

This leads us to the conclusion that energy and frequency are proportionate, with Planck's constant serving as the proportionality constant.

To learn more about maximum speed of electrons from given link



A motorbike is travelling at 3m/s, and accerlates over 3.5s to reach a speed of 10m/s What was the acceleration of the bike


2 m/s^2


We are given
Initial Velocity = 3 m/s
Final Velocity = 10 m/s
Time = 3.5 s

Equation for acceleration:
a = Vf - Vo / t

Let’s solve for a.

a = 10 - 3 / 3.5
a = 7 / 3.5
a = 2

How long will it take for 50% of a sample of 131 I to decay?


A radioisotope with an 8-day half-life is iodine-131. By emitting beta particles, it decomposes into xenon-131. Any sample of iodine-131 will have half of its atoms destroyed after eight days.

How long does it take an isotope to degrade by 50%?

The half-life is the length of time it takes for an isotope to decay from a given amount by half. For instance, carbon-14 has a 5,730-year half-life. Assume you begin with 100 grams of carbon-14. Half of it decays in 5,730 years.

How much of an iodine 131 sample is still there after 30 days?

The half-life of this isotope is 8.04 days. What portion of a 13153I original sample is still present after 30.0 days? We desire the proportion of7.53% of the initial sample is still present after 30 days, or, to put it another way, we want the ratio N(30 days)/No.

To know more about radioisotope visit:-



a gas has a density of 2.09 g/l at 100 oc and 1 atm. what is the molar mass of the gas?


The molar mass of the gas with specified density and pressure at certain temperature is calculated to be 64.02 mol⁻¹.


ρ = 2.09 g/l

T = 100° C

P = 1 atm

Molar mass (Mm) can be written as the ratio of given mass of the gas (m) and number of moles (n) it contains.

Mm = m / n ---(1)

Density can be written as the ratio of mass and volume.

ρ = m / V ---(2)

Placing (1) and (2) in ideal gas law equation, we have

P V = n R T

"P V = m / Mm × R T"

Making Mm as subject, we have,

Mm = m / V × R T/P

Convert the temperature of the gas from degrees Celsius to Kelvin then substituting the values,

Mm = m / V × R T/P

Mm = 2.09 g/l × 0.0821 atm L/mol K× (100 + 273.15)K × 1/ 1 atm = 64.02 mol⁻¹

To know more about molar mass:



When a current of 3 amperes is run through the coiled heating element of a stove, the resistance of the element is 80 ohms. what is the voltage of the stove?


The voltage of the stove with a current of 3 amperes, which run through the coiled heating element of a stove and the resistance of the element is 80 ohms, is 360 volts.

How to calculate the voltage of the stove?

Voltage, also known as electric pressure, is the difference in electric potential between two points. In a static electric field, it corresponds to the work needed per unit of charge to move a test charge between the two points.

From the question given

resistance (R) = 80 ohms

Current (I) = 3 amperes

from Ohm's law we will use this equation

V = I * R

= 3 * 80

= 240volts.

Therefore, the voltage of the stove is 240 volts.

Learn more about voltage https://brainly.com/question/13521443


A student is studying the Periodic Table. The student has been asked to place all of the nonmetals on the same side of
the chart. The student notices that the arrangement of the Periodic Table already has the nonmetals grouped together,
except one. In order to put all of the nonmetals on the same side, the student should relocate one element on the Periodic
Table. Which element should be relocated and in which direction?
4x A Helium should be moved to the left on the Periodic Table,
4x B
Hydrogen should be moved to the right on the Periodic Table,
C Hydrogen should be moved down its family on the Periodic Table,
Helium should be moved down its family on the Periodic Table.



A is the right answer


mark me as a

Answer: B) Hydrogen should be moved to the right on the Periodic Table.

How genetic factors affect health?


The likelihood of having a kid with a birth defect, a developmental disability, or a condition like cancer or heart disease has been linked to several genetic abnormalities. We can better grasp how medical disorders develop thanks to genetics.

How do hereditary characteristics impact people's health and the general public's?

The interplay between inherited gene variations and environmental factors, such as chemicals, physical factors, infectious agents, behavioral or nutritional factors, result in risks for nearly all human diseases.

How can genetics impact how you live your life?

Additionally, genes can raise a family's risk of contracting specific diseases. Families share environments, diets, and routines. These have an impact on our long-term health. Your family learns a lot about you, including what can make you ill.

To know more about genetic factors visit:-



if megans 454.5 kg car drives off a 100.0 m tall cliff with a horizontal velocity of 8.25m/s, where will the car land


If megans 454.5 kg car drives off a 100.0 m tall cliff with a horizontal velocity of 8.25m/s the car will land 37.1 m from the edge of the cliff.

To determine where Megan's car will land after driving off a 100.0 m tall cliff, you will need to consider the horizontal velocity of the car, the time it takes for the car to fall, and the acceleration due to gravity.

The horizontal velocity of the car will not affect the landing point, as it is a horizontal velocity and will not affect the vertical displacement of the car.

To determine the time it takes for the car to fall, you can use the equation:

t = sqrt(2*h/g)

where t is the time it takes for the car to fall, h is the height of the cliff (100.0 m in this case), and g is the acceleration due to gravity (9.8 m/s^2).

Plugging in the values, you get:

t = sqrt(2*100.0 m/9.8 m/s^2)

t = sqrt(20.4)

t = 4.5 s

To determine the distance the car will travel horizontally in this time, you can use the equation:

d = v * t

where d is the distance traveled, v is the horizontal velocity (8.25 m/s in this case), and t is the time it takes for the car to fall (4.5 s in this case).

Plugging in the values, you get:

d = 8.25 m/s * 4.5 s

d = 37.1 m

To know more about velocity



What is the force when one object is sliding across another?


When two items are slipping by one another, it is abrasive. Sliding friction is the force that prevents motion as a simple result of the two surfaces rubbing against one another.

What is the force of sliding friction?

The force for friction force is inversely related to the weight while travelling in a plane parallel to the surface. In particular, the force would be equal to the weight of the object if the body was sliding across a horizontal surface. The sliding force first few of a normal force divided by the amount of sliding friction.

Does the amount of in contact surface have an impact on the sliding friction?

It depends on the pull of gravity and substance, both of which are important. Changes in the sliding friction are unaffected by

To know more about friction visit:



Does it require more force to start an object sliding or to keep it sliding?


interesting to note that more effort is needed to start an object moving than to keep it moving since the static coefficients of sliding friction is higher than the kinetic coefficient.

Why does starting to move an object require more force?

You've probably noticed that moving heavier objects requires more force or a push. The inertia of heavier items is greater. Greater inertia makes it more difficult for an object to start moving, stay in the same place, or change directions.

How come sliding is quicker than rolling?

The sliding object travels to a bottom of track quicker because it has a higher linear velocity than the rolling object because it has no rotational velocity

To know more about static coefficients visit :



Which is the general differential equation of wave motion is Mcq?


The general differential equation of wave motion is ∂t∂y=v2∂x∂y.

What is the fundamental wave equation?

All of the quantities in the wave equation, which is provided by y = 0.002 sin 2(5t - x/12), are given in SI units. After 0.2 seconds, determine the particle's displacement at a distance of 5 m from the origin.

Applying F=ma to a string of infinitesimal length dx yields the wave equation (see the diagram below). We imagine the basic harmonic motion of our tiny length of string bobbing up and down.

Since the fundamental wave equation is a linear differential equation, the superposition principle will be respected. This means that the displacements that would have been created by each wave individually are added to create the net displacement that is caused by two or more waves.

To learn more about wave motion from given link



What is the relationship between solar energy and wind energy?


Solar energy known as wind is created as air moves in relation to the Earth's surface. This type of energy is produced by the uneven heating of the Earth's surface by the Sun and is influenced by the rotation of the planet and the topography of its surface.

What are the similarities between wind and solar energy?

In the field of renewable energy, wind and solar energy are major actors. They are free energy sources, limitless, and most of all, they reduce carbon emissions from fossil fuels.

What is the connection between electricity and wind?

By turning the kinetic energy of moving air into electrical, wind is used to generate power. Wind drives the rotor blades of contemporary wind turbines, which transform kinetic energy into rotational energy.

To know more about wind and solar energy visit:-



A student is tasked with using a force table to balance a small ring in the center of a pin, as shown in Figure 1. For each of the four strings shown, one end is attached to the small ring, and the other end is attached to a hanger that can hold masses. Each string is wrapped around a pulley so that the hanger and masses are at rest. The location of each pulley may be changed. Figure 2 shows a top-down view of the free-body diagram of the forces exerted on the pin at a particular moment in time. From a top-down perspective, in what direction will the pin accelerate?

A-Up and to the right
B-Up and to the left
C-Down and to the right
D-Down and to the left


The pin will accelerate up and to the left.

The net force is in upward direction and to the left direction. So, pin will have acceleration up and left.

In vertical direction,

upward force = 3 N,

Downward force = 1 N

So, net upward force is = 3-1 N = 2 N

In horizontal direction,

force to the right is = 5 N

Force to the left is = 8 N

So, net force to the left is = 8-5 N = 3 N.

Net force is an unbalanced force in the direction of the greater force if the two forces are acting on an object in the opposite direction.

To know more about net force here



Is carbon dioxide required for the maintenance of life?


All life on earth originates from carbon dioxide, which is why carbon dioxide is necessary for the sustenance of life.

Does life require carbon dioxide to survive?

Carbon dioxide is required for the internal respiration of a human body. Internal respiration is the mechanism through which oxygen and carbon dioxide are given to and eliminated from human tissues. Carbon dioxide, which is vital for survival, shields the blood's pH.

Can people survive without oxygen?

Without CO2, plants would die out and the biological food cycle on earth would be irreparably damaged. We cannot survive without CO2. However, because it traps heat, increased CO2 levels are now contributing to climate change.

To know more about carbon dioxide visit:-



FILL IN THE BLANK. the heat that is felt from a hot object is called ________ radiation.


The heat that is felt from a hot object is called infrared radiation.

infrared radiation is the section of the electromagnetic spectrum that extends from the long wavelength end means from red to the microwave range. it can be detected as a sensation of warmth on the skin.

Infrared is electromagnetic radiation which has wavelengths longer than wavelength of visible light. For this reason it is invisible to the human eye.

The fire and sun are two examples of  infrared radiation.

Infrared radiation is a spectrum of frequencies that is generated when atoms acquire and release energy. Electromagnetic radiation includes all these radiations:  gamma, X-rays, visible, ultraviolet, infrared, radio waves, and microwave.

To know more about infrared radiation here



Is equal to the product of wavelength and its frequency v ΛF?


Yes, the relationship between wavelength (Λ) and frequency (F) is given by the equation v = ΛF, where v is the wave speed (in m/s).
What is wavelentgh?
Wavelength is the distance between two successive peaks or troughs of a wave, such as light, sound, or other forms of energy. It is measured in meters or nanometers and is related to the frequency of the wave, as the frequency is inversely proportional to the wavelength. Wavelength can also be used to describe the physical size of an object, such as a particle or cell.
This equation states that the product of wavelength and its frequency is equal to the wave speed. The equation is also known as the wave equation and is applicable to all types of waves, including electromagnetic, sound, and seismic waves.
The equation is derived from the fact that the wave's speed is the product of its wavelength and its frequency. Wavelength is the distance between two successive wave peaks and frequency is the number of wave peaks that pass a certain point per second. Therefore, if the wavelength is shorter and the frequency is higher, the wave's speed is higher.
To know more about the wavelength click-

What is the relation between the amplitude of a wave and its speed Mcq?


The relation between the amplitude of a wave and its speed is an important multiple choice question (MCQ) in physics and other related sciences.

What is amplitude?

Amplitude is a measure of the magnitude of a wave or signal. It is the maximum absolute value of the wave or signal over a given period of time and is usually measured in decibels (dB). Amplitude also refers to the maximum displacement of a point on a wave from its rest position. In sound, amplitude is often referred to as “volume” or “loudness”.
The amplitude of a wave is the maximum displacement of a particle from its equilibrium position and is measured in meters (m). The speed of a wave is the distance it travels in a given amount of time and is measured in meters per second (m/s).
As the amplitude of a wave increases, its speed remains constant. This is due to the fact that the speed of a wave is determined by the medium in which it is traveling, not its amplitude. For example, the speed of sound in air is the same regardless of how loud it is. The speed of light in a vacuum is also constant regardless of the intensity of the light. This means that the amplitude of a wave does not affect its speed.
However, the amplitude of a wave does affect its energy. The higher the amplitude of a wave, the more energy it carries. This is because the amplitude of a wave is directly related to the amount of energy it contains. This is why it is important to remember that the amplitude of a wave does not affect its speed, but it does affect its energy.
To know more about amplitude click-

a round flat metal coil has 180 turns and negligible resistance. it is connected in a series circuit with a resistor, with nothing else in the circuit. you measure that a current flows through the resistor when a magnetic field through the coil, perpendicular to its area, is changing at what is the radius of the coil?


0.25 m is the radius of the coil. when a round flat metal coil has 180 turns and negligible resistance.

What does the term "resistance" mean?

the action of defending oneself from an aggressor or refusing to accept something.

We must take the Faraday law into account in order to explain this issue.

When the magnetic field changes due to the induced emf, as indicated by the equation d/dt, the voltage equals I*R=17*6=102 V.

After a coil, the magnetic flux is as follows:

If N is equal to N*A*B, then d is equal to N*A*dB/dt, where A and N are the coil's area and number of turns.

A=*R2, where R is the coil's radius.

Finally, there is;

dФ/dt= N*π*R^2*dB/dt then

R= [dФ/dt/(N*π*dB/dt)]^1/2= [102/(180*π*3)]1/2=245.2*10^-3=≅0.25m

To know more about resistance visit:-



What is a sliding force called?


The absence of actual relative sliding action between two surfaces is referred to as kinetic friction, also known as sliding resistance. Let's start by looking into friction force utilizing a straightforward concept.

What is the kinetic friction force?

Since it increases to a certain point before beginning to decline when greater power is applied to a object, this is obviously best considered as the biggest benefit: Calculating the kinematic friction force on a flat surface is easy; however, a sloped surface poses some extra difficulties.

What is friction, why is it important?

Friction is simply the force that prevents something from slipping. Every object experiences kinetic friction, which prevents many objects from moving at once. the force

To know more about kinetic friction visit:



a person standing a certain distance from twelve identical loudspeakers is hearing a sound level intensity of 120db. what sound level intensity would this person hear if six are turned off?


The sound level intensity would this person hear is  116.98 dB

How is loudness of a sound measured?

The formula D = 10 log (I/I₀),  determines the decibel level of a sound. , I is its intensity in watts per square metre and I₀  is the intensity of threshold sound,

In the first case, sound is produced by 12 identical speakers

∴Intensity, I₁ = 12 I

where I is the intensity of one speaker

Decibel level in this case, D =  120dB

⇒  120 = 10× log (12I/i₀)                                 ----- eqn(1)

In second case number of speakers is reduced to 6

∴Intensity, I₂ = 6 I

Decibel level in this case, D = 10× log (6I/i₀)    ----eqn(2)

eqn(1)- eqn(2)⇒

120 - D =  10× log (12I/i₀)  - 10× log (6I/i₀)

120 - D =  10× log (12I/i₀ ÷  6I/i₀)

120 - D =  10× log(12 I/6 I)

120 - D =  10× log(2)

120 - D =  3.010

D = 116.98 dB

Therefore the sound level intensity would this person hear is  116.98 dB

To learn more about sound intensity below is the given link:



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The table below describes the federal government. Government Branch Member Executive Branch President Legislative Branch Congress Judicial Branch ? Which of the following belongs in the box with the question mark?A. SenateB. CabinetC. Supreme CourtD. House of Representatives the graph of a piecewise defined function is given. evaluate f(-2), f(0), f(1) In comparison to 2/3 where would 4/6be locatedon a number line?Acloser to 0Bthe same pointC closer to 1D at zero -47 + -28 =Please help French pronoms fast please Rob loves to snowboard in the winter, so he is looking at the cost of ski lift tickets for different mountains. Peak Point is selling 5-day packs for $275.60. Grand Mountain is selling 3-day packs for $174.75. Which mountain offers the better deal?i will give brainliest to the most reasonable answer PLEASE HELP!!! What are the pros and cons of a constitutional republic? Why does a larger quantity of water take longer to freeze ? please help whats the skeleton equation for this equation copper sulfate + sodium hydroxide --> copper hydroxide Can someone please help me ASAP!! im not sure if its too small or not PLEASE HELP WILL GIVE BRAINLIEST!A dart board contains 20 equal sized sectors numbered 1 to 20. A dart is randomly tossed at the board 10 times. what is the probability that the dart lands in sector 20 exactly 5 times? In "Excerpt from Printers Ink", how are the main ideas organized in the article? Use two details from the article to support your response. ( this is a MAAM question!!) need some help!!! Using four or more complete sentences, examine the achievements and leadership qualities of Abraham Lincoln Answer- Abraham Lincoln was president during the Civil War, one of the most difficult periods in American history. Despite the divisions between the North and South (the Union and the Confederacy) Abraham Lincolns goal remained the same throughout: the preservation of the Union. It was this dedication, along with his commitment to the emancipation of all slaves, that eventually resulted in a unified nation free of slavery. His strong leadership eventually led to the 13th Amendment, banning slavery in the United States. President Lincolns power and conviction are evident in his two most famous speeches, the Emancipation Proclamation and the Gettysburg Address. Help Ill give Brainly est What do you think made the Philippines a particularly attractive target for Japanese expansions? Please help me it's urgent!!!!! Somone please tell me the answer to 10? Nicole and lan generate two patterns. Nicole uses the rule multiply by 3 then add 2 starting with 1. lan uses the rule add 1/2 then multiply by 2 starting from 0. Complete the table to show the numbers in each pattern. Then create the ordered pairs. Please help. I need the help.