Which specific innovation in poetry by Emily Dickinson is most apparent in poetry written today
her emphasis on human sexuality
her random capitalization of nouns within lines
her use of ballad meter
her pairing of words that seem unrelated


Answer 1



It is difficult to determine which specific innovation in poetry by Emily Dickinson is most apparent in poetry written today, as different poets may be influenced by different aspects of her work. However, her pairing of words that seem unrelated, also known as enjambment, is a technique that is commonly used in poetry today. Enjambment involves carrying a thought or idea over from one line to the next without a pause, often creating a sense of momentum or flow in the poem. This technique is often used to create an emotional or musical effect in the poem.

Related Questions

Which sentence correctly uses a hyphen? leonardo davinci was a world-famous polymath, who is a person with many different talents. in addition to being an accomplished painter, he was also an i- nventor, architect, and mathematician. davinci was quite-obsessed with flying and even though his man powered flying machine never went airborne, his hang glider did. leonardo left behind over 6,000 journal-pages of ideas and inventions, but you have to hold them up to a mirror to read them.


The sent-ence that correctly uses a hyphen is Leonardo Da Vinci was a world-famous polymath, who is a person with many different talents.

What is a hyphen?

A hyphen (-) is a punc-tuation mark that’s used to join wo-rds or parts of words. It’s not inter-changeable with other types of dashes.

Use a hyphen in a com-pound modifier when the modi-fier comes before the word it’s modi-fying.

If you’re not sure whe-ther a compound word has a hyphen or not, check your prefer-red dictionary. The hyphen ‐ is a punc-tuation mark used to join words and to separate syll-ables of a single word.

To know more about hyphen click below:




Leonardo Da Vinci was a world-famous polymath, who is a person with many different talents.


Write an introductory paragraph on the importance of Daniel Hale Williams. OR Marie Curie
Be sure to include a:
Hook – engage reader with a question, quote or interesting fact.
Background information (maybe a quote or two with page numbers)
A thesis statement that includes a claim and three reasons you would cover in your body paragraphs. (For example: Marie Curie is important because reason 1, reason 2 and reason 3)


Answer:make sure to add a hook and a thesis


The CPU will proce data a intructed by the program you’re running _________ include function like calculating, orting, editing


The CPU will proce data a intructed by the program you’re running data include function like calculating, orting, editing

The arithmetic-logic unit, or ALU, is a combinational logic circuit located within the CPU's processor that carries out the actual mathematical operation for each instruction. In order to execute an instruction, a CPU typically reads it from memory, uses its ALU to process it, and then stores the outcome in memory. The instructions for assembly are put together (turned into their binary equivalent 0s and 1s, or from now on, logic signals). These logic signals are then decoded by the CPU into even more basic signals that instruct the CPU to carry out the specified instruction.

To learn more about memory please click on below link



Help would be very appreciated please. 10 points


Answer: False, False, True

That is for the last three questions, I hope this helps!


Julius Caesar Argumentative essay.



The Julius Caesar essay below


Julius Caesar was a Roman general and statesman who played a critical role in the events that led to the downfall of the Roman Republic and the rise of the Roman Empire. Despite his accomplishments, however, Caesar has been the subject of much debate and controversy throughout history. Some argue that he was a ruthless dictator who used his power to further his own interests at the expense of the Roman people. Others maintain that he was a visionary leader who brought stability and prosperity to the Roman world.

One of the primary arguments against Caesar is that he was a power-hungry dictator who was willing to do anything to maintain his grip on power. Critics point to his rise to power through a series of political and military victories as evidence of his ambition and his willingness to use force to achieve his goals. They also argue that his assassination of rival politicians and his use of propaganda to shape public opinion demonstrate his authoritarian tendencies.

On the other hand, supporters of Caesar argue that he was a skilled statesman and military leader who brought order and stability to a tumultuous period in Roman history. They point to his successful campaigns against foreign enemies and his implementation of economic and social reforms as evidence of his leadership abilities. They also argue that his assassination was the result of a political conspiracy, rather than a reflection of his true character.

Ultimately, the debate over Caesar's legacy is complex and multifaceted. While it is undeniable that he was a controversial figure, it is also clear that he played a crucial role in the history of Rome. Whether one views him as a hero or a villain, it is clear that his actions had a profound impact on the course of Roman history.

“One afternoon, on our way back home from school, my friend and I heard a strange noise.
We did not want to investigate but…”
Narrate a story based on the given scenario. In your story, describe what
- prompted you to investigate the noise.
- did you discover.
- did you do.



Explanation:One afternoon, on our way back home from school, my friend and I heard a strange noise. At first, we were hesitant to investigate, as we didn't know what the noise was or where it was coming from. But as we walked closer to the source of the noise, we began to feel more and more curious.

We decided to take a closer look, and as we rounded the corner, we discovered a small puppy that had gotten stuck in a fence. The poor thing was barking and whining, and it looked like it was struggling to free itself.

Without hesitation, we rushed over to help the puppy. My friend carefully freed it from the fence, and I picked it up and held it in my arms. We quickly realized that the puppy was hungry and scared, and we knew that we had to do something to help it.

We decided to take the puppy home with us and take care of it until we could find its owner or a new home for it. We called the puppy Lucky, and over the next few days, we fed it, played with it, and took it for walks. We even bought it a new collar and a warm blanket.

Eventually, we were able to find a good home for Lucky, and we were happy to know that it would be well taken care of. We were glad that we had decided to investigate the strange noise and help the poor puppy, even though it meant going out of our way to do so. It was a small act of kindness, but it made a big difference in Lucky's life.

Select two
lines from the selection that are examples of concessions.
may well ask: "Why direct action? Why sit-ins, marches
O and sO forth? Isn't negotiation : better path?" You are quite
right in calling for negotiation. (paragraph 10)
The purpose of our direct-action program is
to create a
0 situation so crisis-packed that it will inevitably open the door to
negotiation. (paragraph 11)
You a express a great deal of anxiety over our willingness to
O break laws. This is certainly a legitimate concern. (paragraph
How does one determine whether a law is just or unjust? A
O just law is a man-made code that squares with the moral law
or the law of God. (paragraph 16)
Who can say that the legislature of Alabama which set up that
0 state's segregation laws was democratically elected?
(paragraph 18)


Two lines from the selection that are examples of concessions are the following:

You may well ask: "Why direct action? Why sit-ins, marches and so forth? Isn't negotiation : better path?" You are quite right in calling for negotiation. (paragraph 10)You a express a great deal of anxiety over our willingness to break laws. This is certainly a legitimate concern. (paragraph 15)

What is a concession?

A concession is an acceptance or acknowledgment of something. Based on the given options, we can select two sentences that qualify as concessions.

The first selected sentence from paragraph 10 is an agreement that the other party was right in calling for negotiation. This means that the speaker agrees that the other party was right.

In the second option above, culled from paragraph 15, the writer agrees to the fact that the concerns of the other party were legitimate. So, in two of these sentences, there was a concession or acknowledgment.

Learn more about concessions here:



What do you think about this task ? Is it good ? What do I need to add or correct in this ? I NEED THE REAL COMMENDS . thank you.
" Today Im going to talking about Nha Trang - a place that i want to visit. To be honest, i visited Nha Trang last summer and it brings for me a memorable vacation so that if i have a chance, i want to visit it again.
Nha Trang is located in Khanh Hoa province, it is a holiday destination which is famous for many beautiful sea and its culture. When i went there, i were impressed by its breathtaking view and i felt like i fall in love with this place in the first sight i saw it, I perfectly got away from the stress. In the first day in here, i experienced to swim in a beautiful sea, sunbathing in the white sand. In the next day, my parents took me to enjoy the cuisine in there, it's very delicious. In the end of the holidays, my family went to a resort which has a special name, to be honest, i didnt remember its name but this resort is the places of interest, i must say that. In there, i played many games, ate the delicious foods and specially, the experience of mud bathing. After that funny day, i must go home but i think Nha Trang is an accommodation I want to visit again and I would certainly recommend a holiday to here"



Explanation: hi it’s pretty good but don’t forget to capitalize I all of your I’s are lowercase. Also when you wrote” I where impressed change that to I was impressed. There are minor hiccups in your right so don’t forget to go over it and fix’s your mistakes. Other than that I would definitely go their and you made the place sound interesting.

When breaking news is happening, anchors and correspondents should broadcast the story with _______, or right away


when breaking news is happening, anchors and correspondents should broadcast the story with Accuracy or right away

true or false: when using both the colon (:) and the semi-colon (;), they should go at the end of a complete sentence (though semi-colons can also be used like a comma in some circumstances).


When there is no coordinating conjunction and there is a close relationship between the meanings of two independent clauses, use a semicolon.

A comma and a coordinating conjunction are frequently used to separate two independent clauses with similar meanings (and, but, or, not, for, so, yet). Although they can both be used in the same phrase, semicolons and colons have separate functions. Examples: I've lived in a lot of big cities, including Miami, Texas, Dallas, and Baltimore, Maryland. Before a conjunction like "and" or "but," semicolons can be used to connect two simple phrases that either already contain commas, or both do. This technique elevates the semi-colon over commas. You can join sentences using a colon.

To learn more about coordinating please click on below link



Which entence need a comma?
Chad brought a tent a leeping bag and a fihing rod. Chad did not plan on leeping o late. Chad wihed that he had remembered to bring a flahlight. Chad woke up in the wrong tent


The sentence: Chad brought a tent, a sleeping bag, and a fishing rod needs a comma.

Why is a comma needed in a sentence?

A comma is a punctuation mark that shows that the sentence is pausing. The three most often used comma rules are introducers, interrupters, and add-ons. Commas make it easier for your reader to understand which words go together in a phrase and which clauses are the most crucial. When commas are used improperly, it can be confusing for the reader, show that the writer is illiterate or negligent, or all three.

The sentence: Chad brought a tent, a sleeping bag, and a fishing rod needs a comma.

To find out more about a comma, check out:



Passage 1: Making Election Day a national holiday will increase voter turnout by enabling
more people to vote. In the 2016 presidential election, 55.7% of the American voting-age
population cast a ballot. Among registered voters in the 2016 US presidential election, being
"too busy" or having a conflicting schedule was the third-highest reason cited for not voting,
accounting for 14% of registered voters who did not cast a vote (about 2.7 million people). A
holiday would allow more citizens volunteer at polling places or drive the elderly to vote,
and make a difference in states where long lines at the polls keep voters waiting for hours.
Passage 2: Making Election Day a national holiday would not make a difference. The people
who aren't showing up are just too lazy or uninterested in government to make an effort.
Most people who don't vote feel that their vote doesn't count, so why bother? Until we end
the corruption in our elected officials, people just aren't going to be motivated to vote. In
addition, even if we made Election Day a national holiday, there are still plenty of people
who would still have to work (hospital workers, retail and restaurant workers, etc).
Which passage provides more sound arguments? Why or why not. Explain in a RARE



Passage 1 establishes a more sound argument due to the fact that it provided reasoning and evidence for the argument, unlike passage 2.


passage one provides more sound arguments because of it's less-opinionated answer. it states true facts, numbers, percentages, and how it impacts the amount of votes. passage two, however, in very opinionated and claims that people are "just too lazy or uninterested in government to make an effort." this is doubtful, which makes passage one the correct choice.

(i think)

(let me know if incorrect)

The waiting room had magazines, snacks, and a tv



The waiting room has magazines,snacks and a tv.

Write a paragraph about everyday technology (use mostly Present Simple and Present Continues)

Write a paragraph about the weather and natural disasters in Ukraine (use mostly Past Simple)

Write a paragraph about popular food and drinks, methods of cooking (use mostly Present Perfect)

Write a paragraph about films and television (use comparatives and superlatives to compare different things)​




(1) Everyday technology plays a significant role in our lives. People use smartphones to communicate with each other, access the internet, and perform various tasks. Laptops and desktop computers are commonly used for work, school, and personal purposes. Many homes have smart devices, such as smart speakers and smart thermostats, which can be controlled through voice commands or an app. Television sets and streaming services, such as Netflix and Hulu, are popular sources of entertainment. Online shopping and home delivery are also becoming more prevalent as people rely on the convenience of purchasing goods and services from their devices. Overall, technology is constantly evolving and being integrated into every aspect of our daily routines.

(2) The weather in Ukraine is known for being quite variable, with hot summers and cold winters. In the past, the country has often experienced extreme weather conditions, such as heatwaves, droughts, and heavy snowfall. These conditions can sometimes lead to natural disasters, such as forest fires and floods. In fact, Ukraine was hit by a major flood in 2008, when heavy rainfall caused the Dnieper River to overflow its banks. The flood affected several regions of the country, causing widespread damage to homes, businesses, and infrastructure. Despite these challenges, the Ukrainian people are resilient and have learned to adapt to the changing weather and natural disasters that have affected their country in the past.

(3) Popular foods and drinks vary widely depending on location and cultural influences. However, some dishes and beverages have gained global popularity and are enjoyed by people around the world. For example, pizza, hamburgers, and fried chicken are popular fast foods that have been enjoyed for decades. Sushi, tacos, and pasta are also widely consumed. In terms of drinks, coffee and tea are among the most popular beverages consumed worldwide. They have been enjoyed for centuries and continue to be popular choices for many people. When it comes to cooking, there are many methods that people use to prepare food. Grilling, baking, frying, and boiling are all common ways to cook a variety of dishes. In recent years, the use of slow cookers and instant pots has increased, allowing people to prepare meals quickly and easily. Overall, people have been experimenting with different cooking methods and ingredients for centuries and will continue to do so in the future.

(4) Films and television are two popular forms of entertainment that have been enjoyed by people around the world for many years. Both mediums have their own unique features and characteristics, and they can be compared in various ways. For example, films are often considered to be more visually impressive than television, with larger budgets and more complex special effects. However, television has the advantage of being able to tell longer, more complex stories over a series of episodes, which allows for deeper character development and plot twists. In terms of sheer popularity, television is probably the more widely watched of the two, with more people having access to a television than a movie theater. However, some films are able to achieve a level of cultural significance that surpasses even the most popular television shows, becoming true landmarks in the history of entertainment. Ultimately, both films and television have a lot to offer, and it really depends on the individual viewer's preferences as to which is the better form of entertainment.

What do you think about President Andrew Jackson? Do you think he is a hero , villain , both or neither ? Why ?


Answer: Because of how he treated Native Americans, the decisions he made as president, and the fact that he owned slaves, I think Andrew Jackson was a villain rather than a hero. The attitude of Andrew Jackson toward the Native Americans was undoubtedly not one of kindness.

Explanation: No living being is either good or completely bad. Occasionally, it may appear that way, but in reality, people often hear what they want to hear. This notion is very accurate when it comes to Andrew Jackson, who people may either view as a brave American military hero who overcame adversity and stayed by his convictions or the exact reverse.

Suppose that you've been "commissioned" to create an annotated map representing the earliest American literature. illustrates the range of themes and styles that emerged at the very beginning of
America's literary history. British colonies


While American writers mostly focus on American history and social issues, English writers frequently highlight their culture and manners.

What is the difference between English literature and American literature?

English is regarded as a classic language. English is more contemporary in American literary works. English became the literary language of the United States. But there are some grammatical distinctions.

The following linguistic characteristics of English literature and American literature are different:

US authors frequently shorten terms in English by omitting letters, such as when they write "color" rather than "colour" or "neighbor" rather than "neighbour."

Americans again simplify when it comes to irregular verbs. Ignore the rules; the -ed ending creates the past simple tense. British English also adds the -t suffix.

American spellings of words like "capitalize" and "summarize" use the end -iz rather than the end -is.

In American literature, the singular conjugation is utilised, whereas British authors frequently conjugate collective nouns with plural verbs. This should be considered when writing for various audiences.

Not only do these language decisions reflect American literature, but also their way of life. In American style, it's usual to shorten or abbreviate terms. The language is also frequently made simpler by writers, particularly modern ones.

English authors, on the other hand, tend to write in a classical, occasionally traditional manner, but this doesn't make English literature any less fascinating.

To learn more about English literature and American literature visit:



what is the difference between implicit and explicit details in a text pls help


As an adjective implicit is implied indirectly, without being directly expressed. A noun subtext is the implicit meaning of a text, often a literary one, or a speech or dialogue. implicit English Adjective ( - ) Implied indirectly, without being directly expressed

identify two settings on the boat in this story. how does the shift between these settings influence the plot and build suspense?


The narrative centres on the four men's experiences aboard the stricken vessel Commodore.

Even while every story can demonstrate how important the setting is to a piece of literature, Open Boat's setting on the open sea is particularly rich in detail, including the sound of the wind or water, the colour of the water, the marine life, the wrath of the waves, etc. The Sea Dog's inverted hull serves as one location, and the upturned cabin serves as the other. By varying the challenges each character faces, the switching between different environments creates suspense. What is the environment.

To learn more about rouge wave please click on below link








Read this excerpt from a passage.
"Unfortunately, one response to these regulations has been pirate fishing: fishing done without regard to national or
international laws. Motivated by both need and greed, individual and commercial fishers alike have violated fishing regulations
and laws the world over. As the World Wildlife Foundation reports on its website, 'Pirate fishing accounts for an estimated 20%
of the world's catch and as much as 50% in some fisheries. The costs of illegal fishing are significant, with the value of pirate
fish products estimated at between $10-$23.5 billion annually. Not only is this a noteworthy illegal profit, these pirate fishers
are difficult to stop."
Which sentence from the passage is a major supporting detail?


Answer: The costs of illegal fishing are significant, with the value of pirate

fish products estimated at between $10-$23.5 billion annually.

Explanation: I am not 100% sure since I don't know what the topic is about but assuming its just about pirate fishing we can assume that one major detail may be the cost/impact it has in the economy and ecosystem

Which would be the closest synonym for the word urging ?


Encouraging would be the closest synonym for the word urging. Hence,  option D is correct.

What is urging?

actively urging or advising someone to do something: When the girls were young, their father encouraged them to start playing tennis.

that comes highly recommended. The word urge is related to the words urgent and pressing. A strong need that borders on compulsiveness is referred to as an urge, such as the need to yell when you're upset. Something is recommended strongly if you firmly believe in it.

Thus, option D is correct.

For more information about urging, click here:



The trict regimentation at fat food retaurant create tandardized product. It increae the throughput. And it give fat food companie an enormou amount of power over their employee. "When management determine exactly how every tak i to be done. . . And can impoe it own rule about pace, output, quality, and technique," the ociologit Robin Leidner ha noted, "[it] make worker increaingly interchangeable. " The management no longer depend upon the talent or kill of it worker—thoe thing are built into the operating ytem and machine


Because of expert opinion, readers are more likely to assume that all information offered in a book is trustworthy.

Schlosser uses the form of evidence known as testimonial evidence in this passage.

Testimonial evidence: What is it?

A type of evidence called testimonial evidence uses the statements of witnesses as facts in a particular case. Sociologist Robin Leidner, who plays the part of the witness in the sample, offers the text proof to support the speaker's argument. This method offers the reader a trustworthy source of information.

To learn more about testimonial please click on below link



Select the sentence with the correct punctuation (commas, semicolons, colons, and quotation marks.)

The pigs reduce the principles of Animalism to Seven Commandments which they write on the wall of the barn.



The pigs reduce the principles of Animalism to Seven Commandments, which they write on the wall of the barn.

We ............. when we decided to stop and rest.



"stopped" is the appropriate verb to use in this sentence. The subject of the sentence is "we," and the verb should reflect what the subject is doing. In this case, the subject "we" is stopping and resting, so the correct verb to use is "stopped." Here is an example of how the sentence could be completed: "We stopped when we decided to stop and rest."

in the 1800s, gingerbread house were inspired by the fairy tale hansel and gretel. t or f




write a
paragraph evaluating the end of the play. What happens? Is it a satisfying end
to the play? Did you like it? How would you change it? Why?



It is difficult to evaluate the end of the play without knowing the specific details of the play.

In general, a satisfying end to a play would involve a resolution of the conflicts and storylines that have been presented throughout the play, and provide a sense of closure for the audience.

Whether or not the end of the play is satisfying would depend on personal preference, and could vary from person to person.

If I were to change the end of the play, I would do so based on my own artistic vision and in an effort to create a more satisfying and coherent narrative.

the geopgraphic setting in the novel of mice and men is the farm country of california's salinas valley. research the climate of this area. write your findings below. 5 sentences


The Imperial Valley, Central Valley, Napa Valley, and Salinas Valley are California's most productive agricultural regions.

What distinguishes the Imperial, Central, Napa, and Salinas valleys?

Imperial Valley is a major producer of spinach, potatoes, cauliflower, sweet corn, broccoli, and other vegetables. While the Central Valley is most known for its cereal grains, hay, cotton, tomatoes, vegetables, citrus, tree fruits, nuts, and so on.

Napa Valley is well-known for its Cabernet Sauvignon production due to its extensive grape production; nevertheless, the Salinas Valley's main crops are tomatoes, spinach, and lettuce.

Cauliflower, celery, artichokes, broccoli, and grapes are among the other crops grown in the Salinas Valley area.

learn more about "Napa Valley" here https://brainly.com/question/26793692


Why do Texas musicians sometimes leave the state as their career advance?


There are a few reasons why musicians from Texas might choose to leave the state as their career advances. Some of the most common reasons include:

1. Opportunities: In many cases, musicians from Texas may feel that they have more opportunities to advance their careers if they move to larger cities like Los Angeles or New York. These cities have a higher concentration of record labels, talent agents, and other industry professionals who can help musicians take their careers to the next level.

2. Networking: In the music industry, networking is incredibly important. By moving to a larger city, musicians from Texas can connect with a wider range of industry professionals and make connections that can help them advance their careers.

3. Exposure: In some cases, musicians from Texas may feel that they are not getting the exposure they need to advance their careers in their home state. By moving to a larger city, they can perform in front of larger audiences and gain more exposure for their music.

Overall, there are many reasons why musicians from Texas might choose to leave the state as their career advances. These reasons can vary from person to person, but in general, musicians from Texas may feel that they have more opportunities to succeed in other parts of the country.

There could be many other reasons why musicians from Texas might choose to leave the state as their career advances. Some of the other possible reasons could include:

The cost of living in Texas: In some cases, musicians from Texas may find that the cost of living in their home state is too high. This can be especially true in cities like Austin or Houston, where the cost of housing and other necessities can be quite high. By moving to another state, musicians from Texas may be able to find more affordable places to live, which can help them save money and advance their careers.

The music scene in Texas: In some cases, musicians from Texas may feel that the music scene in their home state is not as vibrant or diverse as they would like. For example, Texas is known for its country and folk music, but if a musician is interested in a different genre, they may feel that they have more opportunities to perform and succeed in other parts of the country.

Personal reasons: Finally, there could be many personal reasons why musicians from Texas might choose to leave the state as their career advances. For example, they may want to be closer to family or friends who live in another state, or they may simply want to experience living in a different part of the country.

write an essay on merits and demerits of internet in 5 paragraph ​


Modern life and business has become easier and the world markets have shrunk thanks to the immense contribution of the internet technology to communication and information sharing.However this internet like any other technology is also like a Pandora’s Box and contains some unwanted elements or disadvantages. Following are the advantages and disadvantages of the internet.

Advantages of the Internet:

The internet has opened up new avenues for communication. Email facility has allowed people to communicate with minimum wastage of time. It is now possible to send a message to any part of the world through a simple email address and the message is delivered in a matter of seconds.

Information has been made available easily because of this wonderful technology. Search engines, websites dedicated to different subjects and large amount of articles and papers are available.This is particularly relevant for students who can use this wealth of information for their school projects and also to learn new things about the subjects they are interested in.

The internet has also revolutionized the entertainment industry. Shopping has also got a complete makeover thanks to the contribution of the internet. You have many websites selling a variety of products of products online.

Medical support and guidance is also available through the internet and there are many websites catering to this and a horde of other services.

Disadvantages of the Internet:

With a large amount of information freely available on the internet theft and misuse of this information is a likely possibility.

Since business dealings and financial transactions have become easier because of the internet another problem that has arisen is that people can now misuse your private information including financial details such as the credit card number.

One of the biggest problems that the internet has created is that of spamming. These emails may pertain to advertising or random bulk emails and these may contain viruses that may corrupt the system and even if they don’t cause any harm these can be plain annoying.

The internet is particularly attractive for a child since it has so much to offer in terms of entertainment. However 18+ videos are a serious threat in today’s world and this can cause a lot of problems in terms of emotional and mental well being of the child.

Even though the internet has in many ways brought the world closer together it has in many other ways caused a lot of damage to relationships and growth of individuals.

For more answers, Contact:

Based on Lucy's interactions with her classmates, which statement best expresses the major
theme explored in this selection?


Lucy's interactions with her classmates is Occasionally bad things happen, but sometimes good things happen too.

What impact does Lucy's actions in paragraph 23 have on how her problem is handled?

In paragraph 23, Lucy resolves her conflict by directing her focus away from herself and into the project. She begins to feel less embarrassed as she hears what the other children are saying and recognizes that the video of her fall is useful.

The author continues, "Art can be produced quickly sometimes, but other times it takes more time and work." In contrast to "a protracted project," which required a lot of time to create, prolonged might be interpreted as "lasting for an extended time."

To know more about Lucky's behavior in paragraph 23 visit:



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What is the approximate value of y for x = 4? what will it cost to carpet of a rectangular floor measuring 27 feet by 24 feet if the carpet costs $15.8 per square yard to properly examine the effect of a categorical independent variable in a multiple linear regression model we use an interaction term. group of answer choices true false john decides to cheat on a contract promise to get paid faster so that he can give that money to desperate disaster victims. from an ethical perspective, john decides that a child sees a great dane for the very first time and says it is a horse. the mother corrects the child and tells her it is a dog. the child has a. assimilated great dane into her dog schema. b. assimilated great dane into her horse schema. c. accommodated great dane into her dog schema. d. accommodated great dane into her horse schema. When a person weighs himself in pounds, which system of measurement is he using?customarymetricits science btw Which of the following statements is/are true for sexual reproduction in plants?(i) Plants are obtained from seeds.(ii) Two plants are always essential.(iii) Fertilisation can occur only after pollination.(iv) Only insects are agents of pollination. Choose from the options given below.Select one:a. (i) and (iii)b. (i)and(iv)c. (ii) and (iii)d. (i) only select all the statements that correctly describe why an ir spectrum can be used to determine functional group information. multiple select question. Draw a scatter plot of the residuals for each line of best fit for Pick Number vs Career Length and for Pick Number vs Salary Hint: We want to get the predictions for every player in the dataset Hint 2: This question is really involved, try to follow the skeleton code! n [36]: icted_career_lengths = ... icted_salaries = ... er_length_residuals = ... ry_residuals = ... with_residuals = nfl.with_columns("Career Length Residuals", career_length_residuals, "Salary Residuals", salary_residu with_residuals.show(5) w generate two scatter plots! with_residuals.scatter("Pick Number", "Career Length Residuals") with_residuals.scatter( "Pick Number", "Salary Residuals") Player Salary Year Drafted Pick Number Position Career Length Career Length Residuals Salary Residuals Baker Mayfield 570000 2018 1 1 QB 2 Ellipsis Ellipsis Cam Newton 16200000 2011 1 QB 9 Ellipsis Ellipsis Eli Manning 11500000 2004 1 QB 16 Ellipsis Ellipsis Eric Fisher 10350000 2013 1 OT 7 Ellipsis Ellipsis Jadeveon Clowney 15967200 2014 1 DE 6 Ellipsis Ellipsis Question 2.5 Assign career_length_residual_corr and salary_residual_corr to either 1, 2 or 3 corresponding to whether or not the correlation between Pick Number and Career Length Residuals is positive, zero, or negative, and to whether or not the correlation between Pick Number and Salary Residuals is positive, zero, or negative respectively. 1. Positive 2. Zero 3. Negative career_length_residual_corr salary_residual_corr = suppose that the government imposes a new $1 per-unit tax on the production of soft drinks. the result would be a(n) in the equilibrium price of soft drinks and a(n) in the equilibrium quantity of soft drinks. group of answer choices increase; increase decrease; increase decrease; decrease increase; decrease which sequence best arranges genetic and environmental influences on personality and behavior in order of importance, from least important to most important? human action, natural disasters, technological innovations, and demographic factors are all sources of social change. what does this suggest about social change as a whole? g a block is pulled at a constant speed along a rough level surface by a rope the magnitude of the normal force could be reduced by