Which sentence should be added to the introductory paragraph to best provide background information about the topic?

Please help asap will give brainliest!!!

How can Alton Middle School's drama students be expected to
strengthen their performance skills if the school board won't provide a
stage where they can perform? Currently, the theater classes are
filled to capacity and there is a waiting list of students wanting to take
the class. Having even a dozen students on the stage, let alone a full
class, at the same time presents a dangerous situation. The Alton City
School Board should renovate the Alton Middle School auditorium,
giving theater students a safe place to perform and the community a
great place to enjoy these performances.
A. Theater, along with Beginning Ping-Pong and Introduction to Pet
Care, is one of the most popular classes offered at Alton Middle
B. In the past four years, the school auditorium has begun to fall
apart, yet our drama class enrollments have steadily increased.
c. In the past year, Alton Middle School renovated their combination
football and lacrosse stadium, adding a state-of-the-art score
D. The Alton School board isn't taking the auditorium's current state
of disrepair seriously, and they should come see the damage for


Answer 1
In the past year, Alton Middle School auditorium has begun to fall apart, yet our drama class enrollments have steadily increased.
Answer 2


B) In the past four years, the school auditorium has begun to fall apart, yet our drama class enrollments have steadily increased.


Related Questions

When something is bred, it is --
A. dough rising
B. raised or reared
c. broken beyond repair
d. fragmented



Dough rising

A is the answer....




For number 12, the answer would be C


For 12 I believe the answer would be;
D. Planned efforts to get a new library

First def of campaign; an organized course of action to achieve a goal

Please correct me if I am wrong, have a good day

For 13 I believe the answer would be;
C. Refused to attend the event

Def of boycott
withdraw from commercial or social relations with (a country, organization, or person) as a punishment or protest

Drag each tile to the correct box.
Match the claim about each place to a detail that would develop, or explain, it further.
examples of restaurants located there
facts showing how many people visit there
statistics showing very little crime occurring there
A claim that a place has some of the best
A claim that a place is one of the safest
places to visit
A claim that a place is one of the most
visited places in the country.



A claim that a place has some of the best restaurants - Examples of restaurants located there

A claim the a place is one of the safest places to visit - Statistics showing very little crime accruing there

A claim that a place is one of the most visited places in the country- Facts showing how many people visit there.


Hope this helps!


look at the pic


Read the sentence. The suspect insisted the detectives were barking up the wrong tree. He explained that he’d been busy at the time of the crime. As a result, the suspect was annoyed when the detectives continued with the questioning anyway. If the detectives are “barking up the wrong tree,” they should stop yelling at the suspect. question a different suspect. ask different questions of the suspect. continue questioning the suspect in another room.



The answer is B.


i took the quiz i hope this helps have a great day




Why havent I ever noticed how beautiful Alice Kinnian is? She has pigeon soft brown eyes and feathery brown hair down to the hollow of her neck. When she smiles, her full lips look as if she's pouting." What character shift does this represent in Charlie?



This shows that Charlie is developing his perception of emotions, which is totally different from what he was able to do before.


The excerpt presented in the question above can be found in the book "Flowers to Algernon" where we know the character Charlie, who has a mental disability that does not allow him to have a good cognitive and rational capacity. However, Charlie undergoes surgery that lessens the mental disability he has, causing him to undergo gradual changes during the story.

In the excerpt shown in the question above, we can see one of these gradual changes. That's because Charlie was unable to interpret the emotions he had towards other people, but now he can understand that Alice Kinnian pleases him and that it provokes positive emotions for him.

write an essay about the day without rules​


A day without rules is a wasteful day. There are many reasons not to follow the rules like for fun for for doing mischevious things etc.But you get yourself into problem by not following the rules . according to me rules are the best way to maintain discipline as character is also built by being disciplined.Rules are usually associated with life and its management

Why did Tennessee's Partner come to the courthouse?


Answer:Tennessee's partner has turned up at the courthouse to help out his old friend. This comes as something of a surprise. After all, Tennessee ran off with his partner's wife. ... So perhaps it's not so strange to see Tennessee's Partner showing up to help out a friend in need, after all.

Explanation:brainliest plz

write a story that end with the phrase i will never do that again​


Answer:search up diary of a wimpy kid


Birds Punctuate the Days
Joyce Clement

the nuthatch inserts itself
between feeder and pole

Semicolon (;)
two mallards drifting
one dunks for a snail

a mourning dove
lifts off

a red-eyed vireo catches
the crane fly midair

a down feather
bobs between waves

exclamation point
wren on the railing
takes notice

mergansers paddle toward
morning trout swirl

em dash (-)
at dusk a wild goose
heading east

question mark
the length of silence
after a loon’s call

one blue egg all summer long
now gone

What does punctuate mean in Birds Punctuate the Days? (besides punctuation like periods that are used in the poem)


it shows the daily basis of the life of the birds

Can someone please write me a book report PLEASE:(

I’m in middle school (8th) just to let you know


also no baby books please. Thank you!!:D



Book Title- Carrie

Author- Stephen King

Setting- School; Carrie's home

Protagonist- Carrie White: Description: A shy girl with no friends who is "Protected" by her religious, controlling Mother.

Antagonist- Carrie's Mother/Margret White(Main Antagonist); Carrie's schoolmates: Description: A religious mother who thinks that mostly everything is sinful, believes her daughter (Carrie White) is a witch due to her  telekinesis powers.


Carries telekinesis powers/Viewed as "weird" among other people/Religious

Lonely                                                                                         Crazy

Plot- Carrie White often is bullied at school by her schoolmates, she once is picked on in the bathroom when her teacher comes to help her. While after Carrie's teacher helps her, her teacher gets on to the other girls who were picking on her. He teacher ends up slapping one of the girls. The girl calls her dad and told, but her dad could not do anything because of what she did to Carrie. The girl now wanted revenge on Carrie and her teacher. One girl feels bad for Carrie so she helps Carrie by asking the popular boy to bring Carrie to the Prom. He first hesitates then accepts. Carrie is confused why he had asked her and at first refused thinking they wee just doing it to make fun of her. She finally accepts and asks her mom if she can go. Her mom declines and is upset about the dress Carrie has chosen. Carrie goes to the prom and the mean girl who wanted revenge poured pig blood on her. Carrie used her powers to hold the doors closed. Carrie later goes home and her mom tried to kill her but out of self defense Carrie killed her.

Theme- Supernatural

Point of View-


(sorry I don't get the point of view and opinion parts)


It depends on what book you are planning to write about. My personal favorite is The Mysterious Benedict Society (book one), so I will fill in the graphic organizer using that book as an example.

Book Title: The Mysterious Benedict Society

Author: Trenton Lee Stewart

Setting: A city called Stonetown, near a port called Stonetown Harbor

Name(s) of Characters: Reynie (Reynald), Sticky (George), Kate, Connie (Constance), Mr. Benedict, Mr. Curtain, Number Two, Rhonda, Milligan, S.Q, Martina, etc.

Protagonists: Reynie (Reynald), Sticky (George), Kate, Connie (Constance), Mr. Benedict, Number Two, Rhonda, Milligan

Antagonists: Mr. Curtain, S.Q, Martina, etc.

Venn Diagram:

Kate is a quick-thinker, fearless, and good with tools. She is ambitious and doesn't think before she acts. She doesn't know all that much and relies on her friends to do the studies portion of the job.

Sticky is is fidgety, and gets nervous easily. He isn't very brave, and often needs his friend's encouraging to do things. He has a photographic memory and is therefore the smartest member of the group.

They are alike because they are both fighting for the greater good. They are both part of the same group of friends, and they are both working for Mr. Benedict. They both are enemies of Martina Crowe.


The plot starts off with Kate, Constance, Sticky, and Reynie (the main character) taking peculiar tests, and after passing them, they all meet up with Mr. Benedict. He is the one who employed them. He asks them to spy at a school called The Learning Institute for the Very Enlightened, run by the antagonist Mr. Curtain. He brainwashes people to do whatever he pleases, and his dream is to rule the world as the M.A.S.T.E.R. (Minister and Secretary of all the Earth's Regions). However, the kids (Reynie, Sticky, Kate, and Constance) manage to foil his evil plans and save the world.

Theme: There are many different themes in this story, but a big one is the importance of working together as a team to succeed.

Point of View (POV): In certain cases, we (the readers) see some cases of first-hand accounts, for the most part the story is in Third Person (Omniscient).

My Opinion: This book is a great read for all ages alike. It has mystery, suspense, and fun little riddles for the reader to solve. It is a breathtaking book that has you on the edge of your seat every step of the way. I love this book no matter how many times I read it. I would give this book a 10/10 any day of the week.

I hope this helps! This is an example, but you can base your book report on this if you would like. It would be best to use your own book, however, because that way if you have to present it, it would be easier. Good luck! <3

What is the little kid afraid of? in chapter two of lord of the flies?


Answer:the kid is afraid of a snake thing in the jungle but he says it's a beastie


The First Tuesday
1. As a dying man, Morrie still reads the news. What are your thoughts on this? Do you find it necessary
or a waste? Explain.



Though I can't say it's a waste, it's not a useless activity either. What's a dying old man gonna do aside from being updated by the current events of the world he's gonna leave soon?


Read the following excerpt and answer the corresponding Mulitple Choice question:

"I knew then I had to have a house. A real house. One I could point to. But this isn’t it. The house on Mango Street isn’t it. For the time being, Mama says. Temporary, says Papa. But I know how those things go."

Which assertion is supported by this portion of the passage?

Group of answer choices

Esperanza does not believe that this is a "temporary" situation. She knows they'll be there for a long time, if not forever.

Esperanza is unable to make up her mind about where to move. She would like to choose her bedroom.

Esperanza believes that she will now begin moving into a new house. She is very excited to have her own bedroom and bathroom.

Esperanza is not able to move because her living situation is temporary. She dreams of one day living in a mansion and having a butler.



The answer is A





A, Esperanza does not believe that this is a "temporary" situation. She knows they'll be there for a long time, if not forever.

Are you smart? If so why?​



No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No


No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No

I consider myself smart because I read those two sentences just fine

Imagine you were Harry Potter in the story, write a diary entry that reflects your thoughts and feelings about an event in the story . Please send me the answers to me as soon as possible.



Hello, this is Harry Potter. The date is 5/12/1999.

After the discovery of Tom Riddle's diary, I decided I ought to do some writing myself. For all I know Lucius Malfoy will have me murdered by tomorrow for giving that bloody sock to Dobby. I don't deserve it, Dobby tried to have me killed twenty times this year. At least. But I'm finished with this whole saving the world scam. Voldemort is gone. I need to focus on my education... Or at least that's what Hermione says.

I've finished exams and am supposed to be packing, but I bought this in Hogsmeade and figured I ought to make my first entry. I'll be stuck going back to the Dursley's for the summer, and I'm not thrilled but at least I'll still have a wand to wave and a school to look forward to returning to. I thought for sure that I'd be expelled after the flying car.

Well, Hermione and Ron are having a row again, I ought to go sort them out... til tomorrow then,

Harry Potter

Hope this helps :)

why did people want to become friends `with Keckly after they learned she worked in the white house


having a position in the white house implied that keckly knew white house “secrets”. because of this, people who wanted to gain private information from the president and others from the white house befriended keckly to attempt to essentially spy on the people in the white house. in summary people wanted to know private information that the government held, so they tried to use keckly to have access to the information.

Joel wants to add details to his poem that will remind his readers of sounds they have heard. Which line below contains an example of onomatopoeia?
A.The wind was an intruder at the door.
B.Sweeping up leaves and litter, the wind went away.
C."Whoosh," said the wind as it skirted the porch.
D.Like a wave, the wind swept over the roof.


C) because it's imitating a sound.

Why did Queen Victoria wish to become Empress of India?
O A. She became jealous of the title of her son's wife.
B. She grew fascinated by India and wished to become Indian.
C. She wanted to be closer to her Indian subjects.
D. She wanted access to India's famous jewels.



C. She wanted to be closer to her Indian subjects.


Victoria became the Empress of India to tie the monarchy and Empire closer together. She accepted the title on the advice of her seventh prime minister Benjamin Disraeli, whose political advice she relied on. She approved of his imperialist policies, which established Britain as the most powerful nation in the world.

Peggy said I have two cats do you have any pets.

I have two dogs three fish and seven snails said joe.

I have two cats said Peggy do you have any pets.

I am not sure said sue if I know how to do this test.

can you format these with correct apelling punctuation comas and all that Pls 20 points pls ill also give brainly​



I have two cats do you have any pets said peggy

I have two dogs, three fish, and seven snails said joe.



Peggy said, "I have two cats, do you have any pets?"

"I have two dogs, three fish, and seven snails" said Joe.

"I have two cats" said Peggy, "do you have any pets?"

brainliest greatly appritiated







to + any verb like see ,dance are infinitive

1. What happened to Nikola Tesla's eyes when his imagination thought of new ideas?


They lit up. The guy above didn’t help u at all I’m guessing.

Is "Shots in the arm." A clause or phrase? Thanks guys no spam or links though.



its a phrase


Answer: This is a phrase hope this helps! I am 100% sure just did a test on this and this question was on there. Got a 100% on that test so this is right!


Write about a time when you learned a hard truth about yourself. How did you feel afterward?



I just accepted it


Love, esteem, sincerity, valor, courage, modesty, wisdom, and truth. These seven principles are drawn from the Seven Grandfather Teachings, which have been verbally down through many generations of Anishinaabe elders.

What is  Seven Grandfather Teachings?

Every Anishinaabe should abide by the seven grandfather teachings, which are moral guidelines. Love, respect, courage, honesty, integrity, modesty, and wisdom.

Long ago, a messenger who had been sent to see how the Neshnabék were living found that they were leading a life that was unfavorable, which affected their ideas, decisions, and actions.

Some showed disdain, felt hatred for others, were scared, lied, and cheated. Others flaunted arrogance or were overcome with guilt. The messenger came across a child while traveling.

The Seven Grandfathers have chosen this child to instruct in living a decent life. The lessons of Love, Respect, Bravery, Truth, Honesty, Humility, and Wisdom were imparted to him.

Each of these teachings must be applied in conjunction with the others, the Seven Grandfathers instructed him before leaving. Without Love, Respect, Bravery, Honesty, Humility, and Truth, Wisdom cannot exist.

If you are just applying one of the other principles, you cannot be honest. To embrace the antithesis of what a teaching implies would be to leave it out. Each of the Seven Grandfathers gave the child a principle to follow. The child then had the option of letting them go or using them.

Learn more about  Seven Grandfather Teachings, here




the gift of magi

"Should Jim and Della have given away their most prized possesions for the other"? After you create your strong TASS thesis, you will include 2 pieces of evidence from the story to support your idea.



My thesis is that what really matters is that the showed thier love for each other and that when they are old they will laugh about it. two peices of evidence is that Jim sold his watch


"You're really on the ball today!"

This is an example of:





Answer this please and tell me why



A i guess we need to see the text tho the paragraph that came with the question


need text

Describe this
Climate change is not
hysteria It's a fact​



It's saying that Climate Change is real


You didn't give any specifics on what to describe, so I just described what the quote was saying

Can you write a story for our new magazine series?
Your story must begin with this sentence:
As Mark was about to throw away the old bottle, he
saw that there was a piece of paper inside it.
Your story must include:
• a message or map
• a surprise​


In 1999, Steve Gowan spotted something clinging to his fishing nets. It was a very old bottle containing two letters written by Private Thomas Hughes, dated September 9, 1914. The first message asked the person that found the bottle to forward the second message to Hughes' wife, Elizabeth. The note for Elizabeth was a nice, simple love letter, showing that his wife was in his thoughts as he made his way to France to fight in the early days of World War I.

emily_bottleAfter reading the letters, Gowan felt a great personal responsibility to see that they found their way home, even though he assumed Mrs. Hughes had died long ago. He began searching for her descendants and soon learned that Thomas and Elizabeth Hughes' daughter was still alive in Auckland, New Zealand.

Sadly, Hughes died in battle shortly after he wrote the letters, so he never got to see Elizabeth, nor his two-year old daughter, Emily, ever again. Due to her young age at the time of his death, Emily never knew her father, though she grew up listening to stories about him from her mother and cherishing his posthumously award medals. So when The New Zealand Post offered to send Gowan to Auckland to hand deliver the bottle to Emily, he jumped at the chance to help her connect to this lost piece of her past.

For Emily, the bottle was a great source of joy and comfort. She said her father's message couldn't come home "until the right boat came along at the right time with the right fisherman."

Which of the following is NOT true about the main idea?
A. The main idea is what the text is mostly about. B. The main idea is always stated, C. The main idea should be a sentence, not just a word, D. You can find the main idea using the What? So What strategy,​





But if multiple choice then B and maybe C

A phrase that can replace "I will rise"​



3 phrases: I will stand up, I will get up, I will arise.


I will spring up

I will be restored

I will bounce back

Other Questions
The secret garden 1. In Chapter 11, how does Dickon know whichrose bushes in the secret garden are still alive?(a) They have tiny flower buds.(b) They have sharp thorns.(c) They appear brown and hard.(d) They appear green and moist. What is the ratio in simplest form between the length of a side in ABCD and the length of its corresponding side in WXYZ?a.2\3b.1\2c.3\4d.6\5 Isn't that __________ sister singing on the stage? Choose the word that is spelled correctly and fits BEST in the context of the sentence. A) yore B) you C) you're Eliminate D) your What is orange?A. a colorB. A fruit? Can I get some help pls and no links pls i'm getting tired of getting links A ray in glass is incident onto a water-glass interface. The angle of incidence equals 0.75 times the critical angle for that interface. The index of refraction for water is 1.33 and for glass is 1.78. What is the angle that the refracted ray in the water makes with the normal?52 degrees42 degrees48 degrees63 degrees On this day in 1775, the Revolutionary War began. This was also known as the War of Independence. The thirteen colonies fought for and won their independence from Great Britain. How do you think our lives today may be different if we hadnt won this war? Please write 7 sentences. which is a proper number ?A. 2/3 B. 3/2C. 1 2/3D. 3/3 Laying eggs belong to which category of energy use? Maintenance, waste production, movement, growth and reproduction 8 mm: 24 cm in its simplest form is In addition to tuition, what other costs should you plan for when considering what college to attend? Lymen International is considering a significant expansion to its product line. The sales force is excited about the opportunities that the new products will bring. The new products are a significant step up in quality above the companys current offerings, but offer a complementary fit to its existing product line. Fred Riddick, senior production department manager, is very excited about the high-tech new equipment that will have to be acquired to produce the new products. Barbara Dyson, the companys CFO, has provided the following projections based on results with and without the new products.Without New ProductsWith New ProductsSales revenue$12,149,200$16,618,200Net income$488,900$885,800Average total assets$5,282,800$13,930,400(a)Compute the companys return on assets, profit margin, and asset turnover, both with and without the new product line. (Round answers to 0 decimal places, e.g. 2% and asset turnover to 1 decimal place, e.g. 6.2)Without new productsWith new productsReturn on assetsInternational sidering offerings, xut offer compl step up with New Products Sales 2,145.20 Average tel Without new products with now products ej abou: red Riddick, bring. Th producti depart%%Profit margin%%Asset turnover I want a painting to practice for my school painting competition. Please can you show me a painting. 5 point for art Please help me answer these questions If an object travels at 2 feet per second, how many feet does it travel in 3 hours? 3+p=8 what the answer?? neeed morreeeee help w science Hope with a question Is rock a solid liquid or gas? Describe an acequia community.