which of the following is true of stakeholders? creditors are examples of internal stakeholders. stakeholders do not engage in an exchange relationship with their company. stockholders are internal stakeholders that provide an enterprise with risk capital. the goals of different stakeholder groups within a company are the same and therefore do not lead to any conflicts. it is mandatory for a company to satisfy the claims of all stakeholders.


Answer 1

Stockholders are internal stakeholders who provide risk capital to an organization. This assertion is true.

Who are stockholders?

A individual who owns shares in a company is referred to as a stockholder or shareholder. The right to vote for board members, the right to interest and dividend payments from the firm, and the right to file a lawsuit against the company or the board members are just a few of the rights that the stockholder possesses.

Do stockholders work anywhere?

A shareholder, usually referred to as a stockholder, takes part in corporate management. An individual, organization, or business that owns stock in a corporation is known as a shareholder. Since stockholders are also the company owners, they benefit whenever the stock value rises because they are also owners.

To know more about stockholder visit :



Related Questions

What are the most important and essential strategy when company develop a new product?


Adding fresh value for the consumer is the main goal of any new development. Without this, they wouldn't have any motivation to exchange their cash for the new product.

What Is Product Development Strategy?

Product development strategies are the processes and actions used to launch new products onto the market or modify current products to promote the expansion of new enterprises. A product is developed through a number of steps, from the conception of an idea to the delivery of items to customers. Each level requires a strategy in order to be successful and generate revenue for a company.

Why is product development strategy important?

A product development strategy is intended to design a strategy for successfully marketing products utilizing market research. Your grand plan should include the methods you'll use at each stage of product development. This might help you focus on the best strategies and overcome obstacles. By planning how to generate new products, you can improve your company's current offerings and grow your clientele.

To know more about Product development visit:                  brainly.com/question/28347593


if a highly dedicated salesperson is unable to improve their low sales performance despite coaching efforts, what is your best course of action?


If a highly dedicated salesperson is unable to improve their low sales performance despite coaching efforts, the best course of action is to help them find a different role within your company.

Salespersons are key positions in sales management that maintain the vital links between companies and their customers, society, distributors, retailers, etc.

Salespeople are professionals who can work in a variety of exciting and diverse work environments to meet sales goals and build positive customer relationships.

Salespersons do many things such as developing relations with new and existing customers, available to customers to answer questions and address complaints, meet sales targets and deadlines, communicate with businesspeople, neutralize customer complaints, Record and maintain monthly and annual sales data and create a sales report.

Because of many more such reasons, the best course of action to a dedicated salesman to improve hi low sales are to help them find a different role within your company.

To learn more about salesperson, here:



How should a team have quality?


By having a separate quality assurance team for testing the quality of the deliverables.

What is a team?

A team is described as a collection of individuals that collaborate on duties in order to carry out a shared mission or particular goal. A design team creating a new product or a continuous process improvement team set up to address a specific issue are two examples of teams with a finite shelf life. Others continue over time, like a department team that meets frequently to discuss objectives, activities, and performance. Careful alignment is necessary in organizations with numerous teams. The structure will get more complex as teams and people connect with other teams, but the concepts of building understanding and trust will still hold true. Teams are valuable because of the numerous interactions that take place between organizational components and processes, as well as the effects that these interactions have on quality, productivity, and cost.

To know more about Quality assurance visit:                   brainly.com/question/13876752


Complete question:

How should a team have quality built into its deliverables?

What happens when a closed economy opens?


An open economy is one that interacts freely with different economies around the world. An open economy interacts with different nations in two ways.

What occurs when a closed economy opens?

An open financial system has quite a few advantages. Consumers can get admission to more than a few overseas items and services, which are unavailable in the domestic market. Producers get some uncooked materials and capital goods that are unavailable in the home market. Investors can additionally diversify their funding in international monetary markets.

When an economic system is closed economy?

A closed financial system usually refers to a usa that does no longer trade or interact in different financial exchanges with any different country. That means no imports come into the united states and no exports depart it.

Learn more about closed economy here:


Who sets the price in a free market?


In a free market, the prices are set by buyers and sellers

The interactions between buyers and sellers determine the price of an item in a free market. It should be based on supply and demand with no meddling from the government. Here, buyers and sellers are free to choose whatever they wish to make or purchase. According to the law of supply and demand, when a product is in high demand and has a small supply, its price will often increase.

Whereas, when there is a huge supply of a commodity and little demand for it, the price of that commodity will often be lower. In a free market, buyers and sellers would haggle over the cost of a good depending on their unique wants and needs. The price to be paid will be the one that both the buyer and the seller agree is reasonable and fair.

Read more about the free market on:



14-64 consumer price index, for the period from 1990 to 2017. (b) using the equivalent annual inflation rate computed in part (a), estimate the consumer price index for 2022. (c) is it more practical or more ethical to use an approach like (b) rather than relying on government forecasts of inflation?


consumer price index, for the period from 1990 to 2017 are as follows.

1990 130.7  5.4   2013 233.0  1 . 5

1991 136.2   4.2   2014 236.7  1.  6

1992 140.3   3.0   2015 237.0  0. 1

1993 144.5   3.0   2016 240.0  1.  3

                             2017 245.1   2.1

What is consumer price index?A CPI is a statistical calculation created using a sample of representative items with prices that are periodically gathered. For various categories and sub-categories of goods and services, sub-indices and sub-sub-sub-indices can be calculated. These sub-indices and sub-sub-indices are then combined to produce the overall index, with weights reflecting their shares in the total of the consumer expenditures covered by the index. It is one of many price indices that are computed by the majority of national statistical organizations. As a gauge of inflation, the annual percentage change in a CPI is used. A CPI can be used to control prices, deflate monetary magnitudes to show changes in real values, and index (i.e. adjust for the effect of inflation) the real value of wages, salaries, and pensions.

To learn more about consumer price index refer to:



How do the 4 factors of production affect the economy?


Factors of production are resources that are utilized to create goods and services. They serve as the economic system's backbone. The four categories into which economists divide the elements of production are land, labour, capital, and entrepreneurship.

Land: Everything that arises from the land, including all natural resources required to produce goods and services, is referred to as "land." Resources from the land are used as raw materials in the industrial process. These materials could be renewable (like wood) or non-renewable (like oil or natural gas).

Labor: People exert effort to produce goods and services, which is referred to as work. Workforce resources include the efforts of individuals like the waiter who brings your lunch from a neighboring restaurant and the engineer who designed the bus that transports you to school.

Capital: Consider the tools, materials, and structures that people employ to produce commodities and services as capital. There are various types of capital needed, depending on the worker and the work being done.

Entrepreneur: An entrepreneur is someone who uses land, labour, and capital in combination with other production elements to make money. The most prosperous businesspeople are those who manufacture brand-new products for the market or come up with unique ways to provide goods and services. Without the entrepreneur fusing land, labor, and capital in fresh ways, many of the inventions we see around us would not be possible.

To know more about the four factors of production, refer to:




A bank card that automatically deducts the amount of a purchase from the checking account of the cardholder:
answer choices

debit card.

credit card.

check card.

bank card.



debit card is automatically deducted the amount of a purchased

Depreciation of the dollar will: Decrease the price of both imports to and exports from theUnited States. Increase the price of both imports to and exports from theUnited States. Increase the price of the goods imported into the United Statesand decrease the price to foreigners of U.S. exports. Decrease the price of imports into the United States andincrease the prices to foreigners of U.S. exports. 2) Which of the following occurs when the FEDundertakes policies which increase interest rates in the UnitedStates? The demand for dollars increases and then the supply of dollarsdecreases. Both the supply and demand for dollars decrease. Both the supply and demand for dollars increase. The supply of dollars increases and the demand for dollarsdecreases. 3) Suppose that monetary policy in the UnitedStates leads to an increase in interest rates relative to those inJapan. Which of the following will occur in the capitalaccount? The dollar will depreciate relative to the yen. The dollar will appreciate relative to the yen. The supply of dollars will increase. The demand for yen will increase. 4) Restrictive monetary policy by the Fedshould lead to: An increase in investment and an increase in aggregatedemand. A decrease in investment and an increase in aggregatedemand. A decrease in investment and a decrease in aggregatedemand. Leave investment unchanged but decrease aggregate demand. 5) An expansionary monetary policy by the Fedwould tend to: Lower the U.S. inflation rate, make exports more expensive,make imports cheaper, and lower the value of the dollar. Lower the U.S. inflation rate, make exports cheaper, makeimports more expensive, and raise the value of the dollar. Raise the U.S. inflation rate, make exports cheaper, makeimports more expensive, and raise the value of the dollar. Raise the U.S. inflation rate, make exports more expensive,make imports cheaper, and lower the value of the dollar. 6) An expansionary monetary policy by the Fedwould be expected to: Raise domestic income, reduce imports, and increase the currentaccount trade deficit. Raise income, raise imports, and increase the current accounttrade deficit. Reduce income, reduce imports, and reduce the tradedeficit. Reduce income, raise imports, and reduce the tradedeficit. 7) If the dollar is depreciating more thandesired, an appropriate policy by the Federal Reserve Board tosupport the value of the dollar would be: A tax cut. An increase in U.S. interest rates. An expansionary monetary policy. Printing money.


The depreciation of the dollar will Increase the price of the goods imported into the United States and decrease the price to foreigners of U.S. exports.

For first question, the depreciation of dollar it mean the dollar value is lower than before, it will make the import goods have higher price and US goods have lower price.

For second question, when the FED increase the interest rates people will want to save their money this will make the demand decrease because people will less borrow and supply increase.

For third question, since the monetary policy in US will increase interest rates in Japan, it mean the dollar will appreciate relative to the yen.

For fourth question, restrictive monetary policy it mean the FED want to slow economic growth to stabilization and restrict money supply, it mean the investment will decrease and aggregate demand will decrease.

For fifth question, the expansionary monetary policy will give more money supply, it mean the interest rate will lower, inflation rate then higher and this will affect to the cheaper imports and expensive exports. Then, it will lower the value of the dollar.

For sixth questions, expansionary monetary policy will give more money supply or in other word it will raise our income and our demand for imports, this will bring trade account to deficit.

For last questions, the dollar depreciation can occur because of the large supply of dollars in society so reducing it can help overcome dollar depreciation. One way to reduce it is to increase interest rates.

Learn more about monetary policy here:



Why do you think it is important for business to come up with new product development?


Delivering fresh value to the consumer is the primary goal of any new development. Customers will, however, swarm to a product or service if it gives overwhelmingly high value.

What are the benefits of new product development for businesses?

Prior to launching your items on the market, you must ensure that there is demand, that there is value for your potential clients, and that the quality of your finished products is the highest.

Why is new product development necessary and what does it entail?

By developing goods that address actual customer concerns, new product development assists a company (or a startup) in achieving organic growth. Consider the following as some of the factors for new product development: fulfill shifting consumer demands. 

To know more about new product development visit:



In what ways is business writing different from school essays and private messages?.


The major difference between business writings and school essays are feelings or though processes

There is no minimum word count. you want the messages to be purposeful, economical, and audience oriented. Describe the components in each stage of the 3-x-3 writing process.Professional communication can be defined as the group of policy suggestions, advertisements, press releases, application letters, emails, and memoranda is referred to as business writing.A polite business letter shows the writer's regard for the recipient as well as the organization they are employed with in which they work. They usually take formatting and decorum into account. They also consider their own voice, logic, and clarity.

To know more about Communication here



the government of brazil takes possession of a cacao farm outside of sao paulo owned by choco-lot inc., a major u.s. chocolate manufacturer. what recourse does the u.s. government have to intervene?


The u.s. government have to intervene Dark and Columbiana.

What is cacao used for?

The origin of chocolate is cacao. Theobroma cacao, which is the scientific name for the cacao tree, is the source of chocolate. The cocoa tree, a little tree that is native to the Amazon Basin, is currently planted in tropical areas all over the world. The unprocessed, raw form of chocolate is called cacao.

The fruit and the seeds, sometimes known as beans, of cacao trees are both edible. Cacao seeds are consumed if chocolate has ever been consumed. They are used to make anything from Hershey's chocolates to Guittard's premium chocolate wafers. They are fermented, mashed into a paste, flavored, and occasionally flavoured.

To know more about cacao, visit:



At a farmer's market, you buy 4 pounds of tomatoes and 2 pounds of sweet potatoes. you spend 80% of the money in your wallet. how much money is in your wallet before you pay?



7.5 pound


let us consider the money in wallet before paying be x

Given the total expenditure being = 4+2 = 6 pound

money spent is 80% of money in the wallet

i.e. 80% of x = 6 pound

therefore, x= 6/ 0.8

                   =7.5 pound

How does wealth inequality affect the economy?


Wealth inequality affect the economy in various ways which makes it unstable.

The fact that the wealthy consume a lesser percentage of their money than the poor is one way this occurs. They conserve funds that those with lower salaries would otherwise squander. This causes the aggregate demand in economy to decline, which in turn causes unemployment.

Governments respond by decreasing borrowing rates and other measures to increase demand. Individuals with low or decreasing relative earnings continue to sustain their expenditure through borrowing as wealth inequality increases. Mortgage or consumer loan defaults can happen from even a slight increase in unemployment or interest rates, which can have disastrous effects.

Know more about wealth inequality here



Monique and hassan purchase an over-the-counter test kit to determine when she is ovulating. this is accomplished by monique measuring ____ with the test kit.


Monique and hassan purchase an over-the-counter test kit to determine when she is ovulating. this is accomplished by monique measuring  the level of LH in her urine prior to ovulation with the test kit.

This is a test kit for measuring luteinizing hormone (LH) in urine that you can use at home. This aids in identifying the LH surge that takes place 1–112 days before ovulation, in the middle of your menstrual cycle. Using a test strip, luteinizing hormone levels in the urine are examined to perform an LH test. The LH test strips are available in our web shop* or at your neighborhood drugstore.

To learn more about about measuring, click here.



although firms earn zero profits in the long run, why is the outcome from monopolistic competition considered to be inefficient? i. price exceeds marginal cost. ii. quantity is lower than the perfectly competitive outcome.


Therefore, compared to a perfectly competitive firm, a monopolistically competitive firm will typically produce (ii) less at a greater cost and charge a higher price.

What do you mean by monopolistic?

Possessing or attempting to have total control over anything, especially over a business area, without allowing others to participate: She didn't think the fine was enough to stop monopolistic behavior by large producers. The business is charged with monopolistic behavior. Monopolistic marketplaces are those in which only one company provides a certain good or service. The characteristics of a pure monopoly, in which a single business completely dominates the market and controls the supply and price of goods and services, are present in a monopolistic market structure.

What is a monopolistic example?

Between perfect and monopolistic competition, known as monopolistic competition, there is monopolistic competition, which incorporates aspects of both and entails businesses with similar but distinct product offerings. Examples of industries with monopolistic competition include dining establishments, hair salons, home goods, and apparel.

To know more about Monopolistic visit:



How does stretching make you more flexible?


Research has demonstrated the way that stretching can assist with flexibility, and, subsequently, the scope of movement of your joints. Better adaptability may: Work on your exhibition in proactive tasks. Decline your gamble of wounds.

There are many advantages to regular stretching. Besides the fact that extending assist with canning increment your adaptability, which is a significant element of wellness, however it can likewise work on your stance, decrease pressure and body hurts, and that's only the tip of the iceberg.

Advantages of stretching

1. Builds your flexibility

2. Builds your scope of movement

3. Works on your exhibition in proactive tasks

4. Increments blood stream to your muscles

5. Works on your stance

6. Assists with mending and forestall back torment

7. Is perfect for pressure help

8. Can quiet your brain

9. Helps decline strain migraines

Know more about Stretching - https://brainly.com/question/4540923


ralph is a teacher who works as a musician on weekends. here is his income from w-2 and 1099 forms: wages from teaching $43,871, wages from music jobs $15,873, interest $863, dividends $350, and royalties $1,200. what is ralph's total income?


Ralph's total Income is $ 62,160.02 as he works as a music teacher on weekends.

What do you mean by total income?

Gross income sometimes referred to as gross pay on a paycheck is the total of a person's earnings before taxes or other deductions. This covers earnings from all sources, not only work, and is not restricted to earnings in cash; it also covers earnings from the receipt of goods or services.

For businesses, the terms gross income, gross margin, and gross profit are equivalent. On the income statement, a company's gross income is calculated as total revenue less cost of goods sold (COGS)Lenders and landlords evaluate a person's gross income to assess his or her suitability as a borrower or tenant.

To calculate the overall revenue, we must sum all of the salary, interest, dividends, and royalties.

Teaching Pay = $43, 871.82

Salary from the music job: $15,873.00

Interest = $863.90

Dividends =$357.70.

Royalties = $1,200.60

Total Income=62,160.02 dollars

Learn more about total income, here:




The correct answer is $62,157.

john is appointed as a vulnerability assessment engineer in a financial organization. an audit report published by a third-party auditing firm revealed that most of the web servers have cross-site scripting and xml entity injection vulnerabilities. john has been told to perform a vulnerability assessment on these servers to verify if the audit report is valid. he is also told that he should not attempt to engage or exploit any vulnerabilities but still needs a deeper insight. by applying his knowledge of vulnerability assessment concepts, which type of vulnerability scanning should john use?


John should use a non-intrusive scan because it does not cause any harm to the goal and it also does not exploit or engage any vulnerabilities. Thus, option A is correct.

Operations may be temporarily halted if an invasive scan aggressively seeks to exploit vulnerabilities. For this reason, if it is employed at all, it should be done after business hours or in a test setting. A non-intrusive scan looks for vulnerabilities without trying to take advantage of them.

A penetration test really makes an effort to get into the network by taking advantage of weaknesses. The majority of an audit is a document review. Finding vulnerabilities may be done using both invasive and non-intrusive vulnerability scans.

Therefore, John should use a non-intrusive scan.

Learn more about non-intrusive scans here:



Your question seems to be incomplete, but most probably the complete question was:

John is appointed as a vulnerability assessment engineer in a financial organization. An audit report published by a third-party auditing firm revealed that most of the web servers have cross-site scripting and XML entity injection vulnerabilities. John has been told to perform a vulnerability assessment on these servers to verify if the audit report is valid. He is also told that he should not attempt to engage or exploit any vulnerabilities. By applying his knowledge of vulnerability assessment concepts, which type of vulnerability scanning should John use?

a. Nonintrusive

b. Intrusive

c. Non-credentialed

d. Credentialed

Which are indicators that economists use to measure how an economy grows?


Economic indicators include measurements of macroeconomic stability and performance, such as gross domestic product (GDP), consumption, investment, and international trade (central government budgets, prices, the money supply, and the balance of payments).

Gross domestic product (GDP) measures the market value of all completed goods produced and sold by countries within a specific time period in terms of money. Due to the measurement's complexity and subjectivity, it must be repeatedly adjusted before it can be considered a reliable indicator. While GDP per capita does not account for differences in the cost of living and inflation rates of the various countries, nominal GDP is preferable for comparing national economies on the global market. Therefore, when comparing living standards between nations, employing a base of GDP per capita at purchasing power parity (PPP) may be more useful.

Learn more about GDP from



Economic indicators include measurements of macroeconomic stability and performance, such as gross domestic product (GDP), consumption, investment, and international trade (central government budgets, prices, the money supply, and the balance of payments).

Gross domestic product (GDP) measures the market value of all completed goods produced and sold by countries within a specific time period in terms of money. Due to the measurement's complexity and subjectivity, it must be repeatedly adjusted before it can be considered a reliable indicator. While GDP per capita does not account for differences in the cost of living and inflation rates of the various countries, nominal GDP is preferable for comparing national economies on the global market. Therefore, when comparing living standards between nations, employing a base of GDP per capita at purchasing power parity (PPP) may be more useful.

Learn more about GDP from



Tim's phone service charges $24. 76 plus an additional $0. 25 for each text message sent per month. If tim's phone bill was $31. 01, which equation could be used to find how many text messages, x, tim sent last month?.


Tim's monthly text message usage will be represented by the following equation: $24.76+$0.25x=$31. 01.

The total of Tim's original service fees plus the additional fee that he must pay will be the optimum equation to express the amount of texts that Tim sends.

It will be necessary to multiply the figures to determine the total number of texts Tim sent because the additional charge depends on how many texts are sent.

Finally, the sum of all the figures equals the $31.45 phone bill that Tim got, as follows:

Given figure is:

$24. 76

$0. 25

$24.76+$0.25x=$31. 01.

So, the above is the correct equation.

To learn more about Algebraic equiations please click on below link



What are the 3 main dimensions of sustainable development?


They are indivisible and interwoven, balancing the three pillars of sustainable development: economic, social, and environmental.

Because it involves three important areas: economic, environmental, and social, sustainable development may be applied to corporate policy in the business sector. A corporation must contribute to economic growth, social improvement, and environmental sustainability in order to be considered sustainable.

The 2030 Agenda commits the global community to "achieving sustainable development in its three dimensions—economic, social and environmental—in a balanced and integrated manner".

According to the diagram at the top of this page, there are three pillars of sustainability: economic viability, environmental conservation, and social equality.

Learn more about to sustainable development visit here;



reeltime video has reported a total asset turnover of 2.3 times and an roa of 17% and roe of 25%. what is the firm's net profit margin ?


By dividing the gross profit from the sales value, the profit margin can be expressed as a percentage. It displays the company's total gross profit percentage based on the value of its sales.

The Du Pont formula recommends:

The equity multiplier in this case is equal to ROE/ROA. ROE = Profit Margin * Assets Turnover Ratio * Equity Multiplier

By dividing revenue by income, the profit margin measures how much money a company or business activity makes. Communicated as a rate, overall revenue shows the number of pennies of benefit that has been produced for every dollar of offer.

How can profit margin be calculated?

Profit divided by revenue times 100 is the profit margin. The gross profit margin is greater, while the net profit margin is lower.

To learn more about profit margin here:



Question 1 (1 point) A distinguishing characteristic of public transfer payments is that: OA) they are counted as part of government purchases in the calculation of the gross domestic product. B) the recipients make no contribution to current production in return for them. C) they are used to subsidize the major transportation carriers to reduce transportation costs. D) there is a tax on the amount of the subsidy above a certain income level.


A distinguishing characteristic of public transfer payments is that the recipients make no contribution to current production in return for them.

Current Production refers to the actual production of crude oil, natural gas, or natural gas liquids during the month that before the month in which the applicable hedge contract was entered into, each of which is calculated separately. Current Production is the lesser of the previous month's natural gas equivalent-based crude oil and natural gas production by the Borrower and its Restricted Subsidiaries and the internally-forecasted natural gas equivalent-based crude oil and natural gas production by the Borrower and its Restricted Subsidiaries for each of the following 48 months.

Production that occurs in the current time frame, or the time frame being measured.

learn more about current production here



if a business has $900 cash currently, $400 revenue each month going forward, and negative $300 profit each month going forward, how many months will it take for the business to run out of money?


The number of months it would take the business to run out of money would be three months.

How to find the number of months ?

The company makes a negative $ 300 profit each month. In other words, the business is making a loss of $ 300 every month that it is operating. This loss would have to be catered for by the cash that the business has in reserve.

The business has $ 900 in cash reserves so the number of months until the business runs out of money is:

= Cash reserve / loss per month

= 900 / 300

= 3 months

Find out more on negative profit at https://brainly.com/question/29349567


roberto designers was organized on january 1, 2021. the firm was authorized to issue 110,000 shares of $6 par value common stock. during 2021, roberto had the following transactions relating to stockholders' equity: issued 11,000 shares of common stock at $8 per share. issued 22,000 shares of common stock at $9 per share. reported a net income of $110,000. paid dividends of $55,000. purchased 3,000 shares of treasury stock at $11 (part of the 22,000 shares issued at $9). what is total stockholders' equity at the end of 2021?


In the given case, the total stockholders' equity at the end of 2021 is $ 250,000. Analysts and investors typically use this indicator to assess a company's overall financial health.

What do you mean by the stockholders' equity?

Equity held by shareholders refers to the sum that a company's founders have contributed to the enterprise.

This covers the funds they have directly invested as well as the total amount of profits the business has generated and reinvested since its establishment.

It provides a picture of how the firm is doing after deducting all assets and liabilities for shareholders, investors, or the business owner.

The difference between total assets and total liabilities, which is often measured monthly, quarterly, or annually, is the statement of stockholders' equity.

The corporation has enough assets to cover its liabilities if equity is positive. An approaching bankruptcy may be indicated by a negative stockholders' equity.


Common stock (10000 × 5 + 20000 × 5)      150000

Add: Paid in capital in excess of par

(10000 × (7-5) + 20000 × (8-5))                       80000

Add: Net income                                              100000

Les: Dividend                                                    50000

Less: Treasury stock (3000 × 10)                     30000

Total Stockholder's Equity                             250,000.

Therefore, in the given case, the total stockholders' equity at the end of 2021 is $ 250,000.

To know more about the stockholder's equity, visit:



What is the relationship between data analysis and statistics?


Individual pieces containing factual information that is recorded and utilized for analysis were known as data. The foundation out of which statistics were derived is raw data.

The outcomes of data analysis, including its interpretation and presentation, were also statistics.

With the aid of statistical analysis, as it provides a scientific instrument, enormous amounts of data may be gathered, analyzed, and turned into useful information by spotting common patterns as well as trends. Simply said, statistical analysis is a method for data analysis that assists in deriving meaningful conclusions from unstructured as well as raw data.

At the heart of complex machine learning algorithms in data science, statistics captures and transforms data patterns into usable evidence. To collect, assess, analyze, and derive insights from data, data scientists utilize statistics. They also apply quantitative statistical formulas to the right variables.

To know more about statistics



select the correct answer of the following: (No need for clarification Just write the answer A or B or C or D)
1- Tools a company uses to manage employees are?
Select one:
a. HR tools
b. HR department
c. HR practices
d. HR challenges
Tools a company uses to manage employees are?
Select one:
a. HR tools
b. HR department
c. HR practices
d. HR challenges
Tools a company uses to manage employees are?
Select one:
a. HR tools
b. HR department
c. HR practices
d. HR challenges
When an employer refuses labor access to the workplace, this is known as
Select one:
a. A grievance procedure
b. An injunction
c. A lockout
d. A strike procedure


Tools a company uses to manage employees are. HR tools. Option A

Tools a company uses to manage employees are. HR tools. Option A

Tools a company uses to manage employees are. HR tools. Option A

When an employer refuses labor access to the workplace, this is known as A lockout. Option C

What are HR tools?

Generally, HR tools are software or online platforms that help human resources professionals manage various HR-related tasks and processes. These tools can be used to streamline and automate HR functions such as employee onboarding, benefits management, time and attendance tracking, performance evaluations, and succession planning.

They can also help with recruiting, training, and development, as well as compliance with employment laws and regulations.

Some examples of HR tools include applicant tracking systems, human capital management systems, and employee self-service portals.

Read more about HR tools



suppose that initially the price is $20 in the long-run in a perfectly competitive market. firms are making zero economic profits. then the market demand increases permanently, leading some firms to enter the market. what will be the new long-run equilibrium price? a. lower than $20 b. higher than $20 c. $20


Lower than $20 will be the new long-run equilibrium price.

What is equilibrium in the long run?When prices respond to market changes and the economy is operating at its maximum capacity, long-run equilibrium has been reached.The intersection of the AD curve, SAS curve, and Long-Run Aggregate Supply (LAS) curve demonstrates the long-term equilibrium.We say the economy is in long-run equilibrium if the current output is equivalent to the output at full employment.When there are no changes in the number of businesses in the market and when all firms are making zero economic profits, a fully competitive market reaches long-term equilibrium.The macroeconomic equilibrium alters as the total demand changes. For instance, long-term equilibrium is present in the economy.

Learn more about long-run equilibrium price refer to :



Jordan likes working in as an insurance underwriter because it has structure and certainty, and the daily work is routine. Jordan probably Multiple Choice
O has a large need for ambiguity
O has a low tolerance for ambiguity.
O has a high tolerance for ambiguity
O is in the middle ambiguity range.


Jordan likes working in as an insurance underwriter because it has structure and certainty, and the daily work is routine. Jordan probably has a low tolerance for ambiguity. Thus, the correct answer is option B.

Who is an insurance underwriter?

Insurance underwriters are experts who assess and analyze the risks associated with insuring people and assets. Pricing for accepted insurable risks is determined by insurance underwriters.

Jordan prefers to work in a highly structured industry where the majority of his tasks are repetitive (they are the same or similar day after day). He most likely dislikes making decisions about various courses of action and is incapable of dealing with perplexing and unresolved situations. As a result, he must perform tasks that do not require creative solutions and are mostly routine.

Therefore, Jordan being an insurance underwriter probably has a low tolerance for ambiguity.

To learn more about insurance underwriter, click here:



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