when tom stops at george wilson's garage to put gas in gatsby's car, myrtle wilson is staring out the upstairs window. at whom is she staring


Answer 1

When Tom stops at George Wilson's garage to put gas in Gatsby's car, Myrtle Wilson is staring out the upstairs window. She is staring at Tom Buchanan.

Myrtle is George's wife and is having an affair with Tom. She mistakes the car's owner, Gatsby, for Tom because she knows Tom is wealthy and assumes the fancy car belongs to him. Myrtle watches Tom from the window, believing he is driving Gatsby's car.

However, she does not realize that the car's actual owner is Jay Gatsby, and Tom is only borrowing it.

Her actions reflect her dissatisfaction with her current life and marriage, as she is drawn to Tom's wealth and status. This scene foreshadows later events in the novel, as Myrtle's obsession with escaping her situation ultimately leads to tragic consequences. The misunderstanding about the car's ownership also plays a crucial role in the unfolding of the story.

In summary, when Tom stops at George Wilson's garage to put gas in Gatsby's car, Myrtle Wilson is staring out the upstairs window at Tom Buchanan, with whom she is having an affair. She mistakenly believes that Tom owns the car, which further fuels her desire to be with him.

To know more about Tom Buchanan refer here:



Related Questions

Describe the stimulus discrimination training procedure, and give an example that is not in this chapter.


The procedure of encouraging a response in the presence of an SD and suppressing that response in the presence of an S is known as stimulus discrimination training.

The effects can be classified as (1) good stimulus control or (2) stimulus discrimination after receiving enough stimulus discrimination training. An illustration would be a child learning to imitate fine motor abilities during a training session. He exhibits fine motor skills and receives the SD "Do this". For example, If the child can perform the imitations after being prompted to "do this," the training process was successful. The young youngster is able to distinguish between stimulus meanings since he just adds "do this" to his imitations.

To learn more about stimulus discrimination, click at:



The fact that elementary school acts as a child care facility is a ____ function of education.


The fact that elementary school acts as a child care facility is a latent function of education.

Child custody is an example of a potential function that is an unintended benefit of schooling. The hidden purpose of education is youth care, which means protecting children until they can contribute to society. The latent features of education are the natural, unexpected consequences of schooling that are often overlooked.

Latent function is the unintended and undiscovered result of operations involving humans. Potential educational functions are the unintentional and unnoticed effects that arise from attending school, interacting with peers and adults, and following rules that no one wants.

To learn more about latent function, here;



According to Zinsser, what is the essence of writing?



According to William Zinsser, the essence of writing is rewriting. In his book "On Writing Well," Zinsser argues that good writing requires a willingness to revise and refine one's work until it is clear, concise, and effective. He emphasizes the importance of editing and rewriting as a way to clarify one's ideas, tighten one's prose, and eliminate unnecessary words or phrases.

Zinsser also stresses the importance of simplicity and clarity in writing. He advises writers to avoid jargon, technical language, and convoluted sentence structures, and instead to focus on communicating their ideas in a clear and straightforward manner. By doing so, he argues, writers can create prose that is accessible and engaging for a wide audience.

Overall, Zinsser's philosophy of writing emphasizes the importance of revision, simplicity, and clarity. By embracing these principles and being willing to put in the time and effort required to refine one's work, writers can create prose that is both effective and enjoyable to read.

Which alternative to self-disclosure seeks a desired response from someone, often to spare this person from embarrassment


An alternative to self-disclosure that seeks a desired response from someone, often to spare the person from embarrassment, is "other-enhancement." This communication strategy involves focusing on the positive aspects of another person, complimenting or praising them, in order to elicit a specific reaction or encourage a particular behavior.

Here is a step-by-step explanation of how other-enhancement works:
1. Identify the desired response: Before using other-enhancement, it's essential to know what outcome you hope to achieve, such as sparing someone from embarrassment or encouraging them to open up.
2. Observe and listen: Pay attention to the person's actions, words, and nonverbal cues to identify their strengths, achievements, or positive qualities that you can highlight.
3. Offer genuine compliments or praise: Emphasize the person's positive attributes, making sure that your comments are sincere and specific. This helps to create a supportive atmosphere and encourages the desired response.
4. Be mindful of timing: Use other-enhancement when it is most relevant to the conversation or situation, ensuring that your comments do not come across as forced or insincere.
5. Monitor the person's reaction: Observe their response to your comments, and if necessary, adjust your approach or offer additional support.
By using other-enhancement, you can foster a positive, open environment that encourages the desired response from someone while sparing them from potential embarrassment. This strategy can be particularly helpful in sensitive situations, or when building trust and rapport with others.

For more such questions on self-disclosure



Which theoretical perspective was articulated by Robert Merton?


Strain theory is the theoretical perspective was articulated by Robert Merton.

Merton (1957) built on Durkheim's work on anomie and was the first to write what sociologists now call the tension theory. It is a situation that arises from the gap between the personal methods.

Merton notes the high crime rate in American society, which reflects the deep-rooted desire of Americans to achieve the American dream of economic success, even for those where it matters most due to factors such as race and class.

According to Merton, those at the bottom of society can react to these pressures in different ways. Different forms of deviance are produced by different attitudes towards society's goals and different access to the tools needed to achieve those goals.

To learn more about strain theory, here:



What criterion is most likely to receive increased attention in contemporary policy making as policy alternatives and existing programs are assessed?


Cost-effectiveness is the factor most likely to gain more attention in modern policy making.

This is because policymakers are more concerned with optimizing the impact of limited resources, especially in light of rising demand for public services.

As a result, cost-effectiveness analysis has emerged as an important tool for evaluating policy alternatives and existing programs, allowing policymakers to analyze the relative costs and benefits of various approaches and identify those that provide the best value for money. Policymakers may ensure that they are making the best use of available resources and providing the best potential outcomes for residents by emphasizing cost-effective policies.

To know more about policy, click here.



The dominant policy-making style in the United States is ______.


The dominant policy-making style in the United States is incrementalism.

Incrementalism refers to the approach where policy changes are made gradually and systematically, through a series of small adjustments or modifications, rather than through major shifts or sweeping reforms. It is based on the idea that policy-making is a continuous process of trial and error, where policies are adjusted in response to feedback and new information.

This style is favored in the United States because it allows for flexibility, compromise, and the avoidance of major conflicts that might arise from more radical policy proposals. It also enables policymakers to respond to changing circumstances and to maintain continuity and stability in government policies.

To know more about policy-making , click here.



How are the theories of Dual Federalism and Cooperative Federalism different?


The difference between  the theories of Dual Federalism and Cooperative Federalism is that Dual Federalism emphasizes a strict separation of powers, while Cooperative Federalism emphasizes a more collaborative and cooperative approach to governance.

The theories of Dual Federalism and Cooperative Federalism are two different approaches to the relationship between the federal government and state governments in the United States. Dual Federalism is based on the idea that the federal and state governments are separate and distinct entities, each with its own sphere of power and authority.

Under Dual Federalism, the federal government is responsible for certain limited areas of policy, such as national defense and foreign affairs, while state governments are responsible for most other areas of policy.

On the other hand, Cooperative Federalism is based on the idea that the federal and state governments should work together to achieve common goals. Under Cooperative Federalism, the federal government provides funding and guidance to the states, while the states implement federal policies and programs in their own unique ways.

In Cooperative Federalism, the federal government takes a more active role in shaping policy, and state governments have a greater degree of flexibility in implementing policy.

For more such questions on Dual Federalism, click on:



what were Sumner's public stances on segregated higher education, and the type of education that should be offered to African-Americans? Did these correspond to his private views? (2-4 sentences)


Charles Sumner, a prominent politician and abolitionist in the mid-1800s, was a strong advocate for integrated higher education. He believed that all individuals, regardless of race, should have equal access to quality education.

Sumner argued that segregation in higher education perpetuated racial inequality and hindered progress toward equality. Sumner also believed that African-Americans should have access to a liberal arts education, rather than just vocational or trade education. He believed that a liberal arts education provided individuals with the critical thinking skills necessary to fully participate in society and contribute to its progress.
It is believed that Sumner's public stances on segregated higher education and the type of education offered to African-Americans were consistent with his private views. Sumner was a vocal advocate for racial equality and worked tirelessly to advance the cause. He believed that education was a key tool in the fight for equality and access to it was essential.

To learn more about Politician ;



As a first-grade teacher reads a book about penguins in Antartica, she points to Antartica on a globe. Six-year-old John seems really puzzled. "How come they don't fall off the earth?" he asks. From Piaget's perspective, John can best be described as:


From Piaget's perspective, John's question shows that he is in the preoperational stage of cognitive development.

At this stage, children are beginning to develop symbolic thinking and representational thought, but they still struggle with logical reasoning and abstract concepts. John's question suggests that he may not fully understand the concept of gravity and how it keeps objects, including penguins, from falling off the earth. The teacher can help John by explaining the concept of gravity in simple terms that he can understand, using examples and visual aids if necessary.

During this substage, children begin to conceptualize the things they see in their environment. This includes pictures of things that aren't there right now. During this stage of development, perceptions are crucial to a child's ability to solve difficulties. Decentering, conserving, comprehending seriation, and performing inclusion duties are a few of them. Children who are still in the preoperational stage can only concentrate on one facet or dimension of a problem.

To learn more about Preoperational stage, click here:



What two key pieces of legislation kept the majority black population of South Africa from achieving real socio-political power?


The two key pieces of legislation that kept the majority black population of South Africa from achieving real socio-political power were:

The Native Land Act of 1913 - This law prohibited black South Africans from owning or occupying land outside of designated areas known as "Native Reserves." The law essentially reserved 93% of the land in South Africa for white ownership and occupation, and restricted black South Africans to just 7% of the land.

The system of apartheid - This was a comprehensive system of racial segregation and discrimination that was implemented in South Africa from 1948 to 1994. The apartheid system was based on a series of laws and policies that restricted the rights and freedoms of black South Africans, and gave preferential treatment to white South Africans. Under apartheid, black South Africans were forced to live in designated "homelands" or "townships," and were subjected to restrictions on their movement, education, employment, and political participation.

These two pieces of legislation, among many other laws and policies, effectively kept the black population of South Africa from achieving real socio-political power and perpetuated a system of racial inequality and oppression.

Learn more about legislation



as individuals with intellectual disabilities learn motor skills, feedback provided by the instructor should be


Feedback provided by the instructor should be clear, concise, and specific to help individuals with intellectual disabilities learn motor skills effectively.

Individuals with intellectual disabilities may require additional support and guidance to learn motor skills. Therefore, the feedback provided by the instructor should be clear, concise, and specific to help them understand the areas they need to improve.

The feedback should be delivered in a positive and encouraging manner to enhance the individual's motivation and self-confidence.Additionally, the instructor should tailor the feedback to the individual's learning style and level of understanding.

This may involve breaking down complex movements into smaller steps or providing visual aids to support their learning. By providing effective feedback, the instructor can help individuals with intellectual disabilities to develop their motor skills and reach their full potential.

For more questions like Feedback click the link below:



Critique the ethical issues with the Little Albert Study. Why wouldn't this experiment be duplicated today?


The Little Albert Study was a classic experiment conducted by John B. Watson and Rosalie Rayner in 1920, which aimed to investigate the concept of classical conditioning by conditioning a 9-month-old infant (Albert) to develop a phobia of a white rat. However, this experiment has been widely criticized for several ethical issues.

One major ethical issue with this experiment was the use of a human subject without his or his parents' informed consent. Watson and Rayner did not obtain any ethical approval for the experiment, and they did not inform Albert's mother about the nature and potential risks of the experiment. Therefore, Albert and his mother were not able to give their informed consent to participate in the experiment.

Moreover, the experiment caused distress and harm to Albert by deliberately creating a phobia of a white rat and other furry animals. Albert was not given any psychological support or follow-up after the experiment, which may have affected his emotional and mental well-being.

Additionally, the experiment lacked scientific rigor and objectivity as it was conducted in an uncontrolled environment, and the results were not properly documented. The experiment was also highly subjective, and the researchers' interpretation of Albert's behavior may have been biased.

Due to these ethical concerns, the Little Albert Study would not be allowed to be duplicated today. Modern research ethics guidelines require researchers to obtain informed consent from participants, prioritize their safety and well-being, and conduct studies in a controlled and objective environment. Therefore, the Little Albert Study would not pass the ethical review process in today's scientific community.

Learn More about phobia here :-



Safety and Infection Control
Standard Precautions/Transmission-Based Precautions/
Surgical Asepsis -
Infection Control: Infection Precautions (RM FUND 9.0 Ch 11)
-always use standard precautions
-AIRBORNE precautions= to protect against droplet infections smaller than 5mcg (measles, varicella, TB)---they require a private room, masks and respiratory protect devices for caregivers and visitors, negative pressure room, and make sure to wear full face protection if splashing or spraying is possible.
-DROPLET Precautions= protection against droplets larger than 5mcg and travel 3-6ft from the client (strep pharyngitis or pneumonia, Haemonphilus influenza type B, scarlet fever, rubella, pertussis, mumps, mycoplasma pneumonia, meningococcal pneumonia, and sepsis, pneumonic plague)---requires private room and masks
-CONTACT Precautions= protect against visitors and caregivers when they are within 3ft of the clients against direct client and environmental constant infections (RSC, shigella, enteric diseases, wound infections, herpes simplex, impetigo, scabies, and MRSA)--requires private room, gloves and gowns, disposal of infectious depressing into nonporous bag
-PROTECTIVE precautions = protect clients who is immunocompromised--like a person who had an allogenic hematopoenteic stem cell transplant **---requires private room, positive airflow*, HEPA filtration, and mask for client when outside of room


Protective precautions are essential for immunocompromised clients, such as those who have undergone an allogenic hematopoietic stem cell transplant. These precautions help minimize the risk of infection and ensure the safety of the patient.

A private room is necessary to limit exposure to potential pathogens from other patients or hospital staff. Positive airflow ensures that clean air constantly flows into the room, further reducing the risk of airborne contaminants.

HEPA filtration is an additional measure to guarantee that the air entering the room is free from harmful particles like bacteria, viruses, and mold spores. This filtration system is highly effective in maintaining a sterile environment for the patient.

The client should wear a mask when outside their room to protect themselves from potential infections. This barrier helps prevent the inhalation of infectious agents and supports the overall goal of maintaining a safe environment for the immunocompromised patient.

By implementing these protective precautions, healthcare providers can significantly reduce the risk of infection and improve the recovery process for clients who have undergone an allogenic hematopoietic stem cell transplant.

To learn more about allogenic hematopoietic



There has been less news coverage of claims relating to the needs of the poor in recent years because...


There has been less news coverage of claims relating to the needs of the poor in recent years because of several reasons. These factors have contributed to a decline in news coverage of claims relating to the needs of the poor.

One reason is the shift in media priorities towards more sensational stories that attract larger audiences and generate higher profits. Another reason is the reduction in funding for news organizations,

which has resulted in fewer journalists and resources to cover important issues like poverty. Additionally, some argue that the current political climate has made it more difficult for journalists to report on poverty-related issues objectively and without bias.

Furthermore, the increasing prevalence of social media and alternative news sources has resulted in a fragmented news landscape, with individuals selecting news sources that align with their beliefs and interests.

Overall, these factors have contributed to a decline in news coverage of claims relating to the needs of the poor.

To learn more about : claims



Zeke lacks emotional maturity sometimes in dealing with classmates and roommates at school. He has recognized this and would like to change so he does not feel like he is annoying others. Which strategy would be helpful to Zeke in promoting emotional intelligence?



Apply the Adult Learning Cycle to self-control.


hope this helps

Cultural norms differ based on social class, income level, and educational level is called?


The phenomenon you are referring to is known as cultural stratification, which refers to how cultural norms, values, and practices vary depending on factors such as social class, income level, and educational attainment.

This means that individuals from different backgrounds may have distinct cultural experiences and expectations, which can shape their behaviors, beliefs, and perceptions of the world around them. The phenomenon where cultural norms differ based on social class, income level, and educational level is called "cultural stratification." Social stratification is the division of a population into groups according to wealth, income, education, family history, and authority in a society. The various vertical layers of rock are also referred to as "stratification" by geologists. According to age stratification theorists, social position and classification of people of society are based on their age (Riley, Johnson, & Foner, 1972). Age-related cultural disparities that affect the social and economic power of age groups are a common source of conflict.

To know more about cultural stratification refer :



True/False: The preparation outline should be in standard outline form.


True, The preparation outline should be in standard outline form, which includes Roman numerals, capital letters, Arabic numerals, and lowercase letters to indicate the hierarchy and relationship between the main and supporting points of the speech.

What do you mean by preparation outline?

This format helps the speaker to organize their ideas and ensure that they are effectively communicating their message to the audience.

In order to assist you in writing and organising your speech, preparation outlines are produced using complete sentences and citations. A Your preparation plan should start with your thesis statement and precise purpose statement, just above the title.

Make sure to include the speech's introduction, central themes, conclusion, and transitional phrases in your preparation outline. A title, your overall purpose, specific purpose, primary idea, and preview are also required.

To know more about preparation outline  visit:



areas of the body, called ______ zones have an unusually rich array of nerve receptors that are particularly sensitive not just to sexual touch but to any kind of touch


Areas of the body called "erogenous zones" have an unusually rich array of nerve receptors that are particularly sensitive not just to sexual touch but to any kind of touch. These zones, found throughout the body, play a significant role in enhancing physical and emotional intimacy between partners. When stimulated, they can elicit pleasurable sensations and even lead to sexual arousal.

Erogenous zones are not the same for everyone, as individual preferences and sensitivities can vary. Common examples include the lips, neck, ears, inner thighs, and genital regions. However, it is important to remember that other areas, such as the scalp, lower back, or feet, can also be highly sensitive for some individuals.

Touching and exploring these erogenous zones can deepen emotional connections between partners, as well as promote relaxation and overall wellbeing. Additionally, they can play an essential role in foreplay, enhancing the sexual experience for both individuals involved. Communication and consent are crucial when engaging in any form of physical touch, especially when exploring erogenous zones, to ensure the comfort and safety of all parties involved.

In summary, erogenous zones are areas of the body with a high concentration of nerve receptors, making them particularly sensitive to touch. They can be key in enhancing intimacy and pleasure within relationships and can vary greatly from person to person.

For more questions on:  rich



channel your thought process before taking this course and before adopting a social science perspective. through what type of lens would you have viewed graffiti before taking this course? how would this have influenced how you thought about graffiti? how do these two reactions compare? has your understanding of social science principles changed the way you perceive graffiti in society? if so, how?


You might have thought of graffiti through the lens of vandalism and damage before taking the course.

However, after completing the course and acquiring knowledge more about social science ideas, you may have begun to see graffiti as a kind of art and self-expression. You appear to be inquiring about how your opinion on graffiti has evolved since completing a social science course

It's likely that your comprehension of social science fundamentals has altered your perception of graffiti in society. If this is the case, it might be interesting to investigate how and why your perception has shifted. People express themselves in various ways. Sharing information about their day and how they made them feel, wearing an out-of-date or antiquated item of apparel.

Learn more about graffiti here:



According to the principles of the global compact, the elimination of discrimination with respect to employment and occupation falls under the category of _____.
A. human rights
B. labor
C. environment
D. anticorruption


According to the principles of the global compact, the elimination of discrimination with respect to employment and occupation falls under the category of labor.

Explain the principle of global compact.

The global compact's guiding principles state that eliminating discrimination in employment and occupations is a matter of labour. The United Nations created the Global Compact, a list of ten guiding principles, in 2000 with the intention of enticing corporations to embrace sustainable and socially conscious activities. Upholding basic human rights, including the prohibition of discrimination in all its forms, is one of the Global Compact's central tenets. This means that firms should give all employees equal opportunity regardless of their race, sexuality, ethnicity, faith, age, or any other attribute in the workplace . in other words and vocation. It plays a crucial role.

To Know more about Global Compact Visit:



The Gordon method, like most other methods, begins with group members not knowing the exact nature of the problem. true or false


The Gordon method is a problem-solving approach used in group settings to identify and resolve issues is True.

Like many other problem-solving methods, the Gordon method starts with group members not knowing the exact nature of the problem. This is because the group may have only a general idea of the problem, or they may not have all the information needed to fully understand the issue at hand. The first step in the Gordon method is to gather information about the problem. This involves asking questions, seeking out relevant data, and exploring different perspectives on the issue. The group then works to define the problem, which involves clarifying the specific issue and identifying any underlying causes or contributing factors.Once the problem has been defined, the group moves on to generating potential solutions. This is a creative process where group members brainstorm ideas and consider different options. The group then evaluates each potential solution based on its feasibility, effectiveness, and potential impact.Finally, the group selects the best solution and develops a plan of action for implementing it. This may involve assigning specific tasks to group members, establishing timelines and deadlines, and monitoring progress to ensure that the solution is effective.Overall, the Gordon method is a structured and systematic approach to problem-solving that emphasizes collaboration, communication, and creativity. By working together, group members can identify and resolve complex problems in a way that is both effective and sustainable.

For more such question on Gordon Childe



Replacement tires can have varying ratings as the original tires and still maintain vehicle safety.
A. True
B. False


The given statement "Replacement tires can have varying ratings as the original tires and still maintain vehicle safety" is True because it is important to understand the differences between the ratings and select replacement tires that are suitable for the specific vehicle and driving conditions.

Replacement tires can have varying ratings compared to the original tires and still maintain vehicle safety. However, it is important to understand the differences between the ratings and select replacement tires that are suitable for the specific vehicle and driving conditions.
When selecting replacement tires, it is crucial to ensure that they meet the minimum safety standards and requirements specified by the vehicle manufacturer.

The tire's load capacity, speed rating, and size should match the original tire specifications to maintain the vehicle's safety and performance.
It is also essential to consider the driving conditions and the intended use of the vehicle when selecting replacement tires.

For example, if you live in an area with heavy rain or snow, you may need to choose tires with a better wet or winter performance rating.

Similarly, if you frequently drive on rough terrain, you may require tires with a higher load capacity or stronger construction.
In summary, replacement tires can have varying ratings compared to the original tires and still maintain vehicle safety. However, it is important to select replacement tires that meet the minimum safety standards and requirements and are suitable for the specific vehicle and driving conditions.

For more such questions on original tires



the rebt technique that involves having clients vividly imagine one of the worst things that might happen to them and to describe their disturbing feelings is called:


The REBT technique that involves having clients vividly imagine one of the worst things that might happen to them and describe their disturbing feelings is called "imaginal exposure" or "rational emotive imagery."

The foundation of REBT is the notion that most people want to succeed in life. For instance, you most likely desire pleasure and success. But occasionally, unreasonable impulses and thoughts get in the way. Your perception of circumstances and events may be affected by these ideas, and typically not in a positive way. Albert Ellis developed the form of treatment known as rational emotive behaviour therapy (REBT) in the 1950s. It's a method that aids in the discovery of erroneous assumptions and destructive thought patterns that could result in emotional or behavioural problems.

Learn more about REBT here:



how would you best summarize the difference between one-way and two-way models of public relations?


The main difference between the two is that one-way models focus on disseminating information, while two-way models focus on building relationships and engaging with the public.

What is the difference between one-way and two-way models ?

One-way models of public relations involve communication that flows from the organization to the public without expecting any feedback or engagement from the public. This type of communication is usually through press releases, advertising, and other forms of mass communication.

On the other hand, two-way models of public relations involve communication that is more interactive and allows for feedback and engagement from the public. This type of communication can be through social media, public events, and customer service channels.

To know more about one-way models visit:



Greg got his math test back and although he had the correct answers, he did not get full credit. This was most likely because he did not:


Greg got his math test back and although he had the correct answers, he did not get full credit. This was most likely because he did not:follow the instructions completely.

Following instructions is also regarded as ideal behavior for living and surviving in a society, it becomes crucial for an individual to do so.A form of advice, an instruction may not be required to be followed; Nevertheless, operations are risk-free and error-free when the instructions are followed.

In addition, when a person adheres to the instructions that have been given to them, he or she ensures that he or she is living and acting in accordance with the standards set by society. As a result, instructions play a significant role.

Learn more about instructions here:



David often tells his friends that he doesn't care if he gets fired or promoted at his job at the local pizzeria. He is demonstrating __________.dominanceorganizational citizenship behaviorfake goodamotivation


David is demonstrating amotivation, which means he lacks motivation or interest in his job.

He does not seem to care about the consequences of his actions, whether he gets fired or promoted. This attitude can negatively affect his job performance and the overall functioning of the pizzeria.

It is important for employees to feel motivated and engaged in their work, as it can lead to better job satisfaction, productivity, and organizational citizenship behavior (OCB), which refers to voluntary actions that go beyond job requirements and contribute to the well-being of the organization.

David's lack of OCB can also impact the morale of his colleagues and the reputation of the pizzeria. Therefore, it is crucial for managers to identify the factors that contribute to employee motivation and to create a positive work environment that fosters OCB and job satisfaction.

To know more about organizational citizenship behavior click on below link:



attribute control occurs when the quality characteristic is measured on a discrete scale rather than a continuous scaleT/F


Attribute control occurs when the quality characteristic is measured on a discrete scale rather than a continuous scale .false

Attribute control refers to a quality control approach where a product or service is evaluated as either conforming or not conforming to a specific set of requirements or standards. This approach is used when the quality characteristic is measured on a discrete scale, such as the presence or absence of a particular feature, rather than a continuous scale.

On the other hand, variable control is used when the quality characteristic is measured on a continuous scale, such as weight, height, or time. In variable control, the focus is on measuring and reducing variability within an acceptable range, rather than on pass/fail outcomes.

Learn more about Attribute control



After getting settled in your new job, you will want to buy a home in the Woodland district. Woodland is true prestige, and all of our upscale employees live there."A) Argument against the person, circumstantial.B) No fallacy.C) Appeal to the people.D) Red herring.


After getting settled in your new job, you will want to buy a home in the Woodland district. Woodland is true prestige, and all of our upscale employees live there.  Appeal to the people.

buying a home in the Woodland district is a desirable thing to do because it is prestigious and all upscale employees live there. This is an example of an "appeal to the people" fallacy, also known as an "appeal to popularity" or "bandwagon" fallacy. The speaker is essentially suggesting that the listener should follow the crowd and do what everyone else is doing, rather than providing a valid argument for why buying a home in the Woodland district is a good idea based on its own merits.

Learn more about peoplehere:https://brainly.com/question/18994778


How are indexes usually implemented? Why


Indexes are usually implemented as data structures that organize the values of one or more columns in a database table to optimize query performance.

Indexes are used to speed up database queries by allowing the database management system to locate specific rows in a table more efficiently. When a query is executed, the database management system uses the index to quickly locate the relevant rows instead of scanning the entire table.

There are different types of indexes, such as clustered and non-clustered indexes, and they can be implemented using various data structures, such as B-trees and hash tables.

The choice of index type and data structure depends on the specific use case and the characteristics of the data being indexed. However, indexes also come with a cost, as they require additional storage space and can slow down write operations, so their use should be carefully considered and optimized.

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The International Monetary Fund (IMF) and the World Bank (WB) have similarities except: a. Both focus on broadening and strengthening the economies of their member nations b. Hold joint annual meetings c. Focus of the WB is development of countries d. Share joint task forces, sessions and research efforts Question 15What conditions would result in the worst case of pipe damage due to corrosion?a. hard water, low alkalinity, presence of oxygenb. soft water, low alkalinity, presence of oxygenc. hard water, high acidity, presence of oxygend. soft water, low acidity, presence of oxygen The writing style of Modernism literature focuses on Demand is given by Pd = 120 0.2Q. Supply is given by Ps = 15 + 0.15Q If we impose a subsidy of $7 per unit, find the price paid by the buyer, the price paid by the seller, and the equilibrium quantity. Graphically identify the cost of the subsidy paid by the government. Please anwser the question i will reward brainlest. Sometimes private markets can successfully provide The ________ method removes an item from an ArrayList at a specific index.removepopdeleteAtclear How do solve 2,125x365 in a collectivist society, the best way to praise employees is boys are more likely to be diagnosed with learning disorders because ___________. Examine the graph of the heating curve of water and scenario. You have a small container of solid ice. It is currently in the A section of the graph. You add heat energy so that it is in B on the graph. Which choice most accurately describes the state of the water while its in B?Option A: It is in the process of melting into water. Some of the water will be liquid and some will be solid. The temperature of the water will be changing while its in B.Option B: The solid water has changed completely into water and the temperature of the water will not change while its in B.Option C: It is in the process of melting into water. Some of the water will be liquid and some will be solid. The temperature of the water will not change while its in B. Humans have 46 chromosomes. This number of chromosomes will be found in _____. ( Concept 10.2)all cells in anaphase of mitosisall the egg and sperm cellsall gamete-producing cells after meiosis Iliver cellsall the cells of the body P1 = (__ + P2)/(1 + R) If a cell were given glucose labeled at carbon-3 with 14C, what carbon(s) of pyruvate would contain the label? Upload a labeled drawing tracing through the steps. ammonium perchlorate is the solid rocket fuel that was used by the u.s. space shuttle and is used in the space launch system (sls) of the artemis rocket. it reacts with itself to produce nitrogen gas , chlorine gas , oxygen gas , water , and a great deal of energy. what mass of nitrogen gas is produced by the reaction of 5.3 g of ammonium perchlorate? _______________ allows the running of more than one OS at the same time on a single machine. The strength of collagen comes from its:A. ability to bind to polysaccharide molecules.B. triple helical structure and bundling.C. amino acid sequence.D. triple helical structure and bundling, as well as its amino acid sequence. Investigate how integration of whites and black help to perpetuate inequality and racism in sa An achievement culture is one in which people are accorded status based on their _____. A. age. B. gender. C. performance. D. social connections. all of the following are examples of pollutants in the marine environment except: question 45 options: heavy metals such as mercury and silver. hydrocarbons. nitrate and phosphates. phytoplankton. sewage effluent.