What was Woodrow Wilson's speech called?


Answer 1


The Fourteen Points speech


Related Questions

How do you strengthen relationship between two countries?


Cultural and educational initiatives that foster mutual trust, understanding, and cooperation can assist foster public support for the two nations' greater connection.

Why is it important for countries to establish positive relations with other nations?

It keeps amicable ties with other countries in order to preserve sound commercial and diplomatic ties and forge alliances with other countries that can support a country during trying times.

How can we keep up good relations with our neighbours?

Building mutually beneficial connections based on trust and understanding is the greatest method to sustain good relations between nations. The arts, education, language, tradition, sports, science, and gastronomy may be the most alluring cultural investments for any country.

To know more about cultural investments, visit:



What is the most important right in the Bill of Rights and why?


The liberties that the First Amendment guarantees are the most significant in the Bill of Rights. The freedoms of speech, the press, and religion are among them.

What makes the right to life so crucial?

The use of force by public authorities, the provision of medical care, and the scrutiny of public entities' actions can all be relevant circumstances since the right to life is concerned with preventing the arbitrary deprivation of life.

What makes the Bill of Rights so crucial?

The United States Constitution gives the government a legal framework to implement these ideals and create the government. The Bill of Rights restricts governmental power by defending individual liberties.

To learn more about Bills Of Rights here:



What are the five 5 common types of safety hazards in the community service sector?


The correct answer is lifting, carrying, pushing, and tugging; tripping, slips, and other accidents; and workplace aggression.

There are six main categories of workplace hazards: safety, biological, physical, ergonomic, chemical, and workload. Although certain occupations are inherently riskier than others, we've listed the top 10 workplace dangers that should be avoided: Acids, caustic compounds, cleaners, glues, heavy metals (mercury, lead, aluminium), paint, insecticides, petroleum products, and solvents are examples of hazardous chemicals. A process, occurrence, or human action that has the potential to negatively influence the environment or cause property damage, injury, or other health effects is considered a hazard. Hazards might be anthropogenic, socionatural, or natural in nature.

To learn more about workplace click the link below:



What was Brown vs Board of Education 2?


Brown vs Board of Education 2 , which was issued in 1955, stated that the deconstruction of separate school systems for Black and White pupils could begin with "all deliberate speed," a phrasing that neither favored nor disapproved of those who supported integration.

Who made the decision in Brown 2?

That schools in the US would need to desegregate was made obvious by Brown II. It also outlined a procedure for ensuring school integration by granting federal district courts the authority to oversee the schools, manage the amount of time they could have to end their segregation, and punish them if they didn't comply. The Supreme Court issued Brown II, more formally known as Brown II, an enforcement decree in May 1955 that was applicable to both Brown and Bolling. The Court ruled that various local solutions were needed to address the issues raised in Brown and Bolling.

To know more about Brown vs Board of Education visit:



What is lobbying government quizlet?


Lobbying in government is a form of advocacy with the aim of influencing government decisions by individuals or generally by pressure groups. This includes all attempts to influence legislators and officials

What is Lobbying?

Lobbying is when an individual or group tries to convince someone in Parliament to support a particular policy or campaign. Lobbying can be done in person, by mail and email, or through social media. Anyone can lobby their MP or a member of the House of Lords, but it's often more effective to find others with the same interests or experiences as you to lobby with you in groups. People who often lobby Parliament and its members include businesses, charities, lobbying groups, trade unions and representatives from various industry sectors.

Learn more about Lobbying https://brainly.com/question/25117359


What are the capabilities of the country in terms of national security?


"A nation has security when it does not have to sacrifice its legitimate interests to avoid war, and is able, if challenged, to maintain them by war."

What is national security?The concept of the nation-state is widely accepted today, but it would be incorrect to assume that it is the only way to approach international security. The pre-Westphalia international system assumed the existence of a universal principle governing the affairs of states led by emperors, popes, kings, and princes. That was the Holy Roman Empire's guiding principle. The new nation-state concept took a different approach. People would be better served by peace and stability if they did not slaughter each other over some universal principle—in this case, religion. It would be far preferable to have an international system based on the balance of nation-states dedicated to the limited goals of national sovereignty and self-defense.

To learn more about national security refer to:



What are the three 3 branches of the government describe their functions in not more than three 3 sentences?


Our federal government is divided into three departments. They are the government's executive, legislative, and judicial branches. The President of the United States is in charge of the Executive Branch of our government.

What are the 3 branches of government and what do they do?

These three branches are the Judicial, Executive, and Legislative. Each of them performs a variety of tasks to manage our government. Numerous of these authorities are also based on the key ideas that shaped our Constitution, like checks and balances, rule of law, and popular sovereignty.

As a result, we may say that the judiciary upholds the law while the legislative makes and the executive executes the law. The effective operation of the Government depends on the cooperation of all three of the Union Parliament's bodies.

To know more about branches of government, refer:



What cases do district courts hear the most?


Within the federal court system, district courts preside over both civil and criminal trials.

What kind of legal dispute arises most frequently?There are five different sorts of legal systems: mixed law, common law, customary law, and religious law. The Indian Judicial System has four different categories of legislation. The police are in charge of enforcing criminal law .Governs cases involving murder, assault, and robbery.These are some of the cases that show up in civil court the most frequently.Contractual Conflicts. When one or more parties to a contract are unable or unwilling to carry out their commitments, a contract conflict will result.The district courts can hear most federal cases, including civil and criminal cases. There are 94 federal judicial districts in the United States and its territories.The state courts try defendants charged with state crimes and the federal sys- tem deals with those charged with federal crimes. Far more criminal trials take place in state courts, because states have traditionally handled most criminal offenses.Property Conflicts.Torts.Class action litigation.Disputations with the city.

To learn more about criminal law refer to:



What are the three main monetary policy goals of central banks?


The three main policies are maximum employment, stable prices, and moderate long-term interest rates

What categories of policies exist?

The four main areas of public policy are regulatory policy, component policy, egalitarian policy, and redistributionist policy. These four policy kinds' goals and the individuals they influence or benefit differ.

Which four policies are they?

Theodore J. Lowi, an American political scientist, proposed four different types of policies in his articles "Four Systems of Policy, Politics and Choice" and "American Business, Policy Analysis, Case Analysis and Political Theory," namely distributive, redistributive, regulating, and constituent.

To know more about policy



What are the roles of the president and the Senate in appointing ambassadors?


The Senate must advise and approve all ambassadorial nominations, which are made at the president's discretion. The State Department develops and carries out the President's foreign policy.

What is meant by a president?

An elected politician who holds the positions of chief of state and top political executive in a republic with a presidential administration; an elected official who holds the position of Despite frequently having only a little amount of political power, the chief of state in a republic with a parliamentary government. The president of a nation generally performs the roles of official head of state, head of the executive branch, and pivotal leader of the nation.

What is the role of a president and does president mean leader?

The President is the nation's head of state and administration in addition to being the Commander-in-Chief of the armed forces. According to Article II of the Constitution, the President is charged with upholding and carrying out the laws established by Congress.

An organization, business, community, club, trade union, university, or other group's president is the group's chief executive. Depending on the organizational structure of a given company, the connection between a president and a chief executive officer can differ.

To know more about President visit:



What did Executive Order 13780?


Executive Order 13603 establishes the framework and legal foundation for the allocation or allocation of money, products, and services to enhance national security.

What does executive do?

The government's enforcement of the laws and rules approved by the legislature is the responsibility of the executive branch. The executive is frequently involved in the creation of policy. The executive is referred to by a variety of titles in government papers, depending on the country. In certain countries, there are presidents, but in others, there are chancellors.

What is a executive example?

A term that alludes to being able to make choices is executive. The u.s. president, who leads the executive branch of government, is responsible for enacting laws that will improve the nation for its citizens.

To know more about Executive visit:


What major actions did President Roosevelt take in his first hundred days in office ?


The first 100 days of the Roosevelt Administration produced more results than nearly any previous time in US history. Within this 100 days, fifteen significant laws were passed.

What actions did President Roosevelt take in first hundred days  ?The first 100 days of the Franklin Delano Roosevelt Administration are possibly unique in history. The United States has never before faced such severe economic difficulties. Furthermore, never before had a new President reached office with such a strong sense of self-assurance that he would be equipped to address the scope and complexity of the country's issues. Roosevelt understood that he would need to act rapidly in light of this. Additionally, and perhaps most critically, FDR recognised the need to tell the public and press completely. The first 100 days of the Roosevelt administration have now passed.In the early hours of the day following his inauguration, President Roosevelt spoke with the media. Two days later, FDR addressed the nation in the first of 30 "Fireside Chats" he would deliver to the public during his four years as president. Roosevelt also convened the Congress quickly, which resulted in a flurry of legislative successes.

To learn more about Roosevelt refer :



Who issues security classification guides for systems plans programs projects or missions?


Department of Defense (DoD) 5200.1-R, Information Security Programs and Army Regulations (AR) 380-5, Division of Army Information Security Programs, for each system, plan, program.

As mentioned above, the Securities Classification Guide (SCG) is a document issued by the OCA that explains how derivatives are classified. SCGs are issued for systems, plans, programs, projects, or missions to allow appropriate and consistent derivation of information.

In most cases, the responsibility for classifying information rests with the asset owner, usually based on the results of a risk assessment.

The higher the value of the information (higher the consequences of a confidentiality breach), the higher the confidentiality level should be.

A security taxonomy guidance is a statement or resource that establishes a taxonomy for a system, plan, program, mission, or project. Originally issued by the Original Classification Authorities (OCA) to document and disseminate classification decisions within their jurisdiction.

Know more about Regulations here:



Does an executive order override the Supreme Court?



An executive order can’t overturn a Supreme Court decision. But a president may be able to find a way to accomplish their goal in a different way, which doesn’t conflict with the Supreme Court decision. In practice, this can end up looking like they overturned the decision.


What is the major source of funding for most public schools?


The major source of funding for most public schools is State and local revenues.

What do you mean by Funding?

A government or entity offers funding when it contributes money for a certain goal.

State government money is the main source of funding for primary and secondary education, followed by municipal contributions (primarily property taxes). The General Education Development (GED) classes required to get a job or go to college are offered by the public education system.

For most states, the largest budget line item is governmental support for public education. 8 State financing is anticipated to fill any gaps and inequities in local funding along with federal support.

Therefore, State and local revenues is the major source of funding for most public schools.

Learn more about Funding, here;



What are the 4 types of jurisdiction?


Different jurisdictions

The case is first heard by the court having original jurisdiction.

Having appellate jurisdiction means a higher court can examine a lower court's judgement.

Only that judge has the unique authority to hear a certain situation.

If there is concurrent jurisdiction, several courts share it.

What categories of jurisdictions come to mind?

Judicial jurisdiction examples include appellate jurisdiction, concurrent jurisdiction, which permits a lawsuit to be brought in one or more courts, federal jurisdiction, in which a superior court has the power to overrule legal mistakes made by a lower court, and concurrent authority.

What does a country's territory entail?

A state's jurisdiction is its ability to influence people, things, and events that take place on its soil.

To know more about jurisdictions visit:



What is the nature of roots of quadratic equation 5x2 7x 2 0?


The nature of the quadratic equation's 9 roots is 5x27x20 subsequently, the quadratic equation is [tex]ax^{2} +bx+c[/tex] .

What do you meant by quadratic equation?

[tex]$$\begin{aligned}& 5 x^2-7 x+2=0 \\& a=5 \\& b-7 \\& c=2 \\& b^2-4 a c \\& =49-4 \times 5 \times 2 \\& b^2-4 a c=9 \\& b^2-4 a c > 0\end{aligned}$$[/tex]

[tex]$\therefore$[/tex] Real and distinct roots can be found.

Here, a, b, and c are true and sensible. As a result, the value or expression ([tex]b^{2} - 4ac[/tex]) under the square root sign determines the type of roots and of the equation [tex]ax^{2} + bx + c = 0[/tex]. We say this because a negative number's root can never be a real number.

The nature of the roots indicates whether the equation has rational, irrational, or fictitious roots. Real roots are another name for imaginary roots. We must calculate the discriminant, which is [tex]b^{2} - 4 a c[/tex], in order to understand the kind of roots in quadratic equations (of the form [tex]ax^{2} + bx + c=0[/tex] ).

To learn more about quadratic equation refer to :



What is the best definition of president pro tempore?


The constitutionally recognized Senate employee who presides over Congress in the absence of the Vice President.

An interim president (or "temporary president") is elected by the Senate and is traditionally the majority-party senator with the longest consecutive term. This index page provides links to information on the origins and powers of the presidency and its tentative role in the presidential succession.

The Constitution directs the Senate to elect an interim President to preside over the Senate in the absence of the Vice President. Pro tempore is Latin for "provisional", indicating that the post was designed as a temporary replacement.

Know more about Constitution here:



Can you join military after 50?


Yes, but in some The exceptions. The maximum age to join the Army as an enlisted Soldier is 35, while Officers must accept their commission before age 31. However, the Army can lift some restrictions based on the need for certain roles to be filled. It's possible to receive an age waiver if you retire with 20 years of military service by age 55.

What is Military?

The military consists of all members of the armed forces are those personnel who are currently serving in the armed forces including auxiliary services, whether on a voluntary or compulsory basis, and who are not free to accept civilian employment.

Included are members of the army, navy, air forces and other military services, as well as conscripts enrolled for military training or other service for a specified period, depending on national requirements.

Learn more about the Military here:



What is excluded from taxable income?


Income excluded from the IRS's calculation of your income tax includes life insurance death benefit proceeds, child support, welfare, and municipal bond income. The exclusion rule is generally, if your "income" cannot be used as or to acquire food or shelter, it's not taxable.

What is the point of Act 3 Scene 3 What happens during this short scene?


In Act 3 Scene 3 of Hamlet, Claudius emphasizes dread rather than guilt as his innermost feeling.

Claudius kneels down before his own altar and confesses to God that he killed his sibling. Even though he understands that what he did was wrong, he is unable to give up his newfound power and position.

Instead, he begs for heavenly help to make him more receptive to repentance. Claudius gradually reveals the depth of his criminality while also evoking sympathy by displaying his human frailty, this is the paradox of evil.

Even going so far as to challenge Claudius, who accepts the challenge only reluctantly, to stay and attend the play. Hamlet's scheme must be allowed to proceed because Claudius is unable to stop it.

This illustrates how little control Claudius has over the situation and how helpless he is to stop Hamlet. Despite Claudius' objections, he is able to influence Claudius and ensure that his plan is carried out.

To know more about Hamlet, click the below link



What is rural and urban government?



Rural local government is called the Panchayati Raj


Brainliest pls and did it help

What is an emotional pathos appeal?


Pathos, often known as the appeal to emotion, is a literary device used to persuade readers by deliberately arousing particular feelings in them to produce the desired emotional response.

What is Pathos ?Invoking feelings that already exist in the audience, pathos appeals to their emotions and ideas. The term "pathos" is most frequently employed in rhetoric, along with in literature, film, and other narrative arts.Readers may feel anything, from sadness to rage, when pathos is used. These appeals are very successful at engaging the audience and adding a sympathetic and personal touch to the message.Although using an audience's emotions to persuade them can be effective, doing so exclusively carries risks. For example, you could wind up with a weak argument that isn't backed up by logic or credibility.Pathos in a message can also be strengthened by the use of kairos, which is selecting the proper timing and tone for your remarks.

To learn more about pathos refer :



Can a secret recording be used as evidence in India?


Although caution is advised, secret recordings can be used as evidence.

What are the evidences?

Anything or any piece of information can be used as evidence to increase or decrease the likelihood that a statement is true. In addition to testimony, written papers, video or audio recordings, DNA tests, and other tangible things are all examples of evidence. Judiciary are unable to accept all evidence because it must follow the standards of evidence established by the relevant jurisdiction (see below). Testimony that is hearsay, untrustworthy, or otherwise inadmissible may be rejected by the court.

The four categories of evidence that you should be aware of are covered in this article.

(1) Stable Foundation

(2) Statements from witnesses.

(3) Manifestation of Evidence

(4) Supporting Documents

To know more about Judiciary, visit:



Do the House and Senate have different powers?


The House has the power to impeach while the Senate tries impeachments

What happened to Clarence Gideon?


After being found not guilty, Gideon resumed his prior lifestyle and eventually got married a fifth time. On January 18, 1972, at the age of 61, he passed away in Fort Lauderdale, Florida, from cancer.

What was Clarence Gideon accused of?

Breaking and invading with the intent of committing a minor, which is considered a felony in Florida, was the charge against Gideon. Gideon didn't have a lawyer when he appeared in court for the trial. He requested the judge's appointment of counsel in open court because he was unable to pay for one.

What action took Clarence Gideon?

A poor man called Clarence Earl Gideon served five years in prison in Florida more than fifty-five years ago for breaking into a pool hall and stealing around five dollars, several beer, and a few soda bottles.

To know more about Clarence Gideon visit:



Under the provisions of the Uniform Securities Act, for willful violations, the State Administrator can:
A. institute criminal proceedings
B. impose a monetary fine
C. file suit under civil liability provisions
D. revoke registration of persons


Option d is Correct. The State Administrator may withdraw a person's registration under the Uniform Securities Act for intentional violations.

In the USA, it is illegal for an investment adviser to participate as the principal or agent in a transaction with an advising client without consent and before the trade has been settled. By submitting an application to the Director and including the information required by the Director's rules to maintain the information in the initial registration application current, a broker-dealer or investment adviser may acquire a renewal registration.

By submitting an application to the Director that includes the names of the agents or investment adviser representatives it is affiliated with and a certification that, to the best of its knowledge, information, and belief, the information in the application has not changed, a broker-dealer, investment adviser, or issuer may renew the registration of the agents or investment adviser representatives associated with it. Each renewal registration application will take effect on the later of the day it is received by the Director or the date the prior registration expires.

Learn more about Uniform Securities Act Visit: brainly.com/question/17147712


use the table, with data for workers and firms, to answer the question. the payoff cells are labeled a, b, c, and d. there are multiple equilibria in the table. the desired outcome is cell a, but there is an equal chance of an equilibrium outcome in cell d. which of the following is an appropriate approach to resolving the problem through communication, so that the outcome in cell a is likely? the government decrees that firms cannot reduce employment. workers expect that their jobs are just as secure as their parents' jobs were. the government conducts an advertising campaign that urges households to increase their saving. firms announce that they will not cut production or jobs as long as consumer spending does not fall.


The firms and workers co-operate (through communication) and they both decide to spend a lot and hire a lot. This allocation will lead to only one outcome, cell A. Hence, option (d) will be regarded as suitable.

Give a brief account on nash equilibrium.

When there is no incentive for players to stray from their initial plan, Nash equilibrium, a notion from game theory, states that this is when the best results will be achieved. The players will not change from their initial chosen strategies because they are still the best ones for each player, even when they are aware of their opponent's strategy. Overall, assuming that other players' techniques do not change, an individual cannot gain any incremental advantage from altering their behavior. There may be one, several, or no Nash equilibria in a game.

To solve the question :

Let us take the above problem,


Spending and Producing

                                                Firms produce                  Firms cut back

                                                 and hire a lot          production and hiring                                                


Workers spend a lot     A. Workers spend a         B. Workers overspend,

                                          lot and firm hire a lot       and firms underproduce

Workers cut back

on spendings                  C. Workers underspend,   D. Workers spend little,

                                             firms overproduce          and  firms sell little

Suppose, the social optimum outcome is A where workers spend a lot and firms hire a lot. Let us assign the corresponding pay-offs:

Say, workers spending a lot and firms hiring a lot means pay-off of 8,8

For cell B, workers overspend means pay-off of -1 and firms underproduce means pay-off of 1

Similarly, for cell C, workers underspend means pay-off of 1 and firms overproduce means pay-off -1.

And for cell D, workers underspend and firms underproduce means pay-off of 0,0

We can then construct the game as,


Spending and Producing

                                               Firms produce           Firms cut back production

                                                and hire a lot             and hiring

Workers spend a lot                 A(8,8)                                  B(-1,1)

Workers cut back

on spendings                             C(1,-1)                                 D(0,0)

Here, when the workers choose to spend a lot, firms will choose to produce alot (8>1) again when the workers choose to spend less, the firms will choose cut back production. (0>-1)


When the firms choose to hire a lot, workers will choose to spend a lot. (8>1)

When the firms choose to hire less, workers will choose less spending. (0>-1)

Hence cell A and cell D are the nash equilibrium. Both of them have an equal chance of happening.

option D implies, the firms and workers co-operate (through communication) and they both decide to spend a lot and hire a lot. This allocation will lead to only one outcome, cell A.

Hence, option D is the correct approach to ensure cell A.

To know more about, nash equilibrium, visit :



The complete question is attached below :

What was Franklin Roosevelt's famous quote from his first inauguration?


Roosevelt said, “I shall ask the Congress for the one remaining instrument to meet the crisis—broad Executive power to wage a war against the emergency, as great as the power that would be given to me if we were in fact invaded by a foreign foe”.

When the properties of one class are inherited by more than one class which is called inheritance Mcq?


When multiple classes are derived from a single parent class, the inheritance is referred to as hierarchical inheritance.

What is hierarchical inheritance?Inheritance refers to the process by which genetic information is passed down from parent to child. This explains why members of the same family exhibit similar characteristics.A situation in which a parent class is inherited by multiple subclasses is described as hierarchical inheritance. Hierarchical inheritance is a type of inheritance in which more than one class is inherited from a single parent or base class.A company's hierarchical structure is the chain of command that starts with senior management and executives and extends to general employees. This authority structure ensures that management levels understand their relationships with one another and assists businesses in making efficient decisions.

To learn more about hierarchical inheritance refer to :



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