What was the planned route of the Freedom Rides?How far did the riders make it?


Answer 1


question 1 -new orleans,louisiana

question 2-Birmingham,alabama  


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The passage below is from the U.S. Supreme Court decision Plessy Ferguson:

We consider the underlying follacy of the plaintiff's argument to consist in the assumption that the enforced separation of the two races stamps the
colored race with a badge of inferiority. If this be so, it is not by reason of anything found in the act, but, solely because the colored race chooses to pur
that construction upon it. If the civil and political rights of both races by equal, one cannot be inferior to the other civilly or politically. If one roce be
inferior to the other socially, the constitution of the United States cannot put them upon the same plane.

What was the impact of the reasoning in Plessy v Ferguson?

A. Racial segregation remained in place in the South for another half century.

B. Southern state governments were forced to end their practice of racial segregation.

C. States government had to not provide equal facilities to members of different races.

D. States government had to ensure economic social equality



C. States government had to not provide equal facilities to members of different races

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-marriages between Germans an Jews were prohibited
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marriages between germans and jews were prohibited




C. Marriages between Germans and Jews were prohibited.

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Answer: Slavery’s history stretched back to antiquity. Prior to the American Revolution, nearly everyone in the world accepted it as a natural part of life. English colonies north and south relied on enslaved workers who grew tobacco, harvested indigo and sugar, and worked in ports. They generated tremendous wealth for the British crown. That wealth and luxury fostered seemingly limitless opportunities, and inspired seemingly boundless imaginations. Enslaved workers also helped give rise to revolutionary new ideals, ideals that in time became the ideological foundations of the sectional crisis. English political theorists, in particular, began to re-think natural law justifications for slavery. They rejected the longstanding idea that slavery was a condition that naturally suited some people. A new transatlantic antislavery movement began to argue that freedom was the natural condition of man.





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as some stay silent others are hold rallies in support as heated black lives matter

What would happen if scientists found life that was not made from cells?



Living things are able to reproduce themselves. If organisms fail to do this, populations will diminish and disappear as their members die from old age, disease, accidents, predation, etc.

Tissues make up organs like your heart, your liver, your brain, spleen, stomach, and so on. With no cells, there are no tissues or organs. Humans would not exist. All organisms, with the exception of viruses, are made of one or more cells.


Hope that this helps! :)

Have a great rest of your day/night!

Please thank me on my profile if this answer has helped you.

Which is an example of civilian control of the military?


Civilian control of the military is a doctrine in military and political science that places ultimate responsibility for a country’s strategic decision-making in the hands of the civilian political leadership, rather than professional military officers. Kohn, “civilian control is not a fact but a process”.


The President orders the Unified Commanders to conduct a military operation.



Lyndon B. Johnson's "Great Society" was:
A. A foreign policy doctrine that called for the elimination of communism
B. A domestic policy doctrine that called for a war on poverty
C. A foreign policy doctrine that called for a war on poverty
D. A domestic policy doctrine that called for the elimination of communism


It is = Aa domestic policy

American strategy for winning the war in the pacific





also known as island hopping was a military strategy employed by the Allies in the Pacific War against the Empire of Japan during World War II

Which of the following describes American trade policy during the early years of the war? (5 points)
Question 4 options:


The United States refused to trade with any of the belligerent nations.


The United States observed a policy of neutrality and traded equally with both sides.


The United States was officially neutral but its trade policies mostly helped Britain and France.


The United States offered loans to Germany to buy American goods but gave goods to Britain and France.






The United States was officially neutral but its trade policies mostly helped Britain and France.

He allowed the press to freely publish anything it wanted about the West? true or false


who allowed the press to freely publish
It is true freely publish

How did Hitler break the Treaty of Versailles?

He sent troops into the Rhineland
He created the Anschluss (Austria and Germany united)
He built up the military
He started building war materials
All of the Above


Answer: All of the above.


All of these were part of the agreement, and Hitler broke all of them.

What gains were made by American women during world war 1



Women in civilian jobs learned valuable skills.


According to Kevin Hymel, historian at the U.S. Air Force Medical Service History Office,“With their men away, women became more self-sufficient. Many brought tools home from work and used them on their own home repairs. They took on domestic roles they never had before.”

What three critics of Franklin Delano Roosevelt gained popularity with schemes to help the
average American?



Father Charles Coughlin, Francis Townsend, and Senator Huey Long of Louisiana


The three critics of Franklin Delano Roosevelt who gained popularity with schemes to help the average American are :

1. Father Charles Coughlin:

2. Francis Townsend: he believed that the government of America under FDR should provide a monthly pension plan for workers.

3. Senator Huey Long of Louisiana; believe that the FDR government n a monthly pension plan


Father Charles Coughlin, Francis Townsend, and Senator Huey Long of Louisiana


The three critics of Franklin Delano Roosevelt who gained popularity with schemes to help the average American are :

1. Father Charles Coughlin:

2. Francis Townsend: he believed that the government of America under FDR should provide a monthly pension plan for workers.

3. Senator Huey Long of Louisiana; believe that the FDR government n a monthly pension plan


-in what year did the population of bison reach about 1100

-what was the approximate population of bison in 1922?



one: 1934

two: 300

Evaluate the impact of the Gautrain on the economy​



The results have shown that, the Gautrain has achieved its objectives of contributing to growing Gauteng's economy. The Gautrain has further strengthened existing development nodes in Gauteng by promoting and restructuring urban areas and revitalising the Johannesburg, Tshwane and Ekurhuleni central business districts.


Which three southern states had the smallest percentage of white people? Delaware, Maryland,Virginia. Or Alabama, Georgia,Virginia?


When? Now or the 1900s?

Does disbanding the police present itself as a feasible solution to police brutality? What other strategy exist for departments



What does disbanding the police mean? Disbanding is the formal elimination of one or more units within the department up to and including the entire agency. The most common reasons for disbanding are that the service is either no longer needed, no longer affordable or that the organization is no longer effective.

While you are walking down the street... the police out of no whereee just stops you and search your back pack because the “FEEL LIKE IT” ...which amendment does that violate ? (No links smh!!)



4th Amendment.


The 4th Amendment states;

"The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no Warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by the Oath of affirmation and particularly describing the place to be searched and the persons things to be seized."

(The police shouldn't just be searching you out of no where, they need permission from the person they are searching, or an actual permit from their superiors)

What were the assumptions underlying the National Security Council's recommendations in NSC-68? Were those assumptions justified?



According to the report, the United States should vigorously pursue a policy of “containing” Soviet expansion. NSC-68 recommended that the United States embark on rapid military expansion of conventional forces and the nuclear arsenal, including the development of the new hydrogen bomb.



True or false PLEASE EXPLAIN WHY ITS TRUE OR FALSE. Only European countries were practicing imperialism in order to build their empires.





This statement is false the United States also practiced imperialism over countries like Japan, Cuba, and the phillipines.

How does the Renaissance change man's view of how he should live life?
1. According to the passages, the Middle Ages were a time of...
2. But during the Renaissance people had more...



Through the institutions of literature, astronomy, anatomy, and art.


The Renaissance changed view of people through the institutions of literature, astronomy, anatomy, and art. These institution increase knowledge and the ability to raise questions about their rights. The Middle Ages were a time of darkness of the European nations.  The people of Europe lived their life without having any rights and according to the will of the church. During the Renaissance, the people had more awareness about their rights and potential to change their lives.

How did Britain and France try to
assure peace after the First World
War? Why do you think these
efforts failed?



they probalay failed because they did not put a whole lot of action into it


Regions that are important to communities and provide important services are what region


Answer: eutrophic systems I believe this is what they are called.


Please answer at least 5 at the most it’s really important and I need help.! (18 points) (tap on the picture)



what grade is this?


Help me plzzzzzzzzzz


1. Temporary 2. Complex 3. Rain 4.predict 5.achieve 6.abandon 7. Distribute 8. Volume

4. Which of the following was NOT a support of Indian Independence?
a. The British Viceroy
b. Indian Natural Congress
c. Muslim League
d. Ram Mohun Roy


Answer:i think c the answer


The British Viceroy was not a supporter of Indian Independence. The British Viceroy was the representative of the British Crown and the colonial government in India. Therefore, the correct option is a.

What is the real reason behind Indian independence?

Indian soldiers and their British superiors had a long history of racial and cultural tensions that led to the uprising. Political issues that led to dissatisfaction among Indians included the British's disregard for Indian emperors like the Mughals and former Peshwas, as well as the annexation of Oudh.

The British Viceroy was not a supporter of Indian Independence because their role was to represent the interests of the British Crown and the colonial government in India. The Viceroy was the highest-ranking colonial official in India, appointed by the British government to oversee the administration of the country.

The British government believed that India was an important colony, both economically and strategically, and therefore had no intention of granting independence to India. The Viceroy was responsible for maintaining British control over India, suppressing any dissent or rebellion, and protecting British interests in the country. It was not until India's independence movement gained momentum and widespread support that the British government began to consider granting India its independence.

Thus, the ideal selection is option A.

Learn more about Indian independence here:



Which of the following was a major concern for Farmers out in the west during the 1890s

A) the water shortage from the great drought
B) I need to get their products sold back in the east
C) the lack of protection from attacks of the French
D) it's over productive of wheat from the Great Plains


Answer: the correct answer is B


A major concern for Farmers out in the west during the 1890s was the need to get their products sold back in the east.

Thus, the correct option is B.

What was the American Farm Unrest?

In the 1980s, sky-high borrowing rates abruptly converted successes into failures, thousands of American farmers were forced into bankruptcy, and national land prices fell by one-third.

Although American farmers have frequently voiced their displeasure with their situation, the years following the Civil War were particularly notable in this regard.

Political upheaval was severe and prolonged during this time. Farmers' precise worries varied, but their main issue was what they saw as their declining political and economic status.

The efforts of farmers to band together for mutual benefit were the defining aspect of farm unrest.

To protest their deteriorating circumstances and to strengthen their political and economic influence, farmers founded cooperatives, interest groups, and political parties.

Farmers' criticisms have been rigorously statistically tested by economic historians. Each allegation has been determined to be somewhat incompatible with the available information on the terms of trade.

The majority of economic historians today concur that agrarian discontent was a reflection of the increased dangers and uncertainties that came with farming following the Civil War.

Farmers can now limit their vulnerability to environmental and economic unpredictability for little or no cost by using advanced production technologies and agricultural futures markets.

Learn more about American Farm Unrest, here



-Explain and give examples of what would cause a market to be in disequilibrium (excess supply and excess demand)


1. Inflation or deflation
2. Changes in foreign exchange reserves
3. Population growth, they would be use to have less people so with population growth it would cause less supply and demand for the bigger amount of people
4. Political instability

The Great Schism of 1378 differed from the one in 1054 because


The Great Schisms of 1378 and 1054 were different because the 1378 one was based on a power struggle.

What happened in the Great Schism of 1378?

The Great Schism was a rivalry in the Roman Catholic Church which saw the emergence of 3 rival popes who all struggled for power.

This was different from the 1054 Schism where the issue was a difference in ideology between the Roman Catholic Church and the Eastern Orthodox church.

Options for this question include:

it was based on a power struggle.it divided the eastern and western churches.it split the center of the papacy between east and west.it raised questions regarding the authority of monarchs.

Find out more on the Great Schisms at https://brainly.com/question/873235.



it was based on a power struggle.


Took the test :3

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