What was Spain's primary motive in colonizing North America?
To engage in the fur trade with the Pueblos in the Southeast
Tosecure its colonies in the south from invasion by France and England
to spread the Protestant faith among the native tribes.
to establish a sea route between Africa and Caribbean for the slave trade


Answer 1

Answer: (D)


Correct me if i'm wrong


Answer 2

Answer: To secure it’s colonies in the south from invasion by France and England

Explanation: Spain Started building settlements in North America primarily because it wanted to secure its colonies in South America and the Caribbean from France and England, which had started colonizing the North.

Related Questions

compare the effects of the mexican american war on mexican citizens and american citizens living in the southwest between 1848 and 1870.



The Mexican-American War had significant effects on both Mexican citizens and American citizens living in the Southwest between 1848 and 1870. The war, which was fought from 1846 to 1848, ended with the signing of the Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo, which ceded about half of Mexico's territory to the United States. This had a major impact on Mexican citizens living in the ceded territory, as they were suddenly living under American rule and subject to American laws and institutions. Many Mexican citizens were also displaced by the war and the subsequent treaty.

For American citizens living in the Southwest, the Mexican-American War and the resulting treaty led to an expansion of American territory and an influx of new settlers. This increased competition for resources and land, and led to conflicts between American settlers and Mexican citizens, as well as Native American tribes. The war and its aftermath also contributed to the development of a distinct American Southwest culture, blending elements of Mexican and American traditions. Overall, the Mexican-American War had complex and far-reaching effects on the people living in the Southwest.

answer two of the following questions: how did us public statements differ from private statements concerning the uprising in hungary in 1956?


The 1956 Hungarian revolution diverted attention away from the 1956 less violent uprising in Poland.

The Hungarian Uprising, also known as the 1956 Hungarian Revolution (23 October–10 November 1956; Hungarian: 1956-os forradalom), was a nationwide uprising against the 1949–1989 Hungarian People's Republic government and the Soviet Union's internal policies in Hungary (USSR).

The anti-communist activists in the People's Republic of Hungary came to the conclusion that "socialism can flourish only on the grounds of direct democracy" and that "the [Hungarian Communist] Party is the epitome of bureaucratic authoritarianism."

The struggle of the Hungarian working class, according to anti-communists, was "for the idea of direct democracy" and that "all authority should be given to the Workers Committees of Hungary."

To know more about Hungarian Revolution:



Scientist sometimes describe a society or a group of humans as highly civilized explain what it means to be highly civilized and provide specific examples?


A society that has highly developed scientific, political, religious, cultural, and technological features is said to be highly civilized.

Examples are advancement in science and technology

What does it mean to be highly civilized?

A society is first and foremost a group of individuals who are bound together by cultural, religious, political, or scientific norms.

A culture often has some level of technology advancement as well as a means of communication, whether it be written or vocal. A civilization is similar to a society that has advanced to a high level of communication, science, and technology.

A society that has developed communication, art, religion, culture, laws governing them, as well as technologies, is one that is highly civilized.

Read more on civilization here : https://brainly.com/question/13403112


What was one positive effect of colonists trading with Native Americans?
O Native Americans and colonists were able to live peacefully on the same land.
Native Americans were able to keep the land they lived on while trading with colon
Native Americans and colonists developed business connections and friendships.
Native Americans learned how to use less land because of the colonists.


The one positive effect of colonists trading with Native Americans is Native Americans and colonists developed business connections and friendships. Thus the correct option is C.

What is trade?

The term "trade" refers to the exchange of goods and services for cash in order to carry out an economic transaction. Trade that crosses international borders is referred to as international trade.

Colonists acquired the skills necessary and natural resources as a result of commerce with Native Americans. Business and social relationships between colonists and native people were developed. Native Americans' way of life was altered as a result of these.

Therefore, option C is appropriate.

Learn more about trading, here:



Watch a documentary "Koran By Heart" it is on y0utube
Answer the question: How does this documentary relate to either islamic revivalism and/ or Sufi-scriptionalist sunni ethic?



Islamic revivalism refers to the idea of revitalizing or rejuvenating Islamic beliefs, practices, and values in order to restore a sense of purity and authenticity to Islam. It can take many forms, such as efforts to promote traditional Islamic teachings and practices, to reform Islamic institutions, or to resist Westernization and globalization.

Sufi-scriptionalist Sunni ethic is a term that combines several concepts related to Islam: Sufism, which is a mystical movement within Islam; Sunni, which is one of the two main branches of Islam; and subscriptionalism, which is the belief in following the teachings and practices of a specific religious tradition or authority. The term "Sufi-scriptionalist Sunni ethic" could refer to a particular approach to Islam that combines Sufi spirituality with subscription to traditional Sunni teachings and practices. However, without more information, it is not possible to accurately determine how these concepts relate to the documentary "Koran by Heart."

The compromise tariff that ended the nullification crisis was authored by:
a Henry Clay.
b Thomas Hart Benton.
c Daniel Webster.
d Martin Van Buren.
e John C. Calhoun.


Henry Clay came up the with compromise tariffs that put a stop to the nullification controversy.

The definition of nullification

The act of a jurisdiction obstructing or seeking to prohibit the implementation of a U.S. federal law inside of the borders is known as nullification. It is a noun. Nulification is the situation of someone being nullified.

An illustration of nullification

To nullify something means to remove it from existence. Nullification might be used to describe the procedure of treating a spider bite that used an antidote to reverse the consequences. When something transcends or outweighs something, thereby wiping out the results of the previous thing, use the word nullification.

To know more about nullification visit:



2. compare and contrast the methods used to maintain power in two authoritarian states, each from a different region


In the authoritarian states, USSR and Cuba, similar methods were used by their leaders to maintain power by introducing of popular reforms however, there are differences in how the carried out due to resistance faced.

An authoritarian state refers to a state in which there is one political party rule who control the matters of the individual, society, and state, headed by a dictator. In the 20th century, Fidel Castro rose to power in Cuba in 1959 and Joseph Stalin rose to power in USSR in 1933. Their methods of maintaining power were similar, there were notable differences in how they were carried out.

A critical method used by both Fidel Castro and Joseph Stalin to maintain power was the introduction of popular reforms after resuming power. Both leaders introduced reforms to mitigating the social problem of low living standards and increasing inequalities prevalent within society, causing an increase in the popular support behind both of the leaders, greatly consolidating their power and authority.

However, a difference in the implementation of reforms for the two leaders was the degree of opposition they faced in response. In case of Castro, the inevitable resistance to the reforms was rather small and limited in their influence. As majority believed in the needed change in the social order, only small groups opposed and took up arms against the revolution hence, Castro allowed those against the revolution to leave the country, controlling the local opposition which did not become a major crise.

Stalin faced great magnitude of opposition from the rich peasants who often destroyed their crops and livestock rather than hand them over to the local kolkhoz, or raided the kolkhozes to reclaim their property, causing a famine in 1930. Even after the reforms were made compulsory in 1931-33 and became better enforced, similar resistance was faced and another famine occurred between 1932 and 1933, with six to eight million people dying as a result. This presented a large magnitude of resistance to Stalin and his policies, and he had to resort to violence to force his reforms upon his people.

Learn more about Authoritarian state:



Which of the following groups of people were a part of the lower class of Sumerian society?

kings and priests
enslaved persons
farmers and artisans
merchants and landowners




Enslaved people were a part of the lower class of Sumerian society.

They usually worked in temples and on farms.

Which of the following events happened last?
Siddhartha Gautama meditated underneath a tree.
Siddhartha Gautama gained insight into human suffering.
Siddhartha Gautama became disenchanted with life.
Siddhartha Gautama wandered through forests for years. ​


Answer: B: Siddhartha Gautama gained insight into human suffering.

Explanation: These are the events listed IN ORDER:

1- Siddhartha Gautama became disenchanted (unhappy) with life.

2- Siddhartha Gautama wandered through the forests for years.

3- Siddhartha Gautama meditated underneath a tree.

4- Siddhartha Gautama gained insight into human suffering.

I hoped this helped! :)

durkheim's argument that social cohesion is necessary for a society to function is aligned with the symbolic interactionist perspective.


According to Durkheim, social cohesion emerges in primitive civilizations if there is no labor division since all individuals need perform the same activities to exist.

Historically, a civilisation has been defined as a bigger and "more advanced" civilization, in contrast to smaller, ostensibly less advanced cultures. In this broad meaning, a civilization contrasts to quasi tribal groups, such as the cultures of nomadic herders, Neolithic communities, or hunter-gatherers; yet, it can also contrast with cultures found inside civilizations. Civilizations are densely inhabited communities organized into hierarchical social classes with such a ruling elite and subservient urban and rural populations engaged in intense agriculture, mining, small-scale manufacturing, and trading. Civilization concentrates power, expanding human influence over the remainder of nature, including other humans. As its name suggests, civilization was once connected with villages and cities.

Learn more about city here



In Oedipus's speech, he is finally connecting all of the pieces of this sordid tale together. He reveals several things to Jocasta here. Which of the following incidents is NOT part of Oedipus's revelation to Jocasta?
He killed Lauis


Labdacus had a son named Laius. He was the father of Oedipus, who killed him, through Jocasta.

Who was Laius killed by?

Oedipus repeats the accusation and states that he believes Creon killed Laius. Oedipus tries to learn more about the crime in a tense stichomythy and wonders why Teiresias did not immediately name him, if he knew (543-582).

Was Laius killed by Oedipus?

Oedipus and Jocasta had four children over the course of the years. Oedipus found out that he married Jocasta, his mother, and killed Laius, his father. He was horrified, so he cut off his eyes with a gouge and fled Thebes.

To learn more about Oedipus here:



had the greatest number of large cities.
Most of the nation's territories were located in the
was experiencing slow population growth.
most wanted to preserve slavery.


1. North

2. West

3. South

4. South

All these explain the Sectionalism in the 1800s.

What is the Sectionalism?

Sectionalism is the idea that some social groupings have their sections but also allegiances within a larger polity because they share particular cultural, economic, as well as geographic characteristics. It existed long after the Civil War was over and before it.

Slavery was needed in the western areas, especially inside the southwest wherever cotton could be grown, by southerners. The majority of Northerners wished to keep the region only accessible to "free soil and free labor"—that is, white men, not slaves.

The idea that different parts of a country have distinctive traits and values is known as sectionalism. Sectionalism is a factor in the division and host of tensions that exist among the various regions of a nation. These can result in strife and war if left unaddressed.

Learn more about Sectionalism here:



How did the scribbling machines cause many Yorkshire cloth
workers to lose their jobs?




People operating the machines were paid on the basis of how long they worked

Which statement best contrasts Hillary Clinton’s and Donald Trump’s positions during the 2016 election?

Clinton wanted to continue the Affordable Care Act, while Trump wanted to replace the ACA with a new healthcare law.

Clinton wanted to limit federal oversight on corporations, while Trump wanted to expand it and increase regulation of businesses.

Clinton wanted to have the United States withdraw from NATO, while Trump wanted the US to remain part of NATO.

Clinton wanted to grant all undocumented workers citizenship, while Trump only wanted workers with certain skills to become citizens.


A statement that contrasts Hillary Clinton’s and Donald Trump’s positions during the 2016 election is A. Clinton wanted to continue the Affordable Care Act, while Trump wanted to replace the ACA with a new healthcare law.

How did Clinton and Trump differ ?

Clinton and Trump had different platforms and positions when they ran against each other in the 2016 Presidential Election and one of these positions was that of the Obama Era Affordable Care Act.

Donald Trump ( later President Trump ) was against the Affordable Care Act, and wanted to replace it with another type of healthcare law. Clinton on the other hand, wanted to continue it.

Find out more on Clinton and Trump at https://brainly.com/question/29391656


Answer: Clinton wanted to continue the Affordable Care Act, while Trump wanted to replace the ACA with a new healthcare law.


Discuss in great detail, using historical evidence from Holly J. McCammon and Karen E. Campbell's "Winning the Vote in the West: The Political Successes of the Women's Suffrage Moments, 1866-1919" and George A. Levesque's "Black Abolitionists in the Age of Jackson: Catalysts in the Radicalization of American Abolitionism." Would you say that these events tended to hasten or delay the progress of the United States and explain why?


It is difficult to determine whether the events discussed in Holly J. McCammon and Karen E. Campbell's "Winning the Vote in the West: The Political Successes of the Women's Suffrage Moments, 1866-1919" and George A. Levesque's "Black Abolitionists in the Age of Jackson: Catalysts in the Radicalization of American Abolitionism" tended to hasten or delay the progress of the United States without further information. These events were significant in the history of the United States and had a significant impact on the country's political and social landscape.

The women's suffrage movement, which began in the mid-19th century and continued until the passage of the 19th Amendment to the Constitution in 1920, was a significant event in the history of the United States. The movement was led by a diverse group of women who fought for the right to vote and for greater political and social equality for women. The movement was met with resistance from many quarters, but ultimately, the women's suffrage movement was successful in achieving its goals and paved the way for greater political participation by women in the United States.

The abolitionist movement, which began in the early 19th century and continued until the end of the Civil War in 1865, was another significant event in the history of the United States. The movement was led by a diverse group of individuals, including white abolitionists and black abolitionists, who fought to end slavery in the United States. The movement was met with resistance from many quarters, but ultimately, the abolitionist movement was successful in achieving its goals and led to the end of slavery in the United States.

It is difficult to say whether these events tended to hasten or delay the progress of the United States, as the effects of these events are complex and multifaceted. On the one hand, the women's suffrage movement and the abolitionist movement were significant in bringing about positive social and political change in the United States. On the other hand, these movements were met with resistance and were often controversial, which may have delayed progress in some ways. Overall, it is likely that these events had both positive and negative effects on the progress of the United States, and it is important to consider the full range of these effects in order to understand their impact on the country.

Who did gaveilo principal kill,whose death is considered to have started world war 1



Archduke Franz Ferdinand,and his wife, the Duchess of Hohenberg, are killed by Gavrilo Princip.

Gavrilo Princip was a Bosnian Serb nationalist who assassinated Archduke Franz Ferdinand of Austria-Hungary on June 28, 1914, in Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina. The assassination of Archduke Ferdinand is considered to be the event that directly led to the outbreak of World War I. After the assassination, Austria-Hungary declared war on Serbia, and the conflict quickly spread to involve many other countries in Europe and beyond. The assassination of Archduke Ferdinand was a key factor in the outbreak of World War I, which was one of the deadliest conflicts in human history, with millions of lives lost.

1. How is the United States of America defined as African Americans?

2. Explain how African American Experience has or hasn't changed people's understanding of the USA and whether it is a place that is equally inclusive of ALL Americans.

(Please answer these questions in full detail)


1) African Americans (also known as Black Americans) are Americans who have some or all of their ancestors from Africa. The phrase "African American" refers to descendants of enslaved Africans in the United States.

2) Despite significant progress in recent decades, the experiences of African Americans continue to reveal ongoing inequalities and injustices, raising questions about whether the United States truly is a place that is equally inclusive of all Americans.

How is Inequality being addressed in America?

Inequality in the United States is being addressed through a variety of means, including legislation, policy, and activism. For example, the federal government has enacted laws and policies aimed at addressing discrimination and promoting equal opportunities, such as the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and the Fair Housing Act.

Additionally, advocacy groups and grassroots organizations are working to raise awareness and mobilize support for efforts to reduce inequality and promote social justice.

Learn more about African Americans:

epa and osha were created as economic regulatory agencies brought on by the deregulation movement that started in the 1970's.


epa and osha were created as economic regulatory agencies brought on by the deregulation movement that started in the 1970's, the given statement is true.

In order to control and alter economic behaviour, governments typically impose legislation on people and private sector businesses.  The interests of persons who use public services, commercial practices (such as maximizing profit), market failure, and the interests of those not directly participating in transactions can all clash (externalities). Therefore, most countries have some sort of legislation or oversight to handle these potential conflicts. Economic regulation should aim to assure the provision of a safe and adequate service while not impeding on the efficient operation and growth of firms.Throughout the 18th and 19th centuries in America, the government heavily regulated the economy. The manufacturing and distribution of commodities in the American Colonies were controlled by British government departments in the 18th century (see mercantilism).

learn more about economic regulatory here



in the early 1900s, noth supreme court cases and congresisional legislation was based on assiumptuions about the nature and roe of women


Supreme Court cases and Congressional legislation was based on assumptions about the nature and role of women, which led to a series of protectionist policies.

What does protectionism mean?

Protectionism is the practice of defending domestic producers from foreign competition by the imposition of tariffs, subsidy, import quotas, and other barriers to their products. Reduced commerce, higher pricing for particular items, and a sort of subsidies for protected industries are the major effects of protectionism.

Why does protectionism exist?

The foundation of mercantilist explanations of protectionism's causes is the idea that there are other interests at play that must be traded off with global wealth maximization in order to advance state goals.

To know more about protectionist visit :



All of these actions contributed to growing anti-U.S. sentiments in the Islamic world in the late twentieth and earlytwenty-first century EXCEPTa. U.S. support for Israel.b. the rise to power of the Ayatollah Khomeini in Iran.c. the Gulf War and U.S. liberation of Kuwait.d. the U.S.'s seizing of Saudi Arabian oil fields.e. the growth of insurgent and extremist groups in the Middle East, such as ISIL (Islamic State of Iraq andLevant).


In the late 20th and early 21st centuries, the U.S.'s seizure of Saudi Arabia's oil fields was a factor in the rise of anti-American sentiment in the Islamic world.

Saudi Arabia and the United States have bilateral ties. Since the beginning of the 20th century, Saudi Arabia has been a seductive trading partner for the United States. Petroleum is the main export from these two countries. The relationship's strength is infamously linked to the United States' sustained demand for oil in the postmodern age, particularly since 2012. In an effort to reduce stocks in the global oil market and restore the balance between supply and demand, Saudi Arabia stated on August 9, 2020 that it would reduce oil exports to the United States for the third time in a year.

learn more about Saudi Arabia here:



Please help me answer these African American Experience questions in full detail.

1. How are issues of race and racism either addressed or not addressed within Education?

2. How does the concepts of race, racism, resistance and liberation relate to people as individuals and people's racial category?

3. What are two things that has resonated with people in African African Experience? Why? These two things are under the following topics: Black Politics, Black Religion, Black Culture, and Black History.

4. What are the pros and cons of the current socio-political climate? What things need to be fixed/worked on? How would it change?


1. Issues of race and racism are often addressed within education through the inclusion of diverse perspectives and experiences in the curriculum, as well as through initiatives to promote equity and inclusivity in schools. However, racism and discrimination still exist within the education system, and these issues are not always adequately addressed. For example, students of color are often disproportionately disciplined or have lower academic achievement, and there is a lack of representation of people of color in leadership positions within the education system.

2.The concepts of race, racism, resistance, and liberation are intertwined and can impact individuals and their racial category in various ways. Race is a social construct that is used to categorize people based on physical characteristics, and it has been used to justify discrimination and inequality. Racism is the belief in the superiority of one race over another, and it can manifest in various forms, including discrimination, segregation, and violence. Resistance to racism involves taking action to challenge and change systems of oppression, while liberation refers to the process of achieving freedom from oppression. For individuals, experiences of race, racism, resistance, and liberation may vary based on their specific racial category and personal experiences.

3. Two things that have resonated with people in the African American Experience are black politics and black history. Black politics encompasses the political activism and advocacy of African Americans, and it has played a crucial role in the struggle for civil rights and social justice. The history of African Americans, including their experiences of enslavement, segregation, and discrimination, has also been an important aspect of the African American Experience. These topics have resonated with people because they highlight the struggles and triumphs of African Americans, and they provide a deeper understanding of the ongoing fight for equality and justice.

4. The current socio-political climate has both positive and negative aspects. On the one hand, there have been significant progress and advancements in areas such as civil rights and equality. However, there are still many challenges and issues that need to be addressed, such as systemic racism, inequality, and discrimination. In order to address these issues, there needs to be ongoing efforts to promote equity and inclusion, and to challenge and change systems of oppression. This would involve continued advocacy and activism, as well as systemic changes to policies and institutions. If these efforts are successful, the current socio-political climate could change for the better, with more equality and justice for all individuals regardless of their race or other identities.

If this info was useful please use ur brainliest on me :) goodluck

FILL IN THE BLANK. many___believe that history is not a continuous development of cause to effect, but a web of economic, social, and political factors.


Many Marxists theorists gives importance to the interplay of economic, social and political factors in shaping our history.

Marxism is a left-leaning to far-left technique of socioeconomic analysis that employs a dialectical viewpoint to comprehend social transformation and a materialist interpretation of historical development to understand class relations and social conflict. It has its roots in the writings of German intellectuals Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels from the 19th century. There is no single, unifying Marxist theory because it has evolved over time into several branches and schools of thought.

Numerous Marxian ideas have been integrated and modified into a wide range of social theories, in addition to the schools of thought that highlight or modify aspects of classical Marxism, producing a wide range of conclusions.

learn more about Marxists here



Old World (Europe, Africa, and/or Asia) Economic Short-Term Effect


Investors weren’t concerned about short-term profits over the next few years.

What Does Old World And New World Refer To?

Asia, Africa, and Europe are collectively referred to as the "Old World" in the West. In general, the term "Old World" refers to a region of the world that its residents were familiar with before they encountered Americans. The Americas, which include North America, South America, and Central America, are referred to as the New World. The Old World and the New World are in contrast.

The phrases "Old World" and "New World" are extremely important and have special value in the context of history. The words are useful for identifying the world's primary ecozones. The terminologies are also used to categorize plant and animal species that come from the two hemispheres.

to learn more about Economic Short-Term Effect click:



How did religion affect Asia in the middle ages?



due largely to the voyages of Buddhist traders across Central Asia.

The Mongol Empire conquered a large part of Asia in the 13th century, an area extending from China to Europe. Medieval Asia was the kingdom of the Khans. Never before had any person controlled as much land as Genghis Khan. He built his power unifying separate Mongol tribes before expanding his kingdom south and west.

national archives at denver; broomfield, colorado; records of the immigration and naturalization service, 1787 - 2004


The citizenship of U.S. and immigration services is responsible for processing immigration and naturalization application and established a policies related to immigration service.

A naturalization services was referred to consolidate and regulate border activities, oversee enforcement and to supervise the process of immigration. It was established in 1933. It requires to someone be a lawful resident for five years prior to application.

In immigration services it will include medical history, blood test of syphills, physical examinations. These are four types of immigration status like citizens, residents, non-immigrants and undocumented person.

Learn more about immigration & naturalization click the link here:



after examining the reasons for nativism in the united states, choose the answer choice that shows the regions where nativist feelings were strongest during the industrial period.


Northeast and Midwest are the regions where nativist feelings were strongest during the industrial period.

Nativists were known to be the group of people who got scared of the new wave of foreign immigrants as they were different from themselves and so they were popularly called nativists. Nativism is known to be a socio-political policy, especially in the United States during the 1800s advocates the interests of established residents over those of immigrants. Since there was competition over jobs and a common fear of the unknown, continued by myths and propaganda, this all shaped nativism into a fierce political movement.

To know more about nativism in the united states:



7. a disk starts from rest and rotates around a fixed axis, subject to a constant net torque. the work done by the torque during the second 5 s is as the work done during the first 5s.


Starting at rest, a disk rotates along a fixed axis while being pulled by a constant net torque. The torque exerts four times as much work during the second five seconds as it does during the first.

What occurs when a hard item spins around a constant axis?

Every particle on a rigid object that is rotating about a fixed axis rotates through the same angle in a predetermined amount of time and experiences the same angular acceleration and angular speed.

All of the points in a rigid object have the same properties as it rotates around a fixed axis, right?

Each point on the object has the same rate of change in angular displacement. As a result, each point will have the same angular speed. Hence Yes, the angular speed is the same at every point on the object.

Learn more about angular displacement: https://brainly.com/question/14769426


the civil war had its roots in the way the northern colonies and southern colonies were settled in the 1600s. agree or disagree, using specific examples from across the span of the course.


I agree, with specific examples from across the course. In the 1600s, the northern colonies were primarily settled by people of English descent, while the southern colonies were populated by a mix of English, French, Spanish, and African immigrants. This diversity of cultures and backgrounds created different social, economic, and political systems in the two regions. These differences eventually led to deep divides between the North and South, which eventually culminated in the American Civil War. For example, in the early 1600s, the northern colonies were more focused on manufacturing and industry, while the southern colonies were more agriculturally oriented. This disparity in economic systems created tensions between the two regions, as the North sought to impose its industrial standards on the South. Additionally, the North and South had different approaches to slavery, with the North increasingly becoming more abolitionist while the South defended its institution of slavery. This difference in opinion eventually caused a divide between the two, which led to the Civil War.

during which of the following rituals does the emperor of japan offer the first fruits of the autumn harvest festival to the sun goddess?


During Niname-sai rites, the Emperor in Japan offers the first fruits of a fall festival to a sun god.

An emperor is indeed a monarch who is usually the absolute ruler of an emperor or the other form of imperial kingdom. Emperor, the female equivalent, can refer to an emperor's spouse, mother, or even a woman who ruled in her own right & name. Emperors are widely regarded as having the highest monarchic dignity and rank, exceeding kings. Since the Middle Ages, the name of Emperor has been used throughout Europe, and was considered equivalent or almost equal in status to that of the Pope due to the latter's status as visible leader of the Church & spiritual leader of a Catholic section of Western Europe. The Emperor of Japanese is the sole currently living monarch whose name is translated as "Emperor" in English.

Learn more about Emperor here



what is Connecticut plan?


El Compromiso de Connecticut (también conocido como el Gran Compromiso de 1787 o el Compromiso de Sherman) fue un acuerdo alcanzado durante la Convención Constitucional de 1787 que definió en parte la estructura legislativa y la representación que tendría cada estado bajo la Constitución de los Estados Unidos

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