What was Rodriguez's father's job in Mexico?


Answer 1


he wanted to be an engineer but series of disappointments led to Rodriguez's father living a life of “dark factory jobs” though he eventually gets a “clean job” making false teeth.

Related Questions

What social problems are Swift's main targets in A Modest Proposal?


overpopulation and lack of sustenance.


There are two issues that Swift (1729) does highlight: population growth and food insecurity. Numerous remedies are offered in "A Modest Proposal," but the main focus was on feeding the infants to the populace in order to control population growth and solve the food crisis.

Who is Swift's?

Jonathan Swift, an Anglo-Irish satirist, author, essayist, political pamphleteer, poet, and Anglican cleric, lived from 30 November 1667 to 19 October 1745. He earned the moniker "Dean Swift" after becoming the dean of St. Patrick's Cathedral in Dublin.

To learn more about Swift's,use the given link:



renu was drinking waterchange into passive voice​



the water was being d runk by Rene


passive tense tells us what is happening to something or someone

What is allegory short answer?


Allegory, a symbolic fictional story that hints at a meaning that is not stated openly in the narrative. Fable, parable, and apologue are examples of kinds of allegory.

Literary allegories frequently use tangible things, people, and activities to represent abstract concepts or to explain circumstances and events. Allegory was used by early authors like Plato, Cicero, Apuleius, and Augustine, but it really took off in Middle Ages sustained storytelling. Roman de la rose, a French didactic poetry from the 13th century, is arguably the most significant allegory of its time (Romance of the Rose). This poem serves as an example of personification, an allegorical device in which a made-up character—in this case, The Lover—transparently embodies a notion or a type. Like in most allegories, anything that isn't directly expressed is "represented" through the narrative's action. The final removal of the red rose by the Lover symbolises his victory over his beloved.

Know more about Allegory here:



What is an example of something ironic from Chapter 2?


The major irony in Of Mice and Men is that George murders Lennie since of their companionship. George murders Lennie to save him from a more regrettable passing.

George complained almost to Lennie and his surrender but realizes his significance as it were after his death. In an illustration of situational incongruity, the result of seeking after these needs is passing.

Lennie inadvertently murders a puppy since he likes the feeling of petting it. When the puppy nips at him, he sleeves the creature and, since of his quality, murders it.

In this case, the result is the passing of Curley’s wife. This is because George had stolen it when he was observing the body and utilized the weapon to shoot Lennie to a near extent, murdering him right away and sparing him from the hulk that was coming Lennie’s way.

Typically, the irony of the slaughtering of Lennie with Carlson’s Luger.

Learn more about irony at



Although part of your question is missing, you might be referring to this full question:

What is an example of irony in Chapter 2 of of Mice and Men?

Why is it important to order numbers?


Putting numbers into a series is called ordering. The numbers may be "ascending," which indicates that they are increasing. The numbers could also be "descending," which is when they go smaller.

Where is ordering of numbers used in real life?

We frequently look at stats in our daily lives. For instance, we can determine when we have operated more by contrasting the number of hours we put in each day. Both ascending and descending orders are possible when comparing and sorting integers.

What is the importance of order in general mathematics?

The terms "addition," "subtraction," "multiplication," and "division" all refer to operations in mathematics. It matters which calculations we perform in a particular mathematical phrase. The incorrect steps will frequently result in the incorrect answer.

What is ordering in mathematics?

Putting things where they belong in accordance with some norm.

To know more about ordering numbers visit:



Select the correct answer from the drop-down menu. The part of a story that typically includes the aftermath of the central conflict is referred to as the.


Option d is correct. The "falling action against the war" refers to the portion of a story that usually depicts what happens following the main battle.

What is a story's declining type of action ?

Falling action, as used in narrative, describes the time following the dramatic conflict of the climax. After the emotionally charged scene, this section of the story helps to deflate the plot's tension and offers the character a chance to relax. It is known as the exposition. It is the backstory that is introduced at the start of the story along with the place and characters. Frequently, the exposition will include details about things that happened before the tale started. Frequently, the first element of the PLOT is the exposition.

How does action rise and fall?

One (or more) characters in a disaster; rising action. (It starts with the motivating factor and concludes with the climax.) Falling action: the character's crisis is resolved. (The events following the climax that bring the story to a close).

Learn more about falling action here brainly.com/question/5687830


Correct Question:

Select the correct answer from the drop-down menu.

The part of a story that typically includes the aftermath of the central conflict is referred to as the

A. exposition

B. climax

C. rising action

D. falling action

Answer: Falling action


What is the main way we use to define whether something is a dialect of a language or a separate language altogether?


Dialects of the same language are typically thought to be mutually understandable, whereas dialects of other languages are not. the comparability of dialects

Language is a structured, traditional system of word use that is used in spoken and written human communication. A dialect is a type of language used by a particular group of people in a particular location and differentiated by differences in vocabulary, grammar, or sound. The major distinction between language and dialect is this.

As a result, English tempts one with a neat separation between dialects and languages based on "intelligibility": It is a dialect of your own language if you can understand it naturally; if not, it is a different language.

Linguistic distance is a crucial factor in language variety classification since it determines whether a variety is

To learn more about language please click on below link



Question 15 of 25
Which option is most clearly an example of imagery?
A. What did justice really mean? Perhaps she no longer believed in it.
B. "Nope," she said, folding her arms. "No mice in this inn."
C. She started to worry more than usual. What will they think?
D. The stench of rotten eggs attacked us as we drove by.


Imagery is most clearly represented Option D. Please mark brainliest I need four more

What would happen to pyruvate if glycolysis stopped working?


These cells can no longer maintain their sodium-potassium pumps and finally perish if glycolysis is stopped. Pyruvate kinase, the enzyme that catalyses the production of pyruvate, must be present in sufficient amounts for the final stage of glycolysis to take place.

All living things engage in some type of cellular respiration to collect and provide free energy for cellular functions, from tiny bacteria and yeast to large plants and mammals.

Although photosynthesis and cellular respiration developed independently, they are now interconnected. The first route used to break down glucose and release free energy is glycolysis. Today, practically every living thing on Earth uses glycolysis, which most likely emerged as one of the original metabolic routes.

These cells can no longer maintain their sodium-potassium pumps and finally perish if glycolysis is stopped. Pyruvate kinase, the enzyme that catalyses the production of pyruvate, must be present in sufficient amounts for the final stage of glycolysis to take place.

To learn more about pyruvate link is here



What are five words that have positive connotations list five words that give off a negative connotation?


Confidant, interested, dedicated, steadfast and courageous are the words that have positive connotations. Stubborn, crammed, lazy, nosy and arrogant are the words that give off a negative connotation.

In addition to a word's dictionary definition, connotation speaks to the feelings it excites. In the end, the word delivers a connotation other than what it literally means. The connotation of a word can change how something is understood when it is spoken or written, whether in writing or in speech. As a result, it's necessary for authors and speakers to be conscious of the connotations of the words they use to ensure that they are displaying the proper emotional overtones and that their audience will correctly understand the information supplied.

To know more about connotation:



What do Marcellus and Bernardo see?


According to Bernardo, he saw the late King Hamlet, the young Hamlet's father. They are with him because Bernardo and Marcellus want Horatio to see the ghost they have been seeing.

Before Barnardo can say much, the Ghost appears, and Marcellus implores Horatio to communicate with the ghost. It is forced upon Horatio to acknowledge that he too sees the Ghost. The ghost, who they even identify as the recently slain King Hamlet, the "majesty of buried Denmark," is real, according to all three men.

The monarch's ghost appears to Prince Hamlet and tells him that his own brother—who has since become his stepfather—killed him by injecting the contents of a henbane ampoule into his ear (Act I, scene 1).

To learn more about Horatio here:



Your learning style is the unique way that you blend:
​A.) Thinking, feeling, watching, and doing
​B.) Thinking and feeling
​C.) Watching and doing
​D.) Thinking, feeling, and doing​


The distinctive way you combine thinking, feeling, witnessing, and doing is your learning style.

Each person has specific learning preferences and methods that work best for them. Some individuals might even come to realize they have a dominant learning style. Others have remarked that, depending on the circumstance, they prefer particular learning strategies. It is up to you to decide which learning method—or a mix of methods—is best for you. By recognizing and better comprehending your unique learning preferences, you can apply tactics to speed up and optimize your learning.

One idea about learning styles is based on the work of analytical psychologist Carl Jung, who created a psychological types theory meant to classify people according to different personality characteristics.

Option A is the proper response, so.

To learn more about learning style, refer:-



Why cartoons is an effective means of communication?


Cartoons are powerful because they arouse emotions and stick in people's minds. It's a quick and inexpensive way to catch someone's eye in the cluttered digital world.

Why are cartoons so good at communicating?

Cartoons offer comprehensible and quick criticism and analysis on current events since they may condense news and views into a caricature. In contrast to traditional modes of communication, cartoons constitute a distinctive sort of journalism. The pictures can powerfully convey the news of the day.

What distinguishes a good cartoon?

A show must have an original premise and storyline to be good. No matter whether your programme is a comedic (Dexter's Laboratories) or a more serious one (Gravity Falls), you need a storyline.

To know more about cartoon visit:



The author MOST LIKELY includes details about Jurgis's earnings in paragraph 1 to
A. show that money is not as important as family.
B. emphasize the family's financial difficulties.
C. provide information about wages of the time period.
D. suggest that Jurgis was overpaid.​


The author includes information about Jurgis' earnings in paragraph 1 to "show that money is not as important as family." (Choice A).

What is "the Jungle" all about?

The chapter begins with Jurgis and Ona's wedding. In Chicago, there is a wedding reception. Jurgis and Ona are Lithuanian and Polish immigrants who came to America with their families. Ona is sixteen years old.

The newly formed family cannot succeed solely on Jurgis' efforts. It's a positive attitude, but it's unrealistic given their poverty and family situation. To achieve the American Dream, everyone must work together. Despite this they show commitment to family above money.

Find out more on the jungle here: https://brainly.com/question/17342588





North African economies are characterized by a significant share of informal activity and employment. About two-thirds of workers in North Africa operate without any formal arrangement and social protection, and about 30 percent of GDP is estimated to be produced by informal workers and firms.

photo is not clear

How did Martin Luther King Jr I Have a Dream speech impact the world?


King's speech and the March on Washington are largely regarded as pivotal moments in the Civil Rights Movement, altering the demand speech

King's "Dream" speech would be crucial in the passage of the 1964 Civil Rights Act, and the crucial Selma to Montgomery march he led in 1965 would give momentum for the passage of the Voting Rights Act later that year. MLK contributed to the passage of both the 1964 Civil Rights Act and the 1965 Voting Rights Act. Each of these laws made it easier for African Americans to enjoy civil rights across the nation.

He contributed to the passage of important federal civil rights and voting rights laws that prohibited segregation and speech

To learn more about  speech please click on below link



How can a kid make 100 dollars fast?


Ask your parents whether they would be willing to pay you to complete more challenging household tasks like cleaning the bathroom, mowing the grass, and doing the laundry. Make a list of the weekly jobs you could complete and assign a price to each one. Be sure you work hard enough to get $100!

Perform errands and various jobs around the house or community. Children who are old enough to assist with household chores and yard maintenance can receive payment. Families can, for instance, put a monetary value on chores like cleaning the house, vacuuming, folding laundry, and picking weeds. If you enjoy working outside, perform seasonal yard work in your area.

The tasks you can complete will change with the seasons, and there is always enough of yard and garden labor to be done. Offer to rake a yard's worth of leaves for $20 to $25, or inquire about neighbors' willingness to pay you $20 to $25 to shovel their road in the winter. By Pet-Sitting: Children can let neighbors know they are available to care for animals whenever needed, whether it is by feeding, walking, or attending to other requirements. Lemonade Stand: The age-old way for kids to make money is by operating a lemonade stand.

To learn more about dollars Visit : brainly.com/question/24278371


What are satire examples?


It is an example, Jonathan Swift's satire "A Modest Proposal," Jonathan Swift suggests eating children to alleviate London's industrial-era congestion.

It is also an example, Through Huck's observations of how society functions through the eyes of an uneducated youngster, Mark Twain used satire in Huck Finn to highlight the absurdity of slavery and the social structure of the South at the time..

A Modest Proposal For Stopping the Children of Poor People From Being a Burden to Their Parents or Country, and For Making them Beneficial to the Publick is an anonymous juvenile satirical essay written by Jonathan Swift and published in 1729. The essay suggests that the poor Irish could get out of debt by feeding wealthier gentlemen and women with their children. This exaggerated parody mocked British policy toward Irish people in general as well as severe treatment of the poor, who were mostly Irish Catholics towards the impoverished.

To know more about impoverished refer :



How does the poet struggle through the night?


The central conflict of Night is Eliezer's battle with his religious beliefs. He has an unwavering confidence in an all-powerful, loving God and cannot picture life without believing in a higher force.

However, the cruelty and evil that Eliezer sees throughout the Holocaust causes him to lose all confidence in humanity. He finds it impossible to believe that the terrible, abhorrent cruelty of the death camps could really represent divine. He questions how an all-powerful God could allow such brutality to occur and how a loving God could participate in such depravity.

The inhumanity and greed he observes among the captives also makes him question his beliefs. Eliezer thinks he might be able to see the Nazi threat as an evil aberration if all the prisoners banded together to combat the brutal oppression of the Nazis. He might then continue to believe that people are inherently nice.

To know more about Night click here,



What is a lexicographer do?


A specialist who writes and edits dictionary entries is known as a lexicographer. In order to update both the online and print versions, they also keep an eye on how the English language is developing.

These may include frequently used terms or expressions from a variety of media, such as social media. Lexicographers are fascinated by words and the ways in which their meanings change and evolve over time.

For the purpose of developing, disseminating, and updating printed and online dictionaries, lexicographers maintain track on linguistic updates and changes. Lexicographers keep track of linguistic changes and updates in order to create, publish, and revise both printed and online dictionaries.

To learn more about lexicographer here:



Why does Dr King use allusion?


Dr. King did not disparage the gods of Nebuchadnezzar. He didn't claim that Nebuchadnezzar followed idols of fame, fortune, or luxury allusion.

He merely used the metaphor to demonstrate how three heroic individuals defied their king's order because it was unfair. . used the line "Five score years ago." This alludes to the Gettysburg Address of President Lincoln, which originally started with the phrase "Four score and seven years ago. As you can see, King's use of language makes a subtle allusion. King's text quotes from the Gettysburg Address, the allusion Emancipation Proclamation, the Declaration of Independence, the United States Constitution, Shakespeare, and the Bible in the third paragraph.

To learn more about allusion please click on below link



Can incentives be both positive and negative?


Yes, there are both good and negative incentives. Positive rewards include cash, hugs, stickers, field trips, and stickers. People are worse off as a result of "penalties," which are negative incentives. Negative incentives include losing TV time, not swimming, skipping PE class, and time out.

These are the things you should purchase. you do not want any of these things to take place. While the negative incentive warns that there will be no reward unless employees reach their objectives, the positive incentive offers employees a reward to work toward. Although the results are the same in both cases, the language used by the employer to describe the incentive varies.

Incentives are a terrific method to make sure that your staff members remain inspired to perform their jobs to the best of their abilities. They have something to strive for when there is something they can obtain if they hit a goal or accomplish something. A business may decide to reward its workers with monetary bonuses or non-financial rewards. Cash, commissions, year-end bonuses, sign-on bonuses, and performance bonuses are a few examples of incentive pay. shares or stock options granted by the corporation.

To learn more about incentives Visit :  brainly.com/question/964887


What is the importance of election campaign?


Answer: Becoming a candidate is only the beginning of the election process. Successful candidates must both persuade voters that they deserve their individual votes and garner the critical votes of electors in the Electoral College. Persuading voters is the essence of a political campaign.


Who does Napoleon blame for the destruction of the windmill in Chapter 6?


Napoleon blame for the destruction of the windmill-Over almost a year, the worms had been destroying the windmill.

For almost a year, the animals had been eroding the windmill. In any case, a terrible storm destroys the windmill one night. Napoleon blames Snowball for this. In any event, it had been decided to build the walls this time three feet thick rather than eighteen creeps as in the past, which required acquiring much more stone. Napoleon blames Snowball's injury, not lack growth, for the windmill's failure, and the animals agree. Napoleon accuses Snowball of being responsible for the windmill's destruction, which was a result of the tremendous storm. It is destroyed by a violent storm in November. Napoleon criticises Snowball for not accepting that the windmill's walls weren't sturdy enough to protect it from a strong breeze.

To learn more about Napoleon blame here:



Why is the story of an ant almost untrue?


Exaggerated to the point of being incomprehensible and unsupported by facts is also known by the phrase 'almost untrue.'

Describe the life of ants.

Because every ant completes their work fearlessly, courageously, and wisely, ants live peaceful lives. They don't impede on each other's productivity. They never fight among themselves.

What is the lesson taught by ants?

The ants' hard labour, sense of responsibility, discipline, cleanliness, loyalty, and concern for the young are all lessons we may pick up from them. These teachings are essential for society's enjoyment and efficient operation.

What are the characteristics of ants?

Ants have many characteristics with other insects, including the ability to hear, touch, and smell. Ants certainly have the ability to hear, albeit it differs greatly from hearing in other creatures with ears.

What is meant by 'almost untrue'?

Nearly untrue translates to greatly overblown.

To know more about ant's characteristics visit:



Though it was December, the water was warm. What is the subordinate clause in this sentence


''Though it was December'' is Subordinating Conjunctions.

What are subordinate clauses?A subordinating conjunction connects a subordinate clause to the main clause when it cannot stand on its own as a full sentence. It needs more details to be comprehended because it does not fully communicate a notion.For instance, the subordinate clause in the phrase "I played out till it became dark" is "until it turned dark." Why? It makes sense since it adds more details and wouldn't make sense without the primary sentence ("I played out").A major clause, sometimes called an independent clause, is a set of words that both (a) contains a subject and (b) makes sense all by itself.A sentence's subordinate clause might come before or after the main clause. The sole distinction is that a comma is required after the subordinate clause if it comes first, but not if it comes later.

Learn more about subordinate clauses refer to :



What are the 20 examples of compound words?
















Bow Tie





Car wash


What is one tradition Americans who celebrate Christmas have in common with
Italy? (9 letters, ALL CAPS)


For many Italian-American families a big Christmas Eve meal of different fish dishes is now a very popular tradition! It's known as The Feast of the Seven Fishes ('Festa dei sette pesci' in Italian).

What is Christmas?

Christmas is a yearly celebration honoring the birth of Jesus Christ that is celebrated by billions of people all over the world on December 25 as a religious and cultural holiday. According to the traditional Christmas story, also known as the Nativity of Jesus, recorded in the New Testament, Jesus was born in Bethlehem in fulfillment of messianic prophesies. The Christ Child was quickly born in the stable after being announced by angels to shepherds, who subsequently spread the word, when Joseph and Mary arrived in the city and the inn was full. There are other theories as to when Jesus was born, but the church decided on December 25 as the official date in the early fourth century.

To know more about Christmas visit:



How do the pigs explain their move into the farmhouse?


The pigs explain their move into the farmhouse by convincing the animals that the decision is necessary because they need a quiet place to work.

The pigs make an announcement about moving into the farmhouse. The animals are convinced by Squealer that the choice is required because they require a tranquil environment in which to work.

Animal farm is a novel written by George Orwell. The novel is about the rise of the Soviet Union and the rebellion against it. The book revolves around animals who live on an Animal Farm. The animals are forced to follow the orders of the leader, Napoleon, and live in a state of constant fear.

To know more about farmhouse, click here.



What is the importance of critical thinking you may relate this to your field or maybe in your life with concrete experience?


Critical thinking can help us to better understand ourselves, allowing us to avoid negative or limiting beliefs and focus on our strengths. Being able to express ourselves can improve your quality of life.

What is critical thinking?

Critical thinking is the process of analyzing available facts, evidence, observations, and arguments in order to form an opinion. The topic is complicated; several definitions exist, but they all include a rational, sceptical, and unbiased analysis or evaluation of factual evidence. Self-directed, self-disciplined, self-monitored, and self-corrective thinking is critical thinking.

Assent to rigorous standards of excellence and mindful command of their application are prerequisites for critical thinking. It necessitates effective communication and problem-solving skills, as well as a willingness to overcome natural egocentrism and sociocentrism.

Therefore, critical thinking is self-guided, self-disciplined thinking which attempts to reason at the highest level of quality in a fair-minded way.

To learn more about critical thinking, click here:



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