What is zoning regulations example?


Answer 1

Zoning regulations, for instance, might restrict the commercial or commercial use land to stop the construction of oil, chemical, or other companies in residential areas.

What does the word "residential" actually mean?

The term "residential" describes a situation involving residences, apartments, or any other setting where people live. A residential structure, a residential street, or indeed a residential block are all acceptable references.

What is a residential example?

Residential refers to something that has to do with a home or other place where people reside. A location that provides residential accommodations is a college with dorm rooms. A residential neighborhood is one where people live and is made up mainly single-family dwellings.

To know more about residential visit:



Related Questions

What is casting vote on election means?


A casting vote is a vote that can be used in a deliberative body to break a tie. The presiding person of a council, legislative body, committee, etc. usually casts the casting vote, which is only used to break a tie.

What is casting vote  ?

A casting vote may be used anyway the presiding officer pleases in some legislatures. By virtue of the Vice President's political inclinations and affiliations, the Vice President's political party is able to function as the majority party in the Senate and elect one of their own to serve as Majority Leader. For instance, the Vice President of the United States may exercise their casting vote when the Senate is evenly divided according to their own personal beliefs.

Learn more about casting vote here



What does platform mean in government?


In government, the platform is a formal list of fundamental objectives that a political party or individual candidate supports in order to win over voters.

What is the most accurate way to define a government?

A government is the governing structure of a state or community government is "a system of social control where the power to enact and enforce laws. according to the Columbia Encyclopedia.

What is the Constitution Party's platform?

With FEC-recognized national party status, the Constitution Party is a third-party conservative political organization that seeks to return the Federal Government to the Constitution's provisions.

To know more about government visit:



Why does Hamlet decline to take action against Claudius A 3 S 3 )?


First, he claims that Queen Gertrude is still smitten with her child and that the lord was required to cheer up his monarch. Second, he asserts that Danes adore Hamlet and are prepared to overlook his flaws or transgressions.

Claudius claims that he skipped Hamlet for two reasons: first, since his mother loves him so much, and second, because Hamlet is a popular play in Denmark.

In order to persuade Laertes, the King first explains to the boy that Claudius was prevented from rejecting Hamlet because he loves Gertrude unconditionally (regardless of whether this is fortunate or unfortunate), and she adores her son so much that he cannot do anything that would make her unhappy.

The second justification Claudius offers for not rejecting Hamlet is the popularity of the Danes. He claims that because of the widespread respect for Hamlet, the people would overlook his flaws and would forgive actions that the majority would decide are wrong if it meant that Hamlet would be better off. Right now, people who aren't usually Claudius supporters would blame the King while Hamlet would get away with murder.

To know more about Hamlet, click the below link



What factors increase voter turnout ?


New election regulations, the style of election, and the degree of competition among candidates are a few additional factors that affect voter turnout. how many people in a jurisdiction are of voting age.

The democratic process of voting:

Although voting is not required by law, it is an essential component of democracies. Citizens participate in democracy through casting ballots. The interests of the people are supported by the leaders who are chosen by the people to represent them and their beliefs.

Voting is it a human right?

The idea of democracy and popular sovereignty are connected to the right to vote as a human right. The idea of absolute and unrestricted power is a common definition of sovereignty. The democratic Constitution of 1987 grants the right to self-government to the people..

To know more about voter visit:



What are the different ways that executive orders are used by presidents ?


These orders have the power to uphold constitutional rights, legislative statutes, treaties, and administrative agency procedures. The president's legislative authority is represented by executive orders.

What three procedures can be used to overturn a president's executive orders?

Once issued, presidential executive orders are in effect until they are cancelled, repealed, declared illegal, or expire according to their terms. Any executive order, whether it was issued by the current president or a predecessor, may be revoked, modified, or exempted at any time by the president.

How may an executive order be disregarded?

By enacting a statute that prevents it, Congress can attempt to overturn a presidential order. But the bill is subject to the president's veto. The bill would then need to be passed by Congress overriding the veto. A presidential order may also be declared unconstitutional by the Supreme Court.

To learn more about Executive Order here:



What is an example of open door policy?


An example of open door policy is that in which china should be open to all nations that which to trade with them.

What is open door policy?

The Open Door policy was initiated by the United States in the year 1900 aimed at ensuring that all countries should have equal access to ports in China without any external interference from other nations.

The open door policy was professed for avoiding the situation where any one power or country would establish its control over the trade with China. Hence the motive or purpose behind this policy was ensuring that U.S. has access to the trade with China.

Hence, the purpose of the Open Door policy was to provide the United States with access to trade with China.

Learn more about open door policy here: https://brainly.com/question/15087424


What can Congress do in relation to other countries?


The Senate may advise and approve the ratification on treaties that the president has negotiated and consented to, according to Section 2, part 2 of the Constitution.

What does the government's Congress do?

The congressional branch of the United States government, known as Congress, is responsible for enacting laws on behalf of the American people. It shares authority with the president-led executive branch and the United States Supreme Court States, the branch's highest court.

What are the three basic responsibilities of Congress?

Members perform constituent care, legislative, inspection, and investigation tasks in a variety of congressional settings. In the streets of new york, Members act as guardians of the interests of the country as well as ambassadors for the opinions and requirements of their people.

To know more about Congress visit:



Why is it important to have gender equality in the workplace?


Achieving gender equality at work is essential for a country's overall economic performance in addition to becoming "fair" and "a right thing to do."

How would you define gender equality?

Individuals of all ages should have equal chances, rights, and responsibilities. Everyone is affected by gender inequality, especially men, women, transgender & sexual genderqueer people, children, and families. Individuals of all ages & ethnicities are affected.

What purpose does gender equality serve?

Violence towards women and girls is avoided by gender equality. One of the main causes of violence towards women is gender inequity. The following are the top four causes of violence against women: approving of female violence. constraints on women's independence and the predominance of men in decision-making.

To learn more about gender equality visit:



What is the meaning of innocent until proven guilty?


Answer: The concept of “innocent until proven guilty” means that a suspect—a person accused of a crime —is presumed to be innocent until he or she has been found guilty of the crime by a court with appropriate jurisdiction. The prosecution must prove beyond a reasonable doubt that the suspect did, in fact, break the law.

Explanation: Innocent until proven guilty is an important rule that courts in many nations must follow. The accuser must prove that a person is guilty before a judge or jury rules that that person is guilty. This expression is also called presumption of innocence

Hope this was helpful

What are the 7 types of hazards?


The seven types of hazards are safety hazards, biological hazards, physical hazards, chemical hazards, work organization hazards, environmental hazards and ergonomic hazards.

The Canadian Centre for Occupational Health and Safety (CCOHS) defines a hazard as any source of possible harm, damage, or adverse health consequences on something or someone in the context of workplace health and safety. They continue by stating that a hazard can have the potential to cause harm or an unfavourable consequence to the environment, companies, or people themselves. Workplace dangers may be divided into seven categories, regardless of where you work or what industry you are in, making it simpler to minimise them and keep organised when dealing with them.

Learn more about hazards here:



Why are sanctions imposed?


The purpose of the sanctioning country is to impose enormous costs on the target country in order to coerce a policy change or accomplish a specific action from the target government.

What are the objectives of sanctions?

Economic sanctions are often used as a foreign policy instrument by many administrations. Economic sanctions are frequently imposed by a larger country on a smaller one for one of two reasons: the latter is seen a threat to the former's security, or the latter treats its inhabitants unfairly.

Are sanctions bad to a country?

Sanctions imposed on an adversary have an impact on the economy of the government that imposes them. If import restrictions are imposed, consumers in the imposing countries may have less options for items. In a civil case, the most serious outcome is the involuntary dismissal, with prejudice, of a complaining party's cause of action or the replying party's answer.

Learn more about Economic sanctions: https://brainly.com/question/10473633


edith windsor filed suit in a federal court, and the case ultimately reached the u.s. supreme court in 2013. the supreme court ruled doma unconstitutional in united states v. windsor (2013).


The Defense of Marriage Act's (DOMA) Section 3 — which forbade federal recognition of same-sex unions — was ruled to have violated the Fifth Amendment's Due Process Clause.

What was the US v. Windsor dissenting opinion?

In a dissenting opinion, Chief Justice Roberts stated that DOMA was constitutional and that the Court lacked the authority to hear the issue. He mainly contended that the background of DOMA does not demonstrate the minimal intention to injure that the majority extrapolates from the legislative history of the Act.

In United States v. Windsor (2013), the U.S. Supreme Court ruled that Section 3 of DOMA violated the Fifth Amendment's Due Process Clause. The law that forbade openly homosexual and lesbian service in the military has been formally abolished.

To know more about US v. Windsor, refer:



How are differences between House and Senate versions of a bill resolved ?


Finally, any discrepancies between the House and Senate versions of the bill are resolved by a conference committee made up of representatives from both chambers. The resultant bill is sent back to the House and Senate for final approval.

How are disputes between bills from the House and the Senate resolved?

There are situations when a conference committee can be used to resolve disagreements between the House and Senate plans. A conference committee is a short-term committee established in connection with a particular bill, and its job is to negotiate a solution that may be accepted by both chambers.

What significant distinction exists between the House of Representatives and the Senate?

Senators represent their entire state, whereas House members represent specific districts. The population of a state affects how many districts are located there. In Congress, each state is guaranteed a minimum one representative.

To know more about bill  visit:



All of the following are ways to deal with conflict EXCEPT:
A. Prioritize
B. Compete
C. Compromise


Compete doesn't deal with conflict.

What is the best way to resolve conflict?

Whether a disagreement arises at work or at home, we commonly resort to the propensity to try to change the other person's or group's perceptions by lecturing them about why we're right—and they're wrong. We all know that this method of dispute resolution frequently fails to end the problem and frequently simply makes it worse.

Recognize that we all have distorted views of fairness.

Avert inciting conflict by not using threats and inflammatory actions.

Get above the "we vs them" mindset. Group ties foster loyalty and solid relationships, but they may also foster mistrust and animosity against those who belong to other groups.

To find more serious problems, go deeper.

Distinguish between true and false religious topics.

to learn more about conflict click:




The Sure To Peal Paint Company stores all its metal compressed gas containers in a warehouse.

These long cylindrical metal tanks contain various gases used in manufacturing cans of spray paint.

The gas tanks are delivered to the warehouse by truck. Two receiving dock workers unload the

containers from the delivery trucks and place them on four wheel trucks. Two materials handlers

are responsible for pushing the loaded trucks into the warehouse, unloading the tanks and setting

them up on end. The two materials handlers spend a major portion of their day moving loads of

the gas tanks into the warehouse and placing them into the proper storage locations. In total, there

are five different types of gases that in equal proportion make up 98% of all gas handled.

Question 1 (10 MARKS):

Management would like to identify a better way to handle these gas tanks. Describe TWO (2)

better ways that management could come to handle the gas tanks wisely.​


The TWO (2) better ways that management could come to handle the gas tanks wisely are:

investment in equipmentreorganization of the warehouse

How could these ways be wisely handled?

These ways are explained below:

One option for handling the gas tanks more efficiently could be to invest in specialized equipment such as forklifts or cranes with lifting attachments specifically designed for handling heavy, cylindrical objects. This would allow the materials handlers to more easily and safely move the tanks, potentially reducing the physical strain on the workers and increasing the speed at which the tanks can be moved and stored.Another option could be to reorganize the warehouse layout to allow for easier and more efficient movement of the gas tanks. This could involve creating designated storage areas for the different types of gases, and ensuring that these areas are easily accessible from the receiving docks. Additionally, implementing a system for organizing and labeling the tanks, such as a color-coded or numerical system, could help the materials handlers quickly and accurately identify and store the tanks in the correct locations.

Therefore, the correct answer is as given above

learn more about management: https://brainly.com/question/1276995


What are the main features of gender equality?


Equal access to socially desirable goods, opportunities, resources, and rewards is a requirement for gender equality.

What purpose does gender equality serve?

Violence towards women and girls is avoided by gender equality. One of the main causes of violence towards women is gender inequity. Consenting to violence against women is one of the four basic causes of it.

Is there a problem with gender equality today?

There is still work to be done on gender equality in every nation on earth. Women and girls are underrepresented in judgment at all levels, have fewer opportunities for education and healthcare, and frequently lack economic independence.

To learn more about gender equality visit:



How do you identify ethos pathos and logos?


Ethos refers to a speaker's authority and trustworthiness. Pathos appeals to others emotions. Logos appeals to reason and building logical arguments.

What are 4 types of cases that a U.S. District Court hears?


Federal courts review matters involving the legality of legislation, laws and treaties drafted by American ambassadors and public ministers, disagreements between two or more states, admiralty law, often known as maritime law, and bankruptcy proceedings.

Explain about the U.S. District Court?

District courts decide who is right after gathering the relevant information and applying legal rules to the case. District judges preside over trials in trial courts, and juries render verdicts. In the process of preparing cases for trial, magistrate judges support district judges.

In a panel of three judges, they typically sit and decide whether or not the law was correctly applied in the district court, also known as the trial court, as well as appeals from decisions made by federal administrative agencies and some original proceedings brought directly before the courts of appeals.

The 89 districts that make up the 50 states are enumerated in Title 28 of the United States Code, Sections 81 to 144, along with their corresponding divisions.

To learn more about  U.S. District Court refer to:



What is the purpose of this scene in Act 2 Scene 1?


Outside of the Capulet estate is where this scene is set. After falling in love with Juliet at first sight at the Capulet feint ball, Romeo hopes to run into her again.

He climbs the estate wall when he hears Mercutioand Benvolio approaching. Romeo has not told his musketeers that he has met Juliet and fallen in love with her. Romeo is drawn to Mercutio by his dabs at Rosaline's charming aesthetics . Benvolio, who's apprehensive of Romeo's preference for sequestration, convinces Mercutio to leave the area as Romeo continues to conceal. Romeo starts to drift down from his musketeers in this scene, and it lasts the entire play. His insulation is heightened by his reluctance to confess his love for a Capulet.

To know more about Mercutioand Benvolio :


Who has the power to remove an impeached official?


The government that has the power to remove an impeached official is the Congress.

What is impeachment practice about?

The practice of impeachment started in England and was later used by many of the American colonial and state governments. As adopted by the framers of the Constitution, this power is a fundamental component of the system of “checks and balances.”

Through impeachment process, the Congress charges and then tries an official of the federal government for “Treason, Bribery, or other high Crimes and Misdemeanors. In impeachment proceedings, the House of Representatives charges an official of the federal government by approving, by simple majority vote.

Read more about impeachment



in a jury trial, the judge would decide questions of ____ and the jury would decide questions of ____. a.fact; lawb.law; factc.fact; precedentd.law; preceden


In a jury trial, the judge would decide questions of  law and the jury would decide questions of  fact.

A jury trial, or trial by jury, is a legal proceeding in which a jury makes a decision or findings of fact. It is distinguished from a bench trial in which a judge or panel of judges makes all decisions.

Jury trials are used in a significant share of serious criminal cases in many but not all common law judicial systems. The majority of common law jurisdictions in Asia (such as Singapore, India, Pakistan and Malaysia) have abolished jury trials on the grounds that juries are susceptible to bias.

Learn more about jury trial to visit this link



What are similarities between the Senate and the House of Representatives?


These groups share quite a few similarities. Senators and House members are chosen directly by the people. Without the backing of both the Senate and the House, a measure cannot be passed.

What number of people are in the House of Reps?

According to the law, the U.S. House of Congress is in charge of drafting and passing federal laws. The Congress is one of two chambers of Congress and a component of the federal govt's legislative branch (the other being the U.S. Senate)..

different procedures for selecting members of Congress?

Only legal voters who live in the district in which the delegate will reside may elect them. The majority rule is used to choose election victors.

To know more about house of representatives visit:



What are the 4 steps of selecting the right candidates?


The goal of screening a resume is to ascertain whether the applicant possesses the fundamental know-how and abilities required to perform the position you're trying to fill.

Who are the candidates?

A candidate, or candidate, is a person who is competing for an honor, prize, or position, for instance being elected to that of an office, and for whom a selection process is being conducted. being allowed entry into a group.

What happens if a write-in candidate wins?

Write-in applicants may still run in the primary for positions that receive public nomination. However, a write-in candidate can only make it to the ballot if they garner more support in the primary than the following two candidates combined.

To know more about Candidate visit:



When was the travel ban passed?


A Presidential Proclamation (Work is in progress 10141) titled "Ending Discriminatory Bans on Entrance to the U.s" was signed by President Biden on January 20, 2021.

What is the purpose of ban?

To ban something implies to prevent it from occurring or becoming. The phrase can be used as a noun as well. If a school board doesn't want students reading about Jefferson's mistress, they may decide to outlaw all literature that mention her.

Describe a ban example.

preventing someone from utilizing something means declaring that it is not permitted to do so. For a long time, the school prohibited that book. Smoking has been outlawed in all city-owned structures. The substance was outlawed ten years ago. In the restaurant, cell phone use is prohibited.

To know more about ban visit:


What did abolitionists do to end slavery?


Slavery, according to the abolitionists, was an abomination and a blight on the United States. They distributed a large amount of anti-slavery material among Southerners, petitioned Congress, ran for office, and spread it extensively.

What methods did abolitionists use to end slavery?

Following the start of the Civil War in 1861, abolitionists allied themselves with the Union. They celebrated when President Abraham Lincoln's Emancipation Proclamation, which was published on January 1, 1863, announced that slaves in many parts of the South were free. In 1865, the 13th Amendment to the Constitution made slavery illegal in the United States.

How was it possible to end slavery?

Tens of thousands of people signed petitions that these groups submitted to Congress, they held conferences and meetings to debate abolition, they refused to purchase products made with slave labor, they printed heaps of materials, and they made innumerable speeches in favor of abolition.

Learn more about President Abraham Lincoln's Emancipation Proclamation: https://brainly.com/question/29517115


How do you identify rhetorical appeals?



qualities of an argument that make it truly persuasive

What does the role Commander in Chief mean ?


One of the most significant responsibilities of the Commander in Chief is to implement laws as the presidents is the top officer of the United States Armed Forces.

How do states put laws into implement?

Every state has a state legislature that creates its laws. These laws may be examined by state courts. A court may declare a statute unlawful if it determines that it conflicts with the state constitution. Use the state-specific guides provided by the Law Congress Library to locate state statutes and ordinances.

Why is it crucial to put the law into implement?

The law is significant because it serves as a standard for what is permitted in society. Conflicts between groups of people and communities would exist without it. It is crucial that we adhere to them.

To know more about implement laws visit:



What do you mean by appellate jurisdiction?


A court's ability to accept appeals from lower courts is known as appellate jurisdiction.

Describe Which type of power?

Power is defined as the quantity of tasks completed in a given amount of time. The watt (W), which is derived from joules per second (J/s), is the SI unit of power. Hp (bhp) is a unit of measurement that is used to describe a device's or a vehicle's power. It is approximately equivalent to 745.7 watts.

Is Power any good on Netflix?

You'll be engrossed the entire run of Power, an excellent gripping thriller. You were completely drawn into the world of characters because to the show's excellent acting and script. Character development is comparable to any program on.

To know more about power visit:



What is Enterprise PACS and how does it work?


PACS has 4 important components: hardware imaging machines; a invulnerable network for the distribution and change of affected person images; a workstation or mobile gadget for viewing, processing and decoding images; and electronic archives for storing and retrieving snap shots and associated documentation and reports.

What is an agency PACS?

When discussing enterprise imaging, we ought to first outline PACS, a integral piece of the healthcare technological know-how evolution. PACS are picture archiving and conversation systems that enable healthcare carriers to keep and ship digital photographs and scientific reports.

How does the PACS machine work?

Simply put, PACS is a photograph archiving and communications system. This gadget electronically stores pics and reports, alternatively of using the historic method of manually filing, retrieving and transporting film jackets, which are used for storing X-ray film.

Learn more about enterprise PACS here:


What are the 4 functions of local government?


Local authorities is responsible for a vary of imperative services for humans and organizations in defined areas.

Among them are nicely recognized functions such as social care, schools, housing and planning and waste collection, however additionally lesser regarded ones such as licensing, commercial enterprise support, registrar services and pest control.

What is the predominant function of nearby government?

Municipalities typically take accountability for parks and exercise services, police and furnace departments, housing services, emergency scientific services, municipal courts, transportation services (including public transportation), and public works (streets, sewers, snow removal, signage, and so forth).

Public safety (police, fire, and ambulance); Environment and housing (sewerage, solid waste, parks, and constructing and code enforcement); and. Utilities (water, electric and public transit).

Learn more about local government here:

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