What is the purpose of giving homework to students?


Answer 1

Students learn problem-solving skills via their homework. The opportunity to review content from class is provided by homework. Parents can check on their children's learning through their homework.

Beyond simply the actual task, homework also teaches kids how to manage their burden and improves their time management abilities. When students take responsibility for their homework deadlines, it encourages independent thought and the development of problem-solving abilities.

Research has proven that homework helps students perform better academically, on tests, and are more likely to go to college. Some kids enjoy doing their homework, but the majority of them don't. For pupils, homework is essential since it promotes learning. It improves the students' capacity for critical thought and problem-solving. Additionally, it supports the students' ongoing review of the lessons they learn in class.

To learn more about homework Visit :  brainly.com/question/13805854


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A. a quote isolated from the rest of the writing - sometimes called "quote vomit".


Sample 2 seems to be the only quote talking about the idiocy of the argument. Yet, based on the other samples, the essay seems to be leaning towards the learning experience and growth of the people who were in an argument and how they've come to resolve it.

There is also no tagline in Sample 2 as a tagline is like a catchphrase which is clearly not in Sample 2.

In addition, there are no brackets.

Write an essay about agricultural, industrial, and personal uses of water. Include ways that they can conserve water during these practices. Make sure you have an introduction and conclusion paragraph. Each paragraph should be at least 4-5 sentences long.


The agricultural, industrial, and personal uses of water can be seen in the way it is been used to grow fruits and vegetables and raise livestockthrough irrigation, as well as usingt it industrially to to heat or cool equipment, produce steamand it can be used personally for drinking.

The ways to conserve water are:

Put a plastic bottle in your toilet tank.Take shorter showers.Install water-saving shower heads or flow restrictors.

What is the agricultural, industrial, and personal uses of water ?

The use of agricultural water  can be seen in the way the ffarmer do use it to grow fruits and vegetables and raise livestock, however Agricultural water is used for irrigation, pesticide and fertilizer applications .

It should be noted that the Water in chemical industry is used to heat or cool equipment, produce steam, create vacuum, since no chemical production plant can function without water.

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What is the rule for not splitting an infinitive?


An infinitive is a verb that is followed by the word to. The main verb, is additionally called the lexical verb.

When such an adverb appears between one and the other, as well as the prepositional phrase itself, we obtain a split infinitive. What does "verb" signify in general terms? It appears that the major verb is the principal verb, sometimes referred to as the lexical verb. This word refers to the key phrase in the first paragraph that frequently conveys the conduct or state of the topic. A supporting verb, also known as a subjunctive tense, can stand alone or be used in conjunction with a primary verb. What does "verbs for kids" actually mean? A verb, a vital part of communication, is usually used to specify or imply an action. Expressions provide a description of the statement's subject's actions. "Run," "write," "think," "sleep," and "surprise," among other words.

Learn more about Lexical verb here:



What happens at the end of Chapter 9 in Frankenstein?


After Justine's trial, Victor Frankenstein is left feeling helpless. He is unable to rest or sleep because of the way he destroyed so many lives. He falls into a severe depression from which he is unable to recover.

What's Frankenstein's main plot?

Victor Frankenstein, a talented scientist, successfully gives life to a creature he created in the novel Frankenstein. But this is not the ideal specimen he anticipates; rather, it is a repulsive creature that Victor and all of mankind despise.

Victor's mood darkens as a result of Justine's execution. Thoughts of Elizabeth and his father prevent him from taking his own life when he is contemplating it. In an effort to cheer up his son, Alphonse takes his kids on a field trip to the Bellerive family home.


To learn more about Frankenstein from the given link



“Some of my pleasantest hours were during the long rainstorms in the spring or fall, which confined me
to the house for the afternoon as well as the forenoon, soothed by their ceaseless roar and pelting...”

Which type of sentence has Thoreau crafted in this example? How would the effect be different if Thoreau used a series of simple sentences?


The type of sentence that Thoreau crafted in this example is a complex sentence, laced with a lot of visual imagery.

If he has used a series of simple sentences, the meaning would still be there but it would lack the depiction of David Thoreau as a sophisticated writer.

What is a complex sentence?

A complicated sentence is one that has at least one independent clause and one dependent clause. It works best when you need to add more information to clarify or change the main argument of your phrase.

A complicated sentence is made up of a dependent clause and an independent clause. When the dependent clause comes before the independent clause, a comma separates the two phrases; otherwise, no punctuation is required. I reheated the soup in the microwave since it was very cold.

Learn more about Complex Sentences:

How many lines is a blank verse?


It can contain any number of lines .

Write an argumentative essay for or against the idea of using controlled fires to protect wild areas



controlled fires is that they can help to reduce the risk of wildfire.........


Controlled fires, also known as prescribed burns, are intentionally set fires that are used to manage vegetation and reduce the risk of wildfire in wild areas. The practice of using controlled fires has been a controversial topic, with some arguing that it is an effective tool for protecting wild areas, while others argue that it is too risky and can have negative impacts on the environment and wildlife.

One argument in favor of using controlled fires is that they can help to reduce the risk of wildfire. Wildfires can have devastating consequences, causing destruction of property, loss of life, and damage to the environment. By intentionally setting small fires under controlled conditions, land managers can reduce the amount of fuel available for larger, uncontrolled wildfires, making it less likely that a wildfire will occur.

Another argument in favor of controlled fires is that they can be used to improve the health of wild areas. Wildfires can be a natural and necessary part of some ecosystems, but in some cases, the frequency and intensity of wildfires has increased due to human activities such as land development and climate change. Controlled fires can be used to mimic the natural cycle of fire in an ecosystem, helping to maintain a healthy balance of vegetation and wildlife.

However, there are also arguments against the use of controlled fires. One concern is that they can be risky and difficult to control, potentially leading to unintended consequences such as damage to property or loss of life. There is also the risk that controlled fires can escape and become uncontrolled wildfires, which can have negative impacts on the environment and wildlife.

Another concern is that controlled fires can have negative impacts on the environment and wildlife. Some argue that the smoke produced by controlled fires can be harmful to air quality and wildlife, and that the fire itself can damage or destroy habitat.

Overall, the use of controlled fires as a tool for protecting wild areas is a complex and controversial issue. While it is clear that controlled fires can be an effective tool for reducing the risk of wildfire and improving the health of wild areas, there are also risks and potential negative impacts that need to be carefully considered. It is important for land managers to carefully assess the risks and benefits of using controlled fires in a particular area, and to work with experts and the local community to make informed decisions about the use of this tool.

What is storage area meaning?


Any place, building, or vehicle used to keep radiographic exposure equipment, radiation equipment, or storage containers safe when not in use for radiographic procedures is referred to as a storage area.

To avoid unintentional exposure, tampering, or unauthorized removal of the equipment, machine, or container, storage locations are secured with locks or a physical barrier. A storage area network, or SAN, is a specialized, fast network that gives storage devices network access. Hosts, switches, storage components, and storage devices make up standard SAN configurations. These components are connected to one another via a range of technologies, topologies, and protocols. SANs may connect various locations.

Hot, warm, and cold are common terms used to describe the classes. Warm data is stored on slightly slower storage and is accessed less frequently than hot data, whereas cold data is rarely accessed and kept on even slower storage. One of the major advantages of employing a cold storage is that the low temperature helps to slow down chemical changes and the growth of microbial enzymes in food. In other words, the rate of food spoilage has significantly decreased.

To learn more about storage Visit : brainly.com/question/24227720


What is Zinn's primary argument in Chapter 18?


Contrary to common belief, Zinn contends that the My Lai massacre was part of a larger pattern of violence and cruelty among American soldiers, not an isolated episode.

What was the Zinn history of 1968 ?

The American military mercilessly handled the Vietnamese people during the Vietnam War, which was traumatic for them. The 1968 My Lai massacre, one of the most infamous incidents of the war, saw American troops murdering elderly people, women, and children in a planned manner. The army afterwards attempted to cover up the incident but failed. Ultimately, several of the officers implicated in My Lai were put to trial, but just one was found guilty and only received a three-year term. According to Zinn, "My Lai was unique only in its details"—there were hundreds of other episodes in Vietnam that were comparable. Additionally, American generals backed the bombardment of Vietnam's civilian population wholeheartedly.

Learn more about  impacts of history form here:



Write a letter to your friend describing two ways in which you prepared for your father's birthday.


We are asked to write a letter to our friend describing our father's birthday celebrations. The letter to our friend describing the celebrations will be as under:

Hi Priya,

Yesterday we celebrated my father's birthday. Remember all the things I told you that I am going to try to do to make the birthday a memorable one. Most of them got canceled as my father remained at home the entire day as it was raining. At least these two ways I made his birthday memorable. I was able to call him all his old school friends and whoever was staying in the city or was able to travel came for the party. So seeing his old friends my father was really touched.

The second surprise to make my father remember this birthday was the arrival of my brother. We did not tell him that he was arriving. In fact whenever he spoke to my father it hold him that there were no plans of coming down. So my father was really pleased to see his son after so many months.

Let me know how you are going to plan to celebrate your parent's anniversary which is next month.

Lots of love

To learn more about letter check the link below:




How do you write a chronological paragraph?


It must first have a topic phrase that identifies the major idea of the paragraph, or in other words, the action that the paragraph will explain.

The steps that must be done or points that were made along the procedure should then be described in the paragraph's body, in a logical order.

Place the events in chronological sequence so that they appear as they did in reality or as they will if you are giving directions. You must utilize terms like first, second, then, following that, later, and finally while using this technique.

She passed away in 1960, broke and with none of her novels still in print. Her book, nevertheless, was reissued in 1978. The events in the aforementioned example are presented in chronological sequence.

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How do you know if he has changed?


Instead of glancing down and avoiding eye contact, they eagerly listen to you. Alternatively, people reply in a more relaxed manner rather than stiffening up at every phrase.

Daily talks and acts are excellent markers of whether or not someone has improved. Men change as a result of their life experiences. The firsthand experience of something either nice or very awful causes people to shift abruptly. These modifications are very discernible.

Experience transforms men in ways that are difficult to fathom. Change does not generally occur overnight. Human personalities and characteristics are frequently the consequence of years of unique experiences.

Learn more about to  glancing  visit here;



What is an example of satire in Huckleberry Finn?


Answer: Then Miss Watson she took me in the closet and prayed, but nothing come of it. She told me to pray every day, and whatever I asked for I would get it.”

identify the structure in the last paragraphy in the fall of the house usher


Both houses ultimately "die" simultaneously when Madeline trips over her brother and the mansion crumbles.

What is the summary of The Fall of the House of Usher?

Traveler visits his old acquaintance Roderick Usher at the Usher house. But when he gets there, he finds both Roderick and Madeline have been affected by a strange illness: Roderick's senses have grown excruciatingly keen, while Madeline has almost gone catatonic.

Roderick demands that she be entombed for two weeks in the family tomb inside the home before being buried permanently because of concern that her body may be retrieved for medical research. When assisting Roderick in burying Madeline's death, the narrator discovers that Madeline and Roderick are identical twins.

The revelation that Lady Madeline has been buried alive by Roderick Usher and the narrator is the story's turning point.

To learn more about Fall of the house of usher refer to :



What is the z-score of any standard deviation?


The amount of standard deviations a given data point is above or below the mean is represented by the Z-score, also known as the standard score.

Does the z-score match the standardized value?

A score is said to be "standardized" when it has been transformed from its original scale or metric into standard deviation units, also referred to as a Z score. In order to make things simpler for us, we'll use the Z score, which is likely the most popular kind of standardized score.

The mean is the sum of the averages of all the values in a group divided by the total number of items.


To learn more about Z-score from the given link



What is swift really proposing in A Modest Proposal?


Jonathan Swift suggests that the Irish should devour their children in A Modest Proposal because it will have various advantages.

What is the meaning behind A Modest Proposal?

The essay, which is disguised as an economic dissertation, suggests that Ireland's underprivileged children should be butchered and sold to affluent English landowners as food in order to reduce poverty there. Swift's plan is a scathing critique of England's exploitation of Ireland on a legal and economic level.

Swift expresses his growing annoyance with the incompetence of Irish politicians, the hypocrisy of the wealthy, the tyranny of the English, and the dirt and degradation in which he sees so many Irish people living in A Modest Proposal.

Jonathan Swift suggests that the Irish should devour their children in A Modest Proposal because it will have various advantages. He asserts that it will aid in population management, economic growth, crime prevention, and the production of stylish clothing away from the kids.

To learn more about  A Modest Proposal refer to:



What satire is Orwell showing in Chapter 5?


The satire that Orwell shows in Chapter 5 is about equality during the Russian revolution.

What satire is Orwell showing in Chapter 5?

Satire is loosely described as art that makes fun of a certain subject in an effort to influence readers to change their viewpoints about it.Satirists typically suggest their own beliefs about how the topic under assault may be fixed by criticizing what they perceive as human foolishness.This fifth chapter of 'Animal Farm', sheds light on Napoleon's crooked and power-hungry motives.He blatantly and shamelessly usurps power for himself, exiles Snowball without cause, and displays a bald-faced readiness to alter history to suit his own purposes.Similarly to this, after Lenin's death, Stalin drove Trotsky out of Russia and took over the government.The satire that George Orwell shows in Chapter 5 is equality.

To learn more about 'Animal Farm', refer to:



Who is the real author of Animal Farm?


In this line, Orwell employs satire to accomplish his goal, which was to make fun of political propaganda's blatant lies in C. Squealer's speech.

A satire is simply the use of irony, humor, exaggeration, or mockery to reveal a person's vices or to criticize them. In this paragraph of Animal Farm, Orwell's use of satire was crucial to achieving his goals since Squealer's statement exposes the blatant fallacies of political propaganda. Satire was employed in this instance to mock. A fable is a story in which animals are depicted as having human traits and features in order to express a viewpoint, typically one that is moral in nature. In Animal Farm, Orwell uses a few animal characters to illustrate the circumstances that led to the 1917 Russian Revolution and later to Stalinist. Orwell was a severe opponent of all forms of authoritarianism, and he thought that under Stalin, Russia had fallen into this category.

Learn more about A satire here:



Is the floor of the ocean smooth and flat?


The ocean floor smooth and flat has the same general character as the land areas of the world: mountains, plains, channels, canyons, exposed rocks, and sediment-covered areas.

The lack of weathering and erosion in most areas, however, allows geological processes to be seen more clearly on the seafloor than.This one is referred to as the Abyssal Plain. Between the mid-ocean range and the continental uplift is the abyssal plain.

They are the main characteristics of the oceanic basin's geologic components. The plate tectonics are also situated here.the ocean floor and on the continents. There are few places where sands and mud have piled up in thick enough accumulations to become lithified, but on reefs and lagoons.

To know more about Ocean floor visit:



How do you think the animals' victory will impact life on theel farm


The Animal Farm echoes the notion that all power contains an element of corruption. The leaders, the pigs Napoleon and Snowball, may have started out well-intentioned, but once they realized that all of the animals heard and understood to them without question, they began to abuse their power.

Did the animals win the battle in Animal Farm?

Jones's attempt to reclaim the farm's control. Those attempts, however, were thwarted at the Battle of the Cowshed, the dramatic battle in between animals and Mr. Jones, where Snowball's heroics and tactical mastery rallied the animals to victory.

What is the most important message in Animal Farm?

The primary message of Animal Farm is the ability of ordinary people to keep faith in a rebellion that has been completely betrayed. and reminiscences for the sake of one's power.

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What age do you have to file taxes?


There is no specific age for which the person may file an income tax, however if a child is earning through some means then it is necessary that they must file income tax.

Income taxes are the taxes levied on the income sources and income earned by a person in a financial year which are used for he public facilities for the citizens only. Age is not a barrier in filing income tax. Many people who are unemployed are exempted from filing because they do not earn money, while some child earn money through some sources such as young entrepreneurs, acting etc. and so they are liable to pay income tax through their parents. There are some basic requisites for claiming a child on a parent’s tax return. Generally studying students are considered as dependents on parents and their taxes are counted under parent's income tax.

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Certain noteheads can only be placed on staff lines


In order for the top of the notehead to be in the center of the space above it and the bottom to be in the center of the space below it, noteheads that are located on lines must be centered exactly on the relevant line. Always write neatly on noteheads.

A notehead with a "x" form can be used to denote speaking, percussion, or percussive effects (ghost notes). A natural or synthetic harmonic may be indicated by a square, diamond, or box-shaped notehead. A grace note might be shown with a little notehead. A notehead, which is often elliptical in shape in music, is the portion of a note which placement on the staff signifies the pitch and to which adjustments are made to indicate duration. Noteheads may have the same shape but be entirely black or white to indicate the value of the note (i.e., rhythmic duration).

To know more about noteheads, click on the link below:






Which character type is also called the antihero? a. Mistaken antagonist b. Protagonist c. Exaggerated antagonist d. Transformational antagonist e. Realistic antagonist.


The character type is also called the antihero is b. Protagonist.

In literature, “hero” typically refers to the protagonist of the story. An “antihero” is a character who is still your protagonist, but their morality is more ambiguous. They're flawed, complex, and often incredibly relatable to the audience. An anti-hero is an not likely protagonist who does now no longer always have virtuous or villainous traits however who's capable of behave heroically if the possibility arises. The villain protagonist is the villain, an undeniable “awful guy,” is likewise using the plot because the vital character.

Thus, option b is the correct choice.

To learn more about protagonist check the link below:



1. Before now, we have seen Jem get upset with Scout if she was acting too much like a
girl. Using 2 complete sentences, explain why he might be saying the opposite now.


This younger child Scout, along with her brother Jem and their buddy Dill, narrates the book in two parts. Jem is questioned by Scout about Miss Gates' lesson on Hitler.

Jem is really upset by this. She's going to murder a rolypoly. By doing thus, Dill and Jem were able to accompany Atticus to Tom's home. As they were returning home from the pool, they encountered Atticus.

She appears to have given in to Jem's maturation, suggesting that she is now content with him rather than resentful of it. When mother takes the narrator to school and explains that it's different from home and he doesn't want his costume, she says at the beginning of the chapter that it is "gallant" of him to do so.

To learn more about Dill and Jem from given link



Is inference and conclusion the same?


Answer:Kind of, tecnically no but broadly yes.


Inference is just a big word that means a conclusion or judgement. Inference is a conclusion reach by facts or assumptions throughout the article/story.

What era did mammals emerge Cenozoic?


Cenozoic, which spans 66 million years, is defined as "recent life." Animals and vegetation from this time period most closely resemble those found today.

The Cenozoic Era, which began with the end of the Cretaceous Period and the extinction of all non-avian dinosaurs, lasted just roughly 65 million years. Because mammals have historically been the largest terrestrial animals, the Cenozoic has often been referred to as the Age of Mammals. The Cenozoic Era is the period of time after the demise of the dinosaurs when mammals first appeared. Mammals stepped in to fill the void left behind by the dinosaur extinction because mass extinctions provide conditions for new life to flourish. They developed into numerous species that we now identify, including humans. The Cenozoic Era has more markers since its periods are divided into even smaller units called epochs.

To learn more about life click here



Describe the transcendental experience of Farquhar willing the noose to give away and envisioning his escape into the arms of his wife and safety , then the “white light” rather than the reality of his corpse’s broken bones of death.


The phrase He escapes the hangman's noose and returns to his family perfectly captures Farquhar's transcendental experience.

Explain about the Farquhar's execution?

Farquhar was put to death by the Union Army because he intended to set the Owl Creek Bridge on fire. Because they had seen firsthand the devastation that one well-timed act of sabotage might cause, soldiers at this point in the conflict punished saboteurs harshly. Farquhar is therefore put to death rather than being detained in a jail environment like an enemy combatant.

The significance of Peyton Farquhar's execution lies in the fact that it serves as the story's plot twist. It is Farquhar's belief that his noose breaks and that he eventually returns to his family after a difficult escape.

Imagining his escape from his impending death is a way for Farquhar to reclaim control over the reality of his predicament because he is in a desperate situation and needs to escape his dream world.

To learn more about Farquhar's execution refer to:



Lee tries to recreate the ways that young kids interact with one another. Does she succeed? explain with examples.


Lee tries to recreate the ways that young kids interact with one another.as  she did not succeed and got failed.

To Kill a Mockingbird recounts the account of the youthful storyteller's section from honesty to encounter when her dad defies the bigoted equity arrangement of the provincial, Depression-period South.

To Kill a Mockingbird isn't self-portraying, there are similitudes between the novel and Lee's life. The book is set in Maycomb, Alabama, the anecdotal name for Monroeville, where Lee grew up. Like the primary person Scout, Lee was a spitfire who was awkward with conventional womanliness.

A frightful picture of race and class, honesty and unfairness, bad faith and gallantry, custom and change in the Deep South , Harper Lee's To Kill a Mockingbird stays as significant today as it was upon its underlying distribution in 1960, during the fierce long stretches of the Civil Rights development.

Learn more about Mockingbird to visit this link



Full question :To Kill a Mockingbird

Lee tries to recreate the ways that young kids interact with one another. Does she succeed?

Which is known as the falling action of the story giving you the ending?


The time after the dramatic clash of the climax has happened is referred to as the "falling action" in storytelling. After an emotionally saturated scene, this section of the story allows the plot's tension go down and offers the characters some downtime.

In literature, the falling action can be used in various ways to develop the plot, including:

1) Emotional release: After the tension of the plot's climax, the falling action of a story can be described as taking a big breath.

2) Realism: Falling action can aid in upholding the story's air of reality.

3) Tying up loose ends: Stories usually feature a numerous subplots and auxiliary characters.

To know more about falling action:



How to make whip cream at starbucks


Answer: bye sum heavy cream and whip until thick.


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