What is the main outcome of NAFTA?


Answer 1


The main outcome of the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) is the creation of a free trade zone between the United States, Canada, and Mexico. This means that tariffs and other trade barriers have been removed between the three countries, making it easier and cheaper for businesses to trade with each other. As a result of this, there has been a significant increase in trade between the three countries, leading to economic growth and job creation in all three countries.


Hope this helps!

Related Questions

What was the impact of the use of machine guns and barbed wire in World War 1?


Answer: The impact  for barbed wire that it would be harder for the enemy to attack. The impact for machine guns was that they could mow down the enemy more effeciently.


What we can learn from senior citizens?


Answer: What we can learn from older people is what it was like in the 1960s and how much the world has changed. They can also teach us a great deal about world war 2 and how much humanity has changed. Also, they're just fun to talk to sometimes.

hope this helps (:

What are the 4 ideas of the Enlightenment?


Modernization, skepticism, reason and liberty are the four ideas of the Enlightenment .

Some of the founding fathers of the American Revolution were influenced by the Enlightenment's ideals of equality, toleration of all religions, and press freedom.. Due to the lack of fundamental rights, American colonists resisted England and declared their independence.

Theorists of the Enlightenment held that rational thought could be applied to all aspects of human endeavor. The sciences, philosophy, arts, religion, and politics of Old Europe also placed a strong emphasis on reason. Freedom and equality were some more concepts. During the Enlightenment, it was believed that human reason could uncover facts about the world, religion, and politics and apply them to better humankind.

To know more about skepticism visit :



When the Queen gave her speech to the troops at Tilbury they were waiting on a possible invasion by what?


The Queen gave her speech to the troops at Tilbury when they were waiting on a possible invasion by Spanish troops.

What is Queen's speech at Tilbury all about?

Queen Elizabeth 1 gave a speech to the English troops at Tilbury, Essex on 9th August 1588, motivating the people as they prepare to defend the country against Spanish invasion.

The Tilbury speech encouraged the soldiers to protect their nation against an invasion by the Spanish and told them that their noble action would be recognized by the queen and the people of England

The purpose of the queen's speech was to appeal to her troops to fight the conflict with the Spanish.

Learn more about Queen's speech at Tilbury at brainly.com/question/2352565.


_________ won the democratic primary in 2008.


Barack Obama won the democratic primary in 2008.

Barack Obama filled in as the 44th  President of the US. History is the American story — values from the heartland, a working class childhood in a solid family, difficult work and schooling as the method for excelling, and the conviction that a day to day existence so honored ought to be lived in support of others.

At the point when Barack Obama was chosen president in 2008, he turned into the main African American to hold the workplace. The designers of the Constitution generally trusted that our initiative wouldn't be restricted to Americans of riches or family associations. Dependent upon the biases of their time — a significant number of them claimed slaves — most could never have predicted an African American president.

Know more on Barack Obama - https://brainly.com/question/8200533





For question 14 it is the third one from the top.

For question 15 it is the first one from the top

In 331 B.C., Alexander's army was victorious at this
battle which allowed him to possess the remnants
of the Persian Empire.


It was the Battle of Gaugamela

who celebrates independence day and why


Answer: Second Continental Congress

Explanation: On July 2, 1776, the Second Continental Congress made its decree for freedom and two days later they formally adopted the Declaration of Independence on July 4. Hence why we celebrate Independence Day on July 4 every year. This declaration was used throughout the American Revolution to inspire troops to carry on fighting against the British.

*notisaproletariari* : scrabble this word
on the behalf of History chapter of Nazism​


notis proletariat lair

Which part of the 14 Points Plan do you think is most needed to achieve Wilson's goal of international peace? Why? What guidelines might be missing but would be helpful to complete Wilson's goal? write at least a paragraph for your explanation.
worth 8 points




The 14 Points Plan was a set of proposals for achieving international peace and cooperation that was outlined by President Woodrow Wilson in a speech to the United States Congress in January 1918. The plan was developed in response to World War I and was intended to prevent future conflicts by addressing the root causes of the war and promoting greater cooperation and understanding between nations.

One of the points that I believe is most necessary for achieving Wilson's goal of international peace is Point Two, which calls for the "absolute freedom of navigation upon the seas, outside territorial waters, alike in peace and in war, except as the seas may be closed in whole or in part by international action for the enforcement of international covenants." This point addresses the issue of unrestricted naval warfare, which was a major cause of World War I and has been a source of conflict between nations throughout history. Ensuring the freedom of navigation on the seas would help to reduce tensions between nations and promote greater cooperation and trade.

Another point that I believe is important for achieving Wilson's goal is Point Four, which calls for "the reduction of national armaments to the lowest point consistent with domestic safety." This point addresses the issue of military buildup and arms races, which can lead to heightened tensions and increase the likelihood of conflict. Reducing national armaments to a minimum level would help to reduce the risk of war and promote greater security and stability.

There are several guidelines that might be helpful in completing Wilson's goal of international peace that are not specifically addressed in the 14 Points Plan. One such guideline might be the promotion of dialogue and diplomacy as a means of resolving conflicts and disputes between nations. Encouraging nations to engage in dialogue and negotiations rather than resorting to military force would help to reduce the risk of war and promote greater cooperation and understanding between nations. Additionally, promoting greater transparency and accountability in international relations could help to build trust and reduce tensions between nations. This might involve establishing mechanisms for monitoring and enforcing international agreements, or establishing international organizations to facilitate cooperation and resolution of disputes.

what happened to businesses that cheated customers


When a consumer is taken advantage of by a producer or misled it is known as consumer exploitation. The market can be manipulated in a variety of ways by large firms with enormous wealth, influence, and reach.

What happened to businesses that cheated customers?

1. Volkswagen

In a scandal that resulted in the company paying out more than $25 billion in fines, restitution, and penalties, Volkswagen was found to have misled the public and customers. Of order to avoid failing the diesel testing, they installed software meant to manipulate the results in their automobiles. They sold more than 580,000 vehicles as part of their clean diesel campaign, and the scandal that resulted has grown to be one of the greatest ever to occur globally.

2. Airbnb

The user base of Craiglist was Airbnb's target market, but they were unable to divert this base to their website through traditional means. In order to steal Craigslist consumers, they developed a bot that automatically replied to Craigslist advertisements by urging the user to also check out Airbnb.

3. ABC Food Group

Investigators who were tasked with cracking one of the largest scandals to ever rock Europe, and the UK in particular, discovered that horse meat was being sold as beef, with about 75% of samples containing horse meat. Some even offered pig meat that was labeled as beef.

To know more about, consumer exploitation, visit :



Read the “Declaration of Natural Rights” in the Declaration of Intendance (paragraph 2, 3, and 4). Select what you think is the most important idea and explain in a paragraph how this idea affects your life today.


The Declaration of Natural Rights in the Declaration of Independence is the Paragraph 2, in which the colonist states they have certain basic rights and that government should protect those rights.

What is the “Declaration of Natural Rights"?

Under the Declaration of Independence, the Natural Rights is the second part which states that people have certain basic rights and that government should protect those rights. John Locke’s ideas strongly influenced this part. In 1690, Locke wrote that government was based on the consent of the people and that people had the right to rebel if the government did not uphold their right to life, liberty, and property.

In essence, the natural rights, as a universal moral principles among all cultures and societies and can not be reversed by government laws. For this reason, the natural rights are often called inalienable rights which rights that cannot be taken away. Natural rights are the basis of a social contract in society.

Read more about natural rights



What are the main conflicts in Animal Farm and how are they resolved?


In order to stop the battle between animals and humans, the animals, led by the pigs, overthrow the people. However, at the end of Animal Farm, the pigs behave just like humans. Snowball is chased away, and Napoleon takes full control of the property, ending the feud between him and Snowball.

Napoleon's decision to sell the chickens' eggs in Chapter 7 sets up the novella's conclusion. After realizing that pigs are their enemies, the chickens start to revolt. Their uprising is ruthlessly put down, and chickens are put to death.

By the conclusion of the novel, the original directives are reduced to the dictum, "All animals are equal but some animals are more equal than others," which sums up the authoritarian nature of the farm.

To learn more about Animal Farm



Which leading women's rights group of the1960s and 1970s was one of the organizations that sought to encourage passage of an equal rights amendment to the constitution?.



cultivated the employed some Libra bar this support on the outcome of wages converter variable

which demand of american farmers was included in the 1892 platform of the populist party? responses unrestricted immigration into the united states unrestricted immigration into the united states an end to racial segregation in southern states an end to racial segregation in southern states lower income taxes on individuals lower income taxes on individuals unlimited coinage of silver


The 1892 Platform of the Populist Party included a demand for the free and unlimited coinage of silver, the government ownership of the railroads, direct election of US Senators, an income tax, a graduated inheritance tax, postal savings banks, and a limit on corporate land holdings.

The 1892 Populist Party Platform: Improving the Lives of American Farmers

In 1892, the Populist Party presented a platform that outlined their core beliefs and policies. Among the demands in this platform was one that had a significant impact on American farmers. The demand for free and unlimited coinage of silver sought to increase the amount of money circulating in the American economy, with the intention of helping farmers who were struggling under the financial burden of debt and low crop prices.

Under the gold standard, the money supply was limited due to the limited supply of gold. This caused prices to remain low, which was unfavorable for farmers trying to make a profit. By demanding the free and unlimited coinage of silver, the Populist Party hoped to increase the money supply and thus drive prices up, allowing farmers to earn a better return on their crops.

The platform also included several other demands that would have improved the lives of farmers, such as the government ownership of railroads, direct election of US Senators, an income tax, a graduated inheritance tax, postal savings banks, and a limit on corporate land holdings. These demands sought to provide farmers with increased economic security and improved access to financial resources.

Learn more about Populist Party Platform at: https://brainly.com/question/9368107


Attachment is sometimes discussed as existing at the intersection of two different trait dimensions. Identify those two traits dimensions and discuss how each of the four attachment styles incorporates them.



Attachment is a psychological concept that refers to the emotional bond between an individual and a caregiver. It is sometimes discussed as existing at the intersection of two different trait dimensions, namely, anxious attachment and avoidant attachment.

Anxious attachment refers to a tendency to feel anxious or insecure in close relationships and to seek reassurance and closeness from others. Avoidant attachment refers to a tendency to be more independent and self-reliant in relationships and to avoid intimacy and emotional closeness.

There are four attachment styles that incorporate these two trait dimensions:

Secure attachment: This attachment style is characterized by a balance of anxious and avoidant tendencies. Individuals with secure attachment feel comfortable in close relationships and are able to express their needs and emotions without fear of rejection. They are also able to respect their own boundaries and the boundaries of others.

Anxious-preoccupied attachment: This attachment style is characterized by high levels of anxious attachment and low levels of avoidant attachment. Individuals with anxious-preoccupied attachment tend to be very dependent on others for emotional support and may feel anxious or distressed when they are not in close contact with their caregivers.

Dismissive-avoidant attachment: This attachment style is characterized by high levels of avoidant attachment and low levels of anxious attachment. Individuals with dismissive-avoidant attachment tend to be emotionally distant and self-reliant in relationships, and may have difficulty expressing their emotions or seeking support from others.

Fearful-avoidant attachment: This attachment style is characterized by high levels of both anxious and avoidant attachment. Individuals with fearful-avoidant attachment may feel anxious and insecure in relationships, but may also have difficulty trusting others and may avoid intimacy and emotional closeness.

It is important to note that attachment styles are not fixed and can change over time and with different relationships. It is also possible for an individual to have a mixture of different attachment styles in different relationships.

Just a. please. I’ll put the points at 50



French mariner Jacques Cartier was the first European to navigate the St. Lawrence River, and his explorations of the river and the Atlantic coast of Canada, on three expeditions from 1534 to 1542, laid the basis for later French claims to North America. Cartier is also credited with naming Canada.


During Cartier's exploration of the St. Lawerence, he lost a lot of his men.

In the exploration of the St. Lawerence, Cartier encountered Indian attacks, which dramatically reduced the amount of settlers.

Additionally, the harsh winter hindered Cartier to continue to explore new lands.


These are 3 reasons. I hope this is sufficient!

Which rotations carry the square onto itself?


A rotation of 90 degrees and 180 degrees clockwise about the square's center and a reflection over one of the square's diagonals rotations carry the square onto itself.

When two distinct media come together at an interface, a wavefront might reverse direction so that it returns to the first medium, which is known as reflection. Light, music, and water waves are a few typical examples. According to the rule of reflection, the angle at which a wave incidentally strikes a surface must coincide with the angle at which it is reflected in the case of specular reflection. Tradition Echoes are produced through reflection in acoustics, which is also employed in sonar. The study of seismic waves in geology depends on it. Surface waves on water can be used to examine reflection. Along with visible light, reflection may be seen in many other forms of electromagnetic waves. Radar and radio transmission both depend on VHF and higher frequency reflection.

learn more about tradition here



Why were people against the Vietnam War?


Many Americans thought it was in the country's best interest to defend South Vietnam from communist invasion when the Vietnam War first broke out.

Why was the Vietnam War unpopular?

Many Americans disapproved of the war because of their moral outrage over the death and destruction it caused. Others said that the conflict was a war against Vietnamese independence or an interference in a foreign civil war and opposed it because they believed it had unclear objectives and was unwinnable.

Who opposed the war in Vietnam?

As the conflict reached its height in 1968, students, political figures, labor unions, religious organizations, and middle-class families came out against it more and more, forcing a slow withdrawal of American forces.

To know more about against  Vietnam War visit:-



What's the meaning of commandments?


It is a commandment if someone feels that they have been told to do something by God. You can even regard it as a commandment if your parents sternly tell you that you need to tidy up your room.

The English equivalents of the Hebrew term mitsvah, command and commandment, do not accurately express what mitsvah means. As a general directs his men, the word command conjures forth strong, authoritative language. It is best to think of mitsvah as a mandate. The Commandments must be understood and used by the Church and each Christian individually, just like all of Scripture. Other passages in the Bible help us comprehend the Ten Commandments. It is especially important to understand them in light of Jesus' life, career, and teachings. Key passages from the New Testament are placed alongside the original text of the Ten Commandments in one of the versions of the Ten Commandments that are frequently read in worship.

Learn more about commandment here:



Which European nation first colonized South Africa?
The Netherlands
Great Britain


The Netherlands was the first European nation to colonize South Africa, establishing a trading post at the Cape of Good Hope in 1652. The Dutch settlers, known as Boers, eventually established several independent republics in the region.


The Netherlands


Great Britain took over colonization of South Africa from the Dutch in the early nineteenth century

What was the most important outcome of the Glorious Revolution?



There were a number of important outcomes of the Glorious Revolution, but one of the most significant was the establishment of a constitutional monarchy in England.

What actions did President Wilson pursue to expand the progressive movement?


With his "The New Freedom" economic reform program, President Wilson reclaimed his place in the progressive movement and helped it grow. An income tax was also included in this agenda, which was approved by Congress in the latter part of 1913.

After World War I, Woodrow Wilson founded the League of Nations. He oversaw the adoption of the 19th Amendment, which granted women the right to vote, as well as regulations that forbade child labor and required railroad workers to work an eight-hour day.

Wilson was a Progressive Democrat who felt that the federal government had the ability to thwart corruption, control the economy, outlaw immoral corporate activities, and enhance society as a whole.

To learn more about Woodrow Wilson



What was the purpose of the march 1933 bank holiday?



The purpose of the March 1933 bank holiday in the United States was to address the financial crisis that was gripping the country at the time. The holiday was declared by President Franklin D. Roosevelt, who had taken office just a few weeks earlier, and it was designed to give the government time to assess the situation and take steps to stabilize the banking system. The holiday effectively shut down all banks in the country for four days, and during that time the government worked to develop a plan to address the crisis. The bank holiday was part of a broader set of measures that Roosevelt implemented to combat the Great Depression, which had been ongoing for several years at that point.

To address the financial crisis that was engulfing the nation at the time, the United States declared a bank holiday in March 1933. President Franklin D. Roosevelt, who had just recently taken office, established the holiday with the intention of giving the government time to examine

What is government?

The term government refers that the system which was governed by a state or a country in it, we see there are different governments are being there in states the government is made by the people and govern for the people also in it. There is a system being made and under the system, the government is being run.

The situation and take action to stabilize the banking system. For four days, the holiday virtually shut down all banks in the nation, and the government used that time to create a crisis management strategy. Roosevelt implemented the bank holiday as part of a larger package of policies to combat the Great Depression, which had been going on for a while by that point.

Therefore, The vacation was made in order to give the government  time to review

Learn more about the government here:



What did Woodrow Wilson want to achieve with his new freedom?


Wilson's political philosophy, which he outlined during his victorious 1912 presidential campaign, promised to restore unrestricted opportunity for individual activity and to employ the power of the state for social justice for everyone. Wilson is known as "Woodrow Wilson with a New Freedom in US History."

The New Freedom, Woodrow Wilson's platform during his 1912 presidential campaign, placed a strong emphasis on free enterprise and limited government. It aimed to reestablish competitiveness, free up individual energy, and restrain federal power.

Wilson also put forth ideas that would guarantee future world peace. He advocated, for instance, the abolition of trade restrictions between states, the guarantee of "self-determination" for marginalized groups, and the creation of a global organization that would offer a system of universal security to all countries.

To learn more about Woodrow Wilson



What European country most directly impacted the structure of American public education?

O United Kingdom
O France
O Prussia
O Italy


Prussia because I got it right in my test so it’s Prussia

The European country most directly impacted the structure of American public education is Prussia. Thus, option (c) is correct.

What is education?

The term education refers to the gaining knowledge and learning the new things. The person can earn money as they need to education. The education is level wise and based on capacity of the revised knowledge of the student. The education is included a basic necessity of the people.

According to the structure of American public education is the Prussia. America was the adopted the Prussia model of the education. The American education system of the primary school (elementary school), middle school (high school), postsecondary (tertiary).

As a result, the significance of the education are the aforementioned. Therefore, option (c) is correct.

Learn more about on education, here:



What does the ghost of King Hamlet say about Gertrude his wife?



He will kill them



President Roosevelt believed that having a canal through Central America would save time and money for commercial and military shipping and

answer choices
- was necessary for maintaining influence in Asia.
- was vital to U.S. power in the world.
- would benefit the people of Central America.
- would establish a new market for U.S. goods.


President Roosevelt believed that having a canal through Central America would save time and money for commercial and military shipping and was vital to U.S. power in the world.

A trans-isthmian canal, a long-term American project, was completed under the direction of President Theodore Roosevelt. Businessmen and political figures in America and Britain desired to move commodities rapidly and affordably between the Atlantic and Pacific coastlines throughout the 1800s. President Theodore Roosevelt thought that the existence of this canal would be essential to U.S. power in the world. Theodore Roosevelt announced to a crowd in Berkeley, California, in 1911 that as president, he had resolved to assure access to the Isthmus of Panama, which was then a part of Colombia, in order to get a canal built as the centerpiece of America's expanding worldwide influence.

Learn more about Panama Canal https://brainly.com/question/26573102


Why did the Nazis invent antisemitism?



Antisemitism played a major role in Adolf Hitler’s thinking and in Nazi ideology. Read here what inspired Hitler's hatred of Jews and what life events played a role in its development.


Hitler did not invent the hatred of Jews. Jews in Europe had been victims of discrimination and persecution since the Middle Ages, often for religious reasons. Christians saw the Jewish faith as an aberration that had to be quashed. Jews were sometimes forced to convert or they were not allowed to practise certain professions. In the nineteenth century, religion played a less important role. It was replaced by theories about the differences between races and peoples. The idea that Jews belonged to a different people than the Germans, for instance, caught on. Even Jews who had converted to Christianity were still 'different' because of their bloodline.


Antisemitism is an age-old form of hatred and prejudice towards Jews. It is characterized by a range of negative attitudes and behaviors towards Jewish people and their religion, culture, and politics. During the Nazi era in Germany, the Nazis used antisemitism to justify their heinous crimes against humanity, including the Holocaust. This answer will explore why the Nazis invented antisemitism to gain support for their ideology and policies.

Nazi Germany's Use of Antisemitism

Nazi Germany was a regime that was heavily focused on racial theories. The Nazis believed that certain races were superior to others, and they rejected the idea of equality among all people. As a result, they viewed Jews as a threat to their society, and used antisemitism to justify their discrimination and persecution of Jews.

The Nazis used antisemitism to gain support from the German public for their ideology. They argued that Jews were a danger to German society and should be eliminated. The Nazis portrayed Jews as subhuman and inferior, and blamed them for Germany’s economic and social problems. This allowed the Nazis to gain support from the public for their policies, as they were seen as protecting the German people from a perceived threat.

The Nazis also used antisemitism to justify the Holocaust, the systematic extermination of six million Jews during World War II. The Nazis argued that Jews were a threat to the German race and needed to be eliminated in order to ensure the purity of the German people. This allowed the Nazis to gain the support of the German public for the mass murder of Jews.

The Role of Nazi Ideology

Nazi ideology was a major factor in the Nazis’ use of antisemitism. Nazi ideology was based on the idea of racial superiority, and the Nazis argued that Jews were an inferior race that posed a threat to the German people. This allowed the Nazis to gain support from the public for their policies, as they were seen as protecting the German people from a perceived threat.

The Nazis also used Nazi ideology to justify their use of violence against Jews. Nazi ideology was based on the idea of racial superiority, and the Nazis argued that Jews needed to be eliminated in order to ensure the purity of the German race. This allowed the Nazis to gain support from the public for their policies, as they were seen as protecting the German people from a perceived threat.

List at least 5 similarities and at least 5 differences between the populist and socialist party platforms




Both populist and socialist parties often advocate for the needs and interests of ordinary people, rather than the elites or wealthy.

Both populist and socialist parties may support progressive taxation and social welfare programs as a way to redistribute wealth and provide support to those in need.

Both populist and socialist parties may support the idea of government intervention in the economy, in order to address issues such as inequality, unemployment, or other economic problems.

Both populist and socialist parties may prioritize the protection of workers' rights and the promotion of labor unions.

Both populist and socialist parties may advocate for greater regulation and oversight of industries, in order to protect the environment and promote the common good.


Populist parties may focus more on issues related to national sovereignty and immigration, while socialist parties may prioritize issues related to international solidarity and global equality.

Populist parties may advocate for a stronger role for the state in promoting economic development and national security, while socialist parties may prioritize decentralization and the empowerment of local communities.

Populist parties may be more open to working with traditional political parties and institutions, while socialist parties may be more critical of these structures and seek to fundamentally transform them.

Populist parties may be more focused on addressing immediate, practical problems facing ordinary people, while socialist parties may have a longer-term vision for radical social and economic change.

Populist parties may be more open to a range of ideological positions, while socialist parties may adhere to a more coherent and consistent ideological framework, such as socialism or communism.

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