What is the MAIN issue surrounding the Nile, Tigris , and Euphrates rivers ?


Answer 1


In the spring, when melted snow from nearby mountains flowed into the Tigris and Euphrates and the rivers overflowed their banks, the crops that were ready for harvest could be destroyed. Often, the floods ruined an entire harvest. Livestock, including cows, pigs, and sheep, were often drowned by the floodwaters.

Answer 2


Originating in Lake Hazer in Turkey—a region characterized by high mountains—the river flows parallel with the Euphrates River. The two eventually join, emptying into the Persian Gulf in the lowlands in an area known as the Shatt Al-Arab. More than half of the Tigris can be found in Iraq.


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Related Questions

1.A conditionally unstable atmosphere occurs when _____.

air is forced to rise

the environmental lapse rate falls above both the dry and moist adiabatic rates

the environmental lapse rate falls between the dry and moist adiabatic rates

air is forced to sink

the environmental lapse rate falls below both the dry and moist adiabatic rates

2.How can a conditionally unstable atmosphere become unstable?

Stable air from higher in the atmosphere moves downward.

Rising air starts to sinks back to the surface.

Warmer air rises above colder air.

Rising air becomes saturated.

Rising air becomes totally dry.

3.Latent heat released by cloud formation causes an air parcel to cool.




The stability and instability lean on the relationships between ‘nor­mal lapse rate’ and ‘adiabatic change of temperature’. Adiabatic rate is many times constant whereas normal lapse rate of air temperature changes.

When the normal lapse rate is higher than dry adiabatic rate, the air being warmer increases and becomes unstable. On the other side, when the normal lapse rate of temperature is lower than dry adiabatic rate, the air being cold descends and becomes stable.


When dry adiabatic lapse rate of an ascending dry air is higher than the normal lapse rate and if it is not saturated and does not attain dew point it becomes colder than surrounding air at certain height with the result it becomes bulky and descends.

This process causes stability of atmospheric circulation due to which vertical circulation of air is resisted.


When normal lapse rate is greater than dry adiabatic lapse rate of ascending parcel of air the increasing air continues to rise upward and expand and thus becomes unstable and is in unstable equilibrium.

To know more about Atmosphere:



What is a plane shape with 10 sides?


Answer: decagon

Explanation: a ten-sided polygon is called a decagon

Prehistoric earthquakes may be studied by:A.digging trenches along a fault in order to map the offset of layers of sediment and soil to provide a timeline for interpreting when the fault movedB.using seismic recording stations to gather data about P-waves, S-waves, and surface waves so that earthquake magnitude can be determinedC.looking at seismograms in order to measure P-S time to determine the epicenter of the earthquakeD.using satellite data to create an interferogram and show how Earth deformed near the fault rupture


Prehistoric earthquakes may be studied by digging trenches along a fault in order to map the offset of layers of sediment and soil to provide a timeline for interpreting when the fault moved.

Earthquake, any jolting of the earth that occurs suddenly and is brought on by seismic waves moving through the planet's rocks. Seismic waves are created when a kind of energy that has been trapped in the Earth's crust for a while suddenly escapes, typically when massive rocks that are rubbing up against one another unexpectedly crack and "slide." Most earthquakes happen along geologic faults, which are confined areas where rock masses shift relative to one another. The biggest fault lines in the planet can be found on the edges of the enormous tectonic plates that make up the crust of the Earth.

Learn more about earthquake here



Question: The waters off the coast of Peru are normally...?a. warm because of a current bring warm water from the north end and upwelling conditionsb. cold because of a current bring cold water from the south and upwelling conditionsc. cold because of a current bring cold water from the north and sinking waterd. warm because of a current bring warm water from the north and sinking water


The waters off the coast of Peru are normally (c) cold because of a current bring cold water from the north and sinking water.

The cold flow is intensified by upwelling of deep water caused by the combined effects of the drag of surface winds of the Southeast Trades and the Earth's rotation.

A huge upwelling regularly occurs off the coast of Peru, which enjoys a large fishing industry as a result. Upwelling is a process in which currents bring deep, cold water to the surface of the ocean. Upwelling is a result of winds and the rotation of the Earth.

Learn more about water to visit this link



How do physical processes form lowland landscapes?


Physical processes such as erosion, weathering, and tectonic activity can all contribute to the formation of lowland landscapes. Erosion is the process by which rocks and soils are worn away by the action of water, wind, and ice. This can create valleys, canyons, and other low-lying areas. Weathering is the process by which rocks are broken down by exposure to the elements, such as temperature changes, precipitation, and the effects of plants and animals. This can also create low-lying landscapes, as well as other features like cliffs and caves. Tectonic activity, which includes the movement of the Earth's crust, can also play a role in the formation of lowland landscapes by creating mountains and valleys.

Physical Geography Laboratory Manual Name section, EXERCISE 19 PROBLEMS PART II The following questions are based on the surface weather map shown in Figure 19-3. 1. Describe the following weather conditions at 7:00 A.M. EST on November 9, 2011. in Springfield, Missouri (37 N. 93 W an enlarged copy of the station model is shown here). (a) Temperature: 2EA Springfield (b) Wind direction: we 37 177 (c) Pressure: +44 (d) Pressure change over last 3 hours: 35 0 (e) What explains this change in pressure? What explains the difference in temperature between Springfield and Nashville? 2. (a) What general kind of weather (wet or dry)should Pocatello, Idaho (43° N, 112 W), expect over the next few hours? (b) Why? 3. (a) Use the graphic map scale (in nautical miles [NMD to estimate the distance from the center of the storm south of Chicago (at 40° N, 90° W) to the east coast of the United States (measure along the 40th parallel). nautical miles (b) Assuming that the storm travels to the east at a speed of 30 knots, how many hours will it take for the center of the low to reach the east coast? hours


Physical Geography Laboratory as the weather map shown are:

1. a. temperature :37 degree F

b. Wind direction: towards west

What is map?

A “map” refers to a visual representation of a particular place, such as a city, town, hamlet, or part of the planet. Locate a location fast by using a map. The map represents four directions such as North, East, West, and South. Locate a location fast by using a map.

The map was the shown are the based on the specific information.

c. Pressure: The station meteorological model shows a pressure of 177. The result of adding 10 in front and shifting the number to one decimal point is 1017.7mb.

d. In the station model, the pressure difference over the past 3 hours is indicated by +44. The temperature has increased by 4.4 MB over the last three hours when measured to the closest tenth of a millibar.

e. The circle is totally filled, indicating that the clouds is cloudy and precipitation is falling in the area. The pressure shift is caused by a temperature change caused by precipitation in the vicinity.

f. There is a temperature difference between Springfield and Nashville. Because Nashville is in the hot sector of the cyclone, but Springfield is in the cold section of the storm.

2.a. Because high pressure is forming over Pocatello, as shown on the map. As a result, dry weather is forecast in Pocatello, Idaho in the coming hours.

b. A high pressure system is forming near Pocatello. The high pressure zones cause stable and sinking winds, which are connected with dry and chilly temperatures, resulting in dry weather in the region for the next few hours.

Learn more about on map, here:



Name the largest and smallest angle in each triangle.



the smallest angle is an acute angle and the largest angle is an obtuse angle

What are the types of burns and how are burns classified?


Depending on how deeply and severely they penetrate the skin's surface, burns are categorized as first-, second-, or third-degree. All that is harmed in first-degree burns is the epidermis or skin's surface layer. There are no visible blisters; the burn site is painful, dry, and red.

Generally speaking, a burn is damage to the skin or other organic tissue brought on by heat, radiation, electricity, radioactivity, friction, or chemical contact.

Although the epidermis, the top layer of skin, often becomes red and uncomfortable, it seldom blisters. The Upper and lower layers of the skin are affected by second-degree burns (dermis). Blisters, swelling, redness, and discomfort are possible side effects. All three skin layers the epidermis, dermis, and fat are affected by third-degree burns.

To learn more about burns



The specific heat of water is greater than that of land. This means...
Group of answer choices
land is warmer than water.
land cools more slowly than does water.
None of these choices is true.
water cools more slowly than does land.


The specific heat of water is greater than that of land. This means water cools more slowly than does land.

Compared to water, the land has a low capacity for heating. This standard causes land to heat up and cool down more quickly than water.

Water takes longer to become cool or hot. Warm air is displaced by cold air. The air over coastal land heats up more quickly than the air over the sea because cool air is denser than hot air. That explains why the breeze moves toward the ocean in the evenings and into coastal areas during the day.

This is the rationale behind why residents of subtropical regions close to the coast choose to go to the beach in the summer and winter, where they may enjoy cool winds in the summer and air that regulates their body temperature in the winter.

To know more about water


The specific heat of water is greater than that of land. This means water cools more slowly than land.

What is the land?

The solid terrestrial surface of the planet Earth that is not covered by the ocean or other bodies of water is referred to as land, sometimes known as dry land, ground, or earth. The continents and other islands are included in it, which account for about 29% of the Earth's surface.

The land has a lower capability for heating than water. Because of this rule, land warms and cools more quickly than water.

Water cools or heats more slowly than air. Cold air displaces warm air. Due to the fact that cool air is denser than hot air, the air over coastal land warms up more quickly than the air over the sea. That explains why the breeze blows into coastal locations during the day and toward the ocean in the evening.

Therefore, Compared to land, water has a higher specific heat. It follows that water cools more gradually than land.

Learn more about The land here:



list three types of rocks and explain each​



There are three main types of rocks:

Igneous rocks - These rocks form from the solidification of molten material, such as lava or magma. They are typically crystalline and may contain minerals such as quartz, feldspar, and mica. Examples of igneous rocks include granite, basalt, and pumice.

Sedimentary rocks - These rocks form through the accumulation and cementation of sediment, such as sand, clay, or fossil shells. They are often layered and may contain fossils or other evidence of past environments. Examples of sedimentary rocks include sandstone, shale, and limestone.

Metamorphic rocks - These rocks form when other types of rocks are subjected to high pressures and temperatures, such as those found deep within the Earth's crust or during mountain-building processes. They may have a crystalline structure and may contain minerals such as quartz, feldspar, and mica. Examples of metamorphic rocks include slate, marble, and gneiss.

Rocks come in three primary categories: Igneous rocks, sedimentary rocks, and metamorphic rocks

1. Igneous rocks

Igneous rocks are those that are created when molten substances like lava or magma solidify. They are often made of minerals like mica, quartz, and feldspar and are distinguished by their crystalline structure. The igneous rocks granite, basalt, and pumice are examples.

2. Sedimentary rocks

Sand, clay, and other sedimentary materials, like shells, accumulate and cement together to produce sedimentary rocks. They frequently have layers and could have fossils. Sandstone, limestone, and shale are a few sedimentary rock types.

3. Metamorphic rocks

Rocks that have undergone extreme heat and pressure to change from one type of rock into another are known as metamorphic rocks. They may contain minerals like garnet or talc and are distinguished by their layered or banded appearance. Rocks that have undergone metamorphism include gneiss, slate, and marble.

To learn more about rocks,



What are the 5 characteristics of volcano?



The five characteristics of a composite volcano involve their lava type, shape, composition, eruption type, and duration between eruptions.

Because of the fossils found in these sedimentary layers, we could infer that



So technically the answer is B) Animals evolved bony skeletons after shells.


The fossil evidence found in these sedimentary layers indicates that animals evolved bony skeletons after shells. The layers and the Law of Superposition tell us that the youngest organisms are found in the upper layer; the oldest organisms in the bottom layer. The bottom two layers contain invertebrate marine animals with shells; the third layer from the bottom contains bony fish.

What are the categories of the internal heat sources of the earth?


The two categories of internal heat, sources of the earth are Radiogenic heat and Primordial heat.

In thermodynamics, heat is defined because the form of power crossing the boundary of a thermodynamic machine through the distinctive feature of a temperature distinction throughout the boundary. A thermodynamic machine does now not incorporate warmth. however, the time period is also often used to consult the thermal energy contained in a device as a factor of its inner electricity and that is meditated in the temperature of the device. For each use of the time period, warmth is a form of strength.

Warmth is electricity in transfer to or from a thermodynamic gadget, by using a mechanism that involves the microscopic atomic modes of motion or the corresponding macroscopic homes. This descriptive characterization excludes the transfers of energy through thermodynamic work or mass switches. defined quantitatively, the warmth worried in a method is the difference in internal power among the very last and preliminary states of a gadget, and subtracting the paintings completed within the system. this is the system of the first regulation of thermodynamics.

To learn more about Heat visit here:



How does the molten material in the mantle cause movement of the lithospheric plates.


Answer: Plates at our planet’s surface move because of the intense heat in the Earth’s core that causes molten rock in the mantle layer to move. It moves in a pattern called a convection cell that forms when warm material rises, cools, and eventually sink down. As the cooled material sinks down, it is warmed and rises again.

Explanation: Hope the explanation above was helpful

Does an ellipse have two foci?




For every ellipse E there are two distinguished points, called the foci, and a fixed positive constant d greater than the distance between the foci, so that from any point of the ellipse, the sum of the distances to the two foci equals d .

What happens to the Earth if the Sun's energy decreases?


The sun is the primary source of energy for the Earth, and it plays a vital role in maintaining the conditions necessary for life on our planet. If the sun's energy were to decrease, it would have a significant impact on the Earth's climate and environment.

One possible consequence of a decrease in the sun's energy is a cooling of the Earth's surface. This could lead to a drop in temperatures, particularly at higher latitudes, and potentially result in an expansion of polar ice caps and glaciers.

A decrease in the sun's energy could also affect the Earth's weather patterns, leading to changes in precipitation and wind patterns. This could potentially have impacts on agriculture, as well as on ecosystems and the distribution of species.

It's important to note that the sun's energy has varied over time, and the Earth has undergone many climate changes as a result. However, the current warming trend that the Earth is experiencing is primarily due to human activities, rather than changes in the sun's energy.

learn more from here:


AP Human Geography Chapter 6 Religions


Although it had many uses outside of Political Geography, the most significant technological development of the late 20th century in this area resonated particularly with geographers.

Geocoded data is captured, stored, checked, integrated, manipulated, displayed, and analyzed using geographic information systems (GIS), which combine hardware and software. These systems accept data input and show it as two- or three-dimensional maps and other diagrammatic formats (i.e., information with coordinate referencing, such as latitude and longitude). Even if two or more maps were created using distinct spatial grids, they can be combined for analysis by being overlay, for example, a relief map and a map of wells.

Although it had many uses outside of geography, the most significant technological development of the late 20th century in this area resonated particularly with geographers.

Learn more about Political Geography here



a column of fast-moving air that spins counter-clockwise in the northern hemisphere and is created when moist, warm air near the ocean surface is pulled upward is called a



Cyclones are characterized by inward- spiraling winds that rotate about a zone of low pressure. A cyclone can be defined as a powerful storm containing strong winds and rain.

The types of cyclones include; tropical cyclones, extratropical cyclones and tornadoes.

A tropical cyclone is a rotating weather system that has organized thunderstorms and no fronts. It is mainly formed over warm ocean waters.

Extratropical cyclones are low- pressure weather systems that form outside of the tropics in response to chronic instability of westerly winds. These storms populate the middle and high latitudes. Concentrated regions of temperature change known as fronts characterize extratropical cyclones.

A tornado is a rapidly rotating column of air extending downward from a thunderstorm to the ground. Tornadoes form in regions of the atmosphere that have abundant warm and moist air near the surface with drier air above.

Read more about this: https://brainly.com/question/13663443


What are the types of Agricultural Revolution?



What are 3 Effects of the Neolithic agricultural revolution? Neolithic populations generally had poorer nutrition, shorter life expectancies, and a more labor-intensive lifestyle than hunter-gatherers.


hope this helps

Why can't humans always use fossil fuels for energy?


Some qualities of fossil fuels are hard to replicate, for example their energy density and the ability to provide high heat. Although, the most important problem with burning the fossil fuels is the production of carbon dioxide.

What are the 5 elements of a warm-up?


The five components of a warm-up are dynamic mobility, movement-specific preparation, increased core temperature, proprioceptive awareness, and joint integrity.

Moving while stretching, moving through a joint's full range of motion, and preparing the muscles for impending, more demanding movement are all part of a dynamic warm-up. You should move around a lot during the day and avoid being in one spot for an extended period of time.

An effective movement preparation sequence includes the movement patterns of spinning, pushing, pulling, squatting, and lunging. Work your way up to complicated, quick-paced, multidirectional movement patterns by beginning with controlled, gradual motions.

By gradually increasing your heart rate, you can lessen the stress on your cardiovascular system. When the body's temperature rises, the tissues around joints relax, widening the range of motion.

To learn more about warm-up



Different environments tend to produce sandstones that _____.


Sandstones often give hints about their various origins due to the tendency of environment settings to manufacture them.

All living and non-living things coexist in our immediate area, which is referred to as the environment. It can be used to the built, natural, or social environment. The environment has a significant influence on a person's behavior and intelligence. Any change in a living thing, whether it be direct or indirect, is connected to a change in his immediate environment.

The natural environment can be described as having all the elements that come from nature. In relation to the bodily needs of life, it is sometimes referred to as the physical environment. Human existence is not necessary for certain geographical or physical conditions to exist. The physical aspects of the environment can occasionally be beyond human control.

Learn more about environment here



‘Plants and animals adapt in order to survive in a hostile environment.’ Explain this statement (Make sure to use paragraphs)


The statement that ‘Plants and animals adapt in order to survive in a hostile environment' is true because there are certain characteristics of plants and animals that were specifically developed to survive in their environment.

How do animals and plants survive hostile environments ?

As environmental conditions change over time, organisms adapt structurally and behaviorally. Some desert plants have developed small, light-colored leaves with tiny hairs as a structural adaptation to conserve water.

Many desert animals change their behavioral patterns to become nocturnal for the same reason. Because of the structural adaptations made possible by our large brains and dexterous hands, humans have been successful in utilizing every ecosystem on Earth. This has allowed us to adjust our behavior to a wide range of environments.

For gas exchange and photosynthesis, plant leaves are designed. Through root hair cells, which are carried up the plant by the xylem, the roots absorb water and mineral ions.

These show that to be able to survive their environments, plants and animals have had to adapt to the environment.

Find out more on adaptation to the environment at https://brainly.com/question/29612638


Anthropography is a science by which we can:


Anthropography is a science by which we can study the varieties of man and their geographic distribution.

A subfield of anthropology that examines how people are distributed according to their physical characteristics, languages, institutions, and cultures Contrary to geography, which examines historically the origin and ancestry of races and nations, this field of anthropology deals with the actual dispersion of the human race in its various divisions, as characterized by physical characteristics, language, institutions, and habits. Contrary to anthropology , which examines historically the origin and ancestry of races and nations, this field of anthropology deals with the actual dispersion of the human race in its various divisions, as characterized by physical characteristics, language, institutions, and habits. When creating compound words, the word "anthropology " is a learned borrowing from the Greek word "anthropos," which means "human." The suffix -geography is a combining form that refers to a process or form of drawing, writing, representing, recording, describing, etc., or an art or science that deals with such a process. Biography, choreography, geography, orthography, and photography are other nouns that end in "-graphy."

Learn more about anthropology here:



An Environmental Wisdom worldview states that:Group of answer choicesOur success depends on how well we manage the earth’s life support system.The potential for economic growth is essentially unlimited.Because of our ingenuity, we will not run out of resources.Resources are limited and should not be wasted.We have an ethical responsibility to be caring managers to the earth.


The sustainability of the human race, according to the environmental wisdom worldview, is learning how to cooperate with the earth rather than believing that we are in command of it and acting accordingly.

According to the Western worldview, humans should govern the globe and environment should be treated as a separate entity. In other words, planetary management views humans as the most important species on Earth, while stewardship and environmental wisdom take into account all species. Planetary management focuses on the needs and wants of humans, while stewardship aims to benefit humans, organisms, and ecosystems of the Earth. Environmental wisdom, species-centered, biosphere-centered, and ecosystem-centered worldviews are examples of life-centered and Earth-centered perspectives. Respecting the earth is one of the ethical principles that can be utilized to help us cooperate with the environment. the worldview of environmental wisdom. A worldview that claims nature exists for all animals, not just humans, and that we are completely reliant on it. Understanding how the earth maintains itself and incorporating this environmental knowledge into our thoughts and actions are essential to our prosperity.

Learn more about worldview  here:



what are the similarities and differences between the regions of the 13 colonies?


Answer: The 13 colonies have had their similarities and differences but they were not all formed the same. Since the colonies were not formed for all the same reasons, they were diverse and different from each other. Each colony had their own signature product or material which they would be known for.

Even though the 13 original American colonies all belonged to England, there was much diversity between them because differences existed in the reasons formed, their bases of economies, and the role played by religions.

Explanation: Hope this was helpful

in general, where do both earthquakes and volcanic eruptions occur? choose all that apply. choose all that apply. in general, where do both earthquakes and volcanic eruptions occur? choose all that apply. choose all that apply. away from plate boundaries at transform plate boundaries at convergent plate boundaries at divergent plate boundaries


In general, earthquakes and volcanic eruptions occur at both c) convergent plate boundaries and d) divergent plate boundaries.

In the field of social studies, a convergent plate can be described as a lithospheric plate that has the tendency to slide above or below another plate. On the other hand, a divergent plate is a plate that is situated in between two different tectonic plates.

From the divergent plate boundaries, earthquakes and volcanic eruptions can occur because these plates are more closer to the center of the earth and hence have the tendency to bring volcanic eruptions to the lithosphere. The convergent plates when sliding can cause the eruption of volcanoes or earthquakes. Hence, options c and d are correct.

The question will correctly be written as:

In general, where do both earthquakes and volcanic eruptions occur? choose all that apply.

a) away from plate boundaries

b) at transform plate boundaries

c) at convergent plate boundaries

d) at divergent plate boundaries

To learn more about earthquakes, click here:



How do you treat friction burns?


Minor friction burns, such as first-degree burns, can be treated at home by rinsing the area with tepid water and then using an antibiotic painkilling cream or ointment. A medical expert should examine burns that have blistered.

Because friction burns are normally not severe, they will eventually heal by themselves after about a week. The majority of the time there are no scars, however severe burns, such as rug burns, can result in either temporary discoloration or permanent scarring.

The burn should cure on its own in a few days if you clean the wound each day, apply fresh ointment, and wrap it in new bandages. Till the wound has healed, stay away from using lotions or anything else that can aggravate the region. if friction caused a blister to develop.

To learn more about friction burns



What country claimed the most land in Africa?


France claimed by far the larger amount of territory, nearly 1.8 million square miles compared with some 450,000 square miles in the four enclaves secured by Britain.

Why is France renowned?

Major tourist destinations include fantastical castles, magnificent castles, and lovely towns. This attractive nation on the western edge of Europe is well renowned for its high-end cuisine, wines, and clothing. France is the world's representation of romance and love.

Why are people drawn to France?

France draws tourists of all ages thanks to some of the most famous landmarks in the world, world-class artwork and architecture, delectable cuisine, breathtaking beaches, opulent ski resorts, magnificent countryside, and an incredible amount of history.

To learn more about France visit:



Why do geographers rely more on ethnicity than race when analyzing social and political systems?



Because it can confuse Geographers because it confuses people like ethnicity in America Middle Eastern people are technpically labed White on the census and that can confuse people and especially geopgraphers.


I nope this helps!!

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