What is the main conflict in this excerpt Animal Farm?


Answer 1

Snowball wants to build a windmill, but Napoleon believes other things are more crucial, which becomes the primary conflict in Animal Farm. Snowball disagrees with Napoleon's assertion that the farm need not be protected in the event that others revolt.

The main conflict in Animal Farm occurs when the pigs' political power is consolidated, corrupting the animals' yearning for freedom and equality. Just as Stalin utilized the secret police to stifle his opponents, Napoleon utilises his hounds to defend himself and oppress his foes.

Clover is dissatisfied and debating whether to revolt against Animal Farm. Because her ideas contradict what Old Major taught her, Clover is upset. Clover is angry about what occurred at the farm and about not being able to stop.

To learn more about Animal Farm



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what was the July ultimatum and what was the response?



In its response to the ultimatum, Serbia surprisingly agreed to most of the demands, only refusing to accept a direct investigation by Austro-Hungarian police officers on its territory. Kaiser Wilhelm II of Germany received a copy of the Serbian reply on 28 July 1914.

How were the people of the Indus River Valley different than the people of Mesopotamia and Egypt?


Unlike Mesopotamia and Ancient Egypt, the inhabitants of the Indus Valley Civilization did not build large, monumental structures. There is no conclusive evidence of palaces or temples—or even of kings, armies, or priests—and the largest structures may be granaries.

Okay this is the last 2 pages



I can infer that Jess and Layla's friendship is very close. On page 5 its states, "...and Jess was a Leo, just like Layla. Their birthdays were two days apart, and their mothers had met in the hospital; they had been best friends ever since." The text also mentions, " 'Jess.' she whispered to her best friend, 'I think I am allergic to science.' Jess peered at Layla through her bangs and sighed. 'Layla, you can't be allergic to a subject.'" Here, it shows us that they are talking nonsense between each other, which is sometimes things that best friends do. Especially in class.


Hope it Helps!


Who does Jefferson believe should have the power in the Constitution?



The States or the people should possess the powers that are not delegated to the federal government by the constitution.





he wanted the states to decide for themselves and vote

What are some important outcomes of the War of 1812?
A France and other European countries lost their respect for the United States and the United States gained a lot of territory west of the Rockies.

B Britain remained hopeful it would some day retake its former colonies and Americans kept their sights on Canada for colonization.

C The United States became more respected and Americans were proud of their country.

D The United States decided to get involved in European affairs and all American ports were closed to trade.


It’s C. The first time the US beat the British, everyone in the world thought it was luck. British looked down on America as they stationed soldiers there in the years following. But beating Britain again in 1812 proved to the world that America was a country to be respected. This also increased nationalism, which meant that everyone was proud to be an American.

What does it mean that the American society was divided along generational lines on many issues?



In American politics, generational disparities have long been a consideration. These schisms are at their widest in years, with both the ability to form politics for decades to come.

Two newer groups Millennials as well as Gen Xers, branch out from the two aging groups, Baby Boomers as well as Silents, on issues such as immigrants and race, as well as foreign policy including government reach. Millennials appear to hold a distinct – albeit increasingly liberal – perspective on certain topics.

4. Then write an essay that examines Jackson's popularity and answers these questions.



Andrew Jackson was the seventh president of the United States of America.


Andrew Jackson was the seventh president of the United States of America from the year 1829 to 1837. He was an American lawyer, soldier, and statesman who work for the betterment of the country. Andrew Jackson gain popularity nationally due to his policies. He first fought as a fighter against Native American tribes, and then fought the war as a general in the War of 1812 against the British. He was considered as a military hero which made him a popular choice for the presidency. Andrew Jackson introduced the spoils system in the country after winning the 1828 presidential election. In this system, the president appoints civil servants to government jobs specifically because they are loyal to him and perform their duties more efficiently.

What do you think made the Philippines a particularly attractive target for Japanese expansions?



The philippinnes had untapped row(raw)

materials that japan needed including oil, rubber and metal ores. It also had potential to become a major defensive position for fleets and air power(however japan is unable to complete this during the war. )


Thats all i hope it helps you:)

The Philippines was a particularly attractive target for Japanese expansions due to its strategic location and resources.

What is Japanese expansions?

Japanese expansions is a term used to describe Japan's 1930s campaign of expansion of empire in the western Pacific. Japan aimed to subjugate its neighbors and drive out American and European influences. Many members of Japan's political elite desired to seize new land, so they could extract its resources and settle its surplus population.

The Philippines was considered a crucial component of Japan's strategy of imperial expansion in the western Pacific, which was launched in the 1930s. Japan was particularly interested in the island's resources, notably as its oil, and the destruction of General Douglas A. MacArthur's Far Eastern Air Force would enable them to expand there without worrying about aerial attacks.

As a result, the significance of the thing made the Philippines a particularly attractive target for Japanese expansions are the aforementioned.

Learn more about on Japanese expansions, here:



how would you describe the Dorian Empire


The Dorians swept away the last of the declining Mycenaean and Minoan civilizations of southern Greece and plunged the region into a dark age out of which the Greek city-states began to emerge almost three centuries later. ... The Dorian peoples had a seminal influence on the later development of Greek art.

What caused the initial split between the Roman Catholic and the Greek Orthodox churches?


The split between the Roman Catholic and the Greek Orthodox churches were caused due to a complex mix of religious disagreements and political conflicts.

What was The Great Schism?

The Great Schism was the break of communion between the Roman Catholic and Eastern Orthodox churches since the period of 1054.

The Great Schism refers to division pf the the main faction of Christianity into two major parts that are the Roman Catholic and Eastern Orthodox.

Basically, the Great Schism occurred due to a number of religious and political reasons between the Orthodox vs Catholic churches.

Learn more about "the Great Schism" here:-



How might the coal industry decline of the early 1900s in New Mexico have
been prevented?



So much so that carbon emissions from coal in the U.S. electricity sector are more than 50% lower today than just a decade ago. This is a result of the declining economics of coal power plants due to low natural gas prices, increasing numbers of low-cost renewable plants, and more stringent environmental regulations.

How did the Zimmerman telegram influence U.S. entry into World War I?

It contained orders for German U-boats to destroy British passenger ships
It described Romania’s plan to abandon neutrality
It announced the czar’s overthrow in Russia
It revealed a proposed military alliance between Mexico and Germany


The Zimmerman telegraph, was a telegraph from Germany to Mexico proposing an alliance in which Germany would give the land that Mexico lost to the United States if the Mexican people would fight the United States and keep them out of the war

In which type of economic system does society decide what is produced?

B:free enterprise





1. why do so many who participate in genocide deny their involvement?
a, they believe their actions were justified by a higher power.
b. the acts are so violent that their minds cause them to forget.
c. they do not actually believe that the events occurred.
d. they feel enormous guilt yet do not want to face severe punishment.

2. why were the Jews victums of genocide during World War 2?
a. bankers for the previous corrupt german government had been mostly from Jewish families.
b. many germans believed that Jews had masterminded the communist revolution.
c. many believed that the Jews were planning to take control of the german parliament.
d. the german government was determined to eliminate all non-Christians from german soil.

3. the japanese conducted medical experiments on chinese and russian prisoners of war during World War 2-- a common feature of state-sponsored, very organized genocide. what was especiallt awful, and somewhat unusual, about these experiments?
a. they used a type of water torture used to extract confessions.
b. the experiments required two people kill one another simultaneously.
c. they released the victims after performing the experiments.
d. the experiments involved surgery on live, conscious patients.

4. in what type of political system is genocide most like to occur?
a. communist
b. totalitarian
c. democratic
d. socialist



1. D

2. I believe it is C, im not sure


4. B



1. D they feel enormous guilt yet do not want to face severe punishment.

2. B many germans believed that Jews had masterminded the communist revolution.

3. D The experiments involved surgery on live, conscious patients.

4. B totalitarian

Why were American Japanese internment camps during World War II unconstitutional? Why were they considered lawful at the time?



Imprisoned innocent Americans


Forced relocation and internment of more than 110,000 Japanese and Japanese Americans who were placed in internment camps for the duration of the war. Wartime hysteria and racial prejudice pushed the country's leadership to violate rights guaranteed under the U.S. Constitution.

Answer each of the questions.

16. What name did the people give to the ship “Constitution”?

17. Andrew Jackson is often spoken of by what nickname?

18. England's practice of forcing our sailors to serve in her navy was called what?

19. The British attempted two invasions of America from the sea. The first one was at _________, and the second attempt was at ___________________________________.

20. Who was the American General who followed the British into Canada and defeated them in The Battle of the Thames?

21. What Indian chieftain was killed in The Battle of the Thames?

22. What important building did the British burn when they captured Washington?

23. After capturing Washington, the British attacked what city, which they failed to capture?

24. What land did The United States gain from The War of 1812?

25. The famous Battle of New Orleans was unnecessary. Why?

26. On November 7, 1811, a great battle between the Indians and American soldiers took place at __________________, Indiana. The Indians, who were united by the great Indian leader, ______________________, were defeated by General ______________________________.

27. Write an account of the creation of The Star Spangled Banner.



16. the ship constitution name is OLD Ironsides.

it was in the great naval battle where the constitution captured the british ship Guerriere.

How did we eventually decide to support the French in Vietnam war?


Hey there! :)

Your answer would be:

The United States waged a defensive war to protect an ally.

I hope this helps you :)

One important result of the Crusades was that
a Muslim communities in Europe grew larger.
b the Church began studying Islamic texts.
c there was an increase in trade and cultural exchange between Europe and the Middle East.
d a permanent crusader base was established in the Middle East.



I think its A


While the Crusades ultimately resulted in defeat for Europeans and a Muslim victory, many argue that they successfully extended the reach of Christianity and Western civilization. 

What did Grant take advantage of in the midpoint of the Battle of Shiloh?
A): The Rain
B): Movement
C): Space
D): The physical Geography



B) movement

if its right can i get brainliest

All of these are duties of the executive branch except
nominating federal judges

carrying out the laws.

negotiating treaties.

Collecting Taxes


So then what is your question ?


collecting taxes


because the executive branch does not collect taxes

which American president is credited with the Interstate Highway System?



Dwight D. Eisenhower signed the Federal-Aid Highway Act of 1956
















How did trade lead to specialization and interdependence in Asia and Africa?


By Trading with other countries they soon started to lose resources that they needed so they started to rely on more than 1 country for the resources they needed.(Interdependence)

And when trading began it took a while for countries to get used to it but they all adapted to it. (Specialization)

Hope this Helps!


Trade is selling goods and products from one place to another. It creates international relationship .people share their goods ,resources, products to everyone . people becomes specialized. people started to change their culture, occupation and their own idea.they depend on other.

Similarly in Asia people depends in other countries for food,shelter, and for resources.it is in everywhere not only in Asia and Africa.

trade lead to specialization and interdependence in Asia and Africa:

being dependent for other for resources like petrol,diesel, kerosene, etc.misusing natural resourceschanging their own method


How did the outcome of the Treaty of Versailles differ from the intentions of
Woodrow Wilson's Fourteen Points?
O A. It failed to set guidelines for reparation payments from the Central
B. It claimed Germany alone was responsible for WWI rather than
treating all nations equally.
O C. It resulted in new national boundaries that did not favor the United
D. It allowed the war to come to an end without an official surrender.


In general, the big difference is that Wilson's 14 Points were all about being kind to other nations and things like that while the Treaty of Versailles was very anti-Germany. ... So, the major difference is that the 14 Points were idealistic and conciliatory while the Treaty of Versailles tried to punish Germany harshly.

The Treaty of Versailles differs from the intentions of Woodrow Wilson's Fourteen Points as it claimed Germany alone was responsible for WWI rather than treating all nations equally. Hence, option B is appropriate.

What is the meaning Treaty Of Versailles?

Treaty of Saint-Germain-en-Laye 1919 Polish-Soviet War 1919 Treaty of Versailles 1919 Trianon Treaty (1920), Rapallo Treaty (1920), March on Rome (1921), Corfu incident (1922), and Trianon Treaty (1923).

On June 28, 1919, Germany and the Allies signed the Treaty of Versailles, officially putting an end to World War One. Germany was obligated under the terms of the treaty to make financial reparations, disarm, cede territory, and give up all of its colonies abroad.

One of the most debatable armistice agreements in history is the Treaty of Versailles. The so-called "war guilt" article of the treaty mandated that Germany and the other Central Powers bear full responsibility for World War I. This entailed giving up areas, reducing military power, and compensating the Allies.

Hence, option B is appropriate.

Learn more about the Treaty of Versailles here:



Someone smart please help me with these two questions


f for the first one and A for the second

According to the passage, the Israelites receive a king because

Samuel warns the Israelites that they and their king must

Samuel promises that, if they do not,


If they don’t go they can get stuck in the storm

Match these items. Match the items in the left column to the items in the right column.1.Mussoliniset up Triple Alliance for German defense2.Wilsonhead of fascist Italy3.BismarckGerman ruler in World War I4.Wilhelmoriginator of Fourteen Points and League of Nations5.Rooseveltdesigned United Nations Charter6.Hitlerbuilt up German military in violation of Treaty of Versailles



The answer is below


Considering the events and the names provided, the correct answer is the following:

1. Otto von BISMARCK, former prime minister of Prussia- set up Triple Alliance for German defense

2. Benito Amilcare Andrea MUSSOLINI former Italian prime minister - head of fascist Italy

3. Friedrich WILHEIM, former German emperor - German ruler in World War I

4. Woodrow WILSON, former United States President - originator of Fourteen Points and the League of Nations

5. Franklin D. ROOSEVELT, former United States president - designed the United Nations Charter

6. Adolf HITLER, former German dictator - built up the German military in violation of the Treaty of Versailles

GDP=C+I+G+(X-M), What does the I stand for? *



chutiye chup kar

ghar a kar  ma chod do ga teri


Can you help me please? Which ideas are part of civil law in Louisiana? Check all that apply. ( its multiple choice)
A: is broken down into two main categories

B:primarily protects the rights of citizens

C:works to peacefully resolve disputes between citizens

D:punishes people who break the law and commit crimes

E:includes petty theft, possession, and other misdemeanors

F:includes burglary, murder, embezzlement, and other felonies


It’s is = b works to peacefully resembl


B and C


Which president's inaction on the issue of slavery is generally considered a major factor in the start of the Civil War?​


President James Buchanan president's inaction on the issue of slavery is generally considered a major factor in the start of the Civil War.

What is a civil war?

A war started in the United States, the American Civil War. The Union and the Confederacy, the latter of which was made up of seceding states, engaged in combat.

Due to his ambivalence on the subject of slavery, Buchanan was unable to find a consensus and left his country's worst challenge to his heir. In reality, the majority of historians believe that Buchanan's inaction had a major role in the onset of the Civil War.

Anti versus anti-slavery elements in the cabinet clashed despite Buchanan's efforts to keep them at bay. There was a chance regarding the war and slavery was the one that escalated.

Learn more about civil war, Here:



What did Henry Blake know about his parents?


Answer:[Blake, twice, in the 1970 film]Lieutenant Colonel Henry Braymore Blake is a ... In Dear Dad, Hawkeye described Henry as “a good doctor and a pretty good Joe,” but ... Henry made good use of his own downtime, as he was an avid golfer and ... threatened to tell Frank's wife about Margaret, Frank abruptly changed his mind.


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