what is the life lesson in Oranges by Gary Soto?


Answer 1


Gary Soto's poem “Oranges” uses contrasts between brightness and dullness, warmth and cold, and young and old, to convey a romantic experience between the narrator and his girlfrind. The poet reminds us that the recollection of an innocent first love can warm the heart and burn bright in one's memory.

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Why do people stand in queue​


Queue is like a waiting room, to just wait your turn

Can you guys help me with to kill the mockingbird essay? i don’t wanna read it



sure, but what's the prompt


Fill in the blanks with 'is' or 'are'.

willing to help organize the party, so it will be cancelled
someone knocking at the door.

Everybody present
expected to take part in the games.

enough water in the pot to make tea for all of us.

All the boys_______
ready to do as he says.
Those books on the shelf
to be dusted every day.

a pair of scissors in the drawer of that cupboard.

How much money_______
left after paying for those things?

valuable, so do not waste it.

something wrong with the sewing machine.

A lot of letters_______
sent by aimmall to other countries.

Not one of the girls_______
in the house. Where have they gone?

a procession going down the street.

very expensive and hard to find.

The rest of the books I borrowed________
still with me. I'll return
em later.

________there enough seats for all of you?

The results of the contest____
going to be announced a little while later.

The price of pineapples______
lower here than anywhere else.​



Hi mate


1.  is

2. are

3. are

4. are

5. are

6. are

7. is


9. is


11. are

12. is

13. are

14. are

15. Are

16. are

17. are



willing to help organize the party, so it will be cancelled

someone knocking at the door.


Everybody present

expected to take part in the games.


enough water in the pot to make tea for all of us.

All the boys___are____

ready to do as he says.

Those books on the shelf

to be dusted every day.


a pair of scissors in the drawer of that cupboard.

How much money___is____

left after paying for those things?


valuable, so do not waste it.


something wrong with the sewing machine.

A lot of letters__are_____

sent by mail to other countries.

Not one of the girls____is___

in the house. Where have they gone?


a procession going down the street.


very expensive and hard to find.

The rest of the books I borrowed____are____

still with me. I'll return

em later.

_____are___there enough seats for all of you?

The results of the contest__is__

going to be announced a little while later.

The price of pineapples___is___

lower here than anywhere else.​

one benefit or one risk for the individual (based on whether you are for or against it)



self-esteem boostconfidence boosthappiness boosthumilityacceptancesignificance of yourself


poor mental healthemotionalless sociality

3billion people—one-quarter of the world’s population live in absolute poverty, struggling to survive on less than one dollar a day. Seventy percent of them are women and children. I dream of a day when people learn how to share so that children do not have to die. It would only cost an extra $7 billion a year to put every child in school by the year 2010, giving them hope for a better life. This is less money than Americans spend on cosmetics in one year; it is less than Europeans spend on ice cream. People say, “We can’t end world poverty; it just can’t be done.” The 1997 UnitedNations Development Report carries a clear message that poverty can be ended if we make it our goal. The document states that the world has the materials and natural resources, the know-how, and the people to make a poverty-free world a reality in less than one generation.

Why does Kielburger provide this information? What effect might he hope this section has on the reader?



The writer is hoping to give the reader a change of heart to try and help the less fortunate and with the information given by the writer this is very much attainable

A mind stretched by a new idea can never go back to its original dimensions.
-Oliver Wendell Holmes, Jr.

What does this mean? Explain. Do you agree or not? Why? Be clear with your reasons.



it means even though something only has a little push it can have a great impact. either way, if someone has dedication then they will never look back .

Yes and it is absolutely true

How does scientific literacy relate to information literacy? Why is each important?


Scientific knowledge helps people to be better-informed and make the best decisions possible with the best available knowledge.

Do you believe Martin luther King’s letter from birmingham jail
remarks go too far? Do you believe they do not go far enough? Explain.


yes, i don’t think they went insanely far

Our journeys into outer space brought us closer to understanding the universe. They also left behind numerous pieces of garbage known as “space junk” that pose threats to spacecrafts and space stations. This orbiting dump includes thousands of nuts, bolts, gloves, and other debris. Data from a 1999 study indicate there around 110,000 objects larger than 1 centimeter orbiting the Earth left from our ventures into space. Even the smallest of these could do serious harm to a satellite or space-based telescope. It could also threaten the lives of those aboard the International Space Station. U.S. Space Command takes responsibility for keeping an eye on space junk. This agency reports any potential threat to NASA, which sometimes must order emergency maneuvers to avoid space collisions. Which sentence could be added to support the author's claim that space junk is hazardous?
In one space mission alone, over 200 plastic bags were released into space by the space shuttle.
When these objects finally drift back through our atmosphere, they can be mistaken for shooting stars.
To illustrate, a tiny paint chip off a satellite once gouged a quarter-inch dent in a space shuttle window.
Currently, the United States is responsible for more space garbage than the Soviet Union.





it adds character to it without too much information.

What does this excerpt convey about Roderick Usher’s character?

The Fall of the House of Usher
by Edgar Allan Poe

Although, as boys, we had been even intimate associates, yet I really knew little of my friend. His reserve had been always excessive and habitual.

Roderick’s ability to befriend the narrator
Roderick’s dependence on others
Roderick’s distrust of the narrator
Roderick’s isolation even as a child


Might be C. In the beginning they state they know little about their friend.

please help

In not less than 200 words, write a descriptive account on the topic, “Travelling across the desert on a camel.” Note: use at least four descriptive features.​



Traveling through the desert on a camel is a very different adventure and an interesting experience, but very tiring and somewhat uncomfortable, mainly due to the region's climate. The desert is a very hot and dry place, and traveling through this type of climate can be challenging because of the feeling of extreme heat, which makes us tired quickly. It is also common for us to be very thirsty, as sweating is intense in this heat. However, as we observe the landscape, we are amazed by the beauty of the place. Although there is no lush vegetation, it is possible to see an orange immensity, covered with sand that fills our eyes. We can also see, in some moments, a little vegetation, but adapted to the region and in a very low quantity. Another important feature of the trip is the silence that we can hear, since the place has a small amount of living beings and interaction between them, which promotes a feeling of tranquility, despite the intense heat.


A descriptive text must have a large number of adjectives. Adjectives are the class of words that allow them to present the characteristics of a place, allowing a description of that environment. It is also important, that a descriptive text presents details in relation to the characteristics and appearance that make up the place. This type of text must be able to promote mental images, allowing the reader to visualize what is being narrated. In addition, the text must allow the reader to feel sensations, through the descriptions. These four resources were used in the paragraph presented above.

17. The associative or __________ meaning of a word or phrase.


the answer is ‘implied’, assuming that this is the definition to the word connotation.

1. What is the most likely meaning of the
word immensity as it is used in line 8 of
"Your World"?
A hugeness
B growing
C bigger
D largely






The answer is B growing

Hope it helps

Where did the tall tale genre originate?
Northern China
the American West
ancient Greece



the American West


What is an idiom? *
A phrase that says something other than what it means
B phrase that gives human characteristics to objects
C phrase that makes a comparison between two things





Which sentence contains error-free spelling?


Answer: C. Bill said that he wants to work with the United States government when he finishes school.

Explanation: The other answer choices spell government wrong.




Government is spelled government

a trail that goes on for
M. a trail that extends
P. a very long trail that takes
R. an extensive trail that extends
S. No change


A trail that goes on for...

M. a trail that extended

(I’m a bit confused what the question here is, sorry if it’s not 100% correct)
Not the full question but what the other guy said lol M

what are the branches of philosophy​



The four main branches of philosophy are metaphysics, epistemology, axiology, and logic.


The four main branches of philosophy are metaphysics, epistemology, axiology, and logic


What does Ramadan mean to Muslims?



It is a holy month of worship, improving yourself, not making sins, and fasting. Ramadan is a very special month and teaches us how to care for other people by also giving zakat, and caring for ourselves. We become closer to Allah as well.


I am muslim myself, so I wrote this out of knowledge.

Answer: it’s a time of spiritual reflection, self-improvement, and heightened devotion and worship — they believe it teaches them to practice self-discipline, sacrifice, self control and empathy for those less fortunate


USING SEMICOLONS AND COLONS CORRECTLY Correct the punctuation in the following sentences by re-
writing the sentence, adding semicolons and colons where they are needed and by changing other punctuation and
capitalization as needed.
Example 1. The following items were among those rationed in the United States during
World War II coffee, cars, sugar, and tires.
Corrected version: The following items were among those rationed in the
United States during World War II: coffee, cars, sugar, and tires.
At the library I found a fascinating book called Coming to America Immigrants from Eastern Europe, by Shirley



At the library, I found a fascinating book called "Coming to America: Immigrants from Eastern Europe" by Shirley Blumenthal.


Making corrections about punctuation errors in a sentence means there are errors in the way the commas, inverted commas, or anything of that sort is used. There can also be punctuation errors involving the incorrect or misplaced use of capitalizations.

In the given sentence "At the library I found a fascinating book called Coming to America Immigrants from Eastern Europe, by Shirley Blumenthal", the corrections that needed to be done involve the use of a colon, inverted commas, and a comma.

The new, corrected sentence is

At the library, I found a fascinating book called "Coming to America: Immigrants from Eastern Europe" by Shirley Blumenthal.

How should the sentence below be changed to correct the problem of capitalization?
The March on Washington was one of the most important events of the Civil Rights movement.
use a capital m in movement
use a lowercase r in rights
use a capital o in on
use a lowercase m in March


The answer is OA. Use a capital m in movement.

write a story about real or immaginary with the ending"I wish I could told the truth from the beginning"​



Story writing based on statement 'I wish I could have told the truth from the beginning'


Long ago, when I was a child, I had done some mischievous activity. Back then, I immaturely thought that it was a harmless fun activity. But, now on being grown up & mature, I realise that - it could have had serious negative repercussions.

Telling truth could have been the first step to improve my mistake, as accepting a mistake implies beginning of efforts to correct it. It could also have spread a right message regarding right & wrong.

So, I wish I could have told the truth from the beginning.

What is the definition of contrived?

a. A dish of hot liquid in which small pieces of C. Obviously planned or forced, artificial.
food are cooked or dipped.
b. Aliterary work in which human vice or folly is d. The use of words to convey a meaning that
attacked through irony, sarcasm, or wit. is the opposite of its literal meaning



I would say C


Dictionary definition is: Created or arranged in a way that seems artificial and unrealistic

Read this excerpt from A Black Hole Is NOT a Hole.

Certain things are invisible to us because our eyes just can't sense them. You don't see beams of infrared light shooting across the room from your remote control to the TV, for example, or radio waves streaming off everyone's cell phone.

What is the most likely reason why the author provides real-life examples in this excerpt?

They allow readers to understand how people’s eyes work.
They remind readers of how technology affects their own lives.
They describe the path of infrared light beams from a remote control to a TV.
They help readers connect to the idea that human eyes cannot see everything.



The Answer is D, They Help Readers Connect To The Idea That Human Eyes Cannot See Everything


They help readers connect to the idea that human eyes cannot see everything.



What plan do the baker and other put together to kills the second giant? Are they successful ?


Logic news for coming after him tells me there is no way that could happen

Unexpected situation in airport (story)



ive been to the airport but nothing weird or strange has happened there

As I ran through the crowded airport trying to catch my flight, an unexpected incident happened before my eyes.

A stray dog ​​was walking aimlessly among passengers after entering the station. Initially, the scene was chaotic and worrying, but then something extraordinary happened. Passengers, airport staff and security personnel joined together for the dog's safety and well-being.

Water and food were provided in bottles, and an improvised leash was made to keep the dog away from any risk. The collective kindness and empathy displayed by strangers to a four-legged guest during the rush of travel emphasized the generosity that can manifest even in the most unexpected of circumstances. For a short time the airport was filled with warmth and comfort.

Learn more about airport, here:



The earth and the moon have both been hit by asteroids.
They've been hit throughout history.
There are no craters on the earth's surface.
Weather, water, and plants work together to erase craters from the earth's surface.

Combine into one sentence.


Although both the moon and earth have been hit by asteroids throughout history, there aren't any craters on earth's surface because of its environment.

Hopefully that's right :))

Is free thought different from free speech



No, if you are to think of something and not tell anyone no one would care. Yes, because if you were to say what you think it is the same thing



yes and no its basically saying what you want in ur mind instead of outloud


(The first paragraph is paragraph 9) 3. Part A: How does Ostergaard develop her claim in paragraph 9 that
"Eleanor wanted to redefine the role of First Lady, a controversial
move for women at the time"?
O A She gives several examples of the activities Eleanor engaged in that
were atypical for women, and the negative response she received
from many Americans.
OB She contrasts Eleanor Roosevelt's outspokenness as First Lady with
the more traditional relationship she had with Franklin earlier in
their marriage.
OC She offers a thorough analysis of why previous First Ladies had not
done enough to serve the American people.
OD She builds an argument that Eleanor Roosevelt was a strong
advocate for civil rights and greatly influenced her husband to
support this cause.





What is art dictation?​



I am pretty sure it means that whatever you hear being explained in words, you draw/paint it.

Hope it helps!


The process of writing down what someone else has said I think
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