What is the goal of the ISIS terrorist group?
A,) to take over oil fields in iran and saudi arabia
B.) to avenge the death of osama bin laden
C.) to punish the us for the war in afganistan
D.) to create an islamic state referred as a caliphate across sunni areas of Iraq and in syria


Answer 1

Answer: The answer is D


Through its territory and its economy — loose terms that shouldn't suggest ISIS is a legitimate state — ISIS hopes to spread an extremist, wholly outdated version of a religion that isn't even recognizable as Islam. ISIS is made up of Sunni Muslims, and most of the cities it controls are filled with large Sunni populations. In fact, most Muslims — as many as 90 percent — identify as Sunnis. The Sunni faction of Islam, as opposed to the Shia tradition, is often considered the more traditional sect. ISIS takes this traditionalism to an extreme level, supporting the treatment of women and minorities as slaves and brutally murdering people of Western cultures and religions in the name of jihad. ISIS' version of Islam is so far removed from any culturally accepted version of today that some experts say it can't even be considered Islam.

"They would like the entire world to be Muslim, but they want the world to be Muslim in a very, very narrowly defined manner," William Beeman, chair of the anthropology department at the University of Minnesota told a local CBS affiliate. "They are fundamentalist Muslims, and their idea of Islam is quite different from the rest of the Islamic world."

Related Questions

When was the Battle of the Bulge? (WWII)



December 16, 1944 – January 25, 1945


what is Priest-king made of in Harppan?



steatite or also known as soapstone


Consider the dialogue between Friar Lawrence and Nurse (Act III, Scene ili), then answer question 4.

Which literary device is used in the following line?
"Just in her case! O woeful sympathy!"

A alliteration

B hyperbole

С oxymoron

D metaphor​





The given line is taken from Romeo and Juliet, Act 3, Scene 3. The line is said by the nurse after Lawrence informed her about Romeo's condition.

The literary device used in this line is oxymoron. By using 'woefully sympathy,' the nurse is highlighting the pitiful predicament experienced by both Romeo and Juliet because they are separated from each other.

Therefore, option C is correct.

What were hitler's views about German Race



Prior to Hitler joining, the Nazi Party held extremely nationalist, racist and antisemitic views. After Hitler had joined the party, he expanded upon and marketed these ideas. Hitler had a racist world view. He believed that people could be separated into a hierarchy of different races, where some races were superior and others were inferior. Hitler believed the German race to be the superior race, and called the German race ‘Aryan’. Hitler and the Nazis considered Jews to be an inferior race of people, who set out to weaken other races and take over the world. Hitler believed that Jews were particularly destructive to the German ‘Aryan’ race, and did not have any place in Nazi Germany. Hitler also wanted to rid Germany of the disabled, homosexuals, Roma and Sinti, and other minorities that did not fit in to his idea of an Aryan race. The Nazis labelled these groups ‘a-social’. Hitler was an extreme nationalist, believing the German ‘Aryan’ race should dominate. His expansionist policies sought ‘Lebensraum‘ for the German people. Hitler wanted to create a generation of young Aryans who were physically fit and totally obedient through programmes such as Hitler Youth. He believed these policies would unite Germany and ensure it was the strongest nation on earth. Hitler developed and publicised all of these ideas in his books, Mein Kampf (1925) and Zweites Buch (1928), and speeches throughout his time in power.

Fits the young-earth model, states that the magnetic field is steadily decaying, the changes in the magnetic poles are the result of catastrophic events. dynamo theory rapid decay theory magnetic force



glabgloglabgloglab the shwible wabble dubble shibble  gibble glab glab


How did the Catholic Church use religion in the colonies in the Americas? What are some of the
traditions that developed in Mexico?



the catholic church made the people who were in it feel better then everyone else because they were the ¨right religion¨ and many people joined looking for a church and the people in the church would invite others and look down upon people who didn´t go and some would go on missions to native american and mexican towns and preach about the church. Many mexicans today are catholic and follow that religion


How did nationalization affect Russia's economy?



Nationalization and its consequences have attracted new interest in the recent financial crisis. We study the

effects of nationalization on company performance using a sample of Russian firms. The Russian government has

increased its role as an owner in several sectors of the economy in the 2000’s. We have assembled a comprehensive

data set of nationalization transactions in Russia for the period from 2004 to 2008. Operating performance is

measured relative to a close match of a non-nationalized firm that is found using propensity score matching. Overall,

the empirical results show no significant effect of the fact of nationalization on performance. There is however, an

increase in leverage over the first two years after nationalization. Subsequent research will shed more light on the

changes in corporate governance going along with nationalization that can have intermediating effects on

performance. Explanation:

What is your opinion on the removal of statues of famous historical figures associated with controversial issues such as African Imperialism and slavery?



In my opinion, I oppose these removals as they are still a part of our history and if we were to remove it, then we are bound to repeat it. Furthermore, I think what is acceptable is the removal of Confederate monuments as these monuments symbolize traitors who seceeded from the US and went against us so therefore rather than publically displaying these monuments, I would much rather preserve them in museums for people to see and understand our history during the Civil War.


Explain settler colonialism



Settler colonialism is a distinct type of colonialism that functions through the replacement of indigenous populations with an invasive settler society that, over time, develops a distinctive identity and sovereignty.


Which of these dating methods is capable of giving the most accurate age of an artifact?
O tree rings
O radiocarbon





How did the Code of Hammurabi differ from earlier Summerian laws?

It was much stricter

it only protected wealthy people

it included a list of punishments

it only protected middle-class people



it included a list of punishments


Unlike earlier laws, it was written in Akkadian, the daily language of Babylon, and could therefore be read by any literate person in the city. Earlier Sumerian law codes had focused on compensating the victim of the crime, but the Code of Hammurabi instead focused on physically punishing the perpetrator.

Who were the Navajo Code Talkers during World War II?


Answer:The Navajo Code Talkers participated in all assaults the U.S. Marines led in the Pacific from 1942 to 1945, including Guadalcanal, Tarawa, Peleliu and Iwo Jima. The Code Talkers conveyed messages by telephone and radio in their native language, a code that was never broken by the Japanese.

they were bilingual Navajo speakers who were recruited to serve as standard communication to the US Marine Corps during WW2 so that their enemies wouldn’t figure out what they were saying

Explain paramilitaries :


Answer: A paramilitary is a semi-militarized force whose organizational structure, tactics, training, subculture, and (often) function are similar to those of a professional military, but which is not included as part of a state's formal armed forces.


Which area in the world prompted the oil embargoes in the 1970s?

A. Middle East
B. South America
C. Asla
D. Europe


A; i’m pretty sure :)

The following two items describe who: 1. In search of gold 2. Wanted to convert Native Americans to Christianity
A. Francisco Pizarro
B. Hernan Cortés
C. Both Hernan Cortés and Francisco Pizarro



Hello There!!


The answer is B. Hernan Cortés.

hope this helps,have a great day!!


Select the correct facts about Madagascar.
________It is the world's largest producer of natural vanilla and cloves.
________The center of the island is a mixture of plains and marsh lands.
________The people are a mixture of Indonesian, Arab, and African.
________It is the world's fourth-largest island.
________More than half the population is Christian.



the second two are correct


It’s  A. C. D.


I took the quiz

What was the Berlin Conference?

A meeting to rule Russia and Australia
A meeting between fourteen nations(not including countries from Africa) to decide how to split up Africa
A meeting to discuss the price of gold and diamonds
A meeting of ALL the African countries to talk about Industrialization



the answer is B ciz that was their aim

4) What were the lands called where non-whites were
forced to live?
A-Concentration camps


F- Townships

hope this helps

What type of government ruled by a dictator took control in Spain?


Answer: Franco and the Second Republic control in Spain


Should the Shenandoah National Park be known for being segregated or marked in some way for being segregated. why or why not ?



The first traces of humans within Shenandoah National Park are around 8,000 to 9,000 years old. Native Americans seasonally visited this area to hunt, gather food, source materials for stone tools, and trade. In the 1700s, European hunters and trappers explored the mountains of the Blue Ridge and Shenandoah Valley.


How was Russia unprepared during World War I?


Russia simply was never ready for war against a nation as powerful as Germany. No plans had been made up to put Russia's economy on a war top game there growth had been in heavy industries but not in producing modern weapons. Russia also ran out of ammunition for its infantrymen in December 1914.

Why was it important that “the people of conscience never left the house”?



they live. We hope that students will believe that their choices

do matter and will feel compelled to think carefully about the

decisions they make—as individuals, as members of a community,

and as participants in a democracy—realizing that their choices

will ultimately shape the world. While that participation may take

many forms, one thing is constant: In an imperfect world marked

by suffering and injustice, there will always be occasions to act.Explanation:hope it helps and give me brainliest god bless u :D

Why does the IMF impose conditions on its loans?
A. To promote the free-market system
B. To help manage the economies of struggling countries
O C. To rid the world of command economies
D. To impose uniform regulations on the international bankin



to help manage the economics of struggle countries

The answer would be option B, to help manage the economies of struggling countries. This is true because IMF does impose this condition on its loans.

As the Great Depression continued, many people started to lose faith in the ability of democratic
governments to solve problems.



True Beacuse I yeah

A key issue in the presidential election of 1844 was the
a) annexation of Texas
b) purchase of New Mexico from the Mexican Government
c) annexation of New Mexico
d) war with Mexico

Thank you to whoever helps!!!



Option A


The presidential election of United states of America conducted in was won by Democrat James K. Polk. He defeated his opponent Mr. Whig Henry Clay by focusing on the controversial issues of those days. The two major issues of that time were -

a) Slavery

b) Annexation of the Republic of Texas

Hence, option A is correct


I think its D and also remember me?


What major changes took place from 1820 to 1850 were these good changes or bad for the U.S why?


civil war , slavery etc

bad for the US

What did the Ottoman Turks government accuse the Armenians of that lead to the massacre of 600,00 Armenian?


Answer: In 1914, the Turks entered World War I on the side of Germany and the Austro-Hungarian Empire. (At the same time, Ottoman religious authorities declared a holy war against all Christians except their allies.)

Military leaders began to argue that the Armenians were traitors: If they thought they could win independence if the Allies were victorious, this argument went, the Armenians would be eager to fight for the enemy.

As the war intensified, Armenians organized volunteer battalions to help the Russian army fight against the Turks in the Caucasus region. These events, and general Turkish suspicion of the Armenian people, led the Turkish government to push for the “removal” of the Armenians from the war zones along the Eastern Front.


Which of the following was Lincoln MOST opposed to in 1861?
breaking the United States apart
the cost of war





lincoln wanted to prevent slavery from happening

Why did such a small percentage of southemers have large slave holdings?



not many were able to own large peortions of land due to there lack of wealth


Ans: purchasing slaves was a time consuming a difficult

what were two main reasons for the success of US industrialization in the early 19th century


5  Higher productivity translated to higher standards of living, a greater demand for other goods, and increased capital investment. Improved technology increased farm output as well, dropping farm product prices and allowing workers to move into other industries.


5  Higher productivity translated to higher standards of living, a greater demand for other goods, and increased capital investment. Improved technology increased farm output as well, dropping farm product prices and allowing workers to move into other industries.

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