What is Prague of spring


Answer 1
brief period of liberalization in czescholovakia alexander dubcek in 1968 slough dubeck insisted that he could control the country’s transformation, the soviet union and other warsaw pact countries viewed the developments as tantamount to counterrevolution

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18. An effective argumentitve/persuasive essay uses the 3_________ to support their
claim and convince their audience.
A) Amigos
B) Appeals
C) Claims
D) Trials



The correct answer is B


Some cells like cardiac (heart) muscle cells and neurons cannot divide what are the implications of this on human health and wellness


The neurons, heart cells among others are permanent cells that are incapable of regeneration. It is believed that these cells are terminally differentiated and do not proliferate in the postnatal period.

Give a brief account on permanent cells.

The term "permanent cells" refers to cells that are unable to divide after birth. This category generally designates human tissues that are unable to regenerate on their own, and nerve cells—also known as neurons—along with skeletal muscle and heart cells are included in it.

1. Neurons :

The conventional wisdom holds that we have all the neurons we will ever need when we are born. The fact that the brain goes through a process known as gliosis after a stroke, wherein supporting cells (glial cells) grow and take the place of neurons that have died during the hypoxic (stroke) episode, led to the development of this theory. You may have heard, however, that in recent years researchers have discovered specific groups of neurons that may continue to divide far into adulthood. Particular regions of the brain, especially the subventricular region and the hippocampus, appear to preferentially contain neurons that can still divide. Neuronal mitosis' potential to speed up recovery from an event like a stroke is still unknown.

2. Cardiac muscle cells :

The story of heart muscle and neurons is very similar. According to conventional wisdom, the heart muscle can only experience hypertrophy, not hyperplasia, like skeletal muscle. This means that while individual cells can grow larger and produce more contractile units, overall cell numbers are limited. For developed heart muscle cells, that is likely accurate. However, recently, there has been growing evidence supporting a population of so-called cardiac stem cells, which may actually be able to divide to replace myocardial that has been damaged due to a cardiac ischemia episode.

To know more about, cells, visit ;



After the republic of texas formed:_____.
a. it borrowed large sums to get the funds it needed.
b. it created a force to protect its border against raids.
c. it managed to pay off its large debts very quickly.
d. it relocated most indigenous peoples living in texas.


After the republic of texas was formed it relocated most indigenous peoples living in texas. The majority of Texas-based American Indians were evacuated. those who moved to the western parts of Mississippi, specifically to Arkansas and Missouri. Among the native tribes that were transported were the Cheroqui, Apache, Tonkawa, Karankawa de Galveston, Caddo, Wichita, and Comanche.

How did Texas become a republic?

The Republic of Texas was established when a delegation in Washington-on-the-Brazos adopted the Texas Declaration of Independence on March 2, 1836. After Santa Anna sent his army to Texas to quell the uprising, things happened rather quickly.

Large-scale conflict broke out between various Indian tribes once the Republic of Texas was founded. Numerous raids in towns by tribes like the Cherokee or the Comanche often resulted in the capture and torture of victims. As a result, many indigenous peoples who were currently residing in Texas were compelled to relocate; the majority of them moved to Louisiana or Oklahoma.

To learn more about the Republic of Texas here:






it relocated most indigenous people's living in Texas.

How does the characterization of Napoleon reveal the author's purpose?


Napoleon's portrayal indicates the author's intent since it shows Napoleon growing more and more like a tyrant.

What exactly is Animal Farm?

In the author's opinion, Napoleon, a former rebel, has turned into a tyrant. Since he no longer appears in public on a regular basis, he is always surrounded by dogs who frighten everyone who approaches him. Squealer handles concerns about propaganda. The animals simply chalked it up to bad memories. The animals worked considerably harder to reconstruct the windmill over the course of a year. Nonetheless, they regularly suffer from hunger and cold. It demonstrates Napoleon's transformation into a tyrant.

To learn more about the animal farm, click



Julius Caesar introduced the Julian calendar in 45 BCE
because he wanted a more standardized system for
commerce and tax collection for his vast empire.
The Julian calendar replaced the older Roman calendar.
The Roman calendar was problematic because it was
based on the phases of the moon. The moon's cycle of
phases (29.5 days) didn't line up evenly with a solar year.
It required a group of people to decide when days should
be added or removed to keep the calendar in agreement
with the seasons, equinoxes, and solstices.
The Julian calendar used more advanced astronomical
observations to merge these two cycles. It had a year of
365.25 days, based on the solstices, with the days divided
into twelve months. It also included a "leap year" where
one day is added to the month of February in every year
divisible by four.
How was the Julian calendar more accurate than the
Roman calendar? Check all that apply.
It was based on the phases of the moon.
It measured a year as 365.25 days.
It required a group of people to decide when days
should be added or removed.
It added a day in February every four years.
It incorporated advanced astronomical


The Julian calendar was more accurate than the Roman calendar as:

It measured a year as 365.25 days.It added a day in February every four years.It incorporated advanced astronomical observations.

How was the calendar different?

In order to improve commerce and tax collection across his vast empire, Julius Caesar instituted the Julian calendar in 45 BCE. The older Roman calendar was replaced by the Julian calendar. Due to the fact that it was based on the moon's phases, the Roman calendar presented challenges.

These two cycles were combined using more sophisticated astronomical observations in the Julian calendar. Based on the solstices, it had a 365.25-day year that was divided into twelve months. Additionally, every year that is divisible by four has a "leap year" in which the month of February is extended by one day.

One of the most precise calendar systems ever created is the Revised Julian calendar. With an error of just 2 seconds per year, it accurately depicts the length of the tropical year, or the time it takes the Earth to complete one full orbit of the Sun. Other calendars are considerably less reliable.

Learn more about calendar on:




It measured a year as 365.25 days.

It added a day in February every four years.

It incorporated advanced astronomical observations.


What are key teachings or characteristics of both Hinduism and Buddhism?

Select all correct answe


The key teachings or characteristics of both Hinduism and Buddhism  is a. Souls are reborn many times in reincarnation.

What is the  characteristics of both Hinduism and Buddhism?

Hinduism and Buddhism can be described as the belief that is  accepted the law of Karma, Dharma, and Moksha and believed in a cycle of rebirth.

It should be nopted that Hinduism and Buddhism both  focus on the existence of several hells and heavens or higher and lower worlds however the founders of Hinduism and Buddhism are both unlike most major religions , hence Buddhism and Hinduism  can be seen as the nbelief that see karma, dharma, moksha and reincarnation as their basic things that must be foloowed, however they  are been considered as different in that Buddhism rejects the priests of Hinduism, the formal rituals, and the caste system and it should be noted that Buddha urged people to seek enlightenment through meditation.

Therefore, option A is correct.

Learn more about Hinduism



Missing options:

a. Souls are reborn many times in reincarnation.

b. It was founded in India.

c. It is a dominant religion in both India and Southeast Asia today.

d. Each person is born into a particular section of society and stays there for life.

Book The Fight for the Right to Vote
by Rosa Hernandez
How does the author help the reader understand the connections between the women's suffrage movement and the abolitionist movement? Write a paragraph using RACES that explains why these two movements were categorized together. Use details from the passage to support your answer. please help me


The author helped the reader understand the connections between the women's suffrage movement and the abolitionist movement by explaining how one movement led to the other.

What did "Book The Fight for the Right to Vote" by Rosa Hernandez explain?

The book states that the right to vote is something that many American citizens take for granted. Few people consider the fact that our ancestors fought long and hard to guarantee this right. In particular, the women,  who has led the suffrage movement in the United States should be remembered for helping to secure the right to vote for women. The Suffrage Movement Starts

By early 1800s, the voting rights had been extended to most white men. Still, the women and African Americans were not granted the vote until much later. Some men even argued that the women should concern themselves only with household and family matters.

Although women had been advocating for voting rights for years, the women’s suffrage movement began to pick up steam in the mid-nineteenth century.

Read more about suffrage movement



Why did the United States declare war on Afghanistan ?


Since 2001, no adversary has been able to carry out a similar assault on our nation, which is a testament to the efforts made by the whole American government to protect its citizens from terrorist threats that could come from Afghanistan or anyplace else in the world.

In order to fight a necessary war of self-defense, the United States invaded Afghanistan in 2001. Terrorists from al-Qaeda assaulted our nation on September 11, 2001. Because their Taliban hosts had provided them with sanctuary in Afghanistan, they were able to organise and carry out such a terrible attack.

The President declared on October 7, 2001, that American military operations had started in Afghanistan. Osama bin Laden's refusal to be turned over by the Taliban led to the United States declaring war on Afghanistan.

Learn more about adversary visit: https://brainly.com/question/5639794


Why was the Vietnam War a problem?


The Vietnam War was a protracted, expensive, and contentious struggle that fought South Vietnam and its main ally against the communist government of North Vietnam.

What was the Vietnam War's primary issue?

The basis of the conflict was North Vietnam's desire to unify the entire country under a single communist dictatorship modeled after that of the Soviet Union and China, which had destroyed the French colonial administration of Vietnam in 1954.

Why was the Vietnam War such a contentious subject?

To stop the spread of Communism from the North, President Lyndon B. Johnson dispatched the first American combat soldiers into South Vietnam in March 1965. Due to guerilla warfare, both sides suffered heavy losses in this protracted conflict.

To know more about Vietnam War problem visit:-



What is the most significant contribution between moses and hebrews to republican-democratic government?


The concept of a single God as the universe's creator and supreme ruler was initially accepted by the hebrews.

What does Moses bring to the table?

The Israelites witness God's primary act of salvation through moses, their freedom from egyptian servitude. Moses also recounted God's instructions on how to observe the passover, a holy supper consumed with everyone completely prepared to embark on the journey of salvation, in order to remember that rescue. Moses is also known as the Author of the Law.

What important achievement did the ancient Hebrews have?

The Ten Commandments, their monotheistic religion, their architecture, and their military were among the Israelites' greatest accomplishments. They were insufficient, nevertheless, to save civilization.

To know more about hebrews visit:-



What did Equiano believe about slavery?


Equiano resurfaced in England and started actively opposing slavery. He gave a speech denouncing the brutality of British slaveholders. He made a point of criticizing British English slave trade.

How did the owners of slaves feel about it?

African Americans were seen to be naturally inferior to its masters by some slaveowners. This argument was taken fairly seriously in the 1800s, even in science and engineering fields. Slavery's supporters claimed that it had always existed and that it was man's natural state.

What frightened slaves the most?

Slaves frequently ended up being hired out, used as lottery prizes, or stakes in blackjack and horse races. The biggest worry a black person during servitude had was undoubtedly being separated from their family and friends. When a master passed away, his slaves were frequently sold to help his heirs.

To know more about slavery visit:



Which constitutional power allows Congress to declare war?



The Constitution grants Congress the sole power to declare war. Congress has declared war on 11 occasions, including its first declaration of war with Great Britain in 1812.


Article I, Section 8, Clause 11: [The Congress shall have Power . . . ] To declare War, grant Letters of Marque and Reprisal, and make Rules concerning Captures on Land and Water; . . .

Article I, Section 8, Clause 11 of the U.S. Constitution, sometimes referred to as the War Powers Clause, vests in the Congress the power to declare war, in the following wording: [The Congress shall have Power ...]

Who made Christianity into a religion?



Constantine stood out because he became a Christian and unabashedly made Jesus the patron of his army. By 313, just two contenders remained, Constantine and Licinius. The two jointly issued the Edict of Milan, which made Christianity a legal religion and officially ended the persecution


After world war i what action did the international community take in response to the new weapons of warfare.



Prohibited the use of biological and chemical weapons

What political concept became very popular as a result of the Glorious Revolution?


The political concept of "constitutional monarchy" became very popular as a result of the Glorious Revolution.

The Glorious Revolution of 1688 is one of the most important events in English history. It saw the deposition of James II, the last Catholic king of England, in favor of his daughter Mary and her husband William of Orange. It was an important part of history.

The Revolution was a bloodless one, but it had major consequences for the English monarchy and the English people. This ushered in a new era of constitutional government in England and set a precedent for the peaceful transfer of power in times of chaos.

To know more about revolution, click here.



Why was this revolution known as the Glorious Revolution hint how was this revolution achieved or won ?)?


This revolution is known as the Glorious Revolution because it was completed mostly without any bloodshed.

The Glorious Revolution marked the transition from an absolute monarchy to a constitutional monarchy by permanently establishing Parliament as the governing body of England and, later, the United Kingdom. It is an important historical event.

Because it was a peaceful transition of power and upheld governmental customs, the reign of James II to William III in England was referred to as a "glorious" revolution. Even though the Glorious Revolution began in 1688, its foundation was laid much earlier. Elizabeth I of England governed the country from 1558 to 1603.

To know more about revolution, click here.



What are the Catholic 10 Commandments in order?


A overview of the requirements for a life free from the shackles of sin may be found in the Catholic Ten Commandments. Love of God and love of neighbor are the cornerstones of Catholic morality.

The Roman Catholic Church, the biggest Christian communion, uses the phrase as part of its name. In line with apostolic customs and the Nicene Creed, all three of the major Eastern Christian denominations the Eastern Orthodox Church, Oriental Orthodox Church, and Church of the East have consistently identified as Catholic. Anglicans, Methodists, Lutherans, and Reformed people all consider their churches to be Catholic in the sense that the apostles' original universal church is still the basis for them. However, the boundaries of the Catholic Church vary depending on the church. For instance, the Church of the East, Eastern Orthodox, Oriental Orthodox, and Roman Catholic Churches all assert that their own denominations are the same as the first global church.

Learn more about Catholic here:



Which belief system is most closely associated with the terms eightfold path?


Buddhist belief system is most closely associated with the terms eightfold path.

A belief system is a set of beliefs that a person holds to be true. These beliefs may be about anything, such as the existence of a god, the nature of the universe, or the merits of a particular political system.

Siddhartha Gautama's teachings form the foundation of the religion known as Buddhism. He was born in Nepal in the 6th century BCE, and after achieving enlightenment, he began teaching his Budhddhist belief system. The main tenets of this belief system are the Four Noble Truths and the Eightfold Path.

To know more about belief, click here.



when did covid 19 pandemic end?



COVID-19 never did "end" but it's effect on the population did decrease.


The number of cases, and deaths has significantly increased since 2020, and 2021.

I believe coronavirus will end somewhere in 2025 and that people are actually scared to admit it. I think this because of the new deadliest variant, the Arcturus or the XBB.1.5 variant. This variety is an Omicron subvariant that appears to be more transmissible and has fueled a recent surge of COVID-19 cases in India. Even India started their lockdown because of this. I think by now, everyone is destined or has gotten COVID. It’s no surprise! In about 80% of people, COVID-19 causes only mild symptoms, although this may change as variants emerge. There are more than 20 sub variants. I don’t think we are going to get anywhere with lockdowns. I think people will have to start isolating themselves 24/7 to get rid of COVID completely!(This is just my opinion!)

 Learn more here:



Please remember to revise this and make it in your own words if you want! I hope this helps you. -Doodle


Which option below most accurately describes the North Atlantic drift


The broad, northward flow of surface waters that takes the place of sinking waters in the polar seas of the North Atlantic is known as the N. Atlantic drift. Plots of seasonal averages, for example, can be found here. The North Atlantic Drift Current (NADC), as its name suggests, is a body of water that moves slowly and is between 10°30°W and 50°64°N.

Why is the North Atlantic Drift so significant?

The generally warm waters of the North Atlantic Float are liable for directing the environment of western Europe, so that winters are less cold than would somehow or another be normal at its scope. Without the warm North Atlantic Float, the UK and different spots in Europe would be basically as cold as Canada, at a similar scope.

Where can one find North Atlantic Drift?

The North Atlantic Current, also known as the North Atlantic Drift, is a part of an ocean current system in the North Atlantic Ocean that moves in a clockwise direction. It runs from the Grand Bank, which is southeast of Newfoundland, Canada, to the Norwegian Sea, which is off the northwest coast of Europe.

To learn more about North Atlantic Drift Current here



Briefly explain how the Khulafa e Rashideen (RA) strenthed and expanded muslim rule



the Khulafa e Rashideen (RA) were responsible for creating and maintaining conditions under which it would be easy for Muslims to live according to Islamic principles, and to see that justice was done to all. As was common at the time, they expanded for both religious and political reasons. One political advantage the Rashidun caliphate possessed was the ability to maintain tribal stability and unity. KHULAFA E RASHIDEEN strengthened and expanded Muslim rule in this way.

really hope this helps :)

What major contributions did Galileo and Newton make to our understanding of gravity?


Galileo basically took Earth's gravity as constant since its strength varies very little over moderate distances from Earth's surface .Newton's laws were the foundation of modern physics.

Newton developed his physical laws while Rene Descartes, Kepler, and Galileo had already prepared the necessary elements. The following three items summarize the simplicity and elegance of Newton Laws For the first time, Newton derived physics knowledge from descriptive and interpretative states and formulated object interaction in mathematical form. These equations were created using the fewest number of physical quantities such as mass, force, distance, time, velocity, momentum, and their variations. These universal equations demonstrate the similarities and differences in movement and inertia of objects on Earth with the rotation of planets around the stars in differential form. Galileo assumed that the universe has a physical existence of absolute and global time.

To learn more about galileo and newton of gravity here:



Most historians agree that the event that started World War I was the assassination of


Most historians agree that the event that started World War I was the assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand.

Who was Archduke Franz Ferdinand?

Archduke Franz Ferdinand Carl Ludwig Joseph Maria of Austria served as Austria's heir apparent to the throne of Austria-Hungary (18 December 1863 – 28 June 1914). The immediate trigger of World War I was his murder in Sarajevo.

On June 28, 1914, a Bosnian Serb nationalist shot and killed Archduke Franz Ferdinand of Austria as well as his wife Sophie when they were on an official visit to the Bosnian city of Sarajevo. The murders set off a series of circumstances that, by early August, ignited the start of World War I.

Learn more about Archduke Franz Ferdinand here:



Why was the US interested in China during imperialism?


Answer: American Imperialism


American imperialism In 1899 yet another foreign power, the United States, entered the fray. Concerned that the European and Japanese carve-up of China threatened American commercial interests in Asia, US diplomats negotiated an ‘open door policy’ for American trade in China.

28. Who was a tyrant that was very self-indulged and built one of the greatest cities in the ancient world and named it after himself?


Cypselus was a king of the ancient Greeks. He was regarded as Corinth's first despot.

Who was a tyrant in ancient Greece?

Because they ruled over a time of wealth and growth, the tyrants of the Archaic age of ancient Greece, Cypselus, Cleisthenes, Peisistratus, and Polycrates, were well-liked.

There is debate regarding exactly how tyrants first emerge in that environment around the middle of the seventh century BCE. The opposing perspective contends that tyrants were the embodiment of a newly politically aware dmos (people) who backed their ascent in the goal of better their status within the state. One interpretation sees conflict amongst aristocratic families who competed to seize full power.

To know more about Tyrants, visit:



In what ways did American involvement in World War One change American lives on the home front (in the United States)? Identify 2 specific political, economic or social changes and show support for each.


American involvement in World War One change American lives on the home front (in the United States) because  Many Americans supported the war effort  through the process of  purchasing war bonds and  millions of women that went to work,  through the act of replacing the men.

The specific political, economic or social changes can be seen in the way the women are carrying out men activities as well as transactinhy bonds.

It should be noted that On the home front, there are millions of women that went to work,  through the act of replacing the men who had shipped off to war,  and in the same act,  others knitted socks and made bandages however with regards to the African-American soldiers, the war can be perceived as one that is opened up a world not bound by America's formal .

In conclusion, Many Americans supported the war effort  through the process of  purchasing war bonds .

Learn more about World War at:



What was significant about the election of 1932?


The election of 1932 was significant because it marked a major shift in United States politics. The election was won by Franklin D. Roosevelt, who defeated incumbent President Herbert Hoover. Roosevelt's victory came at a time when the country was in the midst of the Great Depression, and his election marked the beginning of a new era in American politics, with the introduction of the New Deal and a more active role for the federal government in addressing the country's economic problems. This marked a significant departure from the laissez-faire policies of previous administrations, and set the stage for a more interventionist approach to governing.

A key event in American history, the election of 1932 signalled a turning point in both political and economic history.

Exasperated voters ousted Hoover in a landslide in favour of the Democrat who became governor of New York, Franklin Delano Roosevelt, as the country struggled through the third year of the Great Depression.

Roosevelt's triumph represented a watershed in American political and economic history as the New Deal saw the Democratic Party become the country's dominant force.

In his New Deal strategy, which sought to offer relief, recovery, and reform to the American people, Roosevelt made reform one of his campaign promises.

As a result, the significant about the election of 1932 are the aforementioned.

Learn more about on Franklin Delano Roosevelt, here:



What were the three major roles Toussaint L'Ouverture played in the history of Haiti?



Toussaint Louverture led a successful slave revolt and emancipated the slaves in the French colony of Saint-Domingue (Haiti). A formidable military leader, he turned the colony into a country governed by former black slaves as a nominal French protectorate and made himself ruler of the entire island of Hispaniola.


How did the Civil War affect American society ?



The Civil War confirmed the single political entity of the United States, led to freedom for more than four million enslaved Americans, established a more powerful and centralized federal government, and laid the foundation for America's emergence as a world power in the 20th century.


Sparta and Athens Advantages and Disadvantages


In the Peloponnesian War, Sparta's strong army was an asset, whereas Athens' enormous riches was an asset.

The army of Sparta was not without strength, and Sparta faced some strategic constraints. Additionally, the instability and unpredictability of the Athenian political system proved to be a serious drawback.

Athens was a better civilization to Sparta. Because of their superior geography, administration, and cultural accomplishments, the Athenians were stronger, and I would choose to live there. Geographically speaking, Athens was better since they were so superior. Because they had a superior trading system, it was advantageous that Athens lived on the sea.

To learn more about Sparta please click on below link



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