what is it called when enzymes lose their shape and can no longer work?


Answer 1



However, extreme high temperatures can cause an enzyme to lose its shape (denature) and stop working. pH: Each enzyme has an optimum pH range. Changing the pH outside of this range will slow enzyme activity. Extreme pH values can cause enzymes to denature.

Related Questions

Fertilization occurs when _____.



Fertilization happens when a sperm cell successfully meets an egg cell in the fallopian tube.


Once fertilization takes place, this newly fertilized cell is called a zygote. From here, the zygote will move down the fallopian tube and into the uterus. The zygote then burrows into the uterus lining.

What is the growth rate of bacteria?


Bacterial generation times range from 12 minutes to more than 24 hours. In the laboratory, the generation period for E. coli is between 15 and 20 minutes, while in the digestive tract, the generation time is thought to be between 12 and 24 hours.

What is the growth rate of bacteria?

Bacterial Growth Model is Validated by Proteomics Data Reasons it matters Bacteria double every 4 to 20 minutes, making them one of the fastest reproducing species in the world.

Why is bacterial growth rate important?

Growth of bacterial cultures is defined as an increase in the total number of bacteria present as opposed to a change in cell size.

To know more about growth rate of bacteria visit :-



What are 3 common features between prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells?


Prokaryotes and eukaryotes share a lot of the same organelles including a nucleus, ribosomes,and a cell membrane as well as many other organelles. Prokaryotes differ from eukaryotes as prokaryotic cells contain a cell wall and chloroplasts.

Please mark brainliest I need two more

How much bacteria is produced in 4 hours?


Answer: After one hour, there are 16 bacteria. After two hours in the danger zone, there are 256 bacteria. After three hours in the danger zone, there are 4,096 bacteria. After four hours in the danger zone, there are 65,536 bacteria.


they mulltply fast

Why are researchers interested in sequencing eukaryotic genomes?


The researchers are interested in genome because  -The information can be used to better understand evolutionary relationships among organisms.

Genome sequencing is the process of sequencing an organism's entire genome. Many technologies for high-throughput sequencing and data handling have been developed. The clone-by-clone method and whole genome shotgun sequencing are the two most common genome sequencing methods.To identify genetic variations, two methods, whole exome sequencing and whole genome sequencing, are increasingly used in healthcare and research; both rely on new technologies that allow rapid sequencing of large amounts of DNA. These methods are referred to as next-generation sequencing (or next-gen sequencing).

To know more about Genome here



What process do consumers use to break down food molecules?


Cellular respiration is a process used by consumers to obtain the energy required for metabolic processes. The process by which glucose and oxygen are transformed into energy, carbon dioxide, and water is known as cellular respiration.

What is the name of the procedure where molecules are broken down?

Complex molecules are broken down during catabolism. Glucose, amino acids, and fatty acids are broken down from complex substances during catabolism to create substrates for metabolic pathways. Anabolism and catabolism are the two main components of metabolism.

What is released by consumers as they digest food to get energy?

During cellular respiration, the reaction between glucose and oxygen produces ATP. As byproducts, water and carbon dioxide are released.

To know more about ATP visit:-



"Members of the team know their boundaries (rules/limits) and ask for help before the resuscitation attempt worsens."
Match the statement with the most appropriate element of team dynamics listed.
answer choices
Knowledge sharing
Summarizing and reevaluation
Constructive intervention
Knowing your limitations


The statement of "Member of the team know their boundaries (rules/limits) and ask for help before the resuscitation attempt worsens" is the element of knowing your limitations.

What is mean about knowing your limitations?

Knowing your limitations is one of a element of team dynamics in CPR. The other elements is closed loop communication, knowledge sharing, summarizing and re-evaluation, mutual respect, clear messages, clear roles responsibilities, and constructive intervention.

Team dynamics in CPR is the one of most important aspect when trying to save a life with multiple rescuers. So, elements of team dynamics play an important role to ensure team dynamics work well and can save people's lives.

For the statement it tell us about the members of the team know their boundaries which it mean they know their limitations. Thus, the most appropriate element is knowing your limitations.

Learn more about CPR here:



The multicellular descendant of the united sperm and ovum that implants on the wall of the uterus is known as the?


The multicellular descendant of the united sperm and ovum that implants on the wall of the uterus is known as the Blastocyst

A normally developing embryo will have six to ten cells three days after fertilization. The fertilized egg is known as a blastocyst — a rapidly dividing ball of cells — by the fifth or sixth day. The embryo will be formed by the inner group of cells. The outer group will develop into the cells that feed and protect it.The blastocyst grows and develops within the womb lining during weeks 4 to 5 of early pregnancy. The outer cells extend their reach to connect with your blood supply. They will eventually form the placenta (afterbirth). The embryo develops from the inner group of cells.

To know more about Blastocyst here



What is it called when animals release carbon?


For a cell to produce the energy it requires, it must breathe. Cellular respiration is the term for this process. By mixing glucose with oxygen from the air, organisms create energy during the process of respiration.

Diffusion is the primary mechanism used to exchange gases. At the lungs' alveoli's surface, gases are exchanged externally. Internal gas exchange occurs at the tissue surface. Animals breathe, releasing carbon dioxide into the atmosphere and absorbing oxygen.

What is the term for the release of carbon by plants?

Through respiration, plants release half of the carbon dioxide they have absorbed through photosynthesis into the atmosphere. Additionally, plants release oxygen into the air through photosynthesis.

To know more about photosynthesis visit:-



What is the ratio of the offspring with white petals to the total number of offspring?.


The ratio of the offspring with white petals to the total number of offspring Is 1:4 or 25%.

Heterozygous is different forms of a particular gene that is inherited from parent. e.g Gene A has form of A and a

A cross between two heterozygous pea plants

Pea plant A is Aa

Pea plant B is Aa

Therefore, a cross between the 2 plants will give



AA Aa Aa aa ,The total number of offspring is 4 (AA, Aa,Aa,Aa)

where AA,Aa and Aa are Purple pea plant and aa is a white pea plant. Since the number of pea plant is 4, the ratio of the offspring with white petals will be 1:4 in the number of offspring in % will be

1/4*100= 25% of the total population.

Therefore, The ratio of the offspring with white petals to the total number of offspring is 1:4 and the express this in a percentage is 25%.

learn more about heterozygous cross at https://brainly.com/question/30052322


What is the relationship between a gene and an allele between genes and chromosomes between genes and DNA?


An allele is one of two or more versions of a DNA sequence (a single base or a segment of bases)

What is the relationship between an allele and DNA?

An allele is a variant form of a gene. Some genes have a variety of different forms, which are found in the same position, or genetic at a given genomic location. A separately inherits two alleles, one from each parent, for any given genomic location where such disparity exists.

If the two alleles are the same, the single is homozygous for that allele. Alleles are different versions of a gene, which vary according to the nucleotide base present at a specific genome location.

So we can conclude that Alleles are the different varieties of the same gene and the chromosome carrying both DNA and the genes.

Learn more about alleles here: https://brainly.com/question/3452155


What is the probability of a phenotype?


These percentages are based on the fact that each of a Punnett square's four offspring boxes is 25%. (1 out of 4). Only 25% of phenotypes will be G, whereas 75% will be Y. Every time a new child is born to parents with YG genotypes, these are the chances.

We can forecast gene expression in next generations of organisms thanks to phenotypic ratio. We map particular parental alleles and estimate the likelihood that they will be expressed in the offspring using phenotypic ratio estimates.

Although it is feasible to determine the very simple genetic make-up of the parents by looking at visible qualities (phenotypes) in their offspring, knowledge of allele dominance is necessary.

Learn more about  phenotypes to visit this link



Most of the radiation incident upon the Earth falls within the ________ part of the spectrum.
A) short wave
B) long wave
C) infrared
D) x-ray
E) radar



A) short wave

What 4 factors do bacteria need to grow?


Bacterial growth necessitates the following 4 conditions: temperature, moisture, pH and environmental oxygen.

Food must be handled properly to avoid food poisoning since optimal temperature is critical for the growth of any particular kind of bacteria. In most circumstances, but not all, refrigerating or freezing food is sufficient to inhibit the growth of disease-causing germs like Staphylococcus aureus.

Bacteria require moisture to develop and perish without it. Bathrooms and kitchens, for example, are particularly prone to bacterial development. The presence of water in food also offers an ideal habitat for many different species of bacteria to flourish.

Food acidity is another major element influencing bacterial development. To assist inhibit bacterial development and allow for longer storage, preservatives that raise the acidity of food, such as citric acid, are routinely added. Lemon juice and vinegar have a comparable effect.

Bacterial growth can be strongly influenced by the presence of oxygen. Many disease-causing bacteria prefer or require an oxygen-rich environment to thrive. While low oxygen levels limit the growth of certain types of bacteria that might ruin food, others flourish in the absence of oxygen.

learn more about bacterial growth at https://brainly.com/question/27834755


FILL IN THE BLANK. in response to stimuli from the sympathetic nervous system, the arrector pili ________.


The response to stimuli from the sympathetic nervous system is that the arrector pili: are responsible for goose bumps.

The sympathetic nervous system is the part of the nervous system that is responsible for exciting the body. It is involved in body's flight-or-fight response. The system is activated when the body is stresses, in danger or is physically active.

Arrector pili is the tiny muscle that is present at the base of the hair follicle and attached to it from one end and with the dermal tissue from the other end. The muscles are responsible for the production of heat in the body when it is cold and it does so by making all the body hairs stand straight up.

To know more about arrector pili, here



The presence of high levels of fecal coliform bacteria in a water source indicates that the water: ________


answer :

disease-causing organisms ( pathogens )

could be in the water system.

The presence of high levels of fecal coliform bacteria in a water source indicates that the water: is contaminated with human waste.

High coliform counts in the water indicate human waste contamination.

Escherichia coli, or coliform bacteria, can be found in the intestines of humans. It is an efficient bacteria. These microorganisms enter the water when feces are released by people near water bodies.

The count of E. coli colonies per 100 milliliters of water is used to measure water contamination. Coliform microbial density is the name of the test. There should be no colonies in drinking water, 200 in bathing and swimming pool water, and 1000 in recreational (fishing and boating) water, according to the standards for water quality.

Know more about coliform bacteria here: https://brainly.com/question/24173412


which of the following statements best describes the role of adenylyl cyclase in the epinephrine signaling pathway?

a. It converts polymer to its monomer subunits.
b. It move sudstances acruss the plasma membrane
c. It accelerates the production of second messenger
d. It transfers phosphate groups from ATP protein substrates


Adenylyl cyclase stimulates the generation of a second messenger as part of the epinephrine signaling cascade.

An enzyme called adenylyl cyclase is able to change ATP molecules into cyclic adenosine monophosphate AMP (cAMP). The cAMP molecule is regarded as a second messenger that carries the epinephrine hormonal signal inside the cell. cAMP then binds to and activates cAMP-dependent protein kinase A, which in turn triggers molecular signaling events (PKA). Last but not least, this protein (PKA) phosphorylates many proteins that regulate a wide range of complex biological activities.

Thus, Adenylyl cyclase stimulates the formation of second messengers as part of the epinephrine signaling cascade.

Learn more about epinephrine at:



Which term refers to the unique stinging intracellular structures of cnidarians?


All cnidarians have nematocysts or cnidocysts as a common trait.

They are sizable organelles that are secreted by the nematocyte or cnidocyte, a kind of specialized cell, the Golgi apparatus. Nematocysts are mostly utilized for prey acquisition and defense, however they can also be used for movement. The phylum Cnidaria, which includes sea urchins, corals, hydroids, and jellyfish, is typified by cnidocytes, commonly referred to as stinging cells [1,2,3]. The cnida or cnidocyst organelle seen in these cells is the result of prodigious Golgi discharges. The stinging structures known as nematocysts are among the most common and varied cnidae, the complex internal structures that bind cnidarians together. Nematocytes are a kind of cell found inside the bodies of the numerous organisms belong to a Cnidaria phylum.

Learn more about nematocysts



Correctly label the following internal anatomy of the heart.


The left atrium, right atrium, and two lower chamber called as the left and right ventricles make up the four chambers that make up the heart.

The tricuspid, pulmonary, mitral, and aortic valves are among its four valves. A signal is sent from the SA node to and Av node, which then delivers it to the AV bundle, its branches, and finally the Purkinje fibers. The left atrium, right atrium, and two lower chamber called as the left and right ventricles make up the four chambers that make up the heart.The heart contracts before the ventricles do thanks to the cardiac conduction system, which also assures that the heart would beat rhythmically. The atrium, an upper collecting chamber, and the ventricle, a lower pumping chamber, make up each half of the heart. The SA node, AV node, bundles of axons, left and right bundles branches, Purkinje fibers, and myocytes may all be remembered since A occurs before V.

(Correctly label the following internal anatomy of the heart.

a)fossa ovalis

b)pectinate muscles

c)left atrium

d)interventricular spectrum

e)right ventricle)

Learn more about  ventricle



fat digestion results in ________.


Fat digestion results in monoglyceride and free fatty acids.

Complete emulsification of lipids is necessary for effective fat digestion. Increased lipase activity exposure area is made possible by this emulsification. Bile salt includes phospholipids, cholesterol, and bile acid (lecithin). The molecule of bile acid is similar to that of detergent. Known as emulsification, this structure aids in the dispersion of fats into smaller packets (fat water mixer).

Gastric lipase, bile emulsification, and pancreatic lipase are all involved in the digestion of triglycerides. Free fatty acids and monoglycerides are the end product. Similar to this, dietary cholesterol esters go through de-esterification to become free cholesterol.

Monoglycerides and fatty acids that were absorbed went through epithelial cells and created chylomicron. Triglycerides and other lipids are present in the lipoproteins known as chylomicrons (cholesterol, fat-soluble vitamins, etc.). Through lymphatic vessels, the chylomicrons enter the bloodstream.

To learn more about fat digestion, refer: https://brainly.com/question/14761531


A cell underwent mitosis but not cytokinesis. What would the result be?

A. One cell with one nucleus containing twice the normal number of chromosomes.

B. One cell with two nuclei, each containing a normal number of chromosomes.

C. Two daughters cells that are unusually small.

D. Two daughter cells twice the number of chromosomes.



B. One cell with two nuclei, each containing a normal number of chromosomes.


Cytokinesis is the final step of mitosis in which the contents of the cell (cytoplasm and nuclei) are separated into two distinct, identical daughter cells. Mitosis without cytokinesis results in a cell with more than one nucleus but a connected cytoplasm (syncytium).

Why do cells have different characteristics?



The cell types in a multicellular organism become different from one another because they synthesize and accumulate different sets of RNA and protein molecules. They generally do this without altering the sequence of their DNA.

What is the product of the Calvin cycle that is removed from the cycle to make glucose?


Glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate leaves the Calvin cycle and enters the production of glucose.

The C3 cycle, or generally called as Calvin cycle, contains three fundamental phases. In the process of fixing carbon, CO2 interacts with RuBP to form two to three carbon phosphoglycerate molecules. This action is carried out by the enzyme ribulose bisphosphate carboxylase/oxygenase, which is located in the chloroplast stroma. This enzyme works at slower rate, as shown by the fact that it only breaks down three RuBP molecules every second. Reduction converts 3-PGA molecules, which are created during carbon fixation, into glucose molecules, which are sugar molecules. This stage requires energy from the ATP and NADPH created during the light-dependent activities of photosynthesis. The third stage of the Calvin cycle requires ATP during regeneration. While others are recycled to regenerate the RuBP acceptor at this stage, some of the G3P molecules are utilized to create glucose.

Hence, the Calvin cycle provides a substrate for other biochemical reactions.

To know more about RUBP.



explain why every replication of a linear molecule of dna leads to a shortening of the dna molecule.


Every replication of a linear molecule of DNA leads to a shortening of the DNA molecule Because there is no free 3' -OH, DNA Polymerase is unable to fill.

The chromosomes of eukaryotes differ from those of prokaryotes. The chromosomes of prokaryotic organisms are not linear, whereas those of eukaryotic organisms are. The replication process will differ between eukaryotes and prokaryotes due to this fundamental structural difference. To overcome some of the difficulties posed by linear chromosomes, eukaryotic replication requires the assistance of multiple enzymes.

During replication, gaps are left at the ends of linear chromosomes, which DNA Polymerase is unable to fill because there is no free 3' - OH group. This is one of the main issues with linear chromosomes. This leaves the end open to debasement.

Know more about DNA Polymerase here: https://brainly.com/question/14315652


What was it called when slaves were taken from Africa?


The transatlantic slave trade, also known as the Triangular Trade, was the name given to the historical practice of forcibly transporting millions of African people to the Americas as slaves.

What are Slaves?

Slaves are people who are owned by another person and forced to work without pay. Slaves have no rights and are treated as property, and they cannot leave their master’s control unless they are freed. Slavery has been practiced in many cultures throughout history and is still practiced in some parts of the world today.

Transport of enslaved Africans, primarily to the Americas, by slave traders is known as the Atlantic slave trade, transatlantic slave trade, or Euro-American slave trade. From the 16th to the 19th centuries, the triangular trade route and its Middle Passage were frequently used in the slave trade.

What is the Transatlantic slave trade?

The Transatlantic slave trade was the forced transportation of millions of Africans to the Americas between the 16th and 19th centuries. The slaves were forcibly taken from their homes in Africa and sold to European colonists, who then put them to work on plantations in the Caribbean, the Americas, and other parts of the world. The slave trade is widely considered to be one of the most horrific periods in human history.

To know more about the transatlantic slave trade,



the respiratory system supplies oxygen to the blood in the body, while removing carbon dioxide. which system directly interacts with the respiratory system to maintain homeostasis?


The system directly interacts with the respiratory system to maintain homeostasis is nervous system.

The nervous system is the primary control system for homeostasis among all physiological systems. It monitors, responds to, and regulates all processes in the human body and other species. It works from the smallest level of individual cells to the entire body at once.

Inside and outside the body, receptors are continually monitoring situations and looking for changes. When a bodily system departs from its regular operating range and goes outside of its set point, signals are transmitted across the nervous system, triggering reactions to bring the system back into its typical operating range.

This is the homeostasis process. Over millions of years, very complex and sophisticated mechanisms have developed. Skin thermoreceptors and mechanoreceptors, for example, detect changes in temperature and pressure.

The signals transmitted from them to the brain allow them to recognize circumstances that might result in damage or death. This ability to sense and react to the environment is crucial for sustaining homeostasis in the body.

learn more about Nervous system at https://brainly.com/question/28887220


What events occur during meiosis and fertilization that result in offspring having a mix of their parents traits?


Crossing over and independent assortment are the events that occur during meiosis and fertilization that result in offspring having a mix of their parents traits.

One gamete from each parent combines to form a zygote during fertilisation. Each gamete in meiosis has a unique set of DNA due to recombination and independent assortment. The resulting zygote has a one-of-a-kind gene combination. Recombination or crossing over occurs during prophase I.

Two events in meiosis are responsible for increasing genetic diversity. The first is cross-over, and the second is independent assortment. In meiosis prophase I, homologous chromosomes form pairs and attach via their alleles of the same genes. They then cross over and exchange their genes.

Sexual reproduction generates an infinite number of genetic variations. In other words, sexual reproduction produces genetically distinct offspring. They are distinct from both parents and from one another.

To learn more about Crossing over and independent assortment, here



farnesyl transferase is an enzyme which catalyzes the attachment of a long hydrophobic chain to the ras protein. what do you think is the purpose of this chain and what would be the effect if the enzyme was inhibited? g


Ras is created in the cell's cytoplasm, but it can only work properly when it is affixed to the cell membrane.

What is hydrophobic, and what does it look like?

Non-polar molecules that make up hydrophobic compounds repel water bodies while drawing in other neutral molecules & non-polar solvents. Alkanes, oils, and generalized fats are examples of these compounds.

How can water become hydrophobic?

The polarity of water and its capacity to form potent hydrogen bonds with the other polar molecules are the two characteristics that cause hydrophobic interactions. Because of its polarity, water is able to easily create hydrogen bonds with other polar molecules, which allows it to dissolve them.

To know more about hydrophobic visit:



a group of scientists is studying the effect of a particular herbicide on the activity of plant cells. they want to observe the impact of the chemicals on the molecular structures inside the cell. which microscope would be the best tool for this research?





what will happen if excess oxygen in plants does not excrete​


the plant will end up dying not not prouduce oxygen

Excess oxygen in plants can lead to oxygen toxicity, causing oxidative damage, impaired photosynthesis, and potentially cell death.

Excess oxygen in plants, if not properly excreted, can lead to oxygen toxicity. This condition occurs when oxygen levels exceed the plant's capacity to utilize or release it. Oxygen toxicity triggers the production of reactive oxygen species (ROS), which are highly reactive molecules that cause oxidative stress and damage to cellular components. This damage impairs photosynthesis, stunts growth, and can eventually lead to cell death.

To counteract oxygen toxicity, plants have evolved mechanisms such as producing antioxidants and enzymes to neutralize ROS. Additionally, plants with well-developed root systems release excess oxygen into the soil, where it can be utilized by other organisms. These adaptations help plants maintain a balance in oxygen levels and ensure their survival and growth.

To learn more about cell follow the link:



The complete question is:

What will happen if excess oxygen in plants does not excrete​?

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