What is an informative essay?


Answer 1


What is an Informative Essay? An informative essay educates your reader on a topic. They can have one of several functions: to define a term, compare and contrast something, analyze data, or provide a how-to. They do not, however, present an opinion or try to persuade your reader.


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Related Questions

What does the paragraph must contain to be as effective as possible?


The four fundamental components of an effective paragraph are a topic sentence, unity, coherence, and proper development.

What are the types of paragraphs?

1. An issue Unity, coherence, a topic phrase, and appropriate development are the four key components that every good paragraph must have. A paragraph must be entirely focused on one concept, discussion point, or line of reasoning in order to be coherent.

2. A good paragraph starts with a topic phrase that succinctly introduces the paragraph's subject. A few sentences for development and assistance that further elaborate on the topic follow.

3. A concluding sentence that wraps up the discussion or offers one last piece of evidence is used to finish paragraphs. Establish a set of events through the narrative to explain what happened to the reader.

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Can a poem have two lines?


Yes, a poem can have two lines. Its called couplet, if a poem or stanza have two lines.

Typically, a couplet comprises of two lines that follow each other, rhyme, and have the same meter. A couplet can be run-on or formal (closed) (open). Although most couplets rhyme, some do not. If couplets in a poem do not rhyme, white space may be used to denote them. Iambic pentameter couplets are known as heroic couplets. Both John Dryden and Alexander Pope were well renowned for writing in heroic couplets during the 17th and 18th centuries, respectively. The Poetic epigram also takes the form of a couplet.

Know more about the couplet at: https://brainly.com/question/18935755


Identify the correct definition for this word. Quorum legal majority trial by jury public meeting speaking platform.


The Correct option (A) legal majority

What does quorum mean?

A quorum is the minimal number of participants required to do business in a deliberative assembly (a body that follows parliamentary process, such as a legislature).

The necessity for a quorum provides protection against entirely unrepresentative action taken in the name of the body by an excessively small number of people, according to Robert's Rules of Order Newly Revised.

A plenum, in contrast, is a gathering of the entire (or, very rarely, almost entire) body. If a quorum is present, a body, a meeting, or a vote of it, it is quorate (or casts valid votes).

Learn more about  quorum to visit this link



Full Question: .) Identify the correct definition for this word. (quorum)

A. legal majority

B. trial by jury

C. public meeting

D. speaking platform

What are the disadvantages of online learning as compared to face to face learning with respect to the social environment?


Excess exposure to screen time, Requires self-discipline and time management skills Diminished social interaction, Lack of trust between teacher and students.

What is an interaction?Simply said, interaction is the impact one individual or group has on another. Because it involves two entities that have an impact on one another, interaction is a two-way street.Therefore, the impact of one item, person, event, or idea on another is the best way to define interaction.A situation in which two or more things or persons interact or respond to one another. The management and employees don't talk to one other sufficiently. Interacting with someone is expressing yourself and responding to them. Some video games are referred to as interactive because players may interact with them and steer the plot rather than being static like board games.

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Did Benjamin Franklin say good fences make good neighbors?


The saying "Great walls make great neighbors" has been around for years and years in various structures. One spot it tends to be found is in Poor Richard's Chronicle by Benjamin Franklin. His rendition is: "Love your neighbor; yet don't pull down your fence."

The clearest importance is that walls separate individuals from each other and that this detachment dispenses with the opportunities for quarrels or disillusionments, or intruding, both in a real sense and metaphorically, on a neighbor's space.

The focal illustration in this sonnet is the actual wall. It comes to addressing the divisions between individuals, things that keep them separated.

Learn more about good fences:



What are the six main reasons for Swift's proposal?


In an effort to convince the Irish Parliament to improve the living conditions of the impoverished, he released "A Modest Proposal."

Swift uses satire to draw attention to the issue before providing potential solutions. Your best friend resumes chatting while you smirk. For the past two days, she has only griped about how unfair and challenging your English assignment is. You are aware of your options, right? You sternly remark, "Well, you know what you can do," as you turn to face her. Rip the teacher's terrible assignment into a million pieces and drop it on her desk to show your disgust. You're right; that would constitute a statement. Your pal is staring at you while gaping. She maintains her silence and ceases whining about the assignment.

Learn more about A Modest Proposal here:



Whats the definition of reflexive?


Directed or turned back on itself.

What is the reflexive meaning?

Reflexive ri-flek-siv. : directed or turned back on itself. Also: openly and typically humorously reflecting genre or form tropes. A book that is thoughtful. Reflexivity noun (IN THOUGHT) the ability of someone to evaluate their own feelings, responses, and intentions (=reasons for behaving) and how they impact what they do or think in a circumstance.

Reflexivity takes this process a step farther by actively analyzing the person making the judgements. For example, a reflexive qualitative researcher may question, “Do my beliefs predispose me to reason that my data points to a particular conclusion”

To learn more about reflexive to Refer:



How does the speaker's conflicting attitude toward the wall develop over the course of the poem?


With his neighbor, the speaker starts to mend the wall, but later comes to the realization that perhaps the wall is not even essential.

What perspective does the speaker have on the wall in the poem Mending Wall?

Walls for the sake of walls are not something he believes in. An old proverb, "Nice fences make good neighbors," is the last recourse of the neighbor. Still not persuaded, the speaker prankishly urges the neighbor to see past the antiquated absurdity of this line of thinking. His neighbor won't be persuaded. Yes, the author is initially perplexed about the necessity of the wall, but by the poem's conclusion, he or she realizes how crucial it is.

The speaker and their neighbor's divergent worldviews are the main source of contention in "Mending Wall." The wall, in the speaker's opinion, keeps neighbors from mingling with one another. It is an artificial barrier that prevents the neighbors from getting to know one another better.

To know more about Mending Wall visit:



Who is Beowulf's wife?


A Danese queen named Wealhtheow is presented in line 612 of the Old English poem Beowulf (also written Wealhow or Wealthow; Old English: ealho [waexeow]).

Who is Beowulf wife?She is referred to in her marriage to Hrothgar as friusibb folca[2] (l. 2017), "the kindred promise of peace between peoples," denoting the interdynastic allegiance between the Wulfing and the Scylding acquired by her marriage to Hrothgar. By marriage and pregnancy, she is also referred to as "Lady of the Scyldings" (l. 1168), as well as "Lady of the Helmings" (l. 620) (by descent, of the Wulfing clan of Helm).Hrothgars wife is identified as English in two northern sources. According to chapter 3 of Arngrmur Jónsson's synopsis of the Skjöldunga saga, Hrothgar (Roas) wed the English king's daughter. According to Chapter 5 of the Hrolfs Saga, Gn, the daughter of a Northumbrian (Norhymbraland) king by the name of Norri, was married to Hrothgar (Hróarr), who is also known as Hrothgar.According to a claim made in 1897, the names Wulfing and Helmingas may have been related to the East Anglian Wuffing dynasty and the place names "Helmingham" in Norfolk and Suffolk, both of which are located in regions of migrant occupation from the fifth to the sixth centuries.Even though the theory wasn't widely accepted, it has more recently come up in a discussion of who Hromund really is.

To Learn more About  Wealhtheow  refer To:



Question 10
An audio recording of this passage would need to include a re-created version of
which unfamiliar sound?
an alarm clock going off
a factory whistle
an automobile being cranked
a barking dog


A factory whistle , With a change in each character's tone of voice, the audio recording would most likely portray the characters' feelings throughout the scene.

An audio recording is what?This refers to a type of recording produced by any electronic device that can only record sound.Through a shift in each character's tone of voice during this sequence, the audio recording would portray the characters' feelings.The act of Mrs. Peters joining Mrs. Hale at the table, a close-up of each woman's face, a shift in each character's tone of voice, and the sound of a chair slamming into the floor are all included.Based on coarse tone and intensity assessments of small portions of well-known nonverbal vocalizations, it is proposed that some elements of voice emotions can be quickly identified.This perception may be mediated by a fast direct channel.

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hey, can you guys help me on my essay? i need to write about "characteristics of a good friend" and nothing comes to mind, can y'all tell me y'all's opinion on friendship?


Numerous qualities make a good friend, but for me, being honest, responsible, and kind is crucial.

A good friend must first be honest. Never withhold anything from me, and always tell me the truth. For instance, she may tell me about an issue, and we could try to solve it together.

Second, I believe that one of the best qualities of a good friend is kindness. An understanding friend cares about your issues and works with you to find solutions. I'm sobbing, and this person is crying. My kind friend has shown me how much she cares.

Third, a responsible buddy doesn't encourage me to engage in undesirable behaviour, such as abusing drugs or drinking alcohol. This friend has helped me succeed and make a name for myself.

In summary, a good buddy is someone exceptional that is always there for me and doesn't let me down.

To know more about good friends visit: https://brainly.com/question/13646767


How are cartoons used for communication?


Cartoons offer comprehensible and quick criticism and analysis on current events since they may condense news and opinions into a caricature. Comic books are a distinctive type of journalism.

How do cartoons get their point across?

It is the capacity to reduce a concept or a joke to a handful of concise words and images. This method of reducing the amount of information exchanged is what makes the cartoon so efficient at communicating. Cartoons frequently make use of observational comedy's strength, which again helps the viewer connect with the message.

What does a cartoon serve as?

Today, cartoons are mostly utilized in periodicals and newspapers for visual wit and social comedy as well as political analysis and editorial opinion.

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please help
what did you learn the position paper​


The position paper taught us about position

Who are required to be independent of the audit client?


To be recognized as independent auditor, the auditor must be intellectually honest and free of any duty to or interest in the client, its management, or its owners.

This section covers the independence standards for audit and review engagements, which are assurance engagements in which a professional accountant gives an opinion based on past financial data. Such.

Audit and review engagements are used to report on a

:• A comprehensive collection of general-purpose financial statements

• A complete set of financial statements prepared in line with a standard format.framework created for a specific purpose;

• A consolidated financial statement; and

• One or more specified financial statement parts, accounts, or things.

To learn more about "audit"



The chart is from the passage "Drawn to Barre."

A 3-column table with 4 rows. Column 1 is labeled Year with entries 1830, 1880, 1890, 1900. Column 2 is labeled Barre Population with entries 2,012; 2,060; 6,790; 10,000. The third column is labeled Percent increase with entries blank, 2.4 percent, 229.6 percent, 47.3 percent.
Based on the passage, which best describes the purpose of this chart?

to emphasize how the development of unions affected the population
to show how the population of Barre decreased when stone workers arrived
to emphasize how the growth of the railroad affected the population
to show how the population of Barre decreased when it became more artistic


To emphasize how the growth of the railroad affected the population  best describes the purpose of this chart from the passage 'Drawn to Barre'.

What is the passage 'Drawn to Barre'?In Drawn to Barre, it is said that the presence of quarries in the area lured immigrants with stonecutting skills to Barre, Vermont. As stated in the context of "Drawn to Barre," immigrants who were adapted  in the technique of stonecutting were drawn to the Vermont town of Barre because there were quarries in or near the town that they were needed for. These immigrants would be the best candidates for the city to work as slaves or laborers in these quarries and effectively beautify them.Here, the statement 'To emphasize how the growth of the railroad affected the population'  best describes the purpose of this chart from the passage 'Drawn to Barre'. So, option C is correct.

To learn more about Drawn to Barre, refer:



What are the main ideas of modernism?


The main ideas of modernism are break from tradition, disillusionment, and individualism.

Modernism is a literary movement that began in the early 1900s. It incorporates many new ideas and rejects the values of older traditional literature, which the main ideas including break from tradition, disillusionment, and individualism. What is the difference between wrong and right, what is our country's future, what is truth, and what does it mean to be an American are some of the questions raised in modernist literature. Modernism explicitly rejected realism's ideology and made use of past works through the use of reprise, incorporation, rewriting, recapitulation, revision, and parody. Modernism also rejected Enlightenment certainty, and many modernists also rejected religious belief.

Learn more about modernism https://brainly.com/question/5188165


What are the 7 stages of cleaning?


The seven stages of cleaning are scraping, rinsing, applying detergent, sanitizing, rinsing and drying.

First and foremost, the place or object should be scrapped of dirt and waste. After removing the waste, the place or surface should be rinsed thoroughly to get rid of the leftover dirt.

Then a suitable detergent should be applied to remove the leftover dirt, it can also help in getting rid of smell. Then the place should be rinsed again to remove the dirt and waste.

Now, the place should be sanitized to kill the germs and microorganisms and stop their growth. Then again the place should be rinsed in order to get rid of excessive residue. Lastly, let it air dry.

To know more about microorganisms here:



How is a simple sentence used as a satire?


The way in which a simple sentence can be used as a satire can be:

He made a satire about how corrupt the government wasThe play was filled with satire as the playwright wrote about the issues of unrealistic societal expectations., etc

What is a Satire?

This refers to the term that is used to describe and define the figurative expression or literary expression that makes use of sarcasm, hyperbole, irony and many others to mock, ridicule or make fun of a political or societal issue to show how ridiculous it is.

Hence, it can be seen that a simple sentence can be used to talk about satire as some examples are given above, and also, a satire can be used to tackle any issue that relates to people or governance, such as: "Perhaps, we should start eating our babies since the government has raised unemployment levels"

Read more about satire here:



What are the 12 perils?


The 11 "perils" or potential sources of damage covered by the basic form are: fire or lightning, smoke, windstorm or hail, explosion, riot or civil unrest, aircraft or vehicles impacting the property, glass breakage, vandalism and malicious mischief, theft, and volcanic eruption.

After conducting an investigation, the surveyor concluded that one of the 12 basic hazards listed in the policy was the reason for the fire. The insurer paid for all damages incurred by the textile manufacturing firm because the fire was caused by an insured danger.

A "peril" is an occurrence or scenario in the insurance industry that causes property harm. There is a list of covered risks in your homeowners, condo, or renters insurance, including vandalism, lightning, and fire.

Learn more about to peril visit here;



What is Yorick purpose?


He is the last survivor of a long forgotten religious order, he is both blessed and cursed with power over the dead.

Being able to control the dead comes with both blessings and curses for them , the lone surviving member of a long-forgotten religious institution. His sole company while stranded on the Shadow Isles Crest icon are the howling spirits and decaying corpses that he attracts to him. His horrific deeds belie his admirable goal, which is to release his home from the  curse. It was raised in a small fishing community near the Blessed . His inability to fit in with his  led him to discover that he could see the spirits of the dead. Although he was initially terrified of these ghosts, he later understood that they were just lost and did not intend to harm him.

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What dramatic purpose is served by the arrival of Fortinbras as the play ends?


His arrival at the drama's climactic conclusion demonstrates his objectivity and states man like demeanor. He gives orders and conducts himself with respect.

Hamlet is to receive military honors, "with music and rite of battle," according to Fortinbras. The drama comes to an end when he commands his soldiers to remove the bodies. Fortinbras is the ideal Hamlet counterpart since they both lost their dads and vowed to exact revenge on those who killed them. He was also essential for the play's resolution and for finding a solution to Denmark's corruption.

Fortinbras also acts as Hamlet's equal, with his behavior being compared to that of Hamlet as an example of how Hamlet ought to act. The youthful Prince of Norway is renowned for both his territorial conquests and his long-term goals. He wants to exact revenge on his father, Old Fortinbras, who lost some Norwegian territory to Denmark after he was murdered in a duel with Old Hamlet. His uncle, the king of Norway, forbids him from doing so, so he invades Poland instead to seize a pointless little piece of land.

To learn more about Fortinbras Visit : brainly.com/question/29790810


Which of the following best conveys Altaf's emotional relationship to his home village?
A. "But Altaf could expect the children to hear his call" (paragraph 1)
B. "They think you are an Englishman" (paragraph 5)
C. "He would have been more comfortable travelling in a lungi" (paragraph 5)
D. "This is Modhupur village, isn't it?" (paragraph 7)
E. "I belong to that house over there" (paragraph 11)


The context clues that best conveys Altaf's emotional relationship to his home village is C. "He would have been more comfortable travelling in a lungi" (paragraph 5).

What are context clues?

It should be noted that context clues help to find the meaning of a word taking into account the words that surround the unknown word that make us infer the meaning.

This means that they help to infer the meaning of unknown words with the help of nearby words, this in order to increase vocabulary and help interpret and understand a message or concept.

Here, the fact that he would have been more comfortable travelling in a lungi is the correct option.

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There would be no familiar faces to greet him when he arrived. But Altaf could expect the children to hear his call. The dubdub rhythms of the engine spread out and beckoned every boy and girl within earshot. Their short brown legs kicking up a cloud of dust, they flocked to the riverbank. Theyjumped up and down, their shrill voices piercing the air. Altaf had encountered this scene a hundred times as he made his way east from Calcutta through the tangled waterways of the delta. This time his motorboat did not rush past the children. It slowed down and headed right towards them. Theirjumps turned into stomps and their shouts became screams of delight. When he cut the engine, Altaf heard what they were saying. Ingreji—shaheb! Ingre/ishaheb! From the back of the boat, Shiraj chuckled, They think you are an Englishman.' Altaf smiled. Why not? These children might never have seen the English but havingjust crowned George the Sixth as Emperor of Indiamthey were still the masters of this land. Altaf doubted that any other motorboat had ever come into this village. No one would expect a Bengali man to bring one here.

Which of the following best conveys Altaf's emotional relationship to his home village?

What blessing did God give Moses?


The blessing did God give Moses Jacob will be successful and Israel will live in safety in a land of grain and fresh wine as the heavens pour down dew. Israel, you are so blessed.

What is a blessing?

Being blessed refers to receiving God's favor, who is the source of all good things. Therefore, blessings are closely related to and thought to originate from God  Therefore, to give someone a blessing is to wish them to experience God's favor and to recognize God as the source of all blessings.

If Moses' remarks had been poisonous and caustic in his closing days, modern readers wouldn't hold it against him. He had sacrificed all for this country, but he would not survive to see its brighter days. But rather than curse Israel, Moses made blessings for them. He tells them that the Lord has saved them and that their future is bright because of him

Therefore, God blessed Moses, according to him. Israel will live in safety in a land of grain, and Jacob will be prosperous.

Learn more about blessing here:



Which theme does this passage support on seeing the Elgin Marbles?


While "Ode on a Grecian Urn" conveys the idea that art is a timeless reality, "On Seeing the Elgin Marbles" conveys the idea that art evolves with time.

The ravages of time influence even the arts. The author of the chapter discusses how artists' minds can create such beautiful works that elicit strong feelings from the heart. But regardless of how impressive the art is, time will still harm the works. The author continues by demonstrating how everything is impacted by time, including our sun, which won't always shine in the sky with such majesty.

To know more about Elgin Marbles: brainly.com/question/15051385


What are the 4 main parts of an argumentative essay?


The 4 main parts of an argumentative essay - Thesis statement, body paragraphs, and conclusion follow the introductory paragraph.

What comprise an argumentative essay's four main sections?

Argumentative writing's goal is to persuade the audience that a particular point of view is legitimate or to encourage them to act in a particular way. Information is employed, but it is structured according to the five main parts of an argument: the claim, the reason behind it, the supporting evidence, the counterclaim, and the rebuttal.

Since my Keys to Argument Writing professional development module and the related training book Keys to Content Writing were released by Keys to Literacy two years ago, I frequently get requests from teachers for ideas on how to teach argument writing (and opinion for elementary grades). Educating pupils about the format of argument/opinion writing should be the first step.

To know more about argumentative essay visit:



What does Swift offer as a serious solution to Ireland's problems?


It says that the most apparent way to solve Ireland's economic crisis is for the Irish to sell their children as food; disturbingly, it also offers a number of preparation and serving options.

What was Swift's parodic response to Ireland's issue?

Swift recommends that these impoverished Irish families should gorge their kids on food and then sell them to the wealthy English landowners as a way out of the poverty in which they are compelled to live due to the large number of mouths they must feed.

Jonathan Swift laments the unfortunate plight of the Irish who are forced to spend all of their time attempting to feed their huge families in the opening of his 1729 poem, "A Modest Proposal." Swift recommends that these impoverished Irish families should gorge their kids on food and then sell them to the wealthy English landowners as a way out of the poverty in which they are compelled to live due to the large number of mouths they must feed.

To know more about "A Modest Proposal." visit:



What is Japanese poetry style called?


The term "waka" refers to traditional Japanese poetry. Poetry has frequently been compiled into anthologies in Japan, and the earliest book that has been discovered is a 20-volume collection of waka known as Man'ysh (or Manyoshu), which was published in the seventh century.

There are 4,207 short poems (tanka) and 265 chka (large poems) in the collection. Types of Japanese poetry. Tanka (the current term for waka), haiku, and shi, or western-style poetry, have been the three main genres of Japanese poetry since the middle of the 19th century. Nowadays, experimental poetry and poetry that aims to rehabilitate old forms are among the most popular types of Japanese poetry.

The number of syllables and length of the poem are what distinguish a haiku from a tanka. A haiku is composed of three lines with a total of 17 syllables (5,7,5). While tankas contain five lines and a total of 31 syllables. These a bit lengthier poems adhere to this trend (5,7,5,7,7). The Japanese alphabet is actually a combination of three different writing systems. The names of these three alphabets are hiragana, katakana, and kanji.

To learn more about Japanese Poetry Visit : brainly.com/question/16623903




It is to be noted that the best explanation for the logical fallacy in this excerpt is that Donnelly is using general statements about surveillance that cannot be verified or supported by facts. (Option A)

What is a logical fallacy?

A logical fallacy is an error in reasoning that occurs when someone makes a faulty argument or reaches a conclusion that is not supported by the evidence.

There are many different types of logical fallacies, but they all involve using faulty logic or incorrect assumptions to support an argument.

Some common examples of logical fallacies include making an argument based on emotions rather than facts, using faulty or incomplete evidence to support a conclusion, and assuming that because something has happened in the past, it will always happen in the future.

It is important to be aware of logical fallacies because they can lead to incorrect conclusions and make it difficult to understand and evaluate arguments.

Learn more about logical Fallacies:

What's an example of a mental distraction?







It is true that the author of the above passage was bitterly opposed to slavery. The response she was hoping that her readers will have with regard to Mr. Shelby's logic is; "They would find Mr. Shelby's decision cruel in spite of the reason he gives for the decision" (Option C).

What is the central idea of the above text?

The central idea of the above text is one that speaks to the cruelty of slavery.

The primary concept is the main idea or message that the author is attempting to communicate. The primary concept expresses the essential point of a piece in one broad statement. Identifying the key idea will assist you in comprehending and analyzing what you are reading.

It gives the reader a framework for comprehending and remembering the text's key themes. Learning to recognize the key concept can assist readers in remembering what they read and improving their comprehension.

Learn more about slavery:

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