What is an example of dependent?


Answer 1
child, spouse, parent, or certain other relative to whom one contributes all or a major amount of necessary financial support: She listed two dependents on her income-tax form.

Related Questions

Under common law, if an injury occurred because of the negligence of another employee, the employer would escape liability because of the ______ defense.


According to common law, even if an employer negligently permits a dangerous condition to persist, if the employee is aware of the hazards, he will not be entitled to compensation because of the employer's assumption of the risk defence.

Only if the plaintiff was aware of the possibility of experiencing the same kind of harm they did can the defendant use the assumption of risk argument. One knowingly accepted the risk and related peril by partaking in the action.

The legal principle known as "assumption of risk" prevents a person from suing for damages if they mistakenly expose themselves to a known threat.

Pressure, cover/support, balance, delay, and compactness are the five defensive principles that are covered in this series.

To learn more on law, tap here:



Marks: 1

Interest received on a refund from an amended return is:

Choose one answer.

a. Tax-exempt interest reported on Form 1040, line 8b.b. Never paid by the IRS.c. Taxable interest that must be claimed on the Form 1040-X.d. Taxable interest that must be claimed in the year it is received.


Tax-exempt interest must be reported on Form 1040, line 8b. If not reported, the interest will be taxed.

This interest will be taxed because it is of help to the person receiving the amount. To avoid this, you should report  the interest on form 1040-X. This will be corrected by taxing it ordinary income without the additional interest. This should be done promptly because the interest rates will change every 4 months which means you will suffer great losses or even risk having problems with the IRS. The interest rates may fall but they mostly climb. Keep checking the website to keep tabs on your current tax situation.

To know more about interest received on a refund go to:



What are the importance of the 3 rhetorical appeals?


You use facts, research, statistics, credible sources, and even inherent logic to appeal to students' sense of reason.

What is rhetorical appeals?Appealing rhetorically. The characteristics of an argument that make it truly persuasive are rhetorical appeals. A writer must appeal to the reader in a number of ways in order to make a compelling argument. Logos, ethos, pathos, and kairos are the four distinct categories of persuasion. The formal term for how you use various techniques to persuade someone is a rhetorical appeal. Consider yourself to be ten years old and requesting a new video game for your birthday. Your dad, your mother, and your grandmother are the three people you approach. The Greek philosopher Aristotle identified ethos, logos, and pathos as the three main types of rhetorical appeals.

To  learn more about persuasion refer to:



How are these excerpts similar both insist that drastic action requires a statement of?


Both insist that drastic action requires a statement of rationale.

How are these excerpts similar?

State demands from both. Read the Declaration of Independence passage in its entirety. All men are created equal and are granted certain unalienable rights by their Creator, among those are Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness. We hold these truths to be self-evident.

What are the Declaration of Independence's and feelings' similarities?

Both "The Declaration of Independence" and the Declaration of Sentiments Urging Equal Rights for Women begin with the phrase "When, in the course of human events, it becomes necessary" (Stanton and Jefferson) and then provide a list of complaints after a few paragraphs.

To know more about Declaration of Independence, visit:



How can we improve gender equality in the workplace?


Pay equal, treat each others the same, and have them do the same thing.

What's the difference between House of Representative and Senate?


Each U.S. the House of Representatives member represents a Congressional District, or area of their state, with an average population of 700,000. Senators, however, speak on behalf of the entire state.

Why are 435 districts in the Congress?

Congress twice established the size of the Senate at 435 voting members because the House sought a manageable number of members. On August 8, 1911, the first law for this purpose was passed. By virtue of a law passed by President William H. Taft, the number of House members rose from 391 to 433.

Which congressional district has the most members?

Area with the largest district: Similar to 2000, Alaska as a whole. The second district in New Mexico has the largest area that is not a full state. Nevada ranked second in 2000. lowest district in terms of area:

To know more about Congressional District, visit:



What is the role of state and local government in education?


Regulation, operation, management of special services, and leadership of the state program are the four main responsibilities of any state department of education.

What responsibilities do local and state governments have when it comes to education?

Despite the fact that the federal and state governments can provide some advise and funding for schools, each school district is controlled and funded by the community in collaboration with the state government for that district. Typically, school districts with higher socioeconomic status give their institutions more resources.

State governments are responsible for setting secondary school graduation standards. State governments establish the curriculum requirements, but they don't take into account how vital math, science, language arts, and social studies are. Many jurisdictions use assessments and tests to track students' academic progress.

Learn more about state and local government: https://brainly.com/question/11904191


What are the impact of sanction?


Since sanctions have a negative impact on a nation's economy and may damage the general populace, they have garnered condemnation on human rights grounds. According to Peksen, sanctions could result in a decline in the target country's human rights.

What happens if you are subject to sanctions?

If you don't follow all of the rules at work, there will be repercussions. The cessation of your benefits is a penalty. Additionally, penalties that have nothing to do with your employment may be applied. The HRA commonly uses the terms "failure to report" (FTR) or "failure to comply" to describe sanctions (FTC).

What benefits do sanctions offer?

When applying for benefits, you must follow a series of rules in order to keep them or keep them from being lowered. This is known as a sanction. Find out what sanctions you face if you get Employment and Support Allowance, Income Support, Universal Credit, or Jobseeker's Allowance.

Which negative consequences do punishments have?

According to studies, sanctions have a negative impact on the availability of food and clean water, the capacity to access healthcare and medicine, life expectancy and infant mortality, human dignity, political stability, and democracy.

Learn more about sanctions: https://brainly.com/question/16775061


What was the purpose of the US tariffs?


The purpose of U.S. tariffs is generally to protect domestic manufacturing and jobs, but economists say other domestic sectors and customers will ultimately pay the tariffs.

What do you mean by tariffs?

A tariff is an import tax and is often called a tariff or trade barrier. Tariffs are a means by which governments not only generate revenue, but also protect domestic businesses. Tariffs increase the price of imported goods and make domestic goods relatively cheap.

There are the four reasons for tariffs: To protect domestic producers. To protect domestic consumers. To protect national security. To protect emerging industries.

Why did the US want higher tariffs?

High tariffs were not only a means of protecting the fledgling industry, but also a means of generating revenue for the federal government. They were also a mainstay of the Republican Party that dominated Washington's political scene after the Civil War.

To learn more about tariffs visit:



How are the US Courts of Appeals different from the district courts?


The appellate courts don't hold new trials or consider fresh evidence. They are not exposed to witness testimony.

Explain about the US Courts of Appeals?

Each of the 12 regional circuits, which make up the 94 federal judicial districts, includes an appeals court. It is the responsibility of the appeal court to decide whether the trial court appropriately applied the law. There is no jury in appeals courts, which have three judges.

After a trial in a U.S. District Court, if the losing party disagrees with the way the trial court handled the case, the law that was used, or how it was used, they may file an appeal. In general, plaintiffs have the right to request that the trial court's decisions be reviewed by an appeal court on these grounds.

To learn more about US Courts of Appeals refer to:



What does the Constitution say about lifetime appointments?


According to Article III of the constitution, the judges should "keep their good behavior throughout the tenure," which means they are appointed for life, save in extremely specific situations. Any misconduct of the behavior can lead to termination.

The protection of the officeholder from outside forces is the main objective of life tenure. A few leaders of state have lifetime tenure, including kings and presidents. Federal judges in the United States enjoy lifetime appointments after being approved by the Senate and the president. The Supreme Court judges were appointed to life terms in accordance with the framers' theory that this would allow them to serve without interference from voters or office holders and prevent them from seeking their approval. One of the most significant decisions a president of the United States can make is to appoint someone to the Supreme Court. This is so because Supreme Court judges are appointed for life and may not quit, retire, or be removed from office in accordance with the Constitution. This is different from the majority of other democracies, whose high court justices are subject to stringent term limits or mandated retirement ages.

We can learn more about supreme court here:



What's the best color to wear to court?


Navy blue and dark gray are usually the nicest colors to wear to court. These hues communicate severity.

Which hues help you appear blameless in court?

Bright colors must be avoided in favor of darker, more somber hues. The finest hues to wear in court are "conservative" hues (such as white, blue, blue, gray, and similar colors), and you should avoid outrageous patterns and startling fashion statements.

Which shade should a woman choose for court?

Wearing dark, harsh, or vibrant colors is not advised. Also to be avoided are prints, patterns, and anything too "startling." In family court, traditional hues like blue are the ideal to wear.

To know more about court visit :



What is the purpose of Barack Obama's Yes We Can speech?


This sentence demonstrates his political strength and authority in addressing the US's period of decline in order to encourage and motivate its people to advance and develop.

What has Barack Obama done for the country?

The Affordable Care Act, also known as "Obamacare," the Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act, and the Don't Ask, Don't Tell Repeal Act of 2010 are the primary reforms.

What president has two Grammys?

Barack Obama

Barack Obama is a two-time Grammy winner. Two Grammy Awards have already been won by US President Barack Obama in the category of "Best Spoken Word Album." He was born on August 4, 1961, and in 2006 and 2008, respectively, his autobiographies Dreams from My Father and "The Audacity of Hope," earned accolades.

To know more about the Grammys visit:



What is the maximum number of Judges?


The Supreme Court of India can consist of at most one Chief Justice and up to 30 other judges appointed by the President of India.

Who Decides number of Supreme Court Judges?

The Constitution does not stipulate Supreme Court judge's number. That number is instead set by Congress. There were only six judges, but since 1869, nine judges are there, including the Chief Justice.

Who is the head of all judges?

Chief Justice of India is the chief judge of Supreme Court of India and a senior judicial officer of India.

When are there 9 judges?

By the start of the Civil War, the number of Supreme Court justices had grown to nine to cover additional district courts in the expanding American West.

To learn more about Judges visit:



What is a relationship attribute?


A relationship attribute is an attribute that describes the characteristics of a relationship between two entities in a database.

Give three examples of relationship attribute?

Examples of relationship attributes include cardinality (one-to-one, one-to-many, many-to-many), type (strong or weak), and direction (forward or reverse).

1. Communication: This is the ability to effectively communicate with each other. This includes talking openly and honestly, listening to each other, understanding each other's feelings, and expressing needs and wants. Good communication is essential for a healthy relationship as it helps to build trust, foster understanding, and resolve conflicts.

2. Respect: Respect is an important attribute for a successful relationship. Respect involves treating the other person with dignity, recognizing their autonomy and individuality, and listening to their opinions and opinions. Respectful relationships allow both partners to feel valued and appreciated.

3. Compromise: Compromise is an essential part of any relationship. It involves both partners being willing to adjust or give up certain things in order to meet each other's needs and come to an agreement. Compromising can help to build understanding and trust between the two partners and can help to resolve conflicts.

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What is a relationship and attribute inheritance?


The ability for subtype entities to inherit the values of all attributes and instances of all relationships from the supertype is known as attribute inheritance.

What is  Attribute inheritance?If the value of an attribute at its parent, siblings, or other nodes determines the value of that attribute at that node's parse tree node, that attribute is said to be inherited. 2. The production's non-terminal head is a must. Non-terminal must be a symbol in the production's body. Classes define objects, and they are able to inherit characteristics from other classes. Subclasses or derived classes are the names given to the next classes. All of the parent class's attributes (methods, etc.) are "inherited" by a subclass. There are two circumstances that suggest a designer ought to think about employing supertype/subtype relationships: There are some attributes that are applicable to some instances of an entity type (but not all). A subtype's instances take part in the relationship specific to that subtype.

To learn more about Attribute inheritance refer to:



What are the stages of public policy?


When broken down, the four stages of the public policy process are agenda setting, formulation, implementation, and evaluation.

What exactly does public policy entail?

Public policy is a set of guidelines, directives, plans of action, and budgetary priorities affecting a certain topic that have been developed by a governmental entity or its representatives.

What four categories of public policy exist?

The four distinct types of policies are public policy, organizational policy, functional policy, and particular policy. A path of action advocated by a group or individual is referred to as a policy.

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What is the soft power feature?


Instead of using force and manipulation, soft power relies on empowerment and kindness. Empathy, compassion, and respect are necessary. Respect is a two-way street; in order to gain the respect of others, you must honor their values and wishes.

How does soft power management work?

Soft power is a strategy for influencing others through attractiveness or persuasion. In order to persuade individuals to want the same things as you do, you co-opt them rather than force them. More than 30 years ago, Joseph Nye, a former dean of Harvard's Kennedy School of Government, invented the phrase to use in foreign policy.

To know more about  soft power management visit : https://brainly.com/question/20437063


What is one difference between open and closed primary election?


An open primary allows any voter to participate, while a closed primary is only open to party members. This is the main distinction between the two.

What distinguishes an open primary from a closed one?

Voters may choose one party's ballot and cast their votes for that party's nomination in a typical open primary. The most popular candidate in each party advances to the general election, much like in a closed primary (in which only members of a political party may vote).

What does a primary election being closed mean?

Federal and state primaries are "CLOSED" in Nevada. Therefore, if you selected the Democratic or Republican party on your voter registration application, you may only cast your votes for candidates from those parties.

To know more about primary election visit:-



What role does the media play in the election process ?


The media reports on and offers comments on the activities of the Government, the opinions and alternative policies of the Opposition, and the proceedings in the Parliament. This information is made available to the public.

What is media reports?Due to their placement in a gallery that overlooks the Legislative Assembly Chamber and is to the right of the Speaker's Chair, the journalists that cover the Queensland Parliament are collectively known as the Parliamentary Press Gallery. Since they can see and hear all that happens during a parliamentary debate thanks to this technology.The media frequently attends a session of the House, and Question Time in the Parliamentary Press Gallery is frequently crowded. A parliamentary journalist's principal responsibility is to choose information about parliamentary proceedings that will be interesting to their audience.In order for Queenslanders to be aware of the decisions being made in parliament, they display this information in a certain way.

To Learn more About media reports refer to:



What does it mean to reverse the lower court?


To reverse the lower court means that the appellate court decides that the decision of the lower court was wrong.

what is meant by reversal?When a high court rules that a lower court's judgment should be reversed because it was made in error, this is known as a reversal.The prisoner was released after the Supreme Court reversed the lower court's guilty finding. A reversal can also be a setback or a worsening of circumstances.A court of appeals judgement declaring that the lower court's decision should be overturned because it was rendered in error.As a result, the lower court that heard the case is given instructions to dismiss the initial lawsuit, retry the case, or modify its decision.

Examples include: ordering a court to issue a writ of mandate after it dismissed a petition for one. The lower court's ruling must be thrown out since there was no proof of damages.

Hence, To reverse the lower court means that the appellate court decides that the decision of the lower court was wrong.

To learn more about reversal to lower court refer to:



What are the rights of the accused under RA 7438?


Republic Act 7438 specifies the rights of a person who is taken into custody, arrested, or the focus of a custodial investigation. It offers individuals who are being held extra protection.


(1) The right to legal representation at all times from a chosen lawyer who is qualified, impartial, and eager to defend the person infront of Judiciary and who has been detained, arrested, and the focus of an investigation.

(2) The right to information in a language he can understand, in the event that he cannot understand English (English is not known to him). Consequently, any information about the cause of his detention and arrest. Additionally, he can be told that he is the focus of a custodial investigation or invitation in Cebuano.

(3) The capacity for silence.

(4) Read the findings of the inquiry and provide it a detailed justification.

To know more about Judiciary, visit:



What are examples of pathos?


It was a masterful combination of sadness and fun. His writing combines melancholy and humor.

Ethos, logos, and pathos: what are they?

The logical side of a listener is reached by Logos' logical arguments. Ethos enhances the likelihood that audience will trust the author by making an appeal to their status or authority. Pathos employs emotional appeals to arouse specific emotions among the audience, including such rage or sympathy.

How is pathos differentiated?

the practice of persuasion by emotion and effect. Pathos appeals to the heart and emotions. The goal of pathos is to emotionally sway the reader. developing a speaker's or writer's credibility, credibility, and plausibility through time.

To know more about pathos visit:


How does the judicial branch interpret the Constitution?


The function of the judicial department is to investigate and assess rules, interpret the constitution, and study the legislative, government, and administrative sports of the authorities to look if they're constitutionally compliant.

The judiciary is the 0.33 arm of presidency. The excellent, Circuit, magistrate (nearby), and Municipal (town) courts make up the Judiciary. The criminal gadget gives regulation its interpretation. In preference to being appointed, country judges are selected by means of the people.

Whilst deciphering the law, the judicial department uses the charter as a manual. Judicial review is the technique by way of which a regulation's constitutionality is determined. The judiciary employs this process to behave as a take a look at and stability on the legislative and govt branches. even though it is an implicit electricity, judicial overview isn't always a electricity explicitly granted to the courts.

Therefore, it's miles the duty of the judicial department is to analyze and investigate legislation in addition to study the activities of the authorities.

To Know more about the judicial branch click here:



Which of the following statements best describes the representation of women and minorities in the U.S. Congress?
Since the mid-1990s, the number of women and minorities in Congress roughly reflects their proportions in the general population.
Representation of women and minorities has increased over the past two decades but is not comparable to their proportions in the general population.
Women are underrepresented in Congress, but there is a disproportionate representation of minorities in Congress.
Representation of women and minorities has decreased by one-third since the 1970s.


The participation of women and minorities in the United States (U.S.) Congress has improved over the last two decades, although it is still not similar to their numbers in the general population. Thus, option B is correct.

What is the importance of  U.S. Congress?

The participation of women and minorities in the U.S. Congress has improved over the last two decades, although it is still not similar to their numbers in the general population.

Women's and minorities' representation has improved over the last two decades, although it is still not equivalent to their numbers in the general population.

Therefore, option B is correct.

Learn more about the U.S. Congress, refer to:



in common law jurisdictions, which of the following parties typically serves as the fact finder in criminal trials?


The need that courts adhere to judgements made on facts involving parties with a genuine interest in the conflict is the common law's fundamental premise.

Which of the following statements most accurately sums up the burden of proof for civil cases under civil law jurisdictions?

The plaintiff in a civil action must persuade the jury by a "preponderance of the evidence" (i.e., that it is more likely than not) that the defendant is accountable for the harm the plaintiff has endured.

What factor has had the biggest impact on American law?

The English legal system has had the biggest impact on American law. Rather than a set of laws, the English common law system is based on court judgements.

To know more about judgements visit:



What are electrical hazards?


Electric shock and burns through exposure to live parts are the two main electric hazards of working with electricity. harm due to exposure to arcing, fire from defective electrical installations, etc.

An electrical hazard is anything that could cause harm or perhaps death if it came into direct or indirect contact with an electrical conductor. When unguarded, energised electrical conductors are present, the arborist's or worker's level of training-based minimum approach distances as specified in this regulation must be respected. A potential electrical threat might be found by inspecting tools and equipment before usage. Regular inspections should be performed on all tools to look for cracks, frayed cord lines, damaged insulation, broken ground pins, and loose parts.

Learn more about electrical hazards here:



Who is responsible for national security?


The executive body in charge of advising the Pm Minister's Office on matters pertaining to national security of strategic importance in India is referred to as the National United Nations (NSC).

What occurs during security?

An eleven-year-old girl who is pursued by a gang for taking part as a trial witness is shielded by a security guard. In need of work and down on his luck, an ex-special operations soldier (Antonio Banderas) accepts a position as a security officer at a dilapidated mall in a sketchy part of town.

What are the four security layers?

Design, control, sensing, and identification are the four fundamental tiers of security. There are various security choices that can be used for all of these stages. Any construction that has a physical security design is considered to

To know more about security visit:


What is the meaning of mutual aid?


Mutual aid refers to the voluntary exchange of resources for well being

Mutual aid is the unrestricted exchange of commodities that benefits all parties involved. It is founded on the idea that instead of relying on top-down or market-based solutions, people and communities may work together to meet their needs and increase their well-being. This assistance can take many different forms, such as sharing resources or skills, offering one another support and assistance, or working together on initiatives or projects.

It can be explicitly organised through networks of friends and neighbors or more formally through cooperatives or community organisations. Initiatives to promote financial togetherness, for instance, so that donors might reach out to others who are in need of assistance. Grocery stores, restaurants, or private donors provide donations for programs that provide food to people who are in need, at risk, or are unwell.

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Who has the power to settle disputes between states?


The Supreme Court is given original jurisdiction in particular situations, however, such as when there is a disagreement between two or more U.S. states, and this power cannot be revoked by Congress.

What is court?

A court is any person or institution with the jurisdiction to arbitrate legal disputes between parties and administer justice in civil, criminal, and administrative affairs in conformity with the rule of law. A court, often known as a court of law, is a person or group of people with the legal jurisdiction to hear and settle disputes in civil, criminal, ecclesiastical, or military issues.

The number of Supreme Court Justices is not predetermined by the Constitution; rather, it is determined by Congress. However, since 1869, there have been nine Justices, including one Chief Justice, down from as few as six. All justices hold their positions for life after being nominated by the president and confirmed by the Senate.

Therefore, However, the Supreme Court is granted original jurisdiction in specific circumstances.

Learn more about the court here:



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The statement of cash flows classifies all cash inflows and outflows into one of three categories: Operating activities, Investing activities, Financing activities. In addition, certain transactions that do not involve cash are reported in the statement as noncash investing and financing activities. a. Operating activities b. Investing activities c. Financing activities d. Noncash investing and financing activities Required: For each of the following transactions, select the appropriate classification category Purchase of equipment for cash Payment of employee salaries. Collection of cash from customers. Cash proceeds from a note payable. Purchase of common stock of another corporation for cash Issuance of common stock for cash. Sale of equipment for cash Payment of interest on note payable Issuance of bonds payable in exchange for land and building. Payment of cash dividends to shareholders Payment of principal on note payable 3 5 6 7 10 11 Listed below are several terms and phrases associated with income statement presentation and the statement of cash flows. Pair each item from List A (by letter) with the item from List B that is most appropriately associated with it. List A List B 1. Intraperiod tax allocation An other comprehensive income item. a 2. Comprehensive income Unrealized holding gain on investments c. Reports the cash effects of each operating activity directly on the statement. 4. Operating income 5. A discontinued operation Starts with net income and works backwards to convert to cash b. 3 Correction of a material error of a prior period Related to the external financing of the company d. e 6 Earnings per share 7. Prior period adjustment Associates tax with income statement item g. Total nonowner change in equity. 8 Financing activities 9 Operating activites (SCF) Related to the transactions entering into the determination of net income Related to the acquisition and disposition of long-term assets h 10. Investing activities 11. Direct method iRequired disclosure for publicly traded corporation k A component of an entity Directly related to principal revenue-generating activities. 12 Indirect method A 12-N net forceacts on a 4-kg jug of water. What is theresulting acceleration of the jug? Show yourcalculations. Solve this system of equations by graphing. First graph the equations, and then type the solution. Which of the following is most likely to be true of persuasion in the post-trust era? A. In the post-trust era, persuasion is rarely employed as a means to make others understand your views B. In the post-trust era, the importance of credibility during a persuasive communication has diminished significantly C. In the post-trust era, persuasion involves threatening others to comply with your ideas. D. In the post-trust era, persuasion is becoming increasingly difficult E in the post trustera, persuading your audience successfully requires less time due to the use of social media. Is the process of studying large amounts of data? If sodium (na) has 4 neutrons, 3 protons, and 2 electrons, which would be the correct ion symbol? responses. What did the Supreme Court case Baker v Carr rule? What does IT mean to integrate with another company? Calculate the standard deviation of the following set of numbers. Use the formula for the standard deviation (s) shown, where x represents the values, n is the number of values, and is the summation symbol, which indicates that you should add the values. S = mon-1) (* {x? - (Ex)}) values: X = 13,X2 = 16, x3 = 10 Do not round your answers. Step 1. Calculate the square of each data value. Step 2. Determine n times the sum of squares of the three values. 1 Step 3. Calculate the sum of the three values. Step 4. Calculate the square of the sum of the three values. x2 = Step 3. Calculate the sum of the three values. x= Step 4. Calculate the square of the sum of the three values. Step 5. Calculate the variance. (n-1) ( - (Ex)")= Step 6. Calculate the standard deviation. 1 nin 1) (Ex2 - (2 x)") =