What is a " primordial substance" and how does that term relate to Empedocles ?


Answer 1
wtv that person answered first fs

Related Questions

Why does Napoleon blame this animal for destroying the windmill?


Napoleon uses Snowball's blame for the windmill's damage, which was clearly caused by the severe storm that occurred, to incite the animals' animosity for one another, which he then uses to motivate them to toil harder and grow more devoted to him.

Why was the windmill in Animal Farm destroyed? Napoleon uses Snowball's blame for the windmill's damage, which was clearly caused by the severe storm that occurred, to incite the animals' animosity for one another, which he then uses to motivate them to toil harder and grow more devoted to him.Still, it had been determined to construct the walls three feet thick this time rather than eighteen inches as before, which required gathering much more stone.The animals concur, and Napoleon attributes Snowball's sabotage of the windmill's construction rather than its poor design as the cause of its collapse.Napoleon recognizes a chance to further undermine Snowball, but chooses to blame himself rather than the storm for the damage.He informs the creatures that Snowball destroyed their windmill in an effort to thwart their plans to establish a self-sufficient farm.

To learn more about Napoleon blame refer



What happens in chapter 3 of Huckleberry Finn?


The pragmatic Huck attempts to comprehend religion once more in Chapter 3. The literal Huck thinks he can acquire fishing gear when Miss Watson assures him he can get everything he desires via prayer.

In Chapter 3, what does Huck pray for?

He bemoans not receiving the fishhooks he had prayed for. Huck is instructed by the Widow to pray for spiritual abilities, but he can not perceive their benefit. He begins to feel that prayer is pointless.

What does Chapter 3 teach you about Huck's Pap?

Pap is a violent alcoholic. People believed that he had drowned since a body that looked like his had been pulled from the river, and men, according to Huck, float on their faces.

To know more about Huck visit :-



What is meaning of Mending Wall?


The Mending Wall is a poem written by Robert Frost in 1914. It is a lyrical poem that explores the idea of boundaries, both physical and metaphorical. The poem tells the story of two neighboring farmers who come together each spring to repair the wall between their properties. The poem is written in a dialogue form, with each farmer taking turns in reciting a line of the poem.

The meaning of Mending Wall is complicated, as it can be interpreted in many different ways. On a surface level, the poem appears to be about the practicalities of maintaining a physical boundary between two properties. However, the poem can also be seen as a metaphor for the idea of boundaries between people. Frost uses the wall as a symbol for the invisible barriers that exist between us, barriers that are often difficult to repair or even to understand.

At its core, the poem can be seen as a meditation on the importance of understanding our differences and working together to bridge them. Frost suggests that although boundaries between us can be difficult to mend, it is worth the effort to do so. As he puts it: “Something there is that doesn't love a wall/That wants it down.” In other words, Frost is suggesting that with enough effort.

Learn more about Robert Frost at :https://brainly.com/question/29784365


What 3 themes are seen throughout Beowulf?


The three themes  seen throughout Beowulf are:

“Good vs Evil” “Revenge” and “Personal honor and reputation”.

The idea of identity, whose two main components are ancestry and personal repute, is unquestionably crucial to Beowulf because it is essentially a record of brave acts. The first few chapters introduce the reader to a universe where every male character is addressed as the son of his father. Characters in the poem find it difficult to discuss their identities or simply to introduce themselves without mentioning their ancestry. The poem's emphasis on kinship ties explains why this interest with family history is so significant. Characters strive to uphold the same ideals as heroic forefathers because they are proud of their heroic ancestors. While the paganic warrior culture of Beowulf doesn't appear to have a concept of the afterlife, it views renown as a way to ensure that a person's memory would go on after death, which is a natural concern in a world where death seems to be lurking around every corner.

To learn more about Beowulf please click on the given link: https://brainly.com/question/24734700


What i Winterbourne’ tragic flaw?
a. He fall in love with women before getting to know them. B. He i depreed and world-weary. C. He put too much faith in rumor and goip. D. He i not warm and outgoing like Daiy


The correct option is C ; He put too much faith in rumor and gossip . As he drives Daisy to her appointment with Giovanelli, Winterbourne announces, "that I plan to remain with you" (James 39), emphasizing that he would accompany her whether she likes it or not.

Winterbourne is a guy who is so focused in narrating what is going on around him that he seldom thinks about himself. He reminds me a lot of Nick Carraway from The Great Gatsby, who states from the beginning of the novel that he despises judgments but then blatantly contradicts himself throughout the narrative.

Learn more about to  Winterbourne visit here;



What does the metaphor in this text suggest?

When Philip lost his job, he was devastated. The only light in the sea of darkness was the prospect of pursuing a new career.


The thing that his metaphor in this text suggest is that  There was a benefit to Philip's job loss

What is a metaphor and example?

A metaphor is a figure of speech that, for the sake of rhetorical effect, directly alludes to one thing while discussing another. It might make things clearer or show where two seemingly unrelated ideas are comparable.

Therefore, one can say that the metaphor is a rhetorical device that describes something by comparing it to another. It shouldn't be taken literally, though. Its example is: All forms of art, science, and religion are branches of the same tree by Albert Einstein.

Learn more about metaphor from


Who does Hester cheat with?


Hester cheated on her husband in the scarlet secret. Hester Prynne's husband Roger Chillingworth discovers that she had an affair with the minister Arthur Dimmesdale after he had been gone for two years. When Roger learned that Hester had kept this a secret for seven years, he underwent a change of heart.

Nathaniel Hawthorne describes how Roger's pain alters him in The Scarlet Letter. Because of Hester, the anguish of the betrayal and how it transformed Roger, and the way he feels about himself, the reader feels the most sympathy for Roger Chillingworth.

Because Roger was a good man and did not deserve to have Hester cheat on him, the public is very sympathetic when it is revealed that Hester had an affair and committed adultery with Arthur Dimmesdale. Hester does not have the right to cheat on her husband just though Roger was gone for two years.

To learn more about The Scarlet secret here:



Why is avoiding plagiarism important?


Then avoiding plagiarism important because one of the worst sins a scholar can commit is plagiarism. You should never just copy and paste information from your sources, not even if you're a graduate student racing against the clock to finish a report. It's essential to do more than merely repeat what other academics have said without giving them credit in order to thoroughly understand your field of study and form your own opinions. It's crucial if you want to earn a passing grade as well!

Both students and academic scholars can gain from avoiding plagiarism. No matter what level of academia you are in, it is advisable to prevent plagiarism in research for the following reasons:

To learn more about plagiarism from the given link:



Dialects developed within England primarily because
a. the Viking invaders did not remain long in England.
b. the Normans invaded from the south.
c. British Received Pronunciation became the standard dialect.
d. different Germanic invaders settled in different regions.
e. commerce developed more slowly in England than on the European continent.


Because distinct Germanic invaders settled in different areas, dialects arose within England.

Around the world, 750 million people speak English either as their first language, a second language, or a combination of several languages (such as pidgins and creoles.) In contrast to the United States, which lacks an official language, English is (or one of the) official languages in England, Canada, Australia, and New Zealand.

According to genetic classification, the Indo-European language family includes Low West Germanic languages like English. The Proto-Germanic language that gave rise to German, English, Dutch, Afrikaans, Yiddish, and the Scandinavian languages is the foundation for the early history of the Germanic languages.

Option D is the right response, so.

To learn more about dialects, refer:-



Which detail best refines the idea that Rachel Carson was dedicated to warning people about the dangers of pesticides?

[5] Carson wrote that pesticides should be called "biocides" because they killed many living things, both bad and good. Although she was alarmed by acute pesticide poisoning (like Huckins' dead birds), she was even more concerned about the slow poisoning of plants, animals, and people from pesticides. To make her point, she wrote the first chapter of Silent Spring as a fable about a town. The town is a wonderful place until everything and everyone--the animals, plants, insects and people--slowly starts to get sick and then die. She ends the fable by saying that although the town is not real, the fable is based on a collection of true stories. Each of the tragedies had already happened somewhere because of pesticides.

[6] Carson wrote Silent Spring to educate regular people about the dangers of pesticides. She asked, "How could intelligent beings seek to control a few unwanted species by a method that contaminated the entire environment and brought the threat of disease and death even to their own kind?" She hoped that by bringing together scientific facts and presenting them in understandable language, she could stop the fable from becoming a reality.


Carson wrote the pesticides

Carson wrote that pesticides should be called "biocides" which best refines the idea that Rachel Carson. Thus, option A is correct.

Who is Rachel Carson?

American naturalist Rachel Carson is widely recognized for her articles on ocean biodiversity and pollution of the environment. Her 1962 book Silent Spring, which inspired stricter regulation of pesticides like DDT, became of the most important works in the current environmental community.

According to Carson, pesticides should rather be referred to as "biocides" because they destroy a variety of organisms, both good and evil. She created the opening chapter of Silent Spring as a fable about a community where everything and everyone begins to go ill and eventually dies in order to convey her point.

She concludes by pointing out that even though the town is fictional, the fable is based on a number of real-life incidents involving pesticide-related disasters. Therefore, option A is the correct option.

Learn more about  Rachel Carson, here:



Cultural context in the great Gatsby


Fitzgerald created the phrase “Jazz Age,” also known as the “Roaring Twenties,” and The Great Gatsby brilliantly represents this cultural period, including the postwar economic boom in America, the new jazz music, and the free-flowing illegal alcohol.

The American Dream has been analyzed pessimistically in The Great Gatsby. Its core is a stunning rags-to-riches tale of a child who rose from humble beginnings in farming to incredible prosperity. Although Jay Gatsby originally had nothing, he now hosts wealthy and famous visitors in his large Long Island home. Gatsby’s fortune may be comparable to that of Tom Buchanan, for example, but he eventually fails to join the “distinguished secret club” of the affluent. His effort to marry Daisy Buchanan, a member of a prominent American elite family, ends in failure and his demise. The contrast between West Egg and East Egg in the book serves as a representation of this conflict between “new money” and “old money.” West Egg is presented as a tawdry, boisterous culture full of people who have made their money in an era of unheard-of consumerism and that “chafed under the old euphemisms.” East Egg, on the other hand, is a cultured society populated by America's "staid nobility," those who have inherited their fortune and who dislike the rudimentary nature of West Egg. In the end, one could argue that East Egg triumphed because Tom and Daisy escaped the summer's tragic events uninjured, whereas Gatsby was shot and his extravagant parties were dispersed.

To learn more about Great Gatsby, refer:-



What is the historical importance of architectural monuments?


The historical importance of architectural monuments - Old buildings serve as witnesses to a city's aesthetic and cultural heritage and make people feel connected to the past and a feeling of place.

What significance do monuments have historically?

We are reminded of our history via monuments. They serve as a national treasure and a pride in their civilization icon. They assist us in appreciating our past and the extent of our knowledge, thought, and progress.

The history of a city has a significant role in defining its character and feeling of place. Preserving historical buildings and other constructions is one method to honor this past. They could serve as examples of a specific architectural style, or they could signify a crucial time period or key event in the city's past. For a variety of reasons, it is important to keep these old structures.

To know more about monumental architecture visit:



Why do they make good Neighbours in this question they refers to?


Make good Neighbours he is made entirely of pine and an apple orchard. In his poem "The Mending Wall," Robert Frost describes two neighbours who are divided by a wall.

The speaker of the poem believes there is no need for a wall because neither side has any creatures that could cross over and cause issues for the other. He does, however, observe certain.

Disparities between the two properties, which makes him believe that both people lead separate lives.Nevertheless, the wall is maintained annually by both neighbours, who agree that "Good fences make good neighbours."

Complete question:

Why do they make good Neighbours in this question they refers to good fences make good neighbours” in "Mending Wall"?

To know more about Good Neighbours visit:



What do you call a process of drawing conclusion based on the given evidences and experiences?


The act of reasoning is the process of making decisions, predicting outcomes, or formulating explanations based on knowledge already at hand.

Making inferences allows you to reach the true significance of events, including what matters, why it matters, how one event influences another, and how one occurrence leads to another. It is not sufficient to learn the facts through reading alone. You need to consider what those details mean to you.

Drawing broad inferences based on a large body of facts is known as inductive reasoning. The scientific method is built on this kind of reasoning. Science uses inductive reasoning to extrapolate general conclusions from specific data.

The method of drawing a generalization from observations of specific examples is known as inductive reasoning.

Know more about inferences here:



What is a data story?


A data story is a narrative which provides deeper insights to the audience due to the usage of graphs and charts as supporting evidence.

It helps with interpretation of complex data that is analyzed and presented to the audience in a more effective way, to influence them in a certain desired way. A good data story shall contain narrative, accurate data and relevant visual interpretation on that data. It provides the most effective techniques for turning your data into narratives that integrate the impact of words, figures, and images. It's not just a way of presentation, it is a skill to use data to help create the story, which is then framed and presented to the audience. It also makes use of data visualization, qualitative and contextual analysis, and presentation in addition to data analysis and statistics.

To know more about data storytelling, click here:-



Edmentum ELA11B

1. Name and discuss the two groups from Unit 1 who were disillusioned
(disappointed in someone or something that one discovers to be less good
than one had believed), whose struggles inspired literary change.
2. Please explain the importance of considering the following when preparing to
deliver a speech:
• Audience
• Purpose
• Tone


The rhetorical technique used is shift. It should be noted that a rhetorical shift occurs when the tone or the style of a speakers or a writer is being altered. Other part of the question is discussed below.

What is rhetorical shift?

A rhetorical shift has been a can be signalled when transition words such as however, then, or but are used. Disappointment exists as the negative emotion you sense when an outcome doesn't match up to your expectations.

Disappointment exists characterized as a feeling of sadness, dissatisfaction, or displeasure when something isn't as you intended. The film wasn’t as good as we had expected.

Therefore, The rhetorical technique used is shift. It should be noted that a rhetorical shift occurs when the tone or the style of a speakers or a writer is being altered. Other part of the question is discussed below.

Learn more about rhetorical shift on:



What are the 3 infinitive endings?


The infinitive form for  verbs utilizes one of the following three punctuation: ar, er, or ir.

What is a simple period?

Each paragraph must begin with an uppercase letter and end with a full stop, a punctuation mark, or a quotation marks. The statement is full according to this simple system. Some Basic Punctuation Indications.

What rules apply to punctuation?

The general rules for punctuation use are: If it doesn't elucidate the text, leave it out; while choosing and putting punctuation marks, the only goal ought to be to make the author's concept more clear. Punctuation should make readability easier and reduce errors.

To know more about punctuation visit:



Read the excerpt from chapter 6 of animal farm.
except through whymper, there was as yet no contact between animal farm and the outside world, but there were constant rumours that napoleon was about to enter into a definite business agreement either with mr. pilkington of foxwood or with mr. frederick of pinchfield—but never, it was noticed, with both simultaneously. how does the pacing of this passage affect the reader’s interpretation of the text?
a. the quickening pace of the text gives the reader details that explain how whymper provides contact between animal farm and the outside world.
b. the quickening pace of the text allows the reader to gain insight into why napoleon avoids contact with the outside world.
c. the slowing pace of the text reveals that napoleon is doing business with mr. pilkington and mr. frederick.
d. the slowing pace of the text reveals details suggesting that even the rumors about napoleon are probably propaganda.


There were constant rumours that napoleon passage was about to enter into a definite business agreement. The correct response is B. the quickening pace of the text allows the reader to gain insight into why napoleon avoids contact with the outside world.

A passage is technically a part or piece of a literary work, whether it be fiction or non-fiction. Some claim that a passage can be as brief as a sentence, although a maximum usually includes at least one paragraph and often more.

A rite of passage would be getting on a ride and hearing someone advise you to travel safely. When a vehicle moves through a restricted region with permission, that is an example of passage. Time passing is an illustration of transit.

To know more about passage visit:



When the properties of one class are inherited by more than one class which is called inheritance options single multiple multilevel hierarchical?


More than one class may be descended from a single class. As a result, there is one base class or superclass and many subclasses. "Hierarchical inheritance" is the name given to this sort of inheritance.

Hierarchical inheritance is the process through which two or more subclasses receive attributes from a single base class.

The characteristic of one class may be inherited by more than one class under hierarchical inheritance.

When a class inherits from numerous parent classes, an inheritance becomes multiple inheritances. After receiving properties from numerous parent classes, the child class gets access to all of their objects.

Learn more about to inheritance  visit here;



Can a poem have 11 syllables?


A poem can have 11 syllables, although it is not the most common structure. Haiku, a popular form of Japanese poetry, typically has 11 syllables in three lines, with the first line having five syllables, the second line having seven syllables, and the third line having five syllables. This structure is known as the 5-7-5 pattern.

Haiku is not the only form of poetry that can have 11 syllables. Free verse is a type of poetry that does not follow a specific structure or rhyme scheme. This type of poetry allows for a great deal of creativity and flexibility. A poem written in free verse could certainly have 11 syllables if desired.

Whether a poem has 11 syllables or not, it is the content and the message that makes it meaningful. The number of syllables does not dictate the quality of the poem. A poem is successful when it communicates something meaningful to the reader.

In conclusion, a poem can certainly have 11 syllables and is not restricted to any specific form or structure. Ultimately, the content of the poem is what matters the most.

Learn more about Haiku at :https://brainly.com/question/3088403


What is the definition of the word direct primary?


Based on dictionary sources, the definition of the word direct primary is primary in there is the nomination of candidates that are made by direct vote

What is a Direct Primary?

This refers to the term that is used in election or politics to determine how the candidates within a political party are selected to be the party's flagbearer in the coming elections.

Hence, it can be seen that the correct answer to the given question has been given above and this direct primary is used in election and political circles.

Read more about direct primary here:



What can you say about Rizal's retraction?


A few hours before he was shot, Rizal signed a letter claiming that he was a Catholic and repudiated all his writings against the church and the document were named "The Retraction". Furthermore, Father Manuel Garcia, C. uncovered Rizal's retraction letter.

If the most noble of Filipinos can betray his own cause, all of his writings and magnificent accomplishments are rendered meaningless. It also called into question the rest of us Filipinos' character and honor.

It is due of scams like these that many of us today have lost trust in our own people.

The Friars who saw Rizal in his Intramuros jail cell claim to have secured a signed retraction. However, no document was made available to the public until 1935.

Learn more about to Rizal visit here;



What are 3 positive connotations?


The three adjectives with a positive connotation are fragrance, thrifty, and childish.

What are favorable connotations?

A word may be associated with anything good or positive if its connotation is favorable. In the context in which it is used, the word's connotation makes it seem favorable or positive.

The word "aroma" carries positive connotations because it implies that the aroma is alluring and appealing.

The term "childlike" refers to a child's more lovable or praiseworthy traits and denotes trust or innocence. It's wise to save money. They are frequently employed by people who are cost-conscious and lead basic, simple lives.

To learn more about positive connotation here:



Another term for marketing channel management is ______ management. a)inventory b)logisticssupply c)chainvalue d)delivery


Another term for marketing channel management is inventory management.

What is channel management? A process used by businesses to direct and manage inventory marketing strategies and the parties engaged in the channel of distribution is known as channel management. Through various marketing and sales channels, a wide range of clients can be reached using the channel management method.

It is described as a process where the business creates multiple marketing and sales strategies in order to reach the largest audience. The channels are merely avenues or venues for the marketing and sale of goods. Any organization's ultimate goal is to improve the relationship between the customer and the product.

To learn more about inventory please click on below link



What were three major goals of the programs during the hundred days?


The three major goals of the programs during the Hundred Days were economic relief, financial reform, and social reform.

Economic relief was focused on providing aid to individuals and businesses who were struggling due to the Great Depression. This included providing direct relief payments, public works projects, and the creation of the Civilian Conservation Corps.

Financial reform included the establishment of the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation, the Glass-Steagall Act, the Securities and Exchange Commission, and the establishment of the Federal Housing Administration.

Social reform was focused on providing access to healthcare and educational opportunities with the Social Security Act and the National Labor Relations Act.

The Hundred Days also included the creation of the Tennessee Valley Authority, which was focused on creating jobs and providing electricity to rural areas. Overall, the Hundred Days was a massive effort to bring the nation out of the Great Depression.

Learn more about The Hundred Days here:



What piece of information from Passage 1 conflicts with the information from Passage 2?
People should only eat fruits and vegetables as it is the healthiest food and nutrient-dense food available.
People normally have a difficult time digesting food, so the only solution is to eat fruits and vegetables.
Eating as many fruits and vegetables as part of one’s diet is a very healthy way of maintaining one’s well-being.
Eating fruits and vegetables is like medicine and will cure most chronic diseases and reduce blood cholesterol.


The piece of information from Passage 1 that conflicts with the information from Passage 2 is one which states "eating fruits and vegetables is like medicine and will cure most chronic diseases and reduce blood cholesterol". The Option D is correct.

What is a conflict?

Basically, a conflict means a serious disagreement and argument about something important. A conflict occurs when we are  confused or worried because you cannot choose between very different ideas, feelings, or beliefs, and do not know what to do or believe.

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What is beverage and example?


Beverages are any liquids that can calm our thirst.Water is a beverage that we always consume. Actually, the term "beverage" refers to any liquid product which is drank. 

Beverage is a noun, not a verb. Beverage might be hot and frothy or contain alcohol, and it can be used for anything you can drink, but sometimes it's more commonly associated with certain types of drinks, like soft drinks. In restaurants, pubs, and stores, the word "beverage" is used instead of the phrase "drink."

If someone wants a non-alcoholic beverage, they will receive cold treatment.There are two categories of beverages: alcoholic and non-alcoholic. We'll start by discussing non-alcoholic or alcohol-free drinks.

They are alcoholic beverages that either contain no alcohol at all, very little alcohol, or none at all. Tea, coffee, freshly squeezed orange juice, and energy drinks are a few examples of non-alcoholic items. 

Alcoholic beverages are liquids that range in alcohol content from 1% to 75%. The sugars in fruits, berries, grains, and other substances like plant saps, tubers, honey, and milk are fermented to produce them. Beverages, wines, and spirits are broadly categorized (stiff drinks).

To learn more about Beverages-



What is traditional classroom method?


A teacher delivers a set curriculum in a typical classroom in person. To gauge students' understanding, standardized tests are given on a regular basis. The time, place, and pace of the students' learning stay consistent under this model.

What is meant by standardized tests?To determine whether a particular educational program is effective, standardized examinations are utilized. They can be used to evaluate the curriculum in addition to helping to gauge student achievement. Teachers and principals may assess where their pupils are succeeding and where they need to make improvements.A exam that has a set format and is administered to all students equally is referred to as a standardized test. Standardized testing' primary goal is to guarantee consistency at all levels. Making test preparation simple as a result. A common test makes it simple to compare each student's performance in schools.The English and metric systems are used to specify units of measurement.

To learn more about standardized tests refer to:



What are 3 common forms of Anglo-Saxon literature?


These works include genres such as epic poetry, hagiography, sermons, Bible translations, legal works, chronicles, riddles, and others.

Why do we need to clean and sanitized?


We need to clean and sanitize ourselves and our surroundings to be in good health and lead a healthy lifestyle.

Cleaning and sanitizing ourselves and our surroundings has become very important in today’s life. It has become a top priority after the discovery of Coronavirus.

Cleaning is not only important to keep Coronavirus away but also to get rid of the germs and microorganisms that are present around. Cleaning and sanitizing should be added to a person’s day-to-day life activity.

Cleaning alone won’t kill the germs, so sanitization aka disinfection of the surface or objects should be followed afterwards to prevent the growth of the germs, if any are left behind.

To know more about disinfection here:



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In this unit, you learned about several human body systems, their organs and structures, their functions, and the disorders that can affect them. Think about how all the human body systems must function properly and work together for survival. Discussspecific examples of how the body systems work together. What do you think it would be like to be a pharaoh in ancient Egypt at the age of 10 years old? What would be some positive and negative things that might happen? the company that helga started to provide a way to purify water in poor, remote areas of the world was acquired by a much larger company that wants her to keep doing what she was doing before but is willing to invest a lot of much needed money into the project. what type of commitment is helga likely experiencing? continuance normative affective What element in the room does the narrator of "The Yellow Wallpaper" focuson through much of the story?OA. The locks on the doorB. The bars on the windowsC. The pattern of the wallpaperD. The damage to the bed What defines Philippine art? What is domain and range examples? what was the producer sign when an existing life insurance policy is being issued with the reduction in cash value quiz Identify how firms use predictive analysis.O to engage in data warehousing O to engage in a low-cost strategyO to provide an educated guess regarding what is expectedO to occur in the near future to design the most effective accounting information system The Prologue is an introduction of all different the "pilgrims" from different walks of life. Some are wealthy some are poor some are moral and others are corrupt. Explain what Chaucer was trying to say about society during the Middle Ages? Decisions are made at four levels. True False Use the common ratio to find the next term of the geometric sequence. 120,60,30, ... Scientists are studying cellular respiration in a jungle ecosystem that has plants, animals, and decomposers (which consume dead things). Which group or groups of organisms in the jungle carry out cellular respiration?. What is a hole in a graph asymptote? Do sister chromatids are identical alleles? What best describes a method enslaved people used as an act of resistance against their enslavers? A. They filed court cases against their enslavers. B. They worked with abolitionists against their enslavers . They created secret resistance groups against their enslavers . D. They tried to escape from their enslave What is the impact of western society on Indian society? List the positive reasons for forming groups in the Stone Ages.PLS DO THIS ASAP What is the situational irony in the story and what is its effect? Trace one drop of blood from the time it enters the right atrium until it enters the left atrium. What is this circuit called? In the species equilibrium model, increasing extinction will species equilibrium will not change increase species equilibrium decrease species equilibrium