What happens during a primary election ?


Answer 1

A primary election in which voters can choose any candidate from any party, regardless of affiliation (to choose a candidate for a general election). a gathering of local party members held specifically to choose convention delegates or express preferences for candidates running for office.

What is election?

Elections are a way for citizens to choose their candidates or other preferences in such a representational government or even other sort of governance. Elections are the formal method by which a populace selects a candidate or candidates for public office.

Why is election important?

A substantial opportunity to advance political liberalization & democratization is provided by elections. A free and fair election requires a number of civic liberties, including the rights to speech, association, and assembly. Elections are the formal method by which a populace selects a candidate or candidates for public office. An electoral system, often known as a voting system, is a set of rules that specify how elections or referendums are conducted and how their results are determined.

To know more about Election visit:



Related Questions

What is a primary in government?


Answer: what Are Primaries? Primaries are elections that political parties use to select candidates for a general election. Then each party's candidates run against each other in the general election. Open Primaries: In an open primary, a voter of any political affiliation may vote in the primary of any party.

What happens if accused does not appear in court Philippines?



If you do not show up for the trial, the Plaintiff can ask for a default judgment against you as above. You will have missed your chance to tell your side of the claim to the judge.


hope this helps

Who was the father of policing?


Sir Robert Peel, in 1829, He made 9 Policing Principles, making him famous for his neutral and upbringing laws.

What is static and dynamic polymorphism?


Static polymorphism is compile-time while Dynamic polymorphism is runtime type.

Explain static and dynamic polymorphism?

Static Polymorphism

Static polymorphism, also known as compile-time polymorphism, occurs when the code is compiled. It uses a technique called function overloading, which is the ability to define multiple functions with the same name. Each of the functions performs a different task, but the function name remains the same. In function overloading, the compiler identifies the function to be used based on its parameters. The parameters could be the number of parameters, the type of parameters, or the order of parameters.

Dynamic Polymorphism

Dynamic polymorphism, also known as run-time polymorphism, occurs when the code is executed. It uses a technique called method overriding, which is the ability to define multiple methods with the same name. Each of the methods performs a different task, but the method name remains the same. In method overriding, the compiler identifies the method to be used based on the object type. The object type is determined at runtime, so the compiler can identify the proper method to call.

To learn more about polymorphism refer to:



What idea was the decision in Griswold v. Connecticut based upon Brainly?


Husbands and wives shouldn't have to testify against one another if the Constitution forbids it.

What is Griswold v. Connecticut?

7-2 are in favour of privacy (Griswold). Planned parenthood therefore has the right to inform couples about the many techniques and uses of various contraceptives even though they have the right to privacy when it comes to the usage of contraceptives.

In Griswold v. Connecticut, the Supreme Court determined that married couples have a constitutionally guaranteed right to privacy, making it unlawful for states to deny them access to contraception.

The argument was that it was in line with a woman's right to privacy and took into account a number of health issues. The Supreme Court of the United States determined that the Constitution protected a right to privacy in the landmark case of Griswold v. Connecticut, 381 U.S. 479 (1965[1]).

Husbands and wives shouldn't be made to testify against one another if the Constitution prevents self-incrimination.

To learn more about Griswold v. Connecticut refer to:



Who has the exclusive power of impeachment?


According to Article I, Section 2 of the United States Constitution, the House of Representatives shall have the only Power of Impeachment and "the Senate shall have the sole Power to trial all Impeachments.

Quiz: Who has the authority to impeach?

The Constitution states that the House has "the exclusive power of impeachment." When a government official is accused of misconduct, they are impeached. The House may file articles of impeachment against the President, Vice President, and other elected officials. No Congressman may be the subject of its charges.

The ability to impeach someone is what kind of power?

Impeachment offers a mechanism to stop someone from ever holding another job again in addition to allowing for their removal from office. Penalties and perhaps jail time Punishment for crimes committed while in office is handled by civil courts.

To know more about exclusive power impeachment visit:-



What are the 3 reasons for deductibles?


Deductibles are used to prevent moral and moral hazard as well as to eliminate small claims, which helps keep premiums low. Another technique that is frequently used to make premiums reasonable is coinsurance, which is having the insured foot some of the bill.

What is meant by deductibles?

A deductible is the amount that must be paid out-of-pocket before your insurance company starts to pay for some of your medical expenses.

Deductibles are typically reset annually at the beginning of each new year. Individuals with family coverage may simply have individual deductibles or they may have both individual and family deductibles, depending on the health plan.

When you meet your deductible, a healthcare plan's coinsurance usually kicks in, and the insurer starts paying for a percentage of your medical costs.

Learn more about deductibles, from:



What is a super PAC ?


Super PACs are groups that are allowed to accept an unlimited amount of money from other PACs, companies, labor organizations, and individuals in order to finance independent political activity.

Explain about the super PAC?

Once its contributions or outlays for a calendar year surpass $1,000, a Super PAC qualifies as a political committee. Once the committee reaches that point, it must register using Form 1's Statement of Organization within 10 days. A PAC may register and start reporting prior to reaching the $1,000 mark.

Limits apply to all contributions made by unaffiliated committees to federal candidates. Super PACs are prohibited from making contributions, and Hybrid PACs are prohibited from using money from their non-contribution account to make contributions.

Another example of soft money is political spending by "independent expenditure committees," also referred to as "super PACs," which are permitted to raise and spend an unlimited amount of money to support or oppose any candidate or topic.

To learn more about super PAC refer to:



What was Franklin Roosevelt's famous quote from his first inauguration?


Roosevelt said, “I shall ask the Congress for the one remaining instrument to meet the crisis—broad Executive power to wage a war against the emergency, as great as the power that would be given to me if we were in fact invaded by a foreign foe”.

What are the common causes of electrical injuries Accidents at least 5 answers?


Common causes of electrical injuries are: lack of training, improper electrical equipment, lack of protective gears, unsafe environments and not isolating circuits properly.

In the factory setting, electrical accidents are frequently occurring, if not always inevitable. They can happen because of a variety of factors, including management, machinery, or personnel. Accidents, as the cliché goes, just happen; there is frequently no single individual to blame. The issue is that they occur far too regularly and have a great deal too many potentially harmful effects for us to get complacent about them. It's interesting to note that close to half of these factors have a direct connection to employee training and level of job competency. Electrical workers implicated in accidents are frequently ill-equipped, unprepared, or misinformed to do their own tasks safely and confidently.

Learn more about electrical injuries here:



What were 3 specific goals of the women's rights movement?


Their main goals were to offer married women the rights to their own property, wages, child custody, control over their bodies, and fair opportunities to education and employment.

How would you define employment?

In most cases, the term "employment" refers to the condition of holding a paid job of having employed.

What kind of employment is that?

Work can be, for instance: a part-time hourly position that pays a set sum for each hour performed. high employment in which workers are paid a wage and other perks from their employers in exchange for doing the tasks or other work assigned to them that is necessary for a specific role.

To learn more about employment visit:



Can you vote at 16 in the US?


Prior to July 2016, the age was 18, and it is now 17. Voting is also open to those who turn 17 in the election year. This means that a 16-year-old youngster who was born on the final day of 2005 is eligible to vote in a 2022 election.

Why is it important for citizens to vote?

Voting is one way that citizens can take part in the democratic process. The people who will act as their representatives and further their objectives choose the leaders. Only citizens of the United States are entitled to the right to vote in federal elections and the right to run for federal office.

What meant the right to vote and what is the purpose of it?

Voters are unrestricted in their ability to cast ballots for or against any candidate for public office, any referendum or plebiscite proposal, and for or against the government. subjected to any form of coercion that would prevent or restrict the elector's ability to freely express their will.

Voting is a process that a group, such an electorate or assembly, can use to reach consensus or express a position, typically after discussions, debates, or election campaigns. High-ranking government officials are chosen by voters in democracies.

To know more about Vote visit:



What are the 3 types of court?


Within the federal system, primarily there are three types of federal courts. 94 district courts (trial courts), 13 courts of appeals (intermediate courts of appeals), and the United States Supreme Court (court of final review).

What does court mean in law?

Places where trials or other proceedings are held, or people in such places, especially officials and those who decide whether someone is guilty. Demonstrators gathered outside the courthouse to await the verdict.

What are the main functions of courts?

The duties of the judiciary are: It plays an important role in legislation. It has a responsibility to protect people's rights. It also advises executive and legislative branches. If there is a dispute between the State and the Headquarters, the Judiciary shall settle it.

Who are there in the courtroom?

Judge. The judge is responsible and must ensure that the accused receives a fair trial - he must ensure that the trial is presented to the jury in a logical and balanced manner. Court clerk. Witness. Defendant. Lawyer.

To learn more about court visit:



What role does the Senate have over the president's powers and duties?


The Senate is the only body with the authority to ratify treaties and give advice on appointments made by the President that require consent.

How can the Senate restrict the president's authority?

Powers of Congress the President can veto legislation that Congress approves, but Congress can also override a veto with a two-thirds vote in both the Senate and the House.

What authority does the president share with the Senate?

"Shall nominate, and by and with the Advice and Consent of the Senate, shall appoint Ambassadors, other public Ministers and Consuls, Judges of the Supreme Court, and all other Officers of the United States," states the Constitution.

To learn more about Senate here



Does expansionary policy cause inflation?


Overexpansion can have negative impacts like high inflation or a hot economy.

Particularly when used during sound economic expansions, expansionary fiscal policy can lead to rising interest rates, expanding trade deficits, and accelerated inflation. These negative consequences of an expansive fiscal policy often partially counteract their stimulative effects.

When the amount of money in circulation rises, there will be more of it running after fewer and fewer commodities, increasing demand and, ultimately, prices, which results in inflation. Therefore, inflation will result from expansionary fiscal measures.

To know more about inflation visit :



What are the four jurisdiction of Supreme Court?


Original Jurisdiction, Appellate Jurisdiction, Exclusive Jurisdiction and Concurrent Jurisdiction are the four jurisdiction of Supreme Court.

What is Original Jurisdiction?

The Supreme Court is given original and appellate jurisdiction, according to the Constitution. Original jurisdiction refers to a case being heard by the Supreme Court as the first and only time.

The ability of a court to hear a case for the first time is known as original jurisdiction. It can be distinguished from appellate jurisdiction, which is a court's ability to consider a case that a lower court has previously heard and determined.

Thus, Original Jurisdiction, Appellate Jurisdiction, Exclusive Jurisdiction and Concurrent Jurisdiction.

For more information about Original Jurisdiction, click here:



The XYZ PAC operates on behalf of the XYZ interest group. Which campaign behavior of the XYZ PAC would be against current law?
A. The PAC contributes $4,000 to the
campaigns of Kroll, Loon, Marble, and Noonkester for total of $16,000.
B. The PAC contributes $6,000 to candidate Kroll and $2,000 to candidate Loon.
C. The PAC contributes $2,000 to Kroll and $4,000 to Loon because both claim to support the PAC's legislative goals.
The PAC creates its own campaign for candidate Kroll and contributes to the campaign of candidate Loon.


The PAC contributes $6,000 to candidate Kroll and $2,000 to candidate Loon campaign behavior of the XYZ PAC would be against current law.  Thus option B is correct.

What is an interest group?

A special interest group is a congregation within such a larger organization that has a common goal of advancing a particular domain of knowledge, teaching, or innovation. Members work together to influence or works by enhancing in their given field and may connect, gather in person, and plan conferences.

The PAC's campaign contributions of $6,000 to candidate Kroll and $2,000 to candidate Loon are in violation of the law as it stands. This is due to the fact that the PAC must treat all of its competitors equally; otherwise, if it gives Kroll less funds than Loon, it would be in violation of the law.

Therefore, option B is the correct option.

Learn more about interest group, Here:



b.The PAC contributes $6,000 to candidate Kroll and $2,000 to candidate Loon


What are the roles and responsibilities of the three independent branches of government cite at least 5 in each branch?


Congress, which is part of the legislative branch, passes laws. The president—the executive branch—puts legislation into effect. Legal problems are resolved by the judiciary and court system, which also interprets the laws.

Who are the three autonomous branches of government and list at least five of their tasks and responsibilities?

The Constitution established the following three branches of government:

Legislation is created by the legislative branch. The Senate and the House of Representatives are both constituent parts of Congress.

enforce laws through the Executive Branch.

law interpretation by the judicial branch.

What functions and characteristics do the three branches of government have?

Legislative—Produces laws (Congress, comprised of the House of Representatives and Senate) Implements laws as an executive (president, vice president, Cabinet, most federal agencies) Judiciary – Judges laws (Supreme Court and other courts)

To know more about Congress visit:



What are the three requirements that must be met in order to access classified information?


To be granted access to classified information, an individual must have knowledge of national security authorities and their information and must sign a Standard Form 312, Confidential Information Confidentiality Agreement, also known as SF-312.

You must clearly determine and know your eligibility at an appropriate level and must have signed appropriate non-disclosure agreements before accessing confidential information. Persons who do not meet these requirements are not permitted access to confidential information.

Individuals can access confidential information when:

(1) an affirmative determination of eligibility for access has been made by the Agency Manager or a representative of the Agency Manager;

(2) Persons who have signed an approved confidentiality agreement; When.

(3) that the person knows the information;

An individual may be granted access to classified information only after a positive determination has been made regarding the individual's national security suitability and security clearance.

Know more about confidential information here:



What does Article 3 say about jurisdiction?


The Constitution's Article III, Basel Ii establishes the Supreme Court's jurisdiction—its authority to hear cases. Certain cases fall under the Court's original jurisdiction, which means they are tried there first.

What makes Supreme so favored?

In particular, followers of hip-hop, skateboard, and rock'n'roll culture will find their clothing appealing. Every person who appreciates streetwear will find the ideal item thanks to Supreme's wide range of clothing.

Is Louis Vuitton the owner of Supreme?

Louis Vuitton does not own Supreme; rather, LVMH, the opulent parent company for LV and other stylish labels, does. James Jebbia founded Supreme in the 1990s, and in 2020, it was sold to VF conglomerate.

To know more about supreme visit:



What is a fact about deductibles?


A health plan's deductible is the sum you must pay before your health insurance starts to pay for the medical services it covers.

What do you mean by Fact?

Fact is something that is true or actually exists.

Deductibles serve two purposes: they help keep your premium expenses down and save the insurance company money (including the cost of handling small claims administratively).

Individual and family deductibles are the two different categories of health insurance deductibles. A health insurance plan may include both of them or only one of them. The family deductible is more complicated than the individual deductible.

Therefore, Health insurance deductible is the amount you must pay before it begins to pay for the covered medical services.

Learn more about Fact, here;



How do you win over judges?


By submitting a concise, well-researched, well-written proposal. This is crucial because your brief lays the foundation for the judge to accept your case.

How do you handle judges who are challenging?

Advocate through pointing out any inconsistencies between the judge's decision and established legal precedent as well as any potential practical effects the decision may have on the case and other situations that are similar to yours. Before the judge becomes irate, end your argument once you've presented your case (and your record).

Can a judge treat you unfairly?

A judge's life should not be governed by judicial conduct control in purely personal matters. However, a judge can behave in a way that compromises their judicial integrity and constitutes misconduct.

To know more about judges visit :



Why was the Gideon case such an important case?


One year after Mapp, the Supreme Court issued yet another significant decision in the case of Gideon v. Wainwright, stating that all defendants facing incarceration representation under the Sixth Amendment.

What did Gideon's lawyer argue?

Gideon claimed that Florida broke the Fourteenth Amendment of the constitution guarantee of due process by refusing to choose counsel to represent him. Certain protections afforded by the Bill of Rights were deemed to apply to states as well under the Fourteenth Amendment.

What is Gideon's law?

Defending the Indigent Against Criminal Charges. 1 November 1963 This U.S. Supreme Court ruled unanimously in Gideon v Wainwright on March 18, 1963, declaring that individuals charged with serious crimes have the right to legal representation at the state's expense if they are unable pay it.

To know more about Gideon case visit:



My opponent in this race for the governor's office claims
that I am
corrupt. He dares to suggest that I accepted
favors from business owners in
exchange for putting them
in contact with state legislators who lowered business
taxes. This iS an absurd claim. Moreover, I find it ironic that
he, of all people, wants to point fingers and talk about
corruption. Isn't it interesting that he accepts so many
campaign donations from the oil industry and is single-
handedly responsible for sponsoring state laws that ease
environmental regulations? Dear friends, remember on
Election Day who the real honest politician is in this race.
It's certainly not the man on the other side of the aisle
trying to distract us from his own bad character.
Which statement best describes the speaker's point of view?



The speaker's point of view is that they are being falsely accused of corruption and that their opponent is the one who is genuinely corrupt and dishonest.


Is the authority responsible for administering election processes in India *?


Election Commission, independent The Election Commission is responsible for holding elections in India (EC). The President of India appoints the Chief Election Commissioner (CEC).

What is the composition of the Election Commission?

The election commission is given the authority to supervise, direct, and manage elections for the Indian parliament, state legislatures, the president of India, and the vice-president of India, according to Article 324 of the Constitution.

The secretariat of the commission is in New Delhi and provides support to it. Deputy Election Commissioners—typically IAS officers—assist the Election Commissioners in their duties. Directors General, Principal Secretaries, Secretaries, and Under Secretaries all provide additional assistance to them.

First, an independent election commission The Election Commission is responsible for holding elections in India (EC). The President of India appoints the Chief Election Commissioner (CEC).

To learn more about election refer to:



What are the categories of government?


There are three branches of our federal government. The Executive, Legislative (Senate and House of Representatives), and Judicial branches of government (Supreme Court and lower Courts).

What is the executive's function?

The executive is the part of the government responsible for carrying out laws and regulations. Government ministers and members of the public service make up this group. Each and every government agency, as well as the Ministers in charge of each one, are members of the executive.

What is legislature?

A legislative definition in basic terms is a group of people with legislative authority. Specifically: a formalized body with the power to enact laws for a political entity (such as a country or state); in contrast with the executive and the judiciary.

To know more about the legislature visit:



What is the role of the president pro tempore ?


The president pro tempore has the power to oversee the Senate, sign bills into law, and administer the oath of allegiance to incoming senators.

What is a president pro tempore, in simple words?

A senator who, when the vice president is not in attendance, is permitted by the constitution to serve as chair. The president pro tempore, also referred to as the "president for a while," is selected by the Senate and, traditionally, is the senator from the majority party with the longest record of continuous service.

What exactly does the Senate's pro tempore do?

Reports to the Senate for which the president pro tempore is legally obligated include those made according to the War Powers Act, which the speaker and the president may use to request that Congress be called back into session. The officeholder serves as a member ex officio of a number of boards and commissions.

To know more about president pro tempore visit:



What is lobbying government quizlet?


Lobbying in government is a form of advocacy with the aim of influencing government decisions by individuals or generally by pressure groups. This includes all attempts to influence legislators and officials

What is Lobbying?

Lobbying is when an individual or group tries to convince someone in Parliament to support a particular policy or campaign. Lobbying can be done in person, by mail and email, or through social media. Anyone can lobby their MP or a member of the House of Lords, but it's often more effective to find others with the same interests or experiences as you to lobby with you in groups. People who often lobby Parliament and its members include businesses, charities, lobbying groups, trade unions and representatives from various industry sectors.

Learn more about Lobbying https://brainly.com/question/25117359


What are the 3 types of jurisdiction?


The three categories of jurisdiction that the Supreme Court of India may exercise are set forth in turn under Articles 131, 133–136, and 143 of the Indian Constitution. The Supreme Court has three types of jurisdiction: original, appeal, and advisory.

What does the UCMJ's Article 131 mean?

What Is The UCMJ's Article 131. Charges of lying, obstructing justice, and other administrative costs relating to the military justice system being committed by personnel of the United States Armed Services are governed by Article 131 of the UCMJ.

What does the Indian Constitution's Article 141 say?

According to Article 141, all courts located on Indian territory must abide with the Supreme Court's ruling on a matter of law. The announced legislation must be interpreted as a legal rule that

To know more about Articles 131 visit:



What does AAA stand for New Deal?


As part of President Franklin D. Roosevelt's New Deal, the federal Agricultural Adjustment Act (AAA) was passed in 1933.

What were the benefits of the AAA?

As part of President Franklin D. Roosevelt's New Deal, the federal Agricultural Adjustment Act (AAA) was passed in 1933.

Farmers were helped by the Agricultural Adjustment Administration (AAA), which gave them money in exchange for reducing production, cutting surpluses, and raising prices for agricultural goods.

On May 12, 1933, President Franklin D. Roosevelt issued the Agricultural Adjustment Act (AAA) into law [1]. Limiting crop production, lowering stock levels, and refinancing mortgages with more benevolent conditions for struggling farmers were some of the objectives of the law [2].

Roadside support, member discounts, access to AAA Insurance, and assistance with vacation planning are all basic perks for classic members. Most passenger automobiles, trucks, SUVs, and vans are eligible vehicles.

To learn more about  New Deal refer to:



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