What happens as water evaporates from a lake?


Answer 1
the salt is left behind, the fresh water vapor condenses into clouds. The clouds move over land, the precipitation fills rivers, lakes, and streams and the cycle repeats.

Related Questions

Of the following, the best definition of a logistics infrastructure would be that it consists of


Everything necessary is in place to make infrastructure communication, travel, and commercial transactions easier.

The phrase "infrastructure" refers to all the components that are in place (whether they are publicly or privately held items) to support communication, movement, and commercial interactions. The facilitates smooth international and domestic trade in commodities. The greatest option for the business to take into consideration is a cloud access security broker (CASB), which is a software product or service that stands between an organization's on-premises architecture and a cloud provider's infrastructure. By acting as a guard, it enables the organization to extend the application of its security regulations beyond its own infrastructure. The creation and administration of goods are part of international logistics. The five main components of supply chain management are planning, locating raw supplies, manufacturing, delivery, and returns. The planning phase entails creating a comprehensive supply chain strategy, whereas the other four components focus on the essential communication for putting that strategy into action.

Learn more about infrastructure here:



jackson was charged with first-degree murder. when the trial takes place eight months later, he is suffering from ptsd and is thus unable to understand the charges against him and cannot participate in his defense. jackson is most likely:


Jackson is most likely incompetent to stand trial.

The legal concept of competency to stand trial (CST) exists. According to the law, a defendant must be capable enough at the moment to speak with a lawyer while having a reasonable grasp and factual comprehension of the accusations made against them.

On the other side, incompetence prolongs a trial and does not serve as a defense. While the incompetence is present, the defendant cannot be tried or found guilty. Once the defendant has regained competency, the trial may continue.

Therefore, Jackson is incompetent to stand trial.

To learn more about incompetency refer here



kiara wants to figure out how to divide the country of belgium into regions to study. she is comparing the religions, ages, languages spoken, and races of populations in different areas. what type of data is kiara using?


A) Demographics

Demographics refer to characteristics of a population, such as age, race, gender, religion, and language spoken.

What fundamental demographic ideas exist?

Five fundamental categories are covered in the study of demography: population number, distribution across regions, composition (such as age, sex, race, and other traits), changes in population size, distribution, and composition over time, and factors that influence and are affected by population growth.

Customer demographics: What are they?

A business can use customer demographics for things like marketing and product design. These types of consumer populations are useful to businesses. The study of these topics in a business setting is also covered by the word. Consumers and potential customers can be categorized using an infinite number of factors.

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What are the factors in michael porter's model of national competitiveness?


The factors in Michael Porter's model of national competitiveness are, firm strategy, related supporting industries, structure and rivalry, demand conditions, and the factor conditions.

The factors in the Michael Porter's model which are responsible for the nation's competitiveness are production resources, demand conditions, technology development, market conditions, international business and economic activities, and also the government role.

However, there are each firm, industry and country which tend to possess what Economists have termed production resources. So, the Porter's theory stated that a nation's competitiveness in an industry tend to depend on the capacity of the industry to innovate and to upgrade.

Hence, this explained why some nations are more competitive in certain industries.

To learn more about Michael Porter's model here:



which deductive argument form is this? determinism is the view that everything that happens is fully determined by the laws of nature and the way the world was long before we were born. either determinism is false or humans have no free will. humans do have free will. thus, determinism is false.


The deductive argument form  this  Is Casual Determinism .

What is meant by Casual determinism ?

According to the theory of causal determinism, every event is required by antecedent circumstances, events, and laws of nature. Although the concept is old, it wasn't until the eighteenth century that it was given some definition and mathematical examination.

The term "determinism" is frequently used to refer to causal determinism, also known as cause-and-effect in physics. This is the idea that, within a given paradigm, all occurrences are causally connected such that, at any point in time, the state of every object or event is entirely determined by its previous states.

If enough information is known, all events are predictable. All human activities have a cause, according to determinism. If hard determinism, or causal determinism, is real, then moral responsibility and free will are both impossibilities.

To learn more about cause and effect refer to :



Who has the responsibility to bring a case against a citizen who they suspect has committed a crime against the state?.


The State Prosecutor has the responsibility to bring a case against a citizen who they suspect has committed a crime against the state.

A prosecutor is someone who represents the government or state and initiates legal proceedings against someone who they suspect had committed crime or broke a law (government is included).

The powers of prosecutors differ from place to place.

The task of preparing cases for trial and choosing the jury members falls on the shoulders of the prosecutor.

Prosecutors present cases at the criminal trials and they also recommend sentences for the defendant.

To learn more about ‘Prosecutor’ here:



Which enlightenment philosopher wrote extensively about the abolition of torture and the rights of criminals?



Cesare Beccaria (1738-1794)


Cesare Beccaria was the enlightenment philosopher who wrote extensively about the abolition of torture and the rights of criminals.

how fashion and style of soviet clothing reflected social processes under way in the country as well as soviet society's major values? how is fashion connected with ideas about the body and its eligible images? what were the roles of government, media, social environment and women themselves in the formation of the soviet fashion and style?


Goffman is interested in how people show themselves to others based on their values, social conventions, and expectations. His theory, which focuses on in-person encounters, contends that different players adopt different roles based on the circumstances.

What were the roles of government, media, social environment and women themselves in the formation of the soviet fashion and style?

Goffran draws a clear distinction between what is private and what is public and explains how people's identities are composed of front-stage and back-stage activities. This implies that each person "performs" on stage in accordance with the demands of a specific situation, whereas on the backstage, each person can be themselves without fear of criticism.

Today's online or social media interactions between people can be analyzed using Goffran's approach. His notion holds that the person must perform several front stage acts on each present network. The expectations and conventions that people adhere to influence how they choose to display themselves on social media.

To know more about fashion, refer:



Alan Goldman says that the conventional view of sexuality is that sexual behavior must have a morally significant goal, such as procreation. But he argues that:


Alan Goldman says that the conventional view of sexuality is that sexual behavior must have a morally significant goal, such as procreation. But he argues that: sex is not a means to some other goal.

Sexual ethics (also known as sex ethics or sexual morality) is a philosophical branch that examines the ethics, morality, and other aspects of sexual behavior.

From a social, cultural, and philosophical standpoint, sexual ethics seeks to understand, evaluate, and critique interpersonal relationships and sexual activities. Some people believe that aspects of human sexuality, such as gender identification and sexual orientation, as well as consent, sexual relations, and procreation, raise sexual ethics concerns.

Historically, dominant ideas about what is considered sexually ethical have been linked to philosophy and religious teachings.

The feminist movement has recently emphasized personal choice and consent in sexual activities.

Learn more about Sexual ethics to visit this link



How did Southern Redeemers gain power?


Redeemers was the name of the Southern division of the Democratic Party. They sought to defend racial supremacy and retake political power.

How did southern Redeemers get to prominence?

By identifying the topics that would bring white southerners together in support of the objective of taking back control of Congress, they reached compromises. Although they claimed there was a mistake in the election, Hayes ultimately won with 51% of the vote, defeating Tilden.

The Redeemers' activities in the South?

Redeemers was the name of the Southern division of the Democratic Party. They sought to defend racial supremacy and retake political power. The Radical Republicans, a coalition of freedmen, "carpetbaggers," and "scalawags," were to be overthrown by their Redemption strategy.

To know more about Southern Redeemers visit:-



What are three examples of the interdependence?


Food. The sun supplies energy in some form to all living things.

Pollination. In order to produce more plants, a process called pollination involves the transfer of pollen from one plant to another.

Seed Dispersal. Spreading their seeds is the only way some plants can grow.

Which 3 interdependent patterns are there?

The three types of task interdependence that James Thompson, an organizational theorist, identified—pooled, sequential, and reciprocal—can be used to design your team.

Which four interdependence types are there?

Pooled interdependence, sequential interdependence, reciprocal interdependence, and comprehensive interdependence are the four different types of processes that task interdependence can be divided into.

To know more about Food visit:



which of the following best describes madison’s primary concern about representative government?


There may be a temptation for those who claim to represent the people to behave in their own best interests.

What does it mean to speak in their behalf?

Serving as a representative, standing in for someone else, or acting on someone else's behalf is especially common when it comes to delegation of power within a government because the many are represented by individuals who are typically elected from among them.

What distinguishes the words "Represent" from "Represent"?

Words like "represents," "represented," "representing," and "representation" are related. The Latin term repraesentare, meaning means as express or depict, is the root of the English word represent. To represent anything is to display, brandish, declare, or bestow something once more. To represent something is to re-present it.

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What is the main role of the Department of Homeland Security DHS and Federal Emergency Management Agency FEMA )?


The Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) assists individuals and emergency workers in enhancing the nation's capacity to foresee risks, take precautions against them, respond to them, and recover from them.

FEMA's basic beliefs and goals guide us in carrying out our purpose, which is to assist people before, during, and after catastrophes. The state evaluates the disaster management requirements and capacities of its political subdivisions, and then distributes to local government state and federal resources, including operational support during an emergency and technical and training support.Directors of emergency management create strategies and protocols for handling situations such as natural disasters. They frequently collaborate with public safety personnel, political politicians, nonprofit groups, and governmental agencies during emergency situations and in the aftermath.

To learn more about Federal click the link below:



An increase in the quantity of resources available:


An increase in the quantity of resources available: (B) shifts the PPF rightward. "If the quantity of resources increases or technology improves, then the PPF will shift to the right." ~ SlidePlayer

Resources can be defined as a base quantity, with assigned tasks consuming that amount of resource in relation to an output quantity. Quantities for work-based resources such as labor and equipment are time-based. Quantities for product-based resources are determined by count.

A feature that differs between different items in a single pool of resources. is a distinguishing feature of different items in a single pool of resources. These distinctions within each type of resource will evolve over time.

Learn more about quantity of resources to visit this link



Full Question :An increase in the quantity of resources available:

A) shifts the PPF leftward

B) shifts the PPF rightward

C) moves the economy to a new point up along a given PPF

D) moves the economy to a new point down along a given PPF

What is the importance of women's rights essay?


Because they give them the chance to go to school and thrive in life, women's rights are essential. For all women, it is essential that they learn to be independent.

Why is it crucial to discuss women's rights?

Better legal safeguards result from it. Women are not adequately protected by the law from domestic and economic abuse. The safety and freedom of a woman are impacted by both of these forms of abuse. Expanding women's legal rights keeps them secure and enables them to create successful, fulfilling lives.

What is the primary function of women in our society, specifically?

Nothing is possible for men without women; they are the fundamental building block of society. Women form families, which in turn create homes, which create communities, which in turn create nations.

To know more about women's rights visit:-



Why would a borrower choose an adjustable-rate mortgage ARM instead of a fixed-rate mortgage?


Borrowers who want to leave their home before the fixed-rate portion of their ARM expires may find that adjustable-rate mortgages are a better choice than fixed-rate mortgages.

Why would a borrower opt for an ARM over a fixed rate loan?

ARMs often have lower beginning payments, but after the introductory rate period, those payments may increase. Those who intend to relocate or refinance their loan after a few years find them to be the best option. Since your monthly payments don't alter, fixed-rate loans are often more expensive up front but more predictable.

What circumstances make it more likely that an ARM would be a wiser decision than a fixed-rate mortgage?

If you plan to sell your house or pay off your mortgage in 10 years or fewer, an ARM can be worthwhile.

To know more about mortgages visit:



marcos used to love being on the swim team. however, lately he is enjoying it less and thinking about quitting. he is actually doing well on the team, but he really hates changing in the locker room. he thinks that everyone is looking at him and noticing how unattractive he is. this is creating a lot of stress for him. what term best describe the type of negative body image that he is experiencing?(1 point) responses distortion distortion covering up covering up mirror association mirror association valuing other bodies


Answer: covering up

Explanation: got it right on plato- hes insecure over his own body and looks so he wants to cover up

Timeline of the Texas revolution?


The importance of the Texas Revolution was that its leads to declaration of independence of Texas from Mexico

What was the Texas Revolution about?

The Texas Revolution, also known as War of Texas Independence was the war fought from 1835 to 1836 between Mexico and Texas colonists that resulted in Texas’s independence from Mexico and the founding of the Republic of Texas.

Although the Texas Revolution was ended by the Battles of Gonzales and San Jacinto, an armed conflict that pitted the Texians and Tejanos against the forces of the Mexican government had occurred intermittently since at least 1826.

The major cause of Texas Revolution was the refusal of many Texans (Anglo and Mexican) to accept governmental changes mandated by "Siete Leyes" which placed almost total power in the hands of the Mexican national government and Santa Anna.

Read more about Texas Revolution



Define the term "linkage institution"


A linkage institution, in accordance with the research, enables social connection between the public and the government.

They are the channels that allow members of a society to interact and exchange information with the government. As a set of venues that enable connection and interaction between various people, the media serves as a linkage institution. One example is the unrestricted transmission of information regarding elections and political parties. As a result, we can draw the conclusion that a linking institution enables social interaction between the general public and the government. A social organization that links the populace to the state or other centralized power is known as a linking institution. Elections, political parties, interest groups, and the media are some of these institutions.

Learn more about linkage here :



What are the three 3 key aspects of information?


The CIA trinity must be taken into account when talking about data and information. The three fundamental components of an information security concept known as the CIA triad are confidentiality, integrity, and availability. Each element stands for a core information security goal.

Confidentiality, integrity, and availability are three fundamental security principles that are crucial to internet-based information. Confidentiality, integrity, and availability are the fundamental principles of information security. Each component of the information security programme has to be created with one or more of these concepts in mind. They are collectively known as the CIA Triad. Confidentiality, integrity, and availability are the three main qualities of data and information that are often protected by information security regulations. Confidentiality, integrity, and availability are the core pillars of information security. Every component of an information security programme (and every security measure implemented by an entity) ought to be created with one or more of these guiding principles in mind. They are collectively known as the CIA Triad.

To learn more about CIA click the link below:



Which of the following is not an example of scarcity?


Purchasing a BMW is something that only select people can do. The shortage in this situation is not the case.

What doesn't represent scarcity as a concept?

The fact that you don't have as much of these things as you would like does not make them rare. Although it contributes to scarcity's creation, it does not cause it.

What does scarcity look like in practice?

Gold, oil, silver, and other fossil fuels are examples of natural resources that are inherently scarce. These resources might become rare and pricey when there is a demand that outpaces the supply. A high price is demanded for some goods, such as diamonds, due to their scarcity and market dominance.

To Know more about scarcity's



James is using authorized sources of guidance for derivative classification. Which of the following are authorized sources for derivative classification?

a. DD From 254
b. Security Classification Guide (SCG)
c. A properly marked source document


Answer: All 3 are correct

The following are authorized sources for derivative classification A properly marked source document

What is a document?

A document is a written, drawn, presented, or documented expression of ideas, which is frequently the manifestation of both non-fictional and fictitious content. The term comes from the Latin Documentum, which means “teaching” or “lesson”: the verb done means "to teach.”

SCGs serve as the main source for the classification of derivatives because of this. An existing, correctly indicated source document that has had material extracted, rephrased, restated, and/or generated in a new form for inclusion in another document qualifies as a second authorized source for derivative classification.

When developing derivatively classified documents, a security classification guide can be utilized as a source document to preserve the initial classification decisions. To support a uniform and effective classification management program, OCAs are urged to provide security classification guides.

Therefore,  Thus, option (C) is correct:

Learn more about the document here:



Who do you think is the epic hero in the Iliad and why?



Even Achilles knows there is no one better than him. Despite his arrogance and anger, Achilles shows great courage in battle, never faltering or falling to an opponent. There are none stronger than him in battle. For all these reasons, Achilles proves himself to be the epic hero of Homer's The Iliad.


What are the 4 main uses of the human genome project?


The 4 main uses of the human genome project are in :

Molecular MedicineWaste Control and Environmental CleanupBiotechnologyEnergy Sources

Molecular Medicine: Through genetic research, medicine will focus less on treating symptoms and more on determining the underlying causes of illness. Rapid and accurate diagnostic tests will be made possible by genetic screening, opening the door to treating a wide range of diseases.

Waste Control and Environmental Cleanup: The DOE established the Microbial Genome Initiative in 1994 to sequence the genomes of microorganisms important in the production of energy, environmental remediation, toxic waste reduction, and industrial processing. This initiative benefited from advancements made by the HGP. Six bacteria that can survive in situations of high pressure and temperature have as a result of that effort been sequenced.

Biotechnology: There are numerous opportunities for U.S. industry given the potential for commercial expansion. By the year 2000, sales of biotechnology products are anticipated to reach $20 billion. The HGP has encouraged major investment by big businesses and encouraged the growth of new biotechnology firms in an effort to profit from the implications of HGP research.

Energy Sources : The HGP will strengthen biotechnology, which will be crucial in enhancing the use of fossil-based resources. Strategies to get around the numerous issues with today's leading energy technology are needed to meet rising energy demands. By offering a more hygienic method for the bioconversion of raw materials into refined products, biotechnology will aid in meeting these needs.

To know more about human genome project here:



A story with a shifting point of view will have a more _____ perspective.



biased is the correct answer.


Define and explain 5150, 5250, 5260, 5300 and 5270 in reference to psychiatric holds


The part of the Welfare and Institutions Code with the number 5150 permits an adult psychiatric holds.

who is having a mental health crisis to be voluntarily held for a 72-hour stay in a mental institution if they are deemed to be a danger to others, to themselves, or to be profoundly incapacitated. Unlike a 5150 hold, a 5250 hold necessitates a court hearing for the person served within 4 days to determine the hold's legitimacy. The hospital is frequently the site of court proceedings. A psychiatrist may request a 14-day hold (WIC 5250 hold) and then an additional 30-day stay if they are still deemed profoundly impaired and require more intensive care. Section 5300 - Retention for additional medical care at expiration of the rigorous treatment session of 14 days (a) When the 14 days of intense treatment are up, a person may be kept in a facility for extended treatment in accordance with the provisions of this article for up to 180 days if one of the following applies.

Learn more about psychiatric here :



FILL IN THE BLANK, the idea that people’s ideas about themselves should match their actions is called ________.





agreement or harmony; compatibility.

hope this helps. pls mark BRAINLIEST

All of the following are need for achievement concerns except:


All of the following are need for achievement concerns except:supervisory control

Supervisory control is what we actually see in the PLC 71, SCADA 44, DCS 63 systems. Which is controlling whole plant or more than one field devices through a master system.

There will many types of field devices in a plant, each of the devices will have controllers to control the control action. We can’t install a signal controller to control the whole plant, it’s logic less. But can connect all the controller to a single master device. So a human can verify the process variable and set the setpoint to each controller distinctly.

A single controller supervisory control example is shown below. It is a temperature control system.

Learn more about supervisory control  to visit this link



Full Question :All of the following are need for achievement concerns except:

challenging goals

task difficulty


supervisory control

When a nonprice determinant of supply changes:


When a nonprice determinant of supply changes: The relationship between the quantity supplied and the price changes.

There are four non-price supply factors that can influence suppliers' willingness to produce goods. Production costs, expected future prices, the number of suppliers, and technology. These variables are significant because they can affect the number of units sold of products and services regardless of price. These determinants will affect demand for goods and services, but only within certain price ranges that are acceptable.

Learn more on goods



Who held political power in large cities like New York during the Gilded Age?


Political machinery controlled local administration. Members of a tiny network rose to power, maintained it via the exploitation of public funds, and amassed enormous wealth in the process. The excesses of Gilded Age administration were not seriously addressed until the beginning of the 20th century.

Despite controversy and corruption dominating Gilded Age politics, voter turnout was at an all-time high.The Republican Party promoted hard money policies and protective tariffs to help business and industry.The free silver program was subsequently adopted by the Democratic Party, which opposed the tariff.In the 1890s, the People's (Populist) Party was founded to protect farmers' rights. The party supported the minting of silver coins to help debtors out financially.

Learn more about Politics in the Gilded Age to visit this link



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