What happened in the experiment when Observing Movement through a Selectively Permeable Membrane?


Answer 1

When observing movement through a selectively permeable membrane in an experiment, it was observed that certain molecules or ions were able to pass through the membrane while others were not.

This selective permeability is due to the structure of the membrane, which allows only certain molecules to pass through based on their size, charge, and other factors. In the experiment, it was observed that smaller molecules like water and oxygen were able to pass through the membrane, while larger molecules like glucose and proteins were not able to pass through as easily. The movement of molecules through the membrane was also affected by factors like concentration gradients and pressure differentials, which caused the molecules to move from areas of high concentration to areas of low concentration. This process is known as diffusion and it is one of the main mechanisms by which molecules move through selectively permeable membranes.

Learn more about proteins :



Related Questions

Place these structures in the order that lymph travels through them:Lymphatic capillariesLymphatic ductsLymphatic vesselsLymphatic trunks


The orders that lymph travels through them is Lymphatic capillaries → Lymphatic vessels → Lymphatic trunks → Lymphatic ducts.

To understand the order in which lymph travels through the various lymphatic structures, you need to know the roles of lymphatic capillaries, lymphatic vessels, lymphatic trunks, and lymphatic ducts. Here's the correct order:

Lymphatic capillaries: Lymph first enters the lymphatic system through these tiny, blind-ended tubes that collect interstitial fluid from tissues.

Lymphatic vessels: Next, the lymph flows into larger lymphatic vessels. These vessels contain valves to prevent backflow and transport the lymph toward the lymphatic trunks.

Lymphatic trunks: The lymphatic vessels merge to form lymphatic trunks, which serve as collecting points for various regions of the body.

Lymphatic ducts: Finally, the lymphatic trunks empty the lymph into one of the two main lymphatic ducts, the right lymphatic duct or the thoracic duct, which return the lymph to the bloodstream.

So, the order is Lymphatic capillaries → Lymphatic vessels → Lymphatic trunks → Lymphatic ducts.

For more such answers on Lymphs



in cross-pollination experiments, what floral structure must be removed to prevent self-pollination?



the anthers (pollen sacs)


what do these models show about where energy storage molecules come from?


The models show the fate of energy storage molecules during the process of photosynthesis in a producer cell.

Plants are autotrophic, i.e. they produce their food themselves through photosynthesis, and hence are also called producers. During the process of photosynthesis, plants utilize light energy from the Sun to synthesize glucose (C₆H₁₂O₆) and oxygen (O₂) from carbon dioxide (CO₂) and water (H₂O), within the chloroplasts. It can be summarized by the equation:

6 CO₂ + 6 H₂O + light energy → C₆H₁₂O₆ + 6 O₂

Light energy is converted into chemical energy during the process of photosynthesis. Glucose serves as an energy storage molecule. The model shows that the atoms get rearranged during this reaction and the carbon atom that was present in the carbon dioxide molecule ends up in the glucose molecule.

To learn more about photosynthesis here: https://brainly.com/question/3529377


A potato cube is placed in an unknown solution and weighs significantly more when removed and weighed after one hour. Is the unknown solution hypertonic, isotonic, or hypotonic?


Based on the fact that the potato cube weighs significantly more after being placed in the unknown solution, we can conclude that the solution is hypotonic.

This means that the concentration of solutes in the solution is higher than that of the potato cell, causing water to move from the potato cell into the solution, resulting in an increase in weight of the potato cube. If the potato cube weighs significantly more after being placed in the unknown solution, it suggests that the solution is hypotonic, not hypertonic. In a hypotonic solution, the solute concentration is lower outside the cell than inside the cell, so water will move into the cell to balance the concentration gradient, causing the cell to swell and gain weight. In contrast, in a hypertonic solution, the solute concentration is higher outside the cell than inside the cell, causing water to move out of the cell and the cell to shrink and lose weight.

Learn more about hypertonic :



Severing the sensory fibers from the lungs would result in all of the following, except
A) less inhibition of the inspiratory center during forced breathing.
B) a drop in tidal volume.
C) potential damage to the lungs due to overinflation.
D) a disappearance of the Hering-Breuer reflexes.
E) less stimulation of the expiratory center during forced breathing.


The incorrect result of severing the sensory fibers from the lungs  is potential damage to the lungs due to overinflation (Option C).

The sensory fibers play a crucial role in the Hering-Breuer reflex, which helps prevent overinflation of the lungs by signaling the inspiratory center to stop breathing in and start breathing out. Without these sensory fibers, the Hering-Breuer reflexes would disappear (option D), and there would be less inhibition of the inspiratory center during forced breathing (option A), resulting in a drop in tidal volume (option B) and less stimulation of the expiratory center during forced breathing (option E).

Learn more about sensory fibers: https://brainly.com/question/13662724


Question 13
The one of the following that is not ordinarily considered to be transmitted by an insect?
a. malaria
b. tetanus
c. typhus fever
d. yellow fever


The one of the following that is not ordinarily considered to be transmitted by an insect is tetanus. So, the correct answer is option b.

The bacteria Clostridium tetani, which causes tetanus by producing a toxin that harms the neurological system. It is not spread by an insect and is typically acquired through a contaminated wound.

However, other diseases including malaria, typhoid fever, and yellow fever may also be spread by insects.

Anopheles mosquitoes carry the malaria virus. While yellow fever is typically conveyed by the Aedes mosquito, typhus fever is mostly spread by fleas or lice.

These insects serve as disease vectors, which means they can spread the illness from one host to another.

To learn more about tetanus visit:



Jacobi iteration may have overlapping neighborhoods that restrict parallelism.true/false


True. To maintain accuracy and prevent race conditions, overlapping neighborhoods can limit the extent to which the algorithm can be parallelized.

Jacobi iteration is a type of iterative algorithm used for solving linear systems of equations. It works by dividing the system into a set of neighborhoods, each of which is updated iteratively until the solution converges.

However, in some cases, these neighborhoods may overlap, which can restrict parallelism and slow down the algorithm. Therefore, it is important to choose an appropriate neighborhood size and shape to optimize the performance of the algorithm.

In Jacobi iteration, overlapping neighborhoods can restrict parallelism. This is because each point in the grid relies on its neighboring points for the calculation, and updating one point might affect the neighbors. Therefore, to maintain accuracy and prevent race conditions, overlapping neighborhoods can limit the extent to which the algorithm can be parallelized.

to learn more about the iterative algorithm click here:



[BIOLOGICAL MOLECULES]What are the four classes of organic molecules?


The four classes of organic molecules are; Carbohydrates, Lipids, Proteins, and Nucleic acids.

Carbohydrates are organic molecules composed of carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen in a ratio of approximately 1:2:1. They serve as a major source of energy for living organisms and also have structural roles.

Lipids are organic molecules that are insoluble in water but soluble in organic solvents. They are composed of carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen, but their ratio of elements is different from carbohydrates.

Proteins are large organic molecules composed of chains of amino acids. They are involved in nearly all cellular processes and perform a wide range of functions in living organisms, including catalyzing chemical reactions (enzymes), providing structural support, facilitating cell communication, and transporting molecules across cell membranes.

Nucleic acids are large organic molecules that store and transmit genetic information in living organisms. There are two types of nucleic acids: deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) and ribonucleic acid (RNA). DNA carries the genetic instructions for the development and functioning of an organism, while RNA is involved in the synthesis of proteins based on those instructions.

To know more about organic molecules here



If the mitochondrial matrix is impermeable to NADH, how do they cross?



NADH cannot cross the mitochondrial inner membrane directly because it is impermeable to large molecules, including NADH. However, the electrons and protons carried by NADH are transported into the mitochondrial matrix through the electron transport chain.

During aerobic respiration, NADH donates its electrons to the first protein complex of the electron transport chain, NADH dehydrogenase (Complex I). The electrons are then passed through a series of protein complexes in the electron transport chain, leading to the pumping of protons (H+) from the mitochondrial matrix to the intermembrane space. The proton gradient generated by this process drives the production of ATP by ATP synthase.

In addition to donating electrons, NADH also donates protons to the mitochondrial electron transport chain. The protons generated by the oxidation of NADH are transported across the mitochondrial inner membrane by the electron transport chain and are used to generate the proton gradient.

Overall, NADH cannot cross the mitochondrial inner membrane directly, but its electrons and protons are transported through the electron transport chain to produce ATP.

What is the correct order of structures the food moves through in the upper digestive tract?


The correct order of structures that food moves through in the upper digestive tract is as follows:

Mouth: The process of digestion begins in the mouth, where food is mechanically broken down by chewing and mixed with saliva, which contains enzymes that initiate the digestion of carbohydrates.Pharynx: The pharynx is a muscular tube that connects the mouth to the esophagus. It serves as a passage for both food and air. Esophagus: The esophagus is a muscular tube that connects the pharynx to the stomach. Stomach: The stomach is a muscular organ that receives food from the esophagus and continues the mechanical and chemical digestion of food.

It's important to note that the upper digestive tract includes the structures from the mouth to the stomach, and the process of digestion continues in the lower digestive tract, including the small intestine and large intestine, where further digestion and absorption of nutrients occur.

Learn more about “ Esophagus “ visit here;



how did the frequency of stimulation effect of force generated by the isolated skeletal muscle when the


Describe how the force produced in this activity by the isolated entire skeletal muscle changed as the stimulus frequency was increased. An increase in stimulus frequency causes the total amount of skeletal muscle to produce more active force. Maximum tetanic tension was reached when active force started to pleatu.

What types of muscles are skeletal muscles?Approximately 30–40% of your body weight is made up of skeletal muscles. You may perform a variety of movements and activities thanks to these muscles, which are connected to your bones. The voluntary nature of skeletal muscles means that you have control over when and how they contract. Skeletal muscle's primary purposes include stabilising joints, maintaining posture and position, regulating body temperature, and producing movement through contraction. Sarcopenia, cachexia, and atrophy are all diseases or periods of inactivity that result in the loss of skeletal muscle mass. In this article, the metabolic reasons for the disorders' resultant muscle loss are contrasted and compared. All of the muscles in your body that are connected to your skeletal system or bones are an example of skeletal muscles. You can now move thanks to this.

To learn more about skeletal muscle, refer to:


The frequency of stimulation can have a significant effect on the force generated by an isolated skeletal muscle.

Frequency of stimulation and force:

As the frequency of stimulation increases, the force generated by the muscle also increases, up to a certain point. This is due to the recruitment of more muscle fibers as the frequency of stimulation increases, which results in more force being generated. However, beyond a certain frequency, the muscle fibers may not have enough time to fully relax between contractions, which can lead to a decrease in force generation. So, it is important to find the optimal frequency of stimulation for a given muscle to maximize its force generation.

The force generated by an isolated skeletal muscle depends on the frequency of stimulation. As the frequency of stimulation increases, the force generated by the skeletal muscle also increases. This occurs due to the following reasons:
1. Temporal summation: When a skeletal muscle is stimulated at a higher frequency, the individual contractions start to summate, resulting in a greater overall force. This is because there is less time for the muscle to relax between contractions, leading to a stronger contraction.

2. Recruitment of additional muscle fibers: As the frequency of stimulation increases, more muscle fibers are recruited to contract, resulting in greater force production.

In summary, the force generated by an isolated skeletal muscle increases with the frequency of stimulation due to temporal summation and recruitment of additional muscle fibers.

To know more about frequency of stimulation, visit:



What is growing toward the light in plants an example of and what will it help the plant do? (Key Science Concept)


The phenomenon of plants growing toward the light is known as phototropism, which is a key science concept in botany.

Phototropism is a plant's response to light, wherein the plant grows in the direction of the light source.

This phenomenon is due to the plant hormone auxin, which is produced in the plant's tip and transported to the other parts of the plant.

When light is received by the plant, auxin moves to the shaded side, causing cells to elongate and the plant to bend toward the light source.

This helps the plant to optimize its photosynthesis, the process by which plants convert light energy into chemical energy.

By growing toward the light, plants can ensure that their leaves receive optimal light for photosynthesis, which is essential for their growth and survival.

This phenomenon is important for the overall health and productivity of plants and helps them adapt to their changing environments.

For more such answers on  phototropism



All _____ proteins are synthesized on cytosolic ribosomes and incorporated into the organelle post-translationally.peroxisomalERnuclearGolgiNone of the answers is correct.


Peroxisomal proteins are synthesized on cytosolic ribosomes and incorporated into the organelle post-translationally.

Peroxisomes are small organelles that are involved in a variety of metabolic processes, including the breakdown of fatty acids and the detoxification of harmful substances. The proteins that are required for these processes are synthesized on cytosolic ribosomes and then targeted to the peroxisome via a specific targeting signal, called a peroxisomal targeting sequence (PTS). The PTS is recognized by a receptor protein on the peroxisomal membrane, which then facilitates the translocation of the protein into the peroxisome. Once inside the peroxisome, the protein undergoes post-translational modifications, including folding and sometimes cleavage, to form its final active conformation.

Learn more about protein :



Which of the following statements about inhibitors of enzyme-catalyzed reactions is TRUE?
(a) A competitive inhibitor does not affect Vmax.
(b) A competitive inhibitor binds irreversibly to the enzyme at the active site.
(c) An uncompetitive inhibitor will always bind at the active site.
(d) An uncompetitive inhibitor typically affects KM but not kcat.
Reversible inhibitors bind to either free enzyme or the enzyme-substrate complex but not both.


The true statement about inhibitors of enzyme-catalyzed reactions is:

(a) A competitive inhibitor does not affect Vmax.

Competitive inhibitors bind reversibly to the active site of an enzyme, competing with the substrate for binding. This results in an increase in the apparent KM of the enzyme, as higher substrate concentrations are required to reach the same reaction rate. However, Vmax, which represents the maximum rate of the reaction, is not affected by a competitive inhibitor. This is because, at high substrate concentrations, the substrate can outcompete the inhibitor and bind to the enzyme, restoring the reaction rate to its maximum value. Therefore, competitive inhibitors can be overcome by increasing the substrate concentration.

Learn more about enzyme-catalyzed here:



The obstructive lung disease in which connective tissues are lost, alveolar surfaces are damaged, and the respiratory surface is reduced is called


The obstructive lung disease in which connective tissues are lost, alveolar surfaces are damaged, and the respiratory surface is reduced is called emphysema.

The obstructive lung disease you're referring to, in which connective tissues are lost, alveolar surfaces are damaged, and the respiratory surface is reduced, is called emphysema. Emphysema is a chronic respiratory condition that affects the air sacs (alveoli) in the lungs and impairs the efficiency of gas exchange, leading to shortness of breath and other complications.

More on alveolar: https://brainly.com/question/30565504


What technique is used to assess frequency changes seen when a skeletal muscle generates different levels of force production?


The technique used to assess frequency changes seen when a skeletal muscle generates different levels of force production is electromyography (EMG).

Electromyography (EMG) is a technique that involves the placement of electrodes on the surface of the skin or directly into the muscle to measure the electrical activity produced by muscle fibers during contraction.

By analyzing the frequency and amplitude of the EMG signal, researchers can gain insights into the recruitment and activation patterns of muscle fibers during different levels of force production. This information can help identify changes in motor unit activation and muscle fiber recruitment, which are important factors in understanding the mechanisms underlying muscle performance and fatigue.

Learn more about Electromyography (EMG) here: https://brainly.com/question/22373134


Question 22 Marks: 1 ______ have been known to cause crippling skeletal damage to cattle through ingested contaminated vegetation.Choose one answer. a. sulfides b. fluorides c. nitrates d. chlorides


Fluorides have been known to cause crippling skeletal damage to cattle through ingested contaminated vegetation. Therefore, the answer is b. fluorides.

Fluorides are chemical compounds that contain the element fluorine. They are commonly found in soil, water, and vegetation, and can accumulate in certain types of plants in high concentrations. When cattle and other grazing animals consume these plants, they can ingest large amounts of fluorides, which can lead to skeletal damage and other health problems.

Excessive fluoride intake can cause a condition known as fluorosis, which affects the bones and teeth. In cattle, fluorosis can cause skeletal deformities, such as bowed legs, stiff joints, and weakened bones. It can also lead to reduced weight gain, decreased milk production, and other health problems.

Fluoride toxicity in cattle is most commonly associated with the ingestion of contaminated vegetation in areas with high levels of naturally occurring fluorides in the soil and water. To prevent fluorosis in cattle, it is important to monitor the fluoride levels in grazing areas and to limit the animals' exposure to contaminated vegetation.

Visit to know more about Flourides:-



if a sufferer or neurological damage can demonstrate association between process a and process b, the hat does this likely tell us about the nature of the cognitive disruption


If a sufferer of neurological damage can demonstrate an association between process A and process B, it is likely that this tells us that the two processes are related and depend on each other to function properly.

The disruption in one process may lead to the disruption in the other process, causing cognitive impairment. This type of association is commonly seen in various neurological conditions, where the disruption of one cognitive process can lead to deficits in other related processes. For example, damage to the prefrontal cortex can lead to impairments in attention, memory, and decision-making, which are all closely related processes. Understanding these associations can provide insights into the nature of cognitive disruption and can help in developing effective treatments and interventions for individuals with neurological conditions.

For more questions like neurological visit the link below:



When the preferable food source drops in abundance, the species will likely switch to a less preferred food source, which will complicate predator prey relationships


When a species' preferred food source becomes less abundant, the species may be forced to switch to a less preferred food source to survive.

This can complicate predator-prey relationships because the predator may not be suited to feeding on the less desired food source, or the less preferred food source may not supply sufficient nutrients to sustain the predator's population.

For example, if a predator eats predominantly on one type of prey and that prey becomes scarce, the predator may shift to feeding on a less preferred prey species.

However, less preferred prey species may be less nutritious or more difficult to catch, making it difficult for the predator to locate food and thus reducing its population growth.

For such more question on species:



Which are functions of small RNAS?
Select all that apply.
to build proteins using codons
to cause a protein complex to break down mRNA molecules
to carry all the information necessary to build proteins
to prevent mRNA molecules from being translated


Small RNAs serve a variety of purposes, like option B: to cause mRNA transcripts to be broken down by a protein complex, and option D: mRNA molecules from being translated.

By attaching to particular mRNAs and either preventing or triggering the destruction of their translation, small RNAs, such as microRNAs and siRNAs, can control the expression of genes. They neither carry the information required to construct proteins on their own, nor do they construct proteins using codons.  

Numerous biological processes require RNA, also known as ribonucleic acid, which is a single-stranded nucleic acid. Its structure is comparable to that of DNA, except instead of deoxyribose and thymine, it contains the sugar ribose and the nucleotide uracil.

To know more about mRNA transcripts, refer:



During which substage of mitosis do sister chromatids break apart and start moving to opposite poles of the cell?AnaphaseMetaphaseTelophaseProphase


The substage of mitosis during which sister chromatids break apart and start moving to opposite poles of the cell is called anaphase.

Anaphase is the third stage of mitosis, following prophase and metaphase, and precedes telophase. During anaphase, the paired sister chromatids that make up each chromosome separate at the centromere and are pulled apart by spindle fibers that attach to the kinetochore protein at the centromere. The spindle fibers shorten, causing the separated sister chromatids to move towards opposite poles of the cell. This process ensures that each daughter cell will receive an identical set of chromosomes when the cell divides during cytokinesis.

Once the sister chromatids have completely separated, they are considered individual chromosomes, and the cell begins to prepare for the final stage of mitosis, telophase. In summary, anaphase is a critical stage of mitosis that enables the separation and distribution of chromosomes to ensure the accurate division of genetic material in cells.

To learn more about Mitosis :



Lymph from the right leg enters the bloodstream through the:


Answer: Subclavian vein.

Explanation: Once within the lymphatic system, the extracellular fluid, called lymph, drains into larger vessels called lymphatics. These two vessels converge as one to form one of the two large vessels called the lymphatic trunks that are connected to veins at the base of the neck. One of these trunks, the right lymphatic duct, drains the upper right portion of the body, returning lymph to the bloodstream via the right subclavian vein.

Which is larger i can't remember a kingdom or a domain?

Thank you


A domain is a larger, more inclusive category than a kingdom. Under this system, there are three domains—domain Bacteria (corresponding to domain Eubacteria), domain Archaea (corresponding to kingdom Archaebacteria), and domain Eukarya (corresponding to kingdoms Fungi, Plantae, Animalia, and kingdom “Protista”).

Kingdom and domain are two types of categories to classify living organisms. Kingdoms are coming under the domains. All living organisms belong to three domains as well as to five kingdoms1. So neither is larger than the other.

Let me know if you have any other questions or if there’s anything else I can help you with!

The process in which a new species arises within the same range where the parent populations are located is called convergent evolution. sympatric speciation. semispeciation. allopatric speciation. adaptive radiation.


The process in which a new species arises within the same range where the parent populations are located is called sympatric speciation.

Sympatric speciation occurs when a subset of individuals within a single population evolves into a reproductively isolated group that can no longer interbreed with the parent population. This can occur as a result of several mechanisms, such as polyploidy, habitat differentiation, or sexual selection. In contrast, allopatric speciation occurs when a new one arises as a result of geographic isolation, while adaptive radiation refers to the rapid diversification of a single ancestral species into many different species in response to different ecological niches. Convergent evolution refers to the process by which two different species evolve similar traits independently in response to similar environmental pressures, while semispeciation is not a recognized term in evolutionary biology.

To learn more about species, click here:


how are water gathered and treated for residental household use?​



adding a chlorine base product such as sodium hypoglyphosium or household bleach to water to kill bacteria and viruses

A test done on wound exudate to determine the presence of microorganisms is:A. sweat test B. biopsy C. Tzanck test D. wound culture


The test done on wound exudate to determine the presence of microorganisms is D. wound culture. This test helps in identifying the specific microorganisms causing infection and assists in determining the appropriate treatment.

The test done on wound exudate to determine the presence of microorganisms is called a wound culture. This test involves taking a sample of the wound exudate and growing it in a laboratory to identify any bacteria or other microorganisms that may be present. It is a common diagnostic tool used to guide treatment decisions and prevent the spread of infections. The other options mentioned, such as the sweat test, biopsy, and Tzanck test, are different types of medical tests used for various purposes unrelated to wound culture.

Learn more about infection  here:-



The practice whereby a firm promotes environmental benefits that are unsubstantiated and on which they don't deliver is known as ________.
a. eco-friendly
b. envirosafe
c. greenwashing
d. earthsafe
e. none of the above


The practice whereby a firm promotes environmental benefits that are unsubstantiated and on which they don't deliver is known as c. greenwashing.

Greenwashing is when a company falsely claims or exaggerates their environmental efforts in order to improve their public image. This practice is deceptive and can mislead consumers who genuinely care about the environmental benefits of products and services.

Greenwashing can be harmful as it misleads consumers into thinking they are making environmentally responsible choices, while in reality, the company is not making any significant effort towards environmental sustainability or environmental benefits. It is important for companies to be transparent and honest about their environmental practices and not engage in greenwashing, as it can ultimately undermine legitimate efforts towards sustainability and the environment.

To know more about environmental sustainability, visit here:



A scientist notices that a cancer cell line shows high levels of phosphorylated ERK in the absence of EGF. What are two possible explanations for the increase in phosphorylated ERK?


Possible explanations for the increase in phosphorylated ERK in a cancer cell line in the absence of EGF are abnormal activation of the ERK signaling pathway or a mutation in the regulatory region of the ERK gene.

There are several possible explanations for high levels of phosphorylated ERK in the absence of EGF, but here are two possibilities:

Mutations: The cancer cell line may have acquired mutations in the genes that encode for proteins involved in the ERK signaling pathway, leading to the constitutive activation of ERK even in the absence of EGF. For example, mutations in the BRAF gene are commonly found in some types of cancer and can lead to the activation of the MAPK/ERK pathway.Autocrine Signaling: The cancer cells may be secreting their own growth factors that activate the ERK signaling pathway in an autocrine manner. This means that the cancer cells are producing their own EGF-like ligands, which bind to and activate their own EGF receptors, leading to the activation of the ERK pathway.

Learn more about ERK



Cell bodies of preganglionic sympathetic neurons are located within theA) lateral horns of the gray matter of the spinal cord.B) dorsal root ganglia.C) sympathetic trunk.D) intramural ganglia.


The cell bodies of preganglionic sympathetic neurons are located within the lateral horns of the gray matter of the spinal cord. These neurons are part of the autonomic nervous system and play a crucial role in the sympathetic "fight or flight" response. So the correct answer is option A.

The sympathetic nervous system neurons are responsible for transmitting signals from the spinal cord to the sympathetic ganglia, where they synapse with postganglionic neurons. The sympathetic nervous system is responsible for the "fight or flight" response in the body, which is activated during times of stress or danger. The sympathetic trunk is a long chain of ganglia that runs parallel to the spinal cord, and it is responsible for distributing the postganglionic fibers to their target organs. Intramural ganglia, on the other hand, are located within the walls of the target organs and are responsible for controlling local reflexes.

Learn more about postganglionic neurons: https://brainly.com/question/14478314


abnormal leakage of amniotic fluid, which indicates a rupture of the amniotic sac, is called:


Is called amniorrhea
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