What happened in the Black Hills in 1874? a. Gold was found. A land rush occurred. b. The Sioux sold the Black Hills to the US government. c. White settlers violated a treaty guaranteeing the Black Hills to American Indians.
d. White settlers and American Indians coexisted peacefully.


Answer 1

Gold was found in the Black Hills in 1874. The right answer is a.

When gold was discovered, the Black Hills were truly discovered. The discovery of gold allowed the west to expand, and miners from past gold boom regions hurried to the Black Hills in hopes of striking it rich. The Black Hills Gold Rush was brought on by the discovery of gold in French Creek, which was confirmed by Colonel George Custer's expedition in 1874.

The Hills were home to about 10,000 people by 1876. Bullock was chosen to serve as Deadwood's first sheriff. As the economy shifted from the gold rush to sustained mining, Deadwood shed its gritty appearance and became a thriving community.

The correct answer is option a.

Know more about Black Hills here



Related Questions

Int eh twenty-first century, international tensions born of communism remain in


In the twenty-first century, tensions born of communism continue to exist on the international stage.

While the global ideological conflict between communism and capitalism that defined much of the twentieth century has largely faded away, remnants of communist systems and beliefs continue to shape politics and social relations in many parts of the world.For example, North Korea remains one of the last surviving communist regimes, and its isolationist policies and aggressive rhetoric have contributed to ongoing tensions with the United States and other nations. China, a nominally communist country, has transformed into a global economic powerhouse while maintaining strict government control over political dissent and individual freedoms, leading to tensions with Western nations that prioritize democratic values.Furthermore, communist ideology and political systems continue to influence political movements and social relations in many parts of the world. In countries like Cuba and Venezuela, socialist governments have been established in recent years, leading to ongoing political and economic tensions with the United States and other Western nations. Additionally, communist and socialist political movements continue to exist in many other countries, including the United States and European nations.

Learn more about surviving here:https://brainly.com/question/26098341


What is a quarantine?



a state, period, or place of isolation in which people or animals that may have been exposed to infectious disease are placed.


A quarantine is a restriction on the movement of people, animals and goods which is intended to prevent the spread of disease or pests.

After World War II, the United States enacted the Marshall Plan. What was the main purpose of this act?



For the United States, the Marshall Plan provided markets for American goods, created reliable trading partners, and supported the development of stable democratic governments in Western Europe. Congress's approval of the Marshall Plan signaled an extension of the bipartisanship of World War II into the postwar years.


Question 25 Marks: 1 Lead poisoning is commonly associated with children living in homes built beforeChoose one answer. a. 1980 b. 1970 c. 1950 d. 1940


it is 1978...................

Which two of the following describe Japanese philosophies regarding war?


The Art of war is a book of Japanese philosophy written  by a Japanese Philosopher named Sun Tzu is an Chinese Military text composed of thirteen chapters, that are devoted to the strategic and tactical aspects of warfare.

Here are the two main Japanese philosophies regarding war :

The underlying philosophy is that victory and defeat are already decided before the battle is fought. This means that with sufficient knowledge and calculations, its possible to estimate the chance of winning a battle. To create an obedient army, it's vital for a leader to know his soldier's; every kind of soldier needs a different treatment. Oftentimes it's better to avoid conflict if that avoids great loss.

To learn more about Japanese philosophies :https://brainly.com/question/29473431

how did the automobile change American life in the early years of the century?


People less and less used railroads and started using roads more.

The British sent 15,000 troops to attack ○ fort ticonderoga
○ fort William Henry
○ fort duquesne in 1758, but they were defeated by the French. V DONE. ​


The British sent 15,000 troops to attack ○ fort ticonderoga

○ fort William Henry

○ fort duquesne in 1758, but they were defeated by the French

All the statements are correct.

The British sent 15,000 soldiers to Fort Duquesne (located in modern-day Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania) in 1758 as part of the French and Indian War in an effort to seize the strategic location, but they were routed by the French and their Native American allies.

Although the British suffered a heavy defeat, they would eventually succeed in capturing the fort in 1758 after the French left it and British troops took possession of it.

To know more about William Henry here



Who was the first person to publish on electric theory and electic force


Answer: Benjamin Franklin


What were two effects peter the greats rule had on Russia


During Peter's reign, serfs were further subjugated to the will of landowners.

He fiercely reinforced class divides, and his tax system greatly increased the number of taxable workers, putting an even higher burden on the working class. A few of Peter's changes indicated an incomplete comprehension of some Enlightenment concepts.

For example, he established a new class of serfs known as state peasants, who had more rights than ordinary serfs but had to pay state dues. He also established state-sanctioned handicraft shops in major cities, inspired by similar shops he saw in the Netherlands, to supply goods to the army.

Evidence reveals that Peter's counsellors advised the abolition of serfdom and the establishment of a form of "limited freedom," but under Peter, the difference between slaves and serfs shrank significantly.

To know more about Peter's reign:



What is the most likely reason Charles V of Spain gave up the throne in 1556?



Explanation: apportioning his imperial titles to his brother Ferdinand I and his Dutch and Spanish ones to his son Philip II. His ill health, particularly his decades-long battle with gout, was undeniably a factor in his decision to abdicate.

1. Why the Soviet Union declined.
2. Identify the reforms introduced by Mikhail Gorbachev.
3. Describe the collapse of communism in Eastern Europe and the Soviet
4. Evaluate how the end of the Cold War affected the remaining communist
nations and the United States.
Da Jines: Text


very large explanation

1. The Soviet Union declined due to a combination of factors, including economic stagnation, political repression, and military overspending. The Soviet economy was heavily dependent on the export of raw materials, and the system of central planning proved to be inefficient and unable to keep pace with the demands of a modern economy. Additionally, the Soviet government's policies of censorship, propaganda, and political repression alienated many of its citizens and eroded popular support for the regime. Finally, the Soviet Union's military buildup and involvement in foreign conflicts, such as the Afghan War, drained its resources and weakened its international standing.

2. Mikhail Gorbachev introduced a series of reforms known as perestroika (restructuring) and glasnost (openness) in an attempt to revive the Soviet economy and modernize the political system. Perestroika involved decentralizing the economy, allowing more market forces to operate, and introducing limited private enterprise. Glasnost allowed for greater freedom of speech and the press, and also attempted to address long-standing social and environmental problems. However, these reforms ultimately weakened the Communist Party's control over the Soviet state, and led to greater calls for political reform and independence among the various Soviet republics.

3. The collapse of communism in Eastern Europe and the Soviet Union was a complex and multifaceted process, but it was ultimately driven by popular discontent with the Communist Party's authoritarian rule, economic stagnation, and political repression. In 1989, the Soviet Union withdrew its support for the Communist governments in Eastern Europe, and popular uprisings in countries like Poland, Hungary, and Czechoslovakia toppled their Communist regimes. In the Soviet Union itself, independence movements in the various republics gained strength, and in 1991 a group of hardline Communists attempted a coup against Gorbachev's reforms. The coup failed, and in the aftermath the Soviet Union officially dissolved, with many of its constituent republics declaring independence.

4. The end of the Cold War had a profound impact on both the remaining communist nations and the United States. In the former Soviet bloc, many countries underwent dramatic political and economic transitions, with some adopting capitalist economies and liberal democratic systems. In other countries, however, political instability, economic hardship, and corruption continued to plague the post-communist era. In the United States, the end of the Cold War marked a shift away from the politics of containment and deterrence, and towards a greater emphasis on promoting democracy and human rights around the world. However, the United States also faced new challenges in the post-Cold War era, including terrorism, ethnic conflict, and economic competition from rising powers such as China.

Will mark as brainliest pls
Us history Cold War Project
Instructions: Write about the Cold war at home to write to letters (4-5 Sentences each) from two different viewpoints. One is from the perspective of an American describing what has been going on in their life and one is from the perspective of someone from the Communist East (like East Berlin or the Soviet Union).
Learning Goal: I will be able to describe how the Cold War affected the ordinary lives of people living in America and abroad.
American Writer:
Communist East Write:



American writer:

My dearest wife,

I'm writing to you in Florida from my business trip in California. I have heard many ugly things about the cold war and I'm truly scared for your safety. The clear threat of nuclear war is upon us to the point where they are teaching our children to duck and cover in case of a sudden attack. There's also the constant fear of our own neighbors being communists even here in the western part of the US. I cant fathom you being so close to Cuba either, with the missile crisis going on and whatnot. I pray that you and the kids stay safe.

Love, your husband


communist writer

My comrade,

I hope this finds you well my friend. Here in the soviet union, we are getting ready to be attacked and retaliate against the Americans. It might not seem like it but we are as equally worried about this sense of mutually assured destruction. All we want is for the world to see the beauty of socialism and its benefits and we all support Stalin, at least here in the government. This world is broken into imperialists and capitalist regimes and we hope to bring them together. I hope you also feel the same

-Your friend

What event is known as the "spark" that began WWI?


The assassination of Austrian Archduke Franz Ferdinand

On May 1, 1974, this Beckley radio station became the first public radio station in West Virginia to go on the air.


The given statement "On May 1, 1974, this Beckley radio station became the first public radio station in West Virginia to go on the air" is TRUE.

A historic event of Beckley radio station

On May 1, 1974, a historic event took place in West Virginia as Beckley radio station went live on the airwaves, becoming the state's first public radio station.

The launch of this station marked a significant milestone in the state's broadcast history, offering West Virginians access to a new and diverse range of programming, including news, music, and cultural shows.

As a public radio station, it was funded through community donations and grants, enabling it to remain free from commercial interests and provide unbiased and high-quality content.

This launch was an exciting development for West Virginians, who could now stay informed and entertained by tuning into the state's very own public radio station.

Today, public radio remains an important part of West Virginia's media landscape, providing a voice for communities across the state.

Learn more about West Virginia at



What group of settlers helped to save the colony that first year?


The Powhatan Confederacy, a Native American tribe, was the group of settlers who contributed to the colony's survival during its first year.

They gave food and supplies to the struggling English immigrants, showed them how to farm, and assisted them in navigating the foreign terrain. It seems improbable that the colony would have survived without their help.

The Pilgrims were a group of settlers who contributed to the colony's survival in the first year. When they landed at Plymouth, Massachusetts, in 1620, they worked with the local Native Americans to successfully build a community.They arrived at Plymouth, Massachusetts in 1620 and, with the assistance of the Native Americans, were able to establish a successful settlement.

Visit here to learn more about Native Americans  : https://brainly.com/question/8678061

Theodore Roosevelt first gained fame as a trust busters by attacking which monopoly in 1902? a. Standard Oil b. Northern Securities c. J.P. Morgan Chase d. General Electric


The answer is  c. J.P. Morgan Chase. Theodore Roosevelt initially became well-known for breaking up trusts by taking on the monopoly J.P. Morgan Chase in 1902.

Republican Franklin D. Roosevelt took on the violent conflict between management and labour head-on and earned the title of "trust buster" for his tenacious efforts to dismantle industrial alliances in accordance with the Sherman Antitrust Act.

Learn about Theodore Roosevelt's efforts to limit corporate America's power throughout his presidency. Roosevelt challenged J.P. Morgan Bank and Industrial Trusts, and he was successful in dismantling monopolies.

Read more about Theodore Roosevelt at



muhammed ali and pat tillman were both former professional athletes that were arrested for draft evasionT/f


Former professional athletes Pat Tillman and Muhammad Ali also had their arrests for tax evasion. This statement is false.

Muhammad Ali was a former professional boxer who refused to be drafted into the military during the Vietnam War due to his religious beliefs as a Muslim and opposition to the war. He was subsequently arrested and stripped of his boxing titles, but the conviction was eventually overturned by the Supreme Court.

Pat Tillman, on the other hand, was a former professional football player who left the NFL to join the United States Army in the aftermath of the September 11 attacks. He served in Iraq and Afghanistan but was tragically killed by friendly fire in 2004. There is no evidence that Tillman was ever arrested for draft evasion.

Although both Muhammad Ali and Pat Tillman were athletes who made significant sacrifices in service to their beliefs, their circumstances and experiences were quite different. Ali's refusal to be drafted was a controversial and polarizing act that landed him in legal trouble, while Tillman's decision to leave football for military service was widely lauded and ultimately cost him his life.

To learn more about Muhammad Ali



2. Theravada tradition of Buddhism was more widespread than the Mahayana tradition.
O True


Answer: false

Explanation: cause im just right




I did my research about it.

Did the Soviet-Afghan War achieve, maintain, or threaten world peace?

If you were to set this event on a doomsday clock, how many minutes will it be?



The Soviet-Afghan War, which lasted from 1979 to 1989, had a significant impact on regional stability and had broader implications for global security. The war resulted in the deaths of tens of thousands of people, including civilians, and contributed to the rise of extremist groups in the region.

It is difficult to assess the impact of the Soviet-Afghan War on world peace in absolute terms. However, it is fair to say that the conflict represented a threat to global stability during the Cold War era. The Soviet Union's intervention in Afghanistan was widely seen as an attempt to expand its influence in the Middle East, and the United States responded by backing anti-Soviet forces in the country.

The conflict drew in other countries, including Pakistan, China, and Iran, and contributed to regional tensions. Additionally, the war led to the displacement of millions of Afghans, many of whom became refugees in neighboring countries.

If I were to set this event on a doomsday clock, it would be difficult to give a precise number of minutes to represent the threat it posed to world peace. However, it is clear that the Soviet-Afghan War had a significant negative impact on regional and global stability, and it required significant diplomatic efforts to resolve the conflict and prevent further escalation.

Absolutism and Revolution Worksheet Completion
Use historical and geographic information to draw inferences and conclusions
Write and cite evidence to defend a thesis statement


Absolutism is a type of government in which the state and its people are entirely under the control and authority of a single ruler, such as a king or queen.

The belief that one's authority came directly from God and could not be questioned was shared by absolute monarchs who frequently asserted divine right. Various groups including the middle class, the nobility and the peasantry, frequently opposed and opposed the absolutist system. Throughout history, this opposition sparked numerous uprisings and revolutions.

The French Revolution is among the most well-known instances of a revolution against an absolutist government. Because of the high taxes, economic disparity, and political corruption of the Bourbon monarchy, the French people revolted in 1789.

Learn more about Absolutism at:



Roosevelt intended the Elkins Act of 1903 and the Hepburn Act of 1906 to provide the government the increased authority it needed to clean up what industry


Roosevelt intended the Elkins Act of 1903 and the Hepburn Act of 1906 to provide the government increased authority to regulate the railroad industry.

Both the Elkins Act and the Hepburn Act were designed to strengthen the government's ability to regulate and enforce fair practices within the railroad industry. The Elkins Act aimed to eliminate secret rebates and price discrimination by making it illegal for railroads to offer, and for shippers to receive, such rebates.

The Hepburn Act expanded the authority of the Interstate Commerce Commission (ICC), granting it the power to set maximum rates and oversee other aspects of railroad operations, such as pipeline fees and ferry services. These acts were part of Roosevelt's larger progressive agenda to increase government oversight of industries and protect the public interest.

Learn more about rebates here:



Descriptions by later historians of the civil strife between the Puritans and Cavaliers (or Royalists) in England often imply that these two parties wore styles of garments that separated one group from the other. The Puritans followed much the same styles as the rest of the population. Puritans decried excesses of dress and the wearing of more stylish clothes than was appropriate to one's station, whereas Cavaliers and their ladies stressed lavishly decorated costumes in vivid colors. Wealthy Puritans wore clothing of fine quality albeit more restrained in decoration and color than those of their Cavalier neighbors. Soldiers of the Puritans cut their hair shorter, avoiding the elaborate curls of the Cavaliers. Cavaliers or royalists tended to wear broad-brimmed, flat-crowned hats trimmed with plumes, while the Puritans favored high-crowned, narrower brimmed capotains.


Historians often describe the differences in clothing styles between Puritans and Cavaliers during the civil strife in England. Puritans wore modest clothing, with less decoration and more subdued colours compared to the lavish, vivid costumes of Cavaliers.

Although wealthy Puritans wore fine-quality clothing, they maintained a more restrained appearance. Puritan soldiers cut their hair shorter, avoiding elaborate curls, while Cavaliers wore broad-brimmed hats with plumes, and Puritans favoured high-crowned, narrower-brimmed captains. Historians have described the civil strife between the Puritans and Cavaliers (or Royalists) in England as being characterized by differences in clothing styles. Contrary to popular belief, the Puritans followed much the same styles as the rest of the population.

However, they decried excesses of dress and the wearing of more stylish clothes than was appropriate to one's station. On the other hand, Cavaliers and their ladies stressed lavishly decorated costumes in vivid colors. Wealthy Puritans wore clothing of fine quality albeit more restrained in decoration and color than those of their Cavalier neighbours. Additionally, soldiers of the Puritans cut their hair shorter, avoiding the elaborate curls of the Cavaliers. Cavaliers or Royalists tended to wear broad-brimmed, flat-crowned hats trimmed with plumes, while the Puritans favored high-crowned, narrower-brimmed capotains.

Learn more about Historians here: brainly.com/question/8426126


How do you think Eisenhower's military background contributed to his response to the threat of communism during his term as President?



Eisenhower's military background as a former five-star general and Supreme Commander of the Allied Forces in Europe during World War II contributed significantly to his response to the threat of communism during his presidency. He believed in the importance of maintaining a strong military and alliances, such as NATO, to counter the Soviet Union's expansion. Eisenhower's experience also instilled in him a sense of caution and a deep appreciation for the costs of war, leading him to be reluctant to commit US forces to overseas conflicts unless necessary. Overall, Eisenhower's military background shaped his policy of containment, which used a combination of military and diplomatic tools to prevent the spread of communism.


what theory was introduced in the latter part of the 19th century shortly after the industrial revolution had occurred in Europe and America


In the latter part of the 19th century, shortly after the industrial revolution had occurred in Europe and America, the theory of Social Darwinism was introduced.

Social Darwinism is a belief system that applied the concepts of Charles Darwin's theory of natural selection to human societies and social structures. Social Darwinists believed that human societies were subject to the same laws of natural selection as plants and animals, and that only the strongest and most adaptable societies would survive and thrive.

Social Darwinism was used to justify a number of social and economic policies, such as laissez-faire capitalism and imperialism.

Advocates of laissez-faire capitalism argued that the market should be left to regulate itself, and that government intervention would only impede the natural selection of the strongest businesses.

Imperialists used Social Darwinism to justify the expansion of Western powers into other parts of the world, arguing that Western nations were the fittest and most advanced societies and therefore had a duty to bring their civilization to "backward" peoples.

Critics of Social Darwinism argued that it was a flawed and dangerous belief system that justified the exploitation and oppression of weaker societies and individuals.

They pointed out that natural selection was a descriptive theory, not a normative one, and that applying it to human societies was both inappropriate and immoral. Despite these criticisms, Social Darwinism continued to influence social and economic policies well into the 20th century.

To know more about industrial revolution  refer to-



True or false : Before the wave of revolutions, Latin America remained independent from foreign interference.


False : Before the wave of revolutions, Latin America remained independent from foreign interference.

What happened to Latin America before?

No. Latin America did not experience freedom from overseas influence prior to the wave of revolutions. Specifically, Spain and Portugal were rulers in much of Latin American for many years before the start of these revolutions in the early 19th century.

Furthermore, even after those countries went independent, outside nations continued to interfere with internal affairs economically and politically.

Read more on Latin America here:https://brainly.com/question/1486837


China's strategy for modernization and economic development in the 195ps most closely resembled the developmental strategy of - A) IndiaB) JapanC) BritainD) The Soviet Union


China's strategy for modernization and monetary expansion in the 1950s most closely reached the economic development strategy of the Soviet Union. Thus, option D is correct.

China established the People's Republic in the year 1949, with an economy modeled on the Soviet Union. This created a tactical analysis of China which made rapid growth of industrialization in China and made modernization of large-scale industries and machinery.

After the implementation of these strategies, the economic development of China in the industrial sector resembles the Soviet Union. The development was a little bit slow under Maoist rule. All these developments were done by the ideas of influencer Kang Youwei.

To learn more about Economic growth in China



What policy did the King make to ensure that the trustees did not take personal advantage of their positions?


During the establishment of the Georgia colony in the 18th century, King George II implemented a policy known as the "Trusteeship," which aimed to prevent the trustees from taking personal advantage of their positions.

This policy required the trustees to take an oath of office, pledging to act in the best interests of the colony and its inhabitants. Additionally, the trustees were not allowed to own land or participate in any trade or commerce within the colony, and they were required to submit regular reports to the king to ensure transparency and accountability. The Trusteeship policy helped to maintain the integrity of the Georgia colony and ensure that the trustees acted in the best interests of the colonists.

To ensure that the trustees did not take personal advantage of their positions, the King implemented a policy of strict oversight and accountability. This policy required trustees to report their actions and decisions regularly, adhere to a code of conduct, and disclose any potential conflicts of interest. By doing so, the King aimed to maintain transparency and integrity within the organization, preventing the misuse of power for personal gain.

Visit here to learn more about  Georgia colony : https://brainly.com/question/30607251

What problems did rapid economic development after 1976 in China produce?


The return of a criminal underworld that had been largely eradicated by 1949 is rapid economic development after 1976 in China produce.

China's economy continues to face significant difficulties. There is still some uncertainty regarding the virus's evolution, and the contraction in real estate remains a significant obstacle. A declining population and sluggish productivity growth are two long-term headwinds to growth. An aging population, a divide between urban and rural areas, a financial system that is still in its infancy, a lack of innovation, and a reliance on carbon-based energy sources are just a few of China's major domestic challenges.

The massive mobilization of resources and the transfer of control of those resources from public ownership to private ownership, which allowed for improved efficiency in the management of those resources, were the root causes of the reform period's high growth rates.

Learn more about China economy :



2. Who was Qin Shi Huang?



Qin Shi Huang, China's First Emperor, was born on February 18, 259 BC, which is more than 2,200 years ago! The Emperor is one of history's most contentious figures and is famous for the army of terracotta warriors that was created to serve as his eternal guardians.


Doc. 2: Resolution of African Americans in Newtown, New York, August 20, 1862



“Resolution of African Americans in Newtown, New York, August 20, 1862”. It was a resolution passed by the colored citizens of Queens County, N.Y., who met in mass meeting to consider the speech of Abraham Lincoln and express their views on the subject of being colonized in Central America or some other country1.


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