What do you mean by ethics in one sentence?


Answer 1

The foundation of ethics is a set of rational norms of right and wrong that outline what people should do, typically in terms of their rights, duties, benefits to society, fairness, or other particular qualities.

Ethics"Ethics has to do with whatever my gut tells me is good or wrong.""My religious convictions are related to ethics.""Following the law's requirements is being ethical."Ethics are the standards of behavior that our society considers.

Speaking morally isn't the same as accomplishing "whatever society permits." The majority of individuals in any community support morally upright ideals. However, morality and societal informal rules can not always coincide. A society as a whole can lose its moral integrity. A morally depraved society can be compared to Nazi Germany.

For more such question on Ethics.



Related Questions

How can you be an ethical or moral person?


Do not act or speak in a way that might endanger another person. Do not make them feel ashamed for any reason. Make an effort to make people better. Make an effort to be kind to people every day. It might be as easy as giving someone a praise or saying "thank you." by this way you be an ethical or moral person.

If a person transgresses the moral laws, they are considered immoral. If a person has no awareness of or concern for moral principles, they are said to be amoral. A person is ethical if they understand the fundamental rules regulating moral behavior and behave in a way that upholds those rules.

Following "whatever the prevailing culture permits" is not the same thing as acting ethically. The majority of people in any community adhere to principles that are fundamentally moral. However, social norms for conduct might diverge from moral ones. Culture might deteriorate morally and ethically as a whole. A politically compromised culture is best exemplified by Nazi Germany.

For such more question on Ethical.



What is the difference between peril and perilous?


Parlous and dangerous are similar words. In actuality, parlous was created in the late 14th century as a contraction of the word dangerous.

Perilous may also be referred to as dangerous, hazardous, precarious, and risky. Perilous clearly suggests immediate danger, even though all of these terms have the same meaning of "bringing or including the potential of loss or damage."

The Latin word periculum, which means hazardous, is whence the adjective perilous gets its name. Jeopardy, a noun denoting a perilous circumstance, and imperil, a verb denoting to place in peril, are words with the same origin.

Learn more about to  peril visit here;



How much did slavery contribute to the American economy?


In 1860, the 4 m slavery were worth an estimated $4 billion, or an average of $1,000 per individual. That was greater than the combined value of all American banks, railroads, and factories at the time.

What impact did slavery have on the economy?

In 1840, the South produced 60% of the cotton grown worldwide and contributed 70% of the cotton utilized by the British manufacturing industry. As a result, a sizable portion of the money, iron, the manufactured commodities that served as the foundation for American economic expansion were funded by slavery.

Slavery played what role in the American economy?

According to the estimations based on the this new methodology, the rise in output per slave worker was accountable for about a sixth of the increase.

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Who wrote the very first English dictionary?


The first English dictionary to be published in a single language was Robert Cawdrey's Table Alphabetical, which was originally published in 1604. About 3000 terms are listed, and each one is defined with a short and straightforward definition.

The first English dictionary

The first English dictionary to be published in a single language was Robert Cawdrey's Table Alphabeticall, which was originally published in 1604. About 3000 terms are listed, and each one is defined with a short and straightforward definition. Since they were taken from foreign or old languages like Hebrew, Greek, Latin, or French, many of the terms contained in the Table Alphabeticall were considered "hard" or unfamiliar to the general population. Numerous new terms entered the English language throughout the 16th century. This was largely made possible by significant advances in literature, science, medicine, the arts, and a resurgence of interest in the classical languages.

Cawdrey believed that the Table Alphabeticall would aid the reader in comprehending difficult words and would help to better organize the English language. In the first edition, he stated that the book was meant to be helpful for everyone.Cawdrey anticipated that the Alphabeticall would encourage more people to learn how to read and write "correctly," as well as contribute to the popularization of knowledge in general. Few girls would have attended school at this period, and only wealthy parents could have afforded private tutors.The word meanings Cawdrey provided were simple. He did not mention the major writers of the day or the origins of words, in contrast to succeeding dictionary builders. Instead, the book's clarity helped individuals who wished to either comprehend sermons and books more fully or learn how to spell in the "proper" way.

To know more about First English dictionary refer to :



What is the meaning of irony of any chapter?


Irony is a literary device used to suggest a contrast between what is expected and what actually occurs. In the chapter, irony is used to highlight the differences between how the characters view the world and how it actually is.

The chapter begins with the protagonist, Mrs. Moore, and her companion, Adela Quested, arriving in Chandrapore, India. Mrs. Moore is shocked by the poverty and filth she sees in the town. This is an example of situational irony, because she had been expecting India to be a beautiful and romantic place, when in reality, it is quite poor and dirty.

The travelers visit a local mosque and Mrs. Moore is shocked by the religious practices she observes, which are quite different from those of her own culture. This is another example of situational irony, as she had been expecting to find a spiritual connection in the mosque, but instead finds customs which are entirely unfamiliar to her.

The irony continues when the group arrives at the home of the local magistrate. The house is described as "magnificent", with its high ceilings and beautiful gardens. This is an example of dramatic irony, because while Mrs. Moore and Adela are admiring the house, they are unaware that the magistrate is a corrupt and oppressive figure, exploiting the people of the town.

Learn more about Irony at :https://brainly.com/question/1695719


What had Bernardo seen at the prior watch?


Bernardo allegedly caught a glimpse of the late King Hamlet, the father of the young Hamlet. Because Bernardo and Marcellus want Horatio to witness the ghost they have been seeing, they are with him.

However, the Ghost appears before Barnardo can say much, and Marcellus urges Horatio to speak to the ghost. Horatio is compelled to admit that he also sees the Ghost. All three men concur that the Ghost is real, and they even identify it as the recently deceased King Hamlet, the "majesty of buried Denmark."

Prince Hamlet is visited by the ghost of the monarch, who informs him that his own brother—who has since become his stepfather—killed him by injecting the contents of an ampoule of henbane into his ear (Act I, scene 1).

To learn more about Bernardo here:



What is an example of dramatic irony in Scene 2?


When the audience is more informed than the public persona, dramatic irony occurs. It builds suspense and anxiety. Discrepancy between what is anticipated and what appears to be happening, situational irony occurs.

Is dramatic irony sarcasm?

It can be challenging to distinguish between sarcasm and irony when using these two expressions. The reverse of what you might anticipate is irony, though. Across the other hand, condescension has a tone that is meant to humiliate or degrade someone.

What type of irony is sarcasm?

When a commentator says an expression that is inconsistent with what they genuinely mean or how they truly feel, it is known as verbal irony. Sarcasm is the term for irony that has a mocking undertone.

What is irony and oxymoron?

When two words with completely different meanings are applied in combination, it is an oxymoron.

To know more about dramatic irony visit:



What do the Elgin Marbles symbolize?


The sculptures on the west pediment represent a conflict between the goddess Athena and the god Poseidon over who would be the patron god of Athens, while those on the east pediment relate the story of the goddess Athena's birth.

It concerns ownership. The Parthenon Sculptures, according to the Greeks, should be restored to Athens after being dishonestly sold to a British diplomat by an enemy occupying force. The British Museum has long argued that Elgin spared the artwork from being destroyed and that the museum has preserved it.

Greeks created the Parthenon sculptures to honour the Greek nation's splendour. Millions of people's cultural identities are represented by them. The statues belong in Greece, where they were made.

To know more about  Elgin Marbles: https://brainly.com/question/15051385


What three components must be present in a grain for it to be considered a whole grain?


The three components of whole grains that must be present in the food are the germ, endosperm, and bran.After several fertilizations, a tissue called endosperm.

Forms inside the seeds of the majority of flowering plants. The majority of species are triploid, meaning they have three sets of chromosomes in each nucleus, and this may be caused by auxin.It surrounds the embryo and provides nourishment in the form of carbs, while it can also contain lipids and protein.

Endosperm may consequently start to appear in animal diets. While the endosperm of barley serves as the main source of carbs for making beer, the endosperm of wheat is used to make flour for bread (whole wheat flour also comprises the remainder of the grain). Another two examples of endosperm that constitutes the majority of the edible component are the "meat" and "water" of corn and coconut.

To know more about whole grain visit:



What is one reason the dictionary is important?


The dictionary is important because it can help you better understand your subject.

By ensuring that you use words correctly, a good dictionary is important and can help you better understand your subject, improve your communication, and improve your grades. The dictionary primarily aids in understanding the meaning of new words and their synonyms. The proper application of any word is impossible if you do not know the correct meaning; in that case, the grammatical application of the word will be known from the dictionary. Dictionaries must include two types of words: "function words" (those that perform grammatical functions in a language, such as articles, pronouns, prepositions, and conjunctions) and "referential words" (those that symbolize entities outside the language system).

Learn more about dictionary https://brainly.com/question/18523388


What wildlife does clover attract?


Clover is a dedicated, conscientious, and mother horse. It's in Clover's nature to protect everyone and stand up for other creatures.

Clover is a dedicated, conscientious, and mother horse. It's in Clover's nature to protect everyone and stand up for other creatures. When Old Major first describes Rebellion, it seems to be the answer to all of their problems. Clover works very hard and always supports the pigs' decisions. Instead of their old mantra, the sheep begin to bleat, "Four legs good, two legs better." Clover also notes that the Ten Commandments have been covered up, leaving only the wall-written statement "ALL ANIMALS ARE EQUAL / BUT SOME ANIMALS ARE MORE EQUAL THAN OTHERS." written on the wall. Clover had an idea. Without saying anything to the others, she went to Mollie's stall and used her hoof to turn the straw. A few bunches of ribbon in various colors and a modest amount of lump sugar in various colors.

Learn more about Clover's nature here:



"the society that separates its scholars from its warriors will have its thinking done by cowards and its fighting by fools" Quotes by?


"The society that divides its scholars from its soldiers will think like cowards and fight like fools". Thucydides presents this quotes.

Some people view life as something to end quickly, especially those who have experienced a great deal of trauma and as a result have significant mental and emotional damage. They perceive it as a curse that has caused them enormous hardship rather than as a gift.

However, most people consider life to be a true luxury. Life isn't all that horrible, while there are certainly unpleasant, painful incidents and situations. We have the freedom to pursue our goals and lead our lives anyway we choose. Never in our history has living been so safe, allowing us to spend a great deal of time pursuing other worthwhile objectives and aspirations.

Learn more about Thucydides visit: brainly.com/question/28774120


How is Nick's house described chapter 1?


Nick's home is situated between two enormous houses, right on the lake. He calls it a minor eye ache. Nick doesn't know who Gatsby is at this point, but the home to his right is Gatsby's Mansion.

In the same West Egg neighbourhood as Jay Gatsby, Nick's house. However, his home is not at all like Gatsby's estate. Nick resides in an "eye-sore" that is a "weather-battered cardboard home".  However, he is really comfortable and happy with his living situation. In contrast to the Buchanans and Gatsby, he does not require a large mansion. He is content in his modest hut. That is a result of his lack of interest in worldly pursuits. He is content with having what he needs but perhaps not necessarily what he wants. Nick is a trustworthy person who has a good reputation. Although he does not enjoy the same social standing or lavish lifestyle as Gatsby or the Buchanans, he is able to provide for himself.

Nick's residence in a modest home serves as evidence of how unique he is from the other people. He is content with his tiny dwelling, which is a totally different response from Tom Buchanan's. It demonstrates that he does not place as much significance on the exterior items as other people do. It demonstrates that he is a person who is content to live in a place and who does not require much to be happy.

To learn more about Nick's house here:



What is the plot of the story Night?


The story of Elie Wiesel, a bright Orthodox Jewish boy who lived in Hungary during the early 1940s and was deported to Auschwitz, is told in the book Night. Eliezer battles to hold onto his faith while observing the other prisoners' loss of humanity and faith in Auschwitz.

In 1956, Elie Wiesel published Night, ending a self-imposed 10-year prohibition on talking about his experiences. The book was initially written in Yiddish, but it was quickly translated into French and then into English. Wiesel, who won the Nobel Peace Prize for his work to advance peace, was well recognised for his belief that one person could make a major impact until he passed away in 2016.

In The novel Night, The guards maltreated the captives, suffered from sickness, and go hungry. The Nazi doctors regularly make selections to determine who is no longer capable of working and will be put to death. Eliezer makes a commitment to taking care of his father and their improbable survival, frequently jeopardising his own survival for the benefit of his father. Eliezer's father is not present to see the camp being freed. Eliezer makes it out alive, but he is only a shell of the man he once was.

To learn about the story Night here:



Which device is used for two-way communication?


The application of IoT seismic sensors can increase worker safety in mining, heavy industry, and construction.

The mining industry has many risks. Risky working conditions, taxing manual labor, and proximity to powerful machines can endanger miners, but the internet of things (IoT) might be useful. It is possible to increase mining safety and maybe save lives by using the Internet of Things (IoT). Over 3,000 workplace accidents in the mining industry cost workers days off in 2020 alone. Even if it has been progressively declining over the past few years, that number is still fairly large. Given how regularly these mishaps occur, mines must take all necessary measures to protect its employees. Here are some ways that Internet of Things (IoT) devices can help mining firms achieve that.

Learn more about IoT seismic sensors here:



according to the text, how old is hamlet? does this sound right to you? based on what you know about hamlet and his family, how old do you think he is? explain your reasoning.


Hamlet is about thirty years old, if the Gravedigger's memory is to be believed.

We know that King Hamlet and Gertrude were married for about 30 years, and that Yorick, the courtly beloved jester, died 23 years before him (again, based on the unreliable testimony of the gravedigger).

That is, Hamlet would have been seven years old when the man died. Still, the gravedigger could be wrong. Hamlet, who was at school when his father was murdered a few months ago, looks young. Maybe he is immature. Hard to say.

This is from the book “Hamlet” written by William Shakespere.

To know more about hamlet, here:



Can a libero set behind the line?


No, a libero or any other player except the server can set behind the line in volleyball.

Volleyball is a platoon sport in which two brigades of six players are separated by a net. Each platoon tries to score points by resting a ball on the other platoon's court under organized rules. The official scorer   keeps track of the score throughout the volleyball game and they also note down all the players' names.

All players, except the server, and including the libero, shall be within the platoon's playing area and may be in contact with the boundary lines or center line, but may not have any part of the body touching the bottom outside those lines. All players including the libero shall be in correct serving order.

To learn more about Volleyball here



What is the British Museum's main argument for keeping the Elgin Marbles in the United Kingdom?


The British Museum contends that the sculptures in its collection belong in London since there is nowhere in Greece for them to be kept and because the Greek government is unable to take care of them.

The marbles, which are kept in the British Museum, benefit a much wider audience in London than they would if they were returned to Athens. Many believe they can be best appreciated in the context of a global collection due to their vast contributions to the historical and creative legacy of humanity. Critics have long referred to the removal of the so-called Elgin Marbles as a heinous act of imperial robbery.Greeks are especially irritated by Elgin's negotiations to remove such masterpieces with the  Ottoman Empire, a foreign entity that didn't give a care about them.

To know more about British Museum: https://brainly.com/question/23867474


Are you are a critical thinker you were in the garden there are 34 people in the yard you kill 30 how many people are in the garden?


If you kill 30 people out of the 34 that were in the yard, by using critical thinking, we can conclude there would be only one person left in that yard.

What is critical thinking?

Critical thinking refers to our ability to analyze information in order to reach a reasonable conclusion about something. If we do not use critical thinking to solve the riddle provided in the prompt, we might end up giving a simplistic answer.

Of course, initially we may think there would be 4 people left - 5, if we count the killer. However, if you only kill 30 out of 34, it is very likely that the other 4 people will escape. They will not just stand there, watch you do the whole thing, and wait for their turn. Therefore, you, the killer, would be the only person left in the yard.

We can thus conclude that we have effectively used critical thinking to solve the riddle.

Learn more about critical thinking here:



What are the 2 most important factors in calculating your credit score?


Payment history and total debt are the two factors that impact your credit score most.

What is a credit score?

Based on information from your credit reports, a credit score predicts your credit behavior, including your likelihood of making timely loan payments.

Your payment history, the total amount of debt you owe, the length of time you've had credit, the sorts of credit you've recently utilized, and your credit history are the main elements that determine your credit score. Your score gives each factor a different weight.


To learn more about credit scores from the given link



Read the paragraph that begins at the end of p. 121 and continues to the middle of p. 122. Write an argumentative paragraph that answers the following questions:
Why does the narrator say that “romantic love” and “physical beauty” are “probably the most destructive ideas in the history of human thought” (Morrison 122)?


The narrator say that “romantic love” and “physical beauty” are “probably the most destructive ideas in the history of human thought” are the movie was the based on the gender, movies and not to the based on the race.

What is narrator?

The narrator is the individual who narrates the chapter, poem, or story. The narrator is telling the story to the audience. The storyteller tells the story using words, sentences, and story structure. The narrator utilized a specific tone to convey information to the listener.

According to the "romantic love" and "physical beauty" are the mention on the human idea as the is not only about race, it was about gender, movies tell what is valuable and attractive!. Pauline enjoys going to the movies.

As a result, the most harmful concepts in human thought history are not centered on race or gender.

Learn more about on narrator's, here:



What was the difference of the pig leadership in Animal Farm?


The pig that takes charge of Animal Farm following the Rebellion. Napoleon, a parody of Joseph Stalin, consolidates his dominance by intimidating the other animals with the help of his nine devoted attack dogs.

Napoleon shows to be more nefarious than Snowball in his unparalleled cunning.

It is demonstrated that pigs are smarter than other animals: "With their superior understanding it was obvious that they should seize the leadership" .

The pigs escape hard labor by taking over management of the farm. This is not perceived as ominous at this point in the narrative.

Learn more about to Animal Farm visit here;



Why does Swift dehumanize people in A Modest Proposal?


In his 1729 essay “A Modest Proposal”, the Irish writer Jonathan Swift proposed a solution to the poverty and hunger crisis in Ireland in the early eighteenth century: the sale of Irish infants as food to wealthy English families.

While this was a satirical essay and not a serious proposal, Swift used the essay to make a powerful statement about the way the English were treating the Irish people. By dehumanizing the Irish in his essay, Swift was able to make a moral argument about the inhumane treatment of the Irish people.

Jonathan Swift dehumanizes the Irish people in “A Modest Proposal” in several ways. He portrays them as a commodity to be bought and sold in the marketplace, likening them to animals such as pigs, cows, and sheep. He also compares the Irish to “refuse”, implying that they are trash that needs to be disposed of. Furthermore, he suggests that their children should be sold for money, which implies that the Irish are nothing more than a source of income for the English.

Swift’s goal in using dehumanizing language was to shock his readers into realizing the extent to which the English had stripped the Irish of their humanity. By portraying the Irish as animals, refuse, and commodities, he was able to emphasize the degree to which the English had reduced them to a state of servitude. In doing so, he hoped to make his readers realize the immorality of their actions and the need for change.

Learn more about A Modest Proposal at :https://brainly.com/question/29552934


How do autonomous driving systems work?


Artificial intelligence is used in autonomous vehicles to function. Unimaginably large amounts of image recognition system data are installed while developing a self-driving automobile.

A vehicle that uses a variety of cameras, sensors, artificial intelligence, and radar to go from one location to another without requiring human operation is called an autonomous car (also known as a driverless car or a self-driving car).Additionally, neural networks and machine learning are used by the cars.Machine learning is made possible by neural networks by identifying data patterns in a manner similar to how a human brain functions. The autonomous vehicle's cameras are used to gather the data that it analyses. This gives the neural network the ability to recognize barriers in the driving environment, including as people, trees, curbs, street signs, traffic signals, other cars, and obstructions.

learn more about patterns Refer:brainly.com/question/1331994


Please help Will mark brainliest


The correct option is d. the revelers sink to the floor covered in blood.

What does misplaced modifier mean?

A word (or collection of phrases) that lacks a clear connection to the thing it modifies is known as a misplaced modifier. A sentence's meaning becomes murky or incorrect when a modifier is used incorrectly. A word, phrase, or sentence that is inappropriately spaced off from the word it modifies or describes is known as a misplaced modifier. Sentences with this fault frequently sound awkward, absurd, or unclear due to the split. They may also be completely irrational. Placing the modifier directly before or after the word or phrase it is modifying can readily repair a misplaced modifier.

For instance,

Lee only consumes cakes.Fast-talking irritates listeners.After reading your letter, my parrot passed away.The guest was given a medium-rare steak by the waitress.

The correct option is d. the revelers sink to the floor covered in blood.

To know more about modifiers, visit:



What is the author's main claim of argument?


The purpose of the author's argument goal is to support Pluto's claim to the planet's name and designate 2003 UB313 as the solar system's tenth planet.

According to him, doing so would help children understand how science is constantly changing and how the cosmos is constantly expanding. We can determine this response because.To support Pluto's continued status as a planet in the solar system, Mike Brown authored his article.

He claims that while he is aware of the justifications for Pluto losing its classification as a planet, he does not believe it is necessary.He believed that excluding Pluto from consideration as a planet in the solar system would create the erroneous impression that the universe is contracting.This could appear to be a scientific setback, but that is not how science works.

To know more about Author's argument visit:



What is surprising about Mrs. Frank’s reaction to Mr. Van Daan’s wrongdoing?


She threatened to toss the Van Daans out onto the street and yelled at Van Daan.

How does Mr. Frank respond when his wife asks the Van Daans to leave?

He is astonished because he has never in his life witnessed his wife being angry.

For her fourteenth birthday, Anne receives token gifts from her "family in hiding," as she refers to them, as well as a poem from her father. This was a German custom, and since Anne's family had originally immigrated from Germany and had only relocated to Holland following the advent of the Nazis there, Anne's father penned the poem in the language. It was "brilliantly" translated into Dutch by Margot, Anne's sister, and it was well done in English as well.

To know more about Van Daan visit:



What's the opposite to clever?


opposite of clever is unintelligent

What happens in chapter 9 of among the hidden?


It should be noted that the thing that happens in chapter 9 of among the hidden shows how one could be Miserable, this was where Luke decides that even if there is a third child living next door, it won't matter. They'll never see each other.

What was the event that took place in the story?

In the story, it could be seen that luke was miserable it could be seen where he keeps his eyes glued to the Sports Family house for hours until the family comes home however half hour later Luke's mom comes up to see him,  and she came so that she can talk about his afternoon activities  but all seems not working. All these showed that he was not feeling good.

In conclusion, the chapter 9 of among the hidden shows how one could be Miserable, which was displayed in the way Luke decided to act.

Learn more about Luke at:



What character traits does Hester Prynne have?


The story's main character is Hester. It is said of her that she is a young, lovely, energetic, and proud woman.

What stands for Hester?

Hester is the example public sinner who shows how punishment affects human sensitivity and nature. She is viewed as a victim who made a bad decision and is deserving of shame. Just as people struggle with their moral decisions, she has trouble understanding the letter's symbolism.

Hester is a powerful female character in what way?

Hester Prynne from The Scarlet Letter is most notable for her moral fortitude. Although she may have always possessed these qualities, the scarlet letter draws our attention to them. These qualities include her inner strength, her rejection of convention, her honesty, and her compassion.

To know more about Hester's character, visit:


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