What differences does Khrushchev see between Lenin’s leadership tactics and Stalin tactics?


Answer 1

Khrushchev saw Lenin as more flexible and pragmatic in his approach, while Stalin was rigid and dogmatic and used brutal tactics.

Khrushchev, who succeeded Stalin as the leader of the Soviet Union, saw significant differences between Lenin's leadership tactics and Stalin's tactics.

He believed that Lenin was more flexible and pragmatic in his approach, willing to adjust his policies based on changing circumstances and feedback from others.

Stalin, on the other hand, was rigid and dogmatic in his thinking, adhering strictly to his own ideas and suppressing any dissenting voices.

Khrushchev also criticized Stalin for his brutal tactics, including the widespread use of terror and the purging of millions of people, which he saw as a betrayal of Lenin's ideals.

Overall, Khrushchev believed that Stalin's methods had caused significant harm to the Soviet Union and its people and needed to be reformed.

Learn more about Khrushchev here:



Related Questions

Explain how this problem of Opium in China is similar or different to the modern day opioid epidemic. Who was profitting? What are the goverments doing about it? Are
there similar problems from these opioid addictions?


The problem of opium in China during the 19th century and the modern-day opioid epidemic share several similarities and differences. Both involve a widespread addiction to highly addictive substances that have devastating effects on individuals, families, and communities. Both crises were driven by profit motives and involved the exploitation of vulnerable populations, including the poor, the sick, and those suffering from mental health issues.

In the 19th century, the British East India Company was profiting from the opium trade with China, which led to widespread addiction and social problems in China. Similarly, the modern-day opioid epidemic has been fueled by the pharmaceutical industry, which has aggressively marketed and distributed highly addictive prescription painkillers.

Governments have taken different approaches to addressing these crises. In the 19th century, the Chinese government attempted to crack down on the opium trade, leading to the Opium Wars with Britain. In contrast, the response of the U.S. government to the opioid epidemic has been mixed, with some states and localities taking aggressive action to hold pharmaceutical companies accountable, while others have been slower to respond. Both crises have resulted in significant social and economic costs, including increased crime rates, strained healthcare systems, and reduced productivity. Additionally, both crises have disproportionately affected marginalized populations, including people of color, low-income communities, and those with limited access to healthcare.

Therefore, while the historical context and specific dynamics of the opium crisis in China and the modern-day opioid epidemic differ, both are tragic examples of the devastating impact of addiction and the need for comprehensive, evidence-based solutions to address these complex public health challenges.

Learn more about opium, here:



Awakening of Insects is the third solar term in the twenty-four solar terms. Doujiao, the sun reaches 345° of the yellow longitude, and the solar terms meet on March 5-6 in the Gregorian calendar. Waking of Insects reflects the state of germination and growth of organisms in nature under the influence of rhythm changes. At the time of Waking of Insects, the sun rises, the temperature warms up, the spring thunder starts to move, the rain increases, and everything is full of vitality. Farming production is closely related to the rhythm of nature. The Awakening of Insects solar term is of great significance in farming. It is the reflection of ancient farming culture on natural seasons.



Yes, that is correct.


The Awakening of Insects solar term is the third of the 24 solar terms in the traditional East Asian lunisolar calendar, and it usually falls on March 5 or 6 in the Gregorian calendar. It marks the time when insects start to awaken from their hibernation and plants begin to germinate and sprout.

In traditional East Asian culture, the solar terms were closely observed and used to guide farming activities. The Awakening of Insects solar term signaled the start of spring plowing and sowing, as the warmer temperatures and increased rainfall provided optimal conditions for seed germination and plant growth. The spring thunder was also believed to help break up the soil, making it easier to plow.

The Awakening of Insects solar term therefore played a crucial role in the agricultural cycle, and its observation was an important part of traditional farming culture.

How many years did the Sino Japanese War last?





Starting from the September 18 Incident of 1931 and ending on September 2, 1945, the War of Resistance lasted for 14 years.


There were many arguments and conflicts, that began with the invasion of Manchuria in 1931, but between 1937 and 1945, China and Japan were at total war.


What could have caused these changes to the map of Canada?


There are several reasons that could lead to changes in the map of Canada. Natural phenomena like erosion, volcanic activity or tectonic plate shifts can alter the shape of coastlines or even create new land forms. Human activity such as urbanization, mining or deforestation can also change the landscape. Additionally, political processes like boundary changes or annexations can also result in changes to a country's maps. Can you provide more context or specific changes you are referring to?
Without a specific map or set of changes to reference, it is difficult to accurately identify the cause of any changes to the map of Canada. However, there are many factors that can contribute to changes in maps over time, including:

1. Natural events: Natural disasters such as floods, fires, and earthquakes can alter the physical landscape of an area and change the way it appears on a map.

2. Human activities: Human activities such as urbanization, deforestation, and mining can alter the physical landscape and change the way it appears on a map.

3. Political changes: Changes in political boundaries or the creation of new territories or provinces can alter the way an area appears on a map.

4. Technological advances: Advances in technology, such as satellite imagery and remote sensing, can provide more detailed and accurate maps than were previously available.

5. Map-making errors: Errors in map-making, such as inaccurate measurements or misinterpretation of data, can lead to changes in maps over time.

These are just a few examples of the many factors that can contribute to changes in maps over time.

What is most closely a central idea of Justice Brown's majority opinion?
O No government should separate people according to race.
O The Thirteenth and Fourteenth Amendments are powerless to state laws.
O There is a limit to how much the government can accomplish in promoting equality.
O The government needs to ensure African-American children can attend white schools.


Justice Brown's majority opinion was C. There is a limit to how much the government can accomplish in promoting equality.

What did Justice Brown argue ?

The authorized principle of "separate but equal" rooted in Justice Brown's majority opinion in the Plessy v. Ferguson (1896) case permitted racial segregation within public facilities asserting that as long as these segregated facilities were deemed to be of the same quality, separation was to be solely maintained.

The main concept of his opinion suggested that government has restricted influence over promotion of equality and it is not significant whether people are separated or consequently united when they actually possess equivalent opportunities.

Find out more on Justice Brown at https://brainly.com/question/30461864


Guys please someone help me!!! It’s an emergency please!!!!!!


In order to maintain international peace and avert another global battle like international War I, the League of Nations was established at the Paris Peace Conference.

The deal compelled Germany to disarm, give up territory, and make eye-popping $5 billion in reparations to the Allied nations.

What was the League of Nations' original purpose?

Following the First World War, the League of Nations was founded as an international organisation with its headquarters in Geneva, Switzerland, to act as a forum for resolving problems on a worldwide scale.

The Versailles Treaty required Germany to hand over all of its overseas possessions, including those in China, the Pacific, and Africa, to the Allies, hand over the Lorraine and Alsace regions to France, and transfer land to Belgium, Czechoslovakia, and Poland.

After fighting on the side of German in World War I and losing, the empire was finally dismantled by treaty and ended in 1922 when Mehmed VI, the final Sultan of the Ottoman Empire, was deposed and left Constantinople (now Istanbul) in a British ship.

To know more about World War, visit:



discuss the powers used by the Texas Governor during the COVID-19 pandemic.



During the COVID-19 pandemic, Texas Governor Greg Abbott exercised a range of powers to respond to the public health crisis. Some of the key powers used by the Governor include:

Disaster Declarations: Governor Abbott declared a statewide disaster on March 13, 2020, which allowed him to activate the state emergency management plan and marshal resources to respond to the pandemic.

Business and School Closures: The Governor issued an executive order on March 19, 2020, closing all schools, bars, and dine-in restaurants across the state. He also limited gatherings to no more than 10 people and issued subsequent orders to modify these restrictions as the situation evolved.

Health Care Resources: Governor Abbott directed the Texas Department of State Health Services to increase hospital capacity and procure additional personal protective equipment (PPE) for healthcare workers.

Vaccination Rollout: As vaccines became available, Governor Abbott oversaw the rollout of the vaccination program in the state, prioritizing high-risk populations such as healthcare workers, the elderly, and those with underlying health conditions.

Border Control: Governor Abbott issued an executive order on March 17, 2021, prohibiting the transportation of migrants who have been detained by the U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) for crossing the border illegally, citing concerns over the spread of COVID-19.

Restrictions on Local Governments: In July 2020, Governor Abbott issued an executive order restricting local governments from mandating masks or imposing fines on individuals for not wearing masks.

It's worth noting that Governor Abbott's actions during the pandemic have been controversial, with critics arguing that some of his decisions have been inconsistent or have not adequately prioritized public health. However, his use of emergency powers is an example of how state governments can respond to crises like pandemics.


What is the correct definition of Quechua? Native American group that lives in Paraguay healer in Bolivia surviving language of the central Andes traditional Argentine food


Quechua refers to Native American ethnic group and language family that primarily lives in Andean region of South America, including parts of Peru, Bolivia, Ecuador, Colombia, Chile, and Argentina.

What is an ethnic group?

An ethnic group is a community of people who share a common culture, history, language, religion, or other characteristics that distinguish them from other groups. Members of an ethnic group often see themselves as a distinct and unique people with a common identity and sense of belonging. Ethnicity is a social construct that can be based on a variety of factors, including geography, migration patterns, and historical events. Ethnic groups can vary in size from small, localized communities to large, dispersed populations. They can also be defined by different levels of social, economic, and political power within a society. The concept of ethnicity is important in understanding diversity and the ways in which different groups interact with one another.

To learn more about ethnic group, visit:



Why are red pandas going extinct?
Describe a human or natural change to the ecosystem and why this is harming the species
please keep it around 2 paragraphs!



Their primary threats are habitat loss and degradation, human interference and poaching. Researchers believe that the total population of red pandas has declined by 40 percent over the past two decades. It is probable that this decline will continue in the coming years.

Natural disasters or human activity may Global biodiversity is being lost much faster than natural extinction due to changes in land use, unsustainable use of natural resources, invasive alien species, climate change and pollution among others. of changes in ecosystems include wildfire, disease, and flooding. Human causes of changes in ecosystems include clearing land for other use, pollution, and introducing invasive species.

Global biodiversity is being lost much faster than natural extinction due to changes in land use, unsustainable use of natural resources, invasive alien species, climate change and pollution among others.

Which ideal of American democracy do you think is more important? Explain



I think liberty and freedom is the most important American democracy based on the following.

Protecting individual rights: Liberty and Freedom is essential in protecting individual rights against government encroachment. The United States Constitution, through the Bill of Rights, explicitly protects individual liberties such as freedom of speech, religion, and the press, the right to bear arms, the right to a fair trial, and protection against unreasonable searches and seizures. These protections are crucial in ensuring that individuals can live their lives without undue interference from the government.

Promoting innovation and progress: Liberty and Freedom encourages innovation and progress by allowing individuals to pursue their own goals and aspirations without undue restrictions. This freedom has allowed individuals to create new technologies, start new businesses, and make groundbreaking discoveries that have transformed society.

Encouraging personal responsibility: Liberty and Freedom encourages personal responsibility by allowing individuals to make their own choices and bear the consequences of those choices. This promotes accountability and self-reliance, which are essential in a democratic society where individuals have a responsibility to participate in the democratic process and contribute to the well-being of society.

Ensuring a diverse and inclusive society: Liberty and Freedom allows for a diverse and inclusive society by protecting the rights of individuals from all walks of life, regardless of their race, gender, religion, or socioeconomic status. This ideal has been critical in promoting social justice and ensuring that all individuals have an equal opportunity to succeed in life.


Which statement describes a direct result of the Spanish-American War?

A. American citizens protested the use of the military draft.

B. The United States gained new overseas markets.

C. American businesses wanted to limit foreign trade.

D. The United States adopted an isolationist foreign policy.


The Spanish-American War resulted in the United States gaining new overseas markets, which allowed for increased trade and economic growth. This directly contributed to the expansion of American influence and its emergence as a global power. Option B is the correct answer.

The Spanish-American War took place in 1898 and was a conflict between the United States and Spain. As a result of the war, the United States emerged as a global power with new territories and influence in the Caribbean and the Pacific. The Treaty of Paris, signed on December 10, 1898, officially ended the war and granted the United States several former Spanish colonies, including Puerto Rico, Guam, and the Philippines.

This acquisition of new territories provided the United States with strategic military locations, as well as access to new overseas markets. The expansion of American influence in the Caribbean and the Pacific allowed for increased trade opportunities, as well as the establishment of political and economic relationships with the countries in those regions. This marked a significant shift in U.S. foreign policy, as the nation began to assert its power and influence beyond its continental borders.
For more questions on Spanish-American War



ary creates a table of values for a function and plots the points. She finds that the difference in the y values is the same. What kind of function did she graph?
square root


She discovers that the variation in y values is the same. The function she graphed was linear function.

What is graph?

Data can be represented visually through graphs. They frequently take the form of a line, bar, or pie chart and are used to illustrate correlations between several types of information. Graphs make data easier to interpret than a table of numbers by rapidly illuminating patterns and trends in the data.

G raphs can be used to contrast several data sets or to demonstrate changes over time. They are also helpful for simplifying complex data representation. A line graph can be used to depict changes in a single variable over time or a bar graph to compare different variables. Graphs can be used to display data in a variety of ways. As a tool for data visualisation, they are crucial.

To know more about  linear function, visit:



so I'm doing a project about pearl harbor and I have to write about if you could bring a artifact What artifact did you bring back and why did you choose it?

(30 points)


If I could bring back an artifact from Pearl Harbor, I would choose a piece of shrapnel from one of the bombs that was dropped during the attack. I would choose this artifact because it represents the destruction and devastation that occurred during the attack, and serves as a reminder of the sacrifice and bravery of the American soldiers and civilians who were affected by the attack.

The piece of shrapnel would also serve as a tangible reminder of the importance of remembrance and learning from the past. It would provide a way for future generations to connect with the history of the attack and understand the impact it had on the United States and the world.

Additionally, the shrapnel would also serve as a symbol of resilience and perseverance in the face of adversity. Despite the devastation of the attack, the United States was able to rebuild and ultimately emerge victorious in World War II. The piece of shrapnel would remind us of the strength and determination of the American people in the face of tragedy.



You could consider bringing a USS Arizona Memorial artifact. The USS Arizona was a battleship that was sunk during the attack on Pearl Harbor on December 7, 1941. The USS Arizona Memorial, located at Pearl Harbor in Hawaii, serves as a memorial to the crew members who lost their lives during the attack.

One possible artifact from the USS Arizona Memorial could be a piece of wreckage from the ship itself, such as a small fragment of the ship's hull or a piece of metal salvaged from the wreckage. This artifact could represent the historical significance of the attack on Pearl Harbor, the impact it had on the United States and the world, and the sacrifice of the crew members who lost their lives during the attack.

You could explain why you chose this artifact by discussing its historical significance, how it relates to the theme of your project, and what emotions or thoughts it evokes in you. You could also research the artifact further to provide more context and detail about its significance in relation to the events of Pearl Harbor.

Hope this helps for your project!

what is the definition of prime?



Explanation: of first importance; main."her prime concern is the well-being of the patient"

of first importance; main.
"her prime concern is the well-being of the patient"


How can narrowly winning an election affect a presidency?



It can lead to a lot of arguments, uprises and the country will be out of balance


(It also depends on the country. Some countries will immediately accept a president even if they aren't the one they wanted. While others will go out of their way to say their opinions.)

The Hudson River School artists created
many works of art that all have what feature
in common? Why did they all create this
style of artwork?


The Hudson River School dates back to 1826, a time when industrialization was taking over America, and the natural terrains were being lost to these developments.

This prompted the Hudson River School artists to embrace the natural landscapes as their subject in the hopes of rekindling man's connection to the environment. Although landscape painting was seen very lowly owing to the fact that it was just copying of the scenes,  these artists kept on marching forward with their ideals.

They incorporated symbolism, realism, and illusionism in their art. Some notable artists of this school include - Thomas Cole, Frederic E. Church, Asher Brown Durand, etc.

To learn more about Hudson River School artists :


100 Points

What did Sundiata do to help improve the quality of life for the people of Mali after the fall of Ghana?

He invaded the major cities.
He broke the Empire into provinces.
He made Mali a center for learning.
He introduced cotton.


Sundiata, also known as Sundiata Keita, helped improve the quality of life for the people of Mali after the fall of Ghana by making Mali a center for learning.

Who was Sundiata?

Sundiata was a legendary king and founder of the Mali Empire, who ruled from 1235 to 1255. He is credited with promoting education, encouraging scholarship, and supporting the arts and sciences.

He established the University of Sankore in Timbuktu, which became a center of learning in West Africa and attracted scholars from around the world.

Sundiata's efforts to promote education and learning helped to create a thriving intellectual and cultural environment in Mali, which contributed to its prosperity and success.

To know more about Sundiata related question visit:



Question refers to the excerpt below.

"This room with two windows giving on the street, and a rear attachment without windows, called a bedroom by courtesy, is rented at $12.25 a month. In the front room man and wife work at the bench from six in the morning till nine at night. They make a team, stripping the tobacco leaves together; then he makes the filler, and she rolls the wrapper on and finishes the cigar. For a thousand they receive $3.75, and can turn out together three thousand cigars a week. The point has been reached where the rebellion comes in, and the workers in these tenements are just now on a strike, demanding $5.00 and $5.50 for their work. The manufacturer having refused, they are expecting hourly to be served with notice to quit their homes, and the going of a stranger among them excites their resentment, until his errand is explained. While we are in the house, the ultimatum of the 'boss' is received. He will give $3.75 a thousand, not another cent."—Jacob A. Riis, from How the Other Half Lives, 1890

The ultimatum from the "boss" in Riis's text most directly relates to the

increasing appeal of labor organizations
increasing amount of settlement home-related legislation
rising sympathy for the troubled industrialists
rising costs of mass-produced luxury items


The ultimatum from the "boss" in Riis's text most directly relates to the increasing demands of the workers in the tenements who are on strike, as they are demanding higher wages of $5.00 and $5.50 for their work.

Why is this so?

The "boss" has refused to meet their demands and has instead given the ultimatum that he will only pay $3.75 a thousand.

In the excerpt, Jacob Riis describes a room where a man and his wife work together making cigars. They work long hours and are paid a relatively low wage of $3.75 for every thousand cigars they make. However, the workers in the tenements where this couple lives are on strike, demanding higher wages of $5.00 and $5.50 for their work.

Read more about wages here:



Select the correct answer.
What idea did George Washington introduce as president of the United States?
The US president's first two years should be the most productive.
B. US presidents should play an important role in maintaining world peace.
US presidents should not belong to any political party.
D. US presidents should run for election for only two terms.


D. US presidents should run for election for only two terms.

George Washington introduced the idea of a two-term limit for the presidency during his time in office. He voluntarily stepped down after serving two terms, setting a precedent that was followed until Franklin D. Roosevelt's presidency. In 1951, the 22nd Amendment to the US Constitution formalized the two-term limit for the presidency, making it a legal requirement.

Explain how the Green Revolution impacted urbanization in places such as Mexico and India.​


The Green Revolution caused a drop in employment in manufacturing, services, and a variety of other non-farm occupations, as well as district-level urbanization in Mexico and India.

Mexican agriculture was the genesis of the modern "Green Revolution." Mexico's agricultural output multiplied by four between 1940 and 1965. 2 Mexico overcame its internal food needs during this time, moving from importing food to producing more than enough. Its incredible agricultural successes were greatly praised.

India lost over 1 lakh different indigenous rice varieties as a result of the green revolution . The cultivation of native kinds of rice, millets, lentils, and other crops has decreased since the beginning of the green revolution.

To know more about  Green Revolution visit :



Cartoon History of Watergate

**Each "Stage" goes with a picture. Each picture has a RED number according to which stage it's used for.**

1. Why do you think Nixon won the 1972 Election?

2. How might this overwhelming victory have affected his ego or confidence?

3. Why do you think the artist used the caption “his own worst enemy to describe Nixon”?

4. How would you describe Nixon’s signature over the course of his term in office?


Nixon positioned himself as the defender of what he dubbed the "silent majority" during the general election by emphasizing "law and order".

This was his strategy to win in 1972 Election.

2. How might this overwhelming victory have affected his ego or confidence?

- This resounding win severely damaged his ego since it led him to resign before being impeached as a result of unlawful acts committed by officials in his government during the Watergate affair.

3. Why do you think the artist used the caption “his own worst enemy to describe Nixon”?

Nixon was described “his own worst enemy " by  artist's because of his arrogance, which led to corruption. His purported relationships with people in China and Russia were also under investigation.

He was extremely well-liked, which gave him the impression that he had nothing to be afraid of. He ultimately gave up to his own authorities.

4. How would you describe Nixon’s signature over the course of his term in office?

- Over the course of his administrations, his signature became less distinct. It was challenging to determine his name from his initials. It changed from being fashionable to being bizarre.

To know more on Richard Nixon visit:



What was a primary reason President Truman decided to use the atomic bomb?
A. The leaders of the other Allied nations believed Japan was
preparing to invade Russia.
B. An Allied invasion of Japan was estimated to result in 1 million
Allied casualties.
C. The Allied forces were too weakened from fighting Germany to also defeat Japan.
D. Using the bomb would be U.S. retaliation for the attack on Pearl


B. An Allied invasion of Japan was estimated to result in 1 million Allied casualties.

President Truman decided to use the atomic bomb because an Allied invasion of Japan was estimated to result in 1 million casualties, both among Allied forces and Japanese civilians. The bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki convinced Japan's leaders to surrender, thus bringing a swift end to the war and avoiding the need for an invasion

what best practices should historians use when using the WPA slave narratives?



preparation, interviewing, preservation, and access.


i hope this is the answer you're looking for

hope this helps ;)

What are two ways nonviolent protests or negotiations led to political change between the end of World War II and the end of the twentieth century (the time period covered in this unit)? Name specific places where nonviolent events took place and describe the results.

Write your response in at least four sentences


Nonviolent protests and negotiations led to political change in several ways in the period between the end of World War II and the end of the twentieth century. One example is the civil rights movement in the United States, where nonviolent protests led to the desegregation of schools and public spaces, as well as the passage of the Civil Rights Act and Voting Rights Act. Another example is the Velvet Revolution in Czechoslovakia, where nonviolent protests and negotiations led to the overthrow of the communist government and the establishment of a democratic government. In both cases, nonviolent actions helped to bring about significant political change and advance the cause of human rights.

We owe it, therefore, to candor and to the amicable relations existing between the United States and those [European] powers to declare that we should consider any attempt on their part to extend their system to any portion of this hemisphere as dangerous to our peace and safety. With the existing colonies or dependencies of any European power we have not interfered and shall not interfere. But with the Governments who have declared their independence and maintain it, and whose independence we have, on great consideration and on just principles, acknowledged, we could not view any interposition for the purpose of oppressing them, or controlling in any other manner their destiny, by any European power in any other light than as the manifestation of an unfriendly disposition toward the United States.

James Monroe, Address to Congress, 1823
3. Which statement best expresses the purpose of President Monroe’s speech?



The purpose of President Monroe's speech was to warn European powers against attempting to colonize or interfere with the newly independent nations of the Western Hemisphere. The statement that best expresses the purpose of the speech is: "To declare that we should consider any attempt on their part to extend their system to any portion of this hemisphere as dangerous to our peace and safety."

you need to look at what was happening in Germany under Hindenburg (the leader prior to Hitler). What did he do that set in motion the rise of the Nazis? What economic factors were at play in Germany that Hindenburg couldn’t control? Leadership matters, and how did his impact the era?

AND…how did Hitler and the Nazis step into the vacuum? In other words, how did they rise to power? Do you think it was inevitable that they would have seized power…or do you think Hitler’s rise could have been averted? Really the question is about, “how did Hitler come to power”...but I really want you to look at the process, the leadership styles etc.



Hindenburg was a conservative leader who served as Germany's president from 1925 to 1934. He appointed Hitler as chancellor of Germany in 1933, which was a key factor that set in motion the rise of the Nazis. Hindenburg believed that he could control Hitler and that he would be able to use him as a tool to get the support of the masses. However, Hitler quickly consolidated his power and eliminated any opposition.

The economic factors that were at play in Germany at the time included the effects of World War I, the Treaty of Versailles, and the Great Depression. Many Germans were struggling to make ends meet and were looking for someone to blame for their problems.

Hindenburg's leadership style was cautious and conservative, and he was hesitant to take decisive action to address the economic and political issues facing Germany. This vacuum of leadership created an opportunity for Hitler and the Nazis to step in and take control.

The Nazis were able to rise to power by exploiting the economic and political chaos in Germany, promoting their aggressive nationalism and anti-Semitic beliefs, and consolidating their control over the government and military.

In hindsight, it is difficult to say whether Hitler's rise to power could have been averted. Many factors contributed to his success, including the weaknesses of the Weimar Republic, the economic crisis, and the appeal of Nazi ideology to some Germans. However, it is clear that Hindenburg's decision to appoint Hitler as chancellor played a significant role in paving the way for the Nazi takeover.



Hindenburg became the President of Germany in 1925, and his presidency was characterized by political and economic instability. The Great Depression had a severe impact on the German economy, causing high levels of unemployment and poverty. Hindenburg’s attempts to stabilize the economy through deflationary policies worsened the economic conditions for the German people. Additionally, his leadership was marked by a series of ineffective and unstable coalition governments.

The Nazis rose to power by exploiting the widespread dissatisfaction among the German people with the economic and political situation. Hitler promised to restore order and create jobs, and his message resonated with the German people. The Nazis also used propaganda and violence to intimidate and suppress opposition, while consolidating power through the establishment of a totalitarian regime. Hitler’s leadership style was characterized by his charismatic personality, his use of propaganda, and his authoritarian tendencies.

It is difficult to say whether Hitler’s rise to power was completely avertable, but it was certainly not inevitable. There were other political parties and leaders who could have taken power, and the outcome could have been different if different decisions had been made. However, the economic and political situation in Germany at the time created a fertile ground for the rise of extremist parties like the Nazis.

Why do you think a federal government replaced the conferral form of government that was first tried in the United States ?



The confederal form of government, which was tried under the Articles of Confederation, proved to be ineffective and inadequate in addressing the needs of the newly formed United States of America. The Articles of Confederation established a weak central government that lacked the power to regulate commerce, levy taxes, or enforce laws. As a result, the states had a great deal of autonomy, but they often acted in their own self-interest and did not cooperate with each other or with the central government.

The weaknesses of the confederal system became apparent during the Revolutionary War, when the central government struggled to raise funds and resources to support the war effort. The federal government had to rely on voluntary contributions from the states, but many of them were unwilling or unable to contribute, which made it difficult for the central government to carry out its duties effectively.

In response to these challenges, the framers of the Constitution created a federal system of government that gave the central government more power and authority while still preserving the autonomy of the states. The federal government was given the power to regulate commerce, levy taxes, and enforce laws, which enabled it to address the needs of the nation as a whole and promote the general welfare. At the same time, the states retained a significant degree of autonomy and were able to govern themselves in areas that were not delegated to the federal government.

Overall, the shift from a confederal to a federal form of government in the United States was driven by the need to create a more effective and efficient system of government that could address the needs of the nation as a whole and promote the general welfare.

What best defines judicial review?

the power of the Chief Justice to overrule the decision made by the majority of the justices
the power of the Supreme Court to approve of the newly elected President
the power of the Courts to decide which cases it will hear and review each session
the power of the Court to declare a law to be unconstitutional


The option d. the power of Court to declare law to be unconstitutional best defines judicial review.

What is a court?

A court is a government institution where legal disputes are resolved. It is a place where judges or magistrates hear cases and make decisions based on the evidence presented by lawyers or parties to the case. Courts may hear civil or criminal cases, and their decisions may affect individuals, businesses, and society as a whole. The purpose of a court is to provide a fair and impartial forum for the resolution of disputes and to uphold the rule of law. Courts may also interpret laws and make legal rulings that can set precedents for future cases. The structure and procedures of courts vary depending on the jurisdiction and type of case being heard.

To learn more about court, visit:



4. Woodrow Wilson first proposed a "League of Nations" many years earlier. He said,
"Friendship is the only cement that will hold the world together." The United States
refused to join the League of Nations, and the organization eventually dissolved. Why
do you think the nations of the world were more receptive to the United Nations than
the League of Nations?


A major reason why the nations of the world were more receptive to the United Nations than the League of Nations was that it included the world powers such as the USA and the Soviet Union .

Why was the UN more successful than the League ?

The League of Nations lacked the support and backing of the United States, a major global power, leading to weakened legitimacy and efficacy .

In contrast, in the aftermath of World War II - which had far-reaching impacts - the formation and success of the United Nations was greatly influenced by American involvement and assistance .

Find out more on the League of Nations at https://brainly.com/question/15136206


history!! pls answer!
Question refers to the excerpts below.

"Considering that a great part of the territories … within the limits of the United States, is now occupied by savage tribes, who will hereafter be under the exclusive control of the Government of the United States, and whose incursions within the territory of Mexico would be prejudicial in the extreme, it is solemnly agreed that all such incursions shall be forcibly restrained by the Government of the United States whensoever this may be necessary; and … they shall be punished by the said Government … as if the same incursions were meditated or committed within its own territory, against its own citizens."—Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo, Article XI, 1848

"SEC. 2. And be it further enacted, That the right of way through the public lands be, and the same is hereby, granted to said company for the construction of said railroad and telegraph line; and the right, power, and authority is hereby given to said company to take from the public lands adjacent to the line of said road, earth, stone, timber, and other materials for the construction thereof; said right of way is granted to said railroad to the extent of two hundred feet in width on each side of said railroad where it may pass over the public lands … The United States shall extinguish as rapidly as may be the Indian titles to all lands falling under the operation of this act and required for the said right of way and; grants hereinafter made."—Pacific Railway Act, 1862

Which of the following represents a direct effect of westward expansion as a result of documents like the Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo and the Pacific Railway Act?

Legitimization of the destruction of Native American culture and its icons
Increased concern for the protection of natural resources like prairies and buffalo
Relaxation of nativist sentiments that limited international immigration
Growth of reform groups who resisted ideas of Manifest Destiny


Answer: the legitimization of the destruction of Native American culture and their icons, and the displacement of indigenous people from their ancestral lands.


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