What continuation signal word indicates that the second
sentence contains more information about the same
topic as the first sentence?


Answer 1


D.) Another


I took the test and I also know how to read.

Answer 2




Related Questions

emaciated psychosomatic brawny corporal respiratory cerebral cardiac physique ocular auditory Directions: Use the words above and place them in the correct blanks below. Make sure to copy and paste the words from the word bank so you do not miss any questions due to misspellings. Mind Over Matter Some people are quick to reject the idea of a _____1_____ illness. Very _____2_____ people, in particular, are often annoyed at the idea that the mind they hold in such high esteem can play tricks on them and become an enemy. Comfortable with the _____3______ causes of illness, they find it hard to deal with the mental ones. Yet whatever the objections, it’s still true that the mind can turn against the body. People who suffer from long-term, uncontrollable stress often suffer from _____4_____ or _____5_____ problems. Their hearts suddenly beat faster than normal or their breathing becomes difficult for no particular reason. In cases of severe depression, some people have _____6_____ problems. Their eyes twitch and their vision becomes blurred. Perhaps the only area of the body not subject to mind-induced illness are the ears and _____7_____ problems seldom have an emotional basis. But for absolute proof of what the mind can do to the body, consider the suffering caused by anorexia, also known as the starvation disease. Those suffering from anorexia diet no matter how thin they really are, and in a matter of months, even those who started out _____8_____ in _____9_____ can become _____10_____. Yes, the human mind is capable of great achievement. But when it mounts an attack on the body, it can turn deadly. And there are some emotionally-based illnesses for which logic has no weapons.



1. psychosomatic

2. cerebral

3. corporal

4. cardiac

5. respiratory

6. ocular

7. auditory

8. brawny

9. physique

10. emaciated

Hope that helps.

if a severe drought constrains farmers to move away and find a different way to live, would you say they were forced to move?



Yes, but only temporarily because the water would go away eventually.



I have really no idea

Why do you like New York

1 paragraph



There's no other city on the planet with an energy that can compete with New York. The fast pace, the buzzing traffic, the hustle and bustle of the people, the 24-hour life, and the creative spirit make NYC one of the most vibrant places in the world.


how has life changed for women?



Women are more free to do what they want for example have jobs they want, which places to go, and they have a right to vote

Women can go to college now and get a PhD (ex: Mary Calkins was denied her rightfully earned PhD in psychology despite out scoring her male counterparts in Harvard for being a woman). Women are not limited to pink collared jobs anymore and can dress more freely. There are also more women politically involved now.

How did Joe Louis help his community?


Louis' win over Schmeling didn't end racial segregation in America, but it helped pave the way for future generations of civil rights activists. The victory made it easier for Jackie Robinson to break Major League Baseball's color barrier. "If there had not been a Joe Louis

In crossover the book what does the last poem convey


For this I would put the subject to English not math
I would but this in English unless your missing a part

I need help with full explanation if anybody knows this?



a sweet sixteen is a coming of age party celebrateing a teenagers 16th birthday, mainly celebrated in the United States and canada.

Here are the papers I need you to file before you leave," said Mr. Cooper as he walked up to Vanessa's desk. "And don't forget to restock all the books in the American History section." Vanessa suppressed a sigh as she looked at the clock. Her biology report was due tomorrow morning, and she would never get home to write it at this rate. She had been working after school at the 50% Off Bookstore for six months, and every day her boss, Mr. Cooper, managed to add to her workload. I'm just a kid! she wanted to yell. Can't you give me a break? Vanessa sighed as she began to file the paperwork covering her desk. All of her friends had taken after school jobs at local fast-food restaurants. Tyrese, her boyfriend, worked part-time at an auto repair shop, and he was always complaining to her that he never had enough to do at work. Walk a mile in my shoes, bub! Vanessa thought. She winced as she cut her finger on one of the papers. Maybe it would be easier all around if I just quit, she thought. "Excuse me, miss," said a voice behind her. "Could you please help me find this book?" Vanessa turned to see an elderly man waiting by her desk. He had a list of books in his hand, and she noticed that each book had been crossed off except for one. "Of course, sir," she told him with a smile. The elderly man looked relieved as he handed her his list. "Let's see," Vanessa said. "Trespassing: My Sojourn in the Halls of Privilege by Gwendolyn Parker. That would be in our autobiography section. It's right this way." The elderly man followed her as she walked through the twisting rows of books. "Thank you, my dear," he told her. "My name is Mr. Washington. This book is for my granddaughter. She is several years older than you. She's just been accepted into Harvard Business School, and she will be flying halfway across the country. I'm collecting books for her to read on the airplane. Plus, I want her to have something that will remind her of me." "That's wonderful, Mr. Washington," Vanessa said as she handed him a copy of the book. "Your granddaughter will love it." Mr. Washington clasped the book in his hands with a smile. "You know," he said. "You remind me a lot of my granddaughter. Keep working hard, and you'll accomplish your dreams, too." As he walked away, Vanessa thought about Mr. Washington's words. She had taken this job because she wanted to open her own bookstore one day. Even though the work was difficult, she loved learning about business and interacting with customers. "Anything worth having in this life is worth working hard for," Vanessa whispered to herself. As she headed back to work, she grabbed a copy of the book Mr. Washington had requested for his granddaughter. She wanted to keep it on her desk to remind her to follow her dreams.


what do you need help with

Based on the wording of the Gettysburg Address, describe Lincoln's view of himself and his audience


Answer: humble and dedicated


The Gettysburg Address was a speech that was delivered by former president of the United States Abraham Lincoln while the Soldiers' National Cemetery was being dedicated in Gettysburg, Pennsylvania.

The speech explained the critical issues that America was facing and at the same time, tribute were given to the fallen heroes and the speech also passed the message across that the citizens should be dedicated towards achieving the American dream and should always be ready to preserve the nation with equality and fairness as the main word because everyone is equal. Lincoln was humble and dedicated with regards to the speech.

Re-Write this sentence so it is in passive voice: "The dog ate the cat."



the cat was eaten by the dog


[tex]\large \boxed{\sf The \ cat \ was \ eaten \ by \ the \ dog}[/tex]


Passive voice:

[tex]object + verb + subject[/tex]

object ⇒ the cat

subject ⇒ the dog

verb ⇒ ate

The cat was eaten by the dog

Match each word to the correct part of speech.






Sing - verb

Blue- adjective

Through -preposition

Silently - adverb


Sing - verb. Blue- adjective, Through -preposition. Silently - adverb.

What is preposition?

To indicate direction, time, place, location, spatial relationships, or to introduce an object, a preposition is a word or set of words used before a noun, pronoun, or noun phrase. Prepositions include phrases like "in," "at," "on," "of," and "to."

Prepositions typically come before a noun or pronoun to establish the relationship between them and other sentence components. Prepositions, which are frequently brief words that denote direction or place, must be remembered in order to be understood.

Prepositions are always used to show how a noun or phrase is related to another. Prepositions must always be followed by a noun and be preceded by the subject and verb. Never use a verb after it, ever.

Thus, they are written above.

For more information about preposition click here:



Which excerpt in the story indicates falling action?
A)Rats were running wild through the quiet little town. They posed a health hazard and were terrorizing the people. The town mayor announced a prize of 500 gold coins to anyone who could get rid of the rats.
B)One day, a piper came into the town playing a sweet tune on his pipe. He went to the mayor’s office and claimed that he would rid the town of the rats.
C)All the town’s children came out of the houses and followed the piper up the mountain. Neither their parents nor anyone else could stop them. The children filed into a cave in the mountain, and the rock that covered the cave door moved back to close it.
D)The townspeople grieved the loss of the children. There was no way to get them back.


B one dar ......... piper

Answer: A

Explanation: Answer A indicates the falling action.

Harper lee was born in London and moved to the United States to work on her writing? True False





She was born in Monroeville, AL

and died: in Monroeville, AL

Levi has always wanted to be a lawyer, but the top career cluster for him, according to his personal assessment, is the Arts, A/V Technology, and Communications cluster. What would be a mistake for Levi after taking the personal assessment? giving up on being a lawyer researching the Arts, A/V Technology, and Communications career cluster talking about the test with a school counselor researching the Law career cluster





Hope this helps!

The mistake that Levi is taking on the personal assessment is given in option (A): "giving up on being a lawyer"

What mistakes should not be committed on career personal assessments?

Levi was apparently good at the arts, audiovisual technology, and communications cluster according to some tests. does not imply he must give up on his objective.

The simple solution would be to give up on your dreams. Although it's frequently more comfortable, you'll never feel fulfilled if you let your circumstances or other people control your life. To fully understand human experience, one must grow.

You are dying if you are not expanding. You may not be pleased and frequently moan about your life and surroundings if you give up on your aspirations.

You might think that if you persisted, your life might turn out differently. You won't lead the distinctive life you envisioned when you were younger if you give up on your aspirations.

Check out the link below to learn more about personal assessments;



Discuss different application areas of quantitative methods in inventory management. What types of inventory decisions could the managers optimally made with the help of quantitative approach?



Ordering cost reduction.

Holding cost minimization.

Buy new inventory.

Shortage costs.


Quantitative analysis is set of data which is observed to identify value. These are numerical in nature . Qualitative analysis identifies the type or specific feature of the data under observation. These are non numerical in nature . The managers can take inventory decisions which are quantitative in nature. The managers focuses on cost cutting initiatives so that profit is maximized.

.According to the text, confusion is an important part of growth. Why do people resist it? How do you feel when you are confused?



This is true. We need to feel confused so we can work on expressing our emotions and understanding the POV.


We usually want to resist it because we often view it as a "Negative Feeling"

When we are confused our body temperature usually goes up. We don't understand the concept of what is being said or read.

How does the author make his point clear, convincing, and engaging in the beginning of the text? In Malcolm x


i can’t see the rest of the text because

Which line from "The Colomber" by Dino Buzzati contributes to the setting?



B. “It was a splendid sunny day, and the sea was calm.”. (i have the same exact question in my school)


what type of school did the cisneros children attend? Please help ​




For high school, Cisneros attended Josephinum Academy, a small Catholic all-girls school.

why does the narrator from "mending wall" want the wall to come down?​



Something there is that doesn’t love a wall,

That sends the frozen-ground-swell under it

And spills the upper boulders in the sun,

And makes gaps even two can pass abreast.

The work of hunters is another thing: 5

I have come after them and made repair

Where they have left not one stone on a stone,

But they would have the rabbit out of hiding,

To please the yelping dogs. The gaps I mean,

No one has seen them made or heard them made, 10

But at spring mending-time we find them there.

I let my neighbor know beyond the hill;

And on a day we meet to walk the line

And set the wall between us once again.

We keep the wall between us as we go. 15

To each the boulders that have fallen to each.

And some are loaves and some so nearly balls

We have to use a spell to make them balance:

“Stay where you are until our backs are turned!”

We wear our fingers rough with handling them. 20

Oh, just another kind of outdoor game,

One on a side. It comes to little more:

There where it is we do not need the wall:

He is all pine and I am apple orchard.

My apple trees will never get across 25

And eat the cones under his pines, I tell him.

He only says, “Good fences make good neighbors.”

Spring is the mischief in me, and I wonder

If I could put a notion in his head:



Because the speaker sees no reason fro the wall to stay up. There are no cows to contain


Please read question carefully and in detail please
Don't leave silly answer bc I actually need help


In Romeo and Juliet the two lovers share the role of protagonist, and their desire to be together brings them into conflict with their feuding families. Both Romeo and Juliet begin the play feeling trapped. Romeo has a hopeless crush on a woman who has sworn to remain a virgin, and he rejects his friends’ suggestion that he seek another lover: “I am not for this ambling” (I.iv.9). Juliet, by contrast, has been ordered by her mother to think about marrying, even though she doesn’t feel ready: “It is an hour that I dream not of” (I.iii.68). When Romeo and Juliet meet, they find their mutual desire freeing. However, given that the two lovers remain on opposite sides of their families’ feud, pursuing their desire for one another entails great risk. Things grow especially complicated after Romeo and Juliet secretly marry. For instance, when an enraged Tybalt challenges Romeo to a duel, Romeo refuses to fight because he now considers Tybalt his kinsman. But Romeo finds himself in a quandary when Tybalt fatally wounds Mercutio. To avenge his friend, Romeo slays Tybalt, which results in his banishment from Verona.

At the end of the play, both characters openly defy the rules of their families and of society at large in order to pursue their love. Juliet, for instance, finds herself in a difficult situation after rebelling against her father and, by extension, against the patriarchal authority vested in him. Her act of rebellion involves a double betrayal. Not only does she refuse to marry the man her father’s preferred suitor, Paris, but she also marries the son of her father’s sworn enemy, Montague. After Romeo’s banishment, Juliet disobeys her father yet again by faking her own death, thereby evading marriage to Paris once and for all. Romeo acts with similar defiance against the rule of law when he chooses to ignore his banishment order and illegally returns to Verona. Unfortunately the lovers die before they achieve what they’ve struggled for, and their lives are cut short before they have a real chance to grow as characters. Nevertheless, Romeo and Juliet’s fortitude does effect bigger-picture change. Their love, as well as their deaths, reveal to their parents (and also to Verona) the cruelty and pointlessness of their feud, and so brings resolution to a longstanding conflict.

Select the common noun(s).
Ted Mosby's computer is very slow.
Submit answer


The answer is “computer” because it is the only person, place, or thing that is not a proper noun, needing to be capitalized. There are 2 nouns in this sentence “Ted Mosby” and “computer” but Ted Mosby is a proper noun and you’re being asked for a common noun. Computer is a common noun because it does not need to be capitalized.

Write similarities and difference between Florence nightingale and mahatma gandhi ​




Non Violent

Works for society

Truthful and honest


Mahatma Gandhi was dynamic person while Florence was simple and decent.

Mahatma Gandhi was an Indian while Florence was Britisher.

Mahatma Gandhi was a lawyer while Florence nightingale was a nurse.

Mahatma Gandhi worked to achieve a separate nation while Florence nightingale worked to serve the injured of war.


Florence nightingale was a British nurse and she used to serve as social reformer for the world. She became prominent when she served as a trainer to nurse during Crimean war. She was born in 1820 and died in 1910. She was diagnosed with mysterious illness which sent her to bed for 30 years.

Mahatma Gandhi was an Indian lawyer and socialist. He served his way to free India from British rule. He was born in 1869 and worked towards his dream of separate nation which he was able to achieve in 1947. He was non violent leader who inspired people by his deeds.

The similarities and differences between Florence nightingale and mahatma gandhi ​:

1. Similarities between Florence nightingale and mahatma gandhi ​: :

Both were Non Violent. Both Worked for society. Both were Truthful and honest.

2. Difference between Florence nightingale and mahatma gandhi ​:  

Mahatma Gandhi was a dynamic person while Florence was simple and decent. Mahatma Gandhi was an Indian while Florence was Britisher. Mahatma Gandhi was a lawyer while Florence nightingale was a nurse.

Know more :


What is your favorite class in school? Why?



Art, spanish, and lunch even though lunch isn't technically a class.


Art because it's fun and messy, Spanish because why not...you get to learn what others are saying, and lunch because mmmmh food ;) lol

Answer: Maths, since I’m pretty good at it and you know,when your good at something like when you’ve finally learnt it,it actually becomes fun.

P.E cause I like sports.

And lunch


Oops,it’s actually dinner time :)


A narrative introducing a new character and their experience in one of the stories Jumanji or Zathura.​


Answer: nice book you good there ; )


Why did companies engage in union busting?
O to stop unions from growing
O to build union membership
to locate strikebreakers
O to make workdays shorter



A: To stop unions from growing

Union busting is splitting and prevention of union formation in companies. Companies engaged in union-busting so that unions can be stopped from growing.

What is union-busting?

Union busting is the activities implemented by the companies to avoid the formation of the trade unions or the labor unions in any corporation or company so that they do not overgrow in the workplace.

Companies wanted to bust unions so that companies can be more productive. The unions are involved in fighting and protesting against the wages and conditions that reduce work efficiency.

Therefore, the companies were engaged in union-busting to option A.  to stop unions from growing.

Learn more about union-busting here:



what happens to ivan in the most dangerous game



he dies while leading their leashes



Ivan dies by a trap that Rainsford set.


Diagram the following sentences.
1) Although you protest, I will not change my mind.
2) Oliver’s mother always decides what he will wear to school.
3) The Empire State Building, which has 102 stories, is the tallest building in New York City


So, to diagram a sentence you first start with two lines.

Next, you draw a horizontal line cut in the center by a vertical line.

Now, add the subject and predicate. For a basic sentence, start with a simple

subject and a verb phrase.

Now, build on your independent clause.

Next, add modifiers.

Finally, make your sentence more complex.

Now you have diagramed your sentence!

Why might seniors find new technology difficult to use and even reject it?



they are not use to the new world technology from when they were our age so they might just could be afraid they might break it



when do you really know someone? (genuine question, EASY)


Honestly, I think you genuinely know someone when you think you do.
You have to know them for a while, though. Because, their behaviour could just change out of no where. But, it could take a lot of time.
You know someone when you are able to notice something so small about them that they can’t even see in themselves. You know everything about them as well as knowing their behavior. One can say that if you really know someone you be able to know everything that they are thinking and what they are gonna do but that’s not the case. You know someone if you are able to understand why they do something without even questioning it.
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