what conclusion can you draw about the impact of urban heat islands on climate change? support your ideas with two pieces of evidence.


Answer 1

Urban heat islands (UHIs) are areas of increased temperatures as a result of human activities, such as the burning of fossil fuels, that contribute to the overall warming of the planet.

UHIs can occur in both urban and rural areas, but tend to be more pronounced in urban areas due to the presence of more buildings and other infrastructure. The first piece of evidence that supports the conclusion that UHIs have an impact on climate change is the fact that UHIs can significantly contribute to the warming of the planet.

UHIs can produce a heat island effect, which is the process by which the air near the ground can be heated up to 10°F to 20°F above the surrounding area. This creates a localized hot spot that can have a significant impact on the overall temperature of the planet.

The second piece of evidence that supports the conclusion that UHIs have an impact on climate change is the fact that UHIs can create localized areas of more intense precipitation. This is due to the fact that the air near the ground is heated to a greater degree, which causes it to rise more quickly and cause more intense precipitation. This increased precipitation can lead to an increase in the risk of flooding, particularly in urban areas, which can have a cascading effect on the local environment and the overall climate.

Learn more about Urban heat islands (UHIs) at : https://brainly.com/question/11648976


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How is energy in a photon of light stored in a molecule of the sugar G3P?


An electron is energized by the light energy in the photon of light in the sugar molecule G3P to create G3P, which stores the energy needed to build ATP and NADPH in the Calvin cycle.

The light-dependent reaction's CO2 byproduct interacts with RuBP to form PGA. Rubisco is an enzyme that catalyzes this reaction. ATP and NADPH generated during the light-dependent process are then used to facilitate the conversion of PGA to G3P. Glucose is the final product of the G3P conversion.

The largest potential energy is found in glucose. Given that the activities carried out in glucose metabolism result in the synthesis of G3P, pyruvic acid, and citric acid, it seems reasonable that the initial molecule at the start of the route would contain the maximum amount of free energy.

To learn more about G3P



help, please

1. Describe hurricanes, their characteristics, and their dangers.

2. Describe blizzards, their characteristics, and their dangers.

3. Describe tornadoes, their characteristics, and their dangers.

4. Describe thunderstorms, their characteristics, and their dangers.

5. Conduct an internet search on a famous storm. Prepare a report on your storm.


Natural features such as hurricanes, blizzards, tornadoes, thunderstorms and famous storm are all known as an extreme weather.

What are Hurricanes?

The Hurricanes are powerful and circulating tropical weather systems that create high winds, torrential rainfall, and strong ocean currents. They can push ocean water ashore, thereby causing a storm surge with significant flooding. They always form over tropical or subtropical ocean water and may travel over land.

What are Blizzards?

A blizzard is seen as a dangerous weather event as its brings with it frigid temperatures, howling winds, and decreased visibility. To be categorized as blizzard, the storm must last for about three hours and produce a large amount of falling snow. Its also have winds measuring over 56 kilometers (35 miles) per hour.

What are Tornadoes?

Tornadoes is considered as one of most violent and powerful types of weather as they consist of a very fast rotating column of air that usually forms a funnel shape. They are very dangerous as their high speed winds can break apart buildings, knock down trees, and even toss cars into the air.

What are Thunderstorms?

Thunderstorms is a storm associated with the presence of lightning, thunder, formation of dense clouds, heavy rain, and strong gusty winds. Its can turn to dangerous storms possessing lightning, powerful winds, hail, and may lead to floods and tornadoes.

Read more about extreme weather



what are the climate differences between timmins and regina (Canada)



there are no differences i think)))


Because In Timmins, the summers are long, comfortable, and partly cloudy and the winters are frigid, snowy, and overcast. Over the course of the year, the temperature typically varies from -21 °C to 24 °C and is rarely below -33 °C or above 29 °C. In Regina, the summers are long, comfortable, and partly cloudy and the winters are frigid, snowy, windy, and mostly cloudy. Over the course of the year, the temperature typically varies from -19 °C to 26 °C and is rarely below -32 °C or above 32 °C.

What is G3P in the Calvin cycle?


Glyceraldehyde 3-phosphate or G3P is the product of the Calvin cycle. It is a 3-carbon sugar that is the starting point for the synthesis of other carbohydrates.

A 50-year flood has an annual exceedance probability of?

a. 10%.
b. 50%.
c. 2%.
d. 5%.
e. 25%.


A 50-year flood has an annual exceedance probability of 2%.

There would be less water in the river for you and other people living along the river to use.  If we use too much water during normal rain, there may be a lack of  water during drought. The immediate consequences of floods include human casualties, property damage, crop destruction, loss of livestock and deterioration of farms. health conditions due to waterborne diseases.

Power plants, roads and bridges can be damaged and interrupted, some economic activities can stop, people are forced to leave their homes and normal life is interrupted. A 50-year flood is a large flow that exceeds natural or man-made barriers. waterway and its probability is two percent every year.

Learn about flood:



The temperature of a place greatly affects the _____ of that region. season weather altitude climate


The temperature of a place greatly affects the weather

of that region. season weather altitude climate

The temperature of a place greatly affects the weather of that region. season weather altitude climate.

What is climate?

The climate is the long-term activity of weather in a particular area. Weather can change from hour-to-hour, day-to-day, month-to-month, or even year-to-year. A region's weather patterns, usually tracked for fewer than many years, are considered its climate.

In a nutshell, climate refers to the description of the regional long-term pattern of weather. According to some scientists, the climate is the typical weather for a location and time period, typically during a 30-year period.

Climate is the average weather over a longer length of time in a particular place. A description of a climate includes details such as the typical temperature in each season, the amount of rainfall, and the amount of sunshine. Additionally, the (probability of) extremes is frequently described.

Therefore, The weather in a place is significantly influenced by its temperature. Seasonal climate Climate at altitude.

Learn more about the climate here:



How might an environmental change, such as warmer temperatures during the middle ages, have caused a change in european society?


Answer: Warmer temperatures lead to an increase in food production for European societies which lead to a decrease in starvation, population growth, and surplus leading to economic growth which allowed more study of the arts, and sciences which brought cultural change.

Explanation: Warmer temperatures means less crops die from frost. Less crops dying from frost means population growth and surplus. Population growth and surplus means an increase in the economy. An increase in the economy means their is funding for science and the arts. Funding for science and the arts leads to challenging of tradition which leads to cultural change.

Warmer temperatures during the middle ages, have caused a change in european society, such reduces hunger, population growth, and surpluses.

Warmer weather increases food production for European societies during midle ages, which reduces hunger, population growth, and surpluses. This leads to economic prosperity, which encourages further study of the humanities and sciences and, ultimately, leads to cultural transformation.

Less crop damage from frost results with warmer temperatures. Population expansion and surplus result from fewer crops dying from frost damage. Economic growth is a result of population growth and excess. Funding for the arts and sciences is a sign of a growing economy. Science and the arts funding encourages tradition to be questioned, which results in cultural transformation.

Learn more about european society during middle ages at https://brainly.com/question/21258567


4 Types Of Diffusion - AP Human Geography


Relocation, expansion, contagious, hierarchical, and stimulus diffusion.

Relocation Diffusion: Relocation diffusion is the spread and mingling of cultures that occurs when people migrate around the world. Migration has been a dominant reason for the spread of cultures around the world.

For example, emigration of the Irish from Ireland to the United States en masse in the 19th Century led to the growth of American Irish culture in cities like Boston.

Expansion Diffusion:  Expansion diffusion is when innovations spread to new places while staying strong in their original locations. For example, Islam has spread throughout the world, yet stayed strong in the Middle East, where it was founded.

Contagious diffusion:Contagious diffusion is the process of an idea being spread rapidly throughout the population; all places and individuals in the region are affected. Examples could include: the spread of AIDS prevention; the spread of disease; the use of the internet.

Hierarchical diffusion :Hierarchical diffusion is a type of cultural diffusion that occurs when influential structures in society encourage the adoption of certain new cultures or cultural aspects. Some of hierarchical diffusion's characteristics include: It spreads across social classes from top to bottom.

Learn more about Diffusion to visit this link



The government of Myanmar, which is a primarily Buddhist country, has had policies discriminating against the Rohingya Muslims since the 1970s. Many Rohingya have fled to neighboring countries, and in recent years, there are claims that the military has been carrying out a campaign with "genocidal intent" on the Rohingya. What could this mass movement of Rohingya be called?


The religious and societal division between Rohingya Muslims and Rakhine Buddhists is the main cause of the war.

Who is responsible for the genocide in Myanmar?

Since starting their vicious campaign against the Rohingya five years ago, Burma's military has destroyed entire communities, committed rapes, tortured prisoners, and engaged in other acts of heinous brutality that have killed thousands of Rohingya men, women, and children. More than 740,000 Rohingya had to flee their homes in search of safety in Bangladesh.

The lengthy history of brutality and persecution against the Rohingya people in Myanmar has contributed to the current crisis.

Thus, The religious and societal division between Rohingya Muslims and Rakhine Buddhists.

For more information about responsible for the genocide in Myanmar, click here:



The religious and societal division between Rohingya Muslims and Rakhine Buddhists is the main cause of the war.

Who is responsible for the genocide in Myanmar?

Since starting their vicious campaign against the Rohingya five years ago, Burma's military has destroyed entire communities, committed rapes, tortured prisoners, and engaged in other acts of heinous brutality that have killed thousands of Rohingya men, women, and children. More than 740,000 Rohingya had to flee their homes in search of safety in Bangladesh.

The lengthy history of brutality and persecution against the Rohingya people in Myanmar has contributed to the current crisis.

Studies of interplanetary space have indicated thatChoose one:A.the Earth's magnetic field is non-spherical.B.interplanetary space is less dense than interstellar space.C.both Mars and Venus lie within our Solar System’s habitable zone.D.the planets in our Solar System do not orbit within the same plane.


According to studies of the interplanetary medium, the latter is less dense than the former.

Interplanetary space, or interplanetary medium, is the term used to describe the area of space that is contained within our Solar System. The majority of people aren't interested in space since they are so enthralled by the planets, the Sun, and other celestial bodies. In the end, there is nothing in space. It's a popular fallacy that space is a pure vacuum, however it contains particles like dust, cosmic rays, and burning plasma that solar winds spread.

Around the Earth, there are only around 5 particles per cubic centimeter of interplanetary space; as one moves away from the Sun, the density drops even more. Other factors, such as magnetic fields, have an impact on these particles' density as well. About 99,727°C is the temperature of the interplanetary medium.

Learn more about Interplanetary space here



how would the deflection of ocean currents be altered in the northen hemusphgere f earth roated fro east to west instead of from west to east.


The direction of ocean currents is highly sensitive to the rotation of the Earth’s axis. If the Earth were to rotate from east to west instead of from west to east, the deflection of ocean currents in the Northern Hemisphere would be altered drastically.

The most notable alteration would be in the pattern of the North Atlantic Drift. This powerful current flows from the North Atlantic Ocean to the Arctic Ocean, carrying warm tropical waters and moderating the climate of Europe and North America. If the Earth were to rotate in the opposite direction, the North Atlantic Drift would shift from a northwesterly flow to a southeasterly flow. This would cause the warm tropical waters to flow away from the continent, resulting in a cooling effect on the climate of Europe and North America.

The change in the Earth’s rotation would also affect the Gulf Stream, a powerful Atlantic Ocean current that flows from the Caribbean Sea to the North Atlantic Ocean. The Gulf Stream carries warm water northward, moderating the climate of the British Isles and Scandinavian countries. With a rotation in the opposite direction, the Gulf Stream would shift from a northerly flow to a southerly flow, resulting in a cooling effect on the climate of northern Europe.

Learn more about Earth’s axis at :https://brainly.com/question/11782583


what are the geographical differences between Irland and island



the geographical difference between ireland and island (this is the gineral information)


Ireland:Area: 70,280 km²Official language: English Government form: Parliamentary republicCapital: Dublin Region: Northern Europe Independent since: 1921 AD

Iceland:Region: Northern Europe Area:103,000 km²Official language:IcelandicGovernment form: Parliamentary republicIndependent since: 1944 ADCapital:Reykjavík

Definitions- list the term described.

a) a fountain of hot water erupting periodically

b) substance that causes harm to the environment

c) the water entering a river or stream after a rainfall

d) water that contains large amounts of dissolved minerals (magnesium and calcium carbonate)

e) condensed water vapor

f) water that does not contain dissolved minerals

g) the movement of water from the oceans and freshwater sources to the land and air and then back to the oceans



B)Pollutants (Pollution)

C)Surface runoff (Runoff)

D)Hard water

E)I am pretty sure that it is steam

F)Distilled water

Have a good day


charlie has been studying the movement of sand and sediment. to test his current theory, charlie marks a plot of sand with colored dye. he then returns weeks later to see if the sand is still there. charlie notices that the sand with the dye in it has been moved along the shoreline over time. what is this process called?


The process in the given situation is known to be as Beach Drift.

Waves carry sediments in a zigzag pattern along the beach. The surf zone transports the majority of the sediment. The movement of sand along the shoreline is referred to as Beach Drift, meaning the progressive movement of sand and sediment along with the beach is called Beach Drift.

Charlie has been researching sand and sediment movement. Charlie uses colored dye to mark a patch of sand to test his present notion. He then returns weeks later to examine if the sand remains. Charlie notes that the dyed sand has been transported down the shoreline over time. This process is called 'Beach Drift'.

You can learn more about Beach Drift at



What happens to G3P in the Calvin cycle?


One G3P molecule leaves the cycle and will go towards making glucose, while five G3Ps must be recycled to regenerate the RuBP acceptor.

1. seismic waves generally travel much shorter distances on the west coast than on the east coast because: a. communities are better prepared for earthquakes on the west coast. b. the soil composition is different in the two regions. c. earthquakes are more frequent on the west coast. d. the earthquakes are of a greater intensity on the east coast.


Seismic waves travel through different types of soil at different speeds. Seismic waves are an important indicator of the Earth's interior structure. The type of soil in an area can significantly affect how far these waves travel and the strength of the signal they produce.

The type of soil in an area can affect how far seismic waves travel

On the east coast, the soil is generally harder and more solid, allowing seismic waves to travel further. On the west coast, the soil is generally softer and more loose, causing seismic waves to be dampened and travel shorter distances.

The type of soil in an area can affect how far seismic waves travel.

In general, seismic waves travel much farther in rockier terrain than in soil, which absorbs more of the energy from the seismic waves. This means that seismic waves tend to travel much farther on the east coast, which is typically composed of rockier terrain, than they do on the west coast, which is usually composed of soil.

Learn more about seismic waves at: https://brainly.com/question/16977343


how can we help the environment in School?

we have planted trees in the school grounds and have recycling bins that are used properly.
thanks :)​




Lead a green club. ...

Hold a recycling bin decorating contest. ...

Apply for grants. ...

Get creative with recycling bins. ...

Schedule a trash pickup day. ...

Add indoor plants. ...

Rally for solar panels. ...

Get dirty and do a waste audi

Complete the following statements using the correct words

a) Florida has over _______________ bodies of fresh water.

b) Navigation of Florida's freshwater is controlled by the ___________.

c) Lake Okeechobee is connected by a waterway to both the __________ and the ______________.

d) The Everglades is a combination of _____________and water.

e) Okefenokee is a Native American name which means ____________

f) The largest river system located entirely in Florida is the

g) When rainfall is low, there is a danger that saltwater will fill up the freshwater aquifer, causing _____________.


To complete the following statements using the correct words, the following are supplied:

a) Florida has over 10,000 bodies of fresh water.

b) Navigation of Florida's freshwater is controlled by the Canal system.

c) Lake Okeechobee is connected by a waterway to both the Caloosahatchee River and the St. Lucie Canal.

d) The Everglades is a combination of sawgrass prairies and water.

e) Okefenokee is a Native American name which means Land of the Trembling Eart

f) The largest river system located entirely in Florida is the St. Johns river

g) When rainfall is low, there is a danger that saltwater will fill up the freshwater aquifer, causing Saltwater intrusion.

What is a saltwater intrusion?

Saltwater intrusion is the tranportation of saline water into freshwater aquifers, which can cause the groundwater quality degradation. This involves drinking water sources, and other consequences. Saltwater intrusion can ordinarily happens in coastal aquifers, owing to the hydraulic connection between groundwater and seawater.

Therefore, the correct answer is as given above

learn more about saltwater intrusion: https://brainly.com/question/20525211


What is the 5 characteristics of light?


These are the first five characteristics of light. It possesses both particle and wave properties. Quantum mechanics demonstrated that light is both a particle and a wave. Since there are no physical barriers to the propagation of light in a vacuum, light moves the quickest in this environment.

Light is a kind of electromagnetic radiation that helps the human eye see or makes things visible. The term "radiation that is visible to the human eye" may also be used to describe it. Photons, which are little energy packets, are present in light.

Light is an electromagnetic wave. Light travels in a straight line. Light is a transverse wave, hence it may pass through any substance. Light's velocity changes as it transitions from one medium to another. The wavelength of light shifts whenever it moves from one medium to another.

To learn more about light



100 summer vacation words


While I enjoy coming to school, I also enjoy the summer vacation, which lasts for two months. I get to engage in many of enjoyable things.

I have enough leisure time throughout the break to engage in my interests in reading and playing the guitar. My parents arrange a pleasant family vacation over the summer vacation. We go to exciting locations and discover a lot of new stuff. We have traveled to the beach in Tamil Nadu, Rajasthan's desert regions, and the Himachal Pradesh highlands during our summer vacations. When we travel throughout the nation, we eat the local cuisine and purchase native spices and other food things to use at home. I enjoy capturing the stunning scenery and the people in it on camera. for summer vacation She is just like the angel for which her name stands. She gave me a warm smile as I took my first step inside the house. She then gave me some food and orange juice. She need summer vacation narrated the narrative to me until I slept off. I slept in until morning, and my companion had already left the house. She came and delivered the meal to my room. She fed me by holding my hand. She also got the warm water ready for my bath. Because I was her granddaughter.

Learn more about summer vacation here:



Volcanic domes commonly form from all of the following rocks EXCEPT? a. rhyolite b. obsidian c. basalt d. andesite


Volcanic domes commonly form from all of the following rocks EXCEPT Basalt.

Hence, option C is correct.

The slow extrusion of highly viscous silicic lava produces domes. These lavas are too dense to form a lava flow. Most domes are small, and many lack a crater. Some dome-forming eruptions begin with highly explosive eruptions that wane into dome-building eruptions as the magma's gas content decreases.The dome expands as the lava within it expands, and the mountain forms as material spills off the sides of the growing dome. Lava domes can erupt violently, ejecting massive amounts of hot rock and ash.

To know more about Volcanic domes here



What are the 4 ideologies?


3.1 Fascism.
3.2 Libertarianism.
3.3 Monarchism.
3.4 Separatism.
3.5 Socialism.

Which are parts of the Jewish covenant with God?
Check all that apply.
A. Israel will be the homeland of the Jews.
B. The Israelites will have a great and blessed nation.
C. Islam is God's final prophecy.
D. The Gospels are the word of God.


The answer is Israel will be the homeland of the Jews

1. At approximately what depth does wet granite reach its melting temperature and generate magma? in kilometers2. Oceanic crust and the underlying rocks to a depth of about 100 kilometers have a basaltic composition. Does the melting curve for basalt indicate that the lithosphere above approximately 100 kilometers has or has not reached the melting temperature for basalt? Therefore, at those depths, should basalt be solid or molten?The melting temperature ______ been reached.Basalt should be_______.3. At approximately what depth does basalt reach its melting temperature? \At a depth of approximately _______ km.4. What is the name of the layer that begins at a depth of about 100 kilometers and extends to approximately 600 kilometers ?


1. Wet granite melts and produces magma at a depth of 25 km, as indicated by the intersection of the wet granite curve and the geothermal gradient.

2. As we can see from the graph of basalt, basalt will melt above the point where it crosses the geothermal gradient curve at 1400 °C, a depth of more than 100 kilometres. It won't be moulted because they ask for more deep basalt than 100 km. Hence There hasn't been a rise in the melting temperature. Basalt should be solid below 100.

3. At a depth of almost 100 kilometres.

4. The layer is called Asthenosphere, and it flows. It is a weak layer. Its nature is more fluid.

What exactly are the Earth's four spheres?

The entire Earth functions as a single system in which everything is present. This system is further broken down into different subsystems that work together continually to maintain our survival. The Atmosphere, Biosphere, Geosphere, and Hydrosphere are the four spheres that make up Earth. The four spheres of the Earth are the subsystems of the air, the land, the water, and the living beings. Different organic and inorganic materials discovered on the surface of the Earth are categorised using these systems or spheres of the Earth.

To know more about Spheres of earth visit:



Is the Oceanic-Continental boundary and Continental-Oceanic boundary the same?


No, Oceanic plates are much thinner than the continental plates. When an oceanic plate meets a continental plate at a convergent boundary the oceanic plate is forced under the continental plate and destroyed.

The most recent warming trend experienced over the northern hemisphere could be the result of?


The most recent warming trend experienced over the northern hemisphere could be the result of increasing levels of greenhouse gases

A greenhouse gas is a gas that absorbs and emits radiant energy in the thermal infrared spectrum, resulting in the greenhouse effect. Water vapor, carbon dioxide, methane, nitrous oxide, and ozone are the primary greenhouse gases in the Earth's atmosphere.Carbon dioxide, methane, nitrous oxide, and water vapor (all of which occur naturally) are the main gases responsible for the greenhouse effect, as are fluorinated gases (which are synthetic).

To know more about Greenhouses here



Which national park in texas helps reduce the harmful impact of land use on the environment?
a. yellowstone national park
b. grand canyon national park
c. everglades national park
d. big bend national park


Answer: Big Bends national park

Explanation: It's the only national park in Texas out of the four options given.

Answer: d. big bend national park

Explanation: Big Bend National Park is located in Park, Texas in the area of the Chihuahuan Desert along the Rio Grande.  The state park was first established in 1933 as "Texas Canyons State Park" whereas the name was later changed that year. In 1935, Congress authorized preservation of land for the benefit and enjoyment of present and future generations and was officially established in 1944 as a state park. The park includes rich biological and geological diversity, cultural historic resources such as ancient fossils, and miles of natural terrain and recreational opportunities, such as over 200 miles of hiking trails.

It is a designated national park with conservation efforts aimed at protecting the natural resources, wildlife, and ecosystems in the area.  The park implements sustainable practices and regulations to ensure that land use is managed in an environmentally friendly way. It provides a habitat for a diverse range of plant and animal species and is seen as a national treasure.

What are the 4 elements of light?


Let's examine the four fundamental components of lighting: control, direction, quality, and lighting ratio. Each of these components affects our lighting's overall impact, thus they must be taken into account while designing it.

In photography, the angle of the light hitting your subject is crucial. The quality of your photograph depends on the direction of the light, whether it's coming from a window or artificially produced in a studio. Sidelight, front light, backlight, and top light are the four fundamental lighting orientations.

The spectral distribution of light, or the proportional quantity of photons from the blue, green, red, far red, and other parts of the light spectrum emitted from a light source, is referred to as light quality. Some of these parts can be seen, while others cannot.

Lighting ratios are essentially the mathematical relationship between the amount of light from two different sources that falls on a subject, usually a key light on the subject's highlight side and a fill light on its shadow side.

To learn more about light



What was the primordial atmosphere made of?


When Earth formed 4.6 billion years ago from a hot mix of gases and solids, it had almost no atmosphere. The surface was molten. As Earth cooled, an atmosphere formed mainly from gases spewed from volcanoes. It included hydrogen sulfide, methane, and ten to 200 times as much carbon dioxide as today's atmosphere.

An atmosphere is a layer of fuel or layers of gases that envelop a planet and is held in a region via the gravity of the planetary body. A planet keeps an atmosphere whilst the gravity is super and the temperature of the surroundings is low. A stellar environment is the outer location of a celeb, which includes the layers above the opaque photosphere; stars of low temperature may have outer atmospheres containing compound molecules.

The environment of Earth consists of nitrogen (78%), oxygen (21%), argon (0.9%), carbon dioxide (0.04%), and trace gases. maximum organisms use oxygen for respiration; lightning and bacteria perform nitrogen fixation to supply ammonia which is used to make nucleotides and amino acids; vegetation, algae, and cyanobacteria use carbon dioxide for photosynthesis. The layered composition of the ecosystem minimizes the harmful results of daylight, ultraviolet radiation, solar wind, and cosmic rays to protect organisms from genetic harm.

To learn more about Atmosphere visit here:



What are the side effects of not warming up before exercise?


When you skip the warm-up, it makes you body more susceptible to sprained muscles, cramps, and other injuries.
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