What best describes Mercutio?
O caring, witty, and benevolent
O witty, outgoing, and skeptical
Othoughtful, careful, and benevolent
O peaceful, understanding, and reverent


Answer 1


witty, outgoing, and skeptical


Related Questions

1. Just by reading the first three scenes of Julius Caesar, who, in your opinion, would be the better ruler? Cassius or Brutus? Use evidence.
2. In scenes 2 and 3 of act 1, Cassius explains why he is opposed to Caesar. Does Cassius seem motivated more by personal rivalry or concern for the future of Rome? Cite details.
3. Reread Casca's description of Caesar's behavior at the games in lines 215-287 of Scene 2. Do Caesar's words and actions suggest that he is becoming a tyrant? Support with evidence.


We can answer the three questions after reading "Julius Caesar" and analyzing the characters of Caesar, Brutus, Cassius, and what is said by Casca.

In my opinion, Brutus would be a better ruler. He seems to be calmer, more level-headed than Cassius, and less prone to taking things personally. Brutus really wants what is best for Rome.Cassius pretends to be concerned about the future of Rome, but we can tell he is actually more motivated by personal rivalry. He is jealous of Caesar and his power, and he thinks he (Cassius) would be a more suitable emperor.In Scene 2, Casca describes Caesar as someone who could become a tyrant. Casca knows very well that Caesar has rejected the crown more than once but still accuses him of wanting the crown.

The characters in "Julius Caesar"

To answer the questions in the prompt, we must know that characters from the tragic play "Julius Caesar," by William Shakespeare. Let's briefly describe them below:

Julius Caesar: A powerful general who helps establish the republic in Rome. Caesar is assassinated by his own friends.Cassius: The one who comes up with the plan to kill Caesar. Cassius is jealous and wants the crown for himself.Brutus: One of Caesar's friends and killers, Brutus is persuaded by Cassius that killing Caesar is the best thing to do for Rome.Casca: A senator who also takes part in the betrayal of Caesar.

With that knowledge in mind, we can conclude that the answers given above are correct. Since the first question requires a personal opinion, feel free to change the answer as you please.

Learn more about "Julius Caesar" here:



FILL IN THE BLANK. My interest was ______ when I found out he was a ______ chess player. piqued / world-class peaked / world class peeked / world-class


Answer: peaked and world-class

Explanation: The fundamental fact of knowing he was a world-class chess player caused interest to peak

(7) For July 10 I find this note: "The Mosquitoes are worse now than ever before; even Jarvis, Preble, and the natives are
wearing face protectors of some kind. The Major has borrowed Preble's closed net, much to the latter's discomfiture, as he
himself would be glad to wear it."
Why does the author include these details after describing the results from his gauge?
The author includes these details to
A.inform the reader of some of the ways the men tried to protect themselves from the mosquitoes.

B.show that the mosquitoes were so bad that a superior officer made an inferior give up his protection.

C.give the reader a depiction of how the men dealt with the mosquitoes.

D.provide a personal detail that lightens up the tone of the text.




The author includes these details to inform the reader of some of the ways the men tried to protect themselves from the mosquitoes. The mention of the face protectors and the closed net shows that the men were taking measures to protect themselves from the mosquitoes, which were worse than ever before. This information is relevant to the gauge readings because it provides context for the conditions the men were facing, and helps the reader understand the challenges they were dealing with.

The mention of the Major borrowing Preble's closed net also adds a small element of conflict and tension to the text, which can make the story more interesting. However, the primary purpose of including this detail is to inform the reader about the men's efforts to protect themselves from the mosquitoes.


A.  inform the reader of some of the ways the men tried to protect themselves from the mosquitoes.


The note accurately depicts the author's depiction of the men's efforts to ward off the insects. This is crucial to the plot because it demonstrates the men's efforts to shield themselves from the bugs and also the Major's vulnerability to their bites, despite his status as an officer.

This fact further emphasizes the gravity of the mosquito issue and the measures the guys took to safeguard themselves.

The language a person speaks is one example of ________________. a. stereotypes b. communication codes c. nonverbal communication d. being ‘other’ oriented


Communication codes

Imagine you are living in the Great Depression. Write a letter or journal entry of your experience during the holidays.
• Must correctly incorporate at least 7 of the 10 vocabulary words listed:
1. relief
2. black tuesday
3. great depression
4. hoovervilles
5. work relief
6. the dust bowl
7. migrant worker
8. federal reserve stock
9. credit/on margin
10. public works


When you are writing a letter, you should make sure to go by these common rules:

Make sure you use the appropriate kind of paper.

Make sure the formatting is correct.You may either use the block format or the indented format.Include the dates as well as the addresses.Include a greeting.Begin composing the main body of your letter.Include a complementary closure.Provide the following extra information.

What is Great Depression?

Generally, It's the holidays and I can't help but feel a sense of dread wash over me. The Great Depression has hit our family hard. My father lost his job at the factory and we've had to move into one of the Hoovervilles on the outskirts of town. It's a makeshift shantytown made up of cardboard boxes and scraps of metal. It's not much, but it's all we can afford.

Things were bad enough before the stock market crash on Black Tuesday. But since then, it feels like everything has just gone from bad to worse. There's no work to be found and even if there was, we don't have the money to buy the things we need. I remember when we used to be able to go to the store and buy things on credit, but now it seems like no one will extend us any credit.

I know my family isn't alone in this. The Dust Bowl has driven so many families off their farms and into the cities in search of work. And with so few jobs to go around, many of them have ended up in the Hoovervilles as well. It's a sad sight to see so many people struggling just to get by.

I just hope that things get better soon. Maybe one day we'll be able to afford to move out of Hooverville and back into a proper home. And maybe, just maybe, we'll be able to enjoy the holidays again like we used to.

Read more about Great Depression



In "A Rose For Emily" What had been the position of Miss Emily’s family in Jefferson while her father was still alive? How and why does her position change over time? How does she seem to feel about this change?


Answer: They were super wealthy and important. They had a lot of money because they built their house right after the civil war when the land was very poor. She does not want to change with them, preferring to stay rooted firmly in the past.


Hope that helps

Can you help me with conclusions? Please and thank you

I will really appreciate it

I did everything except the conclusions
I need it so as possible.



Based on the information provided, it is clear that distracted driving is a serious issue that can have deadly consequences. It is important for drivers to be aware of the risks and to avoid any distractions while behind the wheel. This includes not using phones, GPS devices, or engaging in other activities that take their attention away from the road. The consequences for distracted driving can vary, but can include fines, demerit points, license suspension, and even jail time in severe cases. It is essential for drivers to prioritize their own safety and the safety of others by keeping their focus on the road at all times.


Which statement best describes how dramatic irony is used n this passage animal farm



Explanation: My tescher Read the excerpt from activist Cesar Chavez’s


address to the Commonwealth Club of San Francisco.

All my life, I have been driven by one dream, one goal, one vision: To overthrow a farm labor system in this nation which treats farm workers as if they were not important human beings.

Farm workers are not agricultural implements—they are not beasts of burden to be used and discarded. . . .

. . . My motivation comes from my personal life—from watching what my mother and father went through when I was growing up—from what we experienced as migrant farm workers in California.

That dream, that vision, grew from my own experience with racism—with hope—with the desire to be treated fairly and to see my people treated as human beings and not as chattel.

It grew from anger and rage—emotions I felt


years ago when people of my color were denied the right to see a movie or eat at a restaurant in many parts of California.

It grew from the frustration and humiliation I felt as a boy who couldn't understand how the growers could abuse and exploit farm workers when there were so many of us and so few of them.

Which ideas from the excerpt would be most appropriate to include in a summary? Select two options. it was right..

Which is a strategy a reader can use to figure out the meaning of an
unknown word in a poem?
look around the word for another word that could be a synonym or
antonym of the unknown word.
sound the word out carefully
look at word parts
guess and keep reading


The strategy that a reader can use to figure out the meaning of an unknown word in a poem is option A: look around the word for another word that could be a synonym or antonym of the unknown word.

How can a reader figure out what a word's definition is?

A word or phrase in the same sentence or another nearby sentence that can help the reader understand the meaning of an unfamiliar word is known as a context cue. All the words and phrases that are close to a word make up context clues.

Therefore, in regards to the above, look for neighboring synonyms that could shed light on the meaning of the word. - To find out what has happened in the words before this one, look at the words around it. Check to check whether it makes sense by replacing the unknown term with a familiar word.

Learn more about synonym from


Mya applied the distributive property to write the equivalent expressions below. 45 + 72 = 9 (5 + 9) What is Mya’s error? Mya did not write the common factor in the correct place. Mya did not find the correct two factors for 72. Mya did not find the correct two factors for 45. Mya used a factor that is not common to 45 and 72.



Mya used a factor that is not common to 45 and 72.





Thee two piece were written more that 400 year apart yet focu on the ame theme what doe thi real about human nature


It demonstrates that tradition and knowledge are still carried down through our descendants despite the passage of many years. It demonstrates that, notwithstanding

Shakespeare uses the sonnet to address new issues like age and death in addition to the classic themes of love and beauty that sonnets typically address. Shakespeare uses the sonnet to address new issues like age and death in addition to the classic themes of love and beauty that sonnets typically address. To give people the chance to practise communication skills in a situation that is naturally occurring in order to foster healthy human interactions. The articles in this book, which were written over the course of two years, started out as... Even though English lacks a proper passive voice, it is widely acknowledged as being necessary

To learn more about notwithstanding  please click on below link



The benefit of diversification in your investments is:
Reduced risk
Increased return
Reduced tax liability
Increased risk


Answer:Reduced risk


Write an introductory paragraph on the importance of Marie Curie

Be sure to include a:
Hook – engage reader with a question, quote or interesting fact.
Background information (maybe a quote or two with page numbers)
A thesis statement that includes a claim and three reasons you would cover in your body paragraphs. (For example: Marie Curie is important because reason 1, reason 2 and reason 3)


Did you know that Marie Curie was the first woman to win a Nobel Prize, and the first person and only woman to win the award twice? Her contributions to the fields of physics and chemistry have had a lasting impact on the scientific community and the world at large. Marie Curie is important for three main reasons: her pioneering work in the study of radioactivity, her discovery of two new elements, and her contributions to the development of X-ray technology. Her groundbreaking research laid the foundation for the development of nuclear energy and cancer treatment, and her tireless dedication to science has inspired countless researchers to follow in her footsteps.

In your opinion, did Mother seem complacent
in her current situation or frustrated? Explain
using an example from the text.


After the lice incident, Mother was more and more dissatisfied with life at Out-With. Bruno was depressed she didn't have any friends there, particularly in light of Lieutenant Kotler's transfer.

In The Boy in the Striped Pajamas, what does a mother look like?

The mother of Bruno cares for and adores her offspring. She looks a lot like her mother, with long red hair and green eyes. She does not like Out-With at all, nor does she like her husband's job very much.

Due to leaving the residence in Berlin, Bruno's mother is distressed and depressed. When chatting about the transfer, Bruno notices that she has a "weird laugh" and doesn't "look thrilled." Bruno is told they have no choice but to depart as they do so.


To learn more about the mother of Bruno from the given link



Write a summary of Macbeth Act III. Use the summary writing tips you learned in the Unit 1 Introduction when you summarized "A World of Heroes" on page 6.





need more info

Lit three thing from the firt half of the tory that Serena
would conider "real adventure. "


The three things that Serena would consider “real adventure” are rafting down the Colorado river in arizona grand canyon, Safari in Africa and Combing beaches of Florida.

This question is from “The Adventure Begins”.

Serena goes on a vacation with her family to South Dakota but wasn’t happy. She believed that her friend’s vacation was way more adventurous than hers. She wasn’t happy going to the vacation her father had chosen.

However, her attitude changes when Tony, her brother, shows how impressive badlands are and when she sees a Bison.

By the end of the story Serena’s attitude changed into a cheerful one.

To learn more about “The Adventure Begins” here:



how can a person be indefeasible




: not capable of being annulled or voided or undone

Which element of your essay is necessary to revise if you modify your thesis statement?



Understand the elements of a strong, clear thesis statement

Revise a thesis statement to make it clearer

Have you ever known a person who was not very good at telling stories? You probably had trouble following his train of thought as he jumped around from point to point, either being too brief in places that needed further explanation or providing too many details on a meaningless element. Maybe he told the end of the story first, then moved to the beginning and later added details to the middle. His ideas were probably scattered, and the story did not flow very well. When the story was over, you probably had many questions.

Just as a personal anecdote can be a disorganized mess, an essay can fall into the same trap of being out of order and confusing. That is why writers need a thesis statement to provide a specific focus for their essay and to organize what they are about to discuss in the body.

Just like a topic sentence summarizes a single paragraph, the thesis statement summarizes an entire essay. It tells the reader the point you want to make in your essay, while the essay itself supports that point. It is like a signpost that signals the essay’s destination. You should form your thesis before you begin to organize an essay, but you may find that it needs revision as the essay develops.

What is the name of the metal that makes up the blade of Percy's sword?


The name of the metal that makes up the blade of Percy's sword is Celestial Bronze,  a material that is only deadly to gods, demigods, magicians, Titans, Giants, and monsters.

The valued sword of Percy Jackson, Anaklusmos (Greek for "riptide"), is forged of celestial bronze, a substance that only kills gods, demigods, magicians, Titans, Giants, and monsters. Mortals are unaffected by it since it simply flows unharmed through them. It is a medium-length xiphos sword (a Greek one-handed double-edged sword).

Perseus "Percy" Jackson is a made-up character who serves as the series' protagonist and narrator in Rick Riordan's Percy Jackson & the Olympians books. He also makes an appearance in all but The Lost Hero of the books in the Heroes of Olympus sequel series, which features seven major heroes.

To learn more about Percy Jackson, visit the link below:



you were devastated when game of thrones ended and began writing fanfiction to keep the saga alive. what type of relationship might you have with these media characters?



It really depends on the fanfiction I am writing. I could choose to focus on a romantic relationship between two characters, a friendship, an antagonistic relationship, or even a family dynamic. Ultimately, it is up to me to decide.


The type of relationship that might have with these media characters is parasocial.

What is parasocial relationship?

A type of psychological relationship experienced by an audience in their mediated encounters with performers in the mass media, particularly on television and online platforms, is referred to as parasocial interaction.

Parasocial relationships can be beneficial if the person inspires, encourages, and makes you feel connected to others. "Unlike people you have real-life relationships with, this person will never be mean, unkind, or reject you," Theran says.

A parasocial interaction, or an exposure that sparks interest in a persona, develops into a parasocial relationship when the media user develops illusions of intimacy, friendship, and identification as a result of repeated exposure to the media personal.

Thus, the relationship is parasocial.

For more details regarding parasocial relationship, visit:



One interpretation of the symbolic meaning of the tunnel in the story is that _____.

A. Obstacles in life can lead to maturity.

B. Living in a new place can be challenging.

C. Exciting opportunities await when travelling.

D. Relationship with family can change.


One interpretation of the symbolic meaning of the tunnel in the story is that A. Obstacles in life can lead to maturity.

What is Symbolism?

This refers to the term that is used to describe and define the use of symbols in a literary manner to show its meaning or what it represents.

Hence, it can be seen that from the complete text, the narration is given about the adventures of Jerry, a younger English boy, and his widowed mom and the symbolism of a tunnels shows that Obstacles in life can lead to maturity.

Read more about symbolism here:



Which of these did you include in your answer?
In the first uses, "square deal" seems to apply
to everyone.
Roosevelt seems to offer everyone new and
better opportunities under new rules.
The final uses make it clear that a person has
to "deserve" the square deal.
The final uses make it clear that if people
don't make good on their chances for a
"square deal," they don't get a square deal.


In the first uses, “square deal” seems to apply to everyone. Roosevelt seems to offer everyone new and better opportunities under new rules. The final uses make it clear that a person has to “deserve” the square deal. The final uses make it clear that if people don’t make good on their chances for a “square deal,” they don’t get a square deal.

Their complexions too, differing so much from ours, their long hair and the language they spoke (which was very different from any I had ever heard) united to confirm in me this belief. Indeed such were the horrors of my views and fears at the moment that, if ten thousand worlds had been my own, I would have freely parted with them all to have exchanged my condition with that of the meanest slave in my own country. When I looked round the ship too and saw a large furnace or copper boiling and a multitude of black people of every description chained together, every one of their countenances expressing dejection and sorrow, I no longer doubted of my fate; and quite overpowered with horror and anguish, I fell motionless on the deck and fainted.

Paraphrase the central idea and Paraphrase the supporting details


This is a story by Olaudah Equiano, an Igbo writer, and abolitionist who was born into slavery.

Equiano recalls in this passage how he felt when he boarded the boat that would carry him as a slave. The main point is that after he was aboard the boat, he recognized what would happen to him when he saw how different his captors looked and how the black people were shackled. He was so sad and terrified by this that he passed out on the deck.

To know more about Olaudah Equiano visit



Which statement is the best example of a claim? Teenagers should have up-to-date cell phones.
Experts think that everyone should have a cell phone.
Cell phones can help students do their homework.
People with cell phones are accessible in an emergency.



People with cell phones are accesible in an emergency is the best example of a claim

Explanation: Hope this Helps. PLEASE MARK BRAINLEST!!

Which idea does this sentence best support? A. The tree is happy to see the town change radically. B. The tree understands that it will not live long. C. The tree thinks that people still care about it. D. The tree is joyous about the other trees in the town.


B because it makes the most sense

What is the name of the water park that is actually a trap set by Ares?


your answer should be waterland!

what did mary musgrove do to help establish the city of savannah at yamacraw bluff?


She wed English trader John Musgrove in 1717, and the two of them established a trading post close to the Savannah River.

Musgrove, who served as a translator for Oglethorpe and the Yamacraw Indian chief Tomochichi, played a crucial role in the peaceful establishment of Savannah and, consequently, the Georgia colony.

Musgrove, who served as a translator for Oglethorpe and the Yamacraw Indian chief Tomochichi, played a crucial role in the peaceful establishment of Savannah and, consequently, the Georgia colony. From 1733 to 1743, she acted as Oglethorpe's primary interpreter, getting payment for her services as well as the status that came with the job.

The Trustees formally granted John Musgrove some land near Yamacraw Bluff on the Savannah River, four acres, in 1734, following a voyage to England that James Oglethorpe took with John Musgrove and a group of Creeks.

To learn more about Musgrove please click on below link



Name two differences between the story and the reader theater in Atlanta



A key difference between traditional theater and readers theater is that readers theater is not staged or acted out through physical movement. The interpretation of the dramatic reading relies almost entirely on the actors' voices.

How does the title of the passage help set the
tone of the text?
It conveys a favorable attitude toward tiny living by
using the word "big" to mean "important."
It suggests an objective view of tiny living by
alluding to both sides of a debate.
It ridicules the concept of tiny living by being
purposefully contradictory.
It reflects conflicted feelings toward tiny living by
using the word "tiny" to mean "inadequate."


The title "Big Life, Tiny Living," conveys a favorable attitude toward tiny living by using the word "big" to mean "important," as stated in option A.

What is a title?

A title is simply the name of a literary work, such as an article, essay or book. Titles already help the author give readers an idea of what the topic of that work is, serving as a guide, a map to what we can expect.

Looking this question up, we found out it is about the article titled "Big Life, Tiny Living," in which the author talks about the perks of tiny living, that is, living is small houses or in RVs, for examples. The author uses the word "big" to indicate importance, as a way to show that such lifestyle is enjoyable, interesting.

Having that knowledge, we can select option A as the right answer concerning the title.

Learn more about titles here:



Why can't the bourgeoi democratic revolution in Germany turn into a ocialit revolution?


Lenin believed that the national class was a very weak political player unable to accomplish the bourgeois democratic revolution, hence the bourgeois democratic revolution cannot change into an ocialit revolution.

What was bourgeoi democratic revolution?

A social revolution that strives to overthrow a feudal system or its remnants, establish bourgeois rule, and construct a bourgeois state is referred to as a "bourgeois revolution" in Marxist theory. Often, bourgeois revolutions in colonized or subjugated nations take the shape of a struggle for national independence. In that they sought to eradicate the vestiges of the medieval feudal system in order to open the way for the emergence of capitalism, the Dutch, English, American, and French revolutions are seen as the prototypical bourgeois revolutions. Often used in opposition to "proletarian revolution," the phrase is also sometimes referred to as a "bourgeois-democratic revolution." One interpretation of the two-stage theory claimed that the bourgeois revolution was a prerequisite for the development of socialism.

To know more about bourgeoi revolution, visit:



Other Questions
which of the following terms best represents the knowledge building created when two or more individuals or subunits pool their resources and cooperate and collaborate across role or subunit boundaries.a.technical discontinuities.b.economies of scope.c.economies of scale.d.information synergies. Given the growth rate of 205%, what isthe growth factor? A_____Forecast that predicts revenues, costs, and expenses for period longer than 1 year, and sometimes as far as 5 or 10 years into the future the if-converted method of computing earnings per share data assumes conversion of convertible securities as of the group of answer choices beginning of the earliest period reported (or at time of issuance, if later). middle of the earliest period reported (regardless of time of issuance). beginning of the earliest period reported (regardless of time of issuance). ending of the earliest period reported (regardless of time of issuance). planned sales are 10,000 units at $7.00 per unit. actual sales are 11,000 units at $6.50 per unit. which of the following statements is not true to keep boredom and fatigue to a minimum, it is best to alternate short study sessions with brief rest periods. this pattern of studying is referred to as practice. question 30 options: When you measured the pH of the 0.1M HCl solution, you placed 25mL of the solution in a 50mL beaker. Assume that you had done another measurement. If you had placed 50mL of 0.1M HCl in a 150mL beaker, which of the following is true?1). The [H3O+] in the 50mL solution would be higher than the [H3O+] in the 25mL solution2). The [H3O+] in the 50mL solution would be lower than the [H3O+] in the 25mL solution3). The [H3O+] in the 50mL solution would be the same as the [H3O+] in the 25mL solution in which of the following cases will there be a current in the ammeter? (1) the switch has just been closed (2) the switch has been closed a long time (3) the switch has just been opened (4) the switch has been opened a long time What percent of lottery winners end up with serious financial problems? a. 30 b. 50 c. 70 d. 90 To help adolescents meet their increased RDA for calcium, the Healthy U.S.-Style Dietary Patterns indicate that adolescents should consume of dairy foods (or fortified dairy alternatives) per day. A) 1 cup B) 2 cups C) 3 cups D) 5 cups if the residuals violate the assumption of normality, we expect that a. the sample was not taken randomly. b. confidence intervals may be unreliable. c. least squares formulas will fail. d. the residuals will not sum to zero. 200 g of water in a glass is at 10.0C when an ice cube is placed in the glass. What is the temperature of the water after it has transferred 4,200 J of thermal energy to the ice cube? C Eduardo is painting a rectangular wall that is 96 inches high and 120 inches long. What is the area of the wall? t/f: subquery is always enclosed within parentheses What age does Santa Claus stop coming? A metal i made up of copper and zinc in the ratio 3:2 by volume. 1cm cube of copper ha a ma of 8. 9g and 1cm cube of zinc ha a ma of 7. 1g. Find the ma of 100cm cube of the metal rosa a block of mass 3 kg slides down an inclined plane at an angle of ??p with a massless tether attached to a pulley with mass 1 kg and radius 0.5 m at the top of the incline (see the following figure). the pulley can be approximated as a disk. the coefficient of kinetic friction on the plane is 0.4. what is the acceleration of the block? os 10 (T/F) as the complexity of a network increases, the possibility of security breaches decreases. you hang a 65.0 kg mass from an ideal spring having negligible mass. the mass stretches the spring 0.180 m. the mass is now pulled down 0.050 m and released. the period of oscillation of the mass is According to integrated waste management experts, the most desirable among the following activities is ____. A.landfilling B.reducing C. incineration with energy