what are the units of the rate constant for each of the reactions in table 12.2 in the textbook?


Answer 1

The order of the reaction is a measure of actual moles of reactant taking part in the reaction to form any product. The unit of rate constant are specific for order and type of reaction.

The power dependence of rate on the concentration of all reactants can be used to define the sequence of reaction. For instance, the concentration of one species in a first-order reaction determines the reaction's pace entirely. The number of species whose concentration directly influences the rate of reaction is represented by the order of reactions. It can be found by summing all of the exponents in the rate expression for the concentration terms. The stoichiometric coefficients corresponding to each species in the balanced reaction do not affect the order of the reaction. Chemical reactions are always defined by the concentrations of the reactants, never by the concentrations of the products.

Hence, rate constant unit depend on the order of the reaction.

To know more about Concentration.



What Are The Units Of The Rate Constant For Each Of The Reactions In Table 12.2 In The Textbook?

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Rank the radicals in order of decreasing stability. Most stable Least stable Answer Bank (CH3)2ĊCH2CH3 (CH3)2C=CHCH2 (CH3)2CHCH2CH2 (CH3)2CHCHCH3


(CH3)2ĊCH2CH3, (CH3)2CHCHCH3, (CH3)2CHCH2CH2,(CH3)2C=CHCH2 is the ranking order of the radicals in decreasing stability

In chemistry, a radical, also known as a free radical, is a molecule that contains one unpaired electron. Most molecules have an odd number of electrons, and the covalent bonds form bonds that hold the atoms together within a molecule are typically made up of pairs of electrons shared by the atomic nuclei connected by the bond. Radical was first used as an adjective in the 14th century, derived from the Late Latin radicalis, which was derived from the Latin radic-, radix, – this means "root." And the first uses of radical are all about literal roots, with the meaning "of, relating to, or going to proceed from a root." The most well-known free radical, oxygen, serves as the foundation for the formation of the majority of free radicals in the body. Oxygen is a naturally unstable molecule

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What will be the freezing point of an aqueous solution containing 80.0 g of NaCl?


The freezing point of an aqueous solution containing 80.0 g of NaCl will be -21.2 °C.

What is aqueous solution?

An aqueous solution is a solution that consists of a solvent and solute, where the solvent is water. Water is able to dissolve many different types of molecules and ions, making it an ideal solvent for many applications. Aqueous solutions are ubiquitous in nature and form the basis of many biological processes. In chemistry, aqueous solutions are used as a medium to conduct chemical reactions, as they allow for the solubilization of reactants and products.

This is because NaCl is an electrolyte and increases the freezing point of a solution by lowering the vapor pressure. When NaCl dissolves in water, it separates into individual ions and the ions interact with the water molecules, making it harder for the water molecules to escape into the vapor phase, which in turn increases the boiling point and decreases the freezing point. The freezing point depression of an aqueous solution containing 80.0 g of NaCl can be calculated using the formula ΔTf = Kf·m, where Kf is the molar freezing point constant for water and m is the molality of the solution. The molality of the solution can be calculated by dividing the mass of the solute (NaCl) by its molar mass and then dividing that by the mass of the solvent (water). So, the molality of the solution is 0.522 mol/kg and the freezing point depression is -21.2°C.

To learn more about aqueous solution

Classify each of the following organic reactions. Substitution Elimination Addition Reaction Type of Reaction CH3-CH2-CH2-CH3 + Cl, CH2-CH2-CH2-CH3 + HCI CI CH3-CH=CH-CH; + Cl, → CH3-CH-CH-CH3 CH3-CH2-CH-CH3 CH3-CH2-CH=CH2 + HCI CI


The first reaction is addition reaction, second reaction is substitution reaction, and third reaction is elimination reaction.

In organic chemistry, addition reaction refers to an organic reaction in which two or more molecules combine to generate a bigger one (the adduct). An addition reaction occurs when two or more reactants combine to form a product without the loss of any atoms present in the reactants. A substitution reaction refers to a chemical reaction during which one functional group in a chemical compound is replaced by another functional group.  It is chemical reactions in which an atom, ion, or group of atoms or ions in a molecule is replaced by another atom, ion, or group. An elimination reaction refers to is a type of chemical reaction where several atoms either in pairs or groups are removed from a molecule. The removal usually takes place due to the action of acids and bases or the action of metals.

Note: The question is incomplete. The complete question is attached.

Learn more about Addition reaction:



Which substances were ionic?
a. oil
b. corn starch
c. sodium chloride
d. sodium bicarbonate
how good were your predictions in the warm-up?


C.Sodium Chloride , table salt, baking soda, lye, Epsom salt, and bleach

A reaction reaches dynamic equilibrium at a given temperature when a) the amount of products exceeds the amount of reactants. b) kfwd equals krev. c) opposing reactions cease and the system is static. d) the relative amounts of reactants and products are constant and ratefwd = raterev.


A reaction reaches dynamic equilibrium at a given temperature when the relative amounts of reactants and products are constant and rate fwd = rate rev. Option D is the correct answer.

What is dynamic equilibrium of a reaction?

This refers to the state of a given system in which the reversible reaction taking place ceases to change the ratio of reactants and products, but there is a movement of substances between the reactants and the products.

Hence, a reaction reaches dynamic equilibrium at a given temperature when reactants change into products and products change into reactants even after equilibrium is achieved. But the rate of forward and backward reactions are the same.

Learn more about dynamic equilibrium on



how many unique h1h1 nmr and c13c13 nmr signals exist for each compound? a. h1h1 nmr signals in a c13c13 nmr signals in a b. h1h1 nmr signals in b c13c13 nmr signals in b c. h1h1 nmr signals in c c13c13 nmr signals in c d.


There are distinct h1h1 & c13c13 nmr signals for each molecule, which are a.3, b.3, and c2.

How many distinct h1 NMR & c13 NMR signals are there for each benzene compound?

All locations in benzene are identical to one another.As a result, all six hydrogen atoms produce just one signal for proton NMR, and all 6 carbon atoms produce just one signal in 13-C NMR.

Inside a 13C NMR experiment, how so many signals will each of the molecules below produce?

These substances each produce three signals!Similar to the examples before, we can determine that two carbon atoms are equivalent by looking at the symmetry planes of a molecule.

To know more about compound visit:



HCl + NaOH 2. Write the balanced chemical reaction for reaction 3. Be sure to include the states of matter and correct formulas. If applicable (ie: if you classified it as a precipitation reaction) include the net ionic equation as well. CH₃Cool & Noot 1. Write the balanced chemical reaction for reaction 1. Be sure to include the states of matter and correct formulas. If applicable (ie: if you classified it as a precipitation reaction) include the net ionic equation as well. Write the balanced chemical reaction for reaction 5. Be sure to include the states of matter and correct formulas. If applicable (ie: if you classified it as a precipitation reaction) include the net ionic equation as well. + Naz po + Fecla 3. Write the balanced chemical reaction for reaction 5. Be sure to include the states of matter and correct formulas. If applicable (ie: if you classified it as a precipitation reaction) include the net ionic equation as well. Naz pa + Fecha 4. Write the balanced chemical reaction for reaction 7. Be sure to include the states of matter and correct formulas. If applicable (ie: if you classified it as a precipitation reaction) include the net ionic equation as well. (NH4)2CO₃ + Cucla


The balanced chemical equation is HCl + NaOH2 ---->  NaCl2 + H2O. This is double displacement reaction.

Chemical formulas and symbols used in chemical equations are used to represent chemical reactions symbolically. The reactant entities are supplied on the left, and the product entities are given on the right, with a plus sign separating the entities in both the reactants and the products, and an arrow pointing in the direction of the products to show the direction of the reaction. Chemical equations can be either mixed, structural, or both. Coefficients are displayed next to the symbols and formulas of the various entities, together with the absolute values of the stoichiometric numbers. A chemical equation is made up of a list of reactants (the chemicals used to start the reaction) on the left, an arrow symbol, and a list of products (the substances created during the reaction) on the right. Each substance is described by its chemical formula, which may be followed by a stoichiometric coefficient, a numerical value. The coefficient describes the number of molecular entities (such as molecules) of that chemical that are engaged in the process. If not stated specifically, the coefficient is + sign separates two or more substances on any side of the equation from one another.

To know more about chemical equation please refer: https://brainly.com/question/28294176


What is the concentration of a solution that has 15 grams of a solute and 5 liters of water?


The concentration of a solution that has 15 grams of a solute and 5 liters of water is 3 g/L (grams per liter).

What is concentration?

Concentration is the ability to focus one's attention on a task or activity, blocking out distractions and remaining focused on the task at hand. It is a skill that helps us to stay focused and avoid being easily sidetracked. Concentration is often thought of as being a key factor in academic success, as well as having an important role in the workplace. It can also be beneficial in everyday life, helping us to stay organized and on top of our commitments and responsibilities.

Concentration is a skill that can be developed and improved with practice. Strategies such as setting specific goals, breaking down complex tasks into smaller steps, and taking regular breaks can help to improve concentration. Additionally, reducing distractions such as background noise, social media, and other forms of entertainment can help to create an environment that is more conducive to concentration. Finally, making sure to get enough rest and exercise can also help to improve concentration.
It is calculated by dividing the mass of the solute (15 grams) by the volume of the solution (5 liters). To put it another way, the concentration of the solution is 3 grams of solute for every liter of water. This type of concentration is commonly expressed as either g/L or mg/L (milligrams per liter).
To know more about concentration click


Can you put lemon juice in a metal bowl?


Acid in lemon juice reacts with metal containers to produce harmful chemicals. As a result, lemon juice is not kept in such containers.

What  is Acid ?

Acidic substances are typically easy to recognise by their sour flavours. A molecule that can donate an H+ ion and keep its energetic favorability even after losing H+ is a basic definition of an acid. Blue litmus paper is known to turn red when exposed to acids.

Bases, on the other hand, have a smooth consistency and a bitter flavour. A base that may dissolve in water is known as alkali. When these substances interact chemically with acids, salts are created. Red litmus has a history of becoming blue on bases.

The definitions of the terms acid and base vary depending on how one chooses to see the properties of acidity and basicity.

Lemon juice has a strong acidic flavor and can react with some metals. Lemon juice can corrode or rust metal when it comes into touch with it. This is so that iron oxide, a new chemical created by the reaction between the metal and the acid in lemon juice, can be formed.

Reddish-brown iron oxide is a less powerful material than pure iron. Iron oxide will keep combining with oxygen in the air over time to coat the metal in a thick film of rust.

Learn more about Acid from given link



What is the freezing point of a solution that contains 10.0 g of glucose c6h12o6 in 100 g of h2o?


The freezing point of a solution containing 10.0 g of glucose C6H12O6 in 100 g of H2O is -0.53°C.

What is freezing point?

Freezing point is the temperature at which a liquid turns into a solid. It is the temperature at which a liquid's vapor pressure is equal to the atmospheric pressure. The freezing point of pure water is 0°C (32°F), while most other liquids have different freezing points. Some liquids, such as ethanol, have a lower freezing point than water, while others, such as propylene glycol, have a higher freezing point.

This is because the freezing point depression of a solution is dependent on the amount of solute present within a given amount of water. Glucose, being a solute, causes the freezing point of the solution to decrease.

To know more about freezing point click-



Which statement is TRUE about elements in group 16?
They need 6 electrons to complete their octet.
They have 2 valence electrons.
The have an oxidation number of 2+
They have an oxidation number of 2-


Six electrons occupy the outermost shell in the electron configurations of the elements in Group 16 of the periodic table, which distinguish them from other elements.

What is true about elements in group 16?Any of the six chemical elements that make up Group 16 (VIa) of the periodic table—oxygen (O), sulfur (S), selenium (Se), tellurium (Te), polonium (Po), and livermorium—is referred to as an oxygen group element (Lv). Tellurium was given its place by 1865, and polonium was discovered in 1898. The first three members of the group were connected as early as 1829, with tellurium being allocated its position. Livermorium, the sixth member of Group 16, was produced in a particle accelerator by Russian and American researchers in 2000.After hydrogen, helium, and neon, oxygen is estimated to make up about 4 percent of all atoms in the universe. However, as hydrogen atoms make up the majority of the remaining atoms and helium makes up the majority of the remaining atoms, the significance of this ranking is negligible.

To Learn more About periodic table, refer To:



QUESTION 3 All of the following are homogeneous mixtures except A. hydrogen gas and chlorine gas. B. sodium chloride and potassium chloride. OC. mercury-zinc solution. OD. hydrochloric acid solution. O E. sodium chloride and potassium chlSride solution.



hydrogen gas and chlorine


HCl is a chemical compound and aqueous solution form of HCl is a homogeneous solution

All the following are homogeneous mixtures except hydrogen gas and chlorine gas. Therefore, option A is correct.

What do you mean by homogeneous mixture ?

A mixture is said to be homogeneous if its composition is constant throughout. Because the dissolved salt is evenly distributed throughout the whole salt water sample, the salt water described above is homogeneous.

It is single in composition throughout. There is only one phase of matter observed in a homogeneous mixture.

In an aqueous solution of hydrogen chloride gas, water serves as the solvent and the solute, respectively. Hence, hydrogen chloride is a homogeneous mixture rather than a compound.

When hydrogen chloride is dissociated and solvated in water to create hydrochloric acid, it counts as a homogeneous mixture.

Thus, option A is correct.

To learn more about the homogeneous mixture, follow the link;



What is 2 examples of a function?


y = 2x + 1

y = 3x – 1

these two are the example of functions.


A function is defined as a relation between a set of inputs having one output each. In simple words, a function is a relationship between inputs where each input is related to exactly one output.

Every function has a domain and codomain or range. A function is generally denoted by f(x) where x is the input. The general representation of a function is y = f(x).

An example of a simple function is f(x) = x2. In this function, the function f(x) takes the value of “x” and then squares it. For instance, if x = 3, then f(3) = 9.

Learn more about function here :-



What type of chemical bond is cornstarch?


Starch is a complex carbohydrate that is a polymer of sugar molecules. The sugars in starch have OH bonds that can interact and stick together through a process known as hydrogen bonding.

A hydrogen bond is an electrostatic force of attraction between a hydrogen atom covalently bound to a more electronegative "donor" atom or group and another electronegative atom bearing a lone pair of electrons—the hydrogen bond acceptor—in chemistry.

Hydrogen bonding is not a covalent bond to a hydrogen atom, but rather a type of dipole-dipole attraction between molecules. The attractive force between a hydrogen atom covalently bonded to a very electronegative atom such as an N, O, or F atom and another very electronegative atom causes it. Because hydrogen bonds have the strongest permanent molecular dipoles of any covalent bond, they have the strongest intermolecular forces for covalent compounds.

To learn more about hydrogen bonding, here



What are the types of reaction?


Combination reaction is one of the five main categories of chemical reactions. reaction of decomposition. displacing response. Reaction with double displacement. Reaction to precipitation.

Which of the five reactions are they?

Combination, decomposition, single-replacement, double-replacement, and combustion are the five fundamental types of chemical reactions. chemical reaction, often known as the conversion of one or more chemicals (sometimes referred to as reactants) into one or more other compounds (the products).

What exactly are endothermic and exothermic reactions?

Endothermic reactions are chemical processes in which the reactants absorb heat energy from their surroundings to produce products.  The reaction absorbs energy from its surroundings.

To know more about Reaction visit:-



What is the chemical reaction for melting?


Ice melting is a physical transformation rather than a chemical reaction. The addition of heat energy causes the phase of ice to transition from solid to liquid during melting. However, there is no chemical reaction taking place while it is melting, therefore the molecular composition remains unchanged.

What happens when something melts?

Endothermic Reaction: An endothermic process is one in which additional heat is needed to complete the reaction. Ice melting is an example.

What is the name of the melting process?

A physical process called melting or fusing causes a substance to change its phase from a solid to a liquid. This happens when the solid's internal energy rises, usually as a result of the application of heat or pressure raises the material's temperature to the point of melting.

To know more about Endothermic Reaction visit:-



Why does freezing point decrease when pressure increases?


When the pressure of a liquid is increased, so is the number of molecules that can fit into a given space.

What is freezing point?

Freezing point is the temperature at which a liquid turns into a solid. The freezing point of a substance is the temperature at which its molecules stop moving and form into a solid crystal. Generally, the freezing point of a liquid is lower than its boiling point. For example, water freezes at 32°F (0°C) and boils at 212°F (100°C).

This compression of molecules increases the interactions between them and weakens the intermolecular bonds that hold them together. This weakening of the bonds reduces the amount of energy needed to separate the molecules, causing the freezing point to decrease. In other words, when the pressure of a liquid increases, the molecules are more tightly packed and the freezing point decreases.

To know more about freezing point click-



what is the final pressure in the bottle for a monatomic gas, for which cv,m = 3r/2?


The final pressure in the bottle for a monatomic gas is 1.20*10^3 Pa.

Given that,

lnitial temperature T = 328 K

Pressure P = 1.606 *10^5 Pa

After the gas expands adiabatically,

P' = 1.203 * 10^5 Pa

Temperature = T'

[tex]P^{f} = P' * (P'/P)^{1-gamma/gamma} \\P^{f} = P^{1/gamma}* P^{gamma-1/gamma}\\[/tex]

For monatomic gas (CV, m = 3R/2 , gamma = 5/3),

[tex]P^{f} = (1.203*10^5)^{3/5}*(1.606*10^5)^{(5/3-1)/5/3} \\ = 1117.27 * 116.59\\ = 1.30 * 105 Pa[/tex]

Part B:

For diatomic gas ( CV, m = 5R/2 , gamma = 7/5)

[tex]P^{f} = (1.203*10^5)^{5/7}*(1.606*10^5)^{(7/5-1)/7/5} \\P^{f} = 1.20*10^{3}Pa[/tex]

To know more about the Pressure, here



The element with an electron configuration of 1s22s22p63s23p64s23d2 is in group__ and period__. The element with an electron configuration of 1s22s22p63s23p6 is in group__and period __.


The element with an electron configuration of 1s²2s²2p⁶3s²3p⁶4s²3d² is in group 4 and period 4. The element with an electron configuration of 1s²2s²2p⁶3s²3p⁶ is in group 18 and period 3.

What are groups and periods?

A group is the column in the periodic table of chemical elements while the period is the row in the periodic table of the elements.

The electron configuration an element describes how electrons are distributed in its atomic orbitals. The atomic number of the element is used.

According to this question;

1s²2s²2p⁶3s²3p⁶4s²3d² has atomic number 22 and hence, is titanium. 1s²2s²2p⁶3s²3p⁶ has atomic number 18 and hence, is Argon

Titanium is in group 4 and period 4 of the periodic table while Argon is in group 18 and period 3.

Learn more about groups and periods at: https://brainly.com/question/1995318




Hydrogen Bond



Nucleotide identifies the part of the DNA segment labeled as X in the given image.

What is Nucleotides?

Nucleotides are organic compounds composed  of phosphate and a nucleoside and are nitrogen containing base.

They function as monomeric units of the deoxyribonucleic acid and ribonucleic acid polymers, which are both crucial macromolecules for all kinds of life on Earth.They consists of nitrogen containing base such as :adenine guanine thymineand cytosine in DNA RNA:

RNA is often single-stranded, unlike DNA. Instead of the deoxyribose present in DNA, the backbone of an RNA molecule is made up of alternating phosphate groups and the sugar ribose.

They similarly Consists of the following in RNA :

adenineguanine uracil,and cytosine

To know more about Nucleotides visit



Classify each of the following atomic-scale views. Pure element Pure compound Mixture of an Element and a compound Mixture of Two Elements Mixture of Two compounds


Atomic-scale views and there clasifications:

Pure element: A single element, such as an atom or molecule, that is not combined with any other elements.Pure compound: A combination of two or more elements in a fixed ratio, held together by chemical bonds.Mixture of an Element and a compound: A combination of one element and one compound, which are not chemically bonded together.Mixture of Two Elements: A combination of two elements, which are not chemically bonded together.Mixture of Two compounds: A combination of two compounds, which are not chemically bonded together.

The Differences between Pure Elements, Pure Compounds, and Mixtures

The world of chemistry is filled with an incredible diversity of elements and compounds, each with its own unique properties and characteristics. Understanding the differences between pure elements, pure compounds, and mixtures can help us to better understand these materials, and how they interact with each other. In this essay, we will look at the defining characteristics of each type of substance, and explore their applications in the world of chemistry.

Pure elements are substances composed of only one type of atom. Examples of pure elements include oxygen, hydrogen, and iron. These elements have distinct chemical and physical properties, and because they are not combined with any other elements, they do not form compounds. Pure elements are essential for all life on Earth, as they form the building blocks of all biological molecules. They are also used in a wide variety of industries, from automobile manufacturing to consumer electronics.

Learn more about Atomic-Scale :



What does Apollo offend Cupid do?


Apollo boasted to Cupid about how much larger his bow was. Apollo was offended, and Cupid hit him with a golden love arrow in retaliation, leading him to fall in love with the first person he saw.

Who was punished by Apollo for having a human lover?

Daphne, in her effort to escape him, was changed into a laurel, his sacred tree; Coronis was shot by Apollo's twin, Artemis, when she proved unfaithful; and Cassandra rejected his advances and was punished by being made to utter true prophecies that no one believed.5 days ago

What enraged Eros against Apollo?

Apollo unexpectedly advised Eros to leave warlike weapons to powerful gods like him and stick to magic instead after defeating Python, a terrible earth-dragon that lived near Delphi.

To know more about Cupid and apollo visit:-



in the synthesis of prussian blue paint, which compound was mixed with the pigment? calcium calcium carbonate oxygen nitric acid


In order to make Prussian blue paint, a variety of compounds must be mixed together. The pigment itself is made up of iron and potassium ferrocyanide. To this, calcium carbonate, oxygen, and nitric acid are added.

Calcium carbonate is a mineral that is commonly found in limestone and marble. It is also used in a variety of other products such as antacids and toothpaste. In the synthesis of Prussian blue paint, calcium carbonate is used to neutralize the nitric acid. This helps to create the desired color and also prevents the paint from being too acidic.

Oxygen is also added to the mix. Oxygen helps to accelerate the reaction between the iron and potassium ferrocyanide in order to create the desired color. It also helps to make the paint more durable and resistant to fading.

Finally, nitric acid is added to the pigment. Nitric acid helps to create the intense blue color of Prussian blue paint. It also helps to make the paint more resistant to light and water.

Learn more about Calcium carbonate at : https://brainly.com/question/13565765


list the ions that exist in each of these solutions HCl, NaOH, CuSO4


H+ and Cl

Na+ and OH

Cu+ and SO4

If sodium (na) has 4 neutrons, 3 protons, and 2 electrons, which would be the correct ion symbol? responses.


If sodium has 4 neutrons, 3 protons, and 2 electrons, the correct symbol for the ion is: Na⁺.

How to determine the symbol of sodium ion?

To write the symbol for sodium ion, we need to examine the number of neutrons, protons, and electrons it has. Generally, a neutral atom has the same number of protons and electrons. It also has the same number of neutrons and protons. This sodium has 3 protons and 2 electrons. Therefore, this ion needs 1 more electron to reach neutrality. Hence, the total charge for the ion is +1 and the correct symbol is Na⁺.

Learn more about the symbol of ion https://brainly.com/question/28562626


Arrange the oxoacids of bromine according to strength. Strongest acid 0 L00 Weakest acid 100 Answer Bank 100 about us careers privacy policy terms of use contact us help


The strength of oxoacids increases as the number of oxygen atoms increases. Therefore, the strongest one is HBrO₄ >HBrO₃> HBrO₂> HBrO.

What is oxoacids?

Oxoacids are inorganic acids containing oxygen atoms. Group 15 elements such as phosphorus, groups 16 elements such as sulfur, and halogens forms oxoacids.

The strength of oxoacids depends on the number of oxygen atoms and possible resonating structures. The more the number of possible resonating structures the more will be the strength.

Therefore, the order  strength of the oxoacids of Br is as follows:HBrO₄ >HBrO₃> HBrO₂> HBrO.

To find more on oxoacids, refer here:



Your question is incomplete. But your complete question is as follows:

Arrange the oxoacids of bromine according to strength. HBrO, HBrO2, HBrO3, HBrO4.

what is a consquence of electron pair repulsion around an atom


Answer: Option c


Identify the type of energy this object possesses. A girl roller-skating Kinetic energy Potential energy


A girl roller-skating has kinetic energy.

Kinetic energy is the energy of motion. It is the energy possessed by an object due to its movement. In this case, the girl roller-skating has kinetic energy because she is moving.

Potential energy is the energy an object possesses due to its position or configuration. It is the energy an object has stored within it, ready to be released. An object at rest has potential energy because it has the potential to be set in motion and does work.

So, in this case, the girl roller-skating has kinetic energy because she is moving, and not potential energy because she is not at rest.

To learn more about kinetic energy, check out https://brainly.com/question/24933254

Identify the sugars in amygdalin. Select all that apply. Sucrose Glucose Fructose Ribose Identify the glycosidic linkage that connects the sugars. 1, 5' 1.3' 1.4' 1.6'


Amygdalin is a carbohydrate  which contains sugar  glucose and glycoscidic linkage that connects the sugars is 1.5'.

What is a carbohydrate?

A carbohydrate is defined as a bio-molecule which consists of carbon,hydrogen and oxygen atoms which are usually in the ratio of 2:1 with the empirical formula C[tex]_n[/tex](H₂O)[tex]_n[/tex].

This term is most commonly used in biochemistry as a synonym of saccharide which is a group of sugars, starch and cellulose.

They perform various functions in living organisms. They serve as an energy source and as well as structural components . They are a key component in providing nutrition and are found in wide variety of natural as well as processed foods.

Learn more about carbohydrates,here:



Draw the Lewis dot structure for each of the following: hexane (C6H14), isopropyl alcohol(C3H7OH), methanol (CH3OH) and saline (H2O). You may want to practice drawing organic molecules with multiple "central" atoms before you attempt the Lewis Dot structures for these molecules.These should be hand drawn


Lewis dot structures, also known as electron dot structures, are diagrams that depict the chemical bonds that exist between atoms in a molecule. They also show the total number of lone pairs in each of the atoms that make up the molecule.

A Lewis Electron Dot Formula has one dot for each valence electron and the symbol of the element. The stages for articulating the electron dot formula are listed below. Make a skeletal structure with only the element symbols that shows a realistic bonding pattern.

Pick up every two electrons from each atom and simply throw them into a fictitious container known as an electron pot. To determine the number of bonds, use the N - A = S equation.

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a duck flew at 18 miles per hour for 3 hours than at 15 miles per hour for 2 ours how far did the duck fly in all Please help me :,( The owner of the Good Deals Store estimates that during business hours, an average of 3 shoppers per minute enter the store and that each of them stays an average of 15minutes. The store owner uses Little's law to estimate that there are 45 shoppers in the store at any time.Little's law can be applied to any part of the store, such as a particular department or the checkout lines. The store owner determines that, during business hours, approximately 84shoppers per hour make a purchase and each of these shoppers spends an average of 5 minutes in the checkout line. At any time during business hours, about how many shoppers,on average, are waiting in the checkout line to make a purchase at the Good Deals Store What is total energy formula? What are 3 major events of the Protestant Reformation? What is the slope of the line segment 3 3? Please help asap 95 points How many mutations cause Tay-Sachs? Here we show that function defined on an interval value property cannot have (a; b) and satisfying the intermediate removable or (a) jump discontinuity. Suppose has & jump discontinuity at Xo (a,b) and lim f (x) lim f (x) xx0 {ix0 Choose 0 such that lim f (x) < 0 < lim f (x) and 0 + f(xo) xI*o Xx0 In Exercise & we showed there is interval [xo 0,.Xo) such that f(x) < 0 if Xe [xo 6,xo): Likewise, there an interval (xo, Xo + 6] such that f(x) > 0 if xe(xo, Xo + 6]. Conclude that does not satisly the intermediate value property on [xo 6,xXo + 6]. (6) Suppose has a removable discontinuity at Xo (a,b) and a = lim f(x) < f(xo) Show that there is an interval [xo = 6,Xo) such that f(x)< a+[f(xo) - &] if x e[xo 6,Xo]: Conclude that f does not satisfy the intermediate value property a student is designing an experiment in which an object of unknown mass is pushed across a frictionless surface Why is it important to know the importance of maintaining the proper exercises? the checks and balances contained within the constitution result in which of the following? group of answer choices consolidation of power in the executive branch, since the house and senate are usually at odds separation of power so that each branch can operate independently of the others some capacity of each of the three branches to limit the power of the other two a national bank of the united states The square of a number is equal to 72 more than the number. Find all such numbers. What is the factor of 3x 2x 1? Are there Chinese who might gain something from some of the terms of this treaty? Explain. the federal government derives its authority to enforce civil rights violations through which of the following: Compare and contrast democracy and authoritarian governments. A moon orbits a planet in a nearly circular orbit of radius r, as shown in the figure. question the moon has a mass of 11022 kg, and the gravitational field strength at a distance r from the planet is 0.001 n/kg. what is the gravitational force exerted on the moon while it is in orbit around the planet? what is the work of a fuse in a socket FILL IN THE BLANK After he finished his speech, Henri's classmate told him that he didn't appear nervous at allwhile Henri had been sure the audience could see his hands shaking. Henri's experience illustrates the _____.