What are the similarities and differences between a nerve cell and a typical animal cell?


Answer 1


Hi Rudaba

Where r u from ??

I am Ahaana

Answer 2

Cells are the structural and functioning units of all living organism. They formed the foundation all living organism.

Based on location and functions, there  are different types of cells. Because some cells transfer messages from one part of the body to another, they are have a head like structure(the cell body) and a  a long pipe shaped structure (axon) and with branches at the end ( dendrites) .These cells are nerve cells. They are located in the CNS  and PNS.

Other cells on animals have almost the same shape with some variations.


Both contains Nucleus, mitochondria

Both contains fluid inclusion called cytoplasm where all organelles,

Both bounded  layer of cell membranes to restrict movement  the cells organelles and to give shapes.


Typical animals cells are of different colors based on location in organs .But

nerve cells  are made of the grey color ( granules) of the cell body and white color of the axon. This is uniform for all nerve cells.

Animal cells performs different functions in animals based on location, but nerve cell is for transmission of impulses and action potential only.

Animal cells undergo regeneration after death or damage. The Regeneration of  nerve cells is slow or not possible in most cases. This is the reasons why most neurological disease are incurable.

Animal cells are made up of three distinct parts: the cell membrane, cytoplasm and the nucleus. Cell body, axon and dendrite are the parts of a nerve cells.


Related Questions

What is given off during the Calvin cycle?


Answer: Calvin cycle is the term used for the reactions of photosynthesis that use the energy stored by the light-dependent reactions to form glucose and other carbohydrate molecules. The Calvin cycle has three stages in order to produce glucose and other carbohydrate molecules

1) Carbon fixation: the enzyme RuBisCO incorporates carbon dioxide into an organic molecule.

2) reduction: the organic molecule is reduced.

3) regeneration: RuBP, the molecule that starts the cycle, is regenerated so that the cycle can continue.

In summary, it takes six turns of the Calvin cycle to fix six carbon atoms from CO2. These six turns require energy input from 12 ATP molecules and 12 NADPH molecules in the reduction step and 6 ATP molecules in the regeneration step.

Hope this helps you. Good Luck!

Which tatement bet decribe how enzyme function in the body?
Group of anwer choice

Enzyme lower the activation energy of reaction

Enzyme are converted into product by the reaction they catalyze

One enzyme can catalyze many different reaction

An enzyme i ued once and then detroyed by the cell


The statement which best describes how enzyme function in the body is Enzymes lower the activation energy of a reaction.

Enzymes are essential components found in living things. Enzymes play a huge role in our bodies; from making ATP to processing our food, proteins assume a crucial part in keeping us alive.

Proteins that accelerate chemical reactions by lowering the activation energy of a reaction are known as enzymes. During the reaction, enzymes are not used up, but they can be used again.

Because enzymes are specific, the substrate on which they operate is also specific. They are not generally working on any substrate that is available.

Additionally, enzymes operate best in a specific temperature and pH range. This reach differs from one chemical to another.

Know more about Enzymes here: https://brainly.com/question/17292676


(complete question)

Which statement best describes how enzyme function in the body?

Group of answer choice

Enzyme lower the activation energy of reaction

Enzyme are converted into product by the reaction they catalyze

One enzyme can catalyze many different reaction

An enzyme i ued once and then detroyed by the cell

How do biologists benefit society?


Understanding human biology is crucial for biologists. People can be kept healthy and effective medicine can be developed by researchers thanks to our understanding of how the human body functions.

How does biology influence society?

which researches various illnesses and how they impact both human and animal bodies. It can also be used to create or find novel treatments for ailments for which there are no existing drugs.

How does biology affect society?

Since both biology and society are emergent systems, ongoing research is required to comprehend how they are changing. In order to comprehend how they are evolving, it is necessary to study the two unavoidable biological need for existence and reproduction in a dialectical manner.

To know more about biologists visit :-



what would be advantageous for reducing genetic bottleneck effects? a. geographic isolation b. controlling the founder population c. a large, genetically diverse population d. a small, actively reproducing population e. natural disasters


c. a large, genetically diverse population is the advantages for reducing genetic bottleneck effects.

Specicide, widespread violence or purposeful culling, human population planning, and other human actions such as famine, earthquakes, floods, fires, disease, and droughts can all cause population bottlenecks.

Population bottlenecks can also occur owing to genetic bottlenecks. As a result, a smaller population with less genetic variety is left to transmit genes to future generations of offspring through sexual reproduction. Such events can limit the variation in a population's gene pool.

Only when gene flow from another group happens or very slowly over time as random mutations take place, genetic diversity rises, but it still remains lower. As a result, the population becomes less resilient and less able to tolerate certain environmental changes, like a change in the climate or a change in the resources that are available.

The frequency of the more fit genes inside the gene pool is raised while the pool itself is diminished, on the other hand, if the bottleneck survivors are those with the highest genetic fitness.

To know more about genetic bottleneck effects here:



17. why is the horseshoe crab an example of a living fossil? a. it hasn't changed since it first appeared on earth. b. it's often found frozen to death and free of decomposition. c. there are fossils of extinct ancestors of horseshoe crabs, and the species is still alive today. d. the structures in the horseshoe crab don't decompose, so complete fossils are discovered.


The horseshoe crab is an example of a living fossil because of (c) there are fossils of extinct ancestors of horseshoe crabs, and the species is still alive today.

They have remained essentially unaltered for approximately 445 million years, horseshoe crabs are believed to be living fossils. In most cases, they are not crabs, and neither lobsters nor crabs are particularly linked to them. The horseshoe crab shares a tight relationship with other arachnids and spiders.

In general, there are four different species of horseshoe crabs that are alive today, but the species known as Limulus polyphemus is the only one that can be discovered in North America. It can be found all the way from Maine to Mexico on the coasts of the Atlantic and Gulf of Mexico. So the correct option is (c).

You can also learn about living fossils from the following question:



Match each description with the correct level of protein structure. The overall shape of a chain of amino acids Not all proteins have this level of organization Results when R groups move toward or away from water. Coil or sheet arising from chemical attractions among amino acids Localized three-dimensional structures Determines all other levels of protein structure Amino acid sequence Interactions between multiple chains of amino acids


Tertiary protein structure is the overall three-dimensional shape involving interactions between various amino acids and their side groups.

What is protein?

Protein has been made up of amino acids. These amino acids when joins together and make a polypeptide chain that makes the primary structure of the protein.

When this primary polypeptide chain becomes slightly compact and coiled by making hydrogen bond then it is called the secondary structure of the protein. The tertiary structure of a protein is the overall three-dimensional arrangement of the polypeptide chain which is generally stabilized.

Therefore, Tertiary protein structure is the overall three-dimensional shape involving interactions between various amino acids and their side groups.

Learn more about protein on:



What is the most important method of preventing infectious disease?





because prevent is better than cure to stop germs from spreading

PLEASE HELP!!!!!!!!!!!
Which part of the nervous system is outside the brain and spinal cord?

____nervous system

Which part of the nervous system includes the brain and spinal cord?

____nervous system


1) peripheral nervous system

2) central nervous system

How do you grow a mongo seed in water?


To water-culture a mongo seed One to one and a half cups of warm water should be added to a large container, preferably one made of glass like a mason jar, along with half a cup of mung beans.

Rubber band a cheesecloth or paper towel to the top of your container to provide space for your beans to breathe.

Soak the beans for eight to twelve hours at room temperature to cause swelling. The following day, or at least eight hours later, strain your beans. You can drain the water from the jar's top by using a sieve or a piece of cheesecloth. Re-rinse and drain the beans. For two to five days, do this. If you keep a container of sprouting alfalfa in a bright window for a few days, the tiny leaflets will turn green.

Rinse well in a sizable bowl of fresh water. Get rid of the hulls that appear on the surface. Give your sprouts one last rinse, and then let them air dry in a colander entirely before putting them in the refrigerator. Any beans with no sprouts should be sorted. Put them in a plastic bag or jar and refrigerate it.

Learn more about sprouts here:



Which of the following occurs during rapid eye movement (REM) sleep?

a. The muscles relax, and body temperature, blood pressure, heart rate, and respiratory rate fall.
b. The muscles are very relaxed and body temperature, blood pressure, and heart rate, and respiratory rate are at their lowest levels.
c. The muscles are paralyzed, and body temperature, blood pressure, and heart rate and respiratory rate increase.
d. A person falls into light sleep.
e. A person begins to relax and feels drowsy.


In the case of Rapid eye movement (REM) sleep - The muscles are paralyzed, and body temperature, blood pressure, and heart rate and respiratory rate increase.

Hence, statement C is correct.

Rapid eye movement Sleep is a distinct phase of sleep in mammals and birds, characterized by random rapid eye movement, low muscle tone throughout the body, and the sleeper's proclivity to dream vividly.Rapid eye movement (REM) sleep behavior disorder is a sleep disorder in which you physically act out vivid, often unpleasant dreams during REM sleep with vocal sounds and sudden, often violent arm and leg movements — also known as dream-enacting behavior.

To know more about Rapid eye movement (REM) sleep here



Which of the following is the smallest?


There is nothing to say

What are two identical genes called?


For each given genes site where such variation exists, an individual inherits two alleles, one from each parent. If the two alleles are identical, the person is homozygous for that allele. If the alleles vary, the person is heterozygous.

Diploid refers to the existence of two full sets of chromosomes in the cells of an organism, with each parent contributing a chromosome to each pair. Humans are diploid, with 23 chromosomal pairs in the majority of cells.

Alleles are genes that match; one from our biological mother and one from our biological father. Every gene has two copies (strings of code that drive some biological function on our chromosomes).

Learn more about to genes visit here;



What is the differences in reproduction between water and land snails?


Reproducing in water makes getting sperm to egg much easier for snails, whereas on land it is much more difficult to get sperm to egg.

What is the difference between the reproduction in land and a water snail?

The majority of gastropods (snails) have internal fertilization, but some prosobranch species that have external fertilization.

Freshwater snail species are separately sexed. Males fertilize the female through copulation, and females attach their eggs directly to firm, clean substrates such as a rocks, logs, or aquatic vegetation in shallow water.

Aquatic snails have two tentacles whereas land snails have four. Eyes are located at the tips in land snails and at the base in aquatic snails.

To know more about snails, refer



Cerebrospinal fluid enters the third ventricle of the brain by way of the


Intervertebral foramina. The opening between the spinal canal (brain) and the outside world is known as the intervertebral foramen. At all levels of the spine, situated between the pedicles of adjacent vertebrae.

The limits of the intervertebral foramen have been described using a variety of classification techniques. The nerve roots depart the spine through the intervertebral foramina, which serve as "exit pathways," and branch out to all regions of the body. Nerve signals could not get from the brain to the rest of the body without the foramen. The body would not be able to operate without nerve messages. The paravertebral space is where the thoracic nerve roots leave the intervertebral foramina.

Learn more about brain



What are 3 things found in plasma?


Important constituents are also present in plasma. These also include antibodies and coagulation components like albumin and fibrinogen. When you donate blood, medical personnel can remove these crucial components from your plasma.

In what does plasma exist?

Plasma contains 91% to 92% water and 8% to 9% solids. Coagulants, notably fibrinogen, aid in blood clotting, which is what it mostly consists of. Two plasma proteins, albumin and globulin, help to maintain the colloidal osmotic pressure at 25 mmHg.

What three forms of plasma are there?

Plasma proteins come in more than 100 different varieties, however they may be divided into three fractions: plasma albumin, plasma globulin, and fibrinogen.

To know more about plasma visit:-



Fertilization usually occurs in the

Group of answer choices



fallopian tubes



Fertilization usually occurs in the fallopian tubes, which connect the ovaries to the uterus. Fertilization happens when a sperm cell successfully meets an egg cell in the fallopian tube.

Where does fertilization usually occur?After sperm is released into the female reproductive tract, the motile sperms swim through the vagina to the cervix, then to the uterus, and finally to the fallopian tube. The fallopian tube is divided into three sections: the infundibulum, ampulla, and isthmus. The infundibulum is a funnel-shaped portion of the fallopian tube with finger-like projections known as fimbriae along its edges. The ampulla is the larger part of the fallopian tube following the infundibulum. The isthmus is a narrow region of the fallopian tube that connects the fallopian tube to the uterus. Sperm moves from the isthmus to the ampulla. The fimbriae of the infundibulum collect the egg. Fertilisation occurs in the fallopian tube's ampullary region.

To learn more about fallopian tubes refer :




fallopian tubes!!

What organelle does rough ER have which smooth ER does not have?


Rough ER have ribosomes which smooth ER does not have.

Rough endoplasmic reticulum (RER), a series of connected flattened sacs that form part of a continuous membrane organelle within the cytoplasm of eukaryotic cells and play an important role in protein synthesis. The endoplasmic reticulum can be smooth or rough, and its function is generally to produce proteins that allow the rest of the cell to function. Ribosomes, which are small, round organelles that make proteins, are found in the rough endoplasmic reticulum.

The smooth endoplasmic reticulum is involved in a variety of metabolic processes. It produces lipids, phospholipids (as found in plasma membranes), and steroids. Smooth endoplasmic reticulum is abundant in cells that secrete these products, such as those found in the testes, ovaries, and skin oil glands.

To learn more about endoplasmic reticulum, here



Which structures are unique to neurons? check all that apply. Nodes of ranvier cell body cell membrane nucleus dendrites axon myelin sheath mitochondria.


The structures that are unique to neurons are axons, dendrites, myelin sheaths, and Nodes of Ranvier.

Neurons are nerve cells that send and receive messages to and from the brain. Neurons are very unique in structure. This uniqueness is because of the function of the cell itself. The signals from and to the brain are transported as action potentials. So neurons are structured accordingly.

The main parts of a neuron are

Cell body - It is the body of the neuron, also called Soma. It consists of a nucleus and other cell organelles.

Axons - A long tail-like structure that is connected to the cell body is called the axon. It is usually protected by a layer of a fatty substance called the myelin sheath.

Dendrites - These are the root-like structure that emerges from the cell body. It receives signals from the axons of other neurons.

Nodes of Ranvier are small regions on the axons where it is not protected by the myelin sheath. It allows faster transmission of electrical signals.

So the unique structures of neurons are Nodes of Ranvier, axons, dendrites, and myelin sheath.

For further references on neurons, please refer


The structures which are unique to neurons are nodes of Ranvier, cell body, dendrites, axon, and myelin sheath.

The cells of the nervous system that are responsible for receiving and transmitting electrical impulses throughout the body are known as neurons or nerve cells.

The following components make up the neuron's structure: cell body, dendrites, axon, myelin sheath, and Nodes of Ranvier.

The cell body carries genetic information and is also known as soma. Axon carries electrical impulses away from the body of the cell, Dendrites are received extensions that look like trees, and the Ranvier nodes are cracks in a neuron's myelin sheath.

Know more about Nodes of Ranvier here: https://brainly.com/question/29811322


Why does a DNA point mutation not always cause a change in a protein quizlet?


There will be no change in protein structure if a point mutation alters the codon yet the new codon still codes for the same amino acid.

Mutations can arise from errors in DNA replication during cell division, exposure to mutagens, or viral infections. Cystic fibrosis, hemophilia, and sickle cell disease are all caused by genetic mutations. Other mutations can develop spontaneously at any time in a person's life. They have only a small effect on a small number of cells.

Point mutations occur in the genome when a base pair is added, deleted, or changed. Although most point mutations are harmless, they can have a number of functional effects, such as alterations in gene expression or changes in coding proteins. Sometimes genetic variations (also called mutations) prevent one or more proteins from working properly. By changing the instructions of a gene to make a protein, a variant can cause the protein to malfunction or not be produced.

To learn more about mutations, here



What process is used to break down molecules?


Large molecules (such polysaccharides, lipids, nucleic acids, and proteins) are broken down into smaller components during catabolism. The breakdown process in metabolism is called catabolism, and the synthesis process is called anabolism.

What is the name of the procedure where molecules are broken down?

Complex compounds are broken down during catabolism. Glucose, amino acids, and fatty acids are broken down from complex molecules during catabolism to create substrates for metabolic pathways. The two primary processes that make up metabolism are anabolism and catabolism.

How are molecules disassembled?

Dehydration synthesis reactions build up molecules while hydrolysis reactions break down molecules and often release energy. These kinds of reactions allow for the synthesis and degradation of nucleic acids, proteins, and carbohydrates.

To know more about catabolism visit:-



which part of the world was the last area colonized by the initial expansion of homo sapiens?


The Australian continent was the last area colonized by the initial expansion of Homosapiens

Between 200,000 to 300,000 years ago, Homosapiens, the first modern humans, developed from their early hominid forefathers. They acquired the ability to communicate some 50,000 years ago.

Around 70,000-100,000 years ago, the first modern people began to leave Africa.

Migrations proceeded down the Asian coast to Southeast Asia and Oceania, eventually colonizing Australia 65,000-50,000 years ago. Molecular clock estimations, genetic investigations, and archaeological evidence all indicate that modern people first colonized Sahul and Australia approximately 48,000-50,000 years ago. A substantial number of archaeological sites dating back more than 30,000 years have been unearthed in recent decades.

For more information on Homosapien expansion, visit :



Glucocorticoid hormones activate genes that are involved in which of the following processes?

a. synthesis of glucose
b. mobilization of fats
c. breakdown of proteins


Glucocorticoid hormones activate genes

a. synthesis of glucoseb. mobilization of fatsc. breakdown of proteins

Hence, all are correct.

The adrenal gland produces and secretes glucocorticoids, which are cholesterol-derived steroid hormones. They have anti-inflammatory properties in all tissues and regulate metabolism in muscle, fat, liver, and bone. Glucocorticoids also influence vascular tone and, in the brain, mood, behavior, and sleepwake cycles.In mammals, glucocorticoid hormones regulate vital body functions such as cell metabolism, growth, differentiation, and apoptosis.

To know more about Hormones here



What part of the cell organizes DNA?


The nucleus of the cell organizes DNA. The nucleus contains structures resembling threads; Chromosomes are the more compact form of these structures.

In a eukaryotic cell, the most obvious organelle is the nucleus. It houses the cell's chromosomes and is where practically all DNA replication and RNA union happens. The nuclear envelope, a membrane that separates the nucleus from the cytoplasm, is spherical in shape. In their nuclei, each cell has a nearly identical copy of our DNA. However, because DNA molecules can stretch to a length of more than six feet, they are packed and arranged in a very specific way to fit in the tiny nucleus. Before cell division takes place, centrioles help organize the chromosomes, ensuring that each daughter cell has the correct number of chromosomes.

know more about nucleus here: https://brainly.com/question/17704494


What is the relationship between DNA chromosomes genes and nucleotides?


DNA is made up of chromosomes, which are made up of genes, which are made up of nucleotides.

What is DNA?

DNA (deoxyribonucleic acid) is a molecule that contains the genetic instructions used in the development and functioning of all known living organisms. It is made up of two strands of nucleotides, which are linked together in a specific sequence. The sequence of these nucleotides contains information about the organism, including how it looks, how it functions, and how it develops.

What are Genes?

Genes are segments of DNA that contain instructions for producing proteins or RNA molecules that are necessary for the development and functioning of an organism. The genetic code contained within genes is used to determine the characteristics of an organism and is passed down from parent to offspring.

Nucleotides are the building blocks of DNA, and they come in four different varieties called adenine, thymine, guanine, and cytosine. Genes are segments of DNA that contain instructions for the production of proteins, which are the building blocks of an organism. Chromosomes contain hundreds or even thousands of genes and are made up of both DNA and proteins.

To know more about DNA,



Drag each label to the correct location. Each label can be used more than once. In the image, balls that look alike represent the same type of atom.The atoms have formed molecules. Identify which molecules are elements, and which are compounds


Explanation about the molecules given below:

What are molecules?

Its original definition, "the smallest unit of a material that yet preserves the qualities of that substance," was intended to be included by this designation. "An atom is a body that cannot be cut in two; a molecule is the smallest conceivable component of a specific material," wrote James Maxwell in 1873 when defining atom and molecule.

In this case, according to the given information, we can firstly bear to mind the fact that each ball color represents a different element, for that reason we can tell the following:

- Two black balls: they represent a diatomic molecule composed by two atoms of the same element.

- One black ball and two black balls: they represent a compound formed by two different elements.

- One gray ball and two black balls: they represent a compound formed by two different elements.

- Two black-dotted balls: they represent a diatomic molecule composed by two atoms of the same element.

To know more about molecules refer to:



What is the tRNA anticodon for TTT?


tRNAs with the TTT anticodon recognize the AAA codon, which codes for lysine.

An anticodon is a trinucleotide sequence that is complementary to a matching codon in a messenger RNA (mRNA) sequence and is found at one end of a transfer RNA (tRNA) molecule.

When translated, an mRNA codon is a triplet or triple-nucleotide sequence that specifies an amino acid. The anticodon, a three-nucleotide sequence on tRNA, binds to the proper mRNA sequence. Which amino acid is provided by the tRNA molecule is determined by the anticodon sequence. One amino acid and one anticodon are carried by each tRNA. The cellular machinery recognises that the proper amino acid is available to be supplied to the developing protein when the anticodon successfully couples with an mRNA codon.

To learn more about anticodons, here



As part of the nitrogen cycle, animals acquire some amino acids by doing which of the following?
answer choices
Breathing air
Eating plants
Drinking water
Producing waste


Animals, as part of the nitrogen cycle, acquire some amino acids by eating plants.

Thus, the correct answer is C.

What is the nitrogen cycle?

The nitrogen cycle is а repeаting cycle of processes during which nitrogen moves through both living аnd non-living things: the аtmosphere, soil, wаter, plаnts, аnimаls аnd bаcteriа. In order to move through the different pаrts of the cycle, nitrogen must chаnge forms. In the аtmosphere, nitrogen exists аs а gаs ([tex]N_{2}[/tex]), but in the soils, it exists аs nitrogen oxide, NO, аnd nitrogen dioxide, [tex]NO_{2}[/tex], аnd when used аs а fertilizer, cаn be found in other forms, such аs аmmoniа, [tex]NH_{3}[/tex], which cаn be processed even further into а different fertilizer, аmmonium nitrаte, or [tex]NH_{4}NO_{3}[/tex].

Nitrogen is а key element in the nucleic аcids DNА аnd RNА, which аre the most importаnt of аll biologicаl molecules аnd cruciаl for аll living things. When plаnts do not get enough nitrogen, they аre unаble to produce аmino аcids (substаnces thаt contаin nitrogen аnd hydrogen аnd mаke up mаny of living cells, muscles аnd tissue). Without аmino аcids, plаnts cаnnot mаke the speciаl proteins thаt the plаnt cells need to grow. Thus, animals acquire some amino acids by eating plants.

For more information about the nitrogen cycle refer to the link:



Which property is shared by all living things?



Living things have a variety of characteristics that are displayed to different degrees: they respire, move, respond to stimuli, reproduce and grow, and are dependent on their environment.


What happens in light-independent reactions of photosynthesis?


Using chemical energy that has been saved as a result of the light-dependent reactions, the light-independent reactions (Calvin cycle) "fix" CO2 and produce a substance that can be turned into glucose. The assembly of a glucose molecule is the ultimate goal of the Calvin cycle, often known as light-independent processes.

In the stroma of the chloroplast, the light independent process—also known as the dark reactions or Calvin-Benson cycle—happens. To create carbohydrates, carbon dioxide undergoes a sequence of chemical processes. ATP and NADPH produced during the light-dependent process provide the energy needed for these processes.

Fixation, reduction, and regeneration are the three fundamental phases that make up the light-independent processes, also referred to as the Calvin cycle.

For more information on light-independent reaction kindly visit to



What type of asexual reproduction is snail?


Type of asexual reproduction in snail is : During a process known as parthenogenesis, cell division allows unfertilized female gamete to develop without auto- or sexual fertilization. This results in an exact replica of parent snail.

What is asexual reproduction in snails?

Some hermaphrodite snails do not need another snail to reproduce, but can produce more snails all by themselves  and this is called asexual reproduction. Whereas, other snails are hermaphrodites but still need another snail to reproduce and this is called sexual reproduction.

Water snails are hermaphroditic and they reproduce asexually. Pond snails can also reproduce sexually and lay jellylike masses of eggs under water on plants and on the sides of the aquarium.

To know more about snails, refer



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