What are the overall inputs (substrates and energy sources) and outputs (products and by-products) for the light-dependent reactions of photosynthesis and the light-independent reactions of photosynthesis?


Answer 1

The inputs for this process include light energy, water (H2O), and ADP and NADP+ which are molecules that serve as electron acceptors. The outputs of the light-dependent reactions include ATP, NADPH, and oxygen (O2), which is released as a by-product of photosynthesis.

Photosynthesis's light-independent reactions, commonly known as the Calvin cycle or the dark reactions, occur in the stroma of chloroplasts and do not require light energy to occur.

This process requires ATP, NADPH, and carbon dioxide (CO2). The light-independent processes produce glucose (C6H12O6) and other organic compounds that serve as building blocks for plant growth and development.

Overall, light-dependent processes transform light energy into chemical energy in the form of ATP and NADPH, with oxygen released as a byproduct.

For such more question on molecules:



Related Questions

8) TH cells express a ________ protein coreceptor.A) CD4B) CD8C) CD12D) T cell receptin


TH cells express a (A) CD4 protein coreceptor.

CD4 is a glycoprotein found on the surface of T helper (TH) cells, which assists in the immune response by recognizing and binding to specific antigens. It binds to MHC (major histocompatibility complex) class II molecules on antigen-presenting cells. This interaction facilitates the activation of TH cells, which then release cytokines to stimulate other immune cells such as B cells and cytotoxic T cells.

CD4 coreceptors are critical for the function of TH cells and are also the main receptor used by the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) to infect and destroy these cells. Therefore, CD4 is an important target for antiretroviral therapy to treat HIV/AIDS.

Hence, the correct answer is Option A. CD4.

Learn more about TH cells here: https://brainly.com/question/29520117


Explain how preventing the shortening of spindle fibres affects mitosis (2)


Spindle fibers play a critical role in mitosis, as they are responsible for separating the chromosomes into two daughter cells during cell division. When spindle fibers shorten prematurely, it can cause errors in the distribution of chromosomes, leading to genetic abnormalities and potentially even cell death.

Preventing the shortening of spindle fibers can help ensure that mitosis proceeds correctly. This can be accomplished through a variety of means, such as the use of drugs that inhibit microtubule depolymerization or the promotion of the activity of proteins that stabilize the spindle fibers. By keeping the spindle fibers stable and intact throughout mitosis, the chromosomes can be properly aligned and distributed, resulting in two healthy daughter cells.

Overall, preventing the shortening of spindle fibers is essential for ensuring the proper progression of mitosis and the maintenance of genetic stability in cells. By understanding the mechanisms that regulate spindle fiber dynamics, researchers can develop new strategies for promoting healthy cell division and preventing the development of diseases associated with mitotic errors.

To learn more about Mitosis :



Question 66
The implementation of a biosafety program begins with
a. an assessment of risk
b. the development of a biosafety manual
c. training the laboratory personner
d. consultation with CDC and NIH


a. an assessment of risk. The implementation of a biosafety program begins with an assessment of risk. Before any other steps are taken, it is important to understand the potential hazards and risks associated with the work being done in the laboratory.

This assessment will inform the development of a biosafety manual, which outlines the policies and procedures for safe work practices. Training for laboratory personnel can then be developed based on the biosafety manual, ensuring that all staff are aware of the potential hazards and know how to work safely. While consultation with CDC and NIH may be helpful in developing a biosafety program, it is not the first step in the process. The focus should be on identifying and assessing the risks associated with the work being done, and developing policies and procedures to mitigate those risks. Ultimately, the goal of a biosafety program is to protect the health and safety of laboratory personnel, as well as the general public.

Learn more about biosafety here:



Explain your reasoning.
(a) TPCK is an analog of Val and therefore a better inhibitor of chymotrypsin, whereas TLCK is an analog of Ala and therefore a better inhibitor of trypsin.
(b) TPCK is an analog of Ala and therefore a better inhibitor of chymotrypsin, whereas TLCK is an analog of Leu and therefore a better inhibitor of trypsin.
(c) TPCK is an analog of Lys and therefore a better inhibitor of chymotrypsin, whereas TLCK is an analog of Phe and therefore a better inhibitor of trypsin.
(d) TPCK is an analog of Phe and therefore a better inhibitor of chymotrypsin, whereas TLCK is an analog of Lys and therefore a better inhibitor of trypsin.


The correct answer is (d). TPCK is an analog of Phe, which is a residue that chymotrypsin recognizes and cleaves. Therefore, TPCK is a better inhibitor of chymotrypsin. On the other hand, TLCK is an analog of Lys, which is a residue that trypsin recognizes and cleaves.

Therefore, TLCK is a better inhibitor of trypsin. This demonstrates the importance of understanding the specific interactions between enzymes and their substrates in the design of inhibitors. The concept of Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge (TPCK) may also be relevant here as it refers to the knowledge of how to use technology effectively to teach a particular subject matter, which may involve understanding specific interactions between technology and content. However, it is not directly related to this question. Trasylol (aprotinin), Lysine, Cysteine, and Kallikrein are abbreviated as TLCK. Trasylol is a drug used to stop blood loss during surgery; it does this by blocking the kallikrein enzyme. Amino acids, which serve as the foundation for proteins, include lysine and cysteine.

Learn more about TPCK here:



True or False: The antigen-binding proteins in the adaptive immune system are part of the immunoglobulin gene superfamily.


True. The antigen-binding proteins in the adaptive immune system are part of the immunoglobulin gene superfamily.

These proteins include antibodies and T-cell receptors. Immunoglobulin genes encode the variable regions of these proteins, which are responsible for binding to specific antigens. The variable regions are highly diverse, allowing the immune system to recognize and respond to a wide variety of pathogens. In addition to antibodies and T-cell receptors, the immunoglobulin gene superfamily also includes other proteins involved in the immune response, such as major histocompatibility complex (MHC) molecules, which present antigens to T cells, and various co-receptors and adhesion molecules that are involved in cell signaling and communication.

Learn more about proteins :



Stedman believes that a mutation in the human jaw muscle allowed for what unique feature of the human brain?


Stedman believes that a mutation in the human jaw muscle allowed for unique feature size of the braincase that help in develop and growth of the human brain.

According to Stedman's theory mutation in the gene that codes for the MYH16 protein, which is in charge of regulating the growth of the jaw muscle, resulted in a decrease in the size and power of the human jaw muscles. Because of which the human braincase was able to expand, creating more room for the brain's expansion and development.

According to this theory, humans larger and more complex brains have been developed at the expense of their jaw muscles. It is one of many theories put forth to account for the development of the human brain.

Learn more about human brain at:



Provide the tRNA anticodon that is complementary to this mRNA codon: UAC. TUG ATG AUG TAG


The mRNA codon UAC codes for the amino acid tyrosine (Tyr) and is complementary to the tRNA anticodon AUG.

The genetic code is a set of rules that governs how the sequence of nucleotides (A, U, G, and C) in DNA and RNA is translated into the sequence of amino acids in a protein. The genetic code is read in groups of three nucleotides called codons, each of which codes for a specific amino acid.

In this case, the mRNA codon UAC specifies the amino acid tyrosine (Tyr). The corresponding tRNA anticodon must be complementary to the mRNA codon and have the sequence 3'-AUG-5'. The anticodon is a sequence of three nucleotides on the tRNA molecule that recognizes and binds to the codon on the mRNA molecule during protein synthesis.

Since mRNA and tRNA are complementary to each other, the tRNA anticodon for the mRNA codon UAC is 3'-AUG-5'. The tRNA carrying this anticodon will deliver the amino acid tyrosine to the growing protein chain during translation.

Learn more about DNA :



You are shocked to hear that two of your coworkers who seemingly hated one another are now getting married. According to Freud, what defense mechanism best explains their prior behavior?a.) Projectionb.) Reaction formationc.) Repressiond.) Regression


According to Freud, the defense mechanism that best explains the prior behavior of coworkers who seemingly hated one another but are now getting married is "reaction formation.Option (b)

According to Freud, the defense mechanism that best explains the prior behavior of the two coworkers who seemingly hated one another and are now getting married is reaction formation. Reaction formation occurs when individuals behave in a way that is opposite to their true feelings or impulses

. In this case, the coworkers may have had romantic feelings for each other but denied or repressed them due to their animosity. By getting married, they are now displaying behavior that is opposite to their prior behavior of hating each other, which is consistent with the concept of reaction formation.

Learn more about  reaction formation



Two different mechanisms for copying the DNA strands are used because


The use of both mechanisms ensures the accurate and efficient replication of DNA, which is essential for the transmission of genetic information from one generation to the next.

The two different mechanisms for copying DNA strands, namely semi-conservative and conservative replication, have evolved to ensure the accurate and efficient replication of genetic material during cell division.

Semi-conservative replication involves the separation of the two strands of the DNA double helix, followed by the synthesis of new complementary strands using each original strand as a template. This mechanism ensures that each daughter cell receives one newly synthesized strand and one original strand, thus preserving the genetic information and minimizing errors.

In contrast, conservative replication involves the formation of a new double helix using both original strands as a template, resulting in one daughter cell receiving both newly synthesized strands, while the other receives both original strands. This mechanism is less common and is not as efficient in preserving genetic information, as errors can occur during the segregation of the new and original strands.

The use of two different replication mechanisms also allows for flexibility in responding to different environmental and cellular conditions. For example, semi-conservative replication is the primary mechanism in most cells, but conservative replication can occur under certain conditions, such as during stress or in the presence of certain chemicals.

To learn more about DNA



When a stop codon is in place at the ribosomal A site, _____ binds to the site instead of a new aminoacyl-tRNA.


When a stop codon is in place at the ribosomal A site, release factor binds to the site instead of a new aminoacyl-tRNA.

A stop codon is a trinucleotide sequence of three nucleotides found in messenger RNA (mRNA) or DNA that instructs the cell to stop production of proteins. There are 64 distinct trinucleotide codons; 61 of these designate amino acids, while the remaining three—UAA, UAG, and UGA—are stop codons.

A stop codon, also known as a termination codon, is a codon (nucleotide triplet inside messenger RNA) that marks the end of the current protein's translation process in molecular biology, more especially in protein biosynthesis. Stop codons signal the end of this process by binding release factors, which cause the ribosomal subunits to dissociate and release the amino acid chain, as opposed to the majority of messenger RNA codons, which correspond to the addition of an amino acid to a growing polypeptide chain, which may eventually become a protein.

A stop codon alone is enough to start termination, but start codons require surrounding sequences or initiation elements to begin translation.

Learn more about Stop codon:



what activity typifies extensive commercial agriculture?
a. wheat and grain farming
b. livestock ranching
c. banana plantations in latin america
d. mixed crop and livestock operations in Iowa
e. a and b only


The activity that typifies extensive commercial agriculture is option e - wheat and grain farming and livestock ranching.

Extensive commercial agriculture refers to large-scale farming operations that are characterized by low inputs of labor, capital, and fertilizers per unit area of land. This type of agriculture is typically used to produce crops or livestock for sale in national or international markets. Examples of extensive commercial agriculture include wheat and grain farming in the Great Plains of the United States, livestock ranching in Australia, and cattle farming in Brazil.

To know more about extensive commercial agriculture click here:



Avocados: why are they highly caloric?


Because of the presence of high fat values avocados are they highly caloric

The fat a nutrient that offers a concentrated source of energy, makes up the majority of the calories in an avocado. Avocados are particularly rich in monounsaturated fatty acids, which are regarded as a heart-healthy type of fat.

Despite the fact that MUFAs are good for you, they still have a lot of calories . While avocados are a nutrient-dense food that can be included in a healthy diet, it's important to eat them in moderation as part of a balanced diet overall to avoid consuming too many calories.

Learn more about balanced diet at:



scientists disagree about whether paper bags or plastic bags are less harmful to the environment. which fact supports the opinion that plastic bags are less harmful than paper bags? someone pls help me?


The correct option is D. Twenty times more water is used in making a paper bag than in making a plastic bag.

Compared to plastic, are paper bags more harmful?

The impact of a bag goes beyond the carbon emissions it produces: A paper bag costs nearly four times as much to produce as a plastic bag. Acid rain is also made worse by the fertilisers and other chemicals used in growing trees and making paper.

Do plastic bags have a lower environmental impact than paper bags?

Although resources like petroleum are utilised in the manufacture of these bags, they create less waste, hazardous byproducts, and carbon emissions than cotton or paper bags.

To know more about plastic bag visit:-




Scientists disagree about whether paper bags or plastic bags are less harmful to the environment. Which fact supports the use of plastic bags instead of paper bags? A. Plastic trash causes the deaths of more than 100,000 birds and other animals each year. B. People recycle 20% of their paper bags but only 1% of their plastic bags. C. It takes thousands more years to break down plastic than it takes to break down paper. D. Twenty times more water is used in making a paper bag than in making a plastic bag.

Which organelle modifies, sorts, and packages proteins and lipids for export from the cell? mitochondrion Golgi apparatus endoplasmic reticulum cytoskeleton


The organelle that modifies, sorts, and packages proteins and lipids for export from the cell is the Golgi apparatus. So the correct option is the Golgi apparatus.

The Golgi apparatus is a flattened stack of membrane-bound sacs that are located near the cell's nucleus. Proteins and lipids that are synthesized in the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) are transported to the Golgi apparatus, where they undergo further processing, sorting, and packaging. The Golgi apparatus is composed of multiple cisternae or sacs, which are organized into functional regions. Proteins and lipids are transported through these regions in a polarized manner, with newly synthesized molecules entering the cis face and exiting the trans face.

Learn more about Golgi apparatus: https://brainly.com/question/143804


In electrophoresis, the velocity of DNA migration is _____ to the electric field strength and net charge of molecule and ____ to the frictional coefficient


In electrophoresis, the velocity of DNA migration is directly proportional to the electric field strength and net charge of the molecule, and inversely proportional to the frictional coefficient.

Answer - Electrophoresis is the motion of dispersed particles relative to a fluid under the influence of a spatially uniform electric field. Electrophoresis of positively charged particles is sometimes called cataphoresis, while electrophoresis of negatively charged particles is sometimes called anaphoresis

To learn more about electrophoresis-



What would fertilizer affect in a plant? (Key Science Concept)


Fertilizers can affect various aspects of a plant's growth and development.

One key science concept is the importance of essential nutrients such as nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium, which are often included in fertilizers.

These nutrients are crucial for plant growth and are involved in processes such as photosynthesis, cell division, and protein synthesis.

However, excessive use of fertilizers can also have negative effects on plants, such as nutrient imbalances, reduced soil quality, and increased susceptibility to pests and diseases.

It is important to carefully manage fertilizer application and choose the appropriate type and amount based on the specific needs of the plant and soil conditions.

Additionally, organic fertilizers can provide benefits beyond just nutrient supply, such as improving soil structure and promoting microbial activity.

Overall, fertilizer can have significant impacts on a plant's health and productivity but must be used appropriately and responsibly to achieve optimal results.

For more such answers on Plant growth and development



Dicentric chromosomes, those with two centromeres, can form as a result of chromosome translocation or as a consequence of inversion with crossing over during gamete formation.
What would happen to a dicentric chromosome during cell division?


A dicentric chromosome with two centromeres can cause problems during cell division. When the cell divides, the chromosome may be pulled in opposite directions by the spindle fibers, leading to unequal distribution of genetic material.

This can result in chromosomal abnormalities, such as deletions or duplications, and may even cause cell death. Additionally, the presence of two centromeres may interfere with the proper attachment of spindle fibers, further complicating cell division.

Therefore, dicentric chromosomes are often unstable and prone to breakage, which can lead to more severe genetic alterations. In summary, a dicentric chromosome can cause mitotic errors, resulting in abnormal cell division and genetic defects.

For more such questions on genetic, click on:



All of the following are true of the intestinal phase of gastric digestion except that it begins when chyme enters the small intestine. involves both neural and endocrine reflexes. helps ensure that the functions of the small intestine proceed with relative efficiency. precedes the gastric phase. functions to control the rate of gastric emptying.


The correct option is E:  Precedes the gastric phase.  The intestinal phase of gastric digestion is a period that follows the cephalic and gastric phases, and it begins when chyme enters the small intestine.

During this phase, neural and endocrine reflexes work together to regulate the rate of gastric emptying and ensure that the functions of the small intestine proceed efficiently. The intestinal phase is characterized by the release of several hormones, including secretin, cholecystokinin, and gastric inhibitory peptide. These hormones function to slow down gastric motility and secretion while increasing intestinal motility and secretion. In summary, the intestinal phase of gastric digestion helps coordinate the digestive process and facilitate the optimal absorption of nutrients in the small intestine.

Learn more about intestine



Full Question ;

All of the following are true of the intestinal phase of gastric digestion except that it...

a. involves both neural and endocrine reflexes.

b. helps ensure that the functions of the small intestine proceed with relative efficiency.

c. functions to control the rate of gastric emptying.

d. begins when chyme enters the small intestine.

e. precedes the gastric phase.

Question 24
High level of particulate air pollution have been associated with all of the following except:
a. Lung cancer
b. Skin cancer
c. Heart ailments
d. Respiratory disease


High  level of particulate air pollution has been associated with the  development of lung cancer, heart ailments and respiratory diseases. So, the correct answer is option a.

To date, skin cancer has not been connected to it. Long-term exposure to airborne particulate matter raises the risk of acquiring lung cancer, according to a study done by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) in the US.

Furthermore, exposure to particulate matter raises the risk of cardiovascular illnesses and stroke, according to a study that was published in the American Heart Association journal Circulation.

Additionally, particulate matter has been recognised as a significant risk factor for respiratory disorders by the World Health Organisation (WHO).

To learn more about lung cancer visit:



Considering your knowledge of codons and how they code for an amino acid, would all substitu- tion mutations lead to a change in the amino acid sequence? Explain your reasoning.


Not all substitution mutation lead to a change in the amino acid sequence. Substitution mutations occur when a nucleotide in the DNA sequence is replaced by another nucleotide.

Each amino acid in a protein is coded for by a sequence of three nucleotides called a codon. Some substitution mutations do not change the codon or the amino acid that it codes for and are called synonymous or silent mutations. The codons GGA, GGC, GGG, and GGU all code for the amino acid glycine.

If a substitution mutation occurs in the third position of the codon, it may not change the amino acid that is coded for. A mutation from GGU to GGC still codes for glycine and is therefore a silent mutation. If the mutation occurs in the first or second position of the codon, it is likely to result in a different amino acid being coded for and is therefore a missense mutation.

To learn more about mutation follow the link:



population _________ is how individuals are spaced within a population.



Population dispersion is how individuals are spaced within a population. Option d is correct.

Population dispersion refers to the way individuals are arranged within a population. It can be clumped, random, or uniform. Clumped dispersion occurs when individuals cluster together, often due to the availability of resources or social behavior. Random dispersion occurs when individuals are spaced unpredictably, usually due to the absence of strong environmental factors or social behavior.

Uniform dispersion occurs when individuals are evenly spaced, typically due to competition for resources or territorial behavior. Studying population dispersion can provide insight into the distribution of resources, social behavior, and ecological interactions within a population. Option d is correct.

To know more about population, here



Question 21
The primary method of eliminating house flies is
a. proper use of insecticides
b. block entry with screens
c. application of sanitary practices
d. eradication of male flies with sterile techniques


The primary method of eliminating house flies is the application of sanitary practices, the correct option is (c).

House flies are known to be carriers of disease-causing pathogens, making their control a crucial aspect of public health. While the use of insecticides and screening may provide temporary relief, they do not offer a sustainable solution to fly infestations.

Instead, the most effective approach to controlling house flies is to implement sanitary practices. This involves proper disposal of waste, cleaning up spilled food, and keeping food storage areas clean and free of debris. Additionally, fixing leaking pipes and drains and ensuring proper ventilation can reduce the conditions that favor flying breeding, the correct option is (c).

To learn more about sanitary follow the link:



Fibers from the cranial and sacral regions of the spinal cord contribute to the sympathetic division. T/F


Fibers from the cranial and sacral regions of the spinal cord contribute to the parasympathetic division, not the sympathetic division is False.

The sympathetic division, part of the autonomic nervous system (ANS), originates from the thoracic and lumbar regions of the spinal cord. The ANS regulates involuntary body functions such as heart rate, digestion, and respiratory rate. The sympathetic division is often referred to as the "fight or flight" system, as it prepares the body for stressful or emergency situations by increasing heart rate, blood pressure, and blood flow to muscles.

Conversely, the parasympathetic division, originating from the cranial and sacral regions, is responsible for the "rest and digest" functions. It conserves energy by slowing the heart rate, increasing digestive activity, and promoting relaxation.

In summary, the statement is false because fibers from the cranial and sacral regions of the spinal cord contribute to the parasympathetic division, which is responsible for the body's rest and digest functions. The sympathetic division, associated with fight or flight responses, originates from the thoracic and lumbar regions of the spinal cord.

Know more about  sympathetic division here :



broad term that includes all nontraditional agricultural methods and encompasses sustainable agriculture, organic agriculture and alternative uses and raising of traditional crops is called?


The broad term that includes all nontraditional agricultural methods and encompasses sustainable agriculture, organic agriculture and alternative uses and raising of traditional crops is called alternative agriculture.

Alternative agriculture:

Alternative agriculture focuses on using innovative and sustainable techniques to produce crops and raise livestock in a way that is both environmentally and economically viable. This approach includes a range of methods, such as agroforestry, hydroponics, and permaculture, among others, which aim to minimize the negative impact of agriculture on the environment while promoting sustainable and profitable farming practices.This term covers a wide range of practices that promote environmental health, economic profitability, and social and economic equity.

To learn more about agriculture, visit here:



how much body fat should male and females have


The recommended percentage of body fat varies based on gender and age.

For adult males, a healthy range of body fat is typically between 10% and 20%. For females, a healthy range is typically between 20% and 30%. However, these ranges can vary depending on a variety of factors such as age, genetics, and level of physical activity.

Having too much body fat, regardless of gender, can increase the risk of health problems such as heart disease, stroke, and diabetes. On the other hand, having too little body fat can also lead to health problems such as malnutrition and weakened immune function.

It is important to maintain a healthy balance of body fat through a combination of regular exercise, a balanced diet, and other lifestyle factors. Consultation with a healthcare professional can help determine an appropriate target range based on individual health and lifestyle factors.

To know more about the Body fat, here



Mammals use __________ breathing, which is __________ efficient than gas exchange in birds.A) tidal; moreB) countercurrent; lessC) tidal; lessD) unidirectional; less E) unidirectional; more


Mammals use tidal breathing, which is less efficient than gas exchange in birds. Therefore the correct option is option C.

Because air is pulled into the lungs and subsequently ejected along the same pathway during tidal breathing, some of the air breathed in and out is "dead space" and does not participate in gas exchange. Birds, on the other hand, use unidirectional breathing, in which air goes in only one way through the lungs, allowing for a more effective gas exchange.

Because the air breathed in and out is always fresh and does not mingle with the "used" air that has already been in the lungs, unidirectional airflow in birds allows for more effective gas exchange. This means that more oxygen can be absorbed from inhaled air and more carbon dioxide can be exhaled.

For such more question on Bats:



The spinal cord does not extend the entire length of the vertebral column in an adult. Why?


The spinal cord does not extend the entire length of the vertebral column in an adult because as the vertebral column grows during development, the spinal cord initially extends throughout the length of the column.

Furthermore, during development, the spinal cord gives rise to a bundle of nerves that extends beyond the spinal cord's end. The cauda equina, which means "horse's tail" in Latin, is made up of spinal nerve roots that arise from the lower end of the spinal cord and continue down the vertebral column.

The spinal cord tapers to a cone-shaped tissue termed the conus medullaris at the level of the first lumbar vertebra (L1). The spinal nerves continue to spread down the vertebral column as the cauda equina from this point.

For such more question on spinal cord:




Why did horses develop longer-lasting
teeth over time? (1 point)
The horse developed a
longer muzzle.
They evolved from
carnivores to herbivores.
The diversity of
vegetation increased.
The environment became


The horse's diet modified to include harder plants. Horses had to grow teeth that were better suited for grinding and wearing down this kind of food as they evolved to eat harder plants like grasses.

Why did horses' teeth evolve to be more durable?

Over the course of millions of years, horses have changed as a result of climatic and subsequent dietary changes. In particular, the wear caused by almost constant grazing on grasses rich in minerals resulted in tougher, continuously erupting teeth.

What advantages do modern horses enjoy as a result of tooth evolution?

For two reasons, grazing is difficult on the teeth. Grasses contain glass-like silica fragments that act as sandpaper on teeth by wearing them away. Also picked up when chomping grass near to the ground is grit soil, which erodes teeth.

To know more about teeth visit:-



ages of rock formations can be ___ to determine their relative age.
a. coordinated
b. measured
c. correlated
d. superimposed


The correct answer is D. Superimposed.

Ages of rock formations can be superimposed to determine their relative age. This involves analyzing the layering and order of rocks in a given area to determine which layers are older or younger than others. The principle of superposition states that in an undisturbed sequence of rock layers, the oldest layers are at the bottom and the youngest layers are at the top. By analyzing the position of different rock layers in relation to one another, geologists can establish the relative ages of those rocks.


Answer: b measured


Question 14
Which organism is not known as an iron bacteria?
a. crenothrix
b. Giardia lambia
c. gallionella
d. leptothrix





Giardia lambia is not known as an iron bacteria.Iron bacteria are a group of microorganisms that obtain energy by oxidizing dissolved ferrous iron in water to insoluble ferric iron, which then forms rust-colored deposits on surfaces. The other organisms listed - crenothrix, gallionella, and leptothrix - are all types of iron bacteria.

Giardia lambia, on the other hand, is a parasitic protozoan that causes a diarrheal illness called giardiasis. It does not have the ability to oxidize iron and is not classified as an iron bacteria.

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