what are friendly bacteria that aid with the body's biological functions, such as digestion? resident bacteria protozoans viruses fungi


Answer 1

Friendly bacteria that aid with the body's biological functions, such as digestion are known as Resident bacteria.

The Resident bacteria help keep the digestive system in working order and keep harmful bacteria from moving in. It provides essential capacities for the fermentation of non-digestible substrates like dietary fibres and endogenous intestinal mucus. This fermentation supports the growth of specialist microbes that produce short chain fatty acids (SCFAs) and gases. It dysbiosis probably promotes diet induced obesity and metabolic complications by a variety of mechanisms including immune dysregulation, altered energy regulation, altered gut hormone regulation, and proinflammatory mechanisms

Along with bacteria, other microorganisms are also present in the gut that promote digestion.The collective name for all the kinds of microorganisms that typically live in the gut is the gut microbiota.

learn more about resident bacteria:



Related Questions

common disorder of the bladder where bacteria infects the lower urinary tract which causes irritation and inflammation. T/F


It is true that Bacterial cystitis is a common disorder of the bladder where bacteria infect the lower urinary tract which causes irritation and inflammation.

UTIs commonly happens when microbes outside the body enter the urinary lot through the urethra and start to duplicate. A type of Escherichia coli (E. coli) bacteria is responsible for the majority of cases of cystitis. However, infections can also be caused by other kinds of bacteria.

After intercourse, women can get bacterial bladder infections. UTIs can occur even in people who do not engage in sexual activity because the female genital area frequently contains bacteria that can cause cystitis.

Know more about Bacterial cystitis here: https://brainly.com/question/28543276


having freckles is dominant over not having freckles, and curly hair is dominant over straight hair. one parent is homozygous for freckles and has straight hair. the other parent does not have freckles and has straight hair. what are the possible phenotypes of the offspring? freckles with curly hairfreckles with straight hairno freckles with curly hairno freckles with straight hair



freckles with straight hair

no freckles with straight hair


In this scenario, having freckles is dominant over not having freckles, and curly hair is dominant over straight hair. The first parent is homozygous for freckles, meaning that they have two copies of the gene for freckles, and they have straight hair. The second parent does not have freckles and has straight hair.

There are two possible genotypes for the first generation offspring[F1] with respect to freckles: they could inherit one copy of the gene for freckles from each parent (meaning they would be heterozygous for freckles and would have freckles), or they could inherit two copies of the gene for not having freckles [meaning they would be homozygous for not having freckles and would not have freckles].

There are also two possible genotypes for the offspring with respect to hair type: they could inherit one copy of the gene for straight hair and one copy of the gene for curly hair (meaning they would be heterozygous for  straight hair), or they could inherit two copies of the gene for straight hair (meaning they would be homozygous for straight hair and would have straight hair).

Given these possible genotypes, there are four possible phenotypes for the F1 offspring: freckles with straight hair, freckles with curly hair, no freckles with straight hair, and no freckles with curly hair. However, since both parents have straight hair, it is not possible for the offspring to have curly hair, so the only possible phenotypes are freckles with straight hair and no freckles with straight hair.


freckles with straight hair and no freckles with straight hair.


What is called mung in English?


The term which indicates ,Something disgusting or offensive especially Filth or muck .

Origin of mung is first recorded in 1945-50 , it is computing slang to process in which the computer data and  also meant for making dirt followed , to make incremental changes to a file or an  a system eventually ruining or destroying the original and to modify an email address in an easily reversible way in order to avoid spam any substance that  considers as disgustingly foul or unpleasant play and  the state of being covered with unclean things plays and a state  which is characterized by foul or disgusting dirt termed as filth as common.

It is an offensive or indecent word or phrase


To know more about , Filth click here:



Summarize how energy changes during a chemical reaction as bonds are broken and formed. Also Explain the overall function of enzymes in biochemical reactions like photosynthesis and cellular respiration.​



In a chemical reaction, energy is required to break the existing bonds between atoms in the reactants, and energy is released when new bonds are formed to create the products. The net change in energy during a chemical reaction is known as the reaction's heat of reaction or enthalpy change. This energy change can be either endothermic (absorbing heat) or exothermic (releasing heat), depending on the specifics of the reaction.

Enzymes are proteins that act as catalysts in biochemical reactions. They speed up the rate of a reaction by lowering the activation energy needed for the reaction to occur. In photosynthesis, enzymes facilitate the conversion of light energy into chemical energy that can be used by plants to produce carbohydrates. In cellular respiration, enzymes facilitate the conversion of the chemical energy stored in food into a form that can be used by cells to produce ATP, the primary energy currency of the cell. Overall, enzymes play a crucial role in enabling the chemical reactions that sustain life.

pls award brainliest!


What is the sequence order of DNA?


The four chemical bases of the DNA double helix always associate with the same mate to induce" base dyads," which are appertained to as the sequence order of DNA. Adenine( A) always dyads with thymine( T), but cytosine( C) always dyads with guanine( G).

The natural information that cells bear to develop and serve is decoded in the sequence of the bases, which are constantly appertained to by the original letters of their chemical names A, T, C, andG.

Understanding the function of genes and other factors of the genome depends on establishing the DNA's sequence. DNA sequencing may presently be done using a variety of ways, each with unique parcels, and the creation of new ways is a current focus of genomics exploration.

Sequencing DNA is the process of determining the locales of the four chemical" bases," or molecular structure blocks, that make up the DNA patch. Experimenters can determine what kind of inheritable information is stored in a certain DNA member thanks to the sequence. For case, scientists can use sequence data to determine which DNA stretches include genes and which DNA parts have nonsupervisory instructions that turn genes on and off. Sequence data can also — and this is important — highlight changes connected to genes that might beget complaint.

Learn more about DNA here :



Label the structures of the thyroid gland. Larynx Follicular cell Thymus gland Isthmus 8 Colloid Extrafollicular cell Thyroid gland Neurosecretory cell


The larynx, often known as the sound box, is the organ that is responsible for the creation of sound in the human body.

The thyroid gland is one of the primary endocrine glands in our bodies. It has a role in the generation of thyroid hormones, including T3 and T4, both of which contribute to the maintenance of a normal metabolic rate in the body. The region of the thyroid gland known as the isthmus connects the right lobe to the left lobe of the thyroid gland. The fluid that is present in the thyroid follicle is called the colloid of the thyroid gland, and it contains the prohormone thyroglobulin. It is the follicular cell that is responsible for the generation and secretion of the thyroid hormones thyroxine (T4) and triiodothyronine. Follicular cells are generated around the colloid (T3). Extrafollicular cells are found around follicular cells, and they are also referred to as parafollicular cells. These cells are important in the production of a hormone known as calcitonin. Extrafollicular cells are found surrounding follicular cells.

The complete question and answer are attached as images.

Want to know more about the thyroid gland visit the link which is given below;



An organism discovered during a recent underwater expedition to the great barrier reef in australia is multicellular, has chloroplasts, and is made up of eukaryotic cells. in which domain would this organism placed? responses
a. eukarya
b. animalia
c. archaea
d. bacteria


Answer: The organism would be in the domain Eukarya. There are three biological domains namely Bacteria, Archaea and Eukarya.

Explanation: I took the K12 quiz

It’s A. I took AP Bio. You can use process of elimination to immediately take D) and B) out of the equation because animals do not have chloroplasts and bacteria are unicellular.

What process is unique to meiosis?


Process of crossing over is unique to meiosis.

Crossover refers to the exchange of genetic material or chromosome segments between non-sister chromosomes during meiosis. This occurs between homologous regions of matched chromosomes and during chromosome exchange.

The crossover or recombination of genetic material between pairs of chromosomes occurs during meiosis I but not during meiosis II. This occurs during meiosis I during a long and complex prophase I, which is divided into five sub-phases. The offspring differ due to the exchange of chromosomal material. This is very important in the evolutionary process. The crossover of frequencies helps to create genetic maps.

Crossbreeding is the process by which germline genetic material is exchanged. The tendency for genes to stick together in a chromosome is called gene linkage.

To learn more about crossing over, here



What would happen to a cell that did not have any smooth endoplasmic reticulum?


The smooth endoplasmic reticulum is crucial for lipid synthesis. The organelle responsible for the synthesis of biomolecules is known as the smooth endoplasmic reticulum (SER). There won't be any lipid creation if SER is missing from the cell.

'What is SER and its functions?'

Most eukaryotic cells have the smooth endoplasmic reticulum (smooth ER), a membrane organelle. It is a portion of the endoplasmic reticulum's endomembrane system. The synthesis of lipids, the production of steroid hormones, the removal of toxic metabolic waste products, and the storage and utilization of calcium ions within the cell are its primary tasks. The absence of membrane-bound ribosomes sets the smooth ER apart from the other endoplasmic reticulum regions. This organelle is particularly distinctive physically and frequently consists of tubular organelles termed cisternae.

know more about cell organelles here



How does fitness levels affect risk of injury?


Military studies have shown that individuals with lower levels of cardiorespiratory endurance or muscular endurance are more likely to be injured and also that improving fitness lowers injury risk.

How does fitness level affect risk of injury?

Cardiovascular exercise boosts your overall health and it also helps you stay injury-free during workouts as well as doing everyday things.

Physical fitness reduces your risk for and resilience to accidental injuries, (especially as you get older).

Exercise strengthens the heart and improves circulation. The increased blood flow raise oxygen levels in the body and this helps in lowering the risk of heart diseases such as high cholesterol, coronary artery disease, and heart attack.

To know more about physical fitness, refer



Can monggo grow without soil?


Answer:Mango plant can only be propagated sexually through seeds and asexually through grafting, budding or inarching. It is not possible to get anew mango tree by planting a stem of a mango tree on the ground.


staphyloccocus aureus is an important cause of food poisoning. several gene-encoding exotoxins are associated with s. aureus food poisoning, including sea, an exotoxin encoded by a viral gene. what sort of life cycle must this phage have?


Lysogenic is the life cycle of the phase.

The lysogenic cycle is a stage of viral reproduction during which the DNA of the virus is replicated utilizing the DNA of the host cell. Lysogenic infection occurs when a virus does not produce any proteins but instead copies its DNA or genetic material with the assistance of the host. At that time, the virus' multiplication and continued life are entirely dependent on the machinery of the host cell.

Prokaryotic cells, which primarily comprise bacteria, exhibit the lysogenic cycle most frequently. However, it can happen in eukaryotic cells, which include both animal and plant cells. The lysogenic cell frequently occurs in bacteriophages, which are viruses that infect bacteria.

To know more about Lysogenic here.



A scientist is observing a sample of cells from a newly discovered organism under a microscope to determine how the organism reproduces. the scientist observes one cell divide producing two cells which are not like the original. each of these two cells then divide again, producing four new cells. which of the following best compares the new cells to the parent cell?


The one that compares the new cells to the parent cell is option A. mitosis

Why is the description a mitosis?

The new cells are genetically identical to the parent cell. They are produced through the process of cell division, which is the way in which cells reproduce. There are two main types of cell division: mitosis and meiosis.

In mitosis, a single parent cell divides into two daughter cells that are genetically identical to the parent cell. In meiosis, the parent cell divides into four daughter cells that are genetically diverse.

Therefore, the correct answer is as given above. It can then be concluded that the concept which compares the new cells to the parent cell.

learn more about mitosis: https://brainly.com/question/23750975


The complete question goes thus:

A scientist is observing a sample of cells from a newly discovered organism under a microscope to determine how the organism reproduces. the scientist observes one cell divide producing two cells which are not like the original. each of these two cells then divide again, producing four new cells. which of the following best compares the new cells to the parent cell?

A. Mitosis

B. Meiosis

C. All of the above

D. None of the above

What are the 4 steps of Calvin cycle?


The Calvin cycle has three basic phases carbon fixation, reduction, and regeneration.

In carbon fixation, two to three molecules of carbon phosphoglycerate are produced when CO2 binds to RuBP. The chloroplast stroma contains the enzyme ribulose bisphosphate carboxylase/oxygenase.

In reduction, 3-PGA molecules are transformed into glucose molecules, which are sugar molecules. Energy for this stage is provided by ATP and NADPH generated during the light-dependent activities of photosynthesis.

In regeneration, third phase requires ATP. At this stage, a portion of the G3P molecules are used to produce glucose, while the remainder are recycled to replenish the RuBP acceptor.

Hence, the calvin cycles provide energy as well as substrate.

To know more about ATP.



What structure connects the right and left cerebral hemispheres?

Intermediate mass
Septum pellucidum
Corpus callosum


Corpus callosum connects the right and left cerebral hemispheres.

The right and left brain hemispheres are connected by the extensive fibre tract of axons known as the corpus callosum.

White matter fibres that connect the left and right cerebral hemispheres make up the principal commissural region of the brain, known as the corpus callosum.

Your brain's two hemispheres are joined by a substantial network of nerve fibres known as the corpus callosum, which permits communication and signal transmission between the two sides of the brain.

Learn more about Corpus callosum from:



Do viruses not have a cell wall?



Yes, viruses lack cell wall but they have external covering which cannot be referred to as cell wall

What is the pattern of human settlement called?


The ekistics, technology of human settlements and it definitely says about the humans formula of living.

Ekistics entails the descriptive observe of all varieties of human settlements and the formula of trendy conclusions geared toward attaining concord among the population of a agreement and their bodily and sociocultural environments.

Geographers observe settlements due to the fact it's far a mirrored image of the connection among human beings and their environment. These styles also are used to assignment destiny agreement development. There are 3 principal agreement styles: nucleated, linear and dispersed.

Read more about settlement;



Assuming that no obvious signs of intra-abdominal injury are present, which of the following injuries would MOST likely cause an injury to the liver or spleen to be overlooked?
a. Pelvic fracture
b. Lumbar spine fracture
c. Femur fracture
d. Shoulder fracture


Assuming that no obvious signs of intra abdominal injury are present ,the correct option is b. Lumbar spine fracture.

It's not always the case that abdominal pain has an underlying cause. Constipation, menstrual cramps, digestion issues, overeating, and others may contribute to it ,the indigestion-related gas stretched or pulled muscles.

Any incident that seriously injures the abdomen is referred to as abdominal trauma. As a result of the severity of the trauma, several abdominal organs could be harmed. The majority of abdominal injuries fall into one of two categories: penetrating or blunt.

To know more about abdominal injury



What are the arguments for and against GM food?


The arguments for and against GM food are:

Genetic manipulation overcomes natural barriers by combining organism characteristics in ways that would never be possible in nature.Genetic engineering has not been sufficiently researched and tested for use in the food chain, and it is based on outdated ideas about how DNA works. Furthermore, developing just one GM plant variety costs millions of dollars, money that could be spent on the more sustainable alternatives.The long-term impacts on health as well as nature seem to be largely unknown and understudied. Not that all research findings indicating GMO problems are made public.Genetic engineering endangers biodiversity. It encourages the spread of monocultures throughout agriculture. Numerous animals and plants in the fields' vicinity will perish as a result of this treatment.

GMO crops also require fewer pesticide applications, which benefits the environment. The main concerns about GMOs revolve around allergies, cancer, as well as environmental issues, all of which may have an impact on the consumer.

To know more about the GM food, here



What are 3 sources of carbon for photosynthesis?


There are three main places where these sources are found: in industrial processes, in the processing of natural gas, and in fuel combustion activities.

Carbon dioxide and water are changed into glucose and oxygen during photosynthesis using the energy from light. 1 glucose molecule and 6 oxygen molecules are created from 6 carbon dioxide and 6 water molecules.

When the oxygen-evolving complex splits water to supply protons and electrons to the chloroplastic electron chain, ATP and NADPH are produced, which serve as the energy source and reducing power for plant metabolism. Oxygen (O2) is evolved during photosynthetic electron transport.

To know more about NADPH visit:-



I need some help on this question!


Bioethics is the study of ethical, legal and the social issues that arise in the biomedical and the bio medicine research that will be arising in the life sciences.

What is the requirement of bioethical needs in our society ?

In order to raise the valid questions and validations regarding the  research and the various experiments that are happening in the field of research that whether they are following ethical norms or not.

Doctors Without Borders analyses strict neutrality along with impartiality in name of the universal  and medical ethics and right to the humanitarian help and demands full and unhindered freedom in the exercise of its functions.

The correct answer is option C that encourages the doctors to treat patients without the any kind of restrictions and regulations along with the norms and the various authentic statements that can be accepted.

Learn more about bio ethical needs at :



Make a claim about how the removal of a population of bats from an
ecosystem could impact at least two other populations in that


Answer: see below


The removal of a population of bats from an ecosystem could have significant impacts on at least two other populations in that ecosystem. For example, if the bats were a key predator of insects, their removal could lead to an increase in the insect population, which could, in turn, have negative effects on plant populations. Alternatively, if the bats were a major pollinator of certain plants, their removal could lead to a decrease in the plant population, which could have knock-on effects on other species that rely on those plants for food or shelter. Overall, the removal of any species from an ecosystem can have complex and unpredictable impacts on the populations of other species.

Match the neuron type with its function. Drag statements on the right to match the left. Sensory (afferent) neuron Located in PSN; carry impulses away from the CNS Motor (efferent) neuron C-a Located in PNS; carry impulses toward the CNS Interneuron co Located in the CNS: integrate sensory signals Do you know the answer? I know it Think so Unsure No idea


Sensory neuron located in PSN carry impulses toward the CNS.

What are the functions of sensory neuron?

Unipolar cell bodies of sensory neurons are located within sensory ganglia which may be in the dorsal root of the spinal cord or along cranial nerves.

Sensory neurons are the nerve cells that are activated by sensory input from the environment - for example, when you touch a hot surface with your fingertips, the sensory neurons will be the ones firing.

Sensory nerves carry signals to your brain to help you touch, taste, smell and see. Motor nerves carry signals to your muscles or glands to help you move and function.

Learn more about sensory neuron:



What are the 3 codons in mRNA?


The 3 codons in mRNA means that the four nucleotides that are found within the mRNA — A, U, G, and C.

The three of codons within mRNA refers to the four nucleotides that are set up in the mRNA — A, U, G, and C — which could produce a whole of 64 different combinations. Of these 64 codons, 61 codons signify the amino acids, and the left three codons signify the stop signals, which light at the end of protein emulsion process.

A nucleotide is one of the systemic factors, or systemic blocks, of deoxyribonucleic acid  and RNA. It generally comprises of a base( one of the four chemicals which are adenine, guanine, thymine, and cytosine) with a reinforcement of sugar and one of phosphoric acid.

To learn more about mRNA here



how did exercise affect the time needed for the solution to change colour


The pace turns the solution turns yellow during the exercise rises.

When exercising for a predetermined amount of time, the amount of carbon dioxide produced is measured using the acid indicator BTB [Bromothymol blue]. The blue solution turns yellow when carbon dioxide is present. The pace at which the solution becomes yellow increases with the amount of carbon dioxide present. The muscles we use during exercise require more energy. When exercise can be managed, aerobic methods mostly satisfy this need. Since more oxygen is taken in and more carbon dioxide is out when muscles are working hard, this results in an increase in the rate of gas exchange in the lungs. These metabolic gases are carried to and from your tissues by your blood.

The amount of energy your body is using has a significant impact on the amount of carbon dioxide produced. For basic functions including those of your heart and digestive system, your body constantly needs energy. This indicates that carbon dioxide is also continuously released.

To learn more about exercise affect, refer: https://brainly.com/question/7552265


Which of the following is important to remember when providing care to adults ages 80 and older? O All older adults have some mental decline O All older adults suffer from some generaliment O There is no reason to assume mental decine has occurred
O It is not necessary to update immunizations


It is important to remember when providing care to adults ages 80 and older that all older adults suffer from some of the generaliment that is present in the second option.

What is the importance of medical checkups for older people?

In general, older patients suffer from certain general diseases, such as high rates of cardiac disease, dementia, low immunity, and so on, so medical checks help them take better care of themselves.

Hence, it is important to remember when providing care to adults ages 80 and older that all older adults suffer from some of the generaliment that is present in the second option.

Learn more about medical checkups here.



FILL IN THE BLANK. the bond order of a homonuclear diatomic molecule can be decreased by ________.



removing electron from a Bonding Molecular Orbital or by adding electrons to AntiBonding Molecular Orbital.

What does this mean DNA → RNA → protein?


DNA → RNAprotein means the term “central dogma.”

The central dogma of the molecular biology is a premise which states that ancestory particulars flows only in the one direction, starting from DNA, to RNA, than to protein, or RNA directly to the protein. In The Central Dogma, we get to know about the valuable places of runner RNA, the transferred RNA and the ribosomal RNA within the protein- structure process.

DNA is the reinforcement of the particulars, which captures the instructions for processing of other large molecules, which are called proteins. These instructions are kept within the cells, and than scattered among the chromosomes. These chromosomes are piled up of the thousands of little corridor of DNA, known as genes.

To learn more about DNA here



The distinguishing characteristics of primates are mainly related to their ______ lifestyle.


Primate distinctive traits mostly revolve around their endearing way of existence.

According to Sean Carroll, the three main characteristics that set members of our own species, Homo sapiens, apart from other primates are our enormous brains, ability to walk on two feet, and tool use.

We have experienced some slightly distinct natural selection forces over that time. Due to these variations, our ancestors acquired bipedalism, a considerably larger brain, and eventually speaking. The volume of the modern human brain is three times greater than that of great apes.

The most notable morphological and physiological differences between humans and chimpanzees are our improved cognitive capacities and a significant rise in the relative size of the human brain.

Learn more about " Primate  " to visit here;



Manuel and three other students are studying the effects of various factors on the growth of plants in a garden. Manuel is asked to investigate the effects of abiotic factors that involve the geosphere. The other three students are investigating effects that involve the biosphere, hydrosphere, and atmosphere.
Which factor would be entirely Manuel's responsibility to investigate?


The size of the rocks mixed into the garden soil would be entirely Manuel's responsibility to investigate.

What is geosphere?

The non-living components of the environment, or abiotic influences, have a significant impact on living things. They may assist in figuring out topics like how tall trees grow, the locations of various animals and plants, and the causes of bird migration. Abiotic variables including water, sunshine, oxygen, soil, and temperature are crucial.

The solid parts of the Earth are known as the geosphere. All other layers of the Earth's interior are also a part of it, as well as the continental and oceanic crust.

Learn more about geosphere, here:



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