Use either Pathos, Ethos, or Logos to make a rhetorical appeal for why teachers should accept late work!


Answer 1
Pathos: Teachers sometimes do not realize that students have other responsibilities outside of school. Responsibilities such as taking care of younger siblings, working may be more difficult than expected. Teachers do not know that some students are babysitting their siblings because their parents work all day. Students may be working because their parents are struggling with the bills, which keeps the student under constant stress. These responsibilities go deeper than one would think, and can affect when a student will be able to do work. Especially now in a pandemic where depression and loneliness are at an all time high, students may not have the energy or motivation to do their work, but if they eventually do it, it should be graded. Not grading late work may put the student in a deeper pit and sometimes will make the student not turn it in at all. Work is better late than never so if I student turns it in late it should be graded. Everyone has things outside of school, sometimes laziness is not the cause of late work.

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How do I convince my mom to let me get a tattoo?


Start off modest and covert if you want to have your first tattoo approved. If you want to persuade your parents, get a tattoo on an area of your body that will be covered by clothes.

They will start to accept the tattoo if you explain that it won't be visible all the time.

Give them an explanation of why you enjoy your design so much. Perhaps it is a memorial to a loved one or has a word or phrase that has special value to you.

Something will make it clearer to them why you want this to be permanently attached to your body.

Without parental approval, minors under the age of 18 are not allowed to have tattoos.

Learn more about to tattoo visit here;


What is the meaning of An Occurrence at Owl Creek Bridge?


The meaning of An Occurrence at Owl Creek Bridge is an intricately planned remark on the ephemeral nature of time can be found in "An Occurrence at Owl Creek Bridge."

This fluidity, as well as the tension between opposing concepts of time, are reflected in the story's structure, which shifts from the present to the past to what is later revealed to be the imagined present.

The second portion breaks up what initially seems to be a constant flow of execution taking place right now. Farquhar closes his eyes as he stands on the brink of the bridge, indicating that he is entering a different universe that is not constrained by the rules of time. His watch is ticking slower and more slowly .

To learn more about Owl Creek Bridge from the given link:


What writing styles did Shakespeare use?


Shakespeare uses the writing style is blank verse. It contains no rhyme, but each line has an internal rhythm with a regular rhythmic pattern.

What writing style did Shakespeare use?Shakespeare used a metrical pattern consisting of lines of unrhymed iambic pentameter, called blank verse. His plays were composed using blank verse, although there are passages in all the plays that deviate from the norm and are composed of other forms of poetry or simple prose. Shakespeare's sonnets are written in iambic pentameter, with the exception of Sonnet 145, which is written in iambic tetrameter. Shakespeare's style of writing and meter  choice was typical of the day, and other writings of the time influenced how he structured his compositionsHe also wrote his plays in a combination of verse and prose. Shakespeare’s prose style was primarily used in soliloquies. These provide the necessary information about the plot to the reader and give scenes an emotional appeal. Take Hamlet, for example. The protagonist’s lengthy monologues help the audience understand his struggles and emotions.

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Why does Napoleon urinate on the windmill plans?


Napoleon's action of urinating on the windmill plans is a symbol of his power and his attempt to control the animals and their future. It is a way of expressing his contempt for the animals and their dreams, and a reminder to them that they have no hope of escaping his control.

Napoleon urinating on the windmill plans in George Orwell’s classic novel, Animal Farm, is a symbol of his attempt to assert his dominance over the other animals. As the leader of the animal revolution, Napoleon has taken control of the farm, and is constantly looking for ways to remain in power and prevent any other animals from challenging his authority. Urinating on the windmill plans is a way of Napoleon to mark his territory, literally and figuratively.

The windmill plans represent the hope of the animals to create a better future for themselves. It is a symbol of progress and of the possibility of a better life that Napoleon is trying to take away from the animals. By urinating on the plans, Napoleon is asserting his authority and his control over the animals and their destiny. He wants to make sure that they have no hope of creating a better world and that they will remain under his control.

In addition, Napoleon's action is a way of expressing his contempt for the animals and their optimistic view of the future. He is trying to show them that the future is bleak, and that no matter what they try to do, they will not be able to escape his control. By urinating on the windmill plans, Napoleon is sending a clear message to the animals that he is in charge and that he will not tolerate any attempt to challenge his authority.

Learn more about Animal Farm at :


Complete the blog post with appropriate modal verbs. Sometimes there is more than one answer.


The appropriate modal verbs for the blog post are given as follows:-

FinallyCan’tActuallyJoyfullyCouldWouldn’tUnfortunatelyOught to

What are modal verbs?

A modal verb is a verb that implies a modality in context, such as a possibility, ability, permission, request, capacity, suggestion, command, obligation, or counsel. Modal verbs are often used to accompany the common structure of another verb with semantic meaning.

These are verbs that express possibility, capacity, permission, or duty. Can/could, may/might, will/would, shall/should, and must are examples of words.

The modal verbs for the above blog are Finally, Can’t, Actually, Joyfully, Could, Wouldn’t, Unfortunately and Ought to.

Learn more about modal verbs here:


Who was known as the father of English dictionary?


On his 308th birthday, Samuel Johnson, who is regarded as the founder of the modern dictionary. The Johnson's: A Dictionary of the English Language was produced in 1755 by a British lexicographer.

Who is Samuel Johnson?

American founding father and politician William Samuel Johnson lived from October 7, 1727, to November 14, 1819. He was a militia lieutenant prior to the Revolutionary War until he was relieved when his election to the First Continental Congress was rejected. He is remembered for having ratified the US Constitution, serving as Connecticut's senator, and becoming the third president of King's College, which is now Columbia University. William Samuel Johnson was born in Stratford, Connecticut, on October 7, 1727, to Samuel Johnson and Charity Floyd Nicoll, who would go on to create King's (Columbia) College and be a prominent Anglican preacher. Johnson attended school at home for his primary education. In 1744, he earned his Yale College diploma.

To know more about Samuel Johnson, visit:


Students should be given a shorter summer holiday to avoid forgetting what they learn at school. Write an essay discussing this statement and highlighting the advantages and disadvantages and expressing your opinion (250 words).


School is a place where some one reds and write .In other words school is our second home.

School is a temple , a pure like diamond can't compare with school.I think great doctors , engineer ,pilot are made by school.

School are of 7 hours and our bag is really heavy

.At summer we have our first terminal exam,so we can get our holiday and have vacation work

The vacation work is so much that we can't even rest and the school authority thinks we will forget about learning in school . What a Joke!

What is the importance of Defence?


Defence is important for a number of reasons.

National security: Defence plays a critical role in protecting a country's sovereignty and national security. It helps to deter potential threats and defend against attacks by other countries or groups.

Preserving peace: Defence can also help to preserve peace and stability within a country and internationally. By maintaining strong military capabilities, a country is better able to address potential conflicts and protect its interests.

Protecting civilians: Defence can also be used to protect civilians from harm, including during times of conflict or natural disasters. Military personnel may be deployed to provide humanitarian assistance, disaster relief, and other forms of support.

Economic benefits: Defence can also provide economic benefits. For example, the defence industry can create jobs and stimulate economic growth. Additionally, defence spending can help to drive technological innovation and development.

Overall, defence is an important aspect of a country's security and stability, and it plays a vital role in protecting the interests and well-being of its citizens.

Learn More about Defence here:


Is a parenthetical a clause?


A set of words that adds information without significantly affecting the sentence's structure is known as a parenthetical clause.

The clause is parenthetical if it may be removed from the sentence while maintaining the phrase's overall structure. A subordinate phrase inserted inside another one is known as a parenthetical clause. It frequently appears in the midst of a phrase and is enclosed in parenthesis. It is typically employed to modify the tense and to provide information.

For instance, I retrieved the object that I had unintentionally left behind earlier today. Although it is not necessary to grasp what you are attempting to convey, the addition of "that I had unintentionally misplaced earlier today" provides a parenthetical and adds crucial information that enhances clarity.

To know more about parenthetical clause, click on the link below:


what religion most notably developed using these principles to exercise and express faith?



It is commonly said that there are only two guarantees in life — death and taxes — but what can be more taxing than the prospect of one’s own death? Ceasing to exist is an overwhelmingly terrifying thought and it is one which has plagued individuals for centuries. This ancient stressor has been addressed over time by a number of different religious explanations and affirmations. Arguably, this capacity to provide answers for fundamental questions is what defines religion. For instance, under Hindu belief one’s soul lives on after biological death and is reborn in a new body. Under Christian belief one can expect to live in a heavenly paradise once one’s time runs out on earth. These are just two examples, but the extension of the self beyond its physical expiration date is a common thread in religious texts.

Why jazz music was important to the Harlem Renaissance?


The Harlem Renaissance was about giving a voice to the experiences of African Americans, and nothing gave expression to the African American experience better than jazz. Jazz was born out of the Black experience in America, basically fusing African and European musical traditions.

Who introduced the idea of having only 4 time zones?


Sir Sanford Fleming, a Canadian engineer, was the first person to propose the use of worldwide time zones back in 1878.

Who invented time zones?

His plan was to divide the world into 24 time zones, each 15 degrees longitude apart. The reason for this is that the earth rotates 15 degrees every hour, or 360 degrees in 24 hours.

Prior to the late 1800s, it was common for individual towns to specify a local time that citizens would then attempt to replicate on their personal watches or clocks. This meant that if you travelled from one town to another, you would almost certainly need to update your personal watch upon arrival. During this time, there were over 300 local times in the United States.

Fleming's idea was almost universally praised at the time as a practical solution to a complex global problem. 

To learn more aboutworldwide time zones refer to:


What does the street light symbolize in Tewwg?


The street light symbolize in Tewwg Janie opens the book by sharing with her close friend Pheoby her memories of her early years as well as what has happened in the years after she left Eatonville.

But as the narrative moves across time, it is not a first-person account. Hurston adopts a third-person frame of view to take control of the story. The reader is exposed to Janie's experiences in the same way that she did, but Hurston is in charge the narrative.

Janie opens the book by sharing with her close friend Pheoby her memories of her early years as well as what has happened in the years after she left Eatonville. But as the narrative moves across time, it is not a first-person account. Hurston adopts a third-person frame of view to take control of the story.

To know more about symbolize in Tewwg visit:


What is frozen language?


A frozen register means that the language used does not change over time, and will remain the same in the future. This means that the words every time they are spoken or written, stay the same . It's like they're frozen in time!

The frozen register is usually used for work and important purposes (such as legal or religious). For this reason, he likes to use grammar and vocabulary, and full sentences. But, this is not always the case. For example, songs and poems are examples of fixed spelling but can include many incorrect terms and non-standard words (such as abbreviations or slang words).

The frozen list also contains archaic words. This refers to old words or phrases that were often used in the past, but are not used today. For example, the word 'thou', which means 'you'. This word was used a lot by Shakespeare!

For more such questions on frozen register:


What is the central idea of Animal Farm?


The central idea or theme of George Orwell's "Animal Farm" is the corrupting influence of power. The novel tells the story of a group of farm animals who overthrow their human owner and create a new society in which all animals are equal.

However, as the story progresses, the pigs, who have taken on the roles of leaders and planners, begin to abuse their power and exploit the other animals.Throughout the novel, Orwell explores the ways in which power can corrupt and lead to the abuse of authority. The pigs, who are initially portrayed as noble and intelligent leaders, gradually become more and more tyrannical and oppressive. They rewrite the rules to suit their own needs, and they use propaganda and manipulation to control the other animals. As a result, the other animals become oppressed and disadvantaged, and the ideals of equality and freedom that they had originally fought for are lost.

The theme of the corrupting influence of power is a central idea in "Animal Farm," and it is presented through the actions and experiences of the characters and the conflicts that arise on the farm. The theme is relevant to the real world, as it speaks to the dangers of unchecked power and the importance of accountability and democracy.

Find more about central idea of Animal Farm


In chapter 3, people realize that building a bridge across the gorge of Niagara Falls will bring more tourists to the area

Which detail best explains why building the first bridge to cross the gorge is such a difficult task

A. Tourists had a perfect view of some of the crazy, dangerous things some people would soon do …

B. Even at the narrowest spot, the gorge was eight hundred feet wide

C. But there was still one thing missing something the businessmen knew they needed

D. A ferryboat was built to take people from the US side to Canada

Helpppp me please


Answer: A

Explanation: in my opinion this is the most understandable answer and it might be right

What is the main conflict in Robinson Crusoe?


Major battle Crusoe, who was shipwrecked alone, battles hardship, deprivation, loneliness, and cannibals in an effort to survive on a barren island.

What is Robinson Crusoe's major plot?

After being shipwrecked on a remote island, a man fights for his life. Robinson Crusoe's parents are quite upset as a result of his inability to resist the strong need to travel across the oceans in quest of adventure.

When Crusoe is dying on the island and looks to God for assistance, pleading for pity and forgiveness, this is when Crusoe's personal drama reaches its peak. Crusoe then turns religious, reading the Bible, praying to God, and attributing all of his wins to Providence. Crusoe eventually succeeds in negotiating passage on an English ship that visits the island after spending 27 years there. When he gets back home, his family has disinherited him and believes he has long since passed away.

To know more about Robinson Crusoe's visit:


Write a review of the first part of American Born Chinese emphasizing your opinion on two different plot
elements. You are welcome make a copy of the specific frames you're referencing and attach them
below for your support. These comparisons can be positive, negative or both.



American Born Chinese is an incredibly powerful graphic novel that tells the story of three characters: Jin Wang, the Monkey King, and Chin-Kee. I was particularly impressed by the complexity of the plot, which seamlessly shifts between the three storylines and creates an impactful narrative.

The first part of the novel focuses primarily on Jin Wang, a Chinese-American boy who is struggling to fit in at his new school. The narrative combines various elements of Chinese folklore with Jin's struggles, creating a vivid and relatable story. The artwork also helps to create a vivid and immersive experience, with the use of vibrant colors and detailed panels.

I particularly appreciated the use of symbolism throughout the first part of the novel. For example, Jin's search for the "perfect" lunch box is symbolic of his desire to fit in and be accepted by his peers. This symbolism helps to illustrate the struggles of an immigrant child, and how they must work to reconcile two different cultures.

I also found the humor in the novel to be particularly effective. The character of Chin-Kee is a great example of this, as his exaggerated mannerisms often provide comic relief to the otherwise serious tone of the novel.

Overall, the first part of American Born Chinese is an incredibly powerful and impactful narrative. Its use of symbolism and humor help to create a vivid and immersive experience, and its ability to combine various elements of Chinese folklore with a modern story is truly impressive.


could i get branliest?

How does movement poetry contribute to the modern poetry in English?


Poetry can be an effective teaching method that aids in students' literacy development. It can also help writers to contribute their feelings while letting readers relate to those feelings. Aesthetics, or the study of what is attractive in the world, is another relationship between poetry and aesthetics.

In the tradition of modernist literature, modernist poetry is defined as poetry published between 1890 and 1950; however, the dates used to define the genre vary depending on the author's country of origin, the relevant school, and the critic's personal prejudices. The term "movement" in literature refers to a fresh phase in the interest or production of literature during a particular time period.

Another innovative literary movement from the 1950s was known as "Movement Poetry," which expressed its hatred for the accepted literary conventions of the day. Modernists prided themselves on studying the greatest techniques used by poets in earlier times and different countries. They looked to the troubadours, Dante, the medieval Italian philosopher poets (such Guido Cavalcanti), the Chinese and Japanese poets, the English Metaphysical writers, and ancient Greek literature as models.

To learn more about modern poetry Visit :


How was architecture done at Great Zimbabwe?


The first architectural design came from the Great Zimbabwe period, which extended natural components. On foundations made of dirt, the massive, well-coursed stone walls were built.

What construction method was employed in the Great Zimbabwe?

Without using cement, the stones were stacked one on top of the other, with the top layer being somewhat more recessed than the bottom layer to create a stabilizing inward slope. The impressive scale of the construction that makes up Great Zimbabwe sets it apart from the other 300 comparable structures that can be found on the Zimbabwean plateau. The Great Enclosure, the largest ancient construction south of the Sahara Desert, is its most formidable structure and has walls as high as 36 feet and a length of about 820 feet. In the 1800s, English colonists and European visitors who were astounded by the grandeur and deft craftsmanship of Great Zimbabwe attributed the building's design to outside forces. When archaeological studies carried out in the first decades of the twentieth century established the site's antiquity and its African origins, such attributions were disregarded.

To know more about Great Zimbabwe visit:


How do you identify and eliminate distractions?


Eliminate distractions some ways are mention below:

Have a plan before you begin.Set time limits on your goals.Complete the most challenging tasks early in the daySet smaller goals.Give yourself a shorter time frame to work

Distraction is the process of taking someone's or a group's attention away from a desired area of concentration, obstructing or reducing the reception of the intended information.

The inability to pay attention, a lack of interest in the subject of one's attention, or a strong attraction to something else that is not the subject of one's attention can all be sources of distraction.

Both internal and environmental factors might cause distractions. The presence of visual cues, social interactions, music, texts, and phone calls are examples of external distractions. Additionally, there are internal disturbances like hunger, exhaustion, sickness, stress, and daydreaming. Distractions from both within and outside the body might interfere with concentration.

Learn more about distractions to visit this link


PART A: Which of the following identifies the theme of the text?
A. Happiness is not easy to come by and must be actively pursued.
B. Familial love is the only form of love that is reliable and consistent.
C. Home is not located in a specific city, but wherever family and friends are.
D. Happiness and success based around wealth will ultimately lead to dissatisfaction


The theme of the text can be said to be that:  Happiness is not easy to come by and must be actively pursued. Option A.

What is the theme of a text?

A theme is a significant notion that permeates a story. Something a little deeper is at play here rather than the narrative or the summary. A text's action is connected to a central concept about our reality via a theme.

A theme is the implied position on a story's main idea or message. Consider the issue of love as an example: it may be the topic, but it may also be the theme to learn to love oneself. Important concepts and statements concerning problems that the characters and setting of a tale must deal with are conveyed through themes.

Read more on a story theme here:


what is most likely the author's purpose for writing this text? responses to encourage young people to create a life plan to encourage young people to create a life plan to tell an amusing story about how he met his wife to tell an amusing story about how he met his wife to share something he has learned about life to share something he has learned about life to argue that medicine is a better career than law


The author's most likely purpose for writing this text is to share something he has learned about life.

We can observe from the paragraph that the narrator related an episode from his past when he revealed a particular disappointment he had when applying for admission to the institution. We read in the book about the unfavorable answer he received from the school of his choosing.

He was not deterred, however, because Alma had assisted him in discovering that he possessed a talent that could be channeled to Medicine, where his true strength lay. He hoped that young people would learn that obstacles are a part of life and would not be intimidated when confronted with comparable issues.

The answer is appropriate since the author shared his life experience in the hope that others might learn from it.

Learn more about A Complication or Two here:


How does the characterization of the aunt create satire The story began badly?


They are pleased to learn that the prince chooses pigs over flowers.

What is meant by Prince ?

A prince is a monarch's offspring, possibly the one who will succeed to the throne once his father passes away. However, a prince may also be only a member of the royal family or even the ruler of a modest territory inside the realm of the monarch.A prince is a male head of state (ranking below a king, grand prince, and grand duke) or a male heir apparent.A person with admirably good and kind qualities. He is a man fit for a prince. A prince may not have his own land, but a duke governs his own duchy . Grand dukes and archdukes also share the same status as kings, which is a higher ranking.

To learn more about Prince refer to


What is the meaning of travel ban?


A Travel Ban is an order issued by the authorities to prohibit a person from entering or leaving the country.

A travel ban is one of a variety of mobility restrictions imposed by governments. Bans can be universal or selective. The restrictions can be geographic imposed by either the originating or destination jurisdiction. They can also be based on individual status such as health or vaccination.

An order issued by the authorities to all the state ports to prohibit a person from entering or leaving a country according to a court or police order for the protection of individual interests in cases like child custody, debt failure or criminal investigation. Travel ban prohibits the banned person from leaving the country and gets him/her arrested while entering if the reason for prohibition did not cease to exist.

To learn more about Travel Ban please visit:


How does Huck describe living with the Widow Douglas?


The Widow Douglas adopted me as her son and agreed to civilise me; however, living there all the time was difficult given how depressingly regular and upright the widow was in all of her ways, and when I could take it no longer, I left. This is how Huck summarizes the fundamental nature of their relationship.

According to the paragraph cited, Huck is very apprehensive around the Widow. This is a result of the Widow and Miss Watson's ongoing efforts to alter his mindset. Huck is unwilling to alter. He believes Miss Watson and the Widow are not looking out for his best interests. Therefore, when Miss Watson raised the "Bad Place," he obstinately says that he would rather to visit it for a change of scenery.

As a result, it might be claimed that the Widow greatly disturbs Huck because she and Miss Watson are constantly trying to influence his behavior.

To know more about Huck describe living with the Widow Douglas, click on the link below:


How can a student like you benefit from performing Cheerdance routine?


In cheer, timing and rhythm are essential components. As they learn to coordinate their movements to a pulse and remain on count, kids who practice the sport have better balance, focus, and body control.

How might practicing ballroom dances help students like you?

According to research, ballroom dancing enhances mental acuity over the course of a dancer's life. There are also significant advantages for people who begin ballroom dancing as adults. A ballroom dancer's memory, attentiveness, attention, concentration, and passion can all be improved.

What values and advantages of dance will you get that will make you a better person or student, and why?

People can become more social, active, and creative by participating in dance.

To know more about Dancing, visit:


How come he dead I'll not be juggled with spoken by?


Her dead also illustrates the peril of limiting a person to their gender and ignoring the voice of the oppressed. Given the number of reviewers who view Ophelia as bland, underdeveloped, and employed mainly for emotional turmoil, her silence has outlasted her textual death.

She performs songs about flowers, love, and death. Although Ophelia's songs allude to her father's passing and Hamlet's betrayal, Gertrude is unable to understand a word of what she is saying. Laertes follows her out and demands to know where his father is. Scene 5 of Act 4 of Hamlet With armed soldiers at his side, Laertes storms into Elsinore Castle and confronts Claudius, brandishing a sword and demanding to know what happened to his father Polonius.

Wear better clothes but don't flaunt your money, and listen to everyone without offering your opinion, advises Polonius to Laertes on how to conduct his life. He then contradicts himself by admonishing Laertes to be true to himself. Ironically, Polonius is the king's advisor, therefore this awful advice is hilarious!

To learn more about dead Visit :


What did Frederick Douglass focus on?


For the majority of his career, Frederick Douglass battled against the slavery and collaborated with eminent abolitionists like William Lloyd Garrison and Gerrit Smith.

What is the central thesis of Frederick Douglass?

Abolish slavery in all of its manifestations, promote the moral and intellectual advancement of the COLORED PEOPLE, and hasten the day of freedom for the three million of our compatriots who are still in servitude, said Frederick Douglass, an abolitionist leader.

Which principles did Frederick Douglass uphold?

He spent the most of his career fighting to end slavery and collaborated with eminent abolitionists like Gerrit Smith and William Lloyd Garrison.

To know more about Frederick Douglass visit :-


Fill in the blank: here are some signal words that may indicate that the text is written using the __________________ organizational pattern: like, unlike, both, neither, similar, and different.


Here are some signal words that may indicate that the text is written using the Similar organizational pattern.

An organisational pattern in writing is the system utilised to arrange the information in a work. In general, most writings employ a single form of pattern that is present throughout the entire text. This suggests that a chronologically arranged essay should follow the same organisational structure throughout, including the body paragraphs.

This is crucial because it gives the essay coherence and ensures that each paragraph follows a consistent structure while explaining or supporting the main concept or thesis. As a result, the body paragraphs of an essay with a chronological structure may likewise follow the same organisational pattern.

To know more about organizations visit:


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