URGENT!! Will give brainliest :)

Why might you use this kind of graph?

A. To show the relationship between two variables

B. To compare data from different groups or categories

C. To show the relationship between sets of data

D. To show parts of a whole

URGENT!! Will Give Brainliest :) Why Might You Use This Kind Of Graph?A. To Show The Relationship Between


Answer 1

Answer: b


To compare data from different groups or categories

hope this helps

Answer 2


B. To compare data from different groups or categories

Related Questions

How many sectors are typically in a cluster on a disk drive?
2 or more
4 or more
8 or more


The number of sectors in a cluster on a disk drive can vary, but typically there are 4 or more sectors in a cluster.

Your answer: 2 or more. The number of sectors in a cluster on a disk drive typically varies depending on the file system and disk size. However, a cluster usually contains 2 or more sectors.

The number of sectors in a cluster on a disk drive can vary depending on the file system and the size of the disk. In general, the cluster size is determined by the formatting of the disk and the file system used.

For example, in the FAT (File Allocation Table) file system used by older versions of Windows, the cluster size is typically 4 KB for disks up to 2 GB in size, and 8 KB for larger disks. In the newer NTFS (New Technology File System) file system used by modern versions of Windows, the cluster size can range from 512 bytes to 64 KB, depending on the size of the disk and the options chosen during formatting.

In general, larger cluster sizes are more efficient for handling large files, while smaller cluster sizes are better for handling small files. However, larger cluster sizes can also waste more space on the disk by leaving unused space in each cluster, while smaller cluster sizes can waste more time by requiring the computer to access more clusters to read or write a file.

Learn more about disk drive here;



name two types of information that you can obtain using netstat.


Using netstat, you can obtain two types of information: active network connections (including their local and remote IP addresses and port numbers) and network statistics such as the total number of packets sent and received.

Netstat (network statistics) is a command-line tool available in most operating systems that displays information about network connections and network statistics. Here are two types of information that can be obtained using Netstat:

Active Network Connections: Netstat can be used to display a list of all active network connections on the local machine, including the protocol used, the local and remote IP addresses, the state of the connection, and the process that owns the connection.Network Traffic Statistics: Netstat can also be used to display network traffic statistics, including the number of packets sent and received, the number of errors, and the number of bytes transmitted and received. This information can be used to troubleshoot network issues and identify potential security threats.

Learn more about IP address here:



 SDH Two types of information that can be obtained using netstat are network connections and network statistics.

Network connections: Netstat can display a list of all current network connections to and from the local host, including the IP addresses and port numbers of the connected devices. This information can be useful for troubleshooting network connectivity issues or identifying potential security threats. Network statistics: Netstat can also display a variety of network statistics, such as the number of packets sent and received, the number of errors that occurred, and the amount of data that has been transmitted. This information can be useful for monitoring network performance, identifying bandwidth bottlenecks, and diagnosing network issues.

Overall, netstat is a powerful tool for monitoring network activity and diagnosing network problems. It provides detailed information about network connections and statistics, allowing network administrators to quickly identify and resolve issues as they arise.

Learn more about IP addresses here;



What must the OS do when access is granted to append or update a file to more than one user? How approach this?


When access is granted to append or update a file to more than one user, the OS must ensure that only one user can make changes to the file at a time. This is typically done through the use of file locks.

The locks prevent other users from accessing the file while it is being modified. The OS must also ensure that changes made by one user do not overwrite changes made by another user, which can be achieved through the use of version control or conflict resolution mechanisms.

Overall, the approach to managing access to a shared file should prioritize collaboration and efficiency while also ensuring data integrity and security.

Learn more about multi-user access of the operating system: https://brainly.com/question/14821556


Which general category of vulnerability is subject to brute-force enumeration?A. Third-party risksB. Software vulnerabilitiesC. Weak encryptionD. Weak host configuration


d. Weak encryption. The general category of vulnerability that is subject to brute-force enumeration is Weak encryption.

In a form of attack known as brute-force enumeration, an attacker systematically attempts every conceivable combination of characters in an attempt to decipher a password or encryption key. Only inadequate encryption that is susceptible to guessing makes this kind of attack possible. A big enough key space is a characteristic of strong encryption algorithms, making brute-force assaults impossible.

Therefore, Weak encryption is the vulnerability category that is open to brute-force enumeration. This includes password-based encryption where users select weak or obvious passwords, encryption methods with short keys or known flaws, and other types of encryption. To reduce the danger of brute-force assaults, it is crucial to implement password restrictions and employ strong encryption techniques.

learn more about Weak encryption here:



T or F. BIOS boot firmware was developed to provide better protection against malware than EFI does developed?


False. There is no evidence to support the claim that EFI offers superior malware protection than BIOS boot firmware. Malware attacks can target both BIOS and EFI.

EFI (Extensible Firmware Interface) and BIOS (Basic Input/Output System) are both types of boot firmware, however EFI was created to be more powerful and adaptable than BIOS. While EFI may have more sophisticated security features than earlier versions of BIOS, such as secure boot, this does not imply that it offers superior malware protection. The way a security feature is developed, configured, and maintained with security updates are just a few of the many variables that affect how successful it is. The setup and maintenance of the system, user behaviour, and the architecture of the hardware and software all play a role in how secure a system is in the long run.

learn more about BIOS boot firmware here:



Write a loop that inputs words until the user enters DONE. After each input, the program should number each entry and print in this format:
#1: You entered _____

When DONE is entered, the total number of words entered should be printed in this format:
A total of __ words were entered.

Sample Run
Please enter the next word: cat
#1: You entered the word cat
Please enter the next word: iguana
#2: You entered the word iguana
Please enter the next word: zebra
#3: You entered the word zebra
Please enter the next word: dolphin
#4: You entered the word dolphin
Please enter the next word: DONE
A total of 4 words were entered.

In Python, please.


Here is an example of how to write this loop in Python:

count = 0
while True:
word = input("Please enter the next word: ")
if word == "DONE":
print("A total of", count, "words were entered.")
count += 1
print("#" + str(count) + ": You entered the word", word)

This program initializes a count variable to 0 and enters a while loop that will continue indefinitely until the user enters "DONE". Inside the loop, the program prompts the user to enter a word and checks if the word is "DONE". If it is, the program prints the total number of words entered and breaks out of the loop. If the word is not "DONE", the program increments the count variable, prints the current entry number and the word entered using string concatenation, and continues with the next iteration of the loop.


Here’s a Python code that does what you asked for:

count = 0

while True:

   word = input('Please enter the next word: ')

   if word == 'DONE':


   count += 1

   print(f'#{count}: You entered the word {word}')

print(f'A total of {count} words were entered.')


brainliest please :)

In the call MPI_Reduce(a, z, n, MPI_DOUBLE, MPI_SUM, 8, MPI_COMM_WORLD), each process contributes 8 elements to the reduction.True or False


False. In the MPI_Reduce() function call, the third parameter 'n' represents the number of elements in the buffer being reduced. Each process will contribute 'n' elements to the reduction, not 8.

The last parameter, 'root', specifies the rank of the process that will receive the result of the reduction operation. In this case, the result will be sent to process with rank 8. The reduction operation in this case is MPI_SUM, which means that the elements contributed by each process will be summed together. The data type of the elements is MPI_DOUBLE, which specifies that each element is a double-precision floating-point number. In summary, the statement "each process contributes 8 elements to the reduction" is false. The number of elements contributed by each process is determined by the value of the 'n' parameter, which is not specified in the given code snippet.

Learn more about elements  here;



Date attributes contain calendar dates stored in a special format known as the __________ date format.
a. Epoch
b. calendar
c. Julian
d. logical


Date attributes contain calendar dates stored in a special format known as the calendar date format. In this format, dates are represented as a single numeric value, typically counting the number of days elapsed since a particular reference date, such as January 1, 1900 (for Microsoft Excel) or January 1, 1970 (for Unix-based systems).

This numeric representation allows for easy mathematical calculations and comparisons, making it convenient for storing and manipulating dates in computer systems and databases. However, it requires conversion to a human-readable format for display or interpretation, using appropriate functions or algorithms in programming languages or applications.

learn more about Calendar date format here:



E xplain the benefit of Hadoop versus other nondistributed parallel framworks in terms of their hardware requirements.


The benefit of Hadoop versus other non-distributed parallel frameworks lies in its ability to handle large-scale data processing with lower hardware requirements. Hadoop uses a distributed storage and processing system, which means it can efficiently process vast amounts of data by dividing the tasks across multiple nodes.

This allows Hadoop to run on clusters of commodity hardware, making it more cost-effective compared to non-distributed parallel frameworks that often require high-performance, specialized hardware to handle similar workloads.

Hadoop is a distributed computing framework that offers numerous benefits over other nondistributed parallel frameworks in terms of hardware requirements. One of the main benefits of Hadoop is that it is designed to run on commodity hardware, which means that it can be installed and run on a cluster of low-cost, standard hardware. This is in contrast to other nondistributed parallel frameworks, which often require specialized hardware and configurations to run efficiently. Additionally, Hadoop is highly scalable, which means that it can handle large datasets and complex workloads with ease. This is particularly important in today's data-driven world, where organizations are generating massive amounts of data on a daily basis. In conclusion, the benefit of Hadoop versus other nondistributed parallel frameworks in terms of their hardware requirements is that it can run on commodity hardware and can handle large datasets and complex workloads with ease, making it an ideal solution for many organizations.

To learn more about Hadoop Here:



You are running algorithm with squared complexity on data with 100 elements and it takes 10 seconds. How much time do you expect the algorithm will take when executed on data with 1000 elements


An algorithm is a set of instructions or rules used to solve a computational problem. An algorithm with squared complexity on data means that the time required to execute the algorithm grows quadratically as the input size increases

If the algorithm has squared complexity, then we can expect that its runtime will increase quadratically as the size of the input data increases. In other words, if the algorithm takes 10 seconds to process 100 elements, we can estimate that it will take 100 times longer to process 1000 elements (since 1000 is 10 times larger than 100).

Using this logic, we can calculate the expected runtime as follows:

10 seconds x (1000/100)^2 = 1000 seconds

Therefore, we can expect the algorithm to take approximately 1000 seconds (or 16.67 minutes) to process 1000 elements. However, this is just an estimate and the actual runtime may vary depending on factors such as the specific implementation of the algorithm, the hardware used to run it, and the characteristics of the input data.
Hi! I'd be happy to help with your question. To determine the time it would take for an algorithm with squared complexity to process 1000 elements, we can use the following steps:

1. Identify the algorithm's complexity, which is O(n^2) or squared complexity in this case.
2. Determine the time it takes to process 100 elements (10 seconds).
3. Calculate the scaling factor for processing 1000 elements compared to 100 elements: (1000 elements / 100 elements)^2 = (10)^2 = 100.
4. Multiply the original time (10 seconds) by the scaling factor (100) to estimate the time for processing 1000 elements: 10 seconds * 100 = 1000 seconds.

So, you can expect the algorithm to take approximately 1000 seconds when executed on data with 1000 elements.

To know more about algorithm visit:



10. Replacing a node in a linked implementation of a list only requires locating the node and replacing the data portion of the node.


Answer: True In a linked implementation of a list, each node contains both data and a reference to the next node in the list.

To replace a node, you only need to locate the node that needs to be replaced, and then update the data portion of that node with the new data. The references to the next and previous nodes remain unchanged. For example, suppose you have a linked list of integers with nodes containing the following values: 5 -> 10 -> 15 -> 20. If you want to replace the second node with a new value of 12, you would simply locate the second node (containing 10), update its data portion to 12, and leave the references to the previous and next nodes unchanged. The resulting linked list would be: 5 -> 12 -> 15 -> 20.

Learn more about implementation here:



allows different operating systems to transfer files between one another


SMB (Server Message Block) protocol allows different operating systems to transfer files between one another.

The File Transfer Protocol (FTP) is the protocol that enables file transfers across various operating systems. A TCP-based network, such as the Internet, uses the FTP standard network protocol to transmit files from one host to another. It allows users to conduct basic file management tasks including renaming, removing, and creating folders, as well as uploading and downloading files from distant servers. Web developers, software developers, and network administrators frequently utilize FTP to move huge files or groups of data between various platforms and locations. FTP is still a well-liked option for swiftly and conveniently transmitting data, despite being mainly supplanted by safer protocols like SFTP and FTPS.

learn more about Server Message Block here:



Encrypt and decrypt by means of the RSA algorithm with the following system parameters:

1. P = 3, q = 11, d = 7 (private key), x = 5 (message)

2. P = 5, q = 11, e = 3 (public key), x = 9 (message)


RSA algorithm is one that is seen as a public key encryption method that uses prime numbers for encryption and explanation.

What is the RSA algorithm?

The algorithm is one where everything follows the steps:

Choose two different prime numbers p and q. Compute the amount n = p*q, which is secondhand as the modulus for both all and private keys.Choose an number e such that 1 < e < φ(n) and gcd(e, φ(n)) = 1, place φ(n) is the Euler's totient function φ(n) = (p-1)*(q-1).Compute d, the modular multiplicative opposite of e modulo φ(n), that is d = e^-1 modern φ(n). d is the private key and (n,e) is the public key.

Lastly, To encode a message m, estimate c = m^e mod n.To decipher a ciphertext c, compute m = c^d modern n.

Learn more about RSA algorithm  from



a network zone that allows remote access for employees of your company is known as a(n)


A network zone that allows remote access for employees of your company is known as a Virtual Private Network (VPN).

VPN stands for "Virtual Private Network" and describes the opportunity to establish a protected network connection when using public networks. VPNs encrypt your internet traffic and disguise your online identity. This makes it more difficult for third parties to track your activities online and steal data. The encryption takes place in real time. A VPN hides your IP address by letting the network redirect it through a specially configured remote server run by a VPN host.

Thus, we can state that a VPN creates a secure, encrypted connection between the employees' devices and the company's network, allowing them to access the resources securely.

To learn more about VPN visit : https://brainly.com/question/14122821


A Virtual Private Network (VPN) is an area of your company's network that enables remote access for its employees.

The term "Virtual Private Network," or VPN, refers to the possibility of creating a secure network connection when utilising public networks. VPNs mask your online identity and encrypt your internet activity. This makes it more challenging for outside parties to monitor your internet activities and steal data. Real-time encryption is employed. By allowing the network to route your IP address through a specially set-up remote server operated by a VPN host, a VPN can conceal your IP address.

So, we can say that a VPN establishes a safe, encrypted connection between the devices of the employees and the corporate network, enabling them to securely access the resources.

learn more about Private Network here:



if parent signals before child, what happens? (join implementation)


In a join implementation, if the parent process signals before the child process, then the child process will remain blocked and the parent process will exit without waiting for the child process to complete.

This will result in a "zombie" process, which is a process that has completed execution but still has an entry in the process table, consuming system resources.

To avoid this scenario, the child process should be designed to handle the signal sent by the parent process using the sigaction() system call. This will allow the child process to complete its execution before the parent process exits. Alternatively, the parent process can use a wait() or waitpid() system call to wait for the child process to complete before exiting.

You can learn more about  zombie process at



Of the controls or countermeasures used to control information security risk, which is viewed as the least expensive? What are the primary costs of this type of control?


The control or countermeasure that is often viewed as the least expensive for managing information security risk is the implementation of security policies and procedures. This type of control is considered cost-effective because it involves establishing guidelines and practices that employees must follow to ensure the security of information within an organization.

The primary costs of implementing security policies and procedures are mainly associated with the initial development and implementation of these policies. This may involve the time and resources required to identify the information security risks that need to be addressed and developing appropriate policies to mitigate these risks.

However, once established, the ongoing costs associated with maintaining these policies and procedures are minimal, making it an attractive and cost-effective option for managing information security risks. Overall, while the costs associated with implementing security policies and procedures may vary depending on the size and complexity of an organization, they are generally considered less expensive than other forms of controls or countermeasures.

To learn more about, implementation



Windows generates a number of special text files called _______________ files to track the progress of certain processes.


For a large organisation with hundreds of machines that need new software at the same time, network installation—in which the programme is deployed from a central place onto all computers at once—is the optimum installation technique.

Windows generates log files to keep track of system events, errors, and activities that occur during the operation of the system or specific applications. These files are stored in plain text format and contain information such as date and time stamps, error codes, and descriptions of events. They can be helpful in diagnosing issues and troubleshooting problems because they provide a detailed record of what happened and when. Log files can be viewed using built-in tools such as Event Viewer or third-party applications, and can also be used for auditing and security purposes.

Learn more about Windows Log Files here.



What is MFT and how it works?


MFT stands for Master File Table and it is a crucial component of the NTFS (New Technology File System) used in Windows operating systems.

The MFT is essentially a database that keeps track of all the files and folders on a particular NTFS-formatted hard drive.

Each entry in the MFT contains information such as the file's name, creation and modification dates, size, and location on the hard drive. The MFT also stores security descriptors, which control access to the file or folder.

When a user requests a file or folder, the operating system consults the MFT to find the location and other details of the file or folder. This allows for quick access and efficient management of files and folders.

In summary, the MFT is a vital component of NTFS that organizes and tracks all the files and folders on a hard drive, enabling quick access and efficient management of data.

Learn more about MFT here: https://brainly.com/question/31316575


In the TCP/IP stack, the ____ layer uses IP addresses to route packets.
a. Internet c. Transport
b. Network d. Application


In the TCP/IP stack, the b.network layer uses IP addresses to route packets.

In the TCP/IP stack, the network layer (also known as the Internet layer) is responsible for transferring data packets between hosts over the network. The network layer uses IP (Internet Protocol) addresses to identify and route data packets between hosts. When a packet is sent from a source host to a destination host, the network layer of the source host adds the IP address of the destination host to the packet header.

This IP address is used by routers in the network to route the packet to its destination. The routing process involves the use of routing tables that contain information about the network topology and the available paths to reach different networks.

So the correct answer is b.network.

Learn more about network layer: https://brainly.com/question/14657014


True/False:Whenever thread wakes from waiting, recheck state


The given statement "Whenever thread wakes from waiting, recheck state" is true because when a thread wakes up from waiting, it should recheck the state that caused it to wait in the first place before proceeding with its execution.

This is necessary to avoid race conditions and ensure that the thread is still operating under the expected conditions. For example, if a thread is waiting for a resource to become available and it wakes up, it should check if the resource is indeed available before proceeding to use it. If the thread does not recheck the state, it might end up using a resource that is no longer valid or miss an opportunity to acquire a resource that has become available.

You can learn more about thread at



Columns that are keys to different tables than the ones in which they reside are called ________. Attributes Foreign keys Primary keys Internal recordsNonlocal keys


Columns that are keys to different tables than the ones in which they reside are called Foreign keys.

A foreign key is a column or set of columns in a relational database table that provides a link between data in two tables. The foreign key in one table points to the primary key in another table. This establishes a relationship between the two tables, which can be used to retrieve data from both tables using SQL queries. ForeignKey constraints can be added to the foreign key columns to enforce data integrity and ensure that the data in the tables remains consistent.

You can learn more about Foreign keys at



the it security officer for a large company has spent the past year upgrading security for the corporate network. employees working from home have personal firewalls running on their computers. they use a virtual private network (vpn) to connect to the corporate network. the corporate network utilizes the latest devices and techniques, including an intrusion detection system/intrusion prevention system (ids/ips), anti-malware protection, and firewalls. what security threat most likely still needs to be addressed?


Based on the said scenario,  it shows that the IT security officer is one that has taken a lot of measures to be able to upgrade security for the said corporate network, such as the use of personal firewalls on the area of employees' computers, VPN for remote connectivity, etc.

What is the security threat?

There can also be some other forms of potential security threats thathave to  be addressed.

An example of that form of threat is the security threat of  Social Engineering Attacks which is one that is able to pose a threat.

Note that the term  Social engineering is one that is seen as  the manipulation of people to have a form of unauthorized access to information or systems.

Learn more about security threat  from



a ___________ is formatted as a pattern of uniformly spaced horizontal rows and vertical columns.
Formula Bar


A worksheet is formatted as a pattern of uniformly spaced horizontal rows and vertical columns.

Worksheets are commonly used in educational settings to help students practice and reinforce their understanding of various concepts. These documents typically contain a series of questions or tasks related to a particular subject, such as math, science, or language arts. Teachers can use pre-made worksheets or create their own to target specific learning objectives, and students can complete them individually or in groups. Worksheets can be beneficial for students because they offer a low-stakes opportunity to practice and apply knowledge, helping to solidify understanding and build confidence. Additionally, worksheets can be easily graded by teachers and used as a tool for assessment and progress tracking. However, it's important to balance the use of worksheets with other forms of learning and assessment to ensure a well-rounded education.

Learn more about worksheet here:



What are the three Ps in the triple bottom line of the three Pâs?



Hi here's you're answer


The Ps refer to People, Planet, and Profit, also often referred to as the triple bottom line.

hope this help's stay happy =}

From the project manager perspective, which of the following are benefits of using data? Select all that apply.a. Understand performanceb. Improve processesc. Solve problemsd. Increase the project timelinee. Make better decisionsf. Understand your users


The following are benefits of using data are:

Understand performance Improve processes Solve problems Make better decisionsUnderstand your users

So, the correct answer is A, B, C E and F

From a project manager's perspective, there are several benefits of using data.

Firstly, data can help in understanding the performance of the project and the team. This can be done by tracking metrics such as completion rates and productivity levels.

Secondly, data can be used to improve processes by identifying bottlenecks or areas of inefficiency. This can lead to streamlining processes and reducing wasted time and resources.

Thirdly, data can help in solving problems by providing insights into the root causes of issues. This can lead to more effective solutions being implemented.

Fourthly, data can be used to make better decisions by providing evidence-based insights.

Fifthly, understanding your users through data can lead to better engagement and satisfaction levels. In conclusion, data is a valuable tool for project managers that can lead to increased efficiency, improved decision-making, and better outcomes.

Hence the answer of the question is A, B, C E and F

Learn more about Project manager at



A company uses the pictured data files. A new rechargeable battery pack is available for products that use AA batteries. Which of the following best explains how the data files in the table can be used to send a targeted e-mail to only those customers who have purchased products that use AA batteries to let them know about the new accessory?
answer choices
A. Use the customer IDs in the purchases file to search the customers file to generate a list of e-mail addresses
B. Use the product IDs in the purchases file to search the products file to generate a list of product names that use AA batteries
C. Use the customers file to generate a list of customer IDs, then use the list of customer IDs to search the products file to generate a list of product names that use AA batteries
D. Use the products file to generate a list of product IDs that use AA batteries, then use the list of product IDs to search the purchases file to generate a list of customer IDs, then use the list of customer IDs to search the customers file to generate a list of e-mail addresses


A statement which best explains how the data files in the table can be used to send a targeted e-mail to only those customers who have purchased products that use AA batteries to let them know about the new accessory is: D. Use the products file to generate a list of product IDs that use AA batteries, then use the list of product IDs to search the purchases file to generate a list of customer IDs, then use the list of customer IDs to search the customers file to generate a list of e-mail addresses.

What is a product?

In Computer technology and Economics, a product can be defined as any physical object (tangible item) that is typically produced by a manufacturer so as to satisfy and meet the demands, needs or wants of every customer.

In this scenario, the employee should use the products file to generate a list of product identifiers (IDs) that make use of AA batteries and then search the purchases file to generate a list of customer identifiers (IDs), etc.

Read more on product here: brainly.com/question/27981004


Missing information:

The question is incomplete and the complete question is shown in the attached picture.

The command "Add-WindowsFeature AD-Domain-Services" is used to _________>a. Add a domain featureb. Add AD DSc. Update the GCd. None of these


The command "Add-WindowsFeature AD-Domain-Services" is used to add AD Domain Services feature to a Windows Server. Therefore, the correct answer is a. Add a domain feature.

The command "Add-WindowsFeature AD-Domain-Services" is a PowerShell cmdlet used to install Active Directory Domain Services (AD DS) on a Windows Server. This cmdlet is used in versions of Windows Server prior to Windows Server 2012. In Windows Server 2012 and later versions, the command is "Install-WindowsFeature RSAT-ADDS".

PowerShell cmdlet is used to install Active Directory Domain Services (AD DS) on a Windows Server. AD DS is a Windows Server role that provides authentication and authorization services for a Windows domain.

When you run the "Add-WindowsFeature AD-Domain-Services" command, it installs the necessary binaries and other components required for AD DS to function. This includes the Active Directory database, the Active Directory Domain Name System (DNS) server, and other components such as Group Policy management tools.

To learn more about Command Here:



Problem management involves three distinct phases except for which one? Error control activities manage known errorsâproblems in which: Error control activities manage known errorsâproblems in which initial analysis has been completed. This means that faulty components have been identified.


Problem management involves three distinct phases, except for error control activities. These phases are problem identification, problem analysis, and resolution and recovery. Error control activities, on the other hand, manage known errors or problems in which initial analysis has been completed.

This means that the faulty components within the system have been identified, allowing for targeted resolution efforts. Error control activities focus on documenting and managing these known errors, working towards preventing their recurrence, and minimizing their impact on the overall system. By doing so, these activities contribute to the improvement of the system's reliability and performance, while also reducing the resources required to address recurring issues.

In summary, problem management includes three main phases, which are problem identification, problem analysis, and resolution and recovery. Error control activities, although not considered a distinct phase in problem management, play a crucial role in managing known errors, contributing to the overall effectiveness and efficiency of the system.

You can learn more about problem management at: brainly.com/question/30324369


Which feature allows a function to return a value?
O A. Function return
OB. Control structure
OC. Function parameter
OD. Repeat variable
its a


A. Function return is the feature that allows a function to return a value.

The _______ pseudo-class configures the styles that will apply when the mouse is placed over a hyperlink.


The ":hover" pseudo-class in CSS is used to apply styles to an element when it is being hovered over by the mouse. It is commonly used with hyperlinks to change their appearance when the user moves their mouse over them, providing visual feedback that the link is interactive.

When a user hovers over a hyperlink, the style rules specified under the ":hover" pseudo-class will be applied to the element. This can include changes to the text color, background color, font size, and other properties. The styles will remain in effect as long as the mouse pointer remains over the element, and will revert back to the default styles when the mouse is moved away. The ":hover" pseudo-class can be used in conjunction with other pseudo-classes and selectors to create complex style rules that respond to various user actions and interactions with the webpage.

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