Unit 7: the Legislative Branch Vocabulary Quiz
inition Put your answers on the an


Answer 1

Amendment: A revision or change to a bill, law, or constitution.

Apportionment: Distribution of representatives among the states based on the population of each state.

What is the Legislative Branch?

Other vocabularies commonly used vocabulary terms related to the Legislative Branch:

Congress - The legislative branch of the United States government, consisting of the Senate and the House of Representatives.

Senate - One of the two houses of Congress, composed of two senators from each state, responsible for passing legislation, confirming appointments, and ratifying treaties.

House of Representatives - The other house of Congress, also known as the "House" or the "Lower House," representing the population of each state and responsible for introducing and passing legislation

Lastly, Speaker of the House - The presiding officer of the House of Representatives, responsible for maintaining order, recognizing members to speak, and guiding the legislative process.

Read more about Legislative Branch here:



See text below

Unit 7: the Legislative Branch Vocabulary Quiz. What is the meaning of the terms.



Related Questions

Why were the Athenians defeated in the Peloponnesian War?
O While the Athenians had a strong army, they had not established a navy to battle against the Spartans.
O Despite a successful attack on Syracuse, the Athenians did not have enough money to support their navy.
O Not only did the Spartan navy challenge the Athenians, but a deadly plague also hit Athens.
O The Delian League increased their support of Athens but could not get supplies past the blockade.


The Athenians were defeated in the Peloponnesian War due to a combination of factors.

Primarily, the Athenians were at a disadvantage due to their lack of a navy. Without a navy to challenge their enemies, the Spartans were able to blockade and prevent supplies from reaching Athens. This left the Athenians unable to properly fund their army and navy.

Additionally, a plague spread throughout Athens, further weakening the city. The Delian League attempted to aid Athens by increasing their support, but they could not get supplies past the Spartan blockade. As a result, the Athenians were unable to adequately equip their army and navy and were ultimately defeated in the Peloponnesian War.

To know more about Athenians , click here:




the answer is Not only did the Spartan navy challenge the Athenians, but a deadly plague also hit Athens.


Please Help!!
What was a provision of the Compromise of 1850?
A. Oregon and Washington were open for settlement.
B. Texas was forced to turn away any new settlers.
C. Native Americans living in New Mexico would decide whether the territory joined the United States.
D. California and New Mexico became new states.


D. California and New Mexico became new states is not a provision of the Compromise of 1850.

A provision of the Compromise of 1850 was the establishment of the territories of New Mexico and Utah, where the settlers would decide whether to allow or prohibit slavery. Additionally, the slave trade was abolished in Washington D.C., but slavery was still legal there. The compromise also included a more stringent Fugitive Slave Law that required citizens to aid in the capture and return of runaway slaves to their owners, even if they were in free states.

Therefore, the correct answer is: C. Native Americans living in New Mexico would decide whether the territory joined the United States.

How does the U.S. Constitution reflect the principle of democracy?
O lt creates a republic government, which is the same as democracy.
O Most of the people can elect leaders and petition the government.
O lt creates a republic form of government run by only a few officials.
O Most of the people have no role or effect on the legislative branch


The U.S. Constitution reflect the principle of democracy:

Most of the people can elect leaders and petition the government.

Effect of the U.S. Constitution reflects the principle of democracy

The U.S. Constitution reflects the principle of democracy in several ways, but perhaps the most significant is through the establishment of a representative democracy. The Constitution provides for the election of officials to represent the people in the legislative, executive, and judicial branches of government. These officials are elected by the people, which means that most of the people have a say in who is elected to represent them.

Additionally, the Constitution includes provisions for free speech, free press, and the right to petition the government, which are essential elements of a democratic society. These provisions ensure that the people have the ability to express their opinions and influence government policy.

Learn more about principle of democracy at



According to the map, which statement about control in Europe is true? Most of Western Europe was under Allied control. Most of Europe was under German control. Most of Eastern Europe remained neutral. Most of Eastern Europe was under Allied control.


B .Most of Europe was under German control. Beginning in May 1940, German troops took Belgium, the Netherlands, Luxembourg, and France in six weeks.

Who was in charge of Western Europe?

France denoted a truce in late June 1940, leaving Remarkable Britain as the fundamental country engaging Nazi Germany.

An Excellent Coalition between the three significant Partnered powers — Incredible England, the US, and the Soviet Association — was the way to triumph during The Second Great War. France joined Extraordinary England and the US in possessing West Germany and West Berlin at the English demand, while the Soviet Association ran East Germany and East Berlin.

To learn more about Coalition visit :



Complete question -

According to the European map of 1945, which statement about control in Europe is true?

a. Most of Western Europe was under Allied control.

b.  Most of Europe was under German control.

c. Most of Eastern Europe remained neutral.

d. Most of Eastern Europe was under Allied control.


B. Most of Europe was under German control


took it on edge

Yes, the 1960s was an era for liberation for 2 reasons....
No, the 1960s was not an era for liberation for 2 reasons...


Yes, the 1960s were a liberation age for two reasons: first, the civil rights movements battled for racial equality, and second, the countercultural movements questioned traditional values and pushed for personal liberties.

What was the 1960 movement?

The civil rights movement, the Vietnam War and antiwar demonstrations, countercultural movements, political assassinations, and the emergence of the "generation gap" all occurred during this time.

What organisations were active in promoting civil rights in 1960?

1960 in Greensboro, North Carolina. the Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee (SNCC), the Southern Christian Leadership Conference (SCLC), the National Association for the Advancement of Coloured People (NAACP), and the Congress of Racial Equality (CORE).

To know more about liberation visit:-





Sparta was ruled by two kings who governed until death or removal. On the other hand, Draco, Solon, Peisistratos, Cleisthenes, Pericles, and Alcibiades were some of Athens' noteworthy rulers. While Sparta was an absolute monarchy, Athens was a democracy.

What made Sparta famous?

Athens was ruled by archons, who were elected on an annual basis. Athens is recognized as the cradle of democracy since all sides of Athens' government have elected leaders. The Spartan way of life was uncomplicated.

Sparta was one of the most formidable Greek city-states, famous for its athletic and martial prowess.

Sparta rose to prominence for its military strength, and the Spartans were regarded as unstoppable combatants. Spartans were outstanding soldiers for reasons other than their fighting prowess. The most important aspect was that they had been infused with exact ideals and teaching since childhood.

Learn more about Sparta:

Question refers to the excerpt below.

"If our great corporations would more scrupulously observe their legal limitations and duties, they would have less cause to complain of the unlawful limitations of their rights or of violent interference with their operations. The community that by concert, open or secret, among its citizens denies to a portion of its members their plain rights under the law has severed the only safe bond of social order and prosperity. Those who use unlawful methods, if moved by no higher motive than the selfishness that prompted them, may well stop and inquire what is to be the end of this."—Benjamin Harrison, from his Inaugural Address, March 4, 1889

Harrison's emphasis on the effects of corporate "selfishness" reflects the growing influence of

elitist influence as seen in the Gospel of Wealth
African American reformers like Booker T. Washington
reformist sentiments as seen in the Social Gospel
women's social groups like the WSPU


Answer: reformist sentiments as seen in the Social Gospel.

Explanation: The Social Gospel, which surfaced during the latter stages of the 19th and early stages of the 20th centuries, aimed to implement Christian beliefs and values in tackling social predicaments such as destitution, disparity, and inequity. Social Gospel proponents asserted that both individuals and institutions possessed an ethical duty to strive towards the amelioration of society. This objective could be realized through implementing social and political transformations.

The statement posited by Harrison espouses the notion that corporations ought to conduct themselves in a manner that is both ethical and responsible, given that their self-serving conduct has the potential to erode the foundations of social stability and prosperity. This reflection embodies the principles of the Social Gospel movement, which emphasized the significance of collective obligation and communal wellbeing.



African American reformers like Booker T. Washington

In two to three sentences summarize the problem/dilemma facing this species with regards to adaptations and possible challenges it will face due to climate change or human intervention in its habitat.
red panda is my animal and i dont know what to write


The problem/dilemma facing many species is the inability to adapt to the rapid changes brought about by climate change and human intervention in their habitats.

What are the consequences of climate change and human intervention on species adaptation?

Climate change and human intervention in natural habitats have led to changes in temperature, precipitation patterns, and food availability, among other factors. These changes can make it difficult for species to adapt quickly enough to survive.

For example, some plants may flower too early or too late for their pollinators to be active, while animals may struggle to find food or mates in altered environments. Additionally, human intervention, such as habitat destruction, can lead to the loss of crucial resources and create barriers for migration or dispersal. Overall, the consequences of these challenges can lead to population declines and, in severe cases, extinction.

Read more about climate changes



4. "Rights" for Washington D.C. are covered by Amendment:
1 23


Option (a), Congress introduced the Washington D.C. Voting Rights Amendment in 1978 to provide Washington, D.C., equivalent representation to states in the federal government.

Which Amendment safeguards the "rights" of Washington, D.C.

In order to provide Washington, D.C., equivalent representation to states in the federal government, Congress proposed the Washington D.C. Voting Rights Amendment in 1978. Despite having a higher population, D.C. now has less representation in the federal government than Wyoming and Vermont, as specified in the 23rd amendment to the Constitution. Its voters are only permitted to be represented in presidential elections to the degree of the state with the fewest residents, and D.C. has one member of Congress who is only permitted to make legislative proposals and cannot vote.

Learn more about  Voting Rights Amendment: https://brainly.com/question/22413152


The complete question is:

"Rights" for Washington D.C. are covered by Amendment:


What continuities existed in labor systems throughout the time period 1450-1750 ce?​


Answer: while labor systems underwent significant changes between 1450-1750 CE, forced labor, labor tribute systems, agricultural labor, and gendered divisions of labor were among the continuities that persisted throughout this period.


Question refers to the excerpt below.

"And whereas great Quantities of the like Manufactures have of late been made and are daily increasing in the Kingdom of Ireland and in the English Plantations in America and are exported from thence to Forreigne Marketts heretofore supplyed from England which will inevitably sink the Value of Lands and tend to the ruine of the Trade and the Woollen Manufactures of this Realme … Be it enacted by the Kings most Excellent Majesty by and with the Advice and Consent of the Lords Spirituall and Temporall and Commons in this present Parliament assembled and by the Authority of the same:

That no Person or Persons … shall directly or indirectly export … out of or from the said Kingdom of Ireland into any Forreigne Realme States or Dominions … other than the Parts within the Kingdom of England."—Wool Act, 1699

In response to wanting to raise tax revenue on its exports and increase control over the colonies, the British Parliament

criminalized the rampant piracy in the Atlantic
enacted mercantilist practices
limited slave trade between Africa and the colonies
revised the taxation standards



Enacted Mercantilist Practices.


The act prohibited the export of wool from Ireland and the American colonies to any foreign country, including English colonies in the Caribbean.

What was the religious Second Great Awakening?



The Second Great Awakening was a Protestant religious revival during the early 19th century in the United States.

Find a historical document in relation to vegetarian Hinduism


One historical document that relates to vegetarianism in Hinduism is the Manusmriti, which is a Hindu legal code. It is believed to have been written around 200 BCE to 200 CE, and it contains several references to vegetarianism.

In particular, the Manusmriti prescribes a vegetarian diet for Brahmins (priests) and other higher castes. It prohibits the killing of cows, which are considered sacred in Hinduism, and other animals for food. It also recommends the consumption of fruits, vegetables, grains, and milk products.

Here is an excerpt from the Manusmriti that emphasizes the importance of a vegetarian diet:

"Having well considered the origin of flesh-foods, and the cruelty of fettering and slaying corporeal beings, let one entirely abstain from eating flesh. Let him [the Brahmin] not eat what is obtained by hurting others, nor what has been kept for a night, nor what belongs to others, nor what has been given by others, nor what has been left over after a sacrifice, nor what has been kept in an unclean vessel, nor what is unripe, nor what is cooked by a woman in her courses, nor flesh of animals that have died a natural death." (Manusmriti 5.48-52)

This excerpt reflects the belief in Hinduism that all living beings are interconnected and that harming others, including animals, is detrimental to spiritual growth.

What differences does Khrushchev see between Lenin’s leadership tactics and Stalin tactics?


Khrushchev saw Lenin as more flexible and pragmatic in his approach, while Stalin was rigid and dogmatic and used brutal tactics.

Khrushchev, who succeeded Stalin as the leader of the Soviet Union, saw significant differences between Lenin's leadership tactics and Stalin's tactics.

He believed that Lenin was more flexible and pragmatic in his approach, willing to adjust his policies based on changing circumstances and feedback from others.

Stalin, on the other hand, was rigid and dogmatic in his thinking, adhering strictly to his own ideas and suppressing any dissenting voices.

Khrushchev also criticized Stalin for his brutal tactics, including the widespread use of terror and the purging of millions of people, which he saw as a betrayal of Lenin's ideals.

Overall, Khrushchev believed that Stalin's methods had caused significant harm to the Soviet Union and its people and needed to be reformed.

Learn more about Khrushchev here:



14. Why did James Madison promise to add a bill of rights to the Constitution?
a. Americans feared that a strong central government might take away the
rights that states had granted to individuals.
b. Colonists feared that federalist politicians would use federal law to prevent militias from protecting themselves.
c. Americans feared that a strong central government might attempt to enter people's homes and collect personal information.
d. Colonists feared that federalist politicians would accuse their critics of treason and try them without a jury.



a. Americans feared that a strong central government might take away the rights that states had granted to individuals.


This question is asking about the reason why James Madison promised to add a bill of rights to the Constitution. The correct answer is (a) Americans feared that a strong central government might take away the rights that states had granted to individuals.

During the debates over the ratification of the Constitution, some Americans, including the Anti-Federalists, were concerned that the new government created by the Constitution would be too powerful and could infringe upon the rights of individuals. In order to ease these concerns and persuade the Anti-Federalists to support the Constitution, James Madison, a leading Federalist, promised to add a bill of rights to the Constitution once it was ratified. Madison believed that the bill of rights would protect individual liberties and limit the power of the federal government. The Bill of Rights, which consists of the first ten amendments to the Constitution, was added in 1791, and it includes protections for freedom of speech, religion, and the press, as well as the right to bear arms, among other rights.


Explanation: he made the bill of rights to make sure that they cant take away the rights that the state granted.

More often than not, the types of laws we want, face enormous challenges when it comes to the
implementation process.


True. The process of putting laws into effect can be difficult and complicated because it involves so many parties, including the public, law enforcement, and governmental organisations.

The types of laws we want frequently face significant difficulties during the implementation phase. Justify the statement.

The successful implementation of laws can be hampered by a variety of factors, including political opposition, ineffective bureaucracy, a lack of funding, and resistance from interested parties. Furthermore, it can be challenging to anticipate and control the unintended consequences of laws due to the complex and dynamic nature of society. Therefore, even if there is widespread agreement that certain laws are necessary, the actual implementation process may be difficult and uncertain. To ensure that laws are correctly applied and accomplish their intended goals, careful planning, effective communication, and strong leadership are needed.

To Know more about governmental organisations Visit:



Propose two ideas/solutions that could be used to increase the survival rate of the species.
My animal is a red panda :3
please keep it around 1 -2 paragraphs!


Ways to increase red panda survival: restore habitats, breed in captivity while maintaining genetic diversity, and monitor integration of captive-bred individuals.

What Could Increases the Survival Rate of the Species?

Two ideas to increase the survival rate of the red panda species are:

1. Habitat restoration: Due to habitat loss and fragmentation, red pandas face a decline in their population. Increasing the survival rate of the species would require conservation efforts to protect and restore their natural habitats.

2. Breeding programs: Captive breeding programs could be established to increase the population of red pandas. These programs would require carefully selecting breeding pairs to maintain genetic diversity, and the release of captive-bred individuals back into the wild to boost the population.

Learn more about survival rate of a species on:



1. How does this document support the idea that even former presidents can be arrested?


Without knowing which document the question is referring to, it is difficult to provide a specific answer. However, in general, the idea that even former presidents can be arrested is supported by the principle of the rule of law, which holds that no one, including current or former government officials, is above the law. This principle is enshrined in many national constitutions and international laws, including the United States Constitution, which provides that "no person" shall be immune from prosecution for crimes committed while in office. Additionally, the U.S. Supreme Court has held that even sitting presidents are not immune from criminal investigation or prosecution, which suggests that former presidents can also be subject to arrest and prosecution for criminal offenses committed while in office or after leaving office.

Jefferson believed that large estates should be divided as a way to diminish the ———- of wealth in the early republic



Jefferson believed that large estates should be divided as a way to diminish the concentration of wealth in the early republic.

how does Eugene V. Debs justify his opposition to World War I?


Eugene V. Debs, a prominent socialist and labor leader in the United States, opposed World War I on both moral and practical grounds. He argued that the war was being fought for the benefit of wealthy capitalists and imperialist powers, and that working people on all sides of the conflict were being sacrificed for the interests of a privileged few.

Debs believed that war was fundamentally incompatible with the principles of socialism and democracy. He argued that war represented a failure of diplomacy and reason, and that it only served to perpetuate the cycle of violence and injustice. He also saw the war as an opportunity for wealthy elites to increase their power and wealth at the expense of ordinary people.

Debs was a staunch advocate for workers' rights and believed that war only served to distract and divide the working class. He argued that the war effort was being used to suppress dissent and opposition to the government's policies, and that it was eroding civil liberties and democratic values.

In his famous anti-war speech in Canton, Ohio, in 1918, Debs stated, "Wars throughout history have been waged for conquest and plunder...And that is war in a nutshell. The master class has always declared the wars; the subject class has always fought the battles." He called on workers to unite across national borders and to resist the war effort in order to promote peace and justice for all.

Debs' opposition to World War I ultimately landed him in jail for violating the Espionage Act, which criminalized speech that could be interpreted as undermining the war effort. However, his principled stand against war and his commitment to working people inspired generations of activists and continues to resonate today.


Question refers to the excerpt below.

"To the People of the State of New York:
There are again two methods of removing the causes of faction: the one, by destroying the liberty which is essential to its existence; the other, by giving to every citizen the same opinions, the same passions, and the same interests.

It could never be more truly said than of the first remedy, that it was worse than the disease. Liberty is to faction what air is to fire, an aliment without which it instantly expires. But it could not be less folly to abolish liberty, which is essential to political life, because it nourishes faction, than it would be to wish the annihilation of air, which is essential to animal life, because it imparts to fire its destructive agency."—James Madison, The Federalist No. 10, 1787

The focus in The Federalist No. 10 shares support for which of the following with Romanticism and the Second Great Awakening?

The idea that government could solve all social problems
The ideas of self-determination and societal improvement
The idea that nature could redeem personal loss and create wealth
The ideas of individuality and spiritual unity




The ideas of self-determination and societal improvement

Final answer:

James Madison's The Federalist No. 10 reflects strong support for the notions of self-determination and societal development, concepts that were also propagated under Romanticism and the Second Great Awakening.


The ideas expressed in James Madison's The Federalist No. 10 align best with the tenets of self-determination and societal improvement, common themes found in both the Romantic movement and the Second Great Awakening. Madison's concept that fault should not be found in liberty for nurturing faction, but rather, that these factions are a necessary part of political life supports self-autonomy and societal betterment, as citizens are expected to engage in these factions to discuss, negotiate, and compromise. This involvement is a form of self-determination, an echo of the Romantics' emphasis on individual freedom, as well as the Second Great Awakening's focus on personal salvation and moral reform as methods of societal improvement.

Learn more about Self-determination and societal improvement here:



What is the message of the song "I Will Go West!"? How is it different from that of "Clementine"?


"I Will Go West!" and "Clementine" are both songs that tell stories of people going on journeys, but they have different messages.

The message of "I Will Go West!" is one of determination and optimism. The lyrics speak of the singer's desire to travel west and make a new life for themselves, despite the challenges that lie ahead. The song encourages the listener to take risks and pursue their dreams.

On the other hand, the message of "Clementine" is one of sadness and loss. The lyrics tell the story of a miner's daughter who drowned in a river, leaving her father grief-stricken. The song is a cautionary tale about the dangers of taking risks and the importance of cherishing what we have while we have it.

Overall, "I Will Go West!" is a more uplifting song that celebrates the spirit of adventure, while "Clementine" is a more somber song that reminds us of the fragility of life.


What kind of taxes are likely to pay for universities and police?
a. local taxes
state taxes
c. federal taxes
income taxes
Please select the best answer from the choices provided


The correct options are both a. local taxes and b. state taxes. The kind of taxes that are likely to pay for universities and police are primarily local taxes and state taxes.

Local taxes are the taxes collected by local governments such as cities and counties and are used to fund local services like police and fire departments, public schools, and universities. Local taxes include property taxes, sales taxes, and fees for services such as waste disposal.
State taxes, on the other hand, are collected by the state government and are used to fund a variety of services including public universities and state police departments. State taxes include income taxes, sales taxes, and corporate taxes.
Federal taxes are not typically used to directly fund local police departments and universities. However, federal grants and aid programs can provide additional funding for these services. Income taxes are also not specifically allocated for funding universities and police, but they do contribute to overall government revenue, which can be used to support these services.
Overall, local and state taxes are the primary sources of funding for universities and police, with federal funding providing additional support. The specific taxes used to fund these services can vary depending on the state and local government's policies and priorities.

for more such question on taxes



explain the impact that other powers (especially European) had on the shaping
Latin America. Explain how the social, economic and political avenues of emerging states were impacted by imperialism in many forms.



Imperialism in Latin America had a significant impact on the social, economic, and political avenues of emerging states. The Europeans brought with them their systems of governance, language, religion, and culture that greatly impacted the region. They also exploited Latin American resources and established systems that favored their own interests. This has resulted in widespread corruption and instability in Latin American countries, which has continued to this day.


How many people didn't want to secede?


Answer: The Appropriate answer is C

Explanation: This is because c is the most appropriate in this.

What did Soviet leader Joseph Stalin persuade German leader Adolph Hitler to do in 1939?

stop trying to influence Eastern Europe
form an alliance with Italy and Japan
attack Poland
attack France


Soviet leader Joseph Stalin did not persuade German leader Adolf Hitler to attack France. Instead, in 1939, Stalin and Hitler signed a non-aggression pact, commonly known as the Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact, which included secret protocols dividing Eastern Europe into spheres of influence. option A

What did Soviet leader Joseph Stalin persuade German leader Adolph Hitler to do in 1939?

As part of the pact, Stalin and Hitler agreed to divide Poland between their respective countries, which ultimately led to the start of World War II. The pact also allowed the Soviet Union to occupy parts of Estonia, Latvia, and Lithuania, and later to annex them outright.

The Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact was a significant turning point in the lead-up to World War II and ultimately led to the Soviet Union's entry into the war on the side of the Allies after Germany invaded the Soviet Union in 1941.

Learn more about  Soviet leader Joseph Stalin from



Compare the film “Forrest Gump” to the actual historical event

Can someone please help me? Thank you!


The kind, lovely man speaks softly and sweetly, engaging the world as a young kid might. However, his focus, hysterically odd abilities, and enormous heart make him easy to love despite the fact that this makes him less "book smart" than his contemporaries.

What historical event is the subject of Forrest Gump?

The film's historical authenticity regarding the Vietnam veteran experience has also been praised by some Vietnam War veterans (through VVA). The Forrest Gump true tale touches on the difficult transition for seriously injured veterans like Forrest's friend Lieutenant Dan, even though it is not specifically about the Vietnam War.

How true to history is Forrest Gump?

Forrest is not genuine, despite the fact that the historical events in Forrest Gump are extremely real; yet, the character was directly influenced by a few real persons. The first is Sammy Lee Davis, a genuine Vietnam War soldier whose tale is unmistakably the same as Forrest's.

to know more about Forrest Gump visit:-



In 1534, French explorer Jacques Cartier explored the St. Lawrence River and claimed the area for France. This area became part of the colony of New France. What was the main economic activity in New France?
A. gold mining
B. the slave trade
C. tobacco farming
D. the fur trade


D. The Fur trade, was the main economic activity in New France. The Mississippi Valley in new France and Canada possessed all the animals required to satisfy the demand for fur items from Europeans.

Like the Spanish and the British, France initially had little interest in establishing colonies. Instead, they started swapping posts. The region was settled by French traders and trappers.

To send the furs back to France, the trappers started to hunt and catch these animals. To exchange native pelts for various equipment, firearms, wines, and other commodities from Europe, the traders formed deals with the Indians.

Hence, we can conclude that Fur trade was the main economic activity in New France.

Therefore, option D. is correct.

To know more about Trade visit:



Dowry is often used in India to make a daughter more attractive to possible husbands, while bride price is used to compensate a family for the work and children of one of their daughters. Explain how both of these payments unite families but in different ways.




Dowry and bride price are two distinct payment systems in marriage that are practiced in many societies, including India. Both of these payment systems unite families, but they do so in different ways.

Dowry is a payment made by the bride's family to the groom's family before or during the wedding ceremony. It includes gifts, money, and other valuable items. The purpose of the dowry is to make the bride more attractive to possible husbands by showing her family's wealth and status. The groom's family sees the dowry as a way of compensating them for the expenses they will incur in taking care of the bride. Dowry payments can also serve as a way for the bride's family to maintain control over their daughter's welfare in her new household. Therefore, the dowry payment system unites families by creating a bond between the bride's family and the groom's family, ensuring that the bride is taken care of after she is married, and maintaining control over the daughter's welfare.

On the other hand, bride price is a payment made by the groom's family to the bride's family to compensate them for the work and children of one of their daughters. Bride price payments often involve animals, cash, or other valuable items. The purpose of the bride price is to recognize the bride's family's contributions to the new household by compensating them for their daughter's labor and potential fertility. Therefore, the bride price payment system unites families by creating a bond between the groom's family and the bride's family, recognizing the bride's family's contributions, and establishing the groom's family's status as a provider for the bride and her family.

In both systems, the payment of money or goods creates a connection between the families of the bride and groom. However, the purpose of each payment is different. The dowry is intended to ensure the bride's welfare, while the bride price is intended to recognize the bride's family's contributions to the new household.

What was the purpose of the United Nations?



The purpose of the United Nations was to stop the war.


The United Nations (UN) is an organization founded by 51 countries after the Second World War in 1945.

The UN has four main purposes and those are as follows:

1. To maintain international peace and security.

2. To develop friendly relations among nations.

3. To achieve international cooperation in solving global issues.

4. To be a center for harmonizing the actions of nations.

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Which of the following represent a mole ratio between silver nitrate and appper(II) nitrate in the following reaction: 2AgNO3 + Cu --> Cu(NO3)2 + 2Af A nurse is preparing a teaching plan for a client who is post-menopausal. Which measure is most important for the nurse to include to prevent osteoporosis?A. bicycle for at least 3 miles every dayB. use only low fat milk productsC. take a multivitamin dailyD. perform weight resistance exercises Bonus Question: Some critics of tax increases on cigarettes suggest that an increase in the tax will reduce the revenue that the government collects. Is this likely? Explain the Caribbean economy before the Covid-19 pandemic. Explain how the COVID-19 pandemic affects the economy in terms of GDP, inflation rate, and unemployment rate. reference the theory of Keynes if possible. A two-digit number is less than 6 times the sum of its digits by 1. The difference between the digit is 1. Find the number. On a Windows 7 PC, the arp -a command is used "The process of allowing a broker to originate and close a loan in his or her own name before transferring the loan to the lender providing the funds is called:a. Wet settlementb. Table fundingc. Securitizationd. Dry settlement" With alpha and the effect of the independent variable held constant, as N increases a research team combines the results of nearly two dozen studies examining the effectiveness of dialectical behavior therapy in treating self-injurious behavior among clients with borderline personality disorder. the research team is conducting a: Know how to draw the reactions with arrows for 2-bromobutane and sodium iodide in acetone 4. Based upon the message of this cartoonist, is this cartoonist in favor or opposed to U.S. imperialism?Explain how you arrived at this conclusion. Q5)g) Describe the four-step handshake in TCP connection closes. What is an established church? The fact that producers usually prefer to produce products in large quantities, while most consumers prefer to buy in small quantities, results in ______. Magda, David, and Rashida have been friends since the sixth grade. One of their favorite activities is to go to the mall and look around in the stores. Sometimes they make purchases and sometimes they are just window-shopping. There are lots of young people who do this, and it is fun to see people and hang out. Recently, a number of stores at the mall have experienced an increase in shoplifting and vandalism. As a result, the stores have made a policy that no one under 16 years of age can enter without a parent or guardian. The new rules also state that if you are between the ages of 16 and 18 you cannot enter the store in groups larger than two. Other teens have to wait outside until each pair leaves. Store owners have threatened to call the police if the young people give them any trouble about the new policies. This policy makes Magda, David, and Rashida angry. They believe it is unfair. After all, they are paying customers and spend money in these stores. Why is the rule directed only at young people? They do not want to get into trouble with the police, but they do not understand why they have to be treated as troublemakers when they have not done anything wrong. The manager of the shopping mall, along with one of the store owners, has agreed to meet with two of the teens and a mediator to try to find some workable solutions. Problem 4. 2 In preparation for the mediation session, the disputants should consider the following issues: a. What are your concerns? How would you state the issue in the dispute? b. What is your starting position (demand)? What are your underlying interests (what do you really want)? c. What is the best conceivable outcome from your perspective? d. What do you think the starting position and underlying interests of the other side will be? The relative amounts of each nucleotide base are tabulated here for four different viruses. Which virus has a single stranded DNA genome?Virus T C U G AI 0 12 9 12 9II 23 16 0 16 23III 34 42 0 18 39IV 0 24 35 27 17 if a sample of 32 runners is taken from a population of 201 what is the mean Match the appropriate list with the definition what amount of bad debt expense will swifty company report if it uses the direct write-off method of accounting for uncollectibles he life expectancy of a typical lightbulb is normally distributed with a mean of 1,975 hours and a standard deviation of 25 hours. What is the probability that a lightbulb will last between 1,950 and 2,050 hours