Two-part tariffs (30 points) A monopolist faces two consumers with the following demand curves: Pa = 10-91 P2 = 8-92 The monopolist has no cost of production. It can charge an entry fee f and a per-unit price p. First, we suppose p= MC = 0 and the monopolist only charges an entry fee. a. Given the monopolist serves both customers, what is the profit maximizing f? b. Can the monopolist make more money by charging a higher entry fee? Now suppose the monopolist wants both consumers to enter but is willing to change the price p (and therefore CS changes). Given both consumers enter and consume nonnegative quantities, the monopolist's profit is T = P(18-2p), subject to the constraint (which I will call (IR)) that all consumers have nonnegative surplus after entry fees: (8 - p) (IR) --> 0 2 c. Calculate the profit-maximizing p and f. d. Explain in words which scheme (parts a, b, or c) is efficient from a simple social welfare perspective.


Answer 1

a) Profit-maximizing entry fee is f = 1.

b) No, the monopolist cannot make more money by charging a higher entry fee.

c) Profit-maximizing price is p = 18/5 and the profit-maximizing entry fee is f = 54/5.

d) The scheme in part c is not efficient from a social welfare perspective because the monopolist charges a positive entry fee and a price that exceeds the marginal cost of zero.

Address each part of the question indetail.

a) To find the profit-maximizing entry fee, the monopolist needs to consider the demand curves of both consumers.

The monopolist's profit is equal to the total entry fee minus the sum of the consumers' surpluses. Therefore, the profit function is:

π = f - (Pa - f) - (Pb - f)

where Pa and Pb are the demand curves of consumer A and B, respectively.

Simplifying the equation, we get:

π = 2f - Pa - Pb

To maximize profits, the monopolist needs to set f to maximize the profit function. Taking the derivative of the profit function with respect to f, we get:

dπ/df = 2 - dPa/df - dPb/df

Setting the derivative equal to zero, we get:

dPa/df + dPb/df = 2

Substituting the demand curves for Pa and Pb and taking the derivatives, we get:

-9/10 + 9/10 = 2

The equation is true, which means that the profit-maximizing entry fee is f = 1.

b) No, the monopolist cannot make more money by charging a higher entry fee. If the monopolist sets a higher entry fee, one of the consumers may not enter the market, and the monopolist would lose revenue.

c) To find the profit-maximizing price and entry fee, the monopolist needs to solve the profit maximization problem subject to the constraint that both consumers have non-negative surplus after paying the entry fee. The profit function is:

π = (18 - 2p) * (Pa + Pb) - f(Pa + Pb)

The constraint is:

(8 - p) ≤ Pa

(9 - p) ≤ Pb

Substituting the demand curves for Pa and Pb and simplifying, we get:

π = 2(18 - 2p) - 9p - f

The constraint becomes:

p ≤ 8

p ≤ 9/2

The monopolist needs to choose p to maximize the profit function subject to the constraint. Taking the derivative of the profit function with respect to p and setting it equal to zero, we get:

dπ/dp = -18 + 5p = 0

Solving for p, we get p = 18/5. Substituting this value of p into the constraint, we get:

f ≥ 54/5

Therefore, the profit-maximizing price is p = 18/5 and the profit-maximizing entry fee is f = 54/5.

d) The scheme in part c is not efficient from a social welfare perspective because the monopolist charges a positive entry fee and a price that exceeds the marginal cost of zero.

This results in a deadweight loss, which reduces social welfare. The efficient scheme would be to charge a zero entry fee and set the price equal to marginal cost, which is zero in this case. This would result in the highest possible social welfare.

Learn more about Profit-maximizing price.


Related Questions

T/F : A written plan gives the single person empowerment, self-accountability and control.


Yes, the above statement is true. A written plan can provide a single person with a sense of empowerment, self-accountability, and control over their goals and actions.

A written plan is one that outlines how an operation will be carried out, including particularly how the Contractor will carry out the Contract work in order to finish it in the allotted time frame. Written plans aid in determining whether your business idea is feasible. Before starting a firm, you must unbiasedly assess whether your idea will produce the desired results. People frequently launch new enterprises to change employment, work for themselves, or pursue their passions.

By putting their plans in writing, individuals can clarify their objectives and track their progress, which can enhance their motivation and sense of personal responsibility for achieving their desired outcomes.

To learn more about Written plan, click here:


Which of the following inventory valuation methods minimizes income tax expense during a period of rising inventory costs?A) first-in, first-outB) last-in, first-outC) weighted-averageD) specific identification


The inventory valuation method that minimizes income tax expense during a period of rising inventory costs is B) last-in, first-out (LIFO).

LIFO assumes that the most recently acquired items are sold first, leaving older inventory items in stock. When inventory costs are rising, using LIFO results in higher costs being matched with the revenues of the current period. This leads to lower reported profits, as the more expensive items are being sold first.

As income tax expense is generally calculated based on a company's profit, the lower profit reported under LIFO will result in a minimized income tax expense. In contrast, first-in, first-out (FIFO) assumes that the oldest items are sold first, which can lead to higher reported profits and, consequently, higher income tax expense during periods of rising inventory costs. Weighted-average and specific identification methods may not consistently minimize income tax expenses, as their results depend on the particular mix of inventory items and their costs.

In summary, LIFO is the inventory valuation method that best minimizes income tax expense when inventory costs are rising, as it reports lower profits by selling the most expensive items first.

Therefore, the correct answer is B) last-in, first-out.

Learn more about LIFO here:


The Herfindahl-hirschman index is calculated by taking ___________, squaring it, and adding them up to get a total.


The Herfindahl-Hirschman Index (HHI) is calculated by taking the market share of each firm in an industry, squaring it, and adding them up to get a total.

To calculate the HHI, follow these steps:
1. Identify the market shares of all firms in the industry, expressed as percentages.
2. Square the market share of each firm.
3. Add the squared market shares to get the HHI.

The HHI measures the level of competition in a market, with a lower value indicating more competition and a higher value suggesting more concentration.

This index ranges from 0 to 10,000, where 0 represents perfect competition and 10,000 represents a monopoly. Regulators often use the HHI to assess market concentration and potential anti-competitive behavior.

To know more about Herfindahl-Hirschman Index click on below link:


what is the procedure for authorizing time punches in the store close?


The procedure for authorizing time punches in the store close may vary depending on the specific system or software being used. However, in general, the process typically involves employees using a time clock or punching in/out using a mobile app or computer software.

Once an employee punches in/out, the time data is recorded and stored in a database. This data can then be accessed by managers or HR personnel to verify employee attendance and calculate payroll.To ensure accuracy and prevent fraudulent punches, some systems may require employees to enter a unique code or use biometric authentication (such as a fingerprint or facial recognition).

In addition, managers may review and approve time punches to ensure that they are accurate and comply with company policies. This can involve reviewing punch logs, verifying employee schedules, and making adjustments as needed.

To know more about procedure click here


question 2 you are preparing to communicate to an audience about an analysis project. you consider the roles that your audience members play and their stake in the project. what aspect of data storytelling does this scenario describe?


This scenario describes the aspect of audience analysis in data storytelling. Audience analysis is an important part of any communication strategy, including data storytelling.

It involves understanding the characteristics and needs of the audience, including their roles and their stake in the project, in order to tailor the message to them effectively. In the context of data storytelling, audience analysis helps to ensure that the data and insights presented are relevant and meaningful to the audience. For example, if the audience consists of executives, the data should be presented in a way that highlights the financial impact of the project. On the other hand, if the audience consists of technical experts, the data should be presented in a more detailed and technical manner. By considering the roles and stakes of the audience members in the project, the presenter can also anticipate potential questions and concerns, and address them proactively in the presentation.

Learn more about characteristics here:


(t / f) based on their innovative nature, startups are less vulnerable to competition than established companies


The given statement "based on their innovative nature, startups are less vulnerable to competition than established companies" is false because startups are more vulnerable.

Based on their innovative nature, startups can be just as vulnerable, if not more vulnerable, to competition than established companies. Startups typically enter markets with new or disruptive products or services, which can attract competitors who may try to imitate or improve upon their innovations.

Moreover, startups often lack the resources and brand recognition of established companies, which can make them more susceptible to competitive pressures.

In addition, startups may face challenges in scaling up their operations and maintaining their competitive edge as they grow. As they expand, they may encounter new competitors, regulatory hurdles, and operational complexities that can erode their market position.

However, startups also have advantages that can help them overcome these challenges, such as their agility, ability to pivot quickly, and willingness to take risks. By constantly innovating and adapting to changing market conditions, startups can stay ahead of the competition and continue to grow and succeed.

To learn more about startups click on,


In the global environment of business, the law of a particular nation, such as Germany, China, or the United States, is classified asa. space law.b. global law.c. international law.d. national law.


In the global environment of business, the law of a particular nation, such as Germany, China, or the United States, is classified as (d) national law.

National law refers to the legal framework and regulations specific to a particular country. These laws are established by the government of that country and primarily apply to the individuals, businesses, and organizations within its borders. In contrast, international law regulates relationships between different nations, while global law is a broader concept that includes all legal norms and principles that govern the global community. Space law, on the other hand, pertains to the regulations governing human activities in outer space.When conducting business in a foreign country, it is crucial for companies to understand and adhere to the national laws of that specific country to ensure compliance and avoid potential legal issues. This can include areas such as labor laws, tax regulations, import and export restrictions, and intellectual property rights.In summary, the legal classification for the laws of a particular nation, like Germany, China, or the United States, in the context of global business is national law. Understanding these specific regulations is essential for businesses to operate successfully and legally within a country's borders.

For more such question on national law


True or False: An information failure is a form of a market failure in which consumers lack complete understanding or knowledge of their options in a given transaction.


The statement is true because an information failure occurs when consumers do not have complete knowledge of their options or complete understanding of the products or services being offered in a given transaction.

An information failure can occur when one party in a transaction has access to more or better information than the other party, leading to an imbalance of power and an inefficient allocation of resources. In such a situation, consumers may make suboptimal choices due to a lack of understanding or knowledge of their options, which can result in a misallocation of resources and a decrease in social welfare.

This is why it is considered a type of market failure, as it can lead to a situation where the market fails to produce the most efficient outcome.

Learn more about information


your competitive intelligence team is predicting that chester will drastically invest in adding capacity to their plant this year. assume chester's product cake uses 50% of the current production capacity, and the remainder of the company's production and outsourcing capacity is split among the other products. if chester adds 20% to their current capacity this year, how many units of cake will they be capable of producing? ignore current inventories. figures in thousands (000).


If Chester adds 20% to their current capacity this year, and their product cake uses 50% of the current production capacity, then they will be able to produce 1.2 times their current capacity for cake.

Let C be the current production capacity for all products, then the production capacity for cake would be 0.5C.

After adding 20% to the current capacity, the new production capacity for all products would be 1.2C. Therefore, the new production capacity for cake would be:

0.5C x 1.2 = 0.6C

Chester will be capable of producing 0.6 times their current production capacity for cake.

If we had the exact value of Chester's current production capacity, we could provide the exact answer in units of cake. Let's say that the current production capacity for all products is X. Then, the current production capacity for cake is 0.5X. After adding 20% to the current capacity, the new production capacity for all products would be 1.2X. Therefore, the new production capacity for cake would be:

0.5X x 1.2 = 0.6X

So, Chester will be capable of producing 0.6 times their current production capacity for cake. If we know the current production capacity for cake in units (let's say it's Y), then the new production capacity for cake would be:

0.6X = Y

X = Y/0.6

So, the new production capacity for cake in units would be:

0.5X x 1.2 = 0.6Y/0.6 = Y

Learn more about capacity here:


Suppose C = 700, 1 = 200, G = 100, and X=0. What is the gross domestic product (GDP)? Calculate each component's share of GDP. GDP = C's share = % I's share = % G's share = % X's share = %


C = 700, 1 = 200, G = 100, and X=0. GDP stands for Gross Domestic Product, which is a measure of the economic output of a country. It represents the total value of all goods and services produced within a country's borders in a given period of time, usually a year.

Based on the given values, the gross domestic product (GDP) can be calculated as follows:
GDP = C + I + G + X
GDP = 700 + 200 + 100 + 0
GDP = 1000

Therefore, the GDP is 1000.
To calculate each component's share of GDP, we can use the following formulas:

C's share = (C/GDP) x 100%
C's share = (700/1000) x 100%
C's share = 70%

I's share = (I/GDP) x 100%
I's share = (200/1000) x 100%
I's share = 20%

G's share = (G/GDP) x 100%
G's share = (100/1000) x 100%
G's share = 10%

X's share = (X/GDP) x 100

X's share = (0/1000) x 100%
X's share = 0%

Therefore, C's share of GDP is 70%, I's share is 20%, G's share is 10%, and X's share is 0%. This indicates that consumption (C) is the largest component of GDP, followed by investment (I) and government spending (G), while net exports (X) do not contribute to the GDP as there are no exports.

For more question on GDP


Find the Nash equilibrium outcome for both treatments of the multi-stage bargaining game.In the first treatment, the pie shrinks from $5 to $4 and in the second treatment, the pie shrinks from $5 to $2. In both treatments, only integer dollar amounts are allowable.


For the first treatment, the Nash equilibrium outcome is (1, 3), where player 1 gets $1 and player 2 gets $3. For the second treatment, there is no Nash equilibrium outcome.

Nash equilibrium is a concept in game theory that refers to a situation where each player in a game chooses a strategy that is the best response to the strategies chosen by the other players, resulting in a stable state where no player has an incentive to deviate from their strategy. In other words, in a Nash equilibrium, no player can improve their outcome by unilaterally changing their strategy, assuming the other players' strategies remain unchanged.In the context of a multi-stage bargaining game, Nash equilibrium refers to the outcome where both players have chosen the best possible strategy given the strategies chosen by the other player at each stage of the game. The outcome is considered stable because neither player can improve their payoff by changing their strategy, assuming the other player's strategy remains unchanged.

Learn more about Nash equilibrium here:


1. In the market for sugar, there has been a discovery of a new technology for more production of the commodity. In that same market, consumers expect price of sugar to fall in the next month. As a student of managerial economics, analyse (with the aid of a well labelled diagram) the effect of these simultaneous occurrences on the equilibrium price and quantity of sugar respectively. Hint: Use the scenario where the magnitude of the supply change is greater than the demand change 2. In the market for sugar, there has been a discovery of a new technology for more production of the commodity. In that same market, consumers expect price of sugar to fall in the next month. As a student of managerial economics, analyse (with the aid of a well labelled diagram) the effect of these simultaneous occurrences on the equilibrium price and quantity of sugar respectively. Hint: Use the scenario where the magnitude of the demand change is greater than the supply change


In scenario 1, with a greater magnitude of supply change, the equilibrium price and quantity of sugar will be affected as follows:

Firstly, the new technology for increased production of sugar will shift the supply curve to the right, indicating an increase in the quantity supplied at every given price level. This will result in a new equilibrium point with a lower price and a higher quantity of sugar.

Secondly, the expected fall in price of sugar by consumers will shift the demand curve to the right, indicating an increase in the quantity demanded at every given price level. This will result in another new equilibrium point with a higher price and a higher quantity of sugar.

Overall, the equilibrium quantity of sugar will increase while the equilibrium price will decrease. This is because the magnitude of the supply change is greater than the demand change, resulting in a larger increase in the quantity supplied than demanded.

A well-labelled diagram for this scenario will show the initial supply and demand curves, the shift in the supply curve to the right, the shift in the demand curve to the right, and the new equilibrium point with a lower price and higher quantity of sugar.

In scenario 2, with a greater magnitude of demand change, the equilibrium price and quantity of sugar will be affected as follows:

Firstly, the new technology for increased production of sugar will shift the supply curve to the right, indicating an increase in the quantity supplied at every given price level. This will result in a new equilibrium point with a lower price and a higher quantity of sugar.

Secondly, the expected fall in price of sugar by consumers will shift the demand curve to the left, indicating a decrease in the quantity demanded at every given price level. This will result in another new equilibrium point with a lower price and a lower quantity of sugar.

Overall, the equilibrium price of sugar will decrease while the equilibrium quantity will depend on the relative magnitude of the supply and demand shifts. However, because the magnitude of the demand change is greater than the supply change, the equilibrium quantity of sugar is expected to decrease.

A well-labelled diagram for this scenario will show the initial supply and demand curves, the shift in the supply curve to the right, the shift in the demand curve to the left, and the new equilibrium point with a lower price and potentially lower quantity of sugar.

To know more about equilibrium price, please visit:


A strategic plan addresses an organization's plan for which key functional areas? (Check all that apply.)
a. Marketing
b. Human resources
c. Finance
d. Risk management


The key functional areas that a strategic plan addresses typically include Marketing, Finance, and sometimes Human resources.

Risk management may also be included in some cases, but it is not always a primary focus of the strategic plan. The process by which an organisation determines its course of action and decides how to allocate its resources to achieve its strategic goals is known as strategic planning. Additionally, it may include controls that direct how the plan is put into practise.

Leaders of an organisation develop their future vision and determine their organization's goals and objectives through the process of strategic planning. Establishing the order in which these objectives should be accomplished will help the organisation realise its stated vision.

To learn more about Strategic Plan, click here:


Justify!!1.- In the simple 45º model without public sector or foreign sector, an autonomous spending multiplier equal to 3 implies that when investment increases by 1, consumption increases by 2, right? Justify.


Yes, that is correct. An autonomous spending multiplier of 3 implies that when investment increases by 1, consumption increases by 2 in the simple 45º model without public sector or foreign sector.

In the simple 45º model without public sector or foreign sector, an autonomous spending multiplier of 3 means that for every 1 unit increase in autonomous spending (such as investment), the total increase in output will be 3 units. Of this total increase in output, 1 unit is due to the initial autonomous spending increase, and the other 2 units are due to the induced spending that results from the increase in income.

Since consumption is a component of induced spending, it follows that a 1 unit increase in investment will lead to a 2 unit increase in consumption. This is because the induced consumption multiplier in this model is 2. Therefore, the total increase in output will be 3 units, of which 2 units are due to the induced consumption increase and 1 unit is due to the initial investment increase.

Learn More about investment here :-


Multinational ______ are firms that are headquartered in one country but own and control manufacturing services research and development facilities or other business entities on foreign soil


Multinational enterprise are firms that are joint ownership headquartered in one country but own and control manufacturing services research and development facilities or other business entities on foreign soil.

Honda is a global corporation honda establishes facilities that offer it complete control over production and other operations in the majority of the nations where it conducts business.

Honda must, however, work with indigenous firms in China due to restrictions imposed by laws and regulations. In these situations, Honda owns a portion of the business while the domestic company owns the remaining portion. Honda operates under direct ownership in the majority of nations, however it operates under joint ventures in China. This is the value produced by marketing initiatives to increase the desire to purchase a perk or product resulting from a service. For instance, owning a car or a jip may be regarded as having a high ownership utility.

To know more about Joint ownership visit:


A set of interacting components, working together to form a complex, integrated whole in order to achieve some goal by taking inputs and processing them to produce outputs is known as a(n) ___________ .


The set of interacting components that work together to achieve a goal by taking inputs and processing them to produce outputs is known as a system.

A system is made up of different parts that interact with each other, and these parts could be physical or abstract, such as machines, people, software, or information.

The components of a system work together in a coordinated and interconnected manner to achieve a specific objective. The system has inputs that are fed into it, and these inputs are transformed through a process into outputs, which are the desired outcomes of the system. The outputs could be products, services, or information, depending on the type of system.

Systems are essential in many areas of life, including business, engineering, and science, as they provide a way of understanding complex phenomena and processes. Understanding how a system works is crucial for optimizing its performance and achieving its goals efficiently.

Systems thinking involves analyzing the relationships between the components of a system and identifying the feedback loops that exist between them to improve the overall functioning of the system.

In summary, a system is a complex, integrated whole that includes various components working together to achieve a specific goal by taking inputs and processing them to produce outputs.

For more such questions on processing visit:


evaluate the current situation of Turkey's agriculturaleconomics sector


The current situation of Turkey's agricultural economics sector is complex and dynamic, with both challenges and opportunities for growth and development.

The current situation of Turkey's agricultural economics sector is complex and multifaceted. On one hand, Turkey has a long history of agriculture and is known for producing a diverse range of crops, including wheat, corn, barley, cotton, and fruits and vegetables. However, the sector has faced numerous challenges in recent years, including climate change, drought, water scarcity, and a lack of investment in infrastructure and technology.

In addition, the sector has also been impacted by political and economic factors, including currency devaluation, inflation, and trade disputes. These challenges have led to a decline in agricultural productivity, and many small-scale farmers have struggled to compete in a globalized market.

Despite these challenges, there are also opportunities for growth and development in the sector. The Turkish government has implemented policies aimed at supporting small-scale farmers and promoting sustainable agriculture practices. Additionally, there is growing interest in organic and specialty crops, which could provide new avenues for economic growth.

You can learn more about agricultural economics at:


In retailing, a form of ownership that involves multiple store locations under common ownership is called a(n) Group of answer choices contractual system. corporate chain. administered system. consumer cooperative.


In retailing, a form of ownership that involves multiple store locations under common ownership is called a corporate chain.

Corporate chains are owned and operated by a single entity that controls all aspects of the business, including merchandising, marketing, and operations. They are usually managed from a central headquarters, which oversees the chain's various locations.Corporate chains are popular in a variety of industries, including retailing, fast food, and hospitality. They offer several advantages, such as greater control over operations, increased efficiency, and more consistent branding and customer experience. However, they can also face challenges, such as the need for significant capital investment, potential conflicts between local and corporate management, and the risk of overexpansion.

Learn more about ownership here


Does a higher percentile ratio mean greater inequality? Pleaseexplain how


Yes, a higher percentile ratio generally indicates greater inequality. Inequality refers to the uneven distribution of resources, such as income or wealth, among individuals or groups in a society.

Percentile represents a measure used to compare data points within a given distribution. A ratio is a way to express the relationship between two quantities. When examining inequality, a common measure is a ratio between percentiles, such as comparing the income of the top 20% of earners (80th percentile) to the bottom 20% of earners (20th percentile). If the ratio between these two percentiles is high, it suggests a larger gap and therefore greater inequality within the distribution. Conversely, a lower ratio indicates a smaller gap and less inequality.

Learn more about income here:


Executive has a salaried position with Hi Rolling Corporation under which she earns $80,000 each calendar year.
(a) Who is taxed if Executive, at the beginning of the year, directs that $20,000 of her salary be paid to her aged parents?


The correct answer is Executive would still be taxed on her full salary amount of $80,000. Executive may be able to use her lifetime gift tax exemption to offset the tax liability.

If the Executive directs that $20,000 of her salary be paid to her aged parents, then the Executive will still be the one taxed on her entire salary of $80,000.

The payment to her parents does not change the fact that the salary was earned by Executive as a result of her employment with Hi Rolling Corporation. The payment to her parents would be considered a gift from Executive to her parents, which would not be deductible for taxed purposes.

However, Executive may be able to use her lifetime gift tax exemption to offset the tax liability, if she hasn't already used it up. It's important for Executive to consult with a tax professional to determine the tax implications of gifting a portion of her salary to her parents.

To learn more about gift tax exemption, visit here


Executive has a salaried position with Hi Rolling Corporation under which she earns $80,000 each calendar year.

(a) Who is taxed if Executive, at the beginning of the year, directs that $20,000 of her salary be paid to her aged parents?

Question 16 (5 points) Studies show that under flexible exchange rates the foreign exchange markets themselves are an important source of shocks. The country with the smallest shocks coming from the exchange market is: O Denmark O The United Kingdom O Sweden O Canada


Based on the given options, the country with the smallest shocks coming from the exchange market under flexible exchange rates is Canada.

The country with the smallest shocks coming from the exchange market is Canada. Studies have shown that under flexible exchange rates, the foreign exchange markets themselves can be a source of shocks. However, Canada has been found to have the smallest shocks among the listed countries, which include Denmark, the United Kingdom, and Sweden.

To learn more about exchange visit;


32 JU) 22 pass Beth 5 5 pass Anry take 46 pass Bety take pass Any 5 3 take pass Betyy 24 pass take 3 1 Any take 02 take 10
In this game, Ann and Beth alternately face two stacks of money. A player to move has the choice either to pass, in which case both stacks grow slightly and the other player faces them, or to take the larger stack, in which case the other player gets the smaller one and the game ends. The game ends anyway after six fixed and known number of rounds.
Solve for the equilibrium of this game. (5)


The equilibrium of this game is for Any to always take the larger stack and for Bety to always pass.

To solve for the equilibrium of this game, we need to find the optimal strategy for both players. Let's start by analyzing the game from the last round backwards:

Round 6: Any has 3 and Bety has 24. Any will take the 3 and the game ends.

Round 5: Beth has 5 and Any has 5. If Beth takes the 5, then Any will take the 22 on the next round. If Any takes the 5, then Beth will take the 32 on the next round. Therefore, both players are indifferent between taking and passing.

Round 4: Any has 22 and Beth has 32. If Any takes the 22, then Beth will take the 5 on the next round. If Beth takes the 32, then Any will take the 5 on the next round. Therefore, both players are indifferent between taking and passing.

Round 3: Beth has 5 and Any has 46. Any will take the 46 and the game ends.

Round 2: Any has 10 and Bety has 2. Any will take the 10 and the game ends.

Round 1: Any has 46 and Betyy has 24. Any will take the 46 and the game ends.

Therefore, the equilibrium of this game is for Any to always take the larger stack and for Bety to always pass.

To know more about equilibrium click on below link :


managing the supply chain has become more important as a result of firms increasing their levels of overtime. outsourcing. marketing. promotions. shipping.


Managing the supply chain has become increasingly important for firms due to their increased reliance on outsourcing and overtime to meet the demands of marketing and promotions. Effective supply chain management ensures timely shipping and delivery of products, reducing the risk of delays and customer dissatisfaction. Additionally, it helps companies maintain optimal inventory levels, preventing overstocking or stockouts, and enabling them to meet customer demands efficiently. Therefore, it is crucial for firms to prioritize supply chain management to ensure the smooth flow of goods and services from production to shipping and ultimately to the end consumer.

to know more about the outsourcing,marketing:


lost sales and loss of business reputation are potentially significant cost that may arise from: too little inventory. too much inventory. poor maximum total ordering. poor customer service with inventory.


Too little inventory or bad maximum total ordering might result in lost revenue and a tarnished reputation for the company.

Lost sales and loss of business reputation are potential costs that may arise from too little inventory or poor maximum total ordering. When a business does not have enough inventory to meet customer demand, they risk losing sales to competitors who can provide the desired products. This can lead to a loss of revenue and a damaged reputation, as customers may view the business as unreliable or unprepared. Similarly, poor maximum total ordering can result in excess inventory that ties up resources and may eventually need to be sold at a discount or discarded, resulting in lost profits and a damaged reputation. Additionally, poor customer service with inventory, such as delayed or inaccurate order fulfillment, can also result in lost sales and a negative reputation among customers. It is important for businesses to carefully manage their inventory to avoid these potential costs and maintain a strong reputation in their industry.

Learn more about inventory here


Feedback on creative work is received better when it is phrased as an opinion, with first-person pronouns.
True or False?


True.Feedback on creative work is received better when it is phrased as an opinion, with first-person pronouns.

Feedback on creative work is typically received better when it is phrased as an opinion, using first-person pronouns. By framing feedback as an opinion, rather than a directive or criticism, the recipient is more likely to feel that their work has been heard and understood, and may be more receptive to suggestions for improvement

Using first-person pronouns, such as "I" or "my," can also help to make the feedback feel more personal and less confrontational, which can be especially important when providing feedback on creative work, which is often very personal to the creator.

That being said, it is important to balance the use of first-person pronouns with clear and constructive feedback. Simply expressing an opinion without providing actionable feedback may not be helpful to the recipient, and may even be perceived as unhelpful or dismissive.

Learn more about confrontational here:


describing the characteristics of perfectly competitive firms. Be sure to include an explanation of how they establish price, why their demand curves are horizontal, and why the price elasticity of demand for the goods or services they sell is usually highly elastic.


Perfectly competitive firms are characterized by many small firms that produce homogenous goods or services. These firms are price takers, meaning that they cannot influence the market price of their product. Instead, they must accept the prevailing market price as given.

The market price is established by the forces of supply and demand. In a perfectly competitive market, the demand curve facing each firm is perfectly elastic, which means that any increase in price will result in the firm losing all of its customers to other firms.

Similarly, a decrease in price will lead to an increase in demand, but the firm will only capture a portion of that increase.

The horizontal demand curve facing a perfectly competitive firm reflects the fact that it has no market power to influence the price of its product. The firm can only sell as much as the market demands at the prevailing market price.

As a result, the price elasticity of demand for the goods or services sold by perfectly competitive firms is usually highly elastic.

This means that a small change in price will result in a large change in the quantity demanded. If a firm were to increase its price even slightly, it would lose all of its customers to other firms.

In summary, perfectly competitive firms are characterized by being price takers, having a horizontal demand curve, and facing highly elastic demand for their goods or services.

They have no market power to influence the price of their product and must accept the prevailing market price.

Perfectly competitive firms have several distinct characteristics:

1. Large number of firms: In a perfectly competitive market, there are many small firms producing identical products. This ensures that no single firm has the ability to influence the market price.

2. Homogeneous products: The products offered by all firms in a perfectly competitive market are identical, making it impossible for consumers to differentiate between them based on quality or features.

3. Perfect information: Buyers and sellers have complete information about prices, product quality, and other relevant factors, which ensures informed decision-making and prevents market manipulation.

4. Easy entry and exit: Firms can easily enter or exit the market without significant barriers or costs, ensuring a constant competitive environment.

In a perfectly competitive market, the price is established by the intersection of market supply and demand. Firms are price takers, meaning they cannot individually influence the price and must accept the market-established price.

The demand curve for perfectly competitive firms is horizontal because consumers view the products as identical and can easily switch between suppliers.

This means that firms cannot charge a higher price without losing all their customers to competitors. Thus, they face a perfectly elastic demand curve.

The price elasticity of demand for goods or services in a perfectly competitive market is highly elastic due to the availability of numerous substitute products.

Consumers can easily switch between suppliers, resulting in a high sensitivity of quantity demanded to price changes.

Visit here to learn more about Demand:


The more _______ within the market, the less likely ________.a. regulation/the price will be fairb. regulation/monopolies will developc. competition/that unfair pricing will occurd. competition/that consumers will get a better deale. regulation/that consumers will be greedy


Based on your question, the correct statement is: The more competition within the market, the less likely that unfair pricing will occur.

This corresponds to option c. Competition encourages businesses to offer better prices and services, reducing the chances of unfair pricing practices.

The more competition within the market, the less likely that unfair pricing will occur. When there is healthy competition among businesses, they are motivated to keep their prices fair and competitive in order to attract customers. On the other hand, when there is a lack of competition, monopolies can develop, and these companies have the power to set their own prices without fear of losing customers to competitors. Additionally, excessive regulation can sometimes have unintended consequences and may not necessarily result in fair prices for consumers.

Learn more about Competition here:


A global strategy is one in which a company performs all of the following tasks, EXCEPT
Select one:
a. employs the same basic competitive approach in all countries where it operates.
b. sells much of the same products everywhere.
c. strives to build global brands.
d. coordinates its actions worldwide with strong headquarters control represents a think-global, act-global approach.
e. uses local brand names to cater to a country's specific needs.


While a global strategy involves expanding operations across different countries and establishing a strong global brand, it does not involve using local brand names to cater to a country's specific needs. This approach is instead known as a multinational strategy, which involves adapting to local markets' unique needs and preferences to increase acceptance of products and services.

A global strategy involves a company expanding its operations into international markets with the aim of increasing its reach and profitability. A global strategy typically includes four critical tasks, namely: employing the same basic competitive approach in all countries where it operates, selling much of the same products everywhere, striving to build global brands, and coordinating its actions worldwide with strong headquarters control represents a think-global, act-global approach. These tasks are intended to help companies achieve consistency in their operations and establish a strong global brand.

However, a global strategy does not involve using local brand names to cater to a country's specific needs. Using local brand names is referred to as a multinational strategy, which involves adapting to local markets' specific needs and preferences. A multinational strategy allows companies to tailor their products and services to meet local customers' unique requirements, which can lead to greater acceptance of their offerings and a competitive advantage in each market.

Click the below link, to learn more about global strategy :




Process analysis is the studying of the entire process through various techniques. The purpose of process analysis is to identify the steps involved in a process and to determine how they can be improved to increase efficiency, reduce waste, and enhance overall productivity.

There are various techniques used in process analysis, including flowcharting, value stream mapping, and process mapping. These techniques allow analysts to visually represent the steps in a process, identify potential bottlenecks or areas of waste, and develop solutions to improve the process.

Process analysis can be applied to a wide range of industries and processes, from manufacturing and logistics to healthcare and service industries.

Learn more about Process analysis


What are the prerequisites for co-founders? Choose all that apply.
- Bring a pre-existing friendship - Offer complementary skill sets - Share a common vision and values


The "pre-requisites" for the "co-founders" are : (b) Offer complementary skill sets, and (c) Share a common vision and values.

When starting a business venture, it is important to have a strong founding team in place.

The "Co-founders" play a critical role in shaping the direction and success of a business, and there are certain prerequisites that can increase the likelihood of a successful partnership.

(i) Offer complementary-skill sets: Co-founders should bring different skill sets and areas of expertise to the table. This allows each founder to focus on what they do best and contribute to the business in a unique way.

(ii) Share a common-vision and values : Co-founders should have a shared vision for the company and be aligned on the values and principles that will guide the business.

This ensures that everyone is working towards the same goals and that there is a clear direction for the company.

Therefore, the correct options are (b) and (c).

Learn more about Complementary Skills here


The given question is incomplete, the complete question is

What are the prerequisites for co-founders? Choose all that apply.

(a) Bring a pre-existing friendship

(b) Offer complementary skill sets

(c) Share a common vision and values

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