Translate to English

À la terrasse du café de la Sorbonne,
Éva, d'origine russe, discute avec ses
trois amis: Bruno, un étudiant lyonnais,
Maren, une jeune Allemande qui étudie
le droit social à Paris, et Ahmed, un
jeune Marocain en doctorat de cinéma.
Cette scène est typique du Quartier latin,
zone cosmopolite, sorte de campus
international au centre de Paris.


Answer 1


On the terrace of the Sorbonne café,

Eva, of Russian origin, talks to her

three friends: Bruno, a student from Lyon,

Maren, a young German studying

social law in Paris, and Ahmed, a

young Moroccan in cinema doctorate.

This scene is typical of the Latin Quarter,

cosmopolitan area, sort of campus

international in the center of Paris.

Related Questions

An argumentative text would be considered _____.


Answer: Argumentative texts are normally considered synonyms for dissertation, essay or opinion, given that in their approach to the specific topic persuasion strategies are used That is, strategies that make the approach to the subject convincing in the eyes of the reader.


Which pronoun would you use for Camille?





Feminine names in French culture almost always end with an e. Since this name ends with an e, the correct feminine pronoun should be substituted for it. This pronoun is "elle".

i would use she/her or they/them

Write 1 sentence using the future tense & 1 sentence using the conditional tense.

Just a simple sentence




Demain, je marcherai.

Verbe "marcher" au futur :

je marcherai

tu marcheras

il/elle/on marchera

nous marcherons

vous marcherez

ils/elles marcheront


"Il aimerait" (aimer) bien devenir une star.

Exemples :

chanter : je chanterais / tu chanterais / il chanterait / nous chanterions / vous chanteriez / ils chanteraient

choisir : je choisirais / tu choisirais / il choisirait / nous choisirions / vous choisiriez / ils choisiraient

boire : je boirais / tu boirais / il boirait / nous boirions / vous boiriez / ils boiraient

avoir : j'aurais / tu aurais / il aurait / nous aurions / vous auriez / ils auraient

être : je serais / tu serais / il serait / nous serions / vous seriez / ils sera

Complete the following sentence. (Use ton, ta, tes, or 'no possessive adjective' as appropriate.) _________ poissons rouges s'appellent Citron et Clémentine.

A. Ton

B. Ta

C. Tes

D. No possessive adjective


C. Tes

It is plural for red fish so “tes” would be the appropriate term.
Le response est Tes poissons rouges, les poissons rouges sont plural!

Brigitte (1) (2) . Elle et Paul, un (3) , (4) étudiants à (5) de Laval. Ils (6) (7) . Paul est étudiant en (8) et Brigitte, en (9) (10) . Dans le cours de français, il y a des (11) et des (12) ; il y a aussi une (13) et une (14) . Les étudiants sont très (15) , (16) et (17).



I really don't understand. Please right the question properly and I'll be sure to help you.


Les tâches. Écrivez les questions que les membres de votre famille vous posent et donnes vos réponses.
EXEMPLE: Janine et Lise/ranger le salon (non)
Janine et Lise ont-elles rangé le salon ?
Elles n'ont pas rangé le salon.
1. nous/finir de préparer le rôti de bouf (oui)
2. Charles et vous/répondre au courrier (non)
3. Roger/payer les factures (non)
4. tu/garnir la salade (oui)
5. Claire et Bette/chauffer le dîner (oui)
6. Gabrielle/pendre le linge pour le faire sécher (non)



1. nous/finir de préparer le rôti de bouf (oui)

Avons-nous fini de préparer le rôti de boeuf ?

Nous avons fini de préparer le rôti de boeuf.

2. Charles et vous/répondre au courrier (non)

Charles et vous avez vous répondu au courrier ?

Ils n'ont pas répondu au courrier.

3. Roger/payer les factures (non)

Roger a t'il payer les factures ?

Il n'a pas payé les factures.

4. tu/garnir la salade (oui)

As-tu garni la salade ?

Tu as garni la salade.

5. Claire et Bette/chauffer le dîner (oui)

Claire et Bette ont-elles chauffer le dîner ?

Elles ont fait chauffer le dîner.

6. Gabrielle/pendre le linge pour le faire sécher (non)

Gabrielle a t'elle pris le linge pour le faire sécher ?

Elle n'a pas pris le linge pour le faire sécher.

Où sont-ils?
Thérèse wants to know where all her friends are. Tell her by completing the sentences with the appropriate subject pronouns and the correst
forms of être.




1- est

2- sommes

3- sont

4- sont


6- est


someone help me out. due so soon


A) Quand je suis rentré(e), il était minuit.

B) Quand le téléphone a sonné, je prenais

C) Il n'a pas fini ses devoirs parce qu'il n'avait pas le temps.

D) Elles sont allées au cinéma, mais moi je voulais rester chez moi.

E) Quand le voisin est rentré, papa préparait le diner.

F) Nous avons visité la maison d'Evangéline, mais elle n'était pas là.

Which female names are similar to names in
Which male names are similar to names in
What do you think is the masculine name related
to Fabienne?
What could be the first name of T. Dubois if it's a
What could be the first name of S. Casarin if it's a
Is Michel Clemente a man or a woman?
Which man has a compound first name?
Which woman has a compound first name?
Which last names indicate an area the person's
ancestors came from?
Which last names indicate a profession an
ancestor had?


Answer:sabrina,zak,alex,sarah,Michel Clemente is a women


hope i helped:)

Please help me!!!!!!!!!!!!


1. Fruits
2. Viande
3. Boissons
4. _ ( I’m not too sure of the context they’re asking)
5. Du, du
6. Oui
7. Non
8. du, de l’eau



1. des fruits

2. de la viande

3. les boissons


5. du sucre/ je n'ai pas de sucre

6. Mais si, j'aime ta robe !

7. Non je déteste les légumes  

8. Est-ce qu'il y a du café ? Non, mais il y a de l'eau.

Compare and contrast the American and traditional European styles of grocery shopping. Consider the benefits and less-beneficial aspects of both.


Answer: The importance of the menu to a foodservice operation cannot be emphasized too often or too much. The fact that it is an early topic in this book underscores its importance for those studying the management of foodservice operations. The menu is also called “the driver” of a foodservice operation. This descriptive term indicates that every part of a foodservice operation is affected by the menu and stresses how the menu is a managerial tool for controlling many aspects of a foodservice operation.  As you learn more about menus and menu planning, keep in mind menus from your favorite restaurants or your recent meals in other types of foodservice operations.


help me out please I need it



1. le sous-sol

2. la cuisine

3. la chambre

4. un drap, un couverture, un tete d'oreiller

5. fer a repasser


hope this helps! :)

Look at the picture and choose the statement that correctly describes the relationship between Gérald and Méline.
O A Gérald est le frère de Méline.
OB. Méline est la sour de Gérald.
OC. Gérald est le fils de Méline.
OD Méline est la fille de Gérald.


The question is a bit confusing, however I would probably say D.

I need help with these two questions.



Claire "connait" (connaître) Jack.

Je "connais" (connaître le numéro de téléphone de Brigitte.

Il "sait" (savoir) faire du ski.

Nous "connaissons" (connaître) Paris.

Tu "connais" (connaître) le prof de math.

Verbe "connaître" au présent :

je connais

tu connais

il , elle, on connaît

nous connaissons

vous connaissez

ils , elles, connaissent

Conjugaison du verbe "aller" au présent :

Je vais

tu vas

il, elle, on va

nous allons

vous allez

ils, elles vont

Je vais à l'école.

Tu vas au restaurant.

Elle va au café.

Nous allons à la banque.

Vous allez à la boulangerie.

Ils vont à l'hôpital.

Fill in the blank with the correct form of étre,
O etes




Nous sommes américains.

Answer: étre= To be

Nous sommes américains.

It means, we are americans


stop and ask it out loud meaning in french​


arrêtez-vous et demandez-le à voix haute signification en français

Based on how Marc greets John, what can you tell?



Marc est très poli.

Decide if the following sentence is grammatically correct or incorrect.
Nous finions nos devoirs.





Finir is conjugated incorrectly. The correct conjugation is finissons (Nous finissons nos devoirs).


should be nous instead or nos so INCORRET


1. Laurine est une amie de Féli.​



Laurine is Féli's friend. / Laurine is a friend of Féli.


That just how French be.

Family members often look and behave alike. Follow the model to describe these families members​



Can you retake the picture


I cant see it

Your picture is blurry I can’t see it

Write a conversation/dialogue in French between 2 people. Below is what you are going to say/ask each other. Please be sure each answer is different. Keep it simple!

Ask for each other's name.
Ask how each other feels.
Ask where each other is from.
Ak each other for age.
Ask each other for date and time.
Ask for things each other like/like to do.
Ask each other to describe self.
Ask each other for favorite color.
Ask each other about family.
Ask each other how many brother/sisters you have.



- Salut, je m'appelle Typhaine et toi comment tu t'appelles ?

- Salut moi c'est Axel, comment vas tu ?

- Je vais bien et toi ?

- Très bien merci. Tu est d'ou ?

- Je viens de Belgique et toi ?

- Moi, du sud de la France. Quel age as tu ?

- J'ai 18 ans et toi ?

- Oh moi aussi !


i'm french btw

please help me I understand nothing and missed all the questions and seriously need help.

Please put the verb in parentheses in the passé composé. Don’t forget that passé composé verbs have 2 parts. Make sure the helping verb matches the subject. Include any necessary accents. You may copy and paste from this list of accents: à é è î ô û ù. Tu ... un film au cinéma hier soir. (regarder)Vous ... en France il y a deux ans. (voyager)Elles ... leurs devoirs hier après-midi (finir)J' ... le bus pendant quinze minutes. (attendre)Il ... un livre à la bibliothèque. (choisir)Nous ... aux questions du professeur. (répondre)​



Tu as regardé un film au cinema hier soir.

Vous avez voyagé  en France il y a deux ans.

Elles ont fini leurs devoirs hier apres-midi

J'ai attendu le bus pendant quinze minutes.

Il a choisi un livre a la bibliotheque.

Nous avons repondu aux questions du professeur.


Sorry for no accents, I don't have them on my computer! bonne chance avec francais!

Choose the most appropriate response to the following question.
D'où viens-tu ?
Je viens de France
Tu viens de France
Il vient de France
O Nous venons de France




D'où viens-tu ?

J'ai viens de France.




hey can someone answer this


se fâche

Hope this helps :))

Choose the word or phrase that best completes this sentence. Bénjamin sait _________. A. Guillaume B. faire des crêpes C. Montpellier D. ton ami



B. Benjamin sait faire des crepes


formez phrases avec aller mar​



This means: Form sentences with going mar



Je vais aller au marché avec ma cousine.

Nous allons aller au cinéma.

Mes parents vont aller au théâtre.

What are the details in a sentence or paragraph that can help you find the meaning of an unfamiliar word? (5 points)


What paragraph can I help you with?

help pls this is due soon


I'm french so here it goes:

1. sommes allés; es arrivé

2. J'attendais; a téléphoné; était

3. faisait; atterrissait

4. paraîssait; a commencé

5. venait; est mort

6. publiait; a dénoncé

which pronoun would you use for Jonathan et Pierre?




Jonathan et Pierre =ils


Because in french we use féminin and masculin, and Jonathan and Pierre are both male names, so we’d say “ils”, but if it was two girls it would be “elles”.

Hope this helps! :)

PLEAASEE HELP the appropriate questions for the responses below:
15.___________Mon anniversaire, c'est le 12 avril!
16.____________(informal)J'ai 19 ans.

Answer the questions below using the numbers in parentheses:
17. Quand est votre anniversaire? (03/03)

18. Quel âge avez-vous? (20)


17. Mon anniversaire est le 3 mars.
18 Je suis 20 ans.

Je suis = I am/ I was
J’ai = I have/ had
Be careful of the two



17. Quel est votre anniversaire ?

Mon anniversaire est le 3 mars.

18. Quel âge avez-vous ?

J'ai  20 ans.

Other Questions
which relation is a function. ( I chose option D) but not 100% sure. Need help ASAP. Will Mark Brainlest. External Influences on Consumer Behavior SaGa is a European fashion store chain that specializes in accessible, trendy clothes and accessories for men and women. Its target audience includes fashion-conscious young men and women, ages 16-30. After success in Europe, SaGa is getting ready to launch its flagship stores in five U.S. markets-New York, Los Angeles, Chicago, San Francisco, and Miami. Based on its product offerings, SaGa is targeting millennials (those born between 1982 and 2000, also called gen Y). As a group, millennials are open to making impulse purchases, and are socially connected as demonstrated by their use of Twitter to tweet about products and brands. Also, based on its "accessible" price for its fashion offerings, Saga is targeting middle-to upper-middle-class millennials. SaGa's advertising agency of record was excited about the impending launch campaign in the U.S. and its first-ever foray into the American market, which is heavily influenced by celebrity and pop culture. The agency was developing a campaign that focused on "usage occasion"the ad would show a group of friends, in their 20s, getting together for a Friday night out in the city. A social occasion such as a night out with friends, combined with the setting of a city street lined with trendy clubs and restaurants, highlighted a perfect usage occasion for wearing fashionable clothes from SaGa. In the ad, the friends walk through a busy city street that has a party atmosphere, and pass several other people whose fashion sense is not as trendy as theirs. As they pass these people, the contrast between their group and the other people is highlighted by the use of muted, fading colors (for the other people) versus bright and pleasing colors (for the group of friends wearing SaGa). The agency was thus contrasting those who do not wear SaGa, a dissociative group, with those who do. Meanwhile, Raza, a high-end fashion store chain in Europe, is planning to enter the Japanese market. RaZa's promotional strategy decisions include highlighting the purchase situation in their ads by showing the exclusive boutique store atmosphere, and by using international supermodels that denoted an aspirational group for their target audience. RaZa targeted older and more affluent consumers compared to SaGa; their target market consisted of upper-class gen X'ers in Japan (those born between 1946 and 1976). RaZa's research revealed that the Japanese culture understood and respected high-end fashion. The consumer does not make purchase decisions in isolation. A number of external factors have been identified that may influence consumer decision-making, such as culture, subcultures, social class, reference groups, and situational determinants. Match the various external (or environmental) influences on consumer behavior to the relevant situations in SaGa's promotional decisions. Then match these external influences to examples found in RaZa's decisions. Born between 1965-1976 SaGa's Promotional Decisions External Influences Examples of External on Consumer Influence from Behavior RaZa's Promotional Decisions Affluent consumers Exclusive boutique-like shopping atmosphere Decision to launch in America, which represented a new culture, compared to their existing markets. Supermodels Target consumers: millennials Situational determinants Target consumers: middle and upper-middle class Social class Ads featured people that the target consumers identify with (associative groups), and also people that the target group does not belong to (dissociative groups). Subculture Ads featured a typical usage occasion for SaGa's product offerings - a Friday night out with friends. Japanese appreciation for high-end fashion Reference groups Culture What is 2+2 multiplyed by 6-28+67? english help!! please help!!! PLEASE HELP!! Will give Brainiest to whoever answers correctly..The Vice-President is leaving his home to perform his only duty assigned to him by the Constitution. Where is the Vice-President headed? a. The Supreme Court Building b. The Senate Chamber Kaiwan sold 40 tickets for Young Baby Durk NBA for the Howard Homecoming concert. He sold general admission tickets for twenty dollars each and VIP tickets for thirty dollars each. He collected eight hundred and eighty dollars. How many of each kind of ticket did Kaiwan sell? Plants and animals exchange materials through the processes of photosynthesis and cellular respiration. Which of these statements is true about the way these two processes are related?A: The products of photosynthesis stop cellular respiration from happening.B: The products of photosynthesis are also the products of cellular respiration.C: The raw materials of photosynthesis are also the raw materials of cellular respiration.D: The products of photosynthesis are the raw materials of cellular respiration. How dose air temperature over landmasses and adjacent bodies of water change between day or night 2. Why might a personal narrative offer better insight into what it was like to be Native Americanthan a fictional story from the same period?Fictional stories often did not include specific details about Native Americans.O Fictional stories were never based on real life historical events.Fictional stories were often based on biased ideas about Native Americans.Fictional stories never included Native American characters. 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