The suggestion that acupuncture may work by blocking pain signals from traveling from the spinal cord to the brain is best explained by

Group of answer choices

selective attention.

sensory adaptation

gate-control theory

signal detection theory


Answer 1
C. gate-control theory

The gate-control theory of pain suggests that the spinal cord contains a "gate" that controls the transmission of pain signals from the body to the brain. According to this theory, acupuncture may work by stimulating the nervous system and releasing chemicals called endorphins that can block pain signals from traveling from the spinal cord to the brain. This would prevent the brain from perceiving the sensation of pain, even though the injury or damage that caused the pain may still be present. The other options you provided (selective attention, sensory adaptation, and signal detection theory) do not directly relate to the mechanism by which acupuncture may work to reduce pain.

(please mark as brainliest!)

Related Questions

The ______ is to the eye as the ________ is to the ear.
A- retina, cochlea
B- lens, eardrum
C-retina, oval window
D- lens, cochlea



the lens is to the eye as the cochlea is to the ear

A- retina, cochlea

The retina is the light-sensitive tissue at the back of the eye that is responsible for converting light into electrical signals that are sent to the brain. The cochlea is the part of the inner ear that is responsible for converting sound waves into electrical signals that are sent to the brain. Just as the retina is to the eye, the cochlea is to the ear. The lens is a transparent structure in the eye that focuses light onto the retina, while the eardrum is a membrane in the middle ear that vibrates in response to sound waves. The oval window is a small opening in the middle ear that leads to the cochlea.

Fill in the blank: A digital marketer should also consider their _____ when choosing social media platforms because brand identity and business type should factor into the decision.


My BEST Guess: A digital marketer should also consider their target audience when choosing social media platforms because brand identity and business type should factor into the decision.

The child’s parents go on vacation and the caregiver forgets to give him his snack. Even though the child asks for it, he is told that there are no chips in the pantry. By the time the parents return from vacation, the caregiver is feeding and walking the dog because the child has stopped. This is a good example of

Group of answer choices


Thorndike's Law of Effect




Since the caregiver is feeding and walking the dog because the child has stopped, this is a good example of: D. extinction.

What is operant conditioning?

In Psychology, operant conditioning can be defined as an associative learning process which involves reinforcing the strength of a behavior. This ultimately implies that, an outcome generally depends on the response being provided in operant conditioning.

What is extinction?

In operant conditioning, extinction can be defined as the reduced frequency of a person's behavior when it is no longer reinforced.

In this context, we can reasonably infer and logically deduce that the undesired behavior exhibited by this child has been stopped through extinction.

Read more on behavior here:


Which event most directly incited this statement?
A. the call by Abraham Lincoln for Union troops
B. the election of Abraham Lincoln as president
C. the firing of Confederate ships on Fort Sumter
D. the issuance of the Emancipation Proclamation

Use the excerpt from A Declaration of the Immediate Causes which Induce and Justify the Secession of the State of Mississippi from the Federal Union to answer the question.

Our position is thoroughly identified with the institution of slavery—the greatest material interest of the world. Its labor supplies the product which constitutes by far the largest and most important portions of commerce of the earth. These products are peculiar to the climate verging on the tropical regions, and by an imperious law of nature, none but the black race can bear exposure to the tropical sun. These products have become necessities of the world, and a blow at slavery is a blow at commerce and civilization. That blow has been long aimed at the institution, and was at the point of reaching its consummation. There was no choice left us but submission to the mandates of abolition, or a dissolution of the Union, whose principles had been subverted to work out our ruin.

That we do not overstate the dangers to our institution, a reference to a few facts will sufficiently prove.

The hostility to this institution commenced before the adoption of the Constitution, and was manifested in the well-known Ordinance of 1787, in regard to the Northwestern Territory.

The feeling increased, until, in 1819-20, it deprived the South of more than half the vast territory acquired from France.

The same hostility dismembered Texas and seized upon all the territory acquired from Mexico.

It has grown until it denies the right of property in slaves, and refuses protection to that right on the high seas, in the Territories, and wherever the government of the United States had jurisdiction.

It refuses the admission of new slave States into the Union, and seeks to extinguish it by confining it within its present limits, denying the power of expansion.

It tramples the original equality of the South under foot.

It has nullified the Fugitive Slave Law in almost every free State in the Union, and has utterly broken the compact which our fathers pledged their faith to maintain.

It advocates negro equality, socially and politically, and promotes insurrection and incendiarism in our midst.

Utter subjugation awaits us in the Union, if we should consent longer to remain in it. It is not a matter of choice, but of necessity. We must either submit to degradation, and to the loss of property worth four billions of money, or we must secede from the Union framed by our fathers, to secure this as well as every other species of property. For far less cause than this, our fathers separated from the Crown of England.





Option A, "the call by Abraham Lincoln for Union troops," is not directly mentioned in the excerpt. Option B, "the election of Abraham Lincoln as president," is mentioned in the excerpt as part of the history of hostility towards slavery, but it is not specifically identified as the immediate cause of secession. Option D, "the issuance of the Emancipation Proclamation," is also mentioned in the excerpt as part of the history of hostility towards slavery, but it is not specifically identified as the immediate cause of secession. Therefore, the event that most directly incited this statement was Option C the firing of Confederate ships on Fort Sumter.

What future world event featured countries in Western Europe (notably Britain and Germany), the US, Russia,
and Japan? Do you think there is a connection between these countries' participation in industrialization and their
prominence in the 20th century? Explain.


The future world event featured countries in Western Europe (notably Britain and Germany), the US, Russia, and Japan and the connection between these countries' participation in industrialization and their prominence in the 20th century is explained below.

What is the future event?

It is difficult to accurately predict future world events, as they are influenced by a wide range of factors and are subject to change. However, based on their past histories and current global roles, it is likely that the countries you mentioned (Western Europe, the US, Russia, and Japan) will continue to play significant roles in future world events.

In terms of their participation in industrialization and their prominence in the 20th century, it is certainly possible that there is a connection between these factors. Industrialization played a major role in shaping the modern world, and many of the countries you mentioned were at the forefront of this process.

As a result, they have developed strong economies and have become influential global powers. This has given them the resources and capabilities to play key roles in world events and shape the course of history.

Therefore, It is worth noting, however, that there are many other factors that have contributed to the prominence of these countries in the 20th century, including their political systems, military power, cultural influence, and other historical and social factors. Understanding the complex interplay of these factors can help provide a more nuanced understanding of the role of these countries in the world today and in the future.

Learn more about industrialization from

What conclusion about Sherman’s “March to the Sea” and his march north does this order support?
A. Sherman’s army committed to a scorched-earth policy that left little room for resistance.
B. Sherman’s army liberated enslaved people and seized and redistributed land as they went.
C. Sherman’s army was instrumental in weakening the Confederacy and winning the war for the Union.
D. Sherman’s army helped lay the foundations of military governance of the South during Reconstruction.

Use the Land Order to answer the question

A Land Order from April 1, 1865 says the following: “No. 118 Office of the Superintendent of Freedmen In accordance with Major General Sherman’s Order, No. 15, permission is hereby granted to Richard Brown to take possession of and occupy forty acres of land, situated in St. Andrews Parish, Island of Jame’s [sic] and being part of what was formerly known as Heyward’s plantation. By order of, Brevet Major General RUFUS SAXTON. Gilbert Pillsbury Gov. and General Superintendent of Freedmen.”


Sherman’s army committed to a scorched-earth policy that left little room for resistance is the conclusion. Hence option A is correct.

What is resistance?

Resistance is defined as a gauge for current flow resistance in an electrical circuit. A specified voltage can be supplied via resistors to an active device like a transistor.

Campaign of the American Civil War called Sherman's March to the Sea, which was won by Union forces operating in Georgia, a Confederate state. An important historical fact with significant strategic significance for the American Civil War is the Sherman's March to the Sea.

Thus, Sherman’s army committed to a scorched-earth policy that left little room for resistance is the conclusion. Hence option A is correct.

To learn more about resistance, refer to the link below:


Which statement does this excerpt BEST support?
A. Though the Black Codes were short lived, Jim Crow segregation laws lasted for decades.
B. Without federal troops in the South, civil rights and Reconstruction laws became unnecessary.
C. With the end of Reconstruction, Southern states sought to roll back Fifteenth Amendment protections.
D. After 1877, Southern government reverted to Confederate control and overturned Reconstruction amendments.

Use the excerpt from the pamphlet to answer the question.

IN order that you may know what will be demanded of you to vote under the Constitutions and laws of the several South States, we give below the substantial requirements of each, to with:
IN Alabama, Louisiana, Mississippi, North Carolina, South Carolina, Virginia and Tennessee
If you can read and write you can register.
IN Alabama, Louisiana and South Carolina
If you cannot read and write you can register if you own $300 worth of property.
IN Arkansas and Georgia
IN Florida, Kentucky, Texas and West Virginia
You must reside in the State.

A man convicted of almost any crime may be barred from voting.


After 1877, Southern government reverted to Confederate control and overturned Reconstruction amendments. Hence option D is correct.

What is reconstruction?

Reconstruction is defined as a time in American history that came after the American Civil War (1861–1865) and lasted roughly until the Compromise of 1877.

Jim Crow laws were state and local legislation passed from the end of Reconstruction in 1877 through the mid-1950s that were intended to impose segregation of blacks and whites. By denying African Americans basic social, economic, and civil rights, white southerners reasserted their control.

Thus, after 1877, Southern government reverted to Confederate control and overturned Reconstruction amendments. Hence option D is correct.

To learn more about reconstruction, refer to the link below:


A man is having interpersonal difficulties with his wife who is often late for things. He works with the therapist to identify the meaning of his wife’s lateness. At first, they find that the man interpreted her lateness to mean that she no longer loved him. The therapist challenges that thought by asking him if this is in fact a reality and what evidence, if any, would support it. The therapist then helps him learn to replace this thought when it comes up with an alternative thought that the client feels to be true, such as that his wife loves him, but is simply disorganized. This helps the husband improve his relationship with his wife dramatically.

indicate which approach to psychotherapy is being described; psychodynamic, humanistic, behavioral, or cognitive.



The approach to psychotherapy being described is cognitive.


Cognitive therapy is a type of psychotherapy that focuses on helping individuals identify and change their thoughts and beliefs in order to improve their mood and behavior. In the scenario described, the therapist is helping the man identify and challenge his automatic thought that his wife's lateness means she no longer loves him. This is a common technique used in cognitive therapy, as automatic thoughts can often be distorted or irrational, and can lead to negative emotions and behaviors. The therapist then helps the man replace this thought with a more balanced and realistic alternative thought, which in turn helps improve his relationship with his wife.

A young man walks into a therapist’s office complaining of an intense fear of spiders. In describing this fear, he indicates that one small, stationary spider 5 meters away is only modestly threatening, but a large, rapidly moving spider 1 meter away is highly threatening. The therapist places him into a state of deep relaxation and asks him to imagine the least threatening situation he can think of involving spiders. He repeatedly imagines this situation until it fails to evoke any anxiety at all. This process is repeated while working through all of the situations in the anxiety hierarchy until the most anxiety-provoking one involving spiders. The therapist also teaches the man relaxation techniques to use in controlling breathing and muscle tension while imagining and confronting these situations. Eventually, the man no longer reports any anxiety when faced with spiders.

indicate which approach to psychotherapy is being described; psychodynamic, humanistic, behavioral, or cognitive.



The approach to psychotherapy described in this scenario is behavioral.


The approach being used in this scenario is known as exposure therapy, which is a type of behavioral therapy. In exposure therapy, the therapist helps the patient gradually confront their fear in a controlled and safe environment, starting with the least threatening situations and gradually working up to the most anxiety-provoking ones. The therapist also teaches the patient relaxation techniques to help them manage their anxiety while imagining and confronting these situations. This process is intended to help the patient overcome their fear by gradually desensitizing them to the things that trigger their anxiety.

The therapist suggests that the parents tell Rob every weekend he comes in on time for curfew they will add 10 minutes to his curfew time.
Group of answer choices


Negative Reinforcement

No answer text provided.

Positive Reinforcement



Positive Reinforcement


He may have an addiction to a certain Object or Consumable

I'm not sure, so hope this helps

When the same child learns that if he doesn’t walk and feed the dog in the morning, he won’t receive his afternoon snack, then there is

Group of answer choices




Thorndike's Law of Effect


When the same child learns that if he doesn’t walk and feed the dog in the morning, he won’t receive his afternoon snack, then there is: A. Shaping.

What is behavior modification?

Behavior modification can be defined as a process that involves reinforcing desired behaviors in a person or group of people, while withholding reinforcement for undesired behaviors.

What is shaping?

In Psychology, shaping can be defined as a conditioning paradigm that is typically used in the experimental analysis of the behavior of an individual, especially by gradually teaching new behavior to him or her through the use of reinforcement until the target behavior is achieved.

Read more on behaviors here:


What is considered a mini experiment in the dissection of cow eye?


A mini-experiment in the dissection of cow eye falls under an anatomy project.

What is the purpose of dissection of a cow eye?

Cow eyes are commonly used in lab dissections to research eye anatomy because they are physically and functionally comparable to human eyes. Students investigate both the surface and interior anatomy, understanding how components interact to produce pictures from incoming light.

Students learn about the components of the eye and the structures that surround it by analyzing a cow's eye. Students can identify both interior and exterior elements of the eye based on the width of their cow eye samples. Students can also identify specific structures such as the pupil, cornea, optic nerve, lens, and iris.

The shape of the pupil of a cow eyeball is oval, whereas it is circular in a human eye. Cow irises are usually typically brown, but human irises have a range of hues. A human eyeball also has more connected muscles than a cow eyeball.

Learn more about Experiements;

Rob has been late for curfew for at least a month. His parents turn to a therapist for help.

The therapist suggests moving his curfew up an hour until he begins coming in on time and then restore it to what it was.

Group of answer choices


Negative Reinforcement

Positive Reinforcement

No answer text provided.

The therapist suggests telling Rob that every time he comes in on time for curfew, he doesn’t have to babysit his sister on Thursday nights, a chore that Rob detests.
Group of answer choices

Negative Reinforcement

Positive Reinforcement

No answer text provided.



1) Note that where Rob has been late for a curfew for at least a month and his parents turn to a therapist for help. The therapist suggests moving his curfew up an hour until he begins coming in on time and then restoring it to what it was. This is an example of "Negative Reinforcement" (Option B)

2) The second suggestion by the therapist is called Positive Reinforcement (Option B).

What is Positive Reinforcement?

The presentation of a desirable or pleasurable stimulus following behavior is referred to as positive reinforcement. The desired stimulus reinforces the behavior, increasing the likelihood that the activity will occur again.

Children learn that excellent behavior leads in positive consequences such as prizes or simply simple acknowledgment in a positive reinforcement system. This instills in them the importance of personal determination and self.

Learn more about  Positive Reinforcement:

The reinforcement of giving the child a fun snack is a good example of a

Group of answer choices

Primary Reinforcement

Token Economy

Secondary Reinforcement

Reinforcement Contingency



Primary Reinforcement.


It is not Token Economy - that does not make sense in this context.

It is not Secondary Reinforcement - an example of this is giving a dog a treat and telling them "good dog!" at the same time. In this question, we are only giving a snack to the child.

It is not Reinforcement contingency because that describes the relationship between the reinforcer and the organism being reinforced.

It must be Primary Reinforcement. Food (if not paired with anything else) is an example of a primary reinforcer.

Question 1
Chemical farming is a new common type of agricultural practice.





Chemical farming is not a new agricultural practice. It has been in use for many decades and refers to the use of synthetic chemicals, such as pesticides and fertilizers, in agriculture. Chemical farming can provide some benefits, such as increased crop yields and the ability to control pests and diseases, but it can also have negative impacts on the environment and human health. Some of the potential negative impacts of chemical farming include soil degradation, water pollution, and the development of pesticide-resistant pests.

Put the correct definition with the correct word
semicircular canals
cochlear nerve
ear canal
and the definitions are:
- Third auditory ossicle: conducts amplified signal to the inner ear
- between the malleus and the stapes
- separates outer and middle ear: transfers vibrations to auditory ossicle
- first auditory ossicle: bound to the eardrum
- collects sound from the environment
- contain hair cells for converting vibrations to electrical impulses
- transmits electrical impulses from the cochlea to the brain
- senses rotations of the head: involved in balance
- passageway through temporal bone: leads to eardrum


Answer: incus: third auditory ossicle: conducts amplified signal to the inner ear

auricle: collects sound from the environment

malleus: first auditory ossicle: bound to the eardrum

semicircular canals: senses rotations of the head: involved in balance

cochlea: contain hair cells for converting vibrations to electrical impulses

eardrum: separates outer and middle ear: transfers vibrations to auditory ossicle

stapes: between the malleus and the stapes

cochlear nerve: transmits electrical impulses from the cochlea to the brain

ear canal: passageway through temporal bone: leads to eardrum


A car is moving with velocity of 72 kr/hr,how far does the car move when it stops after 4 second.​





First,convert to same units

To convert speed in km/hr to m/s multiply 5/18

Speed in m/s=72*5/18=20m/s


Distance = speed*time = 20*4 = 80m

Hope this helps!

Since the child is only 9 years old, the parents give him the snack even if he only feeds the dog until he learns that he must walk him also. This is a good example of

Group of answer choices


Thorndike's Law of Effect




Since the child is only 9 years old, the parents give him the snack even if he only feeds the dog until he learns that he must walk him also, this is a good example of: D. shaping.

What is behavior?

In Psychology, behavior can be defined as the unique characteristics or qualities that depicts how a person conduct himself or herself, especially towards others and in certain circumstances such as when intoxicated, excited, joyful, suffering from a sickness or illness, etc.

What is shaping?

In Psychology, shaping can be defined as a conditioning paradigm that is typically used in the experimental analysis of the behavior of an individual, especially by gradually teaching new behavior to him or her through the use of reinforcement until the target behavior is achieved.

In conclusion, we can reasonably infer and logically deduce that the behavior of this child is undergoing a shaping process.

Read more on behaviors here:


A cochlear implant would be effective in restoring hearing to someone with

Group of answer choices

damage to the eardrum.

damage to the hammer, anvil & stirrups

conduction hearing loss.

sensorineural hearing loss.



Sensorineural hearing loss


D. sensorineural hearing loss.

A cochlear implant is a device that is used to restore hearing in individuals with sensorineural hearing loss. This type of hearing loss occurs when there is damage to the hair cells in the cochlea, or the auditory nerve, which is responsible for transmitting sound signals from the inner ear to the brain. Damage to the eardrum, hammer, anvil, and stirrups (which are part of the middle ear) would not be treated with a cochlear implant, as this type of damage is typically associated with conductive hearing loss, which is caused by problems with the outer or middle ear. A cochlear implant would not be effective in restoring hearing in individuals with conductive hearing loss.

(please mark as brainliest!)

If the parents told the caregiver to the child a Bingo chip for each day he completed his chore, and they would reinforce him when they returned, they would be using a

Group of answer choices

Token Economy

Primary Reinforcement

Secondary Reinforcement

Reinforcement Contingency


If the parents told the caregiver to give the child a Bingo chip for each day he completed his chore, and they would reinforce him when they returned, they would be using a: C. Secondary Reinforcement.

What are the types of reinforcement?

In operant conditioning, there are different types of reinforcement and these include the following:

Primary reinforcementPunishmentNegative reinforcementSecondary reinforcementExtinctionPositive reinforcement

What is a secondary reinforcement?

In Psychology, the secondary reinforcement of a desired behavior typically involves strengthening a positive behavior that is being exhibited by a living organism, after it is fully associated with a primary reinforcer.

Read more on reinforcement here:


what best explains why the author ends the story about isabella goodwin with the underlined sentence on page 6.


It may be inferred that the underlined phrases on page 6 are there to "indicate that Isabella Godwin requires the help of other investigators in order to be successful," which is the best explanation for why the author finishes the tale of Isabella Goodwin there. (Choice C)

What is the textual evidence supporting the above?

The following passages provide the linguistic basis for the aforementioned claim: "Isabella Goodwin's big break came in 1912 when she accepted a position as a boardinghouse scrubwoman for a salary of $6 a week.

Her duties as a police matron for the New York City Police Department mostly consisted of maintaining prison facilities and supervising prisoners rather than conducting criminal investigations.

But after news of a bank heist made headlines throughout the world, the department told Goodwin to pose as a maid and visit a questionable boardinghouse.

Her goal was to gather enough proof to bring down gangster Eddie  Kinsman, who frequented the residences to see his sweetheart, Swede Annie. Between cleaning floors and preparing meals, Goodwin dressed casually, put on an Irish brogue, and started spying.

Goodwin became the department's first female investigator when her tip resulted in Kinsman's arrest and she was given a first-class detective shield by the police department.

As a result, Goodwin was dubbed "the greatest known lady investigator in the United States" by The Brooklyn Daily Eagle in 1915. Note that The first female investigator in the city was an American police officer named Isabella Goodwin.

Learn more about Isabella Goodwin:

Full Question:

What BEST explains why the author ends the story about Isabella Goodwin with the underlined sentences on page 6?

to suggest that Isabella will soon be overshadowed by other more successful detectives

to suggest that Isabella may be in danger when  her disguise is finally exposed

to suggest that Isabella needs the support of other detectives in order to be successful

to suggest that Isabella will readily embrace change in order to keep working as a detective

A child who likes salty snacks is reinforced with potato chips as a snack each afternoon when he comes home from school-- if he feeds the family dog in the morning and walks him before leaving for school. This type of reinforcement is a good example of

Group of answer choices

Thorndike's Law of Effect





Assuming a child who likes salty snacks is reinforced with potato chips as a snack each afternoon when he comes home from school-- if he feeds the family dog in the morning and walks him before leaving for school, this type of reinforcement is a good example of: A. Thorndike's Law of Effect.

What is reinforcement?

In Psychology, the reinforcement of a desired behavior typically involves strengthening a positive behavior that is being exhibited by a living organism, especially through the use of stimulus.

This ultimately implies that, positive reinforcement would generally make a desired behavior to be exhibited by an individual, thereby, making positive reinforcement the most powerful reinforcement technique in conditioning in accordance with the Thorndike's Law of Effect.

In conclusion, Thorndike's Law of Effect states that any behavior that is followed by pleasant consequences and rewards is likely to be repeated by the beneficiary.

Read more on positive reinforcement here:



What is duration?

Duration is the quantity that can be stored.

Duration is a measure of time.

Duration is a measure of the quality of memories.

Duration is to diminish or break down.



Duration is a measure of the quality of memories



The answer is C


Houses built along a river are an example of which of the following?
transportation settlement patterns
dispersed settlement patterns
geographical settlement patterns
linear settlement patterns
clustered settlement patterns



Linear settlement patterns


Linear settlement patterns refer to the arrangement of houses or other structures in a linear or long, narrow shape, such as along a river, a road, or a railroad track. In this type of settlement pattern, the houses or structures are usually located close to one another and are oriented in the same direction. Linear settlements may form for a variety of reasons, including access to transportation or communication networks, the availability of natural resources, or the presence of physical features such as rivers or mountains. Other examples of linear settlement patterns include towns and cities along a highway or a railroad, and villages along a coast.

A young woman had repeatedly been sexually abused by her father when she was a child and sought therapy to deal with that trauma. Early on, whenever she began describing the abuse, or remembering similarly invasive experiences in her life, she began trembling in her arms and upper torso, sometimes violently. There was also an intense flushing of her face. When this would happen, the therapist began to focus the discussion on her flushing of the face. The patient would respond by talking about how the therapist must view her as a damaged mess when observing the bodily reaction; however, the therapist consistently disconfirmed that belief every time by expressing understanding and empathy of why the bodily reactions occurred. Gradually, the bodily reactions became less and less severe, and the patient began to speak about the terror of those experiences without the intrusion of the shaking.

indicate which approach to psychotherapy is being described; psychodynamic, humanistic, behavioral, or cognitive.





You can see that it's behavioral because of her arms and how they move and the way her face flushed.

Question 3
In anatomical position the palms are
O posterior, sides
O sides, forward
O forward, flat
O forward, sides
and the arms at the


In anatomical position the palms are forward and the arms at the sides. Hence option 4 is correct.

What is anatomical position?

Anatomical position is defined as a typical point of comparison frequently used to describe specific anatomical words and placements in human anatomy and physiology. Superior, inferior, anterior, posterior, medial, and lateral are the primary directions for body components.

The body is in anatomical position when it is standing straight up, palms facing forward, and with both arms at its sides. This position is also referred to as conventional anatomical position. With their feet flat on the earth, they face forward. The legs are straight.

Thus, in anatomical position the palms are forward and the arms at the sides. Hence option 4 is correct.

To learn more about anatomical position, refer to the link below:


Which of the following was a main cause of agricultural diffusion?
cultural exchange
economic growth



All of the above


All of the options you listed - cultural exchange, economic growth, technology, war, and trade - can potentially be causes of agricultural diffusion, which refers to the spread of agricultural practices, crops, and animals from one region to another.

The child gets his potato chips every Saturday for doing his chores for the week.
Group of answer choices

Variable Interval

Variable Ratio

Fixed Ratio

Fixed Interval

The child gets his potato chips every Saturday for doing chores, and then the parents change it to every Friday.
Group of answer choices

Fixed Interval

Variable Interval

Variable Ratio

Fixed Ratio


The child gets his potato chips every Saturday for doing his chores for the week.

fixed interval and variable ratio.

In this situation, the child receives potato chips every Saturday for completing his chores for the week. This means that the interval between receiving potato chips is fixed, as he always receives them on Saturdays. However, the ratio of potato chips to chores is not fixed, as the child may do more or fewer chores from one week to the next and receive a corresponding amount of potato chips. Therefore, the appropriate schedules of reinforcement in this situation are fixed interval and variable ratio.

When they change it to Friday, and then the chips still remain in an unknown amount, its a Variable Interval with a Variable Ratio.

Can someone please help me with this?



x ≈ .690


PQ has a slope of [tex]\frac{y_1 - y_2}{x_1 - x_2}[/tex] = [tex]\frac{4 - 0}{0 - \frac{\pi}{2} }[/tex] = [tex]\frac{-8}{\pi}[/tex]. Thus, the line parallel to line PQ must also have a slope of [tex]\frac{-8}{\pi}[/tex].

We know that to find the instantaneous rate of change (slope of tangent line) at any x-coordinate on f, we must find the derivative of f. f'(x) = -4sin(x), so we must find where f'(x) = [tex]\frac{-8}{\pi}[/tex]

We solve the equation:  

-4sin(x) = [tex]\frac{-8}{\pi}[/tex] ⇒ divide both sides by -4

sin(x) = [tex]\frac{2}{\pi}[/tex] ⇒ arcsin of both sides

x = arcsin([tex]\frac{2}{\pi}[/tex])

We can plug this into a calculator and get x = .690107091375 ≈ .690

83. **A crate with a mass of 45 kg is suspended from a massless rope that runs vertically upward over a light pulley. The other end of the rope is connected to a 35 kg crate, which lies on a tabletop. The coefficients of the kinetic friction and the static friction between the crate and the surface are 0.3 and 0.5 respectively. An applied force, F, pulls the 35 kg crate to the right.
a. In the first case, the applied force is just sufficient to keep the crates from sliding. Draw clearly labeled free-body diagrams for each crates including all forces drawn to scale.
b. How much force would need to be applied in this first case?
c. In the second case, the 35 kg crate is sliding to the right with a constant velocity. Draw clearly labeled free-body diagrams for each crate including all forces drawn to scale.
d. How much force would need to be applied in this second case?
e. In the third case, the 35 kg crate moves to the right at a constant acceleration of 0.5 m/s2. Draw clearly labeled free-body diagrams for each crates including all forces drawn to scale. In this instance, draw the direction of acceleration next to each diagram.
f. How much force would need to be applied in the third case?



comment on the following line this way , and that, she peers and sees silver fruit upon silver trees

Other Questions
Propranolol is metabolized to a number of metabolites, the primary metabolite in man being napthoxylactic acid: Utilizing your knowledge of drug metabolism principles, describe the metabolic reactions involved. we can detect a transiting planet by: we can detect a transiting planet by: an increase in the total amount of light received from the planet's star. the light that the planet emits. the doppler effect of the planet's light as it orbits. the amount of light it blocks from its star. which is an open-ended question? have you ever had a heart attack? have you ever had a heart attack? do you have abdominal pain? do you have abdominal pain? how did you fall? how did you fall? when did you last eat something? #1 What year did Fascist Italy betray Nazi Germany and The Japanese Empire. #2 Does anyone on this site know what Dont Hug Me In Scared or DHMIS is!? Like seriously!! I cant find anyone who knows who this is!! Suppose you are consuming two goods, A and B. Your marginal utility of good A is 20, and your marginal utility of good B is 4. The price of good A is $10, and the price of good B is $2. a. In this case, you are (Click to select) b. You should consume: Instructions: You may select more than one answer. Click the box with a check mark for correct answers and click to empty the box for the wrong answers less of good A 7 more of good A the same amount of good A 12 the same amount of good B ? more of good B a palindrome is a string that reads the same forward and backward. describe an algorithm for determining whether a string of n characters is a palindrome. True or False : in the united states, internal migration has mostly consisted of a movement from rural areas to urban areas. Consider n independent flips of a coin having probability p of landing on heads. Say that a changeover occurs whenever an outcome differs from the one preceding it. For instance, if n=5 and the outcome is HHTHT, then there are 3 changeovers. Find the expected number of changeovers. Hint: Express the number of changeovers as the sum of n-1 Bernoulli random variables. an import tariff will cause the relative demand for ___ to ____ and the relative supply for ___ to . Lululemon Athletic, Inc. is a manufacturer of athletic apparel. Among its most popular products are fitness pants made from a proprietary material known as luon, an amalgamation of 86% nylon and 14% Lycra. The black luon pants were recalled in March 2013 after customers complained that they were transparent. The recall amounted to 17% of the company's sales. After the recall, customers reported additional problems, including pilling, flawed seams, and continuing sheerness. The Louisiana Sheriff's Pension & Relief Fund purchased common shares of Lululemon during the time Lululemon made representations that its apparel quality level was the "highest in the industry," that it was the "leader in technical fabrics and quality construction," and that "quality" was the company's "key differentiating factor" from its peers. After the recall, Lululemon's sales and the market price of its shares plummeted. The pension fund sued Lululemon under Securities Exchange Act Section 10(b) and Rule 10b-5, claiming that Lululemon statements were irreconcilable with Lululemon's actual, and undisclosed, quality control practices. Please research the actual case, and post your answers to the following questions: Was the pension fund's claim successful? Include in your answer the reasoning the court used to make its decision. Do you agree with the decision of the court? Why or why not? the aim of the first triumvirate was question 21 options: for all three members to help each other gain advantageous marriage alliances. for all three members to help each other win additional consulships. for all three members to help each other gain advantageous diplomatic positions. for all three members to inherit vast estates in spain. Suppose you want to purchase a $ 195000 house. If you put 20% down and finance the rest in a 15 year mortgage at an interest rate of 4%, what will your monthly payments be?Monthly payment the father of a child who is dying of cancer asks the nurse whether he should tell his 7-year-old son that his sister is dying. what is the most appropriate response by the nurse? A. Looped domain, 30-nm chromatin fiber, nucleosome, 2 nm helix b. 2 nm helix, nucleosome, 30-nm chromatin fiber, looped domain c. Nucleosome, looped domain, 2 nm helix, 30-nm chromatin fiber d. Looped domain, nucleosome, 2 nm helix, 30-nm chromatin fiber e. 2 nm helix, nucleosome, looped domain, 30-nm chromatin fiber Two identical thin rods_ each of mass m and length L_ are joined at right angles to form an L-shaped object; This object is balanced on top of . sharp edge (Figure 1) If the object is displaced slightly; it oscillates: Part A Assume that the magnitude of the acceleration due to gravity iS g- Find W, the angular frequency of oscillation of the object Your answer for the angular frequency may contain the given variables mn and L as well as g- Figure 1 of 1 View Available Hint(s) AZd XOn Submit Previous Answers you are a passenger on a spaceship. as the speed of the spaceship increases, you would observe that the length of your spaceship is: [a] getting shorter. [b] getting longer. [c] not changing. Which of the following are rational numbers? Select three that apply.[tex] \sqrt{?} [/tex][tex] \sqrt{9} [/tex][tex] \sqrt{5} [/tex][tex] \sqrt{3} [/tex][tex] \sqrt{8} [/tex][tex] \sqrt{4} [/tex] 21. Calculate the future value of a $7,000 after 9years, when there is an interest rate of 2.05%with quarterly simple interest payments.[A] $7,322.88[D] $8,419.30[B] $8,414.35[E] $7,527.31[C] $6,148.05 Mia's plant grows at an average rate of 5cm each month.When she bought it, it was 18 cm tall.Select the function that models the relationship between y, the height of the plant in cm, and x, the time in months that it grows.A. y = 18x + 5B. y = 18 + 5xC. y = x + 18D. y = 23x in what area of study did karl barth contribute his ideas? question 8 options: politics religion physics music