The Mongols sacked and killed millions of people from what empire


Answer 1


please give me brainlist and follow


Censuses from the Middle Ages show that the population of China plummeted by tens of millions during the Khan's lifetime, and scholars estimate that he may have killed a full three-fourths of modern-day Iran's population during his war with the Khwarezmid Empire.

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What were the 3 main forms of slavery?


Three main forms of slavery in Old Egypt: are asset servitude, fortified work, and constrained work.

Asset subjugation is the most notable kind of servitude known to Americans. This system allowed people — pondered as authentic property — to be bought, sold, and guaranteed forever.

Reinforced work is an abuse like subjugation in which individuals are promised to end up being for a money bank or a property director to repay a commitment or credit.

Constrained work implies conditions in which individuals are compelled to deal with the use of hostility or threatening, or by extra unpretentious means, for instance, gathered commitment, support of character papers, or risks of censure to development subject matter experts.

Bondage has existed for quite a long time in fluctuating designs in all locales of the planet. Affecting all races, directions, and ages in social affairs.

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What was the purpose of the Articles of Confederation?

A.) Create a strong central government

B.) Strengthen ties to Great Britain

C.) Create loose alliance of states (league of friendship)

D.) Secede from the union





Answer: C. Create loose alliance of states (league of friendship)

What religions practice the Ten Commandments?


Christianity and Judaism are the religions practice the Ten Commandments.

The Ten Commandments, also known as the Decalogue, are a set of biblical laws relating to ethics and worship, which play a fundamental role in Judaism, Christianity, and Islam. These commandments are found in the Old Testament books of Exodus and Deuteronomy.

The Ten Commandments talks about your God brought you out of the land of Egypt, out of the house of slavery, You shall have no other gods, You shall not make for yourselves an idol, nor any image of anything that is in the heavens above, or that is in the earth beneath, or that etc.

To know more about commandments, click here.


What is the author's main message?


The author's main message is the fundamental point or thought that the essayist needs to bestow to the perusers about the subject. It is oftentimes conveyed directly or it might be gathered.

The essential idea is a sentence that gives the subject to discussion; it is the point sentence. It is ordinarily maintained by a summary of nuances. On the off chance that you can figure out what the supporting nuances share all things being equal, you can view it as the major naturally suspected. the exceptional force of the desert sun around early evening and in the serious cold of the desert around night time.

An essayist's inspiration is the essential clarification the individual has for creating. The three fundamental items are to enlighten, to persuade, and to lock in.

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What were 3 reasons for Manifest Destiny?



Weeks noted in 1996 that three key themes were usually touched upon by advocates of manifest destiny:

the virtue of the American people and their institutions;

the mission to spread these institutions, thereby redeeming and remaking the world in the image of the United States;

the destiny under God to do this work.


Why do you think women and minoritie had to fight o hard and for o long to gain the right to vote?



The reason for the long delay, especially in the drawn-out final months of the effort, lay less in sexism than in racism. By 1919, women had mostly beaten down the arguments that their voting would imperil female fertility, men's masculinity or the nation's vitality.


true or false? historians believe that the chosen people began to write down their stories during the reign of king solomon around 950 bc.





What was a major problem for many Latin American countries after independence?


Establishing the legitimacy of their new administrations was one of the most urgent and persistent issues that leaders of Latin American countries confronted in the decades after independence. The end of the colonial regime was traumatic in this aspect.

Given that the increase in inflation has an uneven effect on the people, poverty and inequality continue to be major issues.

Following independence, several Latin American economies suffered declines in the nineteenth century. Much of Latin America entered the global economy as a commodity exporter in the late nineteenth century. Even though these countries' constitutions guaranteed equality before the law, there were nevertheless disparities. Regionalism made the new countries weaker. Mexico was ruled by powerful landowners, army generals, and the Catholic Church.

To know more about Latin America after independence:


What are the special rights of an accused person in a criminal trial?



. A suspect or an accused has the right to defend himself or herself in person or through counsel. 2. A suspect or an accused has the right to ha e counsel present at all stages of the criminal proceedings, including during interrogation and during pretrial proceedings.


Ignatius of Loyola was a key figure in the Catholic Reformation because he actively put into practice the Church's new emphasis on
A. maintaining the authority of the pope.
B. spiritual discipline and religious education.
C. identifying and executing heretics
D. establishing a military order of priests


Ignatius of Loyola was a key figure in the Catholic Reformation because he actively put into practice the Church's new emphasis on B. spiritual discipline and religious education

What is the Catholic Reformation?

The period of Catholic resurgence that was started in response to the Protestant Reformation is known as the Counter-Reformation, also known as the Catholic Reformation or the Catholic Revival. It started with the Trent Council and largely came to an end with the end of the European religious wars.

In the 1500s, a religious movement known as the Catholic Reformation took place across Europe. It solidified doctrine that many Protestants were against, such as the authority of the pope and the veneration of saints, and it eliminated many of the abuses and issues that had initially inspired the Reformation, such as the sale of indulgences for the remission of sin. Its goal was to reform the Catholic Church's corruption, and it led to the creation of Protestantism , a significant branch of Christianity.

Learn more about Reformation on:


What was Franklin D Roosevelt known for during ww2?


Roosevelt supervised the mobilization of the U.S. economy to support the war effort and implemented a Europe first strategy, initiating the Lend-Lease program and making the defeat of Germany first a priority over that of Japan.

What are 2 important themes of The Odyssey?


The Odyssey's three main themes are benevolence, loyalty, and retribution. These were all significant cultural norms upheld by the Ancient Greeks, frequently supported by divine law.

The Odyssey's core theme is hospitality, out of all its subjects. In particular, being inhospitable or abusing someone else's hospitality were viewed as significant virtues that would result in punishment from the gods. The Greeks called this unique moral duty toward hospitality xenia, which translates as "guest-friendship." Another motif that runs throughout the Odyssey is loyalty. The most frequent instance of it involves devotion to Odysseus, as in Penelope's unwavering waiting for him. Similar to Eumaeus and Eurycleia, who were Odysseus' servants, they have remained faithful to him despite suffering a great deal from the suitors throughout the years. If hospitality and loyalty give the tale flavor and meaning, vengeance is its motivating force.Odysseus is in such bad shape because he incurred Poseidon's wrath, whose ferocious anger causes him to experience a string of bad luck. After blinding the cyclops, Odysseus does this by teasing Polyphemus, which prompts Polyphemus to ask his father Poseidon for retribution. Odysseus' journey is significantly prolonged by a string of terrible storms that Poseidon sends in retaliation.

To know more about Odyssey:


Under the Fugitive Slave Act, the law determined that Anthony Burns must be:
A. sold to a farm in Missouri.
B. sent to jail for six months.
C. returned to his enslaver.
D. separated from his children.


C. Returned to his enslaver.

Under the Fugitive Slave Act, the law determined that Anthony Burns must be:

C. returned to his enslaver.

The Fugitive Slave Act of 1850 was a controversial law passed by the United States Congress as part of the Compromise of 1850. It aimed to strengthen the institution of slavery by facilitating the capture and return of escaped enslaved individuals to their owners, even if they had reached free states.

The act required that alleged fugitive slaves be returned to their enslavers upon the presentation of sufficient evidence, denying them the right to a trial by jury and often leading to swift and involuntary re-enslavement. The law placed the responsibility of enforcing the act on federal commissioners and marshals, who were required to assist in the capture and return of fugitive slaves.

In the specific case of Anthony Burns, a fugitive slave who escaped to Boston, Massachusetts, in 1854, the Fugitive Slave Act was enforced, and he was ordered to be returned to his enslaver in Virginia. Despite protests and attempts to secure his freedom, Burns was ultimately returned to slavery.

Therefore, the law determined that Anthony Burns must be returned to his enslaver, as specified by the Fugitive Slave Act.

To know more about  Slave , here


Is your Social Security tied to an address?


Regardless of whether you receive your payments by direct deposit, Social Security needs your current address in order to send you correspondence and other vital information.

The Old-Age, Survivors, and Disability Insurance (OASDI) programme, which is managed by the Social Security Administration (SSA), a federal agency, is referred to as "Social Security" in the United States. Although it is most recognised for its retirement benefits, it also offers income for disabled workers and survivor benefits. More than 70.4 million Americans were receiving benefits as of September 2022. Let's examine the operation of Social Security and the amount of money you can anticipate receiving from it. The Social Security programme offers insurance. Employees contribute to the programme, usually through payroll withholding at their place of employment. When filing their federal tax returns, self-employed individuals geographers must pay Social Security taxes. Up to four credits can be earned by employees annually.

learn more about geographers here


the humanist scholar petrarch was most interested in the knowledge produced by which ancient societies?


Petrarch was most interested in the knowledge produced by the Ancient Greeks and Romans.

Why was sugar so important in history?


Sugar is one of the world's oldest documented commodities, and at one time, it was so valuable that people locked it up in a sugar safe! While chewing sugar cane for its sweet taste was likely done in prehistory, the first indications of the domestication of sugar cane were around 8000 BCE.

What is the one way that the Confederate states of American was similar to the United states and one way that it was different


Answer: The Confederate States of America had a similar government to the United States government. Both the Confederate constitution and the U.S. Constitution accounted slaves as three-fifths of the population. The differences were that the Confederacy wanted individual state rights and wanted slavery protected. They also wanted any new land/territory to allow slavery if wanted.


i researched this for a project lolz

if this is wrong im probably gonna fight ur school or program

What were the differences between the southern and the northern regions of the Carolinas?


There were several differences between northern and southern Carolina. One of the main differences was that geographically, the northern part never fit in with the southern part of Carolina. In northern Carolina it was mostly populated by farmers that sold tobacco which was their primary crop. Many of the early settlers had come from Virginia and used their ports, because they did not have easy access to the southerner’s ports. The biggest difference between the north and south was that the south used slaves from Africa to farm the big plantations they had.

why we celebrate indigenous peoples day


Answer: The second Monday in October is Indigenous People's Day. The date, which had formerly been named after Christopher Columbus, was marked as a federal recognition of the contributions and resilience of Indigenous peoples and their inherent sovereignty, in a 2021 proclamation made by President Joseph R. Biden, Jr.


What are the animals finally able to celebrate in Chapter 8?


They complete the windmill, believing that their labor of love has finally paid off.

What occurs in Animal Farm Chapter 8?

After the new windmill is finished in August, Napoleon sells Frederick the stockpile of wood and he tries to pay with a check. However, Napoleon demands money, which is granted. Napoleon then sentences the treacherous person to death once Whymper discovers that Frederick's currencies are fakes.

At the last dinner, what do the animals realize?

The final illustration in the book depicts the animals' awareness that the pigs have evolved into being just as repressive and cruel as human farmers. The conclusion also asserts that political power is always the same, regardless of who holds it or the ideology put out to support it.

To know more about Animal Farm visit:


which state arrested large numbers of kkk members in 1923, although the influence of the group was not eliminated?


The state of Indiana arrested large numbers of KKK members in 1923.

This was a result of the Klan's increasing involvement in politics and their anti-immigrant, anti-Catholic, and anti-Semitic activities. The arrests were aided by the Indiana State Police, which had been created in 1922 specifically to combat Klan activity in the state.

The arrests had a major impact on the Klan's operations, as many key leaders were taken into custody. The arrests also prompted many members to leave the organization, further weakening it. Ultimately, the arrests did not completely eliminate the Klan's influence in Indiana, though it did severely limit their ability to operate in the state.

For more questions like KKK members click the link below:


How did the animals react towards Mr Jones house what did they do with it?


The famished animals respond by breaking into the shed for food and causing a commotion.Mr Jones then instructs his men to whip the animals and the animals proceed to attack the humans.The animals successfully rebel against Me Jones and his men by driving them off the farm.

Calvin coolidge’s economic policies during the early 1920s helped people forget about the?



Teapot Dome Scandal


Create a story, play, or video that answers the question: What was life like in the Middle Ages for people at different economic and social levels?



The lives of the majority of people in the Middle Ages were characterized by hardship and poverty. While the wealthy few enjoyed a life of luxury, most others lived in primitive conditions, subsisting on a diet of basic grains and wearing dirty, poorly made clothing. Life expectancy was relatively short, and disease was rampant. War and conquest were common occurrences, leaving those who survived them to struggle to rebuild and survive in a destroyed world. Despite the hardship and misery, there were some aspects of Middle Age life that were positive. For example, people at all economic levels were much more closely connected to nature




In the Middle Ages, life was very different for people depending on their economic and social status. The nobility, or upper class, lived in castles and manors and enjoyed all the luxuries that wealth and power could bring. They had fine clothes, sumptuous feasts, and entertained themselves with hunting, falconry, and other leisure activities.

On the other hand, the peasants, or lower class, lived in small, humble dwellings and worked the land to survive. They had very little leisure time and spent most of their days toiling in the fields or tending to their livestock. They ate simple meals of bread, vegetables, and sometimes a bit of meat, and wore rough, practical clothing.

In the Middle Ages, there was a strict hierarchy in society and people were expected to know their place and behave accordingly. The nobility held all the power and the peasants had very little say in how they were governed. However, the Church played a significant role in medieval society and provided some sense of community and support for the lower classes.

For merchants and tradespeople, life was a bit more comfortable than it was for peasants, but they still faced many challenges. They had to work hard to earn a living and were subject to the whims of their wealthy patrons. However, they had more freedom and opportunity than the peasants and could sometimes even rise to positions of power and influence within their guilds or communities.

Overall, life in the Middle Ages was tough for most people, but it was especially difficult for those at the bottom of the social ladder. The nobility enjoyed all the privileges of wealth and power, while the peasants and lower classes struggled to make ends meet and had very little control over their own lives.

The core value of ____________________ reveals the independent american spirit.


The core value of Liberty reveals the independent american spirit.

About Liberty

As long as one does not violate the rights and freedoms of others, liberty is the ideal that asserts that individuals should be free to think, say, and act as they like.

One of the biggest political parties in the nation is found to be corrupt by a journalist. Big-name politicians have a history of stealing money from party supporters' campaign contributions and using it to buy luxury vehicles and yachts for themselves. The journalist uses his freedom to write and publish an article on the scandal and to speak about it on the television by exercising his right to freedom of the press & freedom of speech. The leaders were fired and fined heavily after an inquiry revealed they had done exactly whatever the journalist had stated they had done.

To know more about Liberty:



How do you think the Native Americans felt about "Americanization" and why?



It is difficult to say how Native Americans as a whole felt about "Americanization," as the term can refer to a wide range of processes and policies that have affected Native American communities over time. In general, however, it is likely that many Native Americans had mixed feelings about Americanization, as it involved both positive and negative aspects.

On the one hand, Americanization often brought with it opportunities for education, employment, and improved living conditions for Native Americans. For example, Americanization often involved the establishment of schools and other institutions that provided Native Americans with access to education and other services that were previously unavailable to them.

On the other hand, Americanization often involved the loss of Native American cultural practices, languages, and traditions. This was often the result of policies that aimed to assimilate Native Americans into mainstream American society, and that discouraged the continuation of Native American cultural practices. Many Native Americans may have felt that these policies were unfair and disrespectful of their heritage and way of life.

Overall, it is likely that Native Americans had complex and varied feelings about Americanization, depending on their individual experiences and circumstances. Some may have embraced Americanization as a means of improving their lives and securing a better future for themselves and their communities, while others may have resisted Americanization as a threat to their cultural identity and way of life

Americanisation programs were predicated on the notion that Indigenous peoples would be able to peacefully integrate with the majority of society after they absorbed the traditions and values of the United States.

What did Americanization mean to Native Americans?

Between the 1790s and the 1920s, a number of initiatives were made in the United States of America to integrate Native Americans into the country's dominant European-American culture. The first Americans to execute Native American cultural integration in an American environment were George Washington and Henry Knox. The primary strategy for assisting minorities in their assimilation was thought to be education.

The federal government outlawed the performance of traditional religious rites after the end of the Indian Wars in the late 19th and early 20th centuries. Children were compelled to attend Native American boarding schools, which were constructed. They were compelled to speak English, take core classes, go to church, and renounce their tribal customs while attending these institutions.

Learn more about Americanization here:


two objects 'A' and 'B' have equal masses but the specific heat capacity of 'A' is greater than that of 'B'whose temperature will increase more if 400J of heat is supplied to each ?why?​



Because the specific heat capacity of 'A' is greater than that of 'B' due to which more joule is required to raise the temperature of 1kg of 'A' by 1 degree Celsius.

analysis of Louis D. Brandeis on “The Use of Other People’s Money” (1914)
The goose that lays golden eggs has been considered a most valuable possession. But even more profitable is the privilege of taking the golden eggs laid by somebody else’s goose. The investment bankers and their associates now enjoy that privilege. They control the people through the people’s own money.


The significance of the book titled “The Use of Other People’s Money” by Louis D. Brandeis is to expose the economic problem facing America due to inability to use other people fund.

An analysis of Use of Other People’s Money:

In 1912, Louis Brandeis wrote the articles in Harper’s Weekly on middlemen and monopolists in the economy and collected into a book with the pungent title “Other People’s Money: The Bankers and How They Use It.” where he laid out the basic economic problem facing America. He stated that problem wasn’t concentrated wealth, but the ability of of middlemen to control the wealth of others.

The misuse of other people’s funds serves as one of the core mechanisms by which monopolization occurs. He famously quoted in his book: “The goose that lays golden eggs has been considered a most valuable possession,” he wrote. “But even more profitable is the privilege of taking the golden eggs laid by somebody else's goose. The investment bankers and their associates now enjoy that privilege. They control the people through the people's own money.”

Read more about Louis Brandeis


Why did anti-federalists demand that a bill of rights be added to the us constitution


The Anti-Federalists were opposed to the passage of the 1787 United States Constitution because they thought that the new national government would be too strong, endangering individual liberty in the lack of a bill of rights.

Why did the anti-Federalists want the Constitution to contain a bill of rights?

Many anti-Federalists supported a limited central government since a strong government was associated with British oppression. Others wished to promote democracy and feared a powerful government ruled by the affluent. They believed that the states were ceding too much authority to the new central government. Anti-Federalists were also worried about the lack of a detailed enumeration of rights in the Constitution. They argued that a bill of rights was necessary to safeguard citizens from the federal authority. Antifederalists contended that a bill of rights was required because the supremacy clause when combined with the necessary and proper and general welfare provisions, would give implicit powers that may jeopardize rights.

To learn more about anti-Federalists, click


What kind of government does Thoreau say is best Why?


Thoreau say best about the government best as that doesn't intrude upon the freedoms of its citizens.

Henry David Thoreau was an American writer, philosopher, and abolitionist who is best known for his essay "Civil Disobedience," in which he argues that individuals have a moral obligation to resist government policies that are unjust or oppressive. In "Civil Disobedience," Thoreau argues that the best kind of government is one that is minimal and does not intrude upon the freedoms of its citizens. He believed that governments should exist only to protect the natural rights of individuals and to ensure that people are able to live their lives as they see fit, as long as they do not harm others. Thoreau believed that the role of government should be limited to protecting the rights of individuals and ensuring that they are able to live their lives freely. He argued that when governments exceed their proper role and become involved in matters that should be left to the individual, they become oppressive and tyrannical. Thoreau believed that the best way to resist an oppressive government is through civil disobedience, which is the refusal to comply with laws that are perceived as unjust or unfair. He argued that individuals have a moral obligation to resist such laws, even if it means going against the wishes of the government or society.

To know more about government please refer:


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