The following sentences illustrate a fictional scenario. Trenton wants to run for the office of president of the United States. He was born in Illinois and has lived in the United States for at least 14 years as a U.S. resident.Which additional requirement does Trenton need to meet before taking the oath of office?


Answer 1

Related Questions

Compare the election of representatives with the election of senators. Support your answer with information from both articles.


Answer: Notice that members of the House are elected every two years, whereas senators are elected for six-year terms. ... Senators are at least thirty years old and citizens for nine years. Another difference is who they represent. Senators represent their entire states, but members of the House represent individual districts.




Without the sun hitting and being in Earth’s shadow the plants will eventually die with no food for the astronauts. Along with carbon increasing in the air, they will eventually run out of air to breath safely

yo ill give you the rest of my points if someone parphrase this rn

"But, in a larger sense, we can not dedicate -- we can not consecrate -- we can not hallow -- this ground. The brave men, living and dead, who struggled here, have consecrated it, far above our poor power to add or detract. The world will little note, nor long remember what we say here, but it can never forget what they did here. It is for us the living, rather, to be dedicated here to the unfinished work which they who fought here have thus far so nobly advanced. It is rather for us to be here dedicated to the great task remaining before us -- that from these honored dead we take increased devotion to that cause for which they gave the last full measure of devotion -- that we here highly resolve that these dead shall not have died in vain -- that this nation, under God, shall have a new birth of freedom -- and that government of the people, by the people, for the people, shall not perish from the earth."



The brave men who fought here before us, must not have fought in vain. We must remember and honor the sacrifices that they made for us. We must dedicate ourselves to give this nation, under God, a new birth of freedom. We must remember them.

Hope this helps lol. I did ma best :D

What are the different kinds of protists?


plz mark me brainliest
Animal-like protists are called protozoa. Most consist of a single cell. ...
Plant-like protists are called algae. They include single-celled diatoms and multicellular seaweed. ...
Fungus-like protists are molds. They are absorptive feeders, found on decaying organic matter.

True or False
Greek city-states failed to notice the rising power of Macedonia.



i believe the answer is true.


Well, I can’t just put “true”, but that statement is in fact true.

Which of the following led to the founding of SNCC?
a. Greensboro sit-ins
b. March on Washington DC
c. Freedom rides
d. Albany movement


A. Greensboro sit-ins

China is geographically divided into ___________.

Tibet and the China Plain
Han China and Mongal China
Upper and Lower China
Inner and Outer China


A. Tibet and the China plain

I did this with my younger brother and he got it right :)
Tibet and the china plain

Why are terrorists more dangerous today than they were in the past?

A. Today's terrorists are more committed to their causes

B. Today's terrorists try to blend in with their surrounding

C. Today's terrorists have access to modern technology and weapons

D. Today's terrorists are more willing to commit murder


C. Today’s terrorists have access to modern technology and weapons
todays terrorists have access to modern technology and weapons

Read this quote from the Roman poet Horace: Greece has conquered her rude conqueror (circa 20 BCE). What does Horace mean by this statement? (1 point) a Greek generals had won victories against Rome. b Greek diseases had killed Roman people. c Greek culture had transformed Rome. d Greek money had bought Roman lands.



C. Greek culture had transformed Rome




What was one reason why the area where Mesopotamia was created is called the Fertile Crescent

A. Surrounding deserts made trade difficult.
B. seasonal flooding created rich soil
C. harsh winters made farming difficult.
D. Large mountains protected the area from storms


It’s B. The flooding from the surrounding rivers (from Tigris and Euphrates) brought silt into the land which helped the soil be rich.
Therefore , fertilized soil.
I believe it is b hope this helps , sorry if u get it wrong :(

[Im marking brainliest] in one or two paragraphs explain Does the U.S. need tougher gun laws? Include your thoughts on assault weapons bans, ghost guns and red flag laws?




We lose more than 36,000 Americans to gun violence every year in this country. That’s an average of 99 gun deaths a day. These tragedies cause shootings. No other democracy in the world experiences this level of gun violence. That’s because other free nations have tough gun laws to deal with this problem.


It’s estimated that Americans own more than 300 million guns. Guns certainly do not cause crime, but the fact that they are so easily available does make crimes more deadly. Simply put, when more people have guns, the odds go up that those guns will be used.



1. Which branch of government approves a budget and makes the laws?

2. Which branch of government carries out the law and appoints officeholders?

3. how many branches of government do US have



1. legislative branch

2. Executive Branch

3.  three branches


legislative, executive, all 3 branches

Define: a desire that can be satisfied by consuming a good, a service, or a leisure activity

Opportunity Cost
3.Economic want
7.A Screen Test


That is a Economic want
I believe it is 3 , sorry if u get it wrong <3

After looking at the image from World War II, why might these goods have been rationed?



I am confused.  


Because they needed to be diverted to the war effort. War also disrupted trade, limiting the availability of some goods.

Do you think that the government has the right to keep details of a war secret from the public?
Please answer in at least four sentences.


Yes, I think that the government has the right to keep details of a war secret from the public. The reason why I think this is because sometimes people will panic and we would want to keep panic under control. If the details aren’t horrid and awful, then I think the public has the right to know if it involves them. If it doesn’t involve the public, they don’t need to know.

ONLY ANSWER THIS IF YOU KNOW THE ANSWER! Archaeologists have uncovered evidence that cities in ancient India were well organized and sanitary. Which statements below support this claim? Mark all the correct
A. Streets were laid out in straight lines and right angles.
B. Social classes were determined by birth
C. Buildings were all made of bricks that were identical in size.
D. Farmers grew wheat, barley, rice, dates, and peas.
E. Drainage systems carried dirty water outside of living spaces.


The answer is C as in cat

How did the invention of the plow change the lives of the Sumerians of Mesopotamia?


Plows created easier methods of farming for sumerians. With better farming technology, the sumerian empire expanded due to a crop surplus.
Sumerian farmers' invention of the plow helped them provide their city-states with a stable food supply

Describe how the rocket, the satellite, and the airplane combine to create a space shuttle
that successfully takes off, orbits, and lands.



By mixing the aerodynamics of each machine, you get a space shuttle.


You need the power of the rocket to propel it into the sky, you need the "brain" of the satellite, (all the equipment used to run it) and from the airplane you need some shape of wings, to help steer is and help with tension.

(Hope this helps)

Which of the following trends in the 1920s was a cause of the Great Depression?
Americans built up personal debt borrowing and using credit to pay for things.

Americans refused to play the stock market.

The farmland in the Great Plains was not developed.

Banks made a lot of very safe loans.


A) Americans building up personal debt.

The answer for the Great Depression is A

What effect did the poet Virgil hope to have on Romans with his epic poem The Aeneid? (1 point) a to inspire patriotism b to inspire rebellion c to remind them of their connection to the Greeks d to remind them of their pagan roots

if right you will get branlist and a exlent sstar rating and a thanks



A. To inspire Patriotism.

Hope this is the right answer! If it is please do mark me the brainliest!

what are the effects



1. people make fun of them 2. they have a disability 3. slaves built that back up


The image isn’t loading

Describe the Louisiana Purchase and briefly speak about its impacts on the nation. What made these events so crucial in covering history? (At least 1 paragraph)



The Louisiana purchase was something that gave the US what made up 15 of the states. It was a large part of France territory and is considered one of Thomas Jefferson’s most important acheivements. The impacts it had on the nations was that it made the nation bigger and better. These events are crucial in covering History because it tells part of what made A piece of America. If the Louisiana purchase was never mentioned in History then 15 of the US states would just be here and we wouldn't even know how they came into existance.

pls restate, answer, and add details! tysssm!



Jackson seemed hungry for power.


I know this because in the image on the right he is stepping on the constitution and US bank papers, Due to his expression he seems upset/giving up. Also on the image on the left there is a money sign ($) carved in the stone which could be a sign he was power/ money hungry. :)

Explain in six sentences how Lincoln's assassination affected Americans?



The assassination of President Lincoln was just one part of a larger plot to decapitate the federal government of the U.S. after the Civil War. ... As a result, new state governments formed across the South and enacted “black codes.” These restrictive measures were designed to repress the recently freed slave population.


btw ik its pretty obvious but dont go to the link the other guy answered with

Which of the following marches resulted in the passage of the voting rights act of 1965?
a. March on Birmingham
b. March on Selma
c. March on Washington DC
d. March on Jackson



I got B. March on Selma..........

I got B aswell as the other guy

Select all that apply. will give thanks and branilst for the first answer

Which of the following were provisions of the Treaty of Nanking?

The Chinese had to open five ports to foreign trade.

British citizens were granted immunity from Chinese laws.

The Chinese had to give Russia the island of Hong Kong.

The Chinese had to recognize the independence of Korea.



The Chinese had to open five ports to foreign trade

Why did reformers want to pass the Seventeenth Amendment?
A: To pay for new Government
B: To give citizen a greater say in choosing their representatives
C: To protect woman and children from problems caused by alcohol
D: To give woman the equal rights they deserved



A: To pay for new Government



I hope this helped you, have a great day :)


The answer is B they wanted to get more senators in office. It gave each state more senators.

what is Free Association and the three benefits to the people?


Psychology - (the science of mind and behavior)

If you study psychology, you will know that there are many different types of psychology, all that can be helpful towards people, and it can be free. IAPT is a "Free Talking Therapy" so people don't have to pay, that's helpful.

- Cost (if it's free, then it's already helpful for a lot of people!)

- Helping people learn how to make healthier choices in life (including yourself)

- Dealing with darkest moments in the healthiest ways (This helps you learn, but your patient)

Enjoy life at it's fullest, cuz b it's crazy, but ya gotta love it

~ Mari

Do you believe that Nixon should be impeached (charged) for his role in the Watergate scandal? Did he make the right decision by resigning? Explain.
Please answer in at least four sentences.



Based on readings and research I do believe that President Nixon at the time was heavily involved in the Watergate scandal. I also believe that he should have been held accountable for his actions. If this meant being put on trial and having the possibility of being impeached then so be it.


Hope this helps. :3


Yes, I do believe Nixon should have been impeached and he also made the right decision.


I believe this since it was an arrangement to infiltrate the democratic workplaces at the water gate hotel. It was a trick to discover reports so he could win the election. He was surely utilizing his ability to shroud this outrage and his force was before long taken from him. He had tapes he needed to surrender and that could've arraigned him, so on the off chance that I were him I would've skipped town as well.

Why might the Pope have wanted to keep Italy from unifying under the leadership of a single king
a-He believed a king may challenge his authority and power.
b-He believed that merchants would make better rulers than kings
c-He feared he would not be able to control a king.
d-Both A and C
e-Both A and B



C. He feared he would not be able to control a king

i’m pretty sure the answer is C
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