the esp gene encodes a protein that alters the structure of the insulin receptor on osteoblasts and interferes with the binding of insulin to the receptor. a researcher created a group of osteoblasts with an esp mutation that prevented the production of a functional esp product (mutant). the researcher then exposed the mutant strain and a normal strain that expresses esp to glucose and compared the levels of insulin in the blood near the osteoblasts (figure 2).


Answer 1

The osteoblasts in the bone secrete osteocalcin in the pancreas to change their activity this justifies the claim that osteocalcin is a hormone

Osteocalcin is a hormone that is secreted and influences matrix mineralization and global metabolism. Osteocalcin governs glucose metabolism via an endocrine loop between the bone and the pancreas. Osteocalcin has been identified as a hormone. Bone is classified as an endocrine organ. The decarboxylated form of osteocalcin acts as a hormone. Osteocalcin is involved in the regulation of glucose, skeletal muscle operation, brain function, male fertility, hepatic steatosis, and arterial calcification. Increased osteocalcin levels indicate increased bone turnover.

Osteocalcin is only secreted by osteoblasts and has only minimal impacts on bone mineralization and density. Instead, it has been shown to regulate several physiological processes in an endocrine manner, including glucose homeostasis and physical performance, brain development, cognition, and male fertility.

For more information on Osteocalcin , visit :


Complete question :

Hormones are chemical signals that are released by cells in one part of the body that travel through the bloodstream to signal cells in another part of the body. Insulin is a hormone that is released by the pancreas that induces the uptake of glucose molecules from the bloodstream into cells. In this way, insulin lowers the overall blood glucose levels of the body. Osteoblasts and osteoclasts are two types of bone cells that play a role in regulating blood glucose levels (Figure 1).

Binding of insulin to the insulin receptor on osteoblasts activates a signaling pathway that results in osteoblasts releasing a molecule, OPG, that binds to the neighboring osteoclasts. In response, the osteoclasts release protons (H+) and create an area of lower pH outside the cell. This low pH activates osteocalcin, a protein secreted in an inactive form by osteoblasts.

The Esp gene encodes a protein that alters the structure of the insulin receptor on osteoblasts and interferes with the binding of insulin to the receptor. A researcher created a group of osteoblasts with an Esp mutation that prevented the production of a functional Esp product (mutant). The researcher then exposed the mutant strain and a normal strain that expresses Esp to glucose and compared the levels of insulin in the blood near the osteoblasts (Figure 2)

Based on the information provided, which of the following best justifies the claim that osteocalcin is a hormone?

Related Questions

g The primary digestive enzyme released by the stomach, as well as many of the digestive enzymes created and released by the pancreas, are initially released in their inactive form and must be activated after the fact. For one, explain how this activation occurs (and how it differs between the enzymes from these two organs), and for another, explain why this paradigm of releasing inactive enzymes is so important, physiologically.


Answer: The release of inactive form of enzyme is important because when the enzyme will active on its release it can digest the organs and glands from where it had been released to support the function of the enzyme only when it is required to be released and promote its functioning at the target site the enzyme is required to be released only in an inactive state.


Pepsin is a an enzyme secreted by the stomach cells in the inactive form that is called as pepsinogen. The function of the pepsinogen is to digest protein in the food. The activation of pepsin requires an acidic pH maintained by the hydrochloric acid in the gastric secretion of stomach. The   pancreatic cells secrete enzyme trypsinogen which is activated into trypsin when it enters into the duodenum of the small intestine by the enzyme enteropeptidase.

Could someone help with this question?




Explanation: there:)

3. Attached earlobes is a recessive trait. If a woman with attached
earlobes has a child with a man with detached earlobes whose mother
has attached earlobes, what is the probability their child will have
detached earlobes? *



It would be a 50% chance


D.  R.

R.  R

Can someone please help me with this



I'm not completely sure, but I would say D. Sorry If its not right tho


The answer is clearly not B or C. It might be A or D. But I would say D.

Now assume that while studying the species, another researcher suggests that changes in land-use in the habitat of axis deer in Texas may be creating food shortages for the species and that the habitat is only capable of supporting approximately 2500 animals. Does this change your analysis of the situation





Yes, this change of conditions also change the analysis of the situation because the analysis is related to the environmental conditions. When the environmental condition for an organisms changed so it also change its presence in that environment. If there is plenty of resources such as water, food and space for living, the population of that organism will be higher in that region while on the other hand, if this organisms is moved to a place where the resources such as water, food and space is scarce then it will leads to decrease in population of that organisms so we can say that change in conditions also bring change in our analysis.

Place the bones of the upper appendicular skeleton in order as they would be encountered in anatomical position as you moved distally.
Proximal phalanx Il Proximal
Middle phalanx II
Distal phalanx II
Metacarpal I
Lunate Distal



Clavicle- Scapula- Humerus- Ulna- Lunate- Capitate- Metacarpal I- Proximal phalanx Il- Middle phalanx II- Distal phalanx II.


The upper appendicular skeleton starts with the clavicle, which is between the sternum and the scapula. Then we have the scapula, which is between the clavicle and the humerus. Following the humerus, we have the ulna and radius, which are in the forearm. Then we have the carpals bones, which are in two rows; the proximal row has the pisiform, the triquetrum, the lunate, the scaphoid; and the distal row has the capitate, the trapezium, the trapezoid, and the hamate. Then we the metacarpals, the proximal phalanges, the middle phalanxes, and the distal phalanxes.

When we have to place the bones from proximal to distal, like in this case, we have to locate the bones that are closer to the middle line of the body and then the ones that are far from it.

as wind movsces over ocean water it produces both currents and _____________ that erode the coastline​



as wind movsces over ocean water it produces both currents and _____________ that erode the coastline​



Streptococcus pneumoniae causes all of the following EXCEPT ________. Group of answer choices meningitis. lobar pneumonia. bronchopneumonia. necrotizing fasciitis. bacteremia.



The correct answer is ''necrotizing fasciitis.''


Streptococcus pneumoniae belongs to the Streptococcaceae family. It is a Gram positive bacterium, normally facultative anaerobic, catalase negative, immobile, with an oval shape, surrounded by a capsule (does not present Lancefield antigens) and is usually grouped into chains of two (diplococcus) or more bacteria. It can give rise to a wide range of manifestations, among them, the most frequent but the least serious are upper respiratory tract infections, such as: otitis media, sinusitis, etc; while the less frequent but the most serious are: pneumococcal pneumonia, invasive pneumococcal disease, meningitis and septicemia. Necrotizing fasciitis is a rapidly progressive infection that affects the skin, subcutaneous cellular tissue, superficial and deep fascia, causing tissue necrosis and severe systemic toxicity, which, if not treated in a timely manner, is invariably fatal. The most common germs in immunocompetent people are Streptococcus pyogenes and Staphylococcus aureus. In patients with a defined gateway in the skin, the incidence of S. aureus is high. Deep necrotizing processes can be mono- or polymicrobial. In monomicrobial processes, pathogenesis is largely mediated by toxins (FN by S. pyogenes, FN by S. aureus, clostridial myonecrosis). In polymicrobial processes there is a synergism between aerobic and anaerobic germs. The most common aerobes are Enterobacteriaceae, Streptococcus group A, and S. aureus. The predominant anaerobes are Peptostreptococcus spp, Bacteroides fragilis group, Prevotella sp, Porphyromonas spp and Clostridium sp. Streptococcus pneumoniae belongs to the Streptococcaceae family.



Answer:  climax community,






The answer is C.

Trees obtain carbon from
a. decaying organisms
b. sunlight
c. the atmosphere
d none of the above



C. The atmosphere


The atmosphere is chock-full of carbon due to emissions from living organisms, geological processes, and the production of energy by humans. Trees obtain most of their carbon from atmospheric carbon due to its abundance. Also, the sun provides them with the light energy for photosynthesis, while decaying organisms provide ammonia.




A mountain range known as the Southern Alps runs through the center of the South Island. What type
of mountains do you think the Southern Alps are?



fold mountains


The Southern Alps are a 300-mile- (480-km-) long chain of fold mountains containing New Zealand's highest

Imagine that you’re a scientific researcher who’s researching brain plasticity and its potential to help blind patients. What three questions would you ask to help guide your research?



1) how long would it take to train people who are blind to use their other senses to “see”?

2) are some senses more effective than others in detecting objects?

3) is it possible for blind people to detect moving objects or objects that are changing shape?



This type of air pressure is associated with warm air rising



Areas where the air is warmed often have lower pressure because the warm air rises. These areas are called low pressure systems. Places where the air pressure is high, are called high pressure systems. A low pressure system has lower pressure at its center than the areas around it.


Mark brainiest'

The air is warm so the pressure would be

When can a mutation lead to an adaptation?



If the mutation has a deleterious affect on the phenotype of the offspring, the mutation is referred to as a genetic disorder. Alternately, if the mutation has a positive affect on the fitness of the offspring, it is called an adaptation.


which three sentences describe ways that droughts harm savanna ecosystems?



b a d



A. , C. , D.



A flounder lies motionless on the sandy bottom of the ocean floor. It blends in so well with its environment that predators cannot see it. How does this help the flounder?

Question 1 options:

It helps the flounder reproduce.

It helps the flounder find food.

It helps the flounder defend itself.

It helps the founder move from one place to another.

Question 2 (1 point)
Which of the following is an example of mimicry?

Question 2 options:

A newborn fawn hides among tall grasses near the forest’s edge.

Gelada baboons live in a large troop on a high cliff in Ethiopia.

A spitting cobra spits venom at a predator that come near.

A viceroy butterfly has the same markings as a bad-tasting monarch butterfly.

Question 3 (1 point)
When a group of small fish gathers themselves together, as in the image below, possibly giving the appearance of a larger animal, which defensive technique is being used?

Question 3 options:





Question 4 (1 point)
Which of the following statements best describes what will most likely occur to the moth populations in the image below?

Question 4 options:

The light moths will be captured by predators more easily than the dark moths, and the population of dark moths will rise.

The light moths will be captured by predators more easily than the dark moths, and the population of light moths will rise.

The dark moths will be captured by predators more easily than the light moths, and the dark moths will probably go extinct.

The light moths will change their wing color to match that of the dark moths.

Question 5 (1 point)
What is the most likely explanation of the data shown below?

data table

Question 5 options:

There has been a drought in the area that is affecting all life forms.

The population of natural predators of the moths has gotten smaller.

The moths are living in an environment with light trees.

The moths are living in an environment with dark trees.

Question 6 (1 point)
Suppose a certain species of insect lives in the lush green canopy of the rain forest. Some of the insects are bright green in color, and some are bright yellow. Assume there is a natural predator of the insect in the area. What do you expect to happen to the populations of the green and the yellow insects over time?

Question 6 options:

The green insect population will increase and the yellow insect population will decrease.

The green insect population will decrease and the yellow insect population will increase.

Both insect populations will remain constant over time.

Both insect populations will increase over time.

Question 7 (1 point)
Which of these examples describes a structure penguins use for movement?

Question 7 options:

A penguin stands with a group of other penguins when a predator approaches.

A penguin holds an egg under its feathers to keep it warm

A penguin uses sleek, smooth belly feathers to slide on ice

A penguin holds a squid in its bill.
When grading the question, it w
Question 8 (1 point)
Moles live underground and have several adaptations to this environment. For what purpose are their oversized paws and claws most useful?

Question 8 options:

Fighting off predators

Gathering food

Digging holes and tunnels for food





The first one is It helps the founder defend itself

The second one is A viceroy butterfly has the same markings as a bad-tasting monarch butter fly

The third one is Mimicry if im wrong do grouping

The fourth one is The light moths will be captured by predators more easily than the dark moths, and the population of the dark moths will rise

The fifth one is TBH i cant answer it i dont see the table

The sixth one is The green insect population will increase and the yellow insect population will decrease

The seventh one is A penguin uses sleek, smooth belly feathers to slide on ice

The eight one is Digging holes and tunnels for food


I answered these on the most logical reasons. I did not search these up anyways if im wrong tell me the ones that were wrong.

You are studying a plant whose seeds persist in the soil for a long time, normally only germinating when the seeds are brought to the surface in full sun by a disturbance such as a tree fall. However, in one of your experimental lineages you find that many seeds germinate when the surface is in full sun even if the seeds are buried too deep to grow to the surface before exhausting their reserves. You suspect that this lineage has a mutation that inhibits:



The conversion of Pfr to Pr.


If the seeds germinates properly  when the surface is in full sun and persist to germinate when buried deep into the soil, this shows that this lineage of seeds  has a mutation that inhibits the conversion of Pfr to Pr

Definition: States that all living things are composed of cells, cells are the basic unit of life, and cells
come from pre-existing cells.
Example: Combined efforts of Hooke, Leeuwenhoek, Schleiden, Schwann, and Virchow
Term: Type term here


Explaination and Answer:

In biology, cell theory is the historic scientific theory. That living organisms are made up of cells, that they are the basic structural/organizational unit of all organisms, and that all cells come from pre-existing cells. Cells are the basic unit of structure in all organisms and also the basic unit of reproduction. The three tenets to the cell theory are as described below: All living organisms are composed of one or more cells. The cell is the basic unit of life.

elect all statements that accurately describe the structures or functions of mitochondria. Mitochondria are the sites of aerobic metabolism. Mitochondria have a permeable inner membrane and an impermeable outer membrane. Mitochondria regulate apoptosis. Mitochondrial DNA is packaged with histones. The configuration of mitochondria does not change. Mitochondria are included in the endomembrane system.



The correct statements are -

Mitochondria are the sites of aerobic metabolism

Mitochondria regulate apoptosis.


Mitochondria is one of the eukaryotic cell organelles that are double membrane and plays important role in the different function of the cell. The main and major function of the mitochondria is aerobic metabolism that includes aerobic respiration where glucose converts into carbon dioxide and water with releases a high amount of energy in the form of ATP.

These also plays important role in programmed cell death or apoptosis it activates apoptosis by releasing protein by the inner and outer membrane. The inner membrane of mitochondria is impermeable and allows through transporters and outer membrane non-specifically permeable to low molecular substances. Mitochondrial DNA lacks histone protein and  TFAM, an HMG-like protein involved in the process.

6. Hawks have eyes that alow them to see prey from very far away. Which of the following
terms best describes this trait?
A vestigial organ
B. adaptation
D artificial selection


The answer is B because eyesight is an example of a change or the process of change by which an organism or species becomes better suited to its environment.

What are the effects of cystic fibrosis


Answer: the effects of cystic fibrosis are thick mucus that clogs certain organs, such as the lungs and intestines etc . This may cause malnutrition, poor growth, frequent respiratory infections, breathing problems, and chronic lung disease.

give three example of fungi







why is moss usually found in a moist environment ​



Mosses are found in moist areas because they are non-vascular plants and must absorb their water.

Hope it helps :)❤

examine this image in the image there is a red mum parent and white mum parent What is the most likely genotypes of the parents if this is incomplete dominance A) RR;RW B) RR;WW C)Rr ;Ww D) RW;RW



answer is rr;ww


what is a good blood pressure?


Answer: A normal blood pressure level is less then 120/80mmHg


Which of the following are functions of the reproductive organs in animals?

I. Produce sperm
II. Support the body
III. Protect the internal organs
IV. Make the eggs

I and II
II and IV
I and IV
II and III





I and IV are the functions of the reproductive organs in animals.

What are Reproductive organs?

The female reproductive system serves a number of purposes. It aids in sexual reproduction in addition to enabling sexual activity.

The fertilized egg is then transferred to your uterus, where the lining has expanded due to the regular hormones produced during your menstrual cycle (also called your reproductive cycle).

The fertilized egg can implant into the thicker uterine lining once it's within your uterus and continue to grow there. Your menstrual period causes the uterine lining to shed if implantation doesn't occur. The female reproductive system also creates sex hormones that keep your menstrual cycle regular.

Therefore, I and IV are the functions of the reproductive organs in animals.

To learn more about Reproductive organs, refer to the link:


Instructions: Using the terms: cellular respiration, photosynthesis, release of
carbon dioxide, release of oxygen; type a brief paragraph explaining the
relationship of these terms for a path in the carbon cycle. (5 pts)
Will give brainlist if possible





in a taxonomic system one of the three broad groups that all living things fall into​



The correct answer is - domain.


In a taxonomic system, all the organisms fall into three broad groups that comprise different kingdoms of the organisms. This group of taxa known as Domain and it is the broadest and most inclusive taxa of the taxonomic system. It includes three groups Archaea, bacteria and eukarya.

Archaea and bacteria were used to comprise in one group but due their differences archaea are divided into new group. These domains have all the organisms present on earth.

what is the name of the hormone that promotes the production of follicles in the ovary?


B-FSH he hormone responsible for starting follicle development and causing the level of estrogen to rise.




FSH helps mature the follicles, and LH helps stop the phase of ovulation so that next step can occur

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