The acronym ADHERE consists of methods for improving patient-provider communication. Which of the following is NOT one of these methods?


Answer 1

The particular word that is not one of the methods that is seen in ADHERE methods used for improving patient-provider communication is: Assess.

What is patient-provider communication?

Patient-provider communication is actually known to be an exchange of information between a patient and the health provider which is mutually understood between them. When this type of communication isn't carried out, it can  expose patients to risky events during administration of medical care.

The principle of ADHERE helps health care providers to understand the needs of patients.

We see that the word that isn't seen in ADHERE is the word Assess.

The correct methods seen in ADHERE are:

A: Acknowledge

D: Discuss

H: Handle

E: Evaluate

R: Recommend

E: Empower

Kindly note that I could not find the other options that completes the question online.

Learn more about patient-provider communication on


Related Questions

What gender is Snowball Animal Farm?


Male and female, Snowball (Philippines dub). A character named Snowball appears in George Orwell's 1945 book Animal Farm. He is heavily modelled after Leon Trotsky.

George Orwell's anti-utopian satire Animal Farm was first published in 1945. Animal Farm (1945), an allegory about early Soviet Russia, features the fictional character Snowball, a pig who is one of the revolt's leaders. The majority of detractors concur that Snowball represents Leon Trotsky.

On the Animal Farm movie poster from 1999 and in the 1954 film, Snowball is depicted as a white pig. In the 1954 and 1999 movies, respectively, Maurice Den-ham and Kelsey Grammar provide Snowball's voices.

To know more about Animal Farm, refer to this link:


What are some examples of capital?


There is a lot of examples of capital, like voting on the new law, and helping create boundaries and helping thee economic development and growth

Which of the following is the best
example of an MLA citation?
A. Lee, Mark. Global Warming: Myth or Reality? New
York: Springer, 2005. Print.
B. Mignon Fogarty. Grammar Girl's Quick and Dirty Tips
for Better Writing. 2008.
C. Uzawa, Hirofumi. Economic Theory and Global
Warming. Print


That which can be described as the best example of an MLA citation is this:

A. Lee, Mark. Global Warming: Myth or Reality? New York: Springer, 2005. Print.

What is the MLA citation?

The MLA citation is a way of citing the original author of a text. The basic format that this medium of citation assumes when referencing a book often begins with the author of the book. The last name comes before the first name and is separated with a comma.

Next is the title of the book, the city of publication, and the publisher of the book. Next, the year in which the book was published can follow. The only option that uses all of these is option A.

Learn more about MLA citation here:


What is the conflict in the excerpt character versus self?


An external conflict that arises in literature when the protagonist is pitted against society, the government, or some sort of cultural tradition or societal norm is known as a character versus society conflict.

The conflict in the excerpt is character versus society. Character vs self conflict refers to conflict that takes place inside a character's psyche (also known as man versus self conflict). In literary conflict between men and themselves, the protagonist's internal struggle with their own nature, moral quandaries, or self-doubts are usually at the heart. Being falsely convicted of something, being expelled from society, racism, segregation, religious convictions, and environmental concerns are just a few instances of how someone could come into conflict with their community. One nice approach to look at it is as one versus many.

To learn more about self click here


Complete question: Read this paragraph.

Darius was convinced that Kennedy High could improve its morning routine. The student parking lot was a jumble of squealing tires, honking horns, and near-misses with pedestrians. Two hundred students always seemed to arrive moments before the tardy bell, and the result was a recipe for disaster. Still, every time Darius mentioned it to his friends, they laughed it off. He wanted to propose a few early-arriver incentives, such as gym privileges or reduced-cost breakfasts, but nobody seemed concerned.

What is the conflict in the excerpt?

character versus self

character versus character

character versus society

character versus nature

Read "Like Brother We Meet" and "Elegy for the Native Guard. "

What do the poem have in common?

Both focu on the importance of family by howing loving family reunion. Both focu on the uffering of war by depicting the death that i created. Both focu on the truggle for equality by highlighting inequalitie between people. Both focu on the human capacity for violence by decribing what happen in war


The following are things that "Like Brothers We Meet" and "Elegy for the Native Guards" have in common.

Both poems highlight the significance of the families and show reunions of families. Both emphasize the death and sufferings because of the war.

Both accentuate the fight for equality by bringing light on the inequalities among people and social injustice.

Through the explanation about battles, both focus on the consequences by the violence in humans.

“Like Brothers We Meet” is written by George Moses Horton and “Elegy for the Native Guards” is written by Natasha Trethwey.

To learn more about ‘Like Brothers We Meet’, here


How do you communicate with empathy in a relationship?


Putting yourself in another person's shoes is a necessary component of empathy. Empathy is the act of placing oneself in another person's shoes and experiencing the world from their perspective, as opposed to sympathy, which is the feeling of compassion or sadness for another.

The Five Steps to Enhancing Relationship Empathy:

Step 1 : First, pay close attention and ask thoughtful questions.

You must first learn to truly listen if you want to become more empathic. I'm saying pay close attention as though this is your work and you're getting paid. Being fully present for what is being said is what listening entails. You're being attentive so you may stay in the present and pay close attention to what the other person is saying, rather than reacting out of your own thoughts or feelings.

Step 2 : Connect with the feeling, not the circumstance.

Instead of concentrating on the circumstance and placing yourself there, concentrate on the emotion and recall an occasion when you experienced it. Even if you've identified the sentiments they're experiencing, you could feel as though you can't sympathize because you don't have a profession that requires you to do presentations and you find public speaking simple in any case.

Step 3: Express Your Own Emotions

Sharing your personal experiences with this sensation is the focus of step three. Again, the secret is not to try to solve any problems or make sense of anything. The important thing is to let the other person know they are not alone in feeling this way.

But it's crucial that you stop there right now! Adding, "But I did, and everything was OK," is NOT acceptable. You can do it too! I overcame it and moved on.

Step 4: What Can I Do in?

You can only ask further questions to demonstrate support and teamwork once you've finished the other steps. Empathizing with your partner makes you their ally in the fight against any difficulty or unfortunate circumstance!

Step 5: You Get Better With Practice.

A relationship skill is empathy. You get better the more you practice. Therefore, continually listening to one another's thoughts and feelings is the final step in fostering empathy in relationships. To continue to be curious about your partner's inner workings Your understanding and bond with your companion grow as you discover how to see the world from their perspective.

For more such question empathy in a relationship:


I desire you would remember the ladies, and be more generous and favourable to them than your ancestors. do not put such unlimited power into the hands of the husbands. based on "ain't i a woman?," how would truth most likely feel about adams’s statement?
a. truth would disagree with adams’s sentiment that women deserve equality in the eyes of society.
b. truth would agree with adams’s sentiment that women deserve to be represented in the constitution.
c. truth would feel that adams is not qualified to comment on issues relating to women’s rights.
d. truth would support adams’s sentiment that women should not be involved in politics.


The reality would concur with Adams' assertion that women merit representation in the Constitution.The correct response is A. truth would disagree with adams’s sentiment that women deserve equality in the eyes of society.

In her speech "ain't I a woman," sojourner truth discussed the logical, moral, and religious justifications for women deserving the same rights as men as a result of their natural equality. She would undoubtedly concur with Adams' call for more gender equality in the Constitution.

The implication is that A is how Truth will feel. Adams' belief that women should be represented in the Constitution is one with which Truth would concur.A simple definition of an inference is the conclusion that can be drawn from the information provided in a literary work.

To know more about constitution visit:


Helvetica, arial, and times new roman are all examples of what? fonts sans serif typefaces serif.


The two most common fonts for writing essays and papers are arial and times new roman since they are the most readable and add elegance to your writing. The correct response is A. a sans serif font.

However, keep in mind that some colleges and universities may need you to use a particular font while making your font selection. In conclusion, the "sans" in their name refers to the lack of such decorative lines or tapers, sometimes known as "tails" or "feet," in sans serif fonts.

Do serif fonts. Sans-serif typefaces, in Downey's opinion, have consistently wide, straightforward lines without tails. In situations where there isn't much place for copy, sans serif fonts are also helpful. Sans serif typefaces are frequently used in sign text, app content, and place names. There are certainly exceptions; for example.

Complete question:

Helvetica, arial, and times new roman are all examples of what? fonts sans serif typefaces serif.

a. a sans serif font

b. times new roman only

c. a font that expresses your individuality

d. arial, times new roman, or a similar font that is easy to read

To know more about a sans serif font visit:


What is the most important duty and responsibility of a Filipino citizen?


It shall be the responsibility of the citizen to uphold the Constitution and the laws, to uphold the Republic and the Philippine flag, to defend the State and contribute to its welfare and development, and to.

What Filipino citizen's most valuable right?

We each have a natural right to life, liberty, and equality. These fundamental rights should be maintained, safeguarded, and upheld by the State with equal seriousness. Even though we speak various languages and dialects, profess various spiritual beliefs, and maintain various ideologies, we, the peoples of the Philippines, place the highest emphasis on the dignity and fullness of life of the human individual. We also share a shared goal for human rights. Ours is a history of revolutionary fight for national liberation, justice, equality, and peace against all forms of oppression. Our nation's collective spirit has been influenced by the same struggles and aspirations for independence and respect for human rights to become one that is proud of its history and multiculturalism.

To know more about Filipino citizen visit:


What is the outcome of macbeth’s conflict with banquo and fleance? indicate where in the tragedy of macbeth, act iii, you found the details that reveal this outcome. a. both men escape. b. both men are killed. c. banquo is killed, but fleance escapes. d. fleance is killed, but banquo escapes.


Macbeth’s conflict because of the second prophecy made by the three witches, Macbeth intended to murder banquo and his son fleance. The correct response is fleance is killed, but banquo escapes.

He was unwilling to take any chances that might have left him with nothing. He intended to invite fleance and his companion banquo to a feast in his home before killing them both.

In order for the feast to be the greatest it could be, he requested his wife, lady macbeth, to make all the necessary arrangements. He instructed her to appear cheery and serve the visitors admirably while keeping his own plans from her.

To know more about Macbeth visit:


What are the common problems of immigrants?


Common problems immigrants dace includes finding work, learning a new language, and adjusting to a new culture. Additionally, may also experience discrimination and racism.

There are a number of common problems that immigrants face when they come to a new country. There are a number of common problems that immigrants face when they first arrive in a new country.

These can include things like language barriers, cultural differences, and difficulty finding work or housing. Additionally, many immigrants are also faced with racism or discrimination from those who are not welcoming of them. These challenges can make it difficult for immigrants to assimilate and feel like they belong in their new home.

To know more about immigrants, click here.


What are 5 types of sentence?


Many times, sentences serve many purposes. They can be divided into five categories based on their intended use:

Declarative or assertive sentencesInterrogative sentencesExclamatory sentencesImperative sentencesOptative sentences

For the purpose of defining and outlining its proper meaning, the word "sentence" is used. The statement is complete and conveys the intended meaning. To convey the writing style, good grammar is essential. A declarative or an assertive sentence is one that only serves to state the subject. In other words, these statements make a claim or declaration to the reader or listener. Usually, they come to a complete stop. An interrogative statement serves the sole goal of interrogating or posing questions. With a question mark (?) at the end. Speaking some phrases carries a request or a command. They are referred to as imperative sentences. These clauses may conclude with a period (.) or an exclamation point (!). Some phrases convey feelings like fear, joy, fury, or surprise. Exclamation marks are usually used at the end of these sentences, which are also known as exclamatory sentences. Some phrases convey a sincere yearning, a fervent plea, or even a curse. These are referred to as optative sentences.

To learn more about Declarative please click on the given link:


How do you write a 5 paragraph informative essay?


A five-paragraph informative essay is a structured piece of writing that consists of an introduction, three body paragraphs, and a conclusion.

The introduction should provide some context for the essay and introduce the topic. It should also include a thesis statement that states the main point of the essay. The body paragraphs should each present a different point and provide evidence to support it.

The conclusion should summarize the main points and provide a final thought on the topic. When writing an informative essay, it is important to keep the tone objective and provide accurate information.

Research should be conducted to ensure the accuracy of the information presented. Each body paragraph should begin with a topic sentence that summarizes the point of the paragraph. This should be followed by evidence to support the point, such as facts, quotes, or statistics.

The paragraphs should flow logically and be properly punctuated. Finally, the conclusion should provide a summary of the main points and a final thought on the topic. The conclusion should also provide a link back to the thesis statement to show how the main points support it.

For more questions like Informative essay click the link below:


What is the traditional style of writing poetry?


Traditional poetry frequently rhyme, but rhyme is only one of many possible structural components. The poem can also have to address a particular kind of subject matter, have a given number of lines or syllables, or use a particular rhythm or meter depending on the kind.

Traditional literature is a subgenre of literature that consists of tales that have been handed down orally and in writing for generations within a particular community. Types of traditional poetry:

1. Ballads: A ballad is a piece of music that tells a story through lyrics. They follow a specific rhyming scheme and vary from culture to culture. The ABCB structure is widely used in ballad rhyming sequences. Here, the quatrain's second and last lines rhyme. Barbara Allan is one of the well-known English folk melodies.

2. Blank verse: Not even rhyme is required in some poetry styles. They place more emphasis on rhyme and metre. The iambic parameter is used in the widely used style of blank poetry.

3. Haikus: The seventeen-syllable haiku is a form of Japanese poetry. It is written in English in three lines. The first and last lines both include five syllables. However, the second line has seven

For such more question on Poetry:


According to Caroll Spinney, which fictional character was invited on the 1986 Challenger mission but declined?
a. Big Bird
b. Chewbacca Bart
c. Simpson
d. Mickey Mouse


The correct option is A ; Big Bird ,has been a mainstay on Sesame Street since 1969, but his tenure on the popular and long-running show was cruelly cut short. Caroll Spinney, the voice of the renowned Sesame

Street character Big Bird, has disclosed that Big Bird was initially slated to join the Space Shuttle Challenger for its fateful mission in 1986. Due to some logistical issues,

the character was unable to board the flight and therefore avoided the awful end that befell the other crew members.

Learn more about to  Big Bird visit here;


What is Cenozoic Era known for?


Cenozoic era was known for the modern flora and age of mammals. It is called the age of mammals because by the extinction of dinosaurs many niches were disappeared and mammals evolved to occupied these niches.

The most important changes in the Cenozoic era was the movement of continents shift their present positions and climate of earth's became drier and cooler. This was the  major impact on the evolution of life during this era.

An unique thing about the Cenozoic Era is the Age of Mammals.Features of North America's  during the Cenozoic era landscapes began to developed mammals and birds rose in prominence after the extinction of giant reptiles.

Learn more about Age of Mammals click on the link here:


varying activities gives everyone a chance to have fun and to be more successful. T/F


Varying activities gives everyone a chance to have fun and to be more successful it is true statement. Hence the correct option is true.

If you say that there are the various things, you mean there are several different things of the type mentioned. Varying activities gives everyone a chance to have fun and to be more successful in life. Physical ability is just one of many factors that influence  outcome of  sporting events. Skill development is vital for the sports since our brain controls our actions through learned movements.

Therefore, varying activities gives everyone a chance to have fun and to be more successful it is true statement. Hence the correct option is true.

To learn more about physical ability check the link below:


Ashton and some his neighbors suffer from asthma. They believe that this is because of the presence of a cement factory located in the outskirts of the city. They want to approach an agency that could help them seek redress. Which agency could address their grievance? the agency that could address their grievance is the. The agency has the responsibility of maintaining and enforcing laws.


If a complainant want to file a grievance although the problem can be remedied by filing an agency complaint. This statement is False.

A grievance is a formal complaint or dispute brought forth by an employee or union that asserts that an employer or union has broken the terms of a collective bargaining agreement or another rule or practise pertaining to employment. A formal mechanism for resolving these complaints or disputes is a grievance procedure.

A method for handling complaints or issues from unrelated to a collective bargaining agreement, employment-related policies, or practises is known as an agency complaint process. It is crucial to use the proper procedure when responding to a grievant who raises a problem that might be remedied through either the grievance or agency complaint process.

Complete question:

Ashton and some his neighbors suffer from asthma. They believe that this is because of the presence of a cement factory located in the outskirts of the city. They want to approach an agency that could help them seek redress. Which agency could address their grievance? the agency that could address their grievance is the. The agency has the responsibility of maintaining and enforcing laws. True or False.

To know more about grievance visit:



The agency that could address their grievance is the Federal Trade CommissionConsumer Product Safety Commission Environmental Protection Agency. The agency has the responsibility of maintaining and enforcing environmentaleconomicsocial laws.



What are common homophones?


A word that sounds the same as another word but has a different meaning is referred to as a "homophone." Its origins include the Greek terms "homo," which means "same," and "phone," which means "voice."

Common Homophones examples-

To is a preposition that can imply "towards" as well as "used in the infinitive form of a verb," as in "to walk."

Too is another word for "as well" or "also," as in "me too."

Two is the number; an example would be "two days ago."

By is a preposition that denotes something that is beside, nearby, or through. For instance, "Over there by that tree, there's an ice cream van."

Buy is a verb that means to get something. "Let's go and get an automobile," for instance.

Bye is a shortened version of the word "goodbye" and is used to bid someone adieu. Since this is archaic, you don't need to include an apostrophe at the beginning to denote the lack of the word "good" (i.e., "bye"). However, true grammar purists would probably insist on doing so.

To know more about homophone click here,


Glazing pottery can be tricky. The stunning results make the effort worthwhile. What should be included to best combine the sentences?;, and, butwhen.


In combination nonetheless, has the intention of introducing a new piece conjunction of information that contrasts with what has already been said. The correct response is 2) but.

The word tricky refers to a challenging action in the first statement, while the second sentence states that despite the challenge, it is rewarding. The conjunction but connects two opposing notions.All around Greece, there was naturally occurring clay that could be used to make pottery.

The Atic clay was the best clay because it had a high iron concentration and, when fired, produced an orange-red colour with a weak lustre. As a result, Attic clay was chosen for creating pottery, which is why the majority of Ancient Greek pottery was red in hue.

complete question:

Glazing pottery can be tricky. The stunning results make the effort worthwhile. What should be included to best combine the sentences?; choise the correct answer.

1) and

2) but

3) when

To know more about conjunction visit:


What are the 3 main influences that resulted into jazz?


Jazz has been influenced over the years by a variety of folk music genres, such as spirituals, work songs, and other genres. In addition, it borrowed elements from 19th-century band music and piano playing.

What is the Jazz Age?

Jazz music and dance styles rose to popularity worldwide throughout the 1920s and 1930s, known as the Jazz Age.

The first nicknamed decade was the 1920s, often known as the "Jazz Age" or "Roaring 20s." A decade of wealth and waste, jazz bands, bootleggers, raccoon coats, bathtub gin, flappers, flagpole sitters, bootleggers, and marathon dancers also characterized the decade.


To learn more about Jazz music from the given link


How does the speaker feel in the Second Coming?


The speaker has a deep sense of pessimism in the Second Coming.  He also doesn't hesitate to incorporate religious iconography, albeit with his own, peculiar twist.

He may be seen as attempting to duplicate the success of the Book of Revelation, which has a ton of incredible, enduring symbols but is also nebulous and illogical enough that no one can pinpoint its precise meaning.

He evaluates the situation of the world in the first stanza using a variety of metaphors, and in the second stanza he experiences a strange vision, which is followed by "darkness" and a rhetorical question that amounts to a prophecy about the Second Coming. Only twice throughout the poem is the first person used, but the prophetic voice is consistently clear and recognizable. We can see from his mention of the Spiritus Mundi that this speaker, like Yeats in real life, is interested in the occult.

To know more about Second Coming click here,


What was happening at the time Hamlet was written?


The mood and events of the play are similar to those of Hamlet, which was written during a time of political uncertainty and fear.

Marcellus and Horatio arrive while Hamlet remains extremely shaken as the ghost vanishes. Hamlet tells them that he will follow the ghost when it comes back to life. In line 88, Marcellus and Horatio try to stop Hamlet from doing it, but Hamlet doesn't listen and goes after the ghost. Marcellus also tries to convince Hamlet not to do it. After everything that happened to Hamlet, Horatio realizes that he is mad. His imagination makes him more desperate.'

To learn more about Hamlet here


What types of art were created in Great Zimbabwe?


The eight soapstone carvings of birds that were uncovered in Great Zimbabwe's ruins are among the most well-known pieces of art, along with its architecture. The birds, which are on average sixteen inches tall.

What genres of art did Zimbabwe produce?

These can include things like masks, drums, textile embellishments, beading, carvings, sculptures, various types of ceramics, housing, and even the individual. African cultures frequently involve body decoration, whether it be permanent (such as scarification or tattoos) or temporary (such as painting the body during a ceremony). The sculptures incorporate aspects of both humans and birds, swapping out human characteristics like lips for beaks and five-toed feet for claws. Six of the sculptures were discovered during the turn of the century excavations, and it is known that they were part of the Eastern Enclosure of the Hill complex. Unfortunately, the exact order of these sculptures is unknown. The birds, which may have represented the kings of Great Zimbabwe's past, have been proposed by scholars to have acted as symbols of regal authority. These statues continue to be potent symbols of dominance in the present day, decorating the Zimbabwean flag as national emblems even if their exact significance is still uncertain.

To know more about Kingdom of Great Zimbabwe visit:


Which excerpt from Good Country People is the best example of figurative language the reason for keeping them?


The following excerpt from Good Country People is the best example of figurative language the reason for keeping them : If she don't get there before the dust settles, you can bet she's dead, that's all.

Good Country People is a brief tale around a 32 year- old person with a rustic leg who learns a cruel illustration about herself on account of a man acting like a Bible salesrep. Hulga is the idol, or primary person. She's also a unbeliever, or notoriety who trusts in nothing.

The finish of" Good Country People" offers a wrap up of the story, yet it might neglect to offer conclusion to certain perusers. Toward the finish of the story, Joy- Hulga is left, high in a space, without her leg and without her pride. Manley Pointer has seduced her, despite the fact that it was her thing to bait him.

For more information on Good Country People, visit :


Which word is reflexive pronoun * 1 point I we Myself his?


Words like myself, you, him, her, it, ourselves, yourself, and themselves are examples of reflexive pronouns.

What is a reflexive pronoun word?

When the object of a verb refers to the same noun as the verb's subject, it is said to be the case of a reflexive pronoun, which is a particular kind of pronoun.

Words like "I," "you," "he," "she," "it," "us," "ourselves," and "theirselves" are examples of reflexive pronouns. They bring up a particular subject or object.

When the object of a verb refers to the same noun as the verb's subject, it is said to be the case of a reflexive pronoun, which is a particular kind of pronoun. The pronouns "himself," "myself," "ourselves," etc., are examples of pronouns that end in "self" or "selves" in English.

Therefore, the correct answer is  Myself.

To learn more about reflexive pronoun refer to:


What Happens in Hamlet Act 2 Scene 2?


Hamlet Act 2 Scene 2 the offered question makes it clear that we must ascertain Gertrude's reaction to Hamlet killing Polonius and what she informed Hamlet's uncle Claudius.

As a result, in Act 2, Scene 2, Gertrude informs Claudius that Hamlet was actually insane after killing Polonius. In the court, there was widespread speculation that Hamlet's meeting with the witches and learning that his uncle Claudius had killed his father.

Driven him insane a character named Polonius appears in Hamlet, a well-known Shakespeare's play. He serves as Claudius, the play's main antagonist, principal advisor.He is also Laertes and Ophelia's father. Every conclusion he draws throughout the play is incorrect.

To know more about Hamlet visit:


Which is the best example of
paraphrasing for the following
Arrived there I found the long
white-pine box which had
been described to me; I
fastened the card to it with
some tacks...
A. When I arrived, I saw the coffin
containing my friend and placed an
identification tag on it.
B. When I arrived, someone had left a name
card on a box to show where I should sit.
C. When I arrived, someone had left me al
box with my name carved into it.


C. When I arrived, someone had left me a box with my name carved into it.

To be able to tell just look at the answer that still makes sense and tells you what happened in a little amount of detail

Why psychologists and anthropologists long believed facial expressions were universal?


Facial expressions are said to be universal since basic emotions are understood by all people, according to psychologists and anthropologists.

What are emotions?

An examination of Paul Ekman's work, who is undoubtedly the current leader in the study of emotions. In accordance with Ekman's "euro cultural" interpretation of Tomkins's affect theory, socialization broadens the spectrum of stimuli that can elicit our fundamental emotions and teaches us how to consciously control our facial expressions in accordance with "display norms." However, under some circumstances, the underlying fundamental emotions will manifest themselves in minute facial movements that can only be seen by a qualified professional. The chapter explores concerns brought up by Ekman's use of images of posed facial gestures as a unique value in order to elucidate the methodological challenges at stake in his study. It also looks at the implications of Ekman's fundamental physiognomic hypothesis, which holds that there are distinctions between the expressions of emotion we produce when we are alone and when we are with other people, allowing us to distinguish between the two.

According to psychologists and anthropologists, basic emotions are understood by all people.

To know more about emotions, visit:


What happens in Freak the Mighty Chapter 9?


Life Is Dangerous, Chapter 9

Freak once instructs Max to go east. Freak demonstrates his compass to Max, who doesn't sure where east is, and Max remarks that it like an authorized Cub Scout compass. No, says Freak, it was the compass Lancelot used. Max finds it amusing to consider Sir Lancelot as a Cub Scout.

Max follows Freak to a brand-new structure in the backyard that is marked "Medical Research." He reveals that they conduct experiments there and requests a secret-keeping oath from Max. When Max is ready to make a blood pact using saliva, Freak murmurs that there is a lab inside termed the Experimental Bionics Unit. Max is told by Freak that there are medical experiments happening. In fact, a bionic robot being developed for human modification by an experimental bionics unit. Max is unsure of what this means. The first bionically enhanced human, according to Freak, will be him.

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