T/F The last tracheal ring of cartilage, known as the carina, has sensory receptors that can trigger a cough reflex.


Answer 1

True. The carina, which is the last ring of cartilage in the trachea, has sensory receptors that can trigger a cough reflex when irritated or stimulated.

It has sensory receptors that can trigger a cough reflex when stimulated by irritants or foreign objects, which helps to clear the airways of any potentially harmful materials. The carina also serves as a structural support for the trachea and bronchi, as well as a landmark for bronchoscopy procedures. It is a cartilaginous ridge that separates the left and right main bronchi and is formed by the inferior-most tracheal cartilage. The carina has sensory receptors that can trigger a cough reflex and is an important landmark in bronchoscopy and tracheostomy

Find out more about Carina



Related Questions

What do Lycophytes look like?
A. Flowers
B. Pine Trees
C. Botry


Lycophytes look like Botry, the correct option is (C).

Lycophytes, also known as clubmosses, are a group of primitive vascular plants that have been around for over 400 million years. They are characterized by their small, herbaceous stature and spore-bearing structures that are arranged in club-shaped clusters.  

Lycophytes have a unique reproductive structure called a strobilus or botryoid (botry). The strobilus is a cone-like structure that contains sporangia, which are structures that produce and release spores. The sporangia are arranged in a spiral pattern on the strobilus, giving it a distinctive appearance. They also do not resemble pine trees, which are a type of gymnosperm. Instead, they have small, scale-like leaves that are arranged spirally around the stem, giving them a moss-like appearance, the correct option is (C).

To learn more about Lycophytes follow the link:



For a variations to be inheritable, where must changes in chromosomes occur?


The answer is B. Sex Cells. Changes in chromosomes must occur in sex cells in order for variation to be inherited, as they that unite during fertilization, and the union of the two parent sex cells is what produces the unique combination of chromosomes in each individual's genome.

What are chromosomes?

Chromosomes are structures in the nucleus of cells that contain long strands of DNA. They contain all of the genetic information that makes us who we are. There are usually two matched sets of chromosomes (one from each parent) which carry the genetic information that determines our physical attributes like eye, hair and skin color.

What is fertilization?

Fertilization is the process through which a sperm meets and merges with an egg. This process typically occurs within the female reproductive system and is necessary for sexual reproduction in most species. During fertilization, the sperm and egg combine to form a single cell called a zygote. This single cell contains genetic material from both the sperm and egg and is the first stage of development.

To know more about  reproductive system, visit:



bb** The result of this cross indicates that the flat headtop allele is dominant to the wild-type headtop.Thus, the only way to express a wild-type headtop is to be homozygous recessive.The result of the following cross indicates that the genotype of the female parent is _____.


The result of the following cross indicates that the genotype of the female parent is phenotype.

A person must be homozygous recessive for the headtop gene to express the wild-type phenotype.

We may set up the following cross using the notation H for the headtop gene and indicating the dominant flat allele with F and the recessive wild-type allele with f:

Ff x ff (flat headtop x wild-type headtop)

All of the kids have flat headtops, indicating that the F allele is present in all of them. This means that his genotype is Ff or FF because his male parent must have given a F allele.

For such more question on phenotype:



What is Peroneus Longus (Insertion and Innervation)?


Peroneus longus is a muscle located in the lateral compartment of the leg, on the lateral side of the tibia and fibula bones.

In insertion, the muscle originates from the head of the fibula and the upper two-thirds of the lateral surface of the bone. It then passes inferiorly and laterally, crossing the ankle joint, and inserts onto the first metatarsal bone and the medial cuneiform bone of the foot.

In innervation, the muscle is innervated by the superficial fibular nerve, which arises from the common peroneal nerve. The peroneus longus muscle is responsible for plantarflexion and eversion of the foot, and also helps in maintaining the stability of the ankle joint. It is an important muscle for walking, running, and other weight-bearing activities.

To know more about the Peroneus Longus, here



What happen when the thyroxine hormone is not secreted in sufficient quantities


Whenever the thyroxine hormone is not secreted in a sufficient amount, it causes hypothyroidism.

Thyroid gland is present in our neck and is a very important gland as it is involved in a number of important bodily functions which include regulating body temperature, metabolism etc.

Hypothyroidism is basically a very commonly condition in which the thyroid gland basically doesn't create as well as release enough amount of thyroid hormone in the bloodstream. This causes the metabolism to slow down. Hypothyroidism can make the patient feel tired, gain weight as well as make them be unable to tolerate the colder temperatures.

To know more about hypothyroidism



If a tiger and a lion were to mate, what may be a result?


There would be a genetic mutation resulting in a “liger”

Which one of these is solely innervated by the parasympathetic division?A) arrector pili muscle of the hair follicle B) ciliary muscle of the eyeC) sweat glands D) adipose tissue


The ciliary muscle of the eye is solely innervated by the parasympathetic division.

The ciliary muscle is a smooth muscle located in the eye that controls the shape of the lens, allowing the eye to focus on near or far objects. The ciliary muscle is innervated solely by the parasympathetic division of the autonomic nervous system. When the parasympathetic nervous system is activated, the ciliary muscle contracts, causing the lens to thicken and focus on nearby objects, a process called accommodation. When the parasympathetic nervous system is inhibited, the ciliary muscle relaxes, allowing the lens to flatten and focus on distant objects.

On the other hand, the arrector pili muscle of the hair follicle (A), sweat glands (C), and adipose tissue (D) are not innervated solely by the parasympathetic division of the autonomic nervous system. These structures receive innervation from both the sympathetic and parasympathetic divisions or may not be innervated by the autonomic nervous system at all. For example, the arrector pili muscle is innervated by both sympathetic and parasympathetic nerves, while sweat glands and adipose tissue are not innervated by the autonomic nervous system.

Learn more about arrector pili muscle here https://brainly.com/question/31026932


Which system do you find in a human, but not in a flatworm?


The circulatory system is found in humans but not in flatworms.

The circulatory system is in charge of transporting blood and nutrients throughout the body. This system in humans is made up of the heart, blood vessels (arteries, veins, and capillaries), and blood.

However, because flatworms lack a circulatory system, nutrients and gases are exchanged directly between cells and the environment via diffusion over the body surface. Humans have a circulatory system, but flatworms do not.

Flatworms have a rudimentary excretory system, neurological system, and digestive system, but they lack many of the specialised organs and systems seen in more sophisticated organisms such as humans.

For such more question on circulatory:



Name two features that are adaptations for the squids predatory life



Tentacles: have tentacles that allow them to grab and hold on to prey.

Water Jets :some shoot ink to cloud the water

(c) A type AB individual carries both A and B oligosaccharides, and therefore will not recognize either A or B as foreign in donated blood.


That is correct. Due to carrying both A and B toligosaccharides, type AB individuals can receive blood from individuals with blood types A, B, AB, and O without any adverse reactions as they do not recognize any of the ABO antigens as foreign.

However, they can only donate blood to other individuals with blood type AB as their blood contains both A and B oligosaccharides.When receiving donated blood, this person's immune system will not recognize either A or B oligosaccharides as foreign, allowing them to safely accept blood donations from A, B, AB, or O blood types.

To know more  about blood please vist :-



Independent assortment of three genesAssuming that the three genes undergo independent assortment, predict the phenotypic ratio of the offspring in the F2 generation.- 27:9:9:9:3:3:3:1- 1:1:1:1:1:1:1:1- 1:0:0:0:0:0:0:0- 1:0:1:0:1:0:1:0


Assuming that the three genes undergo independent assortment, the phenotypic ratio of the offspring in the F2 generation is 27:9:9:9:3:3:3:1. Option A is correct.

The principle of independent assortment states that during gamete formation, the alleles of different genes segregate independently of each other. In this scenario, there are three genes that undergo independent assortment, and each gene has two alleles (A and a, B and b, C and c).

When two individuals heterozygous for all three genes (AaBbCc x AaBbCc) are crossed, the resulting F1 generation will all be heterozygous for each gene (AaBbCc). During the formation of gametes in the F1 generation, the alleles of each gene will segregate independently of each other, resulting in eight possible gamete combinations (ABC, ABc, AbC, Abc, aBC, aBc, abC, abc) with equal probability.

When these gametes combine randomly in the F2 generation, the resulting phenotypic ratio will be 27:9:9:9:3:3:3:1, which corresponds to the number of individuals with each possible combination of genotypes (AAA, AAB, AaB, AaBb, AaBc, Aabc, aaBc, aabc). Option A is correct.

To know more about the Phenotypic ratio, here



The cisterns chyli is directly _____ to the thoracic duct.


The cisterna chyli is directly connected to the thoracic duct, which is an important part of the lymphatic system.

The cisterna chyli is a sac-like structure located at the base of the thoracic duct, where lymph from the lower half of the body accumulates.

The lymph from the lower extremities, pelvis, and abdomen drain into the cisterna chyli via various lymphatic vessels.

From there, the lymph enters the thoracic duct and is transported to the left subclavian vein, where it is eventually returned to the bloodstream.

The thoracic duct is the largest lymphatic vessel in the body and plays a crucial role in maintaining fluid balance, immune function, and lipid metabolism.

Understanding the anatomy and function of the cisterna chyli and the thoracic duct is important for medical professionals in diagnosing and treating various lymphatic disorders.

For more such answers on thoracic duct



someone help me i don’t understand will get brainliest


African Grassland, Marine, Forest, and Desert are very different ecosystems that have evolved different adaptations to their unique environments.

What are the adaptations of the ecosystems?

African Grassland:

Also known as savannas, these ecosystems are characterized by tall grasses and scattered trees.

They have a long dry season and a short wet season.

Grazing animals like zebras, antelopes, and giraffes are common, and predators like lions, hyenas, and cheetahs are also present.

Adaptations include seasonal migration, fire resistance, and specialized digestive systems for grazing.


These ecosystems are found in oceans and seas around the world.

They are home to a vast array of marine life, including fish, sharks, whales, dolphins, and sea turtles.

Adaptations include streamlined body shapes, gills for breathing underwater, and camouflaging skin.


These ecosystems are characterized by trees that form a canopy overhead.

They can be found in many different parts of the world, from temperate forests in North America and Europe to tropical rainforests in South America and Southeast Asia.

Adaptations include climbing, gliding, and leaping for arboreal animals, and specialized seeds that can only germinate under certain conditions.


These ecosystems are characterized by low precipitation and extreme temperatures.

Plants and animals in deserts have to be able to conserve water, tolerate heat, and survive on very little food.

Adaptations include small size, nocturnal behavior, and the ability to store water.

Learn more about ecosystems at:


What is the predicted carrying capacity of the Daphnia culture?


Based on the graph provided, it appears that the carrying capacity of the Daphnia culture is around 135 individuals per 50 mL. Option B is the correct answer.

Carrying capacity refers to the maximum number of individuals of a species that a particular environment can support over a period of time. It is determined by factors such as the availability of resources, environmental conditions, and the interactions between individuals within the population.

In the case of the Daphnia culture, the carrying capacity was likely influenced by the number of nutrients and space available in the culture, as well as the interactions between individual Daphnia. Understanding the carrying capacity of a population is important in predicting population growth and can help inform management strategies for maintaining healthy populations of species in the wild or in captivity.

Learn more about the Daphnia at



The question is -

What is the predicted carrying capacity of the Daphnia culture?

a) 120 Daphnia/50 mL

b) 135 Daphnia/50 mL

c) 200 Daphnia/50 mL

Modern researches that study succession find it to be less orderly and more dynamic that previously thought.


The given statement "Modern researchers that study succession find it to be less orderly and more dynamic that previously thought" is true because  more recent research has shown that succession is often more complex and dynamic than this traditional view suggests.

Once upon a time, ecological succession was assumed to be a predictable and orderly process in which a community of species evolves over time, with one stable community eventually replacing another.

Recent research, however, has demonstrated that succession is frequently more nuanced and dynamic than this classic understanding predicts.

Fires and floods, for example, can reset the successional clock by eliminating current vegetation and generating new possibilities for colonisation by various species.

Furthermore, interspecies interactions such as competition, predation, and mutualism can have a significant impact on the direction and rate of succession.

For such more question on researchers:



The following question may be like this:

Modern researches that study succession find it to be less orderly and more dynamic that previously thought. True or false.

if all nations on earth ratified the kyoto protocol, which of the following would most likely occur?
A. Global greenhouse gas emissions would decrease.
B. Lobar chlorofluorocarbon emissions would decrease.
C. Nuclear waste management would improve.
D. Global water quality would improve.




The Kyoto Protocol is an international agreement that aims to reduce the emission of greenhouse gases, which contribute to global warming and climate change. The protocol sets binding targets for industrialized countries to reduce their greenhouse gas emissions. If all nations ratified the protocol and comply with its provisions, there would be a significant decrease in global greenhouse gas emissions.

Directions: Write the letter for the answer or phrase in the space provided for each question.
6. DNA polymerase
7. deoxyribose
8. DNA replication
9. cytosine
10. DNA helicase
11. replication fork
12. nitrogen base
13. adenine
14. DNA
15. nucleotides

a. subunits that make up DNA
b. one of the two pyrimidines
c. process of making a copy of DNA
d. makes up part of a nucleotide and is made up of one or two rings of carbon
e. one of the two purines
f. abbreviation for deoxyribonucleic acid
g. enzyme that opens up the double helix by breaking hydrogen bonds
h. enzyme that adds nucleotides to a nitrogen base according to the base- pairing rules.
i. two areas formed when the double helix separates during DNA replication.
j. a five-carbon sugar



6) h. enzyme that adds nucleotides to a nitrogen base according to the base- pairing rules.

7) j. a five-carbon sugar

8) c. process of making a copy of DNA

9) b. one of the two pyrimidines

10) g. enzyme that opens up the double helix by breaking hydrogen bonds

11) i. two areas formed when the double helix separates during DNA replication.

12) d. makes up part of a nucleotide and is made up of one or two rings of carbon

13) e. one of the two purines

14) f. abbreviation for deoxyribonucleic acid

15) a. subunits that make up DNA

The tree-based reduction approach leads to load imbalance. true or false


The given statement "The tree-based reduction approach leads to load imbalance" is false because In parallel computing, a reduction operation involves combining data from multiple processors or nodes into a single result.

The tree-based reduction approach is a common parallel reduction technique where the data is combined in a hierarchical manner, with each level of the tree combining data from the previous level. While it is true that the tree-based reduction approach can lead to load imbalance in some cases, it is not a fundamental property of the technique.

Load imbalance can occur if the data being combined at each level of the tree is not evenly distributed across processors or nodes. However, there are ways to mitigate this issue, such as dynamically reassigning work to balance the load or using load-balancing algorithms. Overall, the tree-based reduction approach is a widely used and effective technique for performing parallel reduction in distributed computing systems.

To know more about imbalance, click here.



The Minnesota Twin Study conducted its research only on identical twins, not fraternal twins. T F





MISTRA researched identical and fraternal twins to determine how genetics and environment affect psychological development. Researchers compared identical and fraternal twins to determine how genetic and environmental variables affect physical and mental health.

By looking at both sets of twins, Mistra tried to figure out how much genetics and how much the world affected the way people's minds developed. Researchers were able to learn more about how nature and the environment affect a person's overall health and happiness by using this method.

Click here for genetics information: brainly.com/question/30459739

what event initiates an adaptive immune response? group of answer choices the production of mhc class i or ii molecules the phagocytosis of a pathogen by a macrophage the interaction of a naive t cell with an antigen-presenting cell the expression of cytokines cd4 or cd8 the interaction of a b cell with a th cell


The interaction of a naive T cell with an antigen-presenting cell initiates an adaptive immune response. Therefore the correct option is option B.

When a pathogen enters the body, phagocytic cells such as macrophages engulf it, breaking it down into little pieces and presenting those fragments (antigens) on their surface utilising MHC molecules.

After then, the antigen-presenting cell connects with a T cell, which recognises the antigen as foreign and initiates an immunological response.

The contact between the T cell and the antigen-presenting cell is usually what triggers the adaptive immune response.

T cells grow and differentiate into effector cells that can directly fight the pathogen or drive other immune cells, such as B cells, to make antibodies once activated. Therefore the correct option is option B.

For such more question on immune:



what is observation learning psychology



Observational learning, also known as social learning or modeling, is a type of learning that occurs through observing and imitating the behavior of others. In psychology, observational learning is considered a form of social learning theory, which emphasizes the importance of the environment and social interactions in shaping behavior.

Observational learning can occur through direct observation of a model or through indirect observation, such as watching a video or reading about a behavior. The behavior that is observed and learned may be a new behavior, a modification of an existing behavior, or a reinforcement of an already learned behavior.

According to observational learning theory, there are four key elements that are necessary for observational learning to occur: attention, retention, motor reproduction, and reinforcement. Attention refers to the learner's ability to focus on the model's behavior, while retention involves the learner's ability to remember the behavior. Motor reproduction refers to the learner's ability to physically replicate the behavior, and reinforcement refers to the consequences of the behavior, which can either encourage or discourage future repetition of the behavior.

Observational learning has been shown to be a powerful tool for behavior modification and can be used in a variety of settings, such as in schools, workplaces, and therapy. It can also be used to explain how individuals acquire certain behaviors, such as aggression or altruism, and how cultural norms and values are transmitted from one generation to another.


Question 45
An arthropod-borne disease is spread by:
a. man b. snails
c. insects
d. air


An arthropod-borne disease, also known as an arboviral disease, is spread by insects such as mosquitoes, ticks, and fleas. Therefore, option c, insects, is the correct answer.

Arboviral diseases are caused by viruses that are transmitted to humans and other animals by the bite of infected arthropod vectors. The most common arboviral diseases include West Nile virus, dengue fever, Zika virus, and chikungunya. These diseases can cause a range of symptoms, from mild to severe, and can be fatal in some cases.

Prevention of arboviral diseases involves taking measures to avoid being bitten by infected insects, such as using insect repellent, wearing long-sleeved shirts and pants, and using mosquito nets. Additionally, reducing the breeding sites of these insects by eliminating standing water and keeping the environment clean can also help to prevent the spread of these diseases

Learn more about diseases here:



______ sequence is a consensus sequence (in prokaryotic mRNAs only) that signals the start of translation.(3)





The sequence "AUG" is the start codon for translation and is also known as the initiation codon. It is a consensus sequence, meaning that it is the most commonly observed sequence at the beginning of protein-coding genes in prokaryotic mRNAs. When an AUG codon is encountered by the ribosome, it signals the start of protein synthesis and the ribosome begins to translate the mRNA sequence into a protein sequence. The start codon is recognized by a specific initiator tRNA molecule that carries the amino acid methionine, which is the first amino acid in many proteins.

9) Natural killer cells like Tc cells use ________ and granzymes to kill their targets without prior exposure or contact with the foreign cells.A) coagulantsB) M proteinC) perforinD) interferon gamma


Natural killer cells, like Tc cells, use perforin and granzymes to kill their targets without prior exposure or contact with foreign cells. So, the correct option is C.

Perforin is a protein that forms pores in the target cell membrane, allowing granzymes to enter the cell. Granzymes are serine proteases that initiate a cascade of events, ultimately leading to apoptosis (cell death). This mechanism allows natural killer cells to destroy virus-infected cells and cancer cells without the need for prior exposure or contact with foreign cells.

This process is part of the innate immune response, providing rapid defense against pathogens and abnormal cells.

You can learn more about Tc cells at: brainly.com/question/29603454


What type of species, if removed from the community, could lead to the collapse of the entire community?A. Flagship speciesB. Indicator speciesC. Endemic speciesD. Keystone species


Keystone species of species, if removed from the community, could lead to the collapse of the entire community

Keystone species are species that have a disproportionately large impact on the community relative to their abundance. If a keystone species is removed from the community, the community structure and function can change dramatically, potentially leading to the collapse of the entire community.

Keystone species can have a variety of roles in the community, such as predators, pollinators, or ecosystem engineers, and their removal can cause cascading effects throughout the food web. Examples of keystone species include sea otters, which help maintain kelp forest ecosystems, and beavers, which can alter river systems and create habitats for other species.

Learn more about Keystone species



Which of the traits depicted here has the SMALLEST heritability?
trait H
trait K
trait L
trait M


Option c is the correct answer. The traits depicted here has the smallest heritability is trait L.

On the off chance that we are given extra data that any remaining variables influencing the qualities H, K, L, and M are held steady, and we accept that the attributes are ordinarily appropriated, then we can contrast their heritability values with figure out which has the littlest heritability. Assuming quality L has the littlest heritability among the four attributes, this implies that the characteristic is least affected by hereditary factors and is rather for the most part impacted by ecological variables or arbitrary possibility. In this way, the variety we see in characteristic L is generally because of variables beyond hereditary qualities, like ecological openings, way of life decisions, or estimation mistake. This features the intricacy of grasping the reasons for human qualities and the trouble of prodding separated the commitments of hereditary qualities and climate.

To learn more about heritable trait, refer:



Question 51 Marks: 1 Halon-1211 is used primarily in ______.Choose one answer. a. portable fire extinguishers b. fixed fire suppression systems c. printed circuit board cleaning d. vapor degreasing


Halon-1211 is used primarily in portable fire extinguishers. The correct option is a.

The Halon 1211 is used primarily in the portable fire extinguishers and this is the streaming agent.  The Halon 1211 is majorly used in the streaming agent in the portable, and the hand be held the fire extinguishers.

This Halon 1211 is also used in the large wheeled extinguishers and it is called as the "Flight Line" units to be combat the airplane fires at the runway. The Halon 1211 fire extinguisher is the liquefied gas, and it pressurized with the nitrogen, that will discharges as the vapor causing the no cold. The option a is correct.

To learn more about fire extinguishers here



Cadherins are: (Select all that apply.)A. proteins that provide a pathway for molecules to move between cells.B. proteins involved in attachment of cells to neighboring cells.C. cell adhesion molecules found in cell junctions.D. proteins involved in attachment of cells to the extracellular matrix.


Cadherins are cell adhesion molecules found in cell junctions. So, the correct answer is option C.

They are transmembrane proteins that are in charge of the cellular adhesion. They produce a sort of junction known as an adherens junction at the cell-cell contact sites.

They are crucial for cell adhesion and intercellular communication, which enable cells to build tissue architecture. The adhesion of cells to the extracellular matrix also involves cadherins. They can serve as receptors for extracellular signals and are involved in signal transduction pathways, which control cell differentiation and development.

The development of epithelial and endothelial cells, which make up the top layer of tissue and act as a barrier between the outside environment and the internal organs, depends on cadherins.

They assist in preserving tissue integrity as well immune responses.

To learn more about cell junctions visit:



Question 14
The majority of the world's water is used in:
a. Households
b. Industry
c. Agriculture
d. Sewage disposal


The majority of the world's water is used in: Agriculture

Option C is correct

The majority of the world's water is used for agricultural purposes, such as irrigation and livestock production. In some regions, agriculture can account for up to 80% of water use.

Industrial and household water use, while significant, typically account for a smaller portion of overall water use. Sewage disposal, while an important aspect of water management, does not involve the consumption of large amounts of water.

To know more about Sewage disposal here



1. Which of these limiting factors is density independent?

a. Predation
b. Natural disasters
c. Competition
d. Disease

2. The natural greenhouse effect keeps the Earth’s temperatures warm enough for life.

a. True
b. False

3. The more biodiversity in an ecosystem….

a. the lower the stability of that ecosystem.
b. the more disturbances that ecosystem experiences.
c. the greater the stability of that ecosystem.

4. Which one of the following human activities is the greatest threat to biodiversity?

a. Habitat destruction
b. Climate change
c. Introduced species
d. Pollution
e. Overharvesting

5. Which of the following pairs of events was most responsible for the rapid increase in human population?

a. Black plague and development of fire
b. The industrial revolution and energy from coal
c. Steam power and energy from burning wood
d. Agricultural green revolution and antibiotic availability

6. What might happen if man continues to burn fossil fuels and put more carbon dioxide into the atmosphere?

a. Overall global temperatures will be warmer.
b. There might be more frequent and more severe droughts.
c. There might be more frequent and more severe storms.
d. All of the above are possible if man continues to add carbon dioxide to the atmosphere.

7. Ecosystem ________________ is anything that disrupts the homeostasis of an ecosystem.

a. disturbance
b. resistance
c. resilience
d. respiration

8. ___________________ diversity describes the variety and abundance of different types of species that inhabit an area.

a. Genetic
b. Species
c. Ecosystem
d. Terrestrial


Natural disasters are density-independent factors because they affect every individual in a population independent of their density. The natural greenhouse effect is essential for life on Earth, as it helps to maintain a temperature range that is suitable for living organisms.

Thus, greater the diversity of species in an ecosystem, greater the stability of that ecosystem because a diverse ecosystem is better to recover from disturbances and protect the life of more living organisms.

Habitat destruction, such as deforestation is the greatest threat to biodiversity that lead to the loss of habitats and the extinction of species. The agricultural green revolution and the availability of antibiotics increases the food production and a increases the life expectancy of living organisms.

The increased concentration of carbon dioxide can lead to global warming, which can cause more frequent and severe droughts and storms, thereby, threatening the life of various living organisms. Ecosystem disturbance is anything that disrupts the homeostasis of an ecosystem. Species diversity describes the variety and abundance of different types of species that inhabit an area.

Learn more about living organisms here:



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