Stedman believes that a mutation in the human jaw muscle allowed for what unique feature of the human brain?


Answer 1

Stedman believes that a mutation in the human jaw muscle allowed for unique feature size of the braincase that help in develop and growth of the human brain.

According to Stedman's theory mutation in the gene that codes for the MYH16 protein, which is in charge of regulating the growth of the jaw muscle, resulted in a decrease in the size and power of the human jaw muscles. Because of which the human braincase was able to expand, creating more room for the brain's expansion and development.

According to this theory, humans larger and more complex brains have been developed at the expense of their jaw muscles. It is one of many theories put forth to account for the development of the human brain.

Learn more about human brain at:


Related Questions

The major mixing movement in the small intestine is accomplished by


The major mixing movement in the small intestine is accomplished by a process called segmentation, also known as the "mixing and cutting" movement.

Segmentation is a coordinated contraction and relaxation of the smooth muscle in the intestinal wall, which divides and mixes the chyme (partially digested food and stomach secretions) in the small intestine, allowing for more efficient absorption of nutrients.

Unlike peristalsis, which propels the contents of the digestive tract in one direction, segmentation movements occur in a random, back-and-forth motion that helps break down the chyme and bring it into contact with the intestinal walls where absorption takes place. Segmentation also helps to prevent the chyme from moving too quickly through the small intestine, which could result in incomplete digestion and absorption of nutrients.

To know more about  \intestine here


What can you deduce from the fact that the large intestine wall is composed of simple columnar epithelia?


Based on the fact that the large intestine wall is composed of simple columnar epithelia, one can deduce that its main functions involve the absorption of water and electrolytes, as well as providing a protective barrier.

From the fact that the large intestine wall is composed of simple columnar epithelia, we can deduce that its main function is the absorption of water and electrolytes. The simple columnar epithelia have microvilli that increase the surface area for absorption, allowing for efficient absorption of water and electrolytes. Additionally, this type of epithelia provides a protective barrier against harmful substances that may be present in the large intestine.

The simple columnar structure allows for efficient absorption and a relatively large surface area for contact with digested material.

Epithelial cells are tissues composed of tight layers of similar cells, which include the epidermis, the surface of the eye, the sacs that make up the blood vessels and digestive system, the respiratory system, the child-causing, and urine, including cancer and various tumors. catheter.

Learn more about epithelia:


Muscle cells require an abundant amount of ATP to function. Therefore, muscle cells have numerous: lysosomes. peroxisomes. mitochondria. ribosomes.


Muscle cells require an abundant amount of ATP to function, and therefore have numerous mitochondria. Mitochondria are the powerhouses of the cell, where ATP is produced through cellular respiration.

Mitochondria are highly specialized organelles that contain their own DNA and ribosomes, allowing them to synthesize some of their own proteins. The mitochondrial matrix contains the enzymes necessary for the citric acid cycle, which generates electron carriers that are used in the electron transport chain to generate ATP. In addition to mitochondria, muscle cells also contain numerous ribosomes, which are responsible for synthesizing the proteins necessary for muscle contraction and other cellular functions.

Learn more about mitochondria:


The amount of available Amorphous Data Parallelism of DMR may increase and decrease during the computation.true/false


True. The amount of available Amorphous Data Parallelism of DMR may increase or decrease during the computation, depending on factors such as the number of available processors, the complexity of the computation, and the amount of data being processed at any given time.

True. The amount of available Amorphous Data Parallelism in DMR (Data-parallel Model Reduction) may increase and decrease during the computation, as it refers to the parallel execution of tasks on diverse data sets.

Changes in the data or the nature of the tasks being processed can lead to variations in the level of parallelism throughout the computation.

To know more about Processors click here .


A. Trigger zone B. Receptive region C. Conducting region D. Secretory region E. Secretory zone _____ 23. Area where nerve impulse is generated. _____ 24. Receives stimuli. _____ 25. Plasma membrane exhibits voltage-gated Na


23 Area where nerve impulse is generated - Trigger zone

24 Receives stimuli - Receptive region

25 Plasma membrane exhibits voltage-gated Na - Conducting region

The trigger zone is the area where nerve impulse is generated in a neuron. It is typically located at the junction between the axon hillock and the initial segment of the axon.

This region contains a high concentration of voltage-gated sodium channels, which are responsible for the depolarization of the plasma membrane and the initiation of an action potential. The receptive region of a neuron is the part of the neuron that receives stimuli, which can be either chemical or physical in nature. The conducting region of a neuron is the part of the neuron that propagates the action potential from the trigger zone to the axon terminals. The secretory region or zone of a neuron is the area where neurotransmitters are released from the axon terminals to communicate with other neurons or target cells

Learn more about trigger zone,


Which feature is similar in the respiratory systems of mammals and birds and distinguishes them from other terrestrial vertebrates? A) High efficiency to support high metabolic ratesB) Unidirectional airflowC) Air sacsD) Lung flexibilityE) Parabronchi


The feature that is similar in the respiratory systems of mammals and birds and distinguishes them from other terrestrial vertebrates is unidirectional airflow. The right option is B.

Both mammals and birds have complex respiratory system that enables them to extract oxygen efficiently from the air.

In the case of birds, air flows through the lungs in a unidirectional manner, passing through air sacs and para bronchi that function like a series of tubes, ensuring that oxygenated air never mixes with deoxygenated air.

This allows for a constant supply of oxygen to the lungs, even during the flight when oxygen demand is highest.

Mammals, on the other hand, have a different mechanism for efficient gas exchange.

They use a countercurrent exchange system in their lungs, where oxygen and carbon dioxide are exchanged between blood vessels and air as they flow in opposite directions.

This allows for high efficiency to support high metabolic rates.

Overall, while the mechanisms are different, both birds and mammals have evolved sophisticated respiratory systems that allow them to thrive in their respective environments. Therefore, the correct option is B, unidirectional airflow.

For more such answers on the respiratory system


What is the difference between a light microscope and an electron microscope?(what are they best used for)


The difference between the light microscope and an electron microscope lies in the type of radiation they use to visualize objects and the level of magnification and resolution they can achieve.

A light microscope, also known as an optical microscope, uses visible light as its source of radiation to illuminate and magnify samples. It typically uses lenses to focus and magnify the light, allowing for the visualization of objects such as cells, tissues, and small organisms.

Light microscopes are commonly used in biological research, medicine, and education, as they are suitable for observing live specimens and can provide detailed information about cellular structures and biological processes.

An electron microscope, on the other hand, uses a beam of electrons as its source of radiation to visualize objects. Electrons have much shorter wavelengths than visible light, allowing for much higher magnification and resolution.

Electron microscopes can visualize objects at a much smaller scale, such as individual cells, subcellular structures, and nanomaterials, with resolutions down to the atomic level.

To know more about light microscope here


Birthweight, head circumference, and ___ are measurements that assess newborn health status after birth.


Birthweight, head circumference, and Apgar score are measurements that assess newborn health status after birth.

Birthweight is the weight of the newborn measured immediately after birth and is an important indicator of overall health and growth in the newborn. Birthweight is influenced by various factors such as gestational age, maternal nutrition, and overall maternal health during pregnancy.

Head circumference is the measurement of the newborn's head circumference, typically taken at the widest part of the head, and is used to assess the growth and development of the newborn's brain and skull. Head circumference is an important measurement that can help detect any abnormal growth patterns or potential issues with brain development.

Learn more about “ Apgar score “ visit here;


Question 72
The rabies virus may be contracted from the aerosol of an infected animal's urine, entering through the nose or mouth.
a. True
b. False


The rabies virus may be contracted from the aerosol of an infected animal's urine, entering through the nose or mouth is false

Rabies virus is primarily transmitted through the bite of an infected animal, usually via saliva. While it is theoretically possible for the virus to be transmitted through the aerosol of an infected animal's urine, this mode of transmission is extremely rare.

The virus cannot be contracted through the nose or mouth without exposure to infected saliva. It is important to note that rabies is a serious and potentially deadly disease, and anyone who has been bitten by an animal should seek medical attention as soon as possible.

To know more about disease here


This structure contains modified sympathetic postganglionic neurons that lack nerve processes.A) adrenal medulla B) collateral ganglionC) sympathetic chain ganglion D) stellate ganglion


The structure that contains modified sympathetic postganglionic neurons without nerve processes is the adrenal medulla (A).

The adrenal medulla is part of the endocrine system and is located on top of the kidneys. It is responsible for producing and releasing hormones such as adrenaline and noradrenaline, which play a vital role in the "fight or flight" response.

These hormones are released into the bloodstream in response to stress or danger, and they prepare the body for action. While the sympathetic chain ganglion (C), collateral ganglion (B), and stellate ganglion (D) are all part of the sympathetic nervous system, they do not contain modified sympathetic postganglionic neurons without nerve processes like the adrenal medulla.

Learn more about adrenal medulla here:


Need help with number 12


The organism that has DNA closest to that of a bird is likely to be a reptile the organism that differs the most from a bird in terms of DNA is a bacteria.

What is the DNA of a bird?

Dinosaurs called theropods gave rise to birds. Fossil DNA studies have revealed a tight relationship between birds and the maniraptoran theropod dinosaurs, which include Velociraptor and Deinonychus.

Bacteria lack the intricate cellular structures and processes found in eukaryotic creatures like birds and have an entirely different sort of genetic material (circular DNA termed a plasmid).

Learn more about DNA:


Who sets the maximum pollution levels of each of the six criteria air pollutants? What are they called?


In the United States, the maximum pollution levels for each of the six criteria air pollutants are set by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). These levels are called National Ambient Air Quality Standards (NAAQS).

Carbon monoxide, lead, nitrogen dioxide, ozone, particle matter, and sulphur dioxide are the six criterion air pollutants. Based on scientific evaluations of their impacts on human health and the environment, the EPA establishes different NAAQS for each pollutant.

The NAAQS define the maximum permitted concentrations of each pollutant in outdoor air and are intended to safeguard public health and welfare while providing an acceptable margin of safety.

The EPA reviews the NAAQS on a regular basis to ensure that they reflect the most recent scientific information regarding the health and environmental effects of air pollution.

For such more question on Environmental:


You can make an ethical choice by asking yourself all of the following questions EXCEPTa. "What's in it for me?" b. "What does the law say about this? c. "What are company policies on this issue? d. "Would I want my children to know I did this? e. "Does the situation smell bad ?" i


The answer is a. "What's in it for me?" Asking this question may lead to a self-centered decision rather than an ethical one. However, asking the other questions listed, such as "What does the law say about this?", "What are company policies on this issue?", "Would I want my children to know I did this?", and "Does the situation smell bad?" can help individuals make ethical decisions by considering the impact of their actions on others and their own values.

You can make an ethical choice by asking yourself all of the following questions EXCEPT "What's in it for me?" This question focuses on personal gain rather than considering the ethical implications of a decision. The other questions help evaluate the legality, company policies, personal values, and potential negative consequences of a situation, which are important factors in making ethical choices.

Learn more about self-centered decision here:-


How are animals adapted to living in the savanna environment?


Answer: The animals in the Savannas migrate , hibernate and camouflage to survive. Zebras, wildebeests , elephants and many more graze and survive in the open environment.


A creature may change how it interacts with its terrain. Analogous to how raspberry branches have evolved into bodies or how the cheetah is erected for nippy handling, it might be a physical or structural adaption. The champaign is home to a variety of creatures, including mammoths, giraffes, Napoleons, and cheetahs.

Creatures in the champaign must use belittlement and disguise to survive because of its open terrain. Extremely wet and dry seasons do in downs. Shops in the champaign parade a variety of characteristics to repel seasonal failure, a lack of available water and nutrients, as well as the goods of frequent fire and herbivory.

Woody trees have acclimated characteristics that help them repel fire, including as thick separating dinghy, high wood humidity content, and large resprouting exertion.

(Electron transport & ATP synthase)
Which of the following statements is FALSE?
Cytochrome c and coenzyme Q are both soluble electron carriers that are loosely attached to the outside of the inner mitochondrial membrane.
During electron transport protons are pumped across the inner mitochondrial membrane from the matrix to the intermembrane space.
All of the protein complexes of the mitochondrial respiratory chain are bound in the inner mitochondrial membrane.
The citric acid cycle is linked directly to the mitochondrial respiratory chain at the site of complex II.
Oxygen is reduced to water at complex IV of the mitochondrial respiratory chain.


The statement that is FALSE is: "Cytochrome c and coenzyme Q are both soluble electron carriers that are loosely attached to the outside of the inner mitochondrial membrane."

This statement is incorrect because while cytochrome c is a soluble electron carrier that is loosely attached to the outside of the inner mitochondrial membrane, coenzyme Q (also known as ubiquinone) is actually a lipid-soluble electron carrier that is firmly embedded in the inner mitochondrial membrane. While cytochrome c and coenzyme Q are both electron carriers involved in the electron transport chain in mitochondria, they are not both soluble or loosely attached to the outside of the inner mitochondrial membrane. Cytochrome c is a water-soluble protein that is loosely associated with the inner mitochondrial membrane, but it is not located on the outside of the membrane.

Learn more about protein :


The _____ are often the location of pain for individuals because these vertebrae carry the most amount of body weight and are subject to the largest forces and stresses along the spine.


The lumbar vertebrae are often the location of pain for individuals because these vertebrae carry the most amount of body weight and are subject to the largest forces and stresses along the spine.

The lumbar region consists of five vertebrae, labeled L1 to L5, located in the lower back area.

This region supports the upper body and transfers the weight to the pelvis and legs.

Due to the substantial forces and stresses placed on the lumbar vertebrae, they are more prone to injury and wear and tear, which can lead to pain and discomfort.

Common conditions that cause lumbar pain include muscle strains, ligament sprains, herniated discs, and spinal stenosis.

Maintaining proper posture, engaging in regular physical activity, and using proper lifting techniques can help prevent lumbar pain and keep the spine healthy.

For more such answers on vertebrae


Question 52
Bacteria may be carried in the digestive system of the housefly for as long as a. 1 week
b. 3 months
c. 4 weeks
d. 2 days


Bacteria may be carried in the digestive system of the housefly for as long as 4 weeks.

C is the correct answer.

House flies can move different infections from one site to another, putting people at risk of contracting different diseases [3,4]. Some of the bacteria found in or on the surface of these flies' bodies can survive for up to 35 days.

It is well knowledge that house flies can operate as a mechanical carrier, transmit bacteria, and spread bacterial illnesses. It is conceivable that house flies are a significant factor in the spread of germs resistant to antibiotics.

However, because medical attention are frequently unwell and carriers of numerous infections, the flies from hospital environments were more contaminated. Additionally, administrative procedures should be used to regulate the settings in hospitals.

To know more about houseflies visit:


The same amount of total primary productivity occurs on land and in the oceans


Around the world, the sea and the land each produce a similar measure of essential creation, however, in the sea essential creation comes basically from cyanobacteria and green growth.

Terrestrial production ranges from 50-70 billion tons per year, while marine net production is approximately 35-50 billion metric tons per year. However, compared to the 600-1000 billion metric tons of biomass found in terrestrial systems, the ocean's biomass is only about 1-2 billion metric tons.

The majority of studies agree that phytoplankton and other photosynthetic aquatic organisms are responsible for approximately half of the planet's oxygen production and, consequently, approximately half of the primary productivity. There have been numerous studies about the primary productivity on land and in the ocean.

To learn more about cyanobacteria here


The changes to the cuttlefish's skin are related to _______.A. reproductive strategiesB. elimination of wasteC. camouflageD. feeding behavior


The cuttlefish's skin has undergone alterations for concealment. Here option C is the correct answer.

Cuttlefish are known for their remarkable ability to change the color and texture of their skin to blend in with their surroundings and avoid detection by predators or prey.

This ability is primarily used for camouflage and is an important adaptation for survival in their natural habitat. While reproductive strategies, waste elimination, and feeding behavior are all important aspects of a cuttlefish's life, they are not directly related to the changes in their skin.

These adaptations allow cuttlefish to blend in with their surroundings and avoid predators, or to signal to potential mates or rivals. Cuttlefish can even create complex patterns and movements on their skin, mimicking the appearance of other animals or the texture of their surroundings to better conceal themselves.

To learn more about cuttlefish


When a photon of light causes the retinal molecule on an opsin strand to change shape and eventually break off, this specific process is called __________.


The specific process when a photon of light causes the retinal molecule on an opsin strand to change shape and eventually break off is called phototransduction.

When a photon of light causes the retinal molecule on an opsin strand to change shape and eventually break off, this specific process is called "photoisomerization." This process involves the absorption of a photon by the retinal molecule, causing it to change its conformation and initiate a cascade of molecular events in the photoreceptor cell, ultimately leading to the generation of an electrical signal.

To know more about molecule visit :-


Percussion of the costovertebral angle that results in the reproduction of symptoms:a. Signifies radiculitisb. Signifies pseudorenal painc. Has no significanced. Requires medical referral


Percussion of the costovertebral angle that results in the reproduction of symptoms: B. Signifies pseudo renal pain.

What is the condition of percussion of the costovertebral angle?
Percussion of the costovertebral angle that results in the reproduction of symptoms is a clinical sign suggesting pseudo renal pain. This is a condition in which pain is felt in the kidney region but is not caused by a kidney problem. The diagnosis of pseudo renal pain is usually made based on the patient's symptoms and a physical exam, including percussion of the costovertebral angle.

Treatment of pseudo renal pain:

Treatment for pseudo renal pain usually involves managing the underlying cause, such as musculoskeletal strain or inflammation. In some cases, imaging studies may be ordered to rule out other causes of the pain. If the symptoms persist or worsen, a medical referral may be necessary for further diagnosis and treatment.

To know more about pseudo renal pain, visit:


Describe the correct pathway that a nerve impulse to blood vessels and hair follicles (glands and arrector pili muscles) in the dermis must travel using the following structures: ventral ramus, dorsal root, ventral root, sympathetic trunk, gray ramus communicans, white ramus communicans, and spinal nerve.


The correct pathway for a nerve impulse to reach the blood vessels and hair follicles (glands and arrector pili muscles) in the dermis is sensory receptors → dorsal root → dorsal horn → interneuron → ventral horn → ventral root → spinal nerve → sympathetic trunk → ganglia → effector organs.

The correct pathway for a nerve impulse to reach the blood vessels and hair follicles (glands and arrector pili muscles) in the dermis begins with the sensory receptors in the skin receiving a stimulus. The nerve impulse travels through the dorsal root of the spinal cord, which contains the sensory fibers.
Once the nerve impulse reaches the spinal cord, it then travels through the dorsal horn and synapses with an interneuron. The interneuron relays the nerve impulse to the ventral horn of the spinal cord, where it exits through the ventral root.
The ventral root joins with the spinal nerve and travels to the sympathetic trunk. The sympathetic trunk is a chain of ganglia located near the spinal cord that contains both white and gray rami communicans.
The nerve impulse then travels through the sympathetic trunk and reaches the ganglia that innervate the blood vessels and hair follicles (glands and arrector pili muscles) in the dermis. The postganglionic fibers then travel to the effector organs and release neurotransmitters, causing the desired effect.

Learn more about  nerve impulses at


1) During photosynthesis, the electrons released as a result of photolysis does what
(a) reduce a molecule of chiorophyll a in photosystem I/P680
(b) reduce a molecule of chlorophyll a in photosystem I/P700
(c) are directly involved in the fixation of carbon during the Calvin cycle
(d) oxidize a molecule of NAD*

2)imagine a thylakoid is somehow punctured so that the interior of the thylakoid is no longer separated from the stroma. This damage will have the most direct effect on which of what?
(a) the splitting of water
(b) the reduction of NADP+
(c) the synthesis of ATP
(d) the absorption of light energy by chlorophyll
(e) the flow of electrons from photosystem II to photosystem I

3) Which of the following is incorrect of photosystem lI? It
(a) is located in the thylakoid membrane.
(b) is involved in the oxidation of water.
(c) has a special oxidizable chlorophyll a molecule, called P680.
(d) has an associated antenna complex for light harvesting activity.
(e) is required for cyclic phosphorylation


1) (a) reduce a molecule of chlorophyll a in photosystem I/P680 ; 2) (c) the synthesis of ATP   3) (e) is required for cyclic phosphorylation

What is thylakoid?

A thylakoid is a membranous sac found within the chloroplasts of plant cells and is the site of the light-dependent reactions of photosynthesis.

1) During photosynthesis, electrons released as a result of photolysis are used to reduce a molecule of chlorophyll a in photosystem II/P680.

2) Puncturing of a thylakoid so that the interior of thylakoid is no longer separated from stroma would directly affect the synthesis of ATP. The synthesis of ATP occurs through chemiosmosis, which involves the generation of a proton gradient across the thylakoid membrane.

3) Option (e) is incorrect. Photosystem II is not required for cyclic phosphorylation. Cyclic phosphorylation is a type of photophosphorylation that involves only photosystem I and not photosystem II.

To know more about thylakoid, refer


the viking spacecraft were designed -- in part -- to search for life on mars. which of the following statements about the results of these experiments is true? a. viking did not discover larger life forms on mars, but did find some mars bacteria b. viking did not discover life on mars today, but did find a lot of fossils indicating mars had life in the past c. viking discovered a form of life on mars that does not require water to thrive d. viking did find a whole martian civilization, but they are hiding it from the news media e. viking found that the surface of mars in the two places it searched did not have any life or even life's building blocks


The true statement about the results of the experiments conducted by the Viking spacecraft on Mars is option E Viking found that the surface of Mars in the two places it searched did not have any life or even life's building blocks. The first spacecraft to successfully land on Mars.

While the Viking landers did conduct experiments to search for signs of life on Mars, they did not find any conclusive evidence of life. Instead, they found that the soil on Mars was devoid of organic matter and lacked the necessary ingredients to support life as we know it.  The correct answer is E. Viking found that the surface of Mars in the two places it searched did not have any life or even life's building blocks. The Viking spacecraft conducted experiments to search for life on Mars, but the results did not provide conclusive evidence for the presence of living organisms or their building blocks. Viking 1 was part of a two-part mission to investigate the Red Planet and search for signs of life.

learn more about spacecraft here.


After polarity of microtubules are established, the ___ cells make bicoid RNA and pop them into the ___.


After polarity of microtubules are established, the nurse cells make Bicoid RNA and pop them into the oocyte.

One of the key mRNAs involved in this process is Bicoid mRNA, which is produced in the nurse cells of the ovary and transported into the developing oocyte.

The nurse cells of the Drosophila ovary are connected to the developing oocyte through cytoplasmic bridges. These allow for the transfer of cytoplasmic components, including mRNAs, from the nurse cells to the oocyte.

The "nurse-cells" actively produce Bicoid mRNA and transport it through the ring canals into the oocyte. The Bicoid mRNA is then localized to the anterior pole of the oocyte. Once localized, the Bicoid mRNA is translated into protein at the anterior pole of the embryo.

Learn more about Bicoid RNA here


Of the following types of RNA, which is one of the determining factors in cell differentiation?A) tRNAB) rRNAC) mRNAD) No type of RNA is a determing factor in cell differentiation.E) cRNA


The correct answer is (C) mRNA. Messenger RNA (mRNA) is the type of RNA that carries genetic information from DNA to ribosomes, where it is translated into proteins that perform various functions in the cell.

The specific proteins produced by a cell are a key factor in determining the cell's identity and function, so mRNA plays a critical role in cell differentiation. The other types of RNA (tRNA, rRNA, cRNA) are also important in protein synthesis, but they do not directly contribute to cell differentiation. Messenger RNA (mRNA) plays a crucial role in the process of cell differentiation, where undifferentiated cells become specialized in structure and function. This is because mRNA carries genetic information from DNA to ribosomes, where it is translated into proteins that perform various functions in the cell, including determining cell identity and function.

Learn more about proteins :


Cardiac muscle differs from skeletal muscle in that:A) its action potentials are significantly shorterB) each muscle fiber is innervated by at least two neuronsC) it does not depend on the nervous system to trigger action potentialsD) it is not striatedE) all of these are correct


Cardiac muscle differs from skeletal muscle in that its action potentials are significantly shorter. Therefore the correct option is option A.

There are some significant distinctions between cardiac and skeletal muscle. While skeletal muscle fibres are long, cylindrical cells with voluntary control, cardiac muscle fibres are shorter and branching, with autonomic nervous system control of contractions.

The length of action potentials differs significantly between cardiac and skeletal muscle. Action potentials in cardiac muscle are substantially shorter than in skeletal muscle.

This is due, in part, to the presence of voltage-gated calcium channels in cardiac muscle cells, which remain open longer, resulting in a longer length of calcium entry and a shorter duration of the action potential. Therefore the correct option is option A.

For such more question on Cardiac muscle:


What type of membrane provides lubrication to the pleural, pericardial, and peritoneal cavities?A. Mucous membrane.B. Serous membrane.C. Cutaneous membrane.D. Synovial membrane.


The type of membrane that provides lubrication to the pleural, pericardial, and peritoneal cavities is the serous membrane. option(b)

The serous membrane is a thin layer of tissue that lines the internal cavities and organs of the body. It is composed of two layers: the parietal layer, which lines the walls of the cavity, and the visceral layer, which covers the organs. Between these two layers is a small amount of serous fluid, which acts as a lubricant, reducing friction between the two layers during movements.

The serous membrane plays an important role in protecting and cushioning the internal organs from damage due to friction or trauma.

Learn more about serous membrane.


select any true statements describing carbohydrates: group of answer choices oligosaccharides are the heathiest carbohydrates found in our diets fibers are broken down in the human digestive tract and used as a source of energy glucose and fructose are simple carbohydrates starch is the storage form of glucose used by plants for energy glycogen is stored in animal muscle tissue complex carbohydrates are unhealthy because they are digested quickly and rapidly release large volumes of simple sugars into the blood


The true statements describing carbohydrates are glucose and fructose are simple carbohydrates, starch is the storage form of glucose used by plants for energy, and glycogen is stored in animal muscle tissue. Oligosaccharides are a type of carbohydrate, but they are not necessarily the healthiest.

Fibers are also a type of carbohydrate, but they are not broken down in the human digestive tract and used as a source of energy. Complex carbohydrates are not necessarily unhealthy, but they are digested more slowly than simple carbohydrates and do not rapidly release large volumes of sugars into the blood. Based on the terms you provided, here are the true statements describing carbohydrates Oligosaccharides are a type of carbohydrate that consists of a small number of simple sugars monosaccharides linked together. Glucose and fructose are simple carbohydrates, which are also known as monosaccharides. Starch is the storage form of glucose used by plants for energy. Glycogen is stored in animal muscle tissue and liver as an energy source for animals.

learn more about glycogen here.


why cant sodium ions cross the membrane without the use of a protein channel?


Sodium ions are charged and cannot pass through the hydrophobic cell membrane without the use of protein channels.

Sodium particles (Na+) have a positive charge and are in this way unfit to uninhibitedly go through the cell film, which is comprised of a twofold layer of phospholipids. Phospholipids are hydrophobic and repulse charged particles, making a hindrance that forestalls charged particles like Na+ from crossing the film without any problem.

Protein channels, for example, voltage-gated sodium channels, are explicitly intended to permit the entry of charged particles through the cell layer. These channels give a hydrophilic pathway to particles to go through, safeguarding them from the hydrophobic climate of the lipid bilayer.

Without these protein channels, sodium particles would not be able to cross the layer, which is basic for the vast majority cell processes, including nerve and muscle capability.

To learn more about protein channel, refer:


The complete question is:

Channel proteins allow ions that would not normally pass through the cell membrane to go through the channel. What properties of the proteins are responsible for this?

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